05 R. WALL 1.0m

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1) Given data

Safe Bearing Capacity at Site

(q0) = 200 kN/m2
Angle of repose of soil (Ø) = 30 ˚
Active Earth Pressure (Ka) = 1-sinφ = 0.5 = 0.33
1+sinφ 1.5
Density of soil (γ) = 20 kN/m3
α = 1 - q0 = 1 - 200
2.2 γ H 88
α = -1.27
Friction coefficient (μ) = 0.5

RCC Design By -1. Dr. B. C. Punmia, Er. Ashok Kumar Jain, Dr. Arun K. Jain
2) Depth of foundation
Ymin = q0 Ka2 = 200 x 0.111
γ 20
Ymin = 1.11 m
= 2.00 m

3) Width of foundation
B = 0.95 H Ka
(1-α) (1+3α)

= 0.95 x 2.0 0.33

2.27 x -2.82
= 1.9 x #NUM!
B = #NUM! m

B = 0.7H Ka = 0.467 = 0.4107 m

(1-α) μ 1.136

B = 0.7 H = 1.2 m

4) Width of Toe Slab

b1 = 0.33B = 0.4 m

5) Base width of Stem

b2 = H = 0.17 m
Adopt 0.8 m

6) Top width of Stem

BM = Ka * γ * H2
= 6.67 x 4 = 4.44 kN-m

Mu = 1.5 x 4.4
= 6.67 kN.m
dreq = Mu
0.133 fck b
= 6666666.67
0.133 x 30 x 1000

dreq = 40.88 mm
= 41.00 mm
But top width not less than 300 mm
Therefore provide 300 mm
1) Dimension of R. Wall

1.00 1.70

A B 1.70
0.460 2.000

1.00 0.1 0.1

H 0.00
0.30 C
D 0.3

0.3 0.23 0.00 1.50


1.3 t/sq.m.

4.90 t/sq.m.
6.2 t/sq.m. 5.45 t/sq.m.

Width of R. Wall = 2.03 m

Length of R. Wall = 1m
Quantity of R. Wall = 1.00 m3

Factor of safety against overturning = 3.49 > 2 Hence OK

Factor of safety against Stability = 1.45 < 1.5 Provide Shear Key

2) Total Weight of R. Wall

Density of Total
S.N. Item Factor L B H Vol.
concrete Wt.

m m m m3 t/m3 t
1 Section A 1 1 0.23 1.70 0.39 2.50 0.9775
2 Section B 0.5 1 0.00 1.70 0.00 2.50 0

3 Section C 0.5 1 2.46 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00

4 Section D 1 1 2.03 0.30 0.61 2.50 1.52
1.00 2.50
3) Total Weight of Earth
Density of Total
S.N. Item Factor L B H Vol.
soil Wt.
m m m m3 t/m3 t
5 Section E 0.5 1 0 1.70 0.00 2 0
6 Section F 1 1 1.5 1.70 2.55 2 5.1
7 Section H 0.5 1 1.4 0.00 0.00 2 0.00
2.55 5.10

4) Centre of Gravity
S.N. Item CG X Total Dist.

1 Section A 0.12 0.30 0.42

2 Section B 0.00 0.53 0.53
3 Section C 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Section D 1.02 1.02 1.02
5 Section E 0.00 0.53 0.53
6 Section F 0.75 0.53 1.28
7 Section H 0.93 0.63 1.56

5) Stabilizing Moment
S.N. Item Total Total M
Wt. Dist.
t m t-m
1 Section A 0.9775 0.42 0.41
2 Section B 0.000 0.53 0.00
3 Section C 0.000 0.000 0.00
4 Section D 1.52 1.02 1.55
5 Section E 0.00 0.53 0.00
6 Section F 5.10 1.28 6.53
7 Section H 0.00 1.56 0.00
7.6 8.48

6) Unit weight & Co-efficient

IRC: 78-2014
Friction coefficient (μ) = 0.5
Angle of repose of soil (Ø) = 30 ˚
Angle of friction b/w soil & rock (δ) = 20 ˚
Angle of surcharge (i) = 0˚
Angle of wall face with horizontal (α) = 90 ˚
Slope of back fill (β) = 30 ˚

6a) Active Earth Pressure

Ka = sin2(α+Ø)

1+ sin(Ø+δ).sin(Ø-i) 2
Ka = 0.297

6b) Passive Earth Pressure

Kp = sin2(α-Ø)
1+ sin(Ø+δ).sin(Ø+β) 2
Kp = 0.220

7) Total overturning moment at top of foundation

S.N. Item Ka H Intensity
of soil
t/m3 m t/m2
1 Horizontal force 0.297 2.00 1.70 1.01

2 Live load Surcharge 0.297 2.00 1.20 0.71 As per IRC 78-2014 pg.N. 47

S.N. Item Factor H Intensity Force Factor Lever arm Moment

m t/m2 t m t-m
1 Horizontal force 0.5 1.70 1.01 0.86 0.42 0.71 0.61

2 Live load Surcharge 1.0 1.70 0.71 1.21 0.5 0.85 1.03
2.07 1.64

8) Total overturning moment at 1.7 m from top of R. Wall

S.N. Item Ka H Intensity
of soil
t/m3 m t/m2
1 Horizontal force 0.297 2.00 1.70 1.01

2 Live load Surcharge 0.297 2.00 1.20 0.71

S.N. Item Factor H Intensity Force Factor Lever arm Moment

m t/m2 t m t-m
1 Horizontal force 0.5 1.70 1.01 0.86 0.42 0.71 0.61

2 Live load Surcharge 1.0 1.70 0.71 1.21 0.50 0.85 1.03
2.07 1.64

9) Total overturning moment at bottom of foundation

S.N. Item Ka H Intensity
of soil
t/m3 m t/m2
1 Horizontal force 0.297 2 2 1.19

2 Live load Surcharge 0.297 2 1.2 0.71

S.N. Item Factor H Intensity Force Factor Lever arm Moment

m t/m2 t m t-m
1 Horizontal force 0.5 2 1.19 1.19 0.42 0.84 1.00

2 Live load Surcharge 1.0 2 0.71 1.43 0.5 1.00 1.43

2.62 2.43
10) Check for stability & overturning
IRC: 78-2014 P. N. 19 & IS 14458 (Part 2): 1997
Overturning = MR
8.48 = 3.49 > 2 Hence OK

Stability = μ*W
3.80 = 1.45 < 1.5 Provide Shear Key

12) Calculation of eccentricity at foundation level

x = ∑M
= 8.48 - 2.43 = 6.05
7.6 7.6
x = 0.80
e = B - x = 2.03 - 0.80
2 2
e = 1.015 - 0.80
e = 0.22
e < B = 2.03 = 0.34
6 6

0.22 < 0.34 No tension

No area of foundation is in tension

13) Calculation of base pressure

Pmax = 7.6 1 + 6 x 0.22
2.03 2.03
= 6.2 t/m2 < 20 Hence OK

Pmin = 7.6 1 - 6 x 0.22

2.03 2.03
= 1.3 t/m2 > 0 Hence OK

P/A = 7.6 = 3.74 t/m2

(P/A)+(M/Z) = 6.2 t/m2

(P/A)-(M/Z) = 1.3 t/m2

S.B.C. Required = 6.2 t/m2

11) Design data
Design Mix = M30
Grade of concrete = 30 N/mm2
Grade of steel = 500 N/mm2
Dia of bar = 10 mm
Clear cover = 75 mm
b = 1000 mm

A For Stem
Deign constant
fctm = 0.259 fck2/3 IRC 112-2011 P.N. 235
= 0.259 x 10 = 2.5 N/mm2
Effective depth
deff = 230 - 75 - 10
= 150 mm
Neutral Axis
Xu = 0.46 d
= 0.46 x 150
= 69 mm

Calculation of reinforcement for Stem

Mu = 1.5 x 16.45
= 24.67 kN.m
dreq = Mu
0.133 fck b
= 24668695.63
0.133 x 30 x 1000

dreq = 78.63 mm < 150 mm

Hence OK
Ast req = 0.50 fck 1 - 1 - 4.6 Mu bd
fy fck b d 2

Ast req = 395.65 mm2

Astmin = Max 0.26 fctm bd OR 0.0013 bd


= Max 0.26 x 2.5 x 1000 x 150 OR 0.0013 x 1000 x 150


= Max 195.27 mm2 OR 195 mm2

Astmin = 195.2694 mm2

Vertical main steel (earth face)

Astpro = 10 mm @ 175 mm c/c
0 mm @ 175 mm c/c
= 448.80 mm 2
> 395.6 mm2 Hence OK
> 195.27 mm 2
Hence OK
Vertical main steel (other face)
Astpro = 8 mm @ 175 mm c/c
= 287.23 mm 2
> 118.69 mm2 Hence OK

Distribution reinf. = 0.13% b d

= 0.0013 x 1000 x 150
= 195 mm 2

on earth face = 3 x 195

= 195.00 mm2
Provided = 10 mm @ 200 mm c/c
= 392.70 mm2 > 195.00 mm2 Hence OK

on outer face = 1 x 392.7

= 130.90 mm2
Provided = 8 mm @ 200 mm c/c
= 251.33 mm 2
> 130.90 mm2 Hence OK

Design constant
fctm = 0.259 fck2/3 > 60 Mpa
= 0.259 x 10 = 2.5 N/mm 2

Effective depth
deff = 460 - 75 - 10
= 380.00 mm
Neutral Axis
Xu = 0.46 d
= 0.46 x 380
= 174.80 mm

Design for shear

Total horizontal force
= 26.16 kN
Shear stress = 26163.6194340797
1000 x 150.00
= 0.174 N/mm2
Maximum shear stress
= 2.2 N/mm2
%pt tc
0 0
0.043 0.057
0.15 0.2

0.057 N/mm2 < 0.174 mm2 Shear R/F req

B For Foundation


0.3 0.23 1.5

-213.2 kN/m2
0.3 o

2.44 kN/m2
B.M. at o
Wt of soil = 10.95 x 20 = 219 kN/m2
Wt of footing = 0.30 x 25 = 7.5 kN/m2
226.5 kN/m2

Dnward pressure = 13.253 - 226.5 = -213.2 kN/m2

B.M. at o = w l2 = -213.2 x 1.5 ^2

2 2
= 239.90 kN/m2

B M at p
upward pressure = 61.62 - 7.5 = 54.12 kN/m2

B.M. at p = w l2 = 54.1 x 0.3 ^2

2 2
= 2.44 kN/m2

Design constant
fctm = 0.259 fck2/3 > 60 Mpa
= 0.259 x 10 = 2.5 N/mm2
Effective depth
deff = 300.00 - 75 - 12
= 219 mm
Neutral Axis
Xu = 0.46 d
= 0.46 x 219
= 100.74 mm

Main steel at Top

Mu = 1.5 x 24.3
= 36.39 kN.m
dreq = Mu
0.133 fck b
= 36391216.12
0.133 x 30 x 1000

dreq = 95.50 mm < 219 mm

Hence OK
Ast req = 0.50 fck 1 - 1 - 4.6 Mu bd
fy fck b d2

Ast req = 394.01 mm2

Astmin = Max 0.26 fctm bd OR 0.0013 bd


= Max 0.26 x 2.5 x 1000 x 219 OR 0.0013 x 1000 x 150


= Max 285.09 mm2 OR 195 mm2

Astmin = 285.09 mm2

Astpro = 12 mm @ 175 mm c/c

0 mm @ 175 mm c/c
= 646.27 mm 2
> 394.0 mm2 Hence OK
> 285.09 mm2 Hence OK

Distribution reinf. = 0.13% b d

at Top & Bottom = 0.0013 x 1000 x 219
= 284.7 mm2

Provided = 10 mm @ 200 mm c/c

= 392.70 mm 2
> 142.35 mm2 Hence OK

Main steel at Bottom

Mu = 1.5 x 2.44
= 3.65 kN.m
dreq = Mu
0.133 fck b
= 3653345.81
0.133 x 30 x 1000

dreq = 30.26 mm < 219 mm

Hence OK

Ast req = 0.50 fck 1 - 1 - 4.6 Mu bd

fy fck b d 2

Ast req = 38.48 mm2

Astmin = Max 0.26 fctm bd OR 0.0013 bd


= Max 0.26 x 2.5 x 1000 x 219 OR 0.0013 x 1000 x 150


= Max 285.09 mm2 OR 195 mm2

Astmin = 285.09 mm2

Astpro = 10 mm @ 175 mm c/c

= 448.80 mm2 > 38.48 mm2 Hence OK
> 285.09 mm 2
Hence OK

Design for shear

Total horizontal force
= 226.50 kN
Shear stress = 226500
1000 x 300
= 0.755 N/mm2
Maximum shear stress
= 2.2 N/mm2
%pt tc
0.25 0.23
0.295 0.244
0.5 0.31
12) Crack width calculation
Height = 2.00 m
Length = 1.00 m
Thickness = 0.23 m

Ultimate limit state: Flexure

Provided clear cover to any reinforcement Cc = 50 mm

Grade of concrete fck = 30 N/mm2
Characteristic yield strength of concrete fy = 500 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength of
concrete fctm = 2.50 N/mm2
Design value of concrete compressive
strength fcd = αcc *fck IRC 112-2011 P.N. 87
= 0.67 x 30
fcd = 13.40 N/mm2
Effective depth of provided section d = 150 mm
Minimum breadth of section over the depth bw = 1000 mm
Longitudinal tensile reinf. Provided Asl = 448.80 mm2
Cross sectional area of concrete Ac = 150000 mm2
Applied longitudinal force Ned = 0N

Shear reduction factor for concrete cracked

in shear v1 = 0.542 IRC 112-2011 P.N. 90
Inclination of failure plane in radians θ = 0.785
Lever arm (can be taken as 0.9d for RCC
section) z = 135 mm

Serviceability limit state: Stress check

Width of the sectionat the centroid of the
tension steel bt = 1000
Effective depth of provided section d = 150
σcbc = 0.48 x 30
Permissible compressive stress for concrete
in bending = 14.4 N/mm2
Permissible compressive stress for steel σsc = 0.80 x 500
= 400 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress for steel σst = 0.70 x 500
= 350 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of steel Es = 200000 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 34000 N/mm2
Modular ratio Es/Ec m = 8.00
Area of tension reinf. As = 448.80 mm2

Depth of Neutral Axis

dc2 + 2 x 8.00 x 448.80 - 2x 8.00 x 448.80 x 150 = 0
1000 x dc 1000
dc2 + 7.18 dc - 1076.8 = 0
a = 1 dc = (-b±√(b2-4ac))/2a
b = 7.18
c = -1076.81
dc = 32.51 mm dc = -33.51 mm

Design BM = 16.45 kN-m

Stress in concrete
M = bt*dc*σcbc /2*(d-dc/3)
16445797.09 = 1000 x 32.51 x σcbc 150 - 32.511
2 3
16445797.09 = 16255 x σcbc x 139.163
σcbc = 7.27 N/mm 2
< 14.4 N/mm2
Hence OK

Stress in steel
σcbc = σst
dc m(d-dc)
7.27 = σst
32.511 939.65
σst = 210.13 N/mm2 < 350.0 N/mm2
Hence OK

Serviceability limit state: Crack Width IRC 112:2011

Hogging Moment = 16.45
Sagging Moment = 16.45

Maximum BM at the crack Mg = 16.45

Cover to longitudinal reinf. C = 50
C/C spacing b/w reinf. S = 175
Area of longitudinal reinf. Provided Asl = 448.80
Equivalent diameter of steel provided φeff = 10
Crack moment of inertial Icr = 49696826
Stress in reinf. For crack section σst = 210.13
2.5 times effective cover to long. Reinf. 2.5(h-d) = 137.5
1/3rd depth of section below NA (h-x)/3 = 65.83
Half the depth of total section h/2 = 115
Effective area of concrete in tension surrounding reinf. Ac,eff = 65829.83
ρр,eff = 0.0068
esm-ecm = 9.579E-05
0.6*σst/Es = 0.00063
Max (esm-ecm) & 0.6*σst/Es = 0.00063
5*(C-φ/2) = 275
Sr,max = 419.36
Wk = 0.040
0.040 < 0.3
Hence OK
1 Height = 2
Item Factor L B H Qty (cum) 0.23
Part a 1 1 0.23 1.7 0.391
Part b 0.5 1 0 1.7 0 1.00
0.391 GL a b 1.7
Foundatio Part c 0.5 1 2.5 0 0 2
n Part d 1 1 2.03 0.3 0.609 1.00 0.1 0.1
0.609 1.00 c 0 0.30
Shear Key 1 1 0.23 0 0 d 0.3
PCC 1 1 2.23 0.1 0.223
Total quantity of conc 1.223 cum 0
Total quantity of Steel 64.083 Kg 0.3 0.23 0.00 1.50
52.40 kg/cum 2.03
L1 = 1.856 m Shear Key
CC (EF) = 0.075 m
CC (NEF) = 0.05 m
Dia Spacing Length Dev L Total L No (kg/m) Total (Kg)
1 12 175 1.88 0.2 2.28 6 0.889 12.16 Bottom bar
1a 0 175 1.73 0.198 1.928 6 0.000 0.00 Extra bottom bar
2 10 175 2.23 0.21 2.65 6 0.617 9.81 Top bar
Foundatio 2a 0 200 0.73 0.21 1.15 5 0.000 0.00 Extra top bar
n 3 10 200 0.85 0.21 1.27 11 0.617 8.62 Dist. Bar
4 10 200 0.85 0.21 1.27 3 0.617 2.35 Dist. Bar
5 8 350 0.15 0.08 0.31 3 Shear link
5a 8 250 0.15 0.08 0.31 9 0.395 3.31 Shear link
6 10 350 1.90 0.685 3.27 3 0.617 6.06 Earth face
7 8 350 1.903 0.569 3.04 3 0.395 3.60 Extra earth face
6a 10 350 2.059 0.1 2.26 3 0.617 4.18 Non earth face
7a 8 350 2.059 0.08 2.219 3 0.395 2.63 Extra non earth face
8 10 200 0.85 0.1 1.05 9 0.617 5.83 Dist. Bar
9 8 200 0.85 0.1 1.05 9 0.395 3.73 Dist. Bar
10 8 350 0.08 0.08 0.24 3 Shear link
10a 8 250 0.08 0.08 0.24 7 0.395 1.99 Shear link
11 10 350 1.43 0 1.43 3 0.617 2.65 Main bar
Shear Key
12 12 400 0.85 0.1 1.05 3 0.889 2.80 Dist. Bar

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