Continuous Nanofluids Jet Impingement Heat Transfer and Flow

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932

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Continuous nanofluids jet impingement heat transfer and flow

in a micro-channel heat sink
P. Naphon ⇑, L. Nakharintr, S. Wiriyasart
Thermo-Fluid and Heat Transfer Enhancement Lab. (TFHT), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Srinakharinwirot University,
63 Rangsit-Nakhornnayok Rd., Ongkharak, Nakhorn-Nayok 26120, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Experimental investigation on the TiO2 nanofluids jet impingement heat transfer and flow characteristics
Received 29 January 2018 in the micro-channel heat sink are carried out. In the present study, three heat transfer enhancement
Received in revised form 18 May 2018 techniques; micro-channel heat sink, jet impingement, and nanofluids are considered in which included
Accepted 19 May 2018
the effect of relevant parameters of the nanofluids concentration, nozzle diameter, nozzle-to-heat sink
distances, mass flow rate of nanofluids on the heat transfer performance of a micro-channel heat sink
are considered. The obtained results showed that the suspending of nanoparticles in the base fluid
remarkably increases the convective heat transfer by 18.56% at 0.015% nanofluids concentration. In addi-
Micro-channel heat sink
tion, the obtained heat transfer coefficient tends to increase with increasing the nozzle diameter and
Jet impingement decreasing nozzle level height. While the pressure drop across the test section increases as the nozzle
diameter decreases and nozzle level height increases. However, the suspending of nanoparticles bring
almost no extra addition of pressure drop as comparing with the base fluid. However, the obtained results
point out that the proper selection of the relevant parameters to enhancement of heat transfer is
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a typical radial flow. Lelea and Laza [6,12] presented the thermal
and hydrodynamic analysis of the micro-heat sink with straight
Due to high-density electronic components, small scale of elec- microtubes and multiple inlet jets. Dai et al. [7] studied a flow sep-
tronic devices, and high generated heat rate, the dissipation of the aration technique including pressure drop and heat transfer in the
generated heat is a momentous embarrassment. Therefore, many increased flow area. Jaberi et al. [8] studied heat transfer character-
innovative ideas have been proposed for thermal cooling enhance- istics of nanofluids in the impingement of a fluid jet on a flat circu-
ment in the electronic devices. The most common heat transfer lar disk. Trainer et al. [9] experimentally studied the heat transfer
enhancement technique is the miniaturized technology, mini and performance of air-assisted liquid water jets impingement. Seyf
micro-components with jet impingement technique for the elec- et al. [10] presented a three-dimensional model describing thermal
tronic devices. There are some studies on the jet impingement heat and hydrodynamic characteristics of a micro-tube heat sink. Kurnia
transfer in the various configurations heat sink. For example, et al. [11] evaluated the heat transfer performance of laminar non-
Naphon et al. [1,3] experimentally and numerically investigated Newtonian fluid flow in various configurations of coiled square
the heat transfer characteristics of the jet liquid impingement with tubes. Yue et al. [13] analyzed the hydraulic and thermal perfor-
three different configurations heat sinks for the central processing mances of a manifold micro-channel heat sink with and without
unit of a personal computer. Effects of outlet port positions on the nanofluids as working fluids. Xia et al. [14] experimentally and
jet liquid impingement heat transfer characteristics. Yang and Lai numerically studied the temperature distribution, flow field and
[2,4] numerically studied the forced convection flow of Al2O3- pressure drops of the current complex corrugation micro-channel
water nanofluid in the radial flow cooling system using a single- heat sink. Haridas et al. [15] presented the performance evaluation
phase approach model. Li et al. [5] applied the RANS-based k-u of two type nanofluids in the context of compact channels. Gong
SST turbulence model to analyze the heat transfer and hydrody- et al. [16] numerically studied the structures of micro-channel heat
namic behavior of various types of water-based nanofluids inside sinks for chip cooling. Srikanth et al. [17] studied on the multi-
objective geometric optimization of a PCM based matrix type com-
⇑ Corresponding author. posite heat sink. Zhang et al. [18] numerically investigated the con-
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Naphon). fined jet array impingement cooling with spent flow distraction
0017-9310/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932 925


A area, [m2] f base fluid

Cp specific heat, [kJ kg1 °C1] hs heat sink
h heat transfer coefficient, [W m2 °C1] in inlet
k thermal conductivity, [W m1 °C1] l liquid
Nu Nusselt number, [–] LMTD log mean temperature difference
p pressure, [Pa] m mixture
Pr Prandtl number, [–] n nozzle
Q heat transfer rate, [kW] nf nanofluids
T temperature, [°C] out outlet
p particle
Greek symbols s surface
g viscosity, [Pa s] th thermal
q density, [kg m3] w water
/ volume fraction of the nanoparticles, [–]
l fluid dynamic viscosity, [kg m1 s1]

ave average
b bulk

using nano-encapsulated phase change material. Barik et al. [19] of the system. Therefore, a combined three heat transfer enhance-
numerically studied the heat transfer performances of a Al2O3 ment techniques; jet impingement, nanofluids, micro-channel to
nanofluid jet impinged normal to a protruded surface. Lam and the thermal performance of micro-channel heat sink (Copper JIS
Prakash [20] applied a finite element modeling to analyze the H1340) are investigated which considered effect of jet-plate spac-
impingement cooling system with Al2O3/water nanofluids. Moreira ing (H = 1.0–2.0 mm), jet diameter (D = 0.5–1.5 mm), flow rate
et al. [21] experimentally investigated effect of adding nanoparti- (8.75–11.75 g/s), nanofluids concentration (0.001–0.015%vol.),
cles to DI-water on the heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling and heat input (120–150 kW/m2) on the heat transfer characteris-
in tube. Mastiani et al. [22] investigated the laminar mixed convec- tics and pressure drop of TiO2 nanofluids in the micro-channel heat
tion flow of Cu-water nanofluid using a pressure-based finite vol- sink.
ume method. Hasan et al. [23] studied effect of nanoparticles on
the electrical and thermal performance of a photovoltaic thermal
2. Experimental apparatus and method
collector equipped with jet impingement. Bayomy and Saghir
[24] investigated the heat transfer characteristics and thermal per-
2.1. Experimental apparatus
formance of an ERG aluminum foam heat sink for cooling the Intel
core i7 processor by using Al2O3-water nanofluid. Narkharintr et al.
This work primary tries to consider the jet impingement con-
[25,26] presented the results of the magnetic fields effect and jet-
vective nanofluids heat transfer and flow characteristics in the
plate spacing to jet diameter ratios on the heat transfer character-
micro-channel heat sink. A schematic diagram of the experimental
istics and pressure drop in a confined single jet impingement of
apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. The facility comprises of a set of ultra-
mini-rectangular heat sink using TiO2 nanofluids mixture of de-
sonic bath system, jet impingement cooling nanofluids loop and
ionized water. Vutha et al. [27] numerically studied the laminar
data acquisition system. The nanofluids after passing through the
and turbulent in a microchannel jet impingement cooling system
micro-channel heat sink unit is collected in the collecting tank
with a single slot jet. Most of the previous studies on this area have
for a period of time and the fluid mass is measured by an electronic
been carried within the heat transfer enhancement of pin fin heat
weight scale while the rotameter is only used to monitor the
sinks and car radiator using nanofluids (Ali et al. [28–30]). They
nanofluids flow rate.
have been investigated on the heat transfer enhancement by using
various heat transfer enhancement techniques. In addition, the
thermal management of electronic devices by heat sinks with var- 2.2. Nanofluids preparation and physical properties calculation
ious configurations have been also considered (Ali et al. [31,32]).
There are some papers presented on the thermal performance Nanofluids are prepared by Top-down approach in which
enhancement of minichannel and integral fin heat sink with nanoparticles are suspended in the base fluid (De-ionized water).
nanofluids (Arshad et al. [33,34]). Arshad et al. [35–38] experimen- An averaged particle size of 21 nm and purity > 99.9% of TiO2
tal studied on the thermal performance of various heat sinks con- nanoparticles are dispersed in de-ionized water with three differ-
figurations with phase change materials for electronic devices ent concentrations of 0.005, 0.010, 0.015% by volume. The particles
cooling. are further dispersed in the suspension using ultra-sonication
As mentioned above, the numerous papers presented the study which break down the alglomerates. Fig. 3 shows the scanning
on the jet impingement heat transfer of the conventional coolant electron microscope (SEM) micrograph of the TiO2 nanoparticles.
including air, water, oil and ethylene glycol mixtures. However, it However, further stability of nanofluids while experiments are
is well known that the heat transfer capability is limited by the achieved by continuously ultrasonic bath work in 10 min each
working fluid flow behaviors and thermal physical properties hour. The physical properties of nanofluids depends on the sus-
which results in poor heat transfer rate. However, there are many pending nanoparticles and the base fluid in which there are many
still room to discuss in the micro-channel heat sink especially proposed correlations for predicting the nanofluids physical prop-
effect of relevant parameters on the heat transfer enhancement erties. For this study, however, the properties of nanofluids can be
926 P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932

Digital Weight
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus.

31 mm 5 mm

0.2 mm

31 mm 2.2 mm 31 mm

Fig. 2. Schematics diagram of the test section module and micro-channel heat sink.
P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932 927

calculated by using the published correlations [39–42] as 2.3. Test section

Microchannels (200 µm  D > 10 µm) have been found in vari-
qnf ¼ /qP þ ð1  /Þqw ð1Þ ous application systems such as lungs, kidneys. Due to extremely
efficient heat and mass transfer processes, however, it have been
ðqC p Þnf ¼ /ðqC p Þp þ ð1  /ÞðqC p Þw ð2Þ used in the electronic cooling system. The channel size classifica-
tion is based on observations of many different processes, but its
  use is mainly in arriving at a common terminology. For the pre-
kp þ ðn  1Þkw  ðn  1Þ/ðkw  kp Þ sent study, the micro-channel (200 µm) heat sink module
knf ¼ kw ð3Þ
kp þ ðn  1Þkw þ /ðkw  kp Þ included upper cover, micro-channel heat sink (Details in Table 2),
and copper heater plate is used in the electronic cooling system
" # as shown in Fig. 2. The micro-channel heat sink is fabricated from
lnf ¼ lw 0:3
ð4Þ the copper block by a wire electrical discharge machine (WEDM)
1  34:87ðdp =dw Þ /1:03 with the width  length of 31  31 mm and with the base thick-
ness of 1 mm. The length, width and height of the fin are 0.2, 0.2,
 1=3 0.2 mm, respectively. The micro-channel width of the test section
dw ¼ 0:1 ð5Þ is 0.2 mm and the details of the micro-channel heat sink are
Npqw listed in Table 2. The copper plate is used as the heater plate. A
DC power supply is used as a power source of the heater. In order
where n = 3 for the spherical shape nanoparticle, M is the molecular to minimize the thermal contact resistance between the micro-
weight of water, N is the Avogadro number, dp is nanoparticle diam- channel heat sink and heater plate, a thin thermal interface mate-
eter, qnf is the density of the nanofluids,qp is the density of the rial with high thermal conductivity is applied at their junction
nanoparticles, qw is the density of the base fluid, / is the volume
fraction of the nanoparticles, ðqC p Þnf is the heat capacity of the
nanofluids, ðqC p Þw is the heat capacity of the base fluid, ðqC p Þp is
the heat capacity of the nanoparticles, lnf is the viscosity of the
nanofluids, lw is the viscosity of the base fluid, knf is the thermal
conductivity of the nanofluids, kw is the thermal conductivity of
the base fluid and kp is the thermal conductivity of the

Fig. 3. Photograph of the TiO2 nanoparticles used in the present study.

Table 1
Accuracy and uncertainty of measurements.

Instruments Accuracy Uncertainty

Voltage supplied by power source, voltage 0.2%  0.5
Current supplied by power source, ampere 0.2%  0.5
Digital weight scale, gram 0.01%  0.01
Thermocouple type T, Data logger, °C 0.1%  0.1
Differential pressure transducer 0.02%  0.02
Fig. 4. Effect of nanofluids concentration on heat transfer coefficient.

Table 2
Details of micro-channel heat sink.

Heat sink Channel width (mm) Size of Fin (mm) Size of heat sink (mm) Number of fins Surface area (m2)
Micro-channel 0.2 0.2–0.2–0.2 31–31–1 5444 0.00183

*Copper JIS H1340.

928 P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932

interface. In addition, the thermal insulation materials are filled rate was increased in small increments while the supplied heat at
and wrapped around the test section module to minimize the the heat sink was maintained constantly and adjusted to achieve
heat loss. The nanofluids passes through the vertical nozzle of the desired level by using variac. The supplied voltage and current
1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mm in diameter and forms impinging jet to cool to the heaters were measured by the digital clamp meter which
the micro-channel heat sink with the jet-plate spacing of 0.5, used to calculate the supplied power.
1.0, 1.5 mm. The differential pressure transducer (Yokokawa)
with accuracy of 0.02% of full scale is applied to measure the 3. Data reduction and uncertainty analysis
pressure drop across the test section with a single and two pres-
sure tap at the inlet and outlet ports as shown in Fig. 2. The type- 3.1. Data reduction
T copper–constantan thermocouples with an accuracy and uncer-
tainty 0.1% and ±0.1 of full scale, respectively, are employed to The energy balance between the supplied heat by the heater
measure the inlet and outlet nanofluids temperatures and col- plate and the absorbed heat by the nanofluids is ±10%. The
lected results by Data taker DT85. All the thermocouples probes absorbed heat by the nanofluids and heat transfer coefficient are
are pre-calibrated by dry-box temperature calibrator (Isotech) calculated from:
with 0.01 °C precision while the temperature distribution of the
heat sink base are measured with five Type-T copper–constantan _ nf C pnf ðT in  T out Þnf
Q nf ¼ m ð6Þ
Q av e
2.4. Experimental procedure h¼ ð7Þ
As ðTb  T in;nf Þ

The steady-state sensible heat gain by the coolant flow can be  

q L
determined from an energy balance. In the present study, only T b ¼ T hs  in ð8Þ
the data that satisfy the energy balance conditions;
jQ heater  Q nanofluid j=Q av e is less than 10%, are used in the analysis where Q nf is the absorbed heat by the nanofluids, m _ nf is the mass
(To obtain the range of relevant parameters). The average heat flow rate of the nanofluids and T in;nf , T out;nf are the inlet and outlet
transfer, Q av e , is averaged from the supplied heat transfer to the temperatures of the nanofluids. Q av e is average value of heat trans-
heater and the removal heat transfer by nanofluids. Experiments fer rate is obtained by the supplied heat by heater plate and the
were conducted with various heat flux, nozzle diameter, jet plate absorbed heat by the nanofluids and As is the total heat transfer sur-
spacing and nanofluids flow rates, nanofluids concentrations enter- face area of the heat sink, T b is the base temperature of the heat
ing the micro-channel module. In the experiments, nanofluids flow sink, T hs is the heat sink temperature, qin is the input heat flux from

Fig. 5. Effect of nanofluids concentration on outlet nanofluids temperature. Fig. 6. Effect of nanofluids concentration on heat sink temperature.
P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932 929

the electric heater, L is the base thickness of the heat sink and khs is higher than those from water as coolant for the whole range flow
the thermal conductivity of the heat sink. rate of nanofluids. While the nanofluids concentration increases
from 0.005%vol. to 0.015%vol., the convective heat transfer coeffi-
3.2. Uncertainty analysis cient ratio to that of water varies from 7.32% to 18.56% for a given
mass flow rate of 11 g/s. This results in higher outlet nanofluids
The uncertainties of measurements data as shown in Table 1 and the lower heat sink temperature as increasing nanofluids con-
and the relevant parameters obtained from the data reduction pro- centration as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
cess are calculated. The maximum uncertainties of the relevant Fig. 7 shows effect of nozzle level height on the variation of
parameters in the data calculation are based on Coleman and Steel average heat transfer coefficient. The results obtained from Li
method [43]. The maximum uncertainties of the heat transfer coef- et al. [5], it can be seen that effect of nozzle level height on the con-
ficient is ±5.0% which determined from vective heat transfer coefficient is not clear. For the micro-channel
heat sink of this study, lower nozzle level height gives higher heat
Uncertainty of h transfer coefficient. This is may be due to higher turbulent inten-
2  2  2  2ffi
@h @h @h @h sity of the jet impingement into the micro-channel heat sink which
¼ DV þ DT b þ DT in;nf þ DT out;nf corresponding with Narkharintr et al. [25] for the mini-channel
@V @T b @T in;nf @T out;nf
heat sink. However, the variation of heat transfer coefficient also
depends on various relevant parameters; nozzle level height, noz-
zle diameter, turbulent intensity, magnitude of the impingement
velocity, impingement surface. For a given nozzle diameter at
4. Results and discussion
1.0 mm and 2.0 mm, the heat transfer coefficient remarkably
increase with decreasing nozzle level height. Higher nozzle level
In this study, three heat transfer enhancement techniques;
height gives lower heat transfer coefficient as shown in Fig. 7
micro-channel heat sink, nanofluids, and jet impingement are
which results in decreasing outlet temperature as shown in Fig. 8.
investigated. The coolant nanofluids flow into the test section
Fig. 9 shows the variation of the convective heat transfer coeffi-
module as jet impingement in the normal direction at the central
cient for different nozzle diameters. The heat removal capacity
zone of the micro-channel heat sink. Fig. 4 shows the variation of
depends on the coolant mass flow rate. Therefore, the tendency
average heat transfer coefficient for different nanofluids concentra-
of heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing coolant
tions at H/D = 1.0 and 0.67. Due to higher thermal conductivity,
nanofluids mass flow rate. For a given jet-plate spacing at 0.5
higher energy exchange between the coolant nanofluids and the
mm, 1.0 mm, the heat transfer coefficient increase as the nozzle
micro-channel heat sink, higher mixing of nanofluids, the heat
transfer coefficient obtained from the nanofluids as coolant are

Fig. 7. Effect of nozzle level height on heat transfer coefficient. Fig. 8. Effect of nozzle level height on outlet nanofluids temperature.
930 P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932

Fig. 9. Effect of nozzle diameter on heat transfer coefficient.

Fig. 10. Effect of nozzle diameter on outlet nanofluids temperature.

diameter increases. This is because the turbulent intensity of the

jet impingement is suppressed by the more nanofluids splash onto
the cover plate wall as increasing jet impingement velocity (Lower
nozzle diameter). In addition, the stagnation zone of lower nozzle
diameter is small as compared with higher ones. Therefore, the
heat transfer coefficient increases as higher nozzle diameter and
then results in higher outlet nanofluids temperature as shown in
Fig. 10.
The pressure drop across the test section becomes significant
for different nozzle level height and different nozzle diameter as
shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. For constant flow rate, the
pressure drop across the test section tends to increase with
increasing nozzle level height. However, lower nozzle diameter
gives higher nanofluids velocity which imposed higher friction
loss. Therefore, the pressure drop increases as the nozzle diameter
decreases. However, the nanofluids concentrations have slightly
effect on the variation of pressure drop across the test section as
shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 11. Effect of nozzle level height on pressure drop.

5. Conclusions

The application of nanofluids jet impingement in the micro- on the heat transfer of the micro-channel heat sink. The heat trans-
channel heat sink is proposed to change flow behaviors and phys- fer coefficient tends to increase with decreasing nozzle level height
ical transport properties. In addition, the trends of heat transfer and increasing nozzle diameter. For the pressure drop across the
characteristics of the nanofluids jet impingement in the micro- test section, it tends to increase with decreasing nozzle diameter
channel heat sink are not clear. Therefore, the jet impingement and increasing nozzle level height. Therefore, it is instructive to
heat transfer and pressure drop features of nanofluids in the point out that the proper selection of the relevant parameters as
micro-channel heat sink are experimentally studied. It can be mentioned above is important for enhancing heat transfer espe-
found that the nanofluids concentrations have significant effect cially nanofluids jet impingement.
P. Naphon et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2018) 924–932 931

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