0 - WhatsApp Chat With Orals Questionstxtpdf 2nd Mate
0 - WhatsApp Chat With Orals Questionstxtpdf 2nd Mate
0 - WhatsApp Chat With Orals Questionstxtpdf 2nd Mate
Function 1
1.Performance standard of doppler log
2. Performance standard of ECDIS
3. Ship routeing
4. VTS info as per solas( wanted to hear only what is given as per regulation)
5. What reporting to carry out if dangerous ice in vicinity
6.2 ror situations(1 in rv and 1 in normal visibility)
7. Rule 19
Function 2
1.u are on container vessel.what all important when entering port as a chief officer
2.what will check when loading a dg cargo?
3. A container fallen off deck.what action will u take( he wants to hear first check lashing
otherwise other container might also fall)
4.How to load explosive cargo as per dg circular( told only give answer if u have read the
circular,nothing else)
5.which is better-high AOR or low AOR
6.what is AOR?
7.what is sheering profile?
8.where will u find VHM.How to carry out VHM calculation,step by step
Function 3
1.How many chapters there in ISM code.name them all
2.how many chapters in STCW code.name them all
3.what is there in general arrangement plan
4.what is there in docking plan
5.what checks required as a chief mate when docking a ship
6.what is better-ground tackle or tug and why?
7.what is wind heeling criterion on windage area.how to reduce it?
1.Performance standard of SENC
2.VGM requirements as per dg circular(wanted what is given in circular(rejected pawan
3.Shipper declaration-give all 17 points
Told me i know u have read from the book which everyone is using,want you to go deep into
the topics as u will know the chief mate responsibilities better
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Internal Capt. Behl
External Capt. RK sharma
MMD Jamnagar
What are gyro errors in detail
Why gyro and mag compass doesn't work in higher latitude?
Formula for CSE?
What is Land and sea fog?
What is Part F of Colregs?
Whom does it apply?
Tidal streams and currents difference?
Where all do tidal streams exists in the world?
How to get info on tidal streams and tides?
Current rose and wind rose?
Where all we get current info?
Predominant current and vector current?
Alarms on raster chart?
Fun 2
Hazards of iron ore and concentrates? ( Ext was supprised to hear liquifacttion as a hazard
for iron ore 😂 until I told him personal experience)
Loading on gas tanker after coming out of Dry dock.
ISM contents
STCW contents
Shippers declaration contents in detail not just the titles
What is Critical temperature?
What is roll over? In detail.
What is the consequences of roll over?
How to cool down tanks?
Which line to use to cool down tanks?
What is a reciprocating compressor?
Ship to load grain without DOA
What all things mentioned in BLU code?in detail
What all things mentioned in DOC of bulk carrier?
What do you mean by Transport of material hazards in bulk??
Detail of segregation table?
How will you carry solid wastes in bulk? Wanted to hear in detail about ch 10 of IMSBC
Fun 3
How many annexes in Marpol?
What is annex 6?
What certification under annex 6?
Difference between periodic and intermediate survey?
NOP? When to note protest? Why to reserve right to extend?? What is the meaning of right to
Cargo to load was 30000t but shore loaded only 20000t. Action?
Is official log and deck log book mandatory? Which regulation?
Internal F / F/ F
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Rayan:
Date: 07th March 2022
MMD: Kanda
External: Capt. Vibhute
Internal: Capt. Darodkar
Didn't start well as orals took place in evening and when my turn came I was able to see n
hear them even replied to my name but unable to get my camera on for microsoft team video in
both devices and surveyors were not happy abt it. Then used via web browser in which Name
went missing and INDOS number also went wrong which further annoyed them. Had some
connection issues also due to which their instructions on scanning room with secondary
device wasn't clear to me and Internal was quite upset.
Internal then asked me to introduce myself starting from pre sea till present day after
which he asked external to take over.
1. Scharnov turn draw and explain
( Wants to see the drawings are made accurately. Doesn't appreciate rough drawings)
2. Explain track line search
3. What lights will PD vessel towing show if length of Towing vsl is 190m, dist between
towing vsl and tow is 60m and length of towed vsl is 130m
(Wants to hear 3 masthead lights as length less than 200m)
4. Definition of towing light
5. You are in the 135° overtaking sector of tow and coming up from behind her. If there
were no obstructions which other lights would u see.
( Stern light and Towing light of towing vessel )
6. In above situation her speed 11kts ur speed 12 kts. Range 4 miles What's ur action?
( As m overtaking it's my duty to keep clear. Said I wil overtake from stbd)
He added if ur course is on port side what will happen. ( Overtaking wil take around 5 hours
N if course is port side I wil overtake from port)
7. Coming out of port after passing last buoy u saw red over white and green sidelight.
Whats ur action?
(Wants to hear since it's pilot vessel it may be underway but stopped or making way so I
will observe first and then take action accordingly).
Then he said it's stopped now how wil u pass it.
so I
(Wil watch where it's drifting and preferably pass astern so if he starts engine suddenly
won't be a concern for me)
8. Drew Tgt vsl on my vsl's stbd beam with range 3 miles. Which situation and what action?
(Wants to hear broad alteration to stbd and it can be achieved as it's less than my vsl's
turning circle)
Now u r on tgt vsl what is ur action.
(Wants to hear if I have to take action I wil not alter to port for PD vsl on my port side
as per rule 17)
9. Above situation in RV
( When he puts u on tgt vsl in RV closely check his drawing as the heading of the vsl is
such that our vsl appears on beam but is actually fwd of the beam)
10. Drew tgt vsl on port bow slightly out of range of head on situation, both vsl speed
15kts and approaching with CPA 0.5 cables to stbd and range 5miles. Master orders to
maintain atleast 1mile CPA. Action?
(As per him as both vsls have to take action to avoid collision so correct action is to wait
for tgt vsl to take action n if she doesn't then let tgt vsl come on bow crossing heading
then widely alter to port and give 5 short n rapid blasts)
11. In Narrow channel engine unavailable for next 24hrs. Depth outside stbd side of channel
is 100m and port side is 10m. Ur draft is 11m. Master dropped anchor near stbd side. U come
on bridge and find anchor dragging what is ur action. ( Doesn't want to hear dropping second
anchor as when u say it he wil tell u now u came on morning watch and found vsl aground all
What is ur action ? (After mentioning grounding actions if u mention use of tide he wil tell
u now 3m tide has refloated the vsl and it is aground further inside land also vsl is fully
loaded so no deballasting.
(Wants to hear will call tug at night only when dragging anchor to hold position)
1.Details of water level detection system on bulk carriers
2. Iron ore and concentrate loading precautions in indian ports.
1. Have u seen ICCP system? How does ICCP system work and does it cover rudder, propeller
and bow thruster?
( Wants to hear it works on potential difference only covers parallel body of ship)
2. What system protects the keel area
(Wants to hear anti fouling system
3. Tell me everything u know abt antifoulimg system and paints
(Wants to hear tht AFS type is mentioned in AFS certificate including the paint used. Also
why TBT was banned and upcoming amendment regarding Crybutylene)
4. Person in distress. Own vsl is only vsl nearby and proceeding to rescue. Swell 2-3mtrs.
How will u go abt launching and recovery of boat?
(Wants to hear use of on load mechanism for lowering and use of Recovery strops and Hanging
off penant for recovery)
5. Where does coal cargo get stuck inside a bulk carrier hold? What all structures do u find
inside a bulk carrier cargo hold?
(Wants to hear spiral ladders, hopper, corrugations and sounding, temp sampling and gas
measurement pipe guards also DB air pipes)
6. Care and maintenance of Hatch covers
(Wants to hear abt wheels, cleats, rubber packing, drain channel, greasing points, rubber
packing of ventilators, resting pads)
7. What are compression bars, its purpose and maintenance?
(Wants to hear it is made of metal and bears max weight of hatch cover, will do light
greasing plus and other maintenance as per manufacturer instructions)
Func 1:
1.Types of weather routeings
2. What are synoptic charts and what details will you find in it?
Func 2:
You are loading iron ore in monsoon in Goa. Also give details of DG circular 09/2010
(Wants to hear the stock pile is left in the open in rain due to which as per the circular a
MMD surveyor should examine it to ensure TML is not exceeded beyond limits
Func 3:
1. Is inspection and survey required? Where is it written?
( Wants to hear Solas ch. 2 and Ch.12 )
Result P/P/P
(Was lucky also as I got time till evening to prepare recent and past question sets of both
surveyors. Also all members of Orals Group actively helped and replied quickly to any
questions I posted in the group which helped cover lot of questions in very less time)
Special thanks to Vishal and all other members of the orals group. Teamwork paid off.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Date: 08th March 2022
MMD: Kandla
External: Capt. Krishnanmurthy
Internal: Capt. Darodkar
1st attempt.
It took 3 attempts to connect my primary device via teams..... I was able to see n hear d
surveyor through mobile phone bt the primary device was not showing to him. Before orals do
check your team's software by dummy call to any1. I did checked but still there was some
technical glitch.
External asked me about which all ships I have sailed on and which all ports I have been to
and accordingly he framed the questions.
1. Suppose u have to sail from usa (Florida to New Zealand) how vl u go about a great circle
sailing. Which side vl b the vertex n why.
2. What vl b d limiting latitude n on which factor it vl depend.
3. Many questions on IALA buoyage system like the shape of lateral buoys in region A and
region B
4. Conditions on Ror
5. What is dip of a magnetic needle.
6. Various questions on magnetic compass n its component.
7. On what factor the dip of magnetic compass depends.
8. Name 5 ocean currents and state if it's cold current or warm current.
7. Difference betn primary port n secondary port.
8. What is spring tide n neap tide as per the tide table. ( I told when sun n moon in
quadrature then its neap tide) but he wasnt satisfied wid the answer.
9. Sight calculation n merpass. Y u use long by chrone in morning sight.
10. How vl u teach ur cdt to identify the star. ( explain the entire step)
11. Calc. Of azimuth n what is a b c direction and y is it so explain.
12. Taken over new ship as chief ofcr, 3rd officer comes to u n ask u for calculation of
barometer correction so as to post it below barometer.
12. Cards on ror. Nuc, vsl aground, ram sailing vsl and various situation in tss.
13. Deviation report when vl u send and if the speed is reduce vl u send the deviation
report for amber.
14. Duties of Smc OSC sc and formula for track spacing.
Asked me about gas tankers and bulk carriers as per the ships I have done.
1. What r Marvs and why there r 2 settings for marvs. Why cant v use harbour settings out at
2. Gas change procedure.
3. Calculation for gas n how vl u load.
4. Why v use mass in vaccum n mass in air. What is .0011 that v subtract n y v do that.
5. As a chief officer what all u vl see prior loading.
6. Explain ship/shore safety checklist 10 to 15 points.
7. Give any 4 points each for agreement and permission from ship shore safety checklist.
8. Suppose there is a difference of 500t of cargo after discharging, action?
9. What is LOI
10. What is heavy lift.
11. What is the minimum gm wid which d bulk carrier can sail out and if it Carrie's a timber
then what gm n if its grain den what gm.
12. How vl u practically prove that u have not exceeded the load density.
13. Where vl u find the load density of the hold.
14. Contents of imsbc sigto n igc code.
15. Factors when vl u change the crane wire.
16. Care and maintenance of crane wire.
17. U r transporting a person in basket via crane and the crane stops working action.
19. Precautions while loading coal and now it has started self heating.
And few on flamibility diagram question. What is lel and what is tlv.
1.contents of marpol
2. As a chief officer on gas tanker which all annexes r applicable to u.
3. Where will u make an entry for gas change and accidental release of gas.
4. Contents of smpep
5. Ballast water management entries and when vl u do
6. As co procedure for ballast water exchange n which method u vl use n y.
7 what is dilution method and y it is preferred only during day time.
8. Questions on stability like sw to fw what vl increase and decrease gm kb tpc mctc
9. y is floating drydock done and is it same as the normal drydock n critical point and all
is applicable or no n y.
10. What is mctc where have u used mctc till now.
11. Alarms of loadicator.
12. How vl u test loadicator n how often.
13. Takeover vessel, give 5 plans which is of utmost imp.
14. Information obtained from shell expansion plan.
15. Few question on audits and mlc.
16. Describe merchant ship act briefly.
17. Certificates required what r mandatory n which r statutory among those.
18. Contents of any 4 certificates out of those.
19. What is a dead ship or something like that.
20. U r in port and psc onboard, what all things he vl check.
21. Form a and form b and what r detainable deficiencies.
22. Vsl detained master ashore, action?
Internal surveyor
Asked me about my performance and self assessment abt my performance.
Function 1
Then he aske me few question for function 1 on celestial navigation, when to use intercept n
long by chrome and y for which I answered what was there in pawans notes bt he wasnt
satisfied. This was my failing question.
2. Sight reduction table
3. Luminous intensity
4. Sound signal for vsl aground.
Result: F/P/P
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 11.03.2022
Internal -Capt. Mohit Bhel( MMD Jamanagar)
External- capt.S.C. Panigrhey
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Mmd Kandla
Internal: Santosh darodkar
External: Panigrahi
Capt. Darodkar gave me 20 mins to go and find ground tackle and foundering , standards
regarding watchkeeping contents
Thanks to the group, for always posting and keeping the group alive.
Believe in your self, believe in god and Atleast cover 70% portion
Function 3
Result - Pass
Finally mates cleared.
1. Angle of repose
2. Plan your vlcc arrival at Port for discharging, you have 5 days to arrive, what checks to
3. Ship shore safety checklist and its latest inclusions?
How do you discharge cargo on a tanker, step by step procedures?
4. Centrifugal pumps adv and disadv
5. How does an eductor work? What principle?
6. Out of three pumps, two of your pumps are running at max rpm and you are getting 7 bars
at manifold, terminal wants 8 bars. You start your third pump and prs goes to 9 bars. How
will you achieve 8 bars at manifold?
7. Pressure line testing on vlcc. How to do it? Step by step
8. Sopep equipments?
9. Testing of loadicator.
Fn 3
1.Condition of class
2. Docking plan, contents
3. Declivity of blocks? What is it and how is it decided?
4. Few ques on surveys.
And that's about it, at this point he said prepare well and appear next time.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 05.05.2022
FUN 1/2/3
1) Conditions for Lunar Eclipse
2) Rv Vsl overtaking from Stbd
3) Diff between GLONASS and GPS
4) Vsl Crossing in TSS from Stbd to Port
5) For what ports SHM of tide calculation is mandatory
few more
1) Hazards of Heavy wt cargo
2) Coal Hazards. Why we ventilate coal. Why fire will happen in coal.
3) Diff between grain ships from Normal Bulk carier
4) Loadicator Requirement as per which convention
5) LPG and LNG difference.
6) Angle of Repose
7) Significance of VHM in grain
8) Mates receipt
9) Allowable difference between ship and BL as per cargo type
10) Shipper's declaration
few more
1) ISM Certificates
2) Funtional requirements of ISM
3) BW standards
4) Parametric Rolling
5) Annex VI certificates
Ammendments of Annex VI with dates
6) ISM inspection intervals
7) Ammendnents to GRB and on which date
8) Rule paramount. Hamburg Rule
9) NC
few more
Fun 1
Fun 2
Fun 3
too much cross questioning from external. Want more detailed answers at management level.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Oral question Mumbai
Date: 5th May 2022
Internal: Capt.Santoshkumar Darokar(kandla)
Exrternal:Capt.Pawan kumar mittal(delhi)
Function 1:
1) ROR cards
2) Card Buoy cylinder Green/Red/Green
3) North cardinal mark
4) Aground Vsl fog signal
5) Synoptic chart
6) TRS sign of approach
7) Eye wall weather condition
8) Dangerous Quadrant NH action
9) Passage plan as a mate
10) Duties as a C/O as per STCW
11) For loading cargo what all things you will consider
12) Aspects
13) safe speed
14) Vsl on Port side radar in operational fog signal intensity increasing action
15) vsl on stbd bow open sea 6nm off day time ROC exist action(he shown on slide target vsl
F&A line is not parall to own ship but her bow turned towards port side about 30deg)
Function 3
1) centre of floatation
2) forward strengthening members.
3) anchor foul on submarine cable.
4) Marpol annex 5 dis criteria.
5) wheel house poster
6) chain register.
7) AOA
8) Prepare load line survey
9) what are the survey carried out for load line.
10) How the certificate issued after the renewal survey from which date?
Function 3
1) Dis-able ship means
2) Un-seaworthy means
3) Audit as per what?
4) Inspection as per what?
5) ILO head quarter
Results : F/-/P
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Date : 06/05/2022
Internal : Darodkar
External : PK Sharda
MMD : Kandla
Function 1
3.Pd vessel 5* on your Stbd bow Masthead light in line and side light is visible Action.
Function -2
1.Angle of Repose.
2.Boat notes
3.What is VGM.
4.Tnk preparation for loading sulfuric acid.
5.Tnk prep for loading caustic soda.
6.Cargo GROUP A,B,C Name
7.Cow requirement.
8.How crude oil washing is carried out.
9.New ISGOTT and old isgott What is changed.
10.Chemical tanker guideline which chapter in ISGOTT
11.WALL wash test of tank.how to do.
12.CSS code
13.IMDG code for what ship is applicable.
14.Type of chemical tanker
Finally mate
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 10 May 2022
Ext. JB Singh
Int. NK Mandal
Voyage planning
Blue moon
Wet and Dry moon
Lee Tide
TSS vessel from right ahead
How many rules
What is colreg Anx 3
What is X and S band radar
Grounding Beaching
Spoil ground
Steering failure drill
Anchoring as mate
How you check as mate navigation efficiency of junior officer
IMDG cargo types
What is dangerous cargo
Cargo Category as per IBC
DG manifest
Mate Reciept
Types of gas carrier
Types of reefer
Purpose of isgott
What all manuals/plans you will refer while preparing loading plan
Manual calculation for SF BM
Urea loaded montreal disch kakinada
Content of Stability booklet
What is timber carrier
Hazards and precations of sulphuric acid
Precautions loading methanol
Prepare for PSC
How will you train cadet and Crew
Duties of mate as per stcw
Shell expansion plan
Garboard Strakes, Sheer strake
Drills as per solas
TML, how you check onboard
How to motivate crew
Who issue COSWP
Internal: Darokar
External: Jb singh
1.Lee tide
2. Voyage planning with the help of ecdis
3. Limitation of ecdis
4.parameter to fix transducer
5.Ais and Lrit
6.Principle of magnetic compass
7.Is electricity required to run magnetic compass
8.What is directive force
9.What info do you get from ASD
10. Fog signal for Aground SV
11. Why magnetic compass is not stable when altering course
12.what all data is sync with vdr
13. Why to switch on navigation lights in adverse weather or rv
14.foul ground
15. If moonrise today 9am , tomorrow same place when before or after ?
16.annex 3
17. How many rules in colregs
18. Lights of cbd vessel
19. Which rule you can quote , i said 2 to 19 any one ,Didn’t ask any rule 😅
1. Lights of fishing vessel when engaged in fishing
2. Lights of dredger when have obstruction
3. Horizontal spacing of lights
4. Diffrence between VTS AND VTMS
5. Audibility range of vessel less than 20 mtr in fog
6. Fog signal of pilot vessel
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Mumbai MMD candidate
File @MMD Haldia
Int -SKDas
Ext -____Sinha
Funct 2. Result ( P )
Which type of vsls have u done - only Containers which company u working which all companies
before you worked with
Func 1
Quote rule 9,10,13,19
Errors of gyro, why magnetic compass behave erractic in high latitude, few ror cards for
fishing vsls, Ram vsls,fog signal for pilot vsls
Int sk das-
Asked Which company
Few lights of fishing vsls and anchored vsls
Does fishing vsl show anchored lights
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: [Forwarded from Vishal]
Func 2 & 3
Attempt: 3rd
(My oral was started at around 1630 Hrs and went up to 1745 Hrs)
Function 2
If you did not mention the underlined part, as per him whatever you say will be wrong
2) Why Grain code is separate and grain cargoes are not included in IMSBC, Why not coal code
Ans: You kept on trying to convince him with settling/shifting/AOR point but he wanted to
listen These are the only cargoes which can be carried in max quantity in bulk
3) Explain Securing arrangements given in Grain code for Partly filled compartment only.
Ans: Longitudinal divisions, Overstowing,Strapping/Lashing,Securing with wire mesh.
Do not mention Saucering, bundling
4) What are types of heavy lift and care during loading of heavy lifts.
Ans: here he wanted to check your knowledge with shift of KG,
When weight is lifted by crane, KG of the weight shifts to the top part of the boom but not
the ship’s KG
He stopped me here and checking my understanding with respect to shift of KG and then moved
to next question.
He said all ok but please answer at mate level,You are missing one of the most important
Then he said what about Loadline chart, this is the most important thing you are missing.
9)What is the significance of DG manifest, what all info you get from it.
General answer with all contents
15) Why class 1 is given with divisions and other classes with sub classes
Ans: because he wanted to hear mainly about class 4 : all sub classes having the different
characteristics not similar to each other. Explosives are all explosives
I didn’t understand what he was trying to explain.
Function 3
He asked have you ever seen Original Bill of lading,what all things are there.
I said Yes , things inside port of loading, port of discharge, shipper’s name and address,
consignee name and address, date of C/P, terms and conditions of carriage.
He stopped here and asked ok tell me there are 2 pages in B/L,which is on the front page and
which all info on the back page.
Ans is on front page all terms and conditions will be there and and the backside all
remaining details.
5) Prepare for vessels for incoming and outgoing to drydock with respect to stability.
Ans: He wanted to listen while calculating your stability calculations,keep dock manager
instructions with respect to draft and trim in mind.
6)Again he asked how will you plan departure condition from drydock.
Ans: I answered in a same manner as we arrived. he Was ok with the answer.
Then he asked ok your dedicated FW tank for Sprinkler system is empty now, Your action.Have
you ever seen in engine room
He wanted to listen there is separate provision given to connect with Sea water line later
once you have FW, flush the lines.
Function 2
Function 3:
1. Plans and manuals onboard
2. Statutory certificates
3. Info in docking plan
4. Lifeboat yearly and 5 yearly test
5. Checks regarding anchor
6. You have three months to dry dock and you anchor chain has worn out. office says to
manage till dry dock action.
7. You are in dry dock and the 4th shackle is fucked. You have no spares in the dry dock.
What as a chief officer will you do. How will you sail out ( This was my passing question
8. Lifeboat maintenance
Many more which I cannot recall. But just do his questions and it’s good. He loves dry
dock, anchor , crane , grabs and grills on this
Basically he is a very practical guy. Wants practical answers. He told me I have to have
knowledge on all types of ships for cargo and not only on containers since I sail on
He was listening through out. Then decided to give me function 3.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: External :Tapesh Gosh
Internal: capt.Gsranganathan
Attempt : First
Function 1:
1. Voyage planning as Chief Mate.
2. Head on situation shallow patch on STBD side.(Bold alteration 50 deg to 60 deg )
3.Quote rule 6,8 and 19
4.TRS Conditions.
5.TRS moving 270 Deg .your course 180 Deg.How will you pass ?
Funct 2:
1. Sulphur loading
2.Urea Loading.
3.Steel Coil Loading
4.Steel Slab Loading.
6.Claused B/L
7.COW Procedure Full
8.Chemical Loading.
Funct 3
2.Grabs ( He asked about securing arrangement of electric wire on electro hydraulic )
Result : P/P/F
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Date - 12/05/2022
Time - 1 hr 5 min
External - Ranganathan
Internal - Tapesh gosh
Internal started with Introduction and handed over to External
*Function 1*
1.NUC defination
2.CBD defination
3.what is Lookout
4.Rule 19d and 19e in own language no need of word to word
5.Rule 8 - listen only 2 points and moved on next
6.aground vessel more than 100 m Fog signal
7.your in narrow channel nearing a bend what all precautions you will take
8.Isolated danger mark - he just told name i have answered as top mark and use of it he was
9.South Cardinal mark - he just told name i have answered as top mark and use of it he was
10.isolated danger mark 2 nm ahead what is your action
11. How much distance off you will pass from isolated danger buoy - I answered 1 nm but not
12.Ocean current - i told whatever I know, like defination, causes like drift, upwelling,
gradient and also added warm current and cold current, He was ohk
13.synoptic charts
14.Voyage planning - what all things to consider
15.if other vessel is not taking action and not responding to your signal what you will do
16. Have you sailed on coast of Africa - I told No
*Function 2*
1.which type of vessel you have done - Gas tankers
2. Tell me how will you load on gas carrier - full procedure
3. Which pump in oil tanker for cargo
4. Advantage of centrifugal pump - mistakenly told self priming then he went in detail what
is it and how is it and which pumps it will apply
5. Is their Mast riser on gas tanker and if yes then what is the purpose
Till here all ohk next he went in bulk carrier and as I was not having practical experience
couldn't answer him properly
6. How to load steel coil
7. What is the name of 2nd tier in loading steel coil
8. Why only F and Aft direction you load why not athwardship
9. Why you can't load one above the other exactly
10. How to load steel slabs ( i don't know what is it actually hence skiped by saying sorry
don't know sir )
11. Sulphur hazards
12. What is liquifaction in Sulphur
13. What happens when mositure in Sulphur - answerd release of toxic gases but he wanted
something more
14. Lodicator not working and you are proceeding for loading what you will do - told all
things he kept saying 1 thing you are missing - finally he told their is procedure in the
last page of stability booklet what procedure to follow if lodicator fails - but same thing
I also told me before only but I don't know what was going in his mind
15. Stability booklet contents
*Function 3*
1. Various plans and documents onboard
2. Certificates onboard
3. Validity of registry certificate
4. Which ships issued with loadline exemption certificate
5. Form e
6. Which surveys in SEQ
7. What is intermidiate survey, what is periodical survey.
8. when to do renewal survey and can it be done after the expiry and if not why
9. Window period of various survey like annual, intermediate, renewal, periodical
10. What all things you will check in anchor and it's arrangement
11. Asked if found one shackle not good what action - as i told i will keep in my repair
list and try to change onboard with other shackle near bitter end but he was saying if you
put in repair list you are not going to look after it till dry dock and asking what more you
can do ... I went till class dispension as per safcon certificate but not satisfied.
12. 3 months left , anchor chain damage what all you will do
13. Which document you will refer for dry docking if vessel going first time dry docking -
don't know what he is actually wants in this
14. Block declivity and it's purpose
15. What all stability related things you will do for entering dry dock
16. Your on bulk carrier going for loading in Mumbai 3 days left and you have crane and
grabs , what all checks you will carry out - told basic basic as not having practical
experience of it, then he went in deep discussion with crans and it's type and it's wire
17. How many wires in crane - at this time Internal took interest to intruppted bcos it's 1
hr completed for me
And told me he is asking types of wire on crane - was not having idea but prompted runner
wire and all but seems not satisfied
18. Out reach of cranes - angle ,
19. Limits of crane
20. What is hydro electric crane how does it work ... Which parts moving , how to stow ..-
couldn't answer this
Finally he called external on mobile thinking he muted mic but I could listen their
Internal -
*Function 3*
1. What is NC
2. What is major NC
3. What will PSC look when onboard
I requested him till the last to ask some more questions but he said no sorry
Result -
Marks by External - 7/4/6
Internal made it - 7/4/5
Suggestion - his best part he will ask first easy easy question to give you confidance and
then grill on anchor, dry dock, and more on crane and grabs - seems his favourite part
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 18.05.2022
Internal: Ranjith Mudali
External: Sharda
Fun 1
Safe speed
Limits of radar in determining safe speed
What is scanty information
Action to avoid collision
What is positive action in ROR
RV situation
ROR cards
Hazards of ice for safe navigation
Difference between isolated danger bouy and safe water mark buoy
What is emergency wreck buoy
How will you support master in decision making
Which ship will have ROT
What is difference between position line and position circle
Why we draw PL right angle to azimuth
Fun 2
What are the precautions you will take before discharging cargo
How do you start a cargo pump
What is pump seal pressure
Last cargo on Tank loaded ammonia how to do man entry
Formation of hydrates in gas carrier
Ammonia is light or air is light
Valves near manifold
What is use of vaporiser
Fun 3
What is special area
Ship security assessment
What have authority to change security level
What are critical equipment on deck
Need to do accident investigation in accommodation ladder what are all the items you will
check In accommodation ladder
Life raft now coming with extended service time what are all the items you will check in
that life raft
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 18.05.2021
Q. Total no. OF ROR
q. 38 to 41 what is verification compliance? who will do audit?
q. Narrow channel sailing vsl crossing from stbd? action
q. fog will apply to which Rule in ROR
q. what is PDV?I told as per rule 3
q. If vessel is engaged in dredging with her engine running whether she is PDV ?
q. Towing vsl length 150m ? light and shapes?
q. some ROR cards and situation
q. types of AIS
q. Limitation of Ais
q. what is dgps
q. what is rock awash chart symbol draw?
q. what is Alrs 5
q. vessel approaching 2 pt abaft stbd beam, steady brg, range reducing action?
q. Transverse thrust
q. smelling the ground
q. Squat
Q. Grain stability criteria
Q. PV valve and Breaker
Q. COW washing? Hazards
Q. marpol line
Q. limited quantity
Q. some question IMDG PSN, UN number, can you load without UN number
Q. Operational requirement of Lifeboat and rescue boat
Q. AFS convention, types of paint name some paint?
Q. types of Fracture MFAG
Q. Fire extinguisher Number and spare charge requirement?
Q. what is particular matter?
Q. narcotic drugs? name some
Q. ISps code explain?
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Forwarded message
Internal- Nitin Mukesh
External- JB Singh
1) Moonrise at 0900Lt what will be the time for Moonrise tomorrow same place.
2) How many Rules in ROR and Annex
3) Quote Annex 4
4) Explain Annex 1
5) Magnetic Compass in detail
6) Celestial Navigation PZX , Phases of moon, circumpolar body etc
7) Voyage planning as mate
8) Leep, Spring, Neap Tide
9) Full, Blue, Wet, Dry Moon
10) Trs nd Tld in detail
Nd many more will update soon
1) Types of Gas carrier
2) Types of Chemical cargoes
3) How will you prepare gas carrier tanks for loading nd process of cargo grade changeover
4) Grain code, DOA, Securing arrangements of partly filled compartment
5) Contents of damage stability booklet
6) Loadicator in detail, how will you test
7) Concentrates hazards
8) BL nd Mates receipt
9) IMDG class nd DG manifest
Nd many more will update soon
1) Marpol why it’s called Marpol 73/78
2) Certification on board statutory nd mandatory
3) Prepare V/L for PSC
4) Load line survey
5) Heavy weather precaution
Yaar 3 mai sabse zyada poocha tha abhi can’t remember will update soon😅
Fun-1 -Fail, Fun-2 Pass, Fun-3 Pass.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: Mohammad:
Date : 02.06.2022
Noida MMD
EXTERNAL: Capt. J B Singh
INTERNAL: Capt.Nitin
2nd attempt
Got mail around 0950 from internal to join at 1000
Function 1 :
* Advantage of voyage planning ? Use synoptic chart because it's bird eye
* Weather routing and types.
* Rule 10 quote or say in your own words ? Just b careful when you quote first 2 lines he
want same
* You see a vsl not following TSS , your actions? CONTACT VTS , Raise flag YG , Check if ram
and own track correct
* Use of synoptic charts in voyage planning ? Mention prognosis chart also
* Sound signal of pilot vsl in RV ?
* Limitations of ECDIS . I told him all points stated in Rohan dsouza , he z lyk no, this
error is you , tell about ECDIS, pata nhi kya sunna h
* Navigation equipments connected to emergency power and as per which regulation?
* How many rules in ROR ? Just say 38 n 3 new which came in 2016 named verification of
compliance .
* Heavy weather damage : assist master in command making decision ? He wanted to listen
remove error chain , challenge and response
* Trs origin , why it form and recurve ? Last tym he told me ans bcz of high pressure on
land I told the same he said wrong , already told him corriolis force funda and oceanic high
, Westerly bla bla he z lyk nahi dunga function 1 , sach m yar he z lyk kuch bhi puchunga
and sahi ans bhi galat bolunga
* Ocean currents in East coast of usa ? Last tym gulf stream and Labrador meeting at
Savannah bay I told but this tym he said whr it's going I said to east towards English
channel bcz same he told my frnd , but he said wrong ans.
* Testing procedure for steering gear ? I said full procedure he wanted to listen it's
posted on bridge i will refer ( he said u guys juz bla bla theory juz say it's thr on
bridge i will refer ðŸ˜
* GPS : Pps and sps ?
Function 2 :
* Tml and its use in voyage planning ?
* Definition : timber code , IMSBC CODE , grain code , css code ? Bcz grain u load max so
grain code , timber he wana listen same timber deck cargo with permanent means of attachment
* Why they are called code ? As required by law
* Contents of stability booklet ? I told all , he juz wana listen exception
* Difference btwn PCC and RORO ? Wana listen roro has passenger certificate as it has
facility of accomodation for driver
* Types of reefer cargo and it's carrying temperature. I told same wriien in his notes in
my first attempt, he said wrong , this tym I said the one given in marine gyaan website he
said bullshit
* Imsg class : he just want to know class 1 divisions
* Operation of loadicator and limitations ? Incorrect input
* Loading in East coast of Australia and discharging in Iran : prepare loading plan and full
procedure for iron ore ?
* Types of gas carrier ?
* Operation of heavy lift ?
* Mates receipt, Bill of lading , types of bill of lading , he want no. ? I said more 10 thn
he said juz say no.
* Note of protest and why it is lodged ?
* Types of sulphur , hazards ?
* Why grain code ?
* Precautions while loading concentrates ?
Function 3 :
* How to maintain discipline onboard ? As per ms act 194 and first page of olb
* Olb as per which regulation and entries ? Ms act 212 n 214
* Orb and its parts ?
* Bi party and tri party agreement
* Material of fire blanket
* Chemical powder inside DCP
* Duties of chief mate aa per stcw
* Drydocking and docking survey interval ?
* Prepare vsl for PSC
* Advantage of PMS
* Fire in gallery , explain fire drill
* Statutory , mandatory and obligatory certificate ?
Internal :
Function 1
* You see a single red light right ahead, identify ? Wen u say sailing vsl underway seen
from Port it's ok , the moment I said vessel being towed seen from port he said why u can't
see towing vsl light dn ? Asked range of towing lt , as jb Singh failed me in function 1 ,
he started to make this card complicated
Function 2 :
* Gas freeing procedure ? I said ans as some tanker guy explained me bfr oral . But same
kahani jb Singh function 2 m 4 Diya to aage badho
Function 3 :
Static and dynamic test of lifeboat ?
* Slope tank requirements, he said
This tym u r correct , i will give function 3 ,
Prepare for F1 n 2 next tym
As jb Singh failed in F1 and F2 , he juz asked for formality , atlast he will give the same
what external has given
For jb Singh :
I had written what ans he want , juz include this with your remaining ans he will move to
next question.
I got jb Singh in first attempt also that means you can get the same surveyor again and
again , luck matters here .
Result : FFP
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 06/06/2022
Haldia MMD
Internal : Capt S.K Das
External : Capt A.D
Fn 1
1. Showed me on white board a vessel abeam at short range V/L course complementary to my
course. ROC exist action.
What are the reasons for this ROC.
2. T.V on stbd quarter. What actions as per which rules.
3.Three lights in a vertical line upper two are red bottom is white.
4. Why BNWAS was introduced. Explain how it works.
5. Constricted waters and restricted water explain meaning.
6. ETA as per which regulation of SOLAS. Explain everything about ETA.
Result P/-/-
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 6.6.2022
File kolkata mmd
Int : capt Sagar
Ext: capt Gupta
Ofb cargo
Cif cargo
Free in free out cargo ( first 3 question answer was sorry sir 😅)
Capacity plan in details ( want to listen dwt scale, plan and side elevation view is also
GA plan
How to load 200 t of heavy cargo/ precautions( went in details of loss of gm correction, and
would like to hear would keep .5 to 1 extra gm tht apart from required as per normal intact
Oil tanker cargo calculations
How to load general cargo vsl which all certificate required
Imdg class 7
What all ship specific plans are there
Few more and grilling on each and every topic tht he asked.
Certificates on ship
Marpol cert required for general cargo vsl
Fire line maintenance ( would like to hear relief valve in priority if told late or forgot
thn in trouble)
Load testing of crane
Wire rope discard criteria
Breaking strength of 6/24 wire rope
High and low expansion foam
Anchor dragging action in congested traffic
Frame spacing
Panting and pounding
External Ques:
a) One vessel on port bow CPA reducing tcpa reducing action? ( ROC/ASPECT/) then he said
looks like overtaking ( If not sure of aspect go to stbd, he said it will take a lot of time
to overtake, tell him no issues I can't go against 17c as it can be a crossing too. and I am
a PD Vsl, better go stbd and keep clear )
b) Drew pilot vsl lights, told master just went away also a difference between stopped and
(Call master no matter even he is resting and check for local regs- if no local regs take
action as per rules)
c) A vsl passing CPA 0.4 coming from port side action with spd 15kts your spd 15kts dis
5miles? ( determine roc/aspect/ once she comes on my bow wide alteration to a port/also
called master )
d) NUC lights and actions as per diff situations.
-Declivity of Docks and how does it help the ship in docking?
-Full joining shackle diagram and how to open it?
-How lifeboat and crane wires are secured in the drum?
-Landline survey on chemical tankers? name 10 things to check and what all to check in
detail? what Cerf attached with loadline?
Is-Pump room fan and ER fan different?And maintenance?
-Anchor Securing end
-Anchor what all markings
-Static Test in cranes and what all checks are to be done?Full procedure?
Few basic more
Function 1
- one vessel in TSS stbd side, your action?
-one vessel in a narrow channel trying to cross you following the lane /ROC exists ( IMP:
- RV vsl in port
- RV vsl in stbd
- RV vsl in stbd 3miles vsl right astern ( Action as per rule 2(b), alter course to Port )
Needs only action/His narrow channel and TSS ques are fixed and what to hear that only,
remember in TSS if u following lane and CBD crossing from the port side, even after ROC you
will maintain course and speed, irrespective of rule 8fii.
Practical guy.
1)Asked how will you go about loading grain for orders of 30,000 tonnes? Your present voyage
is of 5 days and previous cargo was coal? I replied hold cleaning n all but he said what
Master wants to know is can we load or not, explained him the calculation part, then said
20,000 in one terminal and 10,000 in other? What is it you want to know specifically now
about the terminal. What all hazards are associated with grain? I said everything but at the
end of orals he added a hazard that person can fall and sink in the grain. 🤔(Seriously)
2) stowage of IMDG cargo? Said as per segregation table and DOC. Then, what about same class
of cargo? I was like what else is there. Again at the end of meeting he said categories
A,B,C,D 🥴
4)stack wt of containers and standards for it? Ans. 1.8g (wtf)
3)Coal temperature is rising? You have reached discharge port? What all precautions to take
before discharging?
4)Steel coil loading? Precautions of carriage. He just wanted to know dew point. I explained
him cargo and ship sweat and at the very last I said have to monitor dew point temperature.
6) now receivers have said that cargo is rusty? How will you prove that you are not in
1) strengthening members?
2) most vulnerable part of your ship to get affected if you load Iron ore.
3)where will the stress affect?
4) supposed now you have repaired tank top? How to check it's integrity? Wanted to know by
pressure test by ballasting, and how much pressure will you apply.
5) instead of ballast tank you have fuel tank below, now you want to check integrity? What
you will do? I said topping up with fuel, he was unhappy. Then I just said UT test, or dye
penetrant, still unhappy. Lastly close cargo hold next day monitor gas if HC present
integrity not proper. He laughed at the end.
5/20/23, 13:45 - Sugumar: 14.06.2022. Int capt mukopadyay, Ext - Capt. Vibhuti: Asked both
function 2 and 3 combined.
1. U r on crude tanker, discharging. u know after storm is coming what will u do- explained
him disch, cow of H W tank, then SW rinsing collect in slop, then Heavy weather ballast.
2. What if during voyage u dont have time - At anchor to do, Still its coming immediately
after disch then - I said will do at berth/ take dirty ballast as per him its company
headache how to decant.
3. Now how will u disch this slop and CBT
4. Continued same que on my ans, ODMC explain parameters - Explained what ever i know
including orifice,
4. Same que continued what are automatic valve, inputs, from which equipment which input,
how to know these are correct, how to test odme, if disch side leaking what to do.( At this
time i know dont tell max things otherwise they will screw, keep up to the point)
5. Crude oil tanker disch with 10000 M3hr pipe line leaking action ( Do not stop disch) his
req,- slow down, isolate then use strops to prevent leak, or use other line( i was ansering
as per last vsl but his tanker can disch with 2 pump and can meet this criteria) i didnt
understand what he wanted to say.
6. Crude oil tanker fire in pumproom on pump, pumpman inside,action?
7. You are fwd with Bsn suddenly 2 port exploded action? I said by any means i will go aft
with my crew mistakely said use fire blanket he corrected use fire spray to cover yourself.
8. BLU code what is its purpose?
9. Bulk carrier grade change from iron ore to some bulk cargo( forgot name) procedure as per
cargo and marpol?
10. continued same que what if some cargo left on deck and ur crew doing washing- i said i
will stop and let them broom it and collect in drum then wash.
11. Same que continued what if some cargo remains and starts raining u are in special area 3
nm ( i said use dump valve, i will contain everything/ he laughed and said bulk carrier
dont have dump valve) let it go overside small quantity dosent matter.
12. Chemical tanker last cargo cat X next cargo cat X, do tank cleaning.
13. Bulk carrier how to locate frames and bottom plug.
14. Rescue person from water( his favourate que always ans recovery strops and hanging off
15. U are in marpol special area ch eng want to discharge bilge water wha but u will tell?
Marpol Disch criteria for Annex 1, 2 and annex 5.
16. Garbage recorb book part II?, Oil record book part 3?
17. Track line search why? explain procedure?
Above continued Int capt mukopadyay- Fun 2 and 3 together:
1. Precautions for sugar, cement, Urea and MOP
2. What info u will give to 2nd off before going to rest if u are loading concentrates
3. Iron ore precautions
4. Maintenance of gin tackle, luff tackle, wire and blocks
5. Advantage and Disadvantages of mediterranean, running and standing mooring.
6. As a ch off explain full disch operation ( crude oil tanker) including all calculation
procedure and what all correctiosn u will apply? this was most grinding que for me they
asked minute correction including list, trim, uti, vcf and WRF. also full procedure
practical including valve operation and pump operation.
Had oral on secondary device as primary device mic was not working at that instant thanks to
Internal & External
Function 1
Started with ROR Situation
1- (want ans in just yes or no when I tried to explain, then He said just say yes or no)
RV 1st vsl doing 8kts 2nd vsl just astern didn't mention range doing 12kts
Ques asked were for vsl astern doing 12 kts
a-Will you alter to stbd
b- Will you alter to port
c- Will you reduce speed
Then Ques asked were for 1st right ahead vsl doing 8kts
a- will you alter to stbd
b- will you alter to port
c- will you reduce speed
1- what is VGM
2- IMDG apply to which all ships
3- what info you get from Loadicator
4- stack weight
5- stability criteria for container vsl
6- stability criterai for normal vsl
7- stability criteria for grain
8- Load density
9- angle of repose
10- Hazard of sulphur, coal, wood pulp
11- Meaning of LEL
12- Types of IMSBC which is more hazardous
13- Types of chemical cargo which is more dangerous
14- Types of chemical carriers
15- Bill of lading
16- Mate's receipt
17- Types of Oil Record Book
18- Cargo compatibility code in IMDG
19- When you load heavy lift when will the most critical isntant stage, where will the shift
of 'G'
Function 3
1- stellet plate
2- striker plate
3- Entries in offical log book
4- Baltic moor
5- when will you discard wire rope
6- what is chain register, entries in it
7- example of Bi party agreement
8- As per which clause is detainable deficiency are
9- How will you make PMS of new installed equipment onboard
10- Flag state inspection
11- strengthing member in fwd
12- what is tri party agreement
13- few question on MLC
Both Internal and external were good and practical didn't say anything regarding primary
device mic issue
5/20/23, 13:49 - Sugumar: Date : 05.07.2022
3rd attempt
External : Capt M.C. Yadav
Internal : capt santosh Darodkar
Function 1
1. U are entering TSS what precaution you will take, joining the TSS, Crossing the TSS,
Joining from opp lane, marking and passage plan.
2. You are on coastal passage Gps fails ... What all positions fixing methods you will use.
3. what is CBD?
4. Tell me about Narrow channel
5. If you heared the fog signal, action?? I asked radar operational or not he said radar
operational but not coming in the picture.
Internal :
1.trawler hauling net what all the lights can been seen and day signal
2.SRS and VTS its mandatory or recommendatory
3.VTS and VTMS
5/20/23, 13:49 - Sugumar: Oral 06-July-2022
Internal- Muduli
Only function 1
1. Muduli started why failed last time and how many attempt.
2. Then passed to panigrahi
3. Rule 17.
4. Weather routing explain. Stopped after few thing.
5. Vts as per solas. I told chaper 5 reg 12. And few more thing then he skip to
6. Situation RV two vessel coming down approax one point on each bow.
7. Situation overtaking form starboard and then after that came to bow and
alter to port and look like crossing what is ur action.
8. Card CBD
9. Card pilot vessel
10. Day card of sailing vessel
11. Danger message as per solas and how to report
12. Steering fail while coming out of port. Action
13. Type of currents.
1. Coming out of japan u see composite group flashing 2+1 green. Action
2. Then asked me how u have done. I said sir looks good
3. He said we also think same so we will pass you.
Result pass.
Finally mate thank you all for support.
5/20/23, 13:49 - Sugumar: First attempt
File: Mumbai
Exam location Kandla
Capt Darodkar and Capt. Renganath
Result P/P / didn't appear
Function 1
1. Anchor Lights trawler. Rule 34 only narrow channel signals. Aground vessel fog signal.
2. Head-on / shallow water
3. Isolated Danger Buoy
4. East Cardinal Buoy.
5. TSS crossing with traffic all around.
6.TRS and evasive actions
7. Northern Hemisphere
Southerly course TRS approaching from E.
How will approach. Pass Ahead or Pass astern.
And why ??
8. Voyage Planning as a mate.
9. How will u assist Decision making.
Few more situations.
Function 2
1.Pre arrival check list
2. Loading Procedure generic
3. Crude oil washing
4. Phyrophoric reaction
5. IG not coping up
6. Hazard of Sulphur
7. Precaution of Steel coil loading.
8. Voyage care for steel coils.
9. Draft Survey
10. Lodicator and it's checks
11. Lodicator failure.
1.How will u take star sight
Why intercept is preferred??
2. Dreger Anchor Lights
3. Rule 8F only explain.
1. Grain loading complete procedure including VHM and wht information required from shipper.
5/20/23, 13:49 - Sugumar: Date 06/07/2022
Internal: Capt. Shankar K Das
External: Capt. Sandeep Banerjee
1. There is a vessel which under normal condition uses ram light but due to her present
nature of work not showing ram light what is this vessel?
2. Lights of fishing vessel when at anchor?
3. What are the day & night signals for nuc vessel?
4. What are the day & night signals for vessel aground?
5. What are the day & night signal for CBD vessel also tell the dimensions of day
signals as per annex 1?
6. Distance between day signals or shapes as per Annex 1.
7. East Cardinal buoy identity and point of interest?
8. Situations of ROR scenario, RAM vsl on port bow, CBD vsl on stbd bow, sailing vessel
propelled by machinery at 22.5 abaft your stbd beam take action as per which rule?
9. Quote rule no 19 d
10. ROR cards Trawler and NUC?
11. U r in the northern hemisphere in dangerous semicircle evasive action.
12. Vessel sailing fron US west coast to Japan, what all you will ask 2nd mate consider?
Some more can't recollect.
Didn't appear
FV lights at anchor.
5/20/23, 13:49 - Sugumar: Forwarded
Rule no 1 3 6 7 9 10 19 20 31 34 35
Annexes 1 2 3
1 situation pd in tss and u r cossing from port to stbd
What precaution u will take before entering in rv
Ch off is second commond where it is written
Heeling error why it is apply
Surface effect action
Vbw hbw etc
Lights for wig seaplane aircution
Light of fishing vessel sailing vessel
Sailing vessel aground light
Ram lights when at anchor
Incounspicution lights
Dragon lights
Gong diameter and sticker weight
Merpass calculation
Long by chron
Star sight for Polaris
Why all 3 correction a0 a1 a2 for polaris
Amplitude when you will take and why
Visible sensible and rational horizon
Fun 2
Angle of repose
Which angle of repose is dangerous less or large and why
Stowage factor
Brokane stowage factor and farmula
Load density from where u will get that information
heavy cargo loading procedure
What will u check in lifting appliance
Which plqn will u refere to know about the lifting appliance
How will u come ro know that the wire which r being used are the correct size of wire
How will u dischard the wire rope
U will measure the diameter of the wire or circumference
Timber load line draw
Total no of chapter in isgott
Tell me a chapter which u know better than the other chapter
Ibc code
Type of cargo as per ibc
Give an example of os as per ibc code
Grain code
Why the unit of residual area is in mradian
Swl breaking stress and proff load
Relation ship between stowage factor load density
Brokane stowage factore calculation farmula
Fun 3
imo structure
Type of plan
Half breadth plan
Chain register content
Statuary certificates he was Checking the
certifocate as per ships
Define Angle of loll
Action when the ship is at angle of loll
Block coefficient definition
Gz kn curve
When u depart from port ship is listed 4
degree action
Angle of loll faramula derivation
Simpson rules all three
Why it is used on the ship
What is appendage
Type of passanger ship
Wall sided farmula
Ooficial log which all ship carry
Ms act 1958
Passed in F2.
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Kolkata MMD
function 123
7 July 22
Function 1
gradient current in Bay of Bengal
safe speed
look out as per stcw
What will look out inform you limitations of Radar
scanty information
positive action
general practice of seamanship
aground card
hazard of ice navigation
How to support master on Bridge emergency at marking buoy
position circle of celestial body
TSS situation fog horn for pilot vessel at anchor
Quote rule 8A
Tidal stream
magnetic abnorbility
back scatter
constraints to safe speed
Angle of repose
concentrate hazards
concentrate liquefied action
imdg aim
Requirement of cow
isgot amendment
if isgot is for oil, what is for chemical
what guidelines are provided for loading chemical
load density
boat note
format of DJ manifest from which publication
Func 3-
Single Red light
Slop tank req
Mlc amendments
L/boat load tests
Gas free oprtn
Result: FPP
Both surveyor were supportive
Capt. Sharda wants few initial main points not whole answer
Function 2
Which cargoes I have loaded so far?
Angle of repose
Hazards of chemical tanker
Cow requirements
Steel cargoes loading, precautious, dunnage preparation
Isgott how many chapters
Boat note, who issues
DG manifest format from where, as per which requirements
Why imsbc required
Function 3
Total chapters in LSA
Drydock prior flooding precautions
Coswp chapters and who issues
How to determine paint is dried
Requirements of Em’cy Fire Pump
Cert as per solas
Olb required as per which rule and entries you’ll make as per MS act 214
Duties of C/Off as per Stcw
Chain register- who issues & what is in there, how you’ll carry out annual and renewal
testing, static and dynamic tests
Aur pollutants
Which are ODS
Ships all strengthening member: fwd and aft
Foul cable
*Few more can’t recollect
Results: F/P/P
No questions from internal
(Questions from Capt. Sharda are almost same like in the past)
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 08/07/2022
FUN 3-
*Fun -3*
Types of survey
Interim Survey Interval ? And extension ?
Renewal Survey ?
How will you Drydock a new vessel as a mate ? ( Stability point of view )
And Prepare Vessel for DD
Windlass PMS
( he wanted to hear all shallow water effects - squat , bank cushion , and interaction
between vessels )
Internal - No Questions
Result - *Pass*
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 08.07.2022
Kolkata mmd
Internal - Capt pc meena
External- Capt Ranganathan
First attempt
Fun 1
1.Voyage planning as mate
2. Define NUC vsl
3. Define safe speed
4. What are the constraints imposed by radar range scale in use
5.symbol of wreck mark
6.define CBD
And few more question..Easy
Fun 3
1.all Certificate of last ship and validity
2. Who issues certificate of registry
3.Tonnage certificate validity
4.various plans onboard
5. Shell expansion plan use n contents
6.Frame marking from where in aft.
7.Frame spacing is equal or not equal ..where increasing..
8.Crane maintenance.. Grab maintainance ,spill plate ..what is the use..
9.Sheave checking on crane
10.limit switch on cranes,angle at which it is cutting off.
Surveyors were good.i was not prepared well..
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Date : 08/07/2022
MMD : Kolkata
Internal : Capt PC Meena
External : Capt Ranganathan
Function 3 :
Result - Pass
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Date: 8-7-2022
External : S Banerjee
Internal : S Darodkar
I was trying to connect using Firefox as primary browser, but video was not visible. Then
shifted to Crome and orals started 2 hours later. Then took another Candidate in mean while.
What is polar code
Precautions prior entering ice
Equipment as per Polar code
Quote rule 19d
1 situation with nuc on port bow, CBD on stbd bow and sailing vessel using engine on stbd
4-5 cards
4-5 buoyage card
Lights of trawler at anchorA?
One vessel which is RAM but does not show RAM light??
Merpass calculation??
TRS is nh, vsl in dangerous quadrant, action
2-3 more but can't remember.
Statutory and mandotary cert.
Condition of class
Class notation
What is charter party.
Duties of mate as per ISM
Windlass PMS
What is gardbord strake
For dry dock, what all plans
Precautions prior flooding
Minimum gm required for dd
Anchor dragging action
Asked me how it was, I said it was good, asked the external how it was, he said it was good
Star sight calculation
How will you choose star for same
What is disabled ship.
He said congratulations you have cleared.
Thanks everyone for your support . All the best
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: MMD KANDLA
First attempt
Lights of following vessel
Aground, fishing , pilot vsl underway and anchr , fshng vl at anchr , mineclearance...ds
vessel saala gt me confused nd dat ws d trigger pt fr hm to screw me more in ds functn...
Fog signals
Of above vessels mentioned.
Head on wid shallow patch on stbd side
Overtkaing criteria...wanted to hear dat 22.5 wala criteria mstly...
Funct 2
Wat s dat crgo wich cn liquify in voyage....he wanted to hear abt concentrate wich i told
him later wen he we s abt to switch to NXT que....den uske hazards, preparation as mate...
Imsbc contents in detail....keep on telling unless he tell u stop....go wid slow pace if u r
aware f it...time waste thoda🤪
Den he jumped to tanker....cargo docs after loading nd after dschng... tank cleaning reltd
and marpol amendments latest....
Bulk carrier grab maintenance...and 2 mre cnt recollect...
Func 3
Latest Manila amendments
Scopic clause
General average in detail thoda
Officl log book entries wrt to mate
Ballast exchange methods
Statutory certificates
Article of agreement and few mre vl post as soon as recollect.
Details abt ballast water management convention
Electronic copy of record book chalta hai kya he asked and who is supposed to make entry
into it?
Both surveyor s made to wait for abt an 1.15 hr den started...made u cmftble by asking ur
history rgt frm cadetship and writtens ka status...jst b confident in wat u ans...Capt
Darodkar was pissed off befre start reltd to some link issue to one candidate ....office
staff se galti hua so...den later told capt sarin to start wid...
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Oral13-July-2022
External- Y. Sharma
Internal- Muduli
Fn 1&3
1. Muduli asked how many attempt.
2. Mf/Hf dsc distress alert acknowledgement procedure
3. EPIRB false activation cancellation process.
1. Drydocking in detail - What preparation you will do, jobs, undocking, declivity etc
2. Repair done on tank top, doubler plate fitted how you will check watertightness.
3.Ramp maintenance in DD
4.Bosun complained about drunk, disobedient crew - how will you handle. Where you will find
procedures to be followed.
5. AoA CBA
Lots of cross question in all topics. As I'm from car carriers and he seemed to be from car
carriers hence more details in DD car carriers and other questions too based around car
Muduli Then asked me how u have done. I said OK but not up to mark in both fn.
Result F/-/P
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 13.7.22
Int darokar
Ext sharda
Define angle of repose, stowage factor
Hazards of imsbc
Cow requirements
Isgot latest edition and contents, ammendment
Dg manifest format
Boat note who issues
Shipping bill, who issues
Why ig not reqd for er tanks
Heavy lift
Purging and gas freeing procedure
What method is better
Critical dilution
Action as co in case of oil spill
In what all circumstances will you consider stopping loading
Hull stress monitoring instruments
When will master issue nop
What are air pollutants as per annex 6
Chain register contents
When will you check lifting appliances
What is hammer test
Strengthening members fwd and aft. Why aft requires strengthening
Entries in official log book
Aoa , how many pages, where will the requirements for warm clothing be mentioned
Anchor PMS
How will you prepare tanks for drydock.
Disadvantages of high tensile steel
What is most hazardous during dry dock (not from stability aspect, he's asking after ship
has docked)
Check before flooding in dd
Contents of fss code
Contents of lsa code
Contents of coswp, latest edition, who issues it
Fire pump requirements
Certificate as per Solas
Duties of co as per stcw (does not want to hear duties that other officers also do)
What is section 194
What is form A and B
Ms act some section
Audit, inspection, survey (not satisfied with answer as per Pawan)
Result P/F
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 14/07/2022
Ext: Capt Ranganathan
Int: Capt R. Sagar
Passage planning aspect as a mate.
TSS conditions
Suez transit preps
Rule 2
Signals for SV, aground vsl etc (lights, shapes, sound)
Many cross questions on the above.
Drydocking plan in detail
Ship's plans
Certification in details
Registry as per which conv
PMS of crane wire in details (probably the failing question for me)
Some other questions and cross questions.
Int: No questions.
Result: F/-/F
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: MMD Kandla
Ext and Int Same: Joseph
Function1: Bridge Procedure 1) Guide in detail( Who issue, what all info)
Wheel house poster- Tectical diameter
2) RV Radar inoperational- You hear fog signal ahead action
3) IMO and MSC reference no for ECDIS, How many pages there, in which Mode ECDIS work
4) Purpose of Rule 2
5) Entering TSS at morning 0430LT, Master not picking up call action
6) On LPG ship how will you decide safe speed
1)Grain code, DOA, Stability Requirement
2) ETA in detail
3) Loading 100000Bbls at Rastanurra 5000Bbls diff from shore action( Refer Charterer party
contract how much allowance given)
4) definition of LPG as per IGC
5) Molier diagram
6) draw line from vapour to back to tank in gas carrier
7) Purpose of Knockout drum
Function 3:
1)Latest amendment to ISM
ISM, SMC in detail Who issue their validity in detail
2) SOLAS amendment coming to 2023
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Date :14th July 2022
MMd : Mumbai
External : Capt.Ranganathan
Internal: Capt.Ravindra sagar
Attempt :2
There were 7 guys yesterday i was number 6.Also thanks to no 5 Guy who shared questions
with me .
Finally Passed .
FUN1 -
RULE 10 – EXPLAIN, You are in Singapore Straits, what all things you’ll do. Then Engine
Failure, Action.
Wreck Marking Buoy.
East Cardinal Mark.
You’re on a course of 090 and see an easy cardinal Mark right ahead, action?
Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy.
How will you load 2 different grades on a tanker?
You’re going for discharging on a tanker and you’re still 7 days away, what all
preparations you’ll carry out?
How will you carry out pressure testing of cargo lines?
How will you load without a loadicator?
Loadicator Test?
How will you calculate SF BM without loadicator? Dint want to hear that there’s a method
in trim and stability booklet. Wanted to know the exact method.
FUN 3 -
Types of plans on board?
Certificate of registry is as per which convention?
Time Limits of annual and renewal survey?
In what all cases can the renewal survey be postponed after dispensation? - Failing
Result: P/F/F
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: External: Capt NIAR 45 mins
INTERNAL: capt SK Das 20 mins
Funct 1.
Lights of
Sailing vessel
All at anchor underway and aground
Cards for RAM
Weather chart shown and asked to read
Showed me a picture of chart with shallows and asked for passage plan meeting
Magnetic compass changes with latitude
Few more
Funct 2
Grain hazards
ImSBC hazards
Why is moisture limit important
Grain loading without DOA
Timber code stab criteria
How will you jetteson in emergency
Gas carrier reliquifaction in detail
Surge pressure in detail and fail safe for same
ISGOTT in brief
Func 3
All cargo docs required by chief officer after load/disch
How will you implement MLC onboard
How will you dry dock a ship ( all aspects, work, stability, before after, before leaving)
around 10 mins of conversation and cross questions including formula for GM
Work alloft permit as per COSWP
Ammendment to MARPOL
Ammendment to STCW
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 15/07/2022
1st attempt
Result F/P/F
Ext. Capt Khatri
Int . Capt S. Darorkar
Funt 1
ROT requirements
How to use ROT
RDAR requirements
Use of radar
Why one short and long
How it detects
Why u will detect long range target
What all entry in radar log book. Why u make what it will indicate .how to use these info
What is safe speed
Range 3nm fishing traffic how practically u decide safe speed.
CBD how to determine
Draft 10m tell me how will u decide CBD .
Turning circle
Understanding of rule 2 and practical of the same .
Ans. Don't ever say 2b u will deviate from rule. He just want 2 listen any case always stick
2 RoR.
Radar not functioning RV which part of rule apply.
Ans 19E finish nothing else
Squat basic understanding how it effect with ship what all changes happen.
Side light height requirements.
He grilled me on all question but not happy with singal ans .
Only function 2 question
ISGOTT latest ammendment.
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 15/07/22
INTERNAL: Capt.Santoshkumar Darokar
you are expecting heavy weather for which no warning is given . what action you will take.
Ans : possibility of trs in area . we will transmit a danger warning as per reg 31
make a dangerous message.
VTS as per which regulation of solas and what it says
Different types of IALA buoy system
describe safe water make
what is iso phase occulting meaning
meaning of Alphabet from Alpha to zulu
what is mean by soul lookout
rule 17,18,19 quote
pd vsl on port to stbd crossing action
RV one vsl on port bow one on stbd both detected by radar action
Special mark, isolated danger
aground vsl sound signal
CBD vsl light nad shape
.annex 2 in detail
how gyro behaves in high latitude, latitude error
Different navigation equipment required on bridge
benifits of weather routing,
synoptic chart what they contain
vsl in dangerous quardrent action
coming out of port steering failed action
latest ammendment to ror,what is verification of compliance
causes of ocean current
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 2/8/2022
Int capt manhas
Ext capt devesh
Declivity of dock
Critical period
What is new in bmp5
Shell expansion plan details
Psc and flag state
Cert as per ism
Rest hrs nt complied fr crew action as mate
Few more basic questions
Relationship between critical period and declivity of dock
IALA B BUOY IN JAPAN (lateral,cardinal)
LOP (example)
GROUP-A cargo
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: 03.08.2022,
Internal Mitiesh Kumar
External Manoj Kumar dev
Chain register is statutory or mandatory,
Which are certificate having no annual survey,
Intermediate survey window period,
Flooding of dry dock wt checks carry out,
Sag condition cargo loaded is less or more?
Draft survey?
Grain stability creteria without DOA,
Is securing is need for all condition,
IMDG supplement
LNG and LPG difference,
Magnetic compass which place for carrying deviation card
Magnetic compass heeling bucket function,
How magnetic compass is calibrated in port
Red light
Vsl which doesn't show mast head lights
Diff in Mercator and gnonmic chart
Some not remaing will post later
5/20/23, 13:50 - Sugumar: Kolkata Mmd
Atempt 5th
Fun 1 and 3
Pass - func 3
Fail - func 1
Func 1:-
1. How will you identify vessel aground in daytime.
2. How to calculate tidal streams using paper chart
3. Safe water mark complete identification.
4. How will you know about the new danger at sea. - he wants to know about emcy wreck
marking buoy
5. What is danger msg? Who sends it? Can a vessel send danger msg? Where to find details
about danger msg? - I have no idea about this.
6. RV, 2 Pt on port bow. You hear fog signal. Radar in-operational. Action?
7. This vessel you see on 2 cable. Collision can not be avoided. Your action?
8. How TRS is formed?
Func 3 :-
Internal- No questions
Result - Pass
Internal Mitiesh Kumar
External Manoj Kumar dev
Quaterly notices
Lifeboat lowerd in water, hoisting you are on deck what will you check.
Timber deck cargo
Your vessel is hog after loading what will be your mean of mean draft? More or less at the
loadline draft
IMSBC Segregation
Func 1 :
1. Causes of ocean currents
2. 4 Important points while switching on RADAR at Open Sea
3. Few Cards , Pilot Vessel Right Ahead, Seaplane, safe water mark, Isolated Danger Mark,
sound signal of aground vessel 200 Mtrs in length, Meaning Of Morse 'U''
4. Procedure for beaching the vessel ( trim required for beaching the vessel )
5. Precision in Gyro
6. Dangerous Quadrant - Define
7. Procedures for Keeping anchor watch
8. Advantages of Gyro Compass Over Magnetic Compass
9. Flag Golf Meaning
Func 2 :
1. In narrow channel you are overtaking a sailing vessel on your port bow action ( now the
sailing vessel is not allowing you to overtake - action )
2. effects of narrow channel, what happens when you slow down in narrow channel ( Bank
Cushion and Bank Suction)
3. you are coming out of port how will you identify pilot vessel , lights of pilot vessel
more than 50 Mtrs in length
4. Region B - Preferred channel to port Buoy- Describe
5. How will you order a RADAR for your 26 year old vessel no documents available onboard,
where you will refer for required specifications ( he wants to hear IMO Performance
6. Draw Occluded Front Symbol
7. Where will the wind force act while drifting , and in details about position of Pivot
point while stopped , started moving and when maintaining speed
8. What is the Minimum Speed for Your Last Vessel
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Forwarded
Date : 05/08/22
File : mumbai
Exam : Kandla MMD
Func 1
Rule 2 Understanding
Cards NUC, Aground, Pilot vessel
( he will show u some slides on desktop)
Fog signal of aground
COLREG Part F understanding
Rule 19e Understanding
Some basic situation of RV ( vessel on port bow, abaft abeam)
Passage planning as chief mate point of view
Ship routing systems ( Name All)
TRS avoiding actions
Navigation in TSS in absence of master
STCW Ch 8- navigation with pilot
Weather Routing
Meteorological instruments required onboard
( which regulation and who provides it)
How you decide which moor method is preferable for you ship
Func 3
Oil Tanker definition
Marpol annex 1
IOPP survey prep
Form B details
ODMCS not functioning
What is annex IV
Load line convention
Loadline survey prep
Harmonic survey system
What all surveys, validity,extension
Diff periodic and renewal
How to ensure MLC compliance on ship as CO
Last 3 amendments of MLC
3 month wages are not paid, action??
Why OLB is carried onboard
Entries into OLB as Chief Officer
SEQ survey prep in absence of master
Form E content
Standing rigging
Running rigging
PMS of windlass
Result: Pass
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: MMD KANDLA
Internal - GP Shenoy
External - don't know (KL)
Function 3 only
Started with from where you did your pre sea, company you are sailing with,types of ships
done(chemical Tankers). What went wrong in previous attempt and what u learned from your
previous attempt. How is ur preparation for this time.
1) dry dock preparation
2) checks before flooding
3) critical instant
4) critical period 5) documents required for dry dock
6) smelling the ground
7) how much to set mooring winch break
8) how to know that mooring winch wire lay is correct or not? Means it should be coil from
up or down.
9) fire on deck what to do. How many parties was there on our vessel.
10) heavy weather precautions
11) statuary certificate and tell some statuary certificate.
12) responsibility of chief officer as per mlc.
13) Marpol annex 6 latest ammendments. 14) what is mixed mooring. Few
more questions i didn't remember
External didn't ask anything both surveyor was very
good thank u all for posting questions and help and keep posting questions for
others. Finally cleared.
Result: Pass
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Forwarded
Function 2
Internal scanned the whole room chkd CDC, told me to introduce myself from Presea till now.
External :
Load density
Stowage factor
Angle of repose
Concentrates hazards
Sulphur hazards
DG leaking.. Actions
Trim tables (not trim nd stability booklet)
IMSBC groups
IBC groups of cargo
Grain securing for Filled nd partly filled
IMDG stowage category
IMDG segregation
Define LEL
Functions of Bill of lading
What are stack weights
Output data from loadicator on container vessels
Initial metacentric height for
Grain, Timber( frm stab criteria)
External : All one line answers.. Kind of rapid fire round.. Did not want answers in
detail.. Reference to codes nd their chapters & short explanation and he is happy.. (90
percent questions frm his sets)
Capt. Darodkar asked me to scan to room, and after setting the camera up, he asked me to
tell him about myself from pre-sea till now and also asked me to show him my CDC after
everything, he handed over to Capt Dubey.
Quote and explain
Rule 2
Rule 5
Rule 7
Rule 9
Rule 19
RV situations vessel on stbd bow roc action.
Dep from port how to check gyro error explain
At sea how to take gyro error explain
Position on sun when taking amplitude
Polaris in detail
Aground vsl day and night signal .
Equipment available for lookout on bridge .
Stcw lookout regulation.
Equipment to be carried in area 1 and 4
Minimum gmdss operator required onboard.
Loading iron ore, precautions and calculation loading India discharge usa.
Loading grain without stability manual
How to find healing moment of grain cargo hold without manual.
Loading of reefer container and care at sea.
How to know when to carry out ventilation ...and what types of ventilation... explain some
Port of refugee
Salary not paid crew complaining action
Ship detained owner manager not responding action
Load density .. stake weight..explain relationship
Explain General average
Explain multimodel transportation of cargo.
How does general average apply to multimodel transportation of cargo.
Explain marpol annex 4
FN- 1&2
Fn 1
-Gps principle n cross question
-Ship routeing, routeing chat in details
-Position fixing methods
- con with mstr vl found off position master not listning.
-How u will assist master in dense traffic
-Ror- tss fv crossing action
-Tss ferry crossing action
-As oow radar 1&2 fail action
-Wx fax in detail- navtex egc wx facsimile, shore wx serv provider etc
- dangerous n navigable semicircle: 2 mny cx qstn
- as oow recvs trs wrng action in detail n cx qstn.
-Many other.
- light fv at anchor
- s cardinal Mark light
Result: PP
Both were helping nd give you time.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 12/8
First attempt
Lights of following vessel
Aground, fishing , pilot vsl underway and anchr , fshng vl at anchr , mineclearance...ds
vessel saala gt me confused nd dat ws d trigger pt fr hm to screw me more in ds functn...
Fog signals
Of above vessels mentioned.
Head on wid shallow patch on stbd side
Overtkaing criteria...wanted to hear dat 22.5 wala criteria mstly...
Funct 2
Wat s dat crgo wich cn liquify in voyage....he wanted to hear abt concentrate wich i told
him later wen he we s abt to switch to NXT que....den uske hazards, preparation as mate...
Imsbc contents in detail....keep on telling unless he tell u stop....go wid slow pace if u r
aware f it...time waste thoda🤪
Den he jumped to tanker....cargo docs after loading nd after dschng... tank cleaning reltd
and marpol amendments latest....
Bulk carrier grab maintenance...and 2 mre cnt recollect...
Func 3
Latest Manila amendments
Scopic clause
General average in detail thoda
Officl log book entries wrt to mate
Ballast exchange methods
Statutory certificates
Article of agreement and few mre vl post as soon as recollect.
Details abt ballast water management convention
Electronic copy of record book chalta hai kya he asked and who is supposed to make entry
into it?
Both surveyor s made to wait for abt an 1.15 hr den started...made u cmftble by asking ur
history rgt frm cadetship and writtens ka status...jst b confident in wat u ans...Capt
Darodkar was pissed off befre start reltd to some link issue to one candidate ....office
staff se galti hua so...den later told capt sarin to start wid...
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 07.07.2022
Internal : Capt Darodkar
External : Captain Prakash Sarin
Function 1:
1. U See aground vessel ahead, your action?
2. Tidal stream?
3. Why tidal stream is of concern?
4. Arriving port ,vessel agrounds your actions as per duty officer?
5. Describe emergency wreck marking buoy?
6. NUC vessel lights?
some more easy ones
Function 2 :
1. What is Document of Authorisation?
2. What does it indicates?
3. What os VGM?
4. Vessel goes from Summer to Winter zone , till which load line you will immerse your
Some more , cant recollect but easy ones.
Function 3 :
1. Content of MS Act?
2. Article 14 of Salvage convention?
3. What is Salvage convention?
4. General Average?
5. ESP?
some more easy ones
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Internal: Rajendra Poswal
Ext: Capt. Khatri
Function 2 started with type of vsl last sailed.. I told Bulk carrier.. 1)How to calculate
cargo to be loaded..
2)Stowage factor and use.. And
3)load density.. Which plan you will refer to get get load density..
4)What is shippers Declaration what all information we will get..
5) Shell expansion plan.. Where will you find it what all data we will get from she'll
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 12/8
2nd attempt
ext: capt Iyer
int: capt darodkar
function 3
i am giving in short what i answered along with the questions may not
be the perfect answer but external was satisfied
1.marpol annex 6 upcoming ammendments 2023 : EEXI AND CII ENGINE AND MEASURES Reg GHG
2.master dies inbetween the voyage action : REF MEDICAL GUIDE TO ACCERTAIN IF HE IS DEAD
TO OFFICE preserve the body
3.esp documents to be maintained : AS PER PAWAN LIKE TANK INSPECTION FILE THICKNESS
4.what are statutory cert and name few of them : EASY EVERYONE KNOWS
5.Drydock preparation : EASY EVERYONE KNOWS
6.checks and what all u will do prior flooding : EASY EVERYONE KNOWS MAINLY LIKE BOTTOM PLUG
8.what stability condition u will go out of drydock : SAME AS WHAT WAS THR AT THE TIME OF
9.loose gear inspection not found satisfactory what will u do where to make entry which part
10.new crew joined what needs to be done : EASY EVERYONE KNOWS WITHIN 2 WEEKS ALL LSA FFA
11. how do u condemn a hawser rope : GENERAL CONDITION TAILROPES SHOULD BE CHANGED IN 18
12.document required for loading grain : DOA
13.approved plans manual and documents u will check and takeover as chief officer : ALL MAIN
and few more i cant remember but easy ones only
Result: pass
awaiting exn 45
Function 3: (Around 10 min, I told in the begining itself that i was not prepared)
Still he asked some question to check where i stand
1. ISM Code, (explained him ISM in short, could not tell him as per which reg)
2. Critical Moment (Answered)
3. SOLAS Chapter (Answered)
4. SOLAS Chapter 9, What is verification and control. (Explained him about audit and NC)
5. Sheer plan (Got confused)
6. Open mooring (didnt answer)
7. Sever wind criteria from intact stability code (Didnt remeber the formula)
It was very clear from my answer, that i didnt prepare function 3.
Internal asked,
1. How did I perform, I told him that i didnt answer performance standard to external,
also messed up with a suitation
2. Now if i have learnt performance standard. (Because i was waiting for 4.5hrs time in the
3. He asked me few questions from ECDIS performance standard with regard to position fixing
4. SUitation in RV condition
5. I told him that i have also learnt my mistakes and unanswered questions from function 3
as well.
Both the surveyou were very polite and i believe, I told them what they want to hear from
I was dressed up well and presented myself with confidence.
Result: P/P/F
Kindly keep posting questions in the group.
It does help a lot.
Thanks and Best wishes to all, and sorry for posting question after 1 day.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 17.08.2022
Candidate Noida MMD
Oral Kolkata MMD
Int - Mithilesh Kumar
Ext - Capt. OAK
Fun 1
1.What DGP
2.Safe water day and night identification
3.Going japanese port red(2+1) identification day and night and action
4.ARPA requirement
5.RV 1 vsl coming down 2 pt port bow 2nd stbd qtr on radar , Action
6.Now only ahead vsl then action
7.Your speed 20 kts, vsl abeam overtaking 20 kts, head on 25 kts, action
Fun 2
1.Static accumulator
2.Precautions while loading same
3.Actuator and Accumulater
4.COW Requirement
5.Framo Pump hydraulic oil
6.CSM content
7.How to load Grain in General cargo ship
8.Height of steam line in tank
9.And why that much only
10.Stripping going on fire in paint room fwd
1.What type of ships you did
2.Cargoes you loaded
3.Hazards of phosphoric acid
4.Use of vapour return line
5.How VRL is different from other lines
Thats All
Till here i was quite confident that I will get both fun
But then Int said you are up to the mark in fun 2 and come again for fun 1
i requested that i am prepared well in fun 1 also please ask me something more, but of no
Call Disconnected
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 17/08/22
int: Tapesh ghosh
ext: PK Mittal
Angle of repose
stowage factor
load density
cloud point
2) grain stability criteria
3)stowage criteria for Imdg-told segregation table,packaging group,away from n all, but
unsatisfied dunno what he wanted to know
4)cargo category of IMSBC
5) IMDG supplement content and how to go about reading MFag
6)hazards of sulphur
7) what is the most critical point when loading heavy lift.
8) If own ship crane fails and cargo is hanging then as a mate what you will do.
9)funtions of BL
10) difference between LOP & NOP.
Thank you all. All the best to everyone for their exams.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 16.08.2022
Int: Capt. Tapesh Ghosh
Ext: Capt. P.K. Sharda
Internal: Which place are you born? Where are you currently located?
When did you sign off from last ship? Last ship name and date of signoff. What type of ships
have you done?
Have you done RANSCO course?
He then handed over to external
F 1:
1. How will you decide safe speed of vsl?
2. How do you find the stopping distance of your vessel? (A: Wants to hear the distance
travelled when you go from full sea speed to full astern)
3. What are radar characteristics?
4. Situation: Vessel on 2 points on port bow and you can see her sidelights and both
masthead light. What action will you take? (A: Risk of collision does not exist, keep course
and speed)
5. RV Situation: Tgt vsl on Stbd bow - 5 miles, 4 miles and 3 miles. Tgt vessel co and
speed: 200 deg and 10 kts. Own vessel Co and speed: 180 degrees and 12 kts. What action will
u take?
6. How will you mark the WOP on chart if you do not have a Rate of turn Indicator? (I
said we will refer to turning circle of vessel. He then cross questioned me asking
difference between intial and final co. Now where will u put WOP?)
7. At what point does TRS recurve? Why does it recurve at that area?
8. Describe characteristics of safe water marks. Where is it used? (A: At entrance of
9. Describe characteristics of isolated danger marks and why is it used?
10. If there is safe water around the isolated danger mark, why do we have a separate
safe watermark as per IALA?
11. When entering the fairway on which side should you pass the safewater mark and why?
(A: Port side)
12. Characteristics of emergency wreck marking buoy.
13. What do you mean by positive action and due regards to the observance of good
14. How will you assist master in making navigational decisions?
15. What factors determine a safety margin in passage planning?
16. Lookout as per STCW
17. What is a position line?
18. How will you obtain a position line from a celestial body?
19. What are the different ways you can anchor a ship?
20. How will you determine when your vessel is dragging anchor?
21. Actions to be taken when dragging anchor
22. In what conditions will you call master to the bridge?
23. What is the vertical beam width of a radar?
24. What is the minimum vertical beam width as per IMO performance standards?
25. What is bearing discrimination?
26. What are systematic and random errors in navigation?
1. Hazards of bulk cargo as per IMSBC code
2. What type of ships can grain cargo be carried on?
3. Grain Stability criteria
4. Hazards of iron ore cargo
5. What is certificate of fitness in chemical tankers?
6. What cargoes does the IMDG code apply to?
7. Hazards of IMDG cargo
8. Define Angle of repose
9. Is small AOR or large AOR favourable?
10. DG manifest format and where will you find it. (A: FAL form 7)
11. What are high density cargoes?
12. What data is obtained from loadicator?
13. In what circumstances will Master issue a Note of Protest? (I said in any
circumstance which is out of masters control. He said give me some examples. I said heavy
weather damage to ship or cargo. He said if Master goes into heavy weather area then it is
his fault. Don’t know what he wants to hear with this.)
14. What is a boat note?
15. What is the difference between boat note and mates receipt?
16. Types of Bill of Lading
17. Benefits of Crude Oil Washing.
Some more questions on F2 but can`t recollect
1. What is the Purpose of RANSCO course?
2. Have you seen Indian Articles of Agreement?
3. What are air pollutants as per MARPOL Annex 6
4. What are greenhouse gases?
5. What are ozone depleting substances and where do you find them onboard?
6. Contents of chain register
7. What is carried out in Annual Inspection of Lifting Appliance?
8. Strengthening members Fwd and Aft.
9. Entries to be made in official log book.
10. What is declivity of dock?
11. What is critical period? Why is it referred to as critical?
12. In what direction does the COG move when vessel begins to rest on the blocks
13. Advantages and disadvantages of High tensile steel
14. Contents of CSS code
15. Contents and latest edition of COSWP. Who issues COSWP
16. How will you prepare for loadline survey?
17. Rescue boat requirements
18. Pilot Ladder requirements and regulation number
19. Accommodation ladder requirements
20. What is cargo ship safety certificate?
21. What form is attached to cargo ship safety certificate?
All rapid fire questions. Will hardly give you 4-5 seconds to think of the answer. Is mostly
looking for regulation number or rule concerning the question asked. If you are able to
provide the regulation and which publication it is from, then will move on to next question.
Result: F P F
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Mmd mumbai
1. Certificates onboard
2. How to do training to joiner
3. Why Mlc came?
4. How do u go about joining and signing SEA.
5. Content of IOPP.
ODMC failure how to handle. (Entry and provisions are there where vsl can make 1 voyage and
then need to proceed to port of repairs/ inform all parties as normal
Result : Pass
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 18 AUG 2022
Mumbai mmd
File in kolkata
EXT - capt Menon
INT - capt NK Mondal
P/ F
Fun 1
Why TRS form
2 different air masses come from were for TLD
Why gyro and magnetic no reliable at high altitude.
Limitation of ECDIS
U r in river were to get hight of bridge
How u calculate air draft
INSPIRES and INDSAR difference
Whom to send report
Who look after INSPIRES told email id given but want how deal with reports
INDSAR Who look after report.
What is ISOLOBAR ?
Don't want to hear isobar said u guys just read subra that is not enough
CBD, NUC overtaking who is stand on and give way
Need to hear 18 1st line and rule 13 1st part
Now CBD crossing port to stbd who is stand on and give way
I told various things. Told me u r telling right but ghuma fira ke
He said PD is stand on but 18 di say I not suppose to impead so while taking action as per
What is safety depth
Will u pass over it.
Ship weather routing type .
Any limitations of weather routine.
Fun 3
Discharge criteria for machinery space special and out side
15ppm alarm and automatic valve which vessel suppose to have.
Annex 4 discharge criteria .
What if u can't discharge sewage.
STP can u discharge at berth and at anchor ?
Annex 5 discharge criteria.
Ship structure plan.
Mandatory Drill requirements.
He want specific name what is supposed to be .
Main 3 function requirement of ISM.
Objective of ISM.
Official log book
What all entry told as per MS act but what I tried to cover as many but said missing
AOA bi or tri
Dose shipping master sign AOA.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: EXT : Ally dagman
INT : NK Mondal
1st attempt
Started with why not appearing for func 3 I said result is pending so he said rest all
written clear I said yes
So he said okay we will go for 1& 2
Func -2
1. What is sour crude
2. Hazards of sour crude
3. Pyrophoric oxidation
4. DOC and why do u carry DOC on crude oil if you don’t carry dangerous cargo
5. Why IMDG volume you have onboard no ems MFag fanda as per him we carry imdg because we
carry crude oil which in hazardous
6. DG manifest why you don’t have on Tankers ? And why you have it for containers
7. Tanker cargo calculations ( he wants as per draft survey ) not the one given in Pawan or
about the surveyor gives you density
8. Why don’t we do draft survey on tankers ?
Result - F/F/-
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 23/08/2022
External: Capt JJ UPPAL
Internal: Capt S K Das
Result : F/F.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Noida MMD
06 Sept 2022
Func 1 Pass
Func 3 Fail
Int. S K Das
Ext Ranganathan
Func 1
Safe speed
How do you determine safe speed
Where should u join or leave TSS, why at small angles to the direction of traffic
abort point
Narrow channel bend obscuring SOUND SIGNAL
Def of RAM vsl as per rule 3
Vsl on 2pts port bow action?
Action in above case, Can u alter to port ( I said as per rule 17, i must avoid altering to
port, but if circumstances demand and that is the ACTION THAT WOULD BEST AID TO AVOID
COLLISION, i would do that)
Rule 17
Sailing vsl 2pts on port bow, action?
Rule 18
Func 3
Quick short ques, no cross ques if u start with the right answer // Keep talking/answering,
don’t stop
CBD def
CBD light, day signal
Size of cylinder
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Date-07-Sept-20222
Internal: Capt Manhas
Ext-mukesh baweja
1.Load Density
2.Imsbc code and content
3.Angle of repose
4. ISGOTT Content and New Amendment
4. Types of bill of loading
5. Bulk carrier Hazards with details
6.IG definition and Contents of Gas
7. heavy lift Precautions
8. Imdg class and segregation
9. Gas carrier types and Different b/w Fully Refrigerated and Semi Refrigerated
10.Precautions for loading refrigerator container
11.lodicator test and Documents for loadicator
12.CSS Contents
13. grain stability requirements
Many more donot remember
1. segregated Ballast and Clean Ballast
2. duties of Chief mate as per ISm code
3.Chain Register and Parts of Chain register
3.Prepare for Drydocks
4. pms for anchor chain ( Full details word by word )
5. diff. Port control and Flag state
6. AOR as chief mate tell me important factor
7.How many contract original (for crew)
8. Different b/W CAP & CAS
Other but donot remember
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: External- CAPT Manoj Kumar deb
Internal - CAPT Behl
Equipment- radar limitations, use Flanders bars and sphere and their materials
Use of heeling bucket , error of GPS and echo sounder
Navigation. - position plotting in coastal water and celestial observation , why azimuth is
perpendicular to pl in celestial observation , gnomonic and Mercator chart
First he asked me what type of ship I have done so told him I have done only oil tankers
Difference bet pv valve and breaker
Function of both
Primary and secondary venting arrangement on board
Voc manual content ( asked by internal)
Ship shore safety checklist amendments
AP and R code of it
Hazards of tankers
Phyroforic hydrogen sulphide
Construction of pv breaker and pv valve under which convention
Cow checklist ( don’t forget to add pre arrival checklist also in it )
Static electricity
Static accumulator oil definition
Flammability diagram ( internal asked me )
Draft survey calculation on bulk carriers , hog and sag effect on loading
What kind of venting arrangement on gas carrier
Timber loading changing of load line zone in the voyage and loading up to summer load line
(precaution at load port )
Duties of chief mate as per ism
Difference between internal and external ism auditors
Frequency of audit
Difference bet statutory and mandatory certificates
Load line certificates validity and duration
Window period of intermediate survey
What actions you will take as a mate to stop disciplinary breach as per merchant shipping
act ( no need to code the number or section of the msa he wants the content of it )
How will u drop anchor in the open anchorage with following tide and beam current with no
Load line survey preparation
He was trying to ask me about mlc but internal stopped him coz it was covered in written SSO
he didn’t ask me
Funct 3:
- MLC in detail
- ESP in detail
- Right Ship survey understanding
- Anchor maintenance
- Assisting master
- drycoking in detail ( wants deep knowledge of everything)
- various certificates and their validity
- AB gone ashore for shore leave and not yet returned. U have to sail. Ur actions.
- Annex 1, 5 and 6 in detail with all certificates and practically how u use it onboard.(
lots of cross questioning)
- mates duties as per STCW and ISM
- fight on board. Ur actions.
- standing and running rigging ( i tld him standing n running moor , he said no that is
different) , i said i dont know the answer.
- mob in Tss ur actions
- both ur radar not operational before departure, will u sail or can u sail?
- psc comes on board ur vessel for inspection and master is ashore, ur actions.
- how will u train ur crew
- emphasis on stability and stresses
- damage stability in depth he wanted. He asked ship specific and too many cross questions.
- SOLAS ch 5 general understanding
- how to clear a foul hawse
- safcon survey
- load line survey
Funct 1:
- various slides of RV, FV, NUC vsls their signal and actions. All practical and very
interactive session.
- cardinal buoys, special marks
- assisting master in RV
- rule 19 understanding
- rule 9 understanding
- various equipments on bridge required
- sound signals of anchored and aground vsl
- fog signal of pilot vsl
- weather routing
- ship routing in detail
- TRS in detail
- prepare vsl for heavy weather. He wants very practical answers.
- SMC and DOC in detail.
- dreger and mine clearance vessel lights and shapes
- 2 situation on RV
- pilot vessel sound signal
- aground vsl sound signal
- u r under pilotage and the pilot alters course towards obstruction side of the dredger.
Whats ur action?
Capt deepak kapoor is a very senior capt and a nautical adv too. He will basically ask u
everythng and will assess u completely. Very genuine guy.
Both declared PASS.
Thanks everyone for ur help. Special thanks to Rohit pratap, parimal kewale and Norbert
All the very best to all fellow mates. 🥂
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Application MMD Mumbai
Exm: MMD Kolkata,
Internal: Capt Mahesh
External: Capt Sarin
Date: 13/09/2022
Fn 3
-OLB need and entries by Ch off
-MLC amendments
-Isps in detail as joing ch off
-Dry Docking/critial instance/Period and more x qstn.
-Bilge Shore
-Grounded while approaching berth- Actin as mate
-Coswp and content
-Ground tackle
-Solas Ch 14 and content
-Various ship Plan must refer prior ldg on tkr.
Many other dont remember. All topic in detail, external want evrything from a to z on all
topic( i tried recalling and explaning as much).
Mate Cleared.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: Date: 15 Sept 2022
File Noida / Orals - Kolkata
Internal- Capt. Mithilesh
External - Capt. Ranganathan
2nd attempt
Func 1
1. CBD Definition
2. Safe Speed
3. What are constraints imposed by Radar Range means?
4. Does Rule 19 apply if Fog is 2 miles ahead of You?
5. Quote Rule 19 (d) and (e).
6. Situation:
(i) pd vsl 2 points on stbd bow action?
I told i will determine whether i m overtaking or she is crossing, then he told she is
crossing, then i told action as the Rule 15.
(ii) same situation vsl 2 point on port bow.
(iii) sailing vsl 2 points on port bow
7. Fog Signal for aground vessel more than 100m.
8. South cardinal mark Describe?
9. Emergency wreck marking bouy ?
Func 2
1. What is ISGOTT?
2. Ship shore Safety Checklist as per Isgott? What New?
3. Loading of Steel Plates ( thick plates 25 tons)
4. Your tank is about 70-80 loaded fwd aft now uh have to load athwartship on top how will
load? I asked what cargo assumed log and explained was not much happy.
5. How will you load timber on deck.
6. What will the spacing as per height?
7. What will be the height of uprights?
8. What all places you will leave?
9. Will You to full extent or leave some particular spaced unloaded?
10. How will you load grain?
11. Your 3rd mate calls you tanks are 80% loaded and one of the oil tank is leaking into
ballast tank. Action?
Func 3
1. ORB
2. Crane Maintanence Electro Hydraulic
3. When you. will renew wire of crane.
4. What you check regarding electrical system
5. Dry Docking - Critical period
6. How will you make sure stability criteria before flooding?
7. What all You check before flooding
8. Integrity test of Bottom Plugs.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 14.09.2022
MMD Kochi
Internal : Capt. GP Shenoy
External: Capt. Panigrahi
Function 1 :
Result : Pass
Thank you oways for this group and all the guys for the constant help.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 14 Sept 2022
Internal - Capt.GP Shenoy
External- Capt. Panigrahy
Function 1
1. Lights ,Shapes and sound signal of
Vessel Aground , CBD and FV
2. FV crossing from port to stbd in Narrow Channel. Action
3. PD Vsl. Crossing from port to stbd in open sea . Action
4. In RV , one vessel on port bow, another vessel 2 points abaft the beam.Action
5. ROR Annex II
6. Solar Chapter 5 , how many regulation ?
Names of all Regulation,
Explain regulations.
7. Which Regulation apply to VTS, Name of Regulation and Requirements.
8. If you navigation danger at sea ,how will
You report ,how will you draft the message.
Function 2
1. Contents of Isgott, Which chapters added to Isgott.
2. Contents of IBC code
3. Contents of IGC Code
4. As per ISGOTT Which are checklist you will follow prior loading cargo.
5. How will calculate SF and BM of Cantilever Beam ( Not Sure about this
question due to lack of sound)
6. As Chief Officer on RORO how will you Carryout Inspection of Cargo Hold .
What Action if you see oil spillage.
7. As Chief officer ,Oil Spillage on deck on Tanker Vessel. Action.
8. What Checklists you will use for Cargo Loading as per Isgott.
Which Chapter and Requirement.
9. What is Charter Party ? Charter Party
Function 3
I said not prepared .
Still asked What are the contents of ISM code.
And 2 or 3 more ,can't recollect.
Result FFF
Guys Capt. Shenoy is very helpful and kind person ,he explains well how is going to conduct
oral in the beginning, he do consider if any candidate get problems with Internet, power
failure. If you fail he will motivate you at the end. He sent exn form dame day.
External Capt. Panigrahy talk very fast and was not able to collect his question in one go,
I had to repeat his question and answer ,after sometime he got irritated and angry.
Capt. Panigrahy needs answer point to point ,if you give like this answer he will go next
question, but if you stuck then he will ask question from that topic only.
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: EXT : Ally dagman
INT : NK Mondal
1st attempt
Mumbai mmd
Started with why not appearing for func 3 I said result is pending so he said rest all
written clear I said yes
So he said okay we will go for 1& 2
Func -2
1. What is sour crude
2. Hazards of sour crude
3. Pyrophoric oxidation
4. DOC and why do u carry DOC on crude oil if you don’t carry dangerous cargo
5. Why IMDG volume you have onboard no ems MFag fanda as per him we carry imdg because we
carry crude oil which in hazardous
6. DG manifest why you don’t have on Tankers ? And why you have it for containers
7. Tanker cargo calculations ( he wants as per draft survey ) not the one given in Pawan or
about the surveyor gives you density
8. Why don’t we do draft survey on tankers ?
Result - F/F/-
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: 20/Sep/2022 Oral Exam:
Started with Internal asking “When did you join and sign off from your 2nd Ship? What type
was it? How many ships have you sailed on so far?
FUN 2:
1. How would you load grain, what all documents required?
2. What is Volumetric Heeling Moment, what is its unit?
3. Different groups of IMSBC?
4. Excepted and Limited quantities in IMDG?
5. Hazards of Sulphur, how would go about loading sulphur?
6. How would you go about loading of a locomotive on your ship using ship’s gear?
7. What is TML? What is FMP? Is TML more or FMP?
8. How would you go about loading Wood Pulp?
9. How would you do about loading DRI and HBI? - Here I told him that I’m not able to
understand the short form. Then he said Direct Reduced Iron and Hot Briquetted Iron.
10. What is Boil Off?
11. What is reliquefaction plant?
12. What is TLV, TWA?
13. How will you carry out purging? Methods to do so?
14. What is P&A Manual? Contents?
15. Methods of loading containers?
FUN 3 -
1. How would you go about drydocking a loaded ship?
2. If declivity of dock is 10cms/100m and your ship is of 200m, what would be the change in
trim? - I said 1.8m, he asked: from forward or Aft? - I said forward. He was satisfied.
3. What is permeability?
4. How would go about anchoring a vessel approaching an empty anchorage at a heading of 000
Deg, current 2 Kn Easterly, Wind NW?
5. How would you know that the anchor is brought up?
6. What does it indicate when the anchor chain is going from long to short and back
1. Preparation of tanks for dry dock? How would you go about gas freeing the tanks? How
would you know that the tanks are completely gas freed? Which method is faster and why?
2. Your ship has met with a collision, action? - Wanted to here mentioning the use of Damage
Control Booklet
3. Damage stability criteria?
4. What is ISPS code?
5. What documents does the chief officer sign in port in context with ISPS?
6. Requirements when Declaration of security is to be issued? - Wanted to here when going to
ISPS non-compliant port.
7. What is LOI?
After external got reconnected, internal told him that both Fn 2&3 are almost over, so you
can ask him a few more questions and then we’ll declare the result. - This is why external
dint ask too many questions of Fn. 3.
- Both good and patient. Gives time to think and answer.
- No pressure.
- Wont give any hints.
- Study from the conventions and codes itself and not just from the notes.
- Confidently answering is the key.
- Wear a suit and not only a tie.
- Keep talking about the relevant topics that you know until not stopped by the surveyor.
- This time external was not in the CC of email. Hence I got the info from the person whose
exam was conducted before mine regarding who was the external, THIS WAS MAX HELPFUL.
Internal NK mandal
External chandrakant Chutani
Intro and which was last ship along with ship particular and trading area
-Mine was brazil canada mostly so started with North Atlantic currents
- What report to send prior arr canada (Ans is ECAREG PRIOR CROSSING 66West 72 hour
- Explain egg code in detail everything abt it (I made mistakes here)
- Passage plan as ch mate
- Vsl in gulf of st lawrence in RV how will u make sure crew is rested
- How will u give compensatory rest
- What is rest hour reqmnt (I was like f1 ka oral hai ya f3 ka 🤣)
- Vsl arrived berth 30% crew change how will u make sure rest hour compliance o said will
give compensatory rest
- He asked what is solas reqmnt when 30% crew change i told boat and fire drill to be
conducted within 24 hrs or prior departure
- Then asked how will u make sure rest hr compliance ( i told old crew will give brief rest
just to comply and new crew will take for familiarisation along with 3rd mate in 6 hr 36hr
and 72 hr period) he agreed as i give more importance to rest hrs
- Vsl in Singapore strait MOB action (too many cross questions)
- Vsl in dover strait ME Failed action as mate ( many cross questions)
- Lts and shapes and fog signal of aground, mob signal, RAM, NUC, aground and cross
- Some more
Thats it they discussed with mute and asked me to wait then after 2 mins told me u performed
well and should learn more abt egg code and m sure ull be good choff all d bst
Result : Pass
5/20/23, 13:53 - Sugumar: MMD MUMBAI
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 21-Sep-2022
File in mumbai mmd
Orals in Kolkata mmd
Internal NK mandal
External chandrakant Chutani
Intro and which was last ship along with ship particular and trading area
-Mine was brazil canada mostly so started with North Atlantic currents
- What report to send prior arr canada (Ans is ECAREG PRIOR CROSSING 66West 72 hour
- Explain egg code in detail everything abt it (I made mistakes here)
- Passage plan as ch mate
- Vsl in gulf of st lawrence in RV how will u make sure crew is rested
- How will u give compensatory rest
- What is rest hour reqmnt (I was like f1 ka oral hai ya f3 ka 🤣)
- Vsl arrived berth 30% crew change how will u make sure rest hour compliance o said will
give compensatory rest
- He asked what is solas reqmnt when 30% crew change i told boat and fire drill to be
conducted within 24 hrs or prior departure
- Then asked how will u make sure rest hr compliance ( i told old crew will give brief rest
just to comply and new crew will take for familiarisation along with 3rd mate in 6 hr 36hr
and 72 hr period) he agreed as i give more importance to rest hrs
- Vsl in Singapore strait MOB action (too many cross questions)
- Vsl in dover strait ME Failed action as mate ( many cross questions)
- Lts and shapes and fog signal of aground, mob signal, RAM, NUC, aground and cross
- Some more
Thats it they discussed with mute and asked me to wait then after 2 mins told me u performed
well and should learn more abt egg code and m sure ull be good choff all d bst
Result : Pass
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: MMD MUMBAI
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 2nd attempt - 21st Sept'2022
Internal started asking basic info and started with orals function 1 only
Function 1
1. Vsl aground in open sea 2 miles ahead of you , your action?
2. Hydrographic note
3. Procedure on encountering dangers at sea
4. Responsibility of coastal state in safe Navigation as per SOLAS Ch V
5. EPIRB activated in Indian ocean what all events ?
6. LRIT function and reporting interval
Function 2
1. IMDG code content and use
2. Imdg supplement how will you use
3. Shelf life of IMDG ammendments. When it's amended and validity. Who decides the use of
which to do when both ammendments are valid
4. Imsbc code and content
5. Cargoes which are liable to shift
6. Asked me types of ship I have done... I told all types which I have done ... then the
cargo which I have carried on LPG.
I said Propane, Butane and Ammonia
7. Boiling point of propane and butane
8. Grade change from Propane to Ammonia
9. Some other basic questions
Function 3
1. What is IWL ( I didn't know)
2. What is Hydrostatic draft
3. What is General Average
4. What is BL and function
5. Running moor
6. Some more questions I can't recollect
Internal said function 2 was good we have passed you in Function 2. Function 1 and 3 you
need to put more efforts.
External asked which type of ships u have done , said Chemical and Product Tanker
Function 2
1. Loading of chemical cargo , how will you proceed to load.
2. IG requirement as per SOLAS and alarms.
3. IMDG code content and use
4. Imsbc code and content
5. Coal and Iron ore hazards and
loading, carriage precautions
6. What entry you will make when you
will pump out bilges from cargo
7. Ventilation how will you determine
when to carry out.
8. How will you determine that
temperature of coal cargo is
increasing while you are on bridge
9. Note of Protest and supporting
documents .
10. Dirty B/L and claused B/L, when to
issue and by whom.
Result- pass
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Kolkata Mmd
Atempt 5th
Fun 1 and 3
Pass - func 3
Fail - func 1
Func 1:-
1. How will you identify vessel aground in daytime.
2. How to calculate tidal streams using paper chart
3. Safe water mark complete identification.
4. How will you know about the new danger at sea. - he wants to know about emcy wreck
marking buoy
5. What is danger msg? Who sends it? Can a vessel send danger msg? Where to find details
about danger msg? - I have no idea about this.
6. RV, 2 Pt on port bow. You hear fog signal. Radar in-operational. Action?
7. This vessel you see on 2 cable. Collision can not be avoided. Your action?
8. How TRS is formed?
Func 3 :-
1. What is Matrix as per ISM?
2. What is MODU code ?
3. What is Itu publication and difference between Coastal and FG publication ?
4. Master overriding authority in what all conditions ?
5. SSP and can PSC check your SSP,
6. What is procedure for SSO & CSO , ?
7. International code of signsl latest published date and what all content ?
8. Can you load explosive without DOC , what is the procedure ?
9. IMO Structure and functions
11. What is lux?
12. What is Candela ?
13. Height above hull
14. L&SS
15. Master ashore dragging anchor .
16. Some more questions ll post later.
Forwarded mesg
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 11.10.22
Internal - Capt.SK Das
External - Capt. Panigrahy
Internal checked whole room, CDC and asked which types of ships sailed on...and handed over
to external.
1) What distress signal you will give
2) Annex IV ROR
3) Annex II ROR
4) Rule 17
5) Rule 19
6) Crossing Situation with power driven vessel and Sailing Vessel
7) Ships Reporting
8)Weather Routeing
9) 5 to 6 cards of Aground vessel, CBD, SV,Pilot Vessel
10) How will you report derelict ..he wanted to hear as per which Regulation of Solas Ch V
11)Performance Standards of VDR
Function 2
1) Loading and precautions of Heavy lift
2) Precautions and Checks during carriage on RORO Ships
3) Difference Between IBC and IGC
4) Contents of IBC
5) Contents of ISGOTT
6) Loading of explosives
7) Survival Capabilities and Damage assumptions IBC Code
8)Environmental Protection IBC code
9)Cargo Spraying from Mast Riser during Loading Action.
10)What is IMSBC Code and Contents
Function 3
1)Which all certificates carry onboard, by which convention , validity , inspection and
issuing authority
2) Latest ammendments to Marpol Annex 6
Told him not prepared for function 3.
Internal did not ask any question... said you passed function 1 , not performed well in
other 2 function ..appear again
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 12.10.2022
File: Mumbai MMD
Surveyor: Mumbai MMD
Func 3
1. Take a piece of paper and pen, Draw a flanged bracket and bulb angle.
2. What measures will you take to prevent galley fire from taking place?
3. How will you prepare for a loadline survey?
4. What do u mean by quarterly listing of class surveys?
5. Methods to carry out ballast exchange and which method was in use in your own vsl?
6. With regards to stability, what will you look out for when carrying out ballast exchange?
7. What was the sequence of ballast exchange on your own ship?
8. What is the full form of DFT in the ship paint scheme? ( Drying Film Thickness)
9. What instrument will you use to measure paint thickness and what are the units used to
express paint thickness?
10. What is rudder drop and what are the causes of rudder drop?
11. What instrument will u use to measure rudder drop in dry dock?
12. What is the construction of lifeboat falls wire? (Wants to hear about thickness, lay
13. Procedure for changing lifeboat falls and how often is it done?
14. Chief cook said that AB has not come for lunch. Last seen at 1100hrs. The time now is
1400hrs. What action will you take?
15. Explain Scharnov turn
16. How will you recover a person who has fallen overboard?
Int: No questions
Result: Pass
I took some time to answer some of the questions and external was very patient that way. He
does not give any hints.
Thanks for all your help guys. This group really makes a difference.
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: mmd :-kandla
Ext. capt chand
Int. Capt santoshkumar darodkr
Capt Santosh took my intro from presea and capt chand started
How much space should be required btween two veetical light on ship.
FV light
RAM light
Dradger light
Rule 2,6&19 basic understanding
Some basic discussion on TSS
Situation :- PDV on ur port nd stbd side they r going to cross ur bow action
signal for knowing the intention of other vsl
How many Annexes& what they tells.
what is BTM
what do you mean by master standing order
what is the diff between standing order night order.
How would like to guide u ur jr off.
type of ship sailed
types of gas carrier
content IGC code
IMDG content
what Vol3 of IMDG provides u
isgot cont
type of cargo carried
Ethylene standard temp
hazardous of ethylene
propane/butane temp
and hazrd
can we carry prop nd butane together
what is that mixing of to different gases called
from whare u will get info about lpg cargo u carried in ur ship
content of msds
who provide msds
did u faced cargo related emgcy onbord
u are on jetty dicharging fire onboard action
what info u get from LSA code
as a mate what checks u will carried out for LSA/FFA equip.
is there any schedule for there maintanence what is that called.
whom u like to appoint for this PMS to be upto date.
Equipement in life boat
checks u will carry out durring lowering of LB
suddenly he said Life raft ko kitne din m service k liye send kerte ho.
How u will find out tha LB provision is expired.
If its expiry still there but it is not in a condition that u can use it what is the sign.
ISM content
SMC validity
i told wrong then he said come after 10 min and tell me fog signal of anch. vsl nd SMC
Have you done dry dock ever.
Dry dock prepration.
Now he said end the call come after 10min and tell me those two answer.
then again started
with two answer.
IGC code which chapted u will refer for cargo info.
thats end of discussion with me. then he ask to Ext. how he is in F3.
Then he asked about navigation writtens.i dint clear and skipped to function 2
Function 2.
1.load density whr ll u find it?whr ll u use it??
2.stowage factor.whr ll u find and how do u use it??
3.grain stability booklet contents and the stability criteria
4.hazards of grain
5.types of timber lashing
6.hazards of container
7.what is ISGOTT and what does it tell
8.what is deck seal??
9.why inert gas system is done
10.you have 3% cargo remaining to load .how will you trim the remaining amount of cargo.
11.how far will u load the grain cargo if the vessel doesn't contain DOA.
12.After loading grain cargo with out DOA what are measure to be taken ?
Function 3:
1.what will you get from the lines plan.
2.whr ll u use the lines plan?
3.statutory certificates
4.ECA area regulation and he asked about the tier regulation
5.Contents of SOLAS
6.what do u meant by girderning of tug
7.vsl entering dry dock what are all the safety aspects to checked by mate
8.what is a stevedore damage and as a mate what will u do if such things happens?
9.what is CBA
10.CAS and CAP
11.fire in cargo hold during port stay
12.condition for assignment of freeboard
13.damage stability booklet and what are all the information u ll find from it?
External capt.das
1.what is critical period
2.as a chief officer what will u do during critical period time
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Orals 13/10/2022
Surveyor- JB Singh
MMD Mumbai
Attempt- First
Fxn 1
How will you prepare voyage plan
How will you detect fog
How many rules in ROR - Quote rule 1/2/19/10/14
Vessel is astern on collision course. Action?
Sailing vessel astern, how will you know if she is overtaking?
What is collision
Currents on East coast of US? What happens at merger of currents? “Unstable weatherâ€
Why TRS recurves? (Not where, why; high pressure something)
Synoptic chart
Fxn 2
Diff between tonne (metric) and ton
Why are codes called codes
Why grain code is separate
What is Timber vessel (permanent lashing)
Contents of Stability book
Various storage temperatures (ice cream?
Difference bw PCC and RoRo (also accommodation, ventilation)
Operations of heavy lift carrier
Gas carrier types (say based on cargo, 5)
What is dangerous cargo? Classes and names? Cargo op of Gas Tanker
Sail on Bulk carrier?
TML and importance?
Can test? Why?
Bill of Lading? How many types?
Note of protest?
Dangerous cargo manifest? All classes and packing groups of IMDG
Fxn 3
Environmental protection
MARPOL why? What was incident before Exon Valdis?
Ballast on last vessel?
Statutory and mandatory? Exact definition
OLB? Official log book
Biparty (employer and employee) and triparty (bi and govt)?
Duties of duty officer
Occupational hazard
Vessel is dragging anchor. Action? Beaching and ground tackle.
In and out of dry dock?
Instructions to OW before bunkering on barge?
PMS? Exact ISM code reg numbers he wants
I've only remembered all the normal stuff he asked me. Also asked me many random and super
weird things that cannot recollect. He wants very specific answers. Anyway came out with
something 😂
Result - F/F/P
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 13/10/2022
1. Why is rule can u use it or not
2. What is roc and as per which rule you decide roc
3. FV right ahead pd vsl which one give and which one stand as per which rule
4. Fv right ahead pd vsl in tss and also in narrow channel which one give way which one
stand on action as per which rule
5. What signal you will give in narrow channel
6. Target vsl pd and own vsl pd and want to overtake in narrow channel from stbd side what
will be the signal and as per which rule
7. 90 meters ferry crossing the tss from port to stbd you r a pd vsl action as per which
rule and which one will give way and which one will stand on
8. You r pd vsl nuc is overtaking which one give way which one stand on as per which rule
action also
9. Why rule 19d and 19e given
10. What is crisis give the example of navigational crises
11. You ship is collided action as a mate level
12. What is trs define all track trough path vertex
13. How will you ascertain that there is a trs I told swell pressure all 7 point which is
given in subhra book not agreed sat c msg wx facile but not happy
14. Give me the example of east coast of usa current
15. What type of these current and why
16. Give me example of cold current and why it is warm current
17. What action you will take if you ar inside the trs
18. Why you are alt stbd and port in NH and SH
19. What is requirent of eta
20. Deploy time of eta
21. Steering gear test requirement
22. How will you steer the vessel by emergency steering
23. How will you assist the master
24. How will make prepare the ship when you come to know that storm is about to come
Isolated danger mark lights
Action if a uncharted buoy sighted in arrival port
Light signal of a buoy in coastal water indicating you are running in to danger
Annex - 2 detailed
Finally he asked which attempt and status of writtens and then said okay Function 1 passed,
Log out
(PS - Capt navin digs deep into your answers but calm guy and gives time to answer).
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 14.Oct.2022
Ext : Capt JB Singh
Int : Capt SK Das
F-3 : 45 Mins
Result - Pass
1) Enviornmental protection ?
-Compliance of ship wrt Guidelines given by MEPC and all the annex of marpol , also
unauthorized ocean dumping and prevention of oil/chemical spills
2)Marpol history tell me everything you know ?
-I started with due to accident of torry canon near SW of UK on 18 March 1967 , tanker
which led to spill of oil and emerged marpol convention on 2 Nov 1973 , many accidents took
place from 1975-1977 which lead to marpol protocol and major ammendment were made , protocol
took over parent convention thats why called marpol 73/78 and not only marpol-78
3) Shell expansion plan and use ?
-types,locat,dim of strakes-parallel body dimension-
Uses I said : to know thickness of metal and also used to know the area required for paint
in drydock.
4) Prepare for ISM audit ?
-I said my doc/smc/intrim certificates should be valid
Moved to next question
5) safe working on ships ?
-I said as per COSWP and all chapters whatever could recall , just dont stop till he ask
next quest.
6) OLB requirement / entries in it ?
- State as per MS act 212, entries as per 214 ( state 3-4 entries) , as per First page in
olb and also required coz used in court incase of any problem.
7) Material of fire blanket ?
- Glass fibre fabric coated with film which tested as per FSS code
8)Train Cadet ?
9) what C/O certifcates checks when he joins ?
-I said mooring , uti , gas equipments , loose gears , thermometers etc
10)Prepare vsl for PSC ?
-I said most imp point during PSC is I will make sure there is no NC and 3-4 general points
(Just dont stop until his next quest , else there will be major silence and he thinks you
dont know more )
11)Drydock survey when it starts ?
-Said survey starts when meeting with management level officers of ship and dock inspector
takes place and also given in reg-10 solas ch 1 ( This quest/ans told to me by previous
candidate on call )
12) Ground tackle use ?
- Used in refloating of the ship when beached/grounded and started explaining but he changed
13)Some damage or dent on ship side in drydock ?
-I started as class surveyor will be there all modifications and repair will be done as per
his satisfaction as he is the one endorsing my certificate.
14) Dragging anchor ?
Mention of Y flag is must.
15) Ranging of cables ?
Arranging and laying of anchor chain in drydock and tests are carried out 5 yearly
Guys , Please post questions and help each other this is only thing we can all get through
Function : 1
1) Passage planning as CO
2) Factors to be considered while altering course
3) NUC definition
4) Crossing situation with PD vsl & Sailing vsl
5) Overtaking Situation in narrow channel, Imp : to reduce speed when vsl not responding
6) Mine clearance vsl underway lights
7) Best possible action to avoid collision in open sea and why?
8) South cardinal - Top mark and lights
9) Vessel aground - action
Function 3
1) Certificate of MARPOL annexes
2) Annex 6 latest requirement
3) Sulpher content of fuel : how to verify
4) Lifeboat Tests
5) Crane 25 MT - test and maintenance
6) How to test limit switch - I was not very clear in this but during conversation I
realised It is something related to the remaining turn on the drum.
7) When will you change the wire?
8) Precautions while undocking
9) What GM will you maintaining while undocking
10) How to ensure stability during Dry docking
11) Piracy area precautions
Solas Ch 12
Requirement for bulk carrier
Solas Ch 14
Extra equipment required for Polar vsls
Result : p/p
1. Plans for DD
2. Precautions for DD
4. Other general questions for dry dock
5. HSS for certificates and survey
6. Solas and marpol statutory certificates
7. Gas carriers certificates
8. Certificates req for port clearance
Capt. Shenoy sir said it was more than that - that made my day
Fun 3
Us water requirement for tanker- isme wo particularly VoC key point uska
Annex 6 poora cert n all Sabb
Rope discard on what basis
Does dock labour applies to tanker
- yes , isme cranes , dock workers key point
Aur bhi ques the yr can’t recall
Fun 1 P / fun 3 F
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Date:02.11.2022
Mmd Noida
Internal:Capt. R.Poswal
External: Capt.Bhardwaj
1.Lights of dredger
2.What is BTM
3.After long sailing before arrival port what checks u will carry out.
4.How u will verify ships position in ECDIS.
5.Situations ur vsl CBD and ram crossing from port.
6.Fishing vsl on stbd bow in narrow channel.
7.One vsl on rgt ahd and obstruction on stbd side.
1) girthing of tug
2) critical period and why it is important
3-i) environmental protection on ship
3-ii) equipment required for pollution prevention- he wanted to listen ballast water
management but I was saying all about oil
4) Mediterranean moor
5) what will you do - if you are coasting and ship is disabled . Action- answered but not as
per him ( my answer- if in anchoring depth then anchor and inform coastal authority for
assistance, inform nearby ship, put NUC light/ shapes etc)
6) you are mooring in port and what are all are things effect the ship manoeuvering wise -
answer is not sufficient ( my answer-shallow water effect, weather and tidal condition, bank
effect etc)
7) ship in level 1 and port in level 3 and vessel not able to maintain level 3 . action- not
able to answer ( my answer- permission from flag is required for raising security level,
inform Port security officer and discuss the situation)
8) documents required for drydocking
9) what all the training to be done for crew onboard
10) list of statutory certificate on bulk carrier
Result- fail
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 03rd Nov'2022
External asked which type of ships u have done , said Chemical and Product Tanker
Function 3
External Ques
1. Dry dock preparation
2. Dry dock precautions before and after flooding
3. PMS of gauges for cargo operations
4. How will you turn vessel in river with following current
5. Deep water anchoring procedure
6. How will you manage garbage onboard ship
7. Loadline survey preparation
8. Safety construction survey preparation
9. Contents of Manoeuvring characteristics
10. STCW latest amendment and content.
11. Results of input and output of Loadicator. I didn’t know what his actual quote was. I
told him regarding test of loadicator.
Internal Ques
1. What is Nox and Sox and what is the latest requirement
2. What is OSHAS
3. Preparation for MLC survey
4. Certificate under MLC in detail
Result- pass
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 04-11-22
Mumbai MMD
Capt Iyer
Capt darokar
Imdg -explain..volumes, content..Classification,, segregation
Imsbc content,explain
DRI hazards
How to load DRI
Pressure surge on tanker explain
Electrostatic charge explain, what precautions during COW for same,
2 diff grades of Dangerous goods how to load what all docs to refer
If u washed out cargo holds and pumped out as per criteria but coastal authorities claimed u
pumped out dangerous substances
What u will do to save the situation, what docs u will present to prove vsl clear of this..
Cloud point,pour point..
Isgott info
Timber lashings for releasing in case of emergency
Type of lashings
Heavy motor (heavy lift cargo) shown how to load, how to lash, load density management
What is angle for lashings used, sliding and slipping difference
Cargo docs for oil tankers
Some more
Fn 3
Docs and plans to take over whn joing as mate
How to settle a dispute or issue in crew on indian vsls
Dry dock in detail
What plan to use for drydock
Critical instant and period
Statutory certificates
Stcw, mlc
Marpol annex 6 ammendments
Special areas fr same latest..
If vsl has damage, not seaworthy and need to repair in next available place what to do..
Cond of class... What is Cond of class
Emergency actions
Some more..
Annx disch criteria.
Alarms on COP
Pyropheric reactions
Int started first with asking name of company and Types of vessels sailed.
-In singapore straits while passing OFB how will you go about planning?
Then he handed over to Ext.
Fun 1
-In TSS both steering motors failed. action.
-Gyro compass failed. Jammed on one constant hdg. how you will know it is failed. and action
-After giving RFA captain left bridge. after 10 mins you see a light (draws pilot vessel
light on board) it is approaching towards you. 1 NM away and stopped right in front. action.
-Pilot vessel underway and making way lts. (tried to confuse)
-Vessel overtaking from port qrtr CPA 1’ TCPA 45’ action. After coming close still not
taking action. what to do?
-Same situation in RV. action.
-Drew towing vessel. length of tow line 100 but towed object 110 mtrs. Lts on towing and
towed vsl.
-Specification of towing lt.
-Gyro failed Gyro hdg 300 magnetic 308 Variation 3 W. what course you will steer.
-You are approaching an island. there is a lt house. cannot see properly. on radar you
cannot see coast line properly. how you will ascertain your position. (he gave hint about
doubling angle on the bow but couldn’t recollect how exactly it is done.) he got pissed
Fun 2
-You are in port and receives order from company to do tank cleaning and gas freeing.
explain in detail how you will go about it. (too much discussion on this topic)
-Types of gas freeing and which method to use if you have to do 2 tanks.
-What types of paints are used on shipside. (topside, boottop, AFS)
-In port you are sleeping in cabin. Fire alarm. Action. Subsequently you find alarm is from
pumproom and pumpman and cadet are missing last seen in pumproom. how you will go about it?
Then he only said which ship you want me to ask you next. I said Container.
-IMDG cargo. 2 parcels to load. class 4.2 and 3. how you will go about it and which all
documents you will refer?
-What is DOC and what all info we will get from it.
-Can we load cargo without DOC?
-IMDG segregation table - X axis Y axis whats written. what is 1,2,3,4 and X.
-Where you will find Dangerous goods list in IMDG.
-How to make Grain loading plan. process in detail. What all things you will discuss with
your Jr Off prior loading.
Fun 3
-ESP. to whom it is applied. how to prepare for ESP.
-What is critical area and suspected area.
-How to prepare for load line survey on tanker. tell 10 points. Pumproom fan what you will
-Show with sketch where you will tie painter, HRU and senhouse slip to liferaft. ( I
attached painter at wrong place. He got pissed off)
He asked how you performed. and said some points in Fun 1 and 3 you were confused at first
while ans. and Doubling the bow concept you dont know then how you will teach cadets?
Finally said your concepts are clear but need to study little more. and in ROR cannot take
F / P / F
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 04.11.2022
Int: Capt. Rajendra poswal
Ext: Capt. P.K. Sharda
File- Delhi mmd
Surveyors- Delhi mmd
Attempt of October
Rapid fire no extra explanation required
F 1:
1. How will you decide safe speed of vsl?
2. What are radar characteristics, efficiency and limitations?
3. Lights and shapes exhibited by towing vessel?
4. What do you mean by magnetic anomaly?
5. What do you mean by aspect of a vessel?
6. You see a vessel head on what is the aspect of the vessel and what action you will take
and how many miles CPA will you maintain with the head on vessel ?
7. What do you mean by a close quarter situation?
8. What is the difference between isolated danger mark and emergency wreck marking buoy?
Explain difference as well as characteristic of both the marks?
9. When entering the fairway on which side should you pass the safewater mark ?
10. What do you mean by positive action and due regards to the observance of good
11. How will you assist master in making navigational decisions?
12. What factors determine a safety margin in passage planning?
13. Lookout as per STCW?
14. You are in singapore straits , engines fail Action ?how will you inform ships in the
vicinity ? You are duty officer transmit safety msg on VHF/ MF RT?
15. How will you determine when your vessel is dragging anchor?
16. Actions to be taken when dragging anchor?
17. In what conditions will you call master to the bridge?
18. Explain about radar discrimination?
19. What are systematic and random errors in navigation? Is gyro error a systematic or
random error?
20. ETA in detail with regulation number ?
21. Schedule of emergency steering drill?
22. Fog horn of aground vessel?
23. Light and day signal of aground vessel?
24. Quote rule 19 part d and e.
25. Quote rule 8 .stopped after one line only.
26. How to calculate tidal stream of dover strait?
27. Weather associated with Cold front?
28. Signs of Trs?
29. Necessary conditions for TRS?
Result: Pass
Thank you every one for all the support and Help.
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Date -04/11/2022
Internal - Manish Kumar
External - subhadip Banerjee
[All qus asked by external]
Function 3
Annex 2
Annex 4 discharge criteria
EEDI in details
Difference between DOC and SMC
Solas chapters
Fighting coal fire in hold
Angel of loll corrective action
Wall sided formula
Marine evacuation system
Difference between Convention and protocols
Garboard strake
Bilge keel
Stealer palte
Shear strake
Change in hydrostatic particulars if density changes
Freefall lifeboat solas requirements
Result - Pass
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 07.11.2022
Attempt 4
External: Capt. G.C Joardor
Internal: Capt. Mithilesh Kumar
Function 2 only
Duration : 40 mins
Result: Pass
Internal started with introduction. Showed docs and scanned room then handed over to
External asked why I took so long to clear. I said I was studying from various notes. This
time I studied from the codes 🤣
1. What is IMSBC CODE. Which code before IMSBC. Explain what all I know about the code. What
is section 10 of Imsbc code. Full form of BC code.
2. Loading of heavy lifts
3. Where all we use timber.
4. Gave me stowage factor cargo volume and asked me how much I can load.
5. Vapour return line
6. Imdg code contents
7. While loading heavy lifts what is the point where the GM is the least.
8. Imdg code explain.
9. Which code to refer incase of emergencies onboard regarding imdg cargo( I told him ems
guide and explained how to use it, he said there was something more )
10. Laycan layday
11. Flow mosture point / TML and relation between the two .
12. Imsbc groups
13. Steel coils
14. CSC plate
15. Lashing on a non container ship. How to secure the cargo.
16. Told me to take a paper. Gave me a sum on stowage factor asked me to calculate loading
quantity and all. Cross questioning a little there
External was very polite. And I answered almost 90 percent of his questions. Though few
places I made mistakes. He never shouted or put my confidence down. Then shifted to capt.
1. Asked me about CSC CONVENTION
2. VEF
3. Multimodal transport. How many BL. I fucked this up. And I thought he is gonna fail me .
He sunaod me for this. Saying I’m a container boy and I should know this
4. What is the X in the segregation table. Not very happy. Wanted more.
5. When do you reach on to the P&I club. Give examples of situations.
6. Isgott contents. And few more
Then he stopped and said I’m passing you since overall was okay. But still improve your
knowledge on BL and all. All the best .
Finally cleared mates guys. Waiting for the exn. Will be satisfied once I see that 🤣🤣
thanks to all in the group. Really helped me a lot. Cheers ðŸ»
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: 7 nov 2022
Internal - Mithilesh
External - Joardar
Function 1
1. What is drying heights
2. What is difference between WIG craft and seaplane
3. What lights showed by WIG craft - wanted to hear the word high intensity flashing
4. What lights by seaplanes ?
5. What is equation of time ?
6. Why stars culminate 4 minute earlier ?
7. Flashing light frequency means as per ror
Function 3.
1. What is boil over ?
2. Draw load line marks ?show various dimensions
3. How will you prepare for loadline survey ?
4. What is the marking like +100 A1 in loadline
5. How will you calculate the liquid required in the fixed CO2 bottles ?
6. How will you test your cranes if weight is more then 50 t ? Procedure ?
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Int: Mithilesh
Ext: jordar
Started with checking room , coc, sign , admit card
Finally internal said we are passing u . Learn more about other ships
Best of luck
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Date - 09- 11-2022
Rangnathan - external
Nitin mukesh - internal
1.) passage plan as per chief mate
2.) explain rule 2
3.) u r in tss , a vsl crossing from stbd , roc exit on requires your immediate action
4.) ocean currents how it is formed
5.) in which area and how is tss formed, why it is formed s but it is formed after 5N and 5S
- due to no or nil corlious force at or near equator
6.) weather routing
7.) east cardinal mark
8.) Isolated danger mark
Few more question dont remember
Fn - 3
1. ) Article of agreement and its content
2. ) survey
3. ) what is annual , intermediate and renewal survey
4. ) how many wires on crane used for cargo
5. ) use of crane
6.) frequency of changing crane wire
Result - F1 - pass
F3- fail
5/20/23, 14:00 - Sugumar: Attempt 1
Function 1,2,3
File- Mumbai Mmd
Internal - Azad
External - Capt Chand
Time - 1 hr 20 mins
Very important - For every answer he wants just practical answers, think of what you will do
on ship and not anything else forget books.
Function 1 - Rule 2,10,13,14 just 2-3 lines he was satisfied , lights and shaped of dredger
, aground vsl , why is it written ahead or nearly ahead or Reciprocal or nearly reciprocal
course I tried to explain - He said it’s wrong , fucked up in lights also and Annex 1
He said not satisfied with func 1 , we will move to func 2
Function 2 - You discharged ULSD you want to load gas oil , I started with tank cleaning ,
shell matrix etc etc he was satisfied.
You want to load refrigerated cargo , what will you first check , I said hold is cold or not
, he smiled and was satisfied.
Company sends you first time on LPG carrier ,I started with I’ll read IGC code and what
not explained everything but he wanted to hear company will ask me if I has Gasco
certificate. Basically check all Certification required for joining Gas carrier,
Requirements of Timber cargo , I told him contents , he was satisfied
Many more small small questions like proof load , stowage factor etc , He said ok I am
Function -3
1) Types of BL , contents of BL , he said you have loaded in Russia , want to discharge 2
ports in Singapore , how will the BL be presented .
2) Entries in OLB
3) Windlass pms - Instarted with it comes under Chief Engg etc etc , he said so you will not
do anything , then i started with Manuals , Greasing etc.
4) SOPEP contents , wants to hear basic explanation , was impressed when I said , I will
check and update the inventory in the Sopep File.
5) Stcw duties as chief officer
Started with as per sms and then told all points was satisfied.
6) Asked with BMP 5 , was satisfied with basic answer
7) One AB comes and slaps you on watch , what action will you take ? I said first thing call
head of department ie. Bosun , he wanted to hear Passify the person know exact reason why he
hit you , then normal procedure I explained call master , company , entry in record book.
You want to go to drydock in 20 days wha all things you will check.
Critical point and critical period in drydock.
After this he told me that I am done with you, wait for 5 mins , capt Azad will come.
Capt Azad came - Asked me 2-3 questions and said we are not happy with your function 1
knowledge , come back next time.
Please keep discussing this is the only way of clearing, Best of Luck guys.
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 4th Attempt - Nov 2022
Int - Capt. Darokar
Ext - Capt. Deshpande
Fun 3-
Type of ships that I have sailed on.
1.Pollution prevention equipment on gas tankers
2. OLB entries
3. PMS requirement
4. Joining new ship as a mate how will you make PMS of LSA and FFA
5. Drydock - basics
6. Draw - shoring, bilge block and keel block in drydock
7. Cross section view of my last ship gas tanker
8. Nickel loading precautions
9. Fumigation precautions
10. Bunkering - aspects from chief mate point of view
11. Grounding actions
12. ERS services who provides
13. IGC code ka ammendments
14. Siggto
Thank you Oways bhai for this group and thanks to people of this group for prompt responses.
Keep up the good work.
Internal started with introduction. Asked for admit card , Showed docs and scanned room then
handed over to external.
1. How you will train your new cadet/ ROR / collision avoidance/ etc etc
2. PD vl CBD open sea engine fails action , what light she will show
6. RULE 18
7. Vl on right ahead action in RV
8. VL RH which rule you will apply n y
9. Anchor dragging action
10. CM duties
Some more I couldn’t not recall
1. How you will assist master in decision making
2. Card
Preferred channel to stbd
Aground vl
You are proceeding for anchor master fails seek action
Some situations
Then he said I’m passing you since overall was good , But thoda or padho
All the best .
1.with respect to VDR u collided with fishing vsl action(ans-save vdr data)
2.heavy traffic suddenly ur EM log fail ,Action.
3.TRS and TLD.
4.how to make turn.
5.what is turning circle.
6.what is constant rate of turn.
7.what is crash stop.
8.rule 19 d, e explain.
9.rule applicable in RV
10.what is safe speed.
11.what is back scattering of light.
12.what is take all way off.
Internal again- open sea engine room say engine fail it will take time action.(I said I will
switch off masthead light fwd and and and switch on NUC light.)
He said that's all ,I said yes sir side light port and stbd stern light and two all round
red light will be on.)
In day time 2 black ball.
2.next engine room says it will not work for 2-3 days now (I said light will be same except
masthead light and I will change AIS status and will broadcast on vhf about engine fail to
nearby vsl.
That's all.
Result -Pass
Finally mateðŸºðŸºðŸºðŸº.
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 15.11.22
Internal -Capt.Darokar
External - Capt. Deshpande
Attempt -3
Duration -55 mins
MMD- Mumbai
Internal checked CDC and whole room. Asked me which ships done, journey till here, company
,rank and experience.
And handed over to external.
External Asked which function you like to go with.. I said as per your choice sir. He asked
me why failed in Function 2 In last 2 attempts and started with orals.
1)Preparation for loading grain
2)VHM ,its formula
3)New Chemical, not in COF but in IBC code, how will you load.
4)Preparation for loading.
5)Framo pump, what are the problems with framo pump, how will you do maintenance, purging -
what medium you will use for cofferdam purging.
Ans-Compresses Air
6)Draw Flamibility Diagram ,what is LEL,UFL. Why line not straight line.
7) On oil tanker how will you protect cargo.
8)What if O2 content more than 8% by volume.
9)Timber Cargo Loading , Precautions and Hazards .
10) Action in case of Cargo liquefy
11)Many more..unable to recollect.. also many cross questions were asked.
1)Does Class required for vessel.
2) What is Class Certificate.
3) How the class informs you about due surveys and expiring certificates.
4)Who is carrying out FFA checks in Engine Room . Who is responsible. Chief officer role.
5)Lifeboat Unload release, checks ,test and Requirement, Precautions.
6)Lifeboat incidents occurs ,in your what is major reason for incidents.
7)What is Squat. Calculation and how to reduce.
8) Other vessel dragging towards you very fast and that vessel and VTS not responding
,Master Ashore ,Your Action.
9)CO2 System Checks. How will you do pressure testing.
9)Many more ,can't recollect, also many cross questions.
From Internal
1)What information provided by shipper to load Grain.
2)Can you load grain if SF not given.
3)What is VHM And its formula.
4)Grain AOR >40 Will you load
1)Disabled Ship
2) L and SS plan ( from ROR)
Capt. Deshpande is very senior captain, looks more practical , keep telling your answer , he
will switch to new question as he satisfied, he does not interrupt you nor discourage you.
Where I lack in giving answer after oral he advised me to do some topics in detail.
Thanks to group all members who have shared their questions, experience which helped me lot.
Finally Mate 😃
Result - -/P/P
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date- 08/12/2022
File - Noida mmd
External - Jb singh
Internal - gp shenoy
1.Wat is dump valve
2.How to minimize ocupational hazard
3.statutory certificate and their validity
4.how to prepare for psc inspection
5.advantages of pms
6.drills and as per which regulation
7.why ship vibrating more when going astern
8.chief off duties as per stcw
9.aoa and cba
10. Things you will see when in fp tank
11.anchor dragging action
Result - Pass
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 14.11.22
Internal -Capt. AZAD
External - Capt. Panigrahi
Attempt - 5
Duration - 1 hr 10 mins
MMD- Mumbai
1) Environmental protection of ship and what all instruments required as per regulation no.
2) What is Class Certificate and certificate of registry Is it necessary?
3) ESP , CAS CAP in deep details
4) what all certificates required onboard and as per which convention?
5) exact definition of clear grounds, near miss, observation, NC and major NC( just quote it
as like ror)
6) PSC requirements as per which convention? And types of psc inspection?
7) how will prepare the ship for PSC inspection and CIC in detail
8) critical instant and critical period ( don't make mistake in this guys)
9) ISM content ( chapter wise)
10) condition of class and eg.
11) steering gear and emg strng gear requirements as per solas
No questions from internal ( as he said- he was listening to my answers the whole time and
satisfied with it)
Capt. Azad is a very genuine guy , looks more practical , just keep telling your answer, and
while answering be CONFIDENT and not to get fumble.
( Sorry guys for posting it late as i was facing some medical issues in my family)
Thanks to group all members who have shared their questions, experience which helped me a
no Qs by Internal
Result Pass
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 13th december 2022
File - Mumbai mmd
Oral - Kolkata mmd
Internal - mithelesh Kumar
External - Fosma principal ( don’t know the name )
Without wasting time he handed over to external
Function 1
1. passage from uk to Montreal and how to avoid low pressure
2. Various ROR CARDS ( nuc making way seen from port side Seen 10 nm off from horseburgh
action , fw using Perse seine gear seen from astern action in RV in Singapore strait , pilot
vessel awaiting at pilot station action , RAM VESSEL towing seen right ahead in open water
3. Principle of gyro compass
4. Gyro compass properties
5. How gps plot posn
6. Hdop effects and description
7. Radar plotting WOA triangle
8. Given situation on radar I.e own vsl at centre and target plot at 3 points on stbd bow
action in restricted visibility
9. What is day Signal for pair trawling shooting making way
10. Mine clearance vessel day card
11. Principle of magnetic compass and forier series formula for deviation
12. Steering failure in Singapore strait action
Result P/P
1. Load density, rack load, stack weight, MC, TML, gave some value for both and asked can u
load the cargo or not. MC on board test.
2. Steel coil loading in details & how u protect owners intrest, when to check steel band of
lashing(told to check before it comes in hold only)
3. Coal loading, record keeping and water in bilge action.( he was counting all the hazards)
4. Timber stability criteria and loading procedure lashing. What is the max GM.
6. How you closed a finding in audit report, given example of NC of enclosed space.
Cards- Mineclearance vessel seen from port side .
Pdv towing RAM seen from stern.
Air cushion vsl .
Result- Pass
Cleared mates✌ðŸ»
Thank you guys for valuable inputs.
Thank you @917715932112 Bhai
All d bestðŸ‘ðŸ»
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 14.12.22
Func 3
Int:capt. Santosh darodkar
1)Mooring tails, what are they, any requirements u know abt it?
2)how a mooring wire rope and tail rope is connected?
3)have u seen mandal shackle? What do u know abt it?
4)on which ship search and rescue operation plan required?
5)collision bulkhead, at what length frm fwd?
6)can any pipe pierce through it?
7)which solas chapter it is in?
8)latest ammendments to solas
9)lifeboat lowering requirement & moving from stowed posn at what interval?
Internal asked to look for the ans for those questions and come in 30mins
After 2 hrs... Internal came and asked those questions and additionally..
1)anchor dragging in heavy wx, action
2)what is critical period in drydock.
Started with internals - 4 cards random of sailing vessels and towing vessel. 1 day card of
CBD ( Wanted to hear everything written in the card , told him everything he said excellent
, was satisfied with the answers )
2) Information in Guide to port entry
External :
After everything both were very much satisfied with the answers and said we are passing
You .
Finally Chief mate ! All thanks to everyone who helped me in the process ! Special thanks to
@917715932112 For creating such a useful group.
Fn 2
All about grain
Cargo planning
Load density
Grain code assumption
Grain securing
Code applicable for bulk cargo as per function 2
Pass / pass
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 21 Dec 2022
Noida MMD
Int - Capt Azad
Ext - Capt Baweja
Function 3
1. What is Bi-party and Tri-party
2. Aoa after answer he asked me what is the 2 most important things you will check in AOA -
Correct answer is Hours of rest and Hours of work, further during cross he got angry and
asked me have you ever seen how AOA looks and number of pages - I said 3 pages
3. Precaution in heavy weather
4. Vessel is loaded with deck cargo, which has shifter due to heavy weather, action
5. Further to last question he asked me what is two most important things you will see prior
proceeding on deck under such weather - after all answers from my end correct answer for him
is the Safety Line on deck and PPE of all the personnel involved
6.Duties of mate as per STCW, ISM & ISPS - exact wording for the the answer of ISM part
7. ORB, required on which type of ship
8. Entries in ORB Part -2 all 12 as mention
9. Vessel at anchor, master ashore, vessel dragging anchor, action.
10. After cross question in above he asked me - "WILL YOU PICK-UP ANCHOR" - I said no - he
said good
11. Statutory certificates
12. Annex 1 disch criteria for annex 1
13. Difference between segregated ballast and clean ballast
14. Shell expansion plan and garborad strake
15. Pms for anchor
Capt Baweja asked all basic question only and was helping in between by giving proper time
for answering.
No questions from Internal
Result - Pass...Funally Cleared Mates... Thank you guyz for posting questions and clearing
doubt.. I recommend Vaibhav Garg for Function 3.
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date: 21 Dec 2022
Attempt 5
File: Mumbai mmd
Int capt. Tapesh Ghosh
(Chennai mmd)
Ext capt. MC Yadav
1. Your last ship. Tell me dwt, length, about ur ship, number of tanks.
2. On a chemical tanker, how will you calculate weight of the cargo?
3. What is the purpose of deck seal?
4. Is deck seal only equipment to prevent backflow of cargo vapor into machinery spaces?
5. PV breaker pressure and vacuum settings
6. PV valve pressure and vacuum settings
7. IG gas contents
8. What is the meaning of mmwg?
9. How will you individually calculate mmwg? Not for tanks. In general.
10. If 1 atm press is applied on mmwg guage, then how much it will show in mmwg reading?
1. Different docs for chemical tanker compared to other ships?
2. New AB is joining ur ship. What all certificate u will check?
3. The AB is working from 6 am to 8pm everyday. Is he complying as per STCW rest hour
4. U have taken onboard various various cargoes, bunkers, ballast. Loadicator not working.
Intact stability booklet dont have. How will u calculate GM?
5. What is free surface effect?
6. What is GMf
7. What all information u will get from Trim and Stability booklet?
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 22/12/22
MMD Kochi
Internal -poswal
External -panigiri
Function 1
1)Ibc contents
2)Csc contents and explain full
3)Explain stability of roro
4)precautions in roro to enhance stability
5)IMDG latest amendment
6)windage area and calculation and effects on container ship
7)container shift -your actions
Function 3
1)Various charter party agreement
2)biparty and tripary agreement with example
3)stcw explain with contents
4)ISM with contents and amendments
5)critical period and instance
6)psc and flag difference
7)MARPOL annex all
8)seemp in detail ,eexi,ci
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date 06 Jan 2022
Attempt 1
Internal : Capt tapesh ghosh
External: Captain Oak
Both calm surveyors,
1.How to identify North cardinal buoy without top marks in day time
2.How to identify isolated danger buoy in day time
3.Light signal of safewater mark
4. Flood tide and dangerous wreck symbol draw
5. Ur last vessel maneovering charactericts
6. Which side turning circle was larger and why?
7. U are in tss, PD vessel crossing from port side, tug and tow from stbd side, Action?
8. Both radars not working can u enter port?
9. Polar code extra equipment
10. What bridge eqpt connected to emergency supply
11. Gyro errors
12. Rv situation fog signal two points port bow radar inoperational action
13. How will other vessel understand in RV that u are operating astern
1.Full form astm
2. Relation between api and density
3. What are static accumulators
4. Unit of condictivty for oil
5. Bilge alarm in pumproom action
6. Water ballast pump leak water ingress in pumproom action
7. What arrangements to discharhe ballast water
8. What alarms are there in pumproom
9. Pumproom fan type and requiremenr
10. What is subsidiady harazard and how is it indicated
11. How will u plan to load heavy lift on hatch cover
12 in case load density is exceeded what can you do.
13. What kinds of dunnage are there( does not want material, as per size)
14. What is the emergency bilge arrangemrnt in pumprrom and where does it discharge
15. How will you load grain on general cargo vessel
16. Stabilitu critera for general cargo vessel
17. Loading without DOA
Result P/F
Had booked function 3 also but informed the surveyors that i am not prepared so they
considered and didn't take F3
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: External - Capt. S. C. Panigrahy
Internal - Capt. Manhas
Tell about rules in my own words-rule 8, 7, 19, 17. (not asked to quote)
RV, 2 trgts, 1 on port bow and 1 on stbd bow, action?
fishing v/l right ahead, action step by step? wanted to hear about rule 5 that using all
available means to assess the situation before making decision to alter.
Lights - CBD on port bow, action?, Pilot v/l at anchor, sailing v/l from stern, Aground v/l
performance standards of VDR,
v/l collided with another v/l, action? what information you will record. (Another v/l name,
callsign, IMO No., name of master)
Requirement for VTS as per SOLAS ch. 5
Detected ice, derelict. Action?
How weather routeing service helps master in passage planning.
Needed only understanding of the rules,
RV, 1 trgt on port bow, action?
RV, 1 trgt on Stbd bow, action?
in TSS lane, 1 v/l on stbd bow, Who is give way and stand on?
in Narrow channel, 1 v/l on stbd bow, who is give way and stand on?
CBD v/l on port bow, who is give way and stand on (as per him, CBD vl is give way v/l)
Function 1:
1. Explain rule 2, what is ordinary practices of seaman, some examples of the same.
(Not to quote)
2. Rule 19d and 19e, told to explain both.
3. Vessel ahead and shoal on stbd side, action and as per which rule
4. Which is dangerous quadrant in NH? Why called dangerous quadrant? Does not want to
hear wind speed increasing, right answer is the if TRS recurves, vessel in dangerous
quadrant may go into the eye of the storm.
5. RV situation: Vessel on port bow and stbd bow, action of all vessels
6. Vessel overtaking from stbd quarter, own vessel next alteration to stbd, will you
7. Pilot vessel RV signal
8. Rule 8c
9. How to check position of vessel if GPS fails while coasting?
10. How to cross check position of vessel in open seas?
11. How many stars for intercept? Formula for the same
12. Gyro fail and GPS fail, equipments affected
13. How you go about weather roueting? Explain about ships performance curves also, and
how to make it?
Funtion 2:
1. How to load timber cargo? Plans? Info in shippers declaration?
2. Hazards and information about following bulk cargoes: DRI, Coal, Iron Ore
3. Hazards of grain, why grain code? Certificates for grain cargo, Hold preparation?
4. What is VHM? What is DOA, who issues it?
5. How to load without DOA including formula
6. How to reduce VHM?
7. How to load IMDG containers?
8. Contents of IMDG code and columns of Dangerous goods list, what is columns 16 and 17
in that, asked in detail
9. Why atmosphere checking is important in cargo hold? Required as per which SOLAS
10. Contents of Cargo Securing Manual
11. How to load heavy lift
12. Timber Stability criteria
13. Importance of ventilation
14. Contents of timber code
15. What is special suitable compartment?
16. Information from loadicator
Function 3:
1. What is statutory certificate? If given in MSA then is it statutory or no?
2. Is class cert. a statutory cert?
3. Contents of class cert
4. Nox and Sox
5. Nox Code
6. Fire in engine room uncontrollable, most important action first
7. Dose the CO2 release in one go or one by one? Can CO2 be released one by one.
8. Class notations
9. What is the document given by the surveyor after new vessel has been successfully
surveyed in accordance with the class requirements? Doesn’t want class certificate
10. Annex 1 machinery space discharge criteria in special area? What is the difference
in special area and outside special area?
11. Ballast water exchange standards
12. Which year it’ll be mandatory for existing vessels.
13. Why exchange carried out in 200nm and 200m depth, why the organisms die?
14. ISM Code
Lot of cross questioning by him. He was not able to hear properly and got angry on me, so
better speak loudly. Reasonable Capt. Though. Only wants to the point answer, no extra
Internal Capt. GP Shenoy took over
1. How to load heavy lift, precautions that needs to be taken before and after?
2. How load grain cargo? How to calculate VHM?
3. How to use trim table?
4. Grain Stability Criteria
5. 10000t remaining in VLBC, how to load to the required draught and trim?
6. Information required for timber cargo, as per which manual to load timber cargo?
7. What is mates receipt and bill of lading?
8. Difference between concentrate and ores? Hazards for the same
9. How trimming of cargo is done?
10. What is liquefaction? And how it happens?
Capt. is very calm, take your time for explaining and he doesn’t need specific formula.
Practical approach.
Result: P/P/F
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Int - Capt. Poswal
Ext - Capt. Vibhute
Noida MMD
Attempt - 2
Result - P/F/F
Fn 1
1. Pilot vsl on ahead
2. Overtaking a vsl from stbd side - action
3. Departed from Port strng fails - action
4. Vsl 1 point on stbd bow passing from Port side with 3 cables & other overtaking from stbd
quarter - action
5. Track line search
6. Williamson turn
7. Gyro fail - action & which course to steer
8. How to determine strength of the current by radar
9. Fishing vsl right ahead
Fn 2
1. Cargo planning on Lpg
2. Instructions to duty officers in cargo operation
3. Segregation table for class 1
4. Gas freeing operation details from discharging operation for any cargo tanks
5. Valve diff betn oil tanker & gas tanker
6. Globe valve & manifold v/v
7. Marpol Disch criteria for oil cargo
8. Lpg calculations
9. Flammability Diagram in detail
Fn 3
1. Black to Mediterranean sea, disch of solid waste on bulk carrier as per wch regulation ?
2. Marpol 4 - coming out of suez then sailing to Mediterranean & bosun tells you Sewage tank
is full - action
3. Heavy wx & recovery strop operation
4. Why limit switch is present on Lboat
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date: 9th Jan 2023
File : MMD Mumbai
Ext: GS ranganathan
Int : Mandal (Kolkata mmd)
Fun 2:
1.Loading Plan
3.Timber loading
4. Steel coils loading
5. Precautions for steel coils during Transit.
6. Stability criteria for grain without DOA.
7. Loading at berth procedure.
8. COP vs Framo difference
Some more from his set can't remember.
1. Procedure to change from naptha to jet oil . He wanted tank cleaning procedure (hot wash,
I said I'll refer tank cleaning guide, all procedure for draining, hot water, cold water is
there ..he still wanted procedure I said generally we do hot water for 1.5hrs , Fw
2. Draining of lines.
3. Cop starting procedure. Told them never done cop, but i have general idea. Told him prime
mover is in ECR(Steam,etc), pump in pumproom. Line up ,Open bkhd master, pressurize then
open disch vlv, etc
4. Then asked cargo line testing, told him yearly, 5yearly. Still was quite so said about tc
/bunker line pressure testing.
Finally said stop, U know enough we r clearing u. ðŸºðŸº
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 09.01.2023
Attempt 1
File: Chennai MMD
Func 2 : Pass
Internal: Capt. Daniel Joseph
External: Capt.Umesh Oak
Contents of Isgott
How u will load butane when all tanks are propane
Grain loading in general cargo vessel what u need as a mate
Roro lashing Timber lashing
How u prepare to load propane
Gas change from butane to propane
What is mean by Container 4th letter and what all letters can come other than U
Ballast water exchange methods
Cargo damage action to whom all u will inform
What is P&I club
Cargo sweat
Temperature gauge in COT not working what action u will take as a mate
MARVS settings at sea and harbour
Internal questions
Reliq plant full detailes and lot of cross questions
Loading/discharging plan sketch and show stage wise
Discrepancy in BL action as a mate
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 20th Dec 2022
Mumbai mmd
Attempt: 3
Function: 1,2,3
Ext : Panigrahi
Int : Shenoy
Funct 1:
Ror cards - aground, air cushion (2 situation wala), CBD, anchor, etc
Rule - 17,19
Bridge procedure guide
SRS requirements as per solas
Vdr requirements as per solas
Vts requirements as per solas
Situations normals ones crossing,etc
Situations in restricted visibility one vsl port bow and other stbd bow, etc
Steering gear failure while coming out of port.
Can led light be used in navigation lt.(Ans. yes , some imo circular regarding this)
Vsl grounded what to do.
Funct 2:
Oil coming out of mast riser action.
Isgott requirements, contents.
Imsbc lastest amendment
Marpol annex 1,reg 27 i didn't knew so he said stability requirements so I said intact
stability requirements all the points , but he needed more about this .
Funct 3:
SOLAS what u know about this. So I said Contents.
Ism requirements, contents, what all cert under that . Said all but he was not saying
anything quite, so I said about interim certificate also.
Then asked certificate as per solas.
And many more can't recollect.
Int: suddenly appeared and said u did well , but we are passing u in funct 1 & 3. Next rank
is responsible rank u need to do more for funt 2 . I said ok sir thank u. 😆
Results: P/F/P
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 10 Jan 2023
Mumbai mmd
Int. - capt. Vikram Manhas
Ext - Capt. Devesh
Attempt 3
Func 2
Started with what type of ship sailed on and company, told home oil tankers
Recent changes in SSSCL
what is primary and secondary means of venting on tankers?
What is settings pressure monitoring sensor of tanks?
Do u change it during VECS? and why?
During discharging ur IG system fails. What action will u take?
Can u load grain on ship without DOA? What all requirement?
What are hazards of sulphur?
According to what requirement is COR?
told him as per UNCLOS, Next ques was what is UNCLOS?
what is the significance of COR?
What type of BWTS system was there on last ship? It's working and regulation?
During bunkering OIL spill is there, but u r not sure if oil has went overboard or not?
Whyat action will u take?
SEEMP Part 2 and as per what requirement?
What is KN curves and it's use?
What is declivity of dock?
Result: Pass
Finally mate ðŸ™
Thank you everyone for Sharing all the information, that's the only way to crack this.
Both surveyor are very practically, they want answer as per various regulation and also what
u ll do practically.
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 09.01.2023
Internal: Capt. Poswal
External: Capt. Vibhuti
Internal asked me which type of ships I have done. I said Gas Carriers.
Asked which all functions and which attempt..
I said F1 and F2 and first attempt for both.
1. You see a vessel on your Port Bow at about 20 deg far away at the horizon. Still cannot
make out anything.
After sometime you see her at 20 deg on port bow at a distance of 5.4M
After some more time you see her at the same bearing at a distance of 3M. You see the stern
Identify the situation. Who will keep clear and what action to be taken as per which rule?
2. You have left port, traffic has cleared away, capt has given rfa and left the bridge
after 10 minutes since no concerning traffic.
Suddenly you see the following lights right ahead at 1 mile. White over Red and a green
Identify the vessel. What is she doing? Who should keep clear? What action and why?
What lights will this vessel show at anchor?
3. What is the range of sound signals for a vessel of about 100m?
4. You have collided with a small fishing boat out in open sea. What all actions will you
5. Following up to this, he asked now assume you are on a vessel doing very fast speed so it
does take time for you to slow down. You have covered about 6 miles. You have to go to
rescue the people from that fishing boat. Owing to the delay which manoeuvre will you use?
Draw the manoueuvre on the paper neatly with all angles and helm marked.
6. You are sailing in open sea. Gyro is 300 and Mag. Compass is showing 308. Variation is 3
deg E.
Gyro malfunctions. Now you have no functional gyro. Which heading will you steer on?
The course remains the same but there is a change in the chart. Variation is now 1 deg W.
What heading will you now steer at?
7. Towing Vessel Question.
Length of towing vessel is 80m.
Length of towing line is 60m.
Length of towed vessel is 150m.
What all lights will be exhibited by the towing vessel and towed vessel.
8. Define a towing light.
9. Gyro fails. What happens to AIS, Radar, ECDIS.
Will the Ecdis mark the correct positions?
10. NUC Lights and day signals.
11. What will be the lights of an aground vessel? Also sound signals and day signals.
12. Performance standards of VDR/SVDR.
13. Restricted visibility. Radars are nit operational. You hear the fog signal of a vessel
at about port bow. What would be your action? How would the target vessel knie that you are
slowing down or stopped? Now if you were on the target vessel what would you do?
14. Anchor dragging action?
15. How far will you keep from a mine clearance vessel? As per which Rule?
16. How do you calculate Track Spacing?
17. What are limitations of radar? What do you mean by sea stabilised abd ground stabilised.
Which one to use when?
18. Spacing between lights.
1. How will you go about planning for loading a gas carrier? What all things will you factor
in? You have to load her submerged to her summer load lines.
2. Grain stability criteria.
3. You have to load an IMDG Class 1.1(B) and Class 1.1(S) cargo. How will you segregate
them. From where will you find this information?
Which column number?
4. What is a boat note?
5. Documents to be carried while loading DG Cargo
6. Gas carrier cargo calculations.
7. What is OCIMF?
8. There are 2 imdg cargoes. While seeing the compatibility you see a "X" there. What does
it mean?
9. What all segregation are there as per IMDG?
10. You have discharged iron ore and sailed into the Mediterranean sea going to Guinea. You
need to prepare the holds. How will you discharge the cargo washing and as per what
11. Chemical tanker Category X tank washing criteria.
12. Cargo Oil pipeline has a hole in it. Your action?
1. What is VGM in containerships?
2. Fitting in the hold space of a gas carrier.
3. You have collided with another vessel. How will you assist the Master?
4. What will you check in the damage stability booklet?
Result: P/P
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Int - Capt. Poswal
Ext - Capt. Vibhute
Noida MMD
Attempt - 2
Result - P/F/F
Fn 1
1. Pilot vsl on ahead
2. Overtaking a vsl from stbd side - action
3. Departed from Port strng fails - action
4. Vsl 1 point on stbd bow passing from Port side with 3 cables & other overtaking from stbd
quarter - action
5. Track line search
6. Williamson turn
7. Gyro fail - action & which course to steer
8. How to determine strength of the current by radar
9. Fishing vsl right ahead
Fn 2
1. Cargo planning on Lpg
2. Instructions to duty officers in cargo operation
3. Segregation table for class 1
4. Gas freeing operation details from discharging operation for any cargo tanks
5. Valve diff betn oil tanker & gas tanker
6. Globe valve & manifold v/v
7. Marpol Disch criteria for oil cargo
8. Lpg calculations
9. Flammability Diagram in detail
Fn 3
1. Black to Mediterranean sea, disch of solid waste on bulk carrier as per wch regulation ?
2. Marpol 4 - coming out of suez then sailing to Mediterranean & bosun tells you Sewage tank
is full - action
3. Heavy wx & recovery strop operation
4. Why limit switch is present on Lboat
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date 16-Jan-2023
2nd Attempt
F1 & F3
Internal capt harinder
External capt panigrahi
1.Started with CBD card shown for 5sec
2.Rule 9 quote
3. You are CBD in narrow channel fishing vessel crossing port to stbd action.
4.pilot card night.
5.In RV one vessel on Port bow and one on stbd bow. Action.
6.quote rule 19.
7.aground vessel card.
8.quote rule 8.
9.what is IALA and what you know about it.
10.you came out of port master went to sleep. Your vessel aground from Port bow action step
by step in details.
11.Tug and ground tackle which is better.
12.You saw ice and derelict. Action.
13. How will you report danger to navigation.
14 what is Solas ch V reg12.
15. What is written about TSS in Solas ch. V.
16.what is weather routeing.
17. Synoptic chart.
18. How current is formed.
19.types of ocean currents.
20.lights of trawler at anchor.
1. PSC and FSI difference.
2. What is CIC.
3. Certificate as per marpol annex III.
4. Crew member fighting action.
5. Enteries is OLB on RO RO vessel.
6. Certificate as per all convention and validity.
And few questions from his sets.
Result: pass/pass
Finally mate.
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: Date : 23 Jan 2023
File chennai
Internal Daniel Joseph
External capt. Yadav ( Extactly can't recollect)
Attempt 1 F2 F3
AOR and how to calculate
stowage factor
Load density
Spillage during loading
Isgott amendments and contents
Slop tank requirements
Imsbc groups
Imdg segregation
Refer loading
Coal hazards
Grain loading
Grain stability
High density cargo
Grain securing
F 3
As mate
what to see in AOA
chain register contents
Anchor dragging in inside Anchorage
Same as above Master ashore
Heavy weather precautions
Duties as per ism
5/20/23, 14:08 - Sugumar: 23.01.2023
Internal : Shenoy
Ext : Panigrahi
Func 1 :
Rule 7,8,17,19
Situations in narrow channel
Annex 2 in ror
Errors in gyroscope
Limitations of radar
Safe speed
5 cards with trawlers , CBD , fishing vsl , sailing vsl and aground vsl
U r CBD in narrow channel fishing vsl crossing from Port side to stbd side - action
Bridge procedure guide contents
Principles of passage planning ,
03 questions from celestial navigation . Can't remember properly but something related to
intercepts and ex meridian ,
Latest amendments in ror ,
Types of currents and name some of the currents from ur choice and talk about that .
Solas reg 10,11,12 vts tss what does Solas says abt this .
Func 3
Pani kept on asking questions but internal Shenoy has interrupted and asked to finish the
orals 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Result : p/p
Nature of external Mr.Pani : He wants you to give a speech over the topics .
Nature of internal mr.shenoy : very calm , supportive and will help in case you stammer over
some topics .
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 02/02/2023
Int Poswal
Ext Gupta
Crane maintenance as a CO
Crane wires , how will you know it’s breaking strength
Breaking strength of a 24x6 wire
Gunwale tackle
Mechanical efficiency of a tackle
Loadicator - you have come on watch, how will you know loadicator is working properly
Stack weight
Difference between voyage planning and passage planning
Explain voyage plan from Mumbai to Taiwan , how will you load max cargo
Auto pilot settings
You are in the path of a TRS , action
Parameters of KN cross curve
Ext question- ship has collided, Master has called you to his cabin, what information will
you provide him.
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 3rd Feb
Internal: Tapesh Gosh
External: C M Srivastav
Duration 1hr
1. Voyage planning as per chief officer.
2. Voyage planning from cargo aspect.
3. Navigation in Arctic waters.
4. Polar Code.
5. Ship reporting System.
6. Examples of Ship reporting system.
7. Ecdis Safety Settings.
8. Maintenance of Magnetic compass.
9. Compass adjustment n when to carryout adjustment
10. Actions if stuck in ice.
11. Quote Rule 19
Func: 2
1. Ship Shore safety checklist
2. How will go about Loading an oil tanker, all aspects.
3. Intact Stability criteria for container vsl.
4. Oil spill during loading, actions as mate.
5. What all items we can feed in loadicator.
6. What al information we get from loadicator.
7. Define Angle of repose
8. Load density.
9. Non negotiable BL n Negotiable BL.
10. 5 Checks as required by Ship shore safety checklist
11. TML
12. CARGO securing wrt to heavy weather of various ship.
1. Non conformity n Major Non conformity
2. Contents of chain register.
3. Record of mooring ropes, wires and mooring tails.
4. Triparty n BiParty agreement
5. Examples of CBA
6. While coming along side offshore anchor was used, why was it used ?
7. PMS
1. ROR cards- pilot vsl, towing vsl more than 50m and tow more than 200m, card showing only
2 white lights.
2. Ecdis route check
3. Cargo claims on product tanker and how u can protect owner from claims
4. Lifeboat launching and manoeuvring requirements.
5. How will u support your bridge team with respect to BTM aspect.
Duration 1hr
Result: P/P/P
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: Oral fun 1,3
Mmd Kolkata
Fun 1
1)Nuc on port bow action
2) FV port bow action
3)towing vsl port bow action
4) radar operational RV target vessel on port quater action , if you are in target vessel
then action
5)you are in track of TRS and wind is veering action
6)you are in Singapore straight blackout action
7)Gyro fail action
8)what will the effect of gyro fail on ECDIS and Radar
9) in head up mode how you will find brg of target
9)One light house is not visible by radar how to make position fixing Ans- running fix
Fun 3
1)how to do static test of crane
2)in which plan will you find where to secure spring for test
3)In black sea As per Marpol annex 5 discharging criteria of cargo residue
4)ships bottom is full of marine growth then how to find the bottom plug
5)offical log book entry as c/o
6)2E asking permission to discharge oily water through ows in Mediterranean sea 3nm off .
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: Attempt 3 at mmd noida
Int poswal
Ext sharda
Fun3 only
Result pass
1. How you will plan voyage from Persian gulf to Morocco.
2. How you will plan voyage from Richards bay to Singapore.
3. How you will determine position of the vessel at sea.
4. Sextant: 1st screw, 2nd screw and errors of sextant.
5. How you take sight simultaneous and staggered.
6. How to take star sight.
7. One fathom bank : reason behind its naming.
8. Day and night signals of grounded vessel, including details of shapes like diameter and
dist b/w shapes and lights.
9. TRS : dangerous semi circle , dangerous quadrant, signs of TRS formation specially clouds
10. Explain ship routeing.
11. ETA requirements, ETA booklet: diameter of ETA chain of last vessel.
12. How u take over a nav watch.
13. Difference between Standing orders and Additional orders.
14. Boxing of compass from South to East.
Fn 2
1. How u will prepare your ship for loading coal.
2. Grain code in details. Including Hazards of grain.
3. Cargo sweat in detail, hazards of it.
4. Tell me about IMDG.
5. Explain ISGOTT.
6. Broken stowage.
7. Chapter 19 of IGC code and chapter 17 of IBC code.
8. Rollover on LPG.
9. How u mix propane and butane on board. How u calculate final quantity.
1. Length of lifeboat oars.
2. Ration requirements in life boat.
3. How you will manage crew.
4. How your company manage the ships. How accident investigation done.
5. Intact stability criteria.
6. How you will load without loadicator.
Result - F/F/F
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: File - MMD Kochi
5th Attempt
Func 1 &3
Int- capt ajit topno
Ext- Panigrahi
Func 1
Content of solas chapter V
History of IALA buoyage system and cardinal marks
Action to take when in dangerous quadrant?
Quote rule 17
1 PD vsl on yure port bow action ??
Coming out of port vsl had a collision action as mate in respect to navigational duties
- Vts solas requirement
-Weather Routeing and types?
- what is cold current and warm current?
- what is drift current?
Func 3
Content of STCW
Content of ISM
Baltic moor
Mediterranean moor
Anchor cable foul and yure action as a mate in fwd station
Certificates , validity and surveys on oil tanker as per solas convention
Solas requirement of emg steering gear?
Result - Pass
Finally mate ðŸ¾ðŸ¥ƒ cheers and thanq every one for helping each other â¤ï¸
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 14.02.23
Internal Capt. Harinder singh
External : Capt jordar
Rule no. 1, what is roadsteads
Contents of ror
3.Vsl coming out of port shallow patch on stbd side ,and vsl on stbd bow action
4.pushing vsl lights 50 m
Not rigidtly connected
5.nuc lights
6.Ur vessel is stopped , other approaches u 2hat action u will take and what lights u will
7.Vsl listed to stbd what effect on ship handling
8. Where trs formed and why
9. Why corolis forces needed for trs
10.whuch rule does not apply in clear visibility
11.some lights not remember
Function 2.
-What all things to consider while planning passage plan as a mate
-explain rule 10
-In TSS u see a vsl crossing from stbd to port action
-In Tss u see a vsl not following tss action
-Rule 14,19
-Where it is written that you can switch on lights in day time (rule 20c)
-how many rules in ror
-RV, you see a vsl right astern and later on u hear fog signal of her roc exists action
-limitations of ecdis
-currents on east coast of US
-trs signs, movement,ideal conditions,why thy recurve
-synoptic chart interpretation with passage plan
-what is spring ,neap, lee tide
-what is total solar eclipse
Wch ships u did (bulk carrier)
-what is stowage factor, tml,
-difference between ton and long tonn
-what is a timber ship
-difference between pcc and roro ships
-heavy lift ships
-imdg classes
-container types
-gas ships types as per imo
-what is bl
-what is mates receipt
-if cargo loaded on hold is liquefied what action.
-what is dg manifest ,where it is used,who prepares?
-types of reefer cargoes along with temperature
-trim and stability booklet contents
-why there are different codes when you hav imdg,imsbc,timber codes
Jb singh asked finally
Ru ready to take over as choff 😜
Finally cleared mates
Thank you everyone for discussing questions in ths grp means alot guys .
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 14/2/23
Attempt 3
MMD Mumbai
Taken in MMD Jamnagar
Various ROR situations on slides. Quote rule 9,10,41.
Polar code.
Pilot vessel lights
TRS : dangerous semi circle , dangerous quadrant, signs of TRS formation specially clouds
Explain ship routeing.
ETA requirements, ETA booklet
How u take over a nav watch.
Hazards of bulk carriers.
How u will prepare your ship for loading coal.
Grain code in details. Including Hazards of grain.
Tell about IMSBC
About IMDG.
Isgott, flamability diagram.
Draft survey.
How to load steel coils,
Precautions for Loading of ores.
Helicopter deck markings and equipments, life boat requirements, immersion suit requirements
and test, duties of choff as per stcw,ORB part1 requirements entries, ows requirements and
alarms,Certificates as per marpol anx1
WIDAS requirements, alarms on WIDAS,Dry dock, crital period, declivity, virtual loss of gm.
Result- F/F/P
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 13th Feb’2023
Function 1 Only
External Ques
1. RoR cards: sailing vsl, NUC, towing,
2. Crossing situations: Towing and
NUC, towing vsl not taking action.
3. Sound signals in RV: Pilot vsl and anchored vsl, aground vsl.
4. Working principle of AIS, limitations.
5. Gyro compass errors and principle.
6. Speed log Principle.
7. Performance standards for echo
8. Wind pattern in TRS
9. Cards of buoy’s
10. Vsl dragging anchor, action
Internal Ques
1. What is the syllabus of Function 1.
2. He said to draw on paper two courses 030 and 130, and said how will you carry out
alteration in coastal water if you have islands on both side.
Result- pass
Fun 1
1) started with rule 10 explaination point wise
2) he asked how will you know tss is adopted by IMO
i told i will check ships Routeing
3) he then asked contents of ships routing
4) cards 8-10 ( all cards he asked was special which has two situations)
5)errors of magnetic compass
6) use of flinders bar in magnetic compass
7) Reasons of Gyro wandering
8)what is intercardinal rolling
9) formula for determing Wheel over point
11) diffrent types of currents
12) weather sewuence foe fronts
Fun 2
1) what is multimodal document
2) how will you if container ur loading is tested
3) frequency of testing of container
4) definition of marine container
5)how to calc gm manually on bulk carrier (how many ways to calc gm)this was my failing ques
6)TML certificate date 1/01/23
Ur loading cargo on 1/3/23
Will u accept?
Func 3-
1)ESP Cap cas
2) pms of crane
4)various Plans on ship
5) contents of midship sections drawing
6)How midship section can be used in drydock for various purpose-this i didnt knw fully
7) various uses of shell expansion plan and its uses in drydock
Guys pls post ques on daily basis ðŸ™ðŸ¼
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 02/03/2023
(As much I can remember writing the questions from all three functions mixed)
Abnormal waves near South Africa south coast reason and why.
Internal asked how was your performance said good he said No external has difference
He started...
IMO structure
Ror Card
Internal was very good, gives lots of time to answer, also gives hints what he wants to
Fn 1
Cbd crossing Singapore st
Same in rv
Vsl on stbd bow and overtaking stbd quarter tcpa nearly same roc existing
Passage plan hosber to 1 fathom
Strg failure, master not coming up on bridge
Wic current will u use from miami to ny
Whr to find details
Gyro working
Gyro fail
Adaptive auto pilot
Settling period
Janus configuration
Radar em log fails
Trs dangerous quad action, 123 rule
Fn 2
Grain criteria
Timber criteria
Tanker prepare for dd after discharging
How gas freeing
Equipment for gas check n its
Working principal
Loading iron ore procedure solas ch 12 reg 14
Loading Steel coils Wht checks
Crane wire parts damages tank top how will u preserve owners interest
Imdg limited quantity
Wht r stowage as per imdg not segregation
Fn 3
Bwtp wic type
Wht to do wen not working
Cargo residue
Anx 6 requirements
Esp table for 10 yr vsl
Substantial corrosion
Close up survey
Prepare for safcon
Function 1
RAM vessel definition
Quote Rule no. 6 and 10
Situation : own vessel is in narrow channel proceeding at 4 knots , sights a Sailing vessel
right ahead at 1 NM doing 2 kts - Action
ROR card : Power driven vessel pushing ahead
Condition required for formation of Tropical Revolving Storm
Explain Occlusion
Explain Geostrophic wind
Your vessel dragging anchor and master ashore : Action
Function 2
Explain IGC code chapter 9
Roll over
Critical temperature
Reference temperature
What is Molier diagram, and how you will use it to mix two type of LPG cargo
Function 3
Latest amendments to Bio-Fouling system,
Latest amendments to Solas
Latest amendments to MLC
he asked about some latest MSC circular regarding maintenance of lifeboat and rescue boats
Ballast water D-2 standards
Result : P/F/F
Both surveyor were asking questions simultaneously, they want word to word answer to most of
the questions
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 10.03.2023
Internal-N K Mandal
Function 2
-What is AOR? Which AOR is best small or large?
SOLAS ch 12 in detail
What is boat note? what is shipping bill? who issues shipping bill?
What is that inverted triangle marked on bulk carrier?
For loading container Which code or convention used?
CSC convention in detail
CSC convention came in which year?
CSS code in detail
Which gas is present in Reefer container?
Where u will find how many reefer container u can load on ship?
Hazards of Bulk carrier
Which code u will refer for Oil tanker?
Which is latest edition of ISGOTT?
What is new in ISGOTT(Amendments)?
Why COW is carry out?
When master can issue NOP?
7 conditions when to issue a note of protest?
Which ships can load grain cargo?
Some more basic ques. Rapid fire questions by external but mostly from his ques set.
F1 :
1. Vsl on relative brg 20 deg Port. Brg constant, range decreasing..what's the situation
and action
2. CBD- PD crossing situation
3. Narrow channel crossing situation
4. Diff betn passage and safe passage
Meaning of avoid impeding the safe passage
5. TRS avoiding actions
6. Weather associated with TRS
7. Clouds
8. Lights trawler , towing vsl, CBD
9. RV situation
F2 :
1. Voy from kochi to gulf. How will you take heavy weather ballast. And how will discharge
it before arrival
2. Hatch cover maintenance
3. Wet type deck seal
4. Cleat use in hatch cover and draw it
5. Use of drain valve
6. You are discharging oil ( product tanker )
There is one hole in cargo line because of corrosion and spray is coming out from
there.How will you rectify it
7. ODMCS input and output
1. Can you discharge food waste 3 nm off kochi ? Annex V criteria
2. Crane dynamic load test
3. Maintenance on crane wire
5. Bank effect
6. What maintenance you will carried out on seachest in DD
Internal :
Isgott ammendments
Ocimf details
Recycling convention
Green passport
Result : F/ F/ P
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 13.03.2023
Int. Capt. Mithilesh Kumar
Ext. Capt Oak
1. Fog signal of Pilot Vessel.
2. Situation: Stbd Beam vessel wid same hdg & speed15kts, Head on vessel coming down 20kts.
8nm range. Action.
3. Quote rule 8
4. West Cardinal buoy how to identify without topmark.
5. Wreck symbols.
6. Fairway buoy light signals.
7. You are on bridge with Master. 2nd mate fwd picked up anchor. Hard stbd but RAI showing
nothing. Vessel swinging to stbd. What will you tell Master?
8. Roti requirements.
9. EM log fail, what to do in your Arpa?
10. Alarms on bridge.
11. Spares for Gyro and maintenance.
12. Gyro fail when take over watch + convert true to Gyro.
13. Magnetic compass adjustment how is it done?
14. What all things inside magnetic compass binnacle?
15. Duration between spring tides nd neap tides.
16. Ecdis safety depth.
Fun 2
1. Full form of Astm
2. General stability criteria
3. Esd on tankers
4. Alarms in pumproom and testing intervals.
5. Testing of loadicator.
6. Primary and secondary means of venting on tankers.
7. VEF.
8. Astm tables for Crude oil.
9. Relationship between API nd Specific gravity.
10. Why density at 15°C
11. Types of container.
12. Pv valve vacuum side working.
13. Bilge alarm during cargo operation. 2nd mate calls you. Action.
14. How to discharge Bilge from Bilge well of pumproom.
15. Height of high cube container.
16. Requirement for driptray capacity.
17. TLV, TML
18. Difference in cargo fig action.
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 13.03.23
Oak and Mithilesh
Load on top
Pump room ventilation
Bilge high level alarm Action
Cow requirement
Charge accumulator
Precautions for the same
Timber upright reqmmt
Diff in cargo loading fig action
Loadicator test
How many nrv on ig line
Form e validity
Eqpt in foam room
Qcv valves n their locations
Marpol amendments
Explain cii
Galley pms
Cooking oil related
ISPs code
Dmlc certs
And many more…😅
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: Mumbai MMD
13 March 2023
External - Baveja
Internal - Vikram Manhas
Func 3
1. What is CBA
2. Critical Period in a dry dock
Result - Pass
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 13 March 22/
Ext sk das
Int capt prashant manchalwar
Imsbc content
Grain securing
Types of gas on gas carriers
What are heavy oils
Class 1
Segregation imdg
Sulphur carrying precautions
Shell expansion plan
Docking plan
What are side shores in docking
What is solas reqmt for number of portable fire extingushers.
Berthing with wind onshore
Scopic clause
P and u club(what is the principle)
Certificate of registry
Purpose of dresser coupling
Main precatuions while carrying coal.
Many more questions were there.... Can't recall now
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: Attempt 2(Func 1&3)
Internal-Capt.Prashant Manchalwar
External -SK Das
Func 1
Situations and signals for tugs,aground vessel,partly submerged vessel/object, and TSS
situations, sound signals of Restricted visibility
Different Gyro errors
Coriolis force and effect
TRS wind and veering/backing and action in different quadrants
Running Moor
ECDIS alarms/contour settings
Gyro/Magnetic compass less effective in high latitude
And some more cant recall
Func 3
DOC and SMC in detail
ISM certificates and documents
PMS of windlass
Statutory Certificates for port entry
Lifeboat requirements in passenger ship
Lifeboat requirements in Oil tanker
Radar limitations
Critical period
How do we know block taken by stern in drydock
Chief officer duties as per ISM
Condition of assignment of freeboard
And some more cant recall
TSS situations
Rule 2 quote and what is the difference between this Rule and other rules
Rule 1
Certificate or registry issue process
How to go about creating PMS system for a new ship as a chief officer
CLC/Fund convention in detail
Result- Pass/Pass
Cargo sweat
Ship sweat
What all information provided by shipper
Documents required to load DG cargo
Types of Gas carrier
Types of tanks on gas carrier?
Difference between integrated and independent tanks?
How will you calculate total amount of cargo loaded on a bulk carrier?
Deck seal, mast riser, means of venting on oil tankers
Ship shore safety checklist for tankers
Where you will find ship shore safety checklist for bulk carriers?
Damage to railing while loading? Action
LOP- when you can issue? And what are the cases in which you normally issue?
Lashings on a containership? Bridge fitting use? How will you operate semi automatic twist
Coal carriage procedure? And action when bilges are overflowing? Causes for that?
On a bulk carrier at discharge port cargo is short? Action?
Load density. Units . Where will you find load density?
Stowage factor. Units
Use of Stowage factor?
What are constants while carrying out draft survey
Loading cargo more than load density?
And many more
How many corrections are there for draft survey?
Hazards of bulk cargoes?
Coal loading precautions?
Less cargo at discharge port, what all actions and documents?
Result: Fail
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 15-MAR-2023
Internal- Capt. Joseph
External- Capt. Oak
1. Gyro principal
2. Magnectic compass error
3. Japan water 2+1 flasing red light, action
4. Lights and shape for nuc, ram ang aground vsl.
5. Fog signal fwd of beam action and quote rule6.
6. Rule 8 quote
7. TSS rv overtaking and engine fail action.
8. TRS SH explain
9. TLD and thunderstorms differences
10. True 125 gyro 1L what course to steer.
11. RV nuc and ram crossing action.
12. Signal light range
13. Barometric tendency and error and how much ht of eye correction how to find?
14. Both radar fail action.
15. Polar code content.
16. Additional equipment as per polar code
17. SOLAS ch v contents
18. Transverse thrust role in turning circle.
19. Special water mark
20. Various chart symbols.
Finally MATE🥲
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 20.03.2023
Internal- Nitin Mukesh
External- K Gupta
File : Noida MMD , Oral : DGS , Mumbai
Second Attempt -2
In starting Surveyor P.A scanned the Room and was unable to see my secondary device and
after logging out and in some how it started working.
External – Asked what all Types of ships I have done and said Oil Tankers and he asked
not other vessels than asked to show CDC and was planning to check the vessels than I said I
did 1 Bulk carrier in Cadet ship , so he said that’s what I am asking why are u not
Telling , than he said we will start from Bulk carrier.
1. BLU Code where u will find and why it came and IMSBC code Explain and Purpose
2. Than Asked what all Plans on the BULK carrier and General Cargo vessels
3. Than started asking state all the codes for All ships
4. Intentionally asked which code apply for Oil Tanker and I was confused than he said
u don’t know which code applies to Chemical Tanker I answered it he said why so long , I
said sorry sir I misheard Oil tanker
5. He asked what is S.F and B.S and cargo calculation and B.S calculation and Load
density and where to find and purpose
6. And all manuals on all other specific ships
7. Asked about Tankscope and Explosive meter and their use and working and deference
8. Than asked about Oxygen analyser and different types and their working and
calibration procedures
9. Asked about COW manual and procedures
10. Asked about Oil tanker cargo calculation use of ASTM table VCF / VRF and WRF and
calculation and conversion
11. Duties as Chief officer onboard WRT cargo
12. Details included in cargo plan and procedures
13. Documents Ch off signs Prior and after cargo operation
14. Cargo Difference in ship and shore figure actions
15. Cargo short action asper Law’s ansd started asking Antyork rule, Hamburg rule and
etc started going into it and said u have studied all this for written u don’t remember.
16. And went to KN curves use and where u will find used for what
17. Asked about B.S , SWL and Safe Load
18. Asked factor of safety and value
19. Formula of B.S of wires
20. And told u have to do maintenance of Anchor and to lower it how much strengethed
wire u will use and gave Anchor weight and asked to do calculation and said this is my last
question answer correctly I, I did cal gave him answer .
Finally he said u did good overall which ships u did u have Knowledge , but u did give me 3
Cargo Liabilities in case of cargo difference , I said sorry sir I will go through it than
he handed over to Internal as he was with meeting with other authorities.
Internal - Asked did u sailed on Tanker I said yes than he said I am in meeting and busy I
will only ask u only one question if answer properly than ur pass
1. How u do gas freeing his favourite question after answer he said ok ur pass u can
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 23.03.23
Kochi MMD 1st Attempt.
Internal : Capt. Harinder
External : Capt. Pravin Sarin
Ext. : Capt. Babu Rao ( Spectator)
Started off with instructions sayin Passing is 70, 60, 60 % in F1,2,3 respectively
Normal talks making comfortable
1. Safe water mark..it's purpose ..I said mark safe waters around the buoy..was not
satisfied wanted something else.
2. Reg B Preferred channel to stbd describe and u r exiting channel where will buoy be. I
said Stbd.
3. Two red lights in vertical line and 2 white lights (Anchor wala)
Aground said action I said the card one and then he asked what u will do ..( wants check
chart for depth and all)
4. In SH, pressure dropping wind backing ..action...what is the situation..tell location of
vessel and action will take ( from subra )
5. How u will assist master in decision making wrt to passage planning and some cross
6. SOLAS CH.V reg 33
Fun 2
1. 50000 MT consignment on grain. How u will load. I asked if have DOA. he said no. - I
started with showing to admin that vsl will be stable in all condtn AND max 1/3rd of DWT. He
said ok u have DOA. then said all DOA stuff. Pawan notes.
2. IBC code ch. 17 full contents and how will use in planning for loading.
3. Container on dock. Damaged. U see it. What u do.- I said I will tell stevedore don't
load. Take photos. Statement from stevedore. Tell master. He said they load it onboard now
what u do..LOP to SHIPPER..(he will ask who u will issue LOP. I got stuck there eventually
got it right.)
5. Role of Dock inspector.
6. Amendments in Imsbc code. IBC code.
Fun 3
1. Going from Sea water to Dock water. What will happen. Will vessel trim. How did ur last
vessel trim. ( F or A ). Why forward trim.
2. Amendments MARPOL.
3. Amendments SOLAS Ch. 3 ( i said I don't know)
4. Certificates important to Chief officer. ( Not statutory/trading) just tell all cert like
mooring wire rope, lifting gear, loose gear, BWTS approval, calibration gas meter and marpol
related etc.
5. ETA req. Quoted Solas reg and some details. Was happy.
6. Dry dock jobs.
7. Leaving dry dock main concern. Told all about securing and all. Asked regarding ballast.
Said will keep same condition as came. If came safely with that condtn then will go out
safely with that ballast. Was satisfied.
Called internal.
Nothing much standard
How to check paint thickness
Rudder construction. ( Didn't know much just said stringers are there inside)
Then line for emgncy fire pump coming from where. I am also not sure I said not from aft
Asked steering room hydraulic oil leak where it will drain. I said clean oil tank engine
room. He said how it will go..i said thru aft peak...I don't know if it's right.
Finally he said okk...u go and check on ship next time all these. Don't just focus on deck
side only...and said go all 3 done. 😆😆
Ext capt sarin very good guy only wants practical stuff. U start telling stories he will
stop and tell what he wants. Internal also good
External - Capt Naveen ( Calm guy and gives you lot of hints to take you to the answer )
Internal - Capt Anish Josep
Long waiting since morning till 3 pm without any attendance and not knowing when will they
take me online.
Finally 3 pm Internal came online scanned room, screen sharing and asked to be standby for
15-20 min.
😪 But it again took waiting almost for 1 hr
Finally both were online and external started with introduction, types of ships done ( LPG
ships ) and saying you will be getting COC for all types of vessel and I will be asking
you all types of vessel.
1. Stowage factor
2. Load density
3. Where you will find stowage factor and load density
4. Which plan you will refer for loading steel coil
5. How will you be loading steel coil
6. How to load grain ( eg. Wheat or rice) and what all codes and document required.
7. What is angle of repose and why it is required to see
8. Stability criteria for grain ships
9. List What all various codes on various ships applicable
10. General stability criteria of tankers and bulk
11. What are the types of chemical in bulk chemical code
12. Types of Chemicals on chemical tankers
12. IGC code contents
13. Certificate of fitness
14. IMDG contents and suppliments
15. What is their in MFAG and in EMS guide
16. Type of LPG ships as per their survival capabilities
17. Explain fully Pressurized, fully ref and semi pressurized and semi ref in details.
18. Deep well pump and submersible pump and why they are on gas ships why not pumps like oil
---- here his internet got stuck for 5 min not mine surveyors but resumed again---
Without answering he started with next question
19. NOP / why it is required
1. Various plans on board ship
2. Certificate as per marpol each annex with validity...(he wanted like 5 yrs subjected
annual inspection)
3. Other than this 6 annex any other requirement ( ans is BAllast water management )
4. Why we required ballast water management.
5. All certificates onboard other than marpol certificates
6. Specific certificate on gas ship which is not on other ship - COF
7. What all things you will check in dry docking before flooding
8. Have you seen testing of drain plugs .. said No, then he asked how it is tested and from
where you got this info... Said from notes😜
9. What is MLC and have you seen MLC certificate onboard what was written about
10. Important log maintained by chief officer as per MLC ... Got stuck here ... After lot of
hints got correct - fucking it's rest hr. Didn't clicked initially
11. What are the rest hour requirement as per MLC.
12. Which lifeboat on last ship and what all things you will check inside lifeboat when
13. Said now last question anchor dragging master ashore what is the action... Don't want
to here informing port and pilot
14. Which msg you will broadcast and tell how will you broadcast... I said pan x 3 , he said
why not securite msg ... I told it's urgency not only safety and may I will be going over
another ship near by so it's urgency only
Internal was online only unmuted his mic and asked how was your performance
I said it was good but not up to the mark as I was missing some points in between.
He said I was listening you have done above our criteria and I am passing you in both ...
Keep learning and train juniors onboard 😊
Result - / P / P
Finally mates ðŸ»
Thanks to all and YouTube. And best of luck for everyone. See you in ASM
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: 06/04/2023
Internal- Capt. Vikram Manhas
External- Capt. Baweja
Introduction, which all type of ships then he said will start with FN1 ROR if u don't answer
correct will not ask further.
2. 3 ROR cards
3. Colregs situations -
Crossing in TSS, deep draught vessel overtaking.
I fucked in cards identification and sound signals so he didn't asked more. Even on
requesting. He said internal will access for FN1
Fn 2-
External asked how did u perform- I said FN- 1 was not good and FN-2 was good. Then they
spoke on call.
Said I am in a hurry for a meeting at 2pm
Said- Fn2 will give & fn 1 will not ask anything, repeat it
5/20/23, 14:11 - Sugumar: Mumbai MMD 06/04/2023
2nd attempt
External captain Srivastav
Internal captain Harinder
Function 1-
Rule 6-8-13-19 quote
Weather routing
Passage plan as per chief mate
Routing charts
Polar code content
Polar code general requirement
Polar code equipment
Optimum passage plan
Situation -overtaking vsl on stbd quarter and one vessel crossing from port now action
How spare magnetic compass is kept
This is how much I can recall
Tanker Ship shore safety checklist all parts
Isgott amendment
Cow requirements
How you will make sure Efficient cow carried out .
Tank cleaning and grade change from naphtha to ULSD
Which guideline u will refer
You rcvd voyage orders how you will proceed for tankers and bill carrier
How you make sure you have loaded maximum cargo
How you will make sure you haven’t overloaded
Purging gas freeing tank cleaning before dry dock
LPG -lng difference
LPG carriage temp
Draft survey
What you will do with slops after tank cleaning and discharge procedure by odmcs
Function 3
Oil spill what actions as per sopep
Garbage management plan
Dry docking procedure and stability effect
Why stern trim
Which plans to refer before dry docking
Chain register entries both dg fasli and ILO
Annex 1 discharge criteria
Certificates to be carried on board and as per which convention
MLC rest hrs
MLC dmlc 1 dmlc 2
Vessel is going to transit HRA procedure and reporting requirements
NUC,trawler ,fishing vessel ,towing ,ram cards he asked me more cards
Dry docking survey
Tank cleaning procedure before that
1. Types of Chemical Tankers and their construction.
2. Full tank cleaning procedure along with discharge criteria for Cat. X, Y, Z.
3. Stability Criteria for Grain, Timber and Cargo Ships.
4. Procedure to be followed of damage to hold or cargo gear by stevedore.
5. Precautions while loading Heavy Lift Cargo.
1. COW precautions before, during and after loading.
2. Precautions while loading static accumulator cargo.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 10.04.23
External : sb kumar
Internal : Capt Harinder Singh
L/b rboat Ffb maneuvers interval
Mlc amendments
Annex v marpol amendments
Liferaft service window period
Brc and bhc
Lifeboat lowering as per solas
Kenter shackle
test of bottom plug
What plans u refer for dry dock
Maintenace of anchor
Lifeboat wire renwal
What bottom checks u will do in dry dock as mate
AOA and where applicable
Difference FSI AND PSC
imo structure
Imo sub committee
Draw kenter shackle
When u will change shackle in anchor chain
How u release anchor from bitter end
Form a and b of psc inspection when issued
Finally pass
Thanks all for supporting
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 10 April 2022
External capt. Gupta
Internal GP shenoy
1.Why called marpol 73/78
2.What all logs u will maintain as chief officer as per what convention?
3.Odmcs criteria
4.Which ships fitted with odmcs
5.Which staututory certificate limits no. Of crew on board
6.Specifically as per mlc which record u will maintain onbaird
7.How to prepare for loadline survey
8.Content of trim and stability booklet.. What are kn curves how to find GZ
9.Left handed screw propeller going astern how will bow cant
10.Formula for P in drydocking
11.Requirment for no. Of lifeboat in general cargo ship
12.Requirement for no of foam applicators on tanker
13.Fire pump started all hydrants shut what will happen
14.What work done on anchor cable in drydock
15.For crane of 25T SWL, how much is proofload.
Biparty and triparty
Mlc amendment 2018
Result pass...
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: First Attempt:
External: Capt vibhuthi
Internal: Capt manhas
Type of ship you did
# How you will plan for loading and what all information you will received from charter,
shipper and owner.
# IMDG Class and segregation table 'X' meaning
#. Concentrate loaded TML and can Test etc
# Concentrate loaded and ship sailed out, in sea your vsl listed 5deg stbd action
Function 3.
#. In Drydock inspection of Seachest
#. Shipowner requested for survey, which survey and whom owner will appoint for survey.
#. Instantaneous rate of discharge
#. Vsl out from port 3Nm from nearest land and STP is not working seawage stored and
overflowed action
That's what I remember.
Internal: I heard you are OK
Result: P/P
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: Ext vibhuti
Int Manhas
What checks for imdg
Annnex 3 and marpol correlation
Rest pad use
Angle of repose
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 10.04.23
Mmd noida
Int. Tapesh ghosh
Ext. Naveen vinod
1. SV / NUC / Trawler overtaking from stbd qtr. Action ?
2. RAM coming down reciprocal cource. Identify situation and action.
2. Cbd coming down reciprocal cource. Action?
3. RAM right ahead stopped in tss and we are CBD. Roc exists. Action.
4. Quote rule 10 part a.
5. Why its is mentioned to have a heading 90 deg to tss while crossing. Reason?
6.causes of ocean currents.
7. Warm and cold currents with examples.
8. Rectifiable error in gyro.
8. Name magnetic compass parts for adjustments and usage.
9. How will you assist master in heavy traffic in a tss as a ch off.
10. Tss is adopted by which organisation and where to find?
1. Where you find stowage factor.
2. Container fell on vessel while loading. What documents you wil issue and your complete
action. ( In depth)
3. How will u make sure imdg segregation on containers?
4. How to make sure loadicator is working fine?
5. Form in which gas is carried in gas gas carriers and how it is kept in this form?
6. How to troubleshoot temperature rise in gas carriers?
7. What is VGM? Why it was brought up ?
1 what cirtificates ship carries? Name as much as you can.
2. Shich cirtificates are issued by class and which by flag.
3. Purpose of PSC? And how to prepare.
4. What is Mou and alot of cross questions.
5.cirtificates especially carried by chem tanker.?
6. Which cirtificates have no expiry.?
7. Chain register and name the parts.
Both surveyors very good. Capt naveen will steer your answer to the part which he wants to
listen. Gives time and very practical guy.
No bullshit questions like contents and regulation numbers , just practical stuff.
Nothing by internal.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: Date 17.04.2023
External Pramod Kumar
Internal Harinder Singh
External said i will start with F2 first then F3 and at at last F1
1.Quote rule 2,5,7d,8f,19 (he wants to listen word by word)
2. Scanty Radar Information Meaning
3. Day and Night lights of NUC/ Aground /pilot vessel lights (Including at anchor also)
4.ROR situations (Overtaking and SV situations)
5.Vessel Radar not operational, your Heading 000 ,You see a vessel on Brg 355 at 7miles
Range, Then after 10 mins Brg 320 at 5miles.
6. Underway and Making Way difference
7. Smelling the ground.
8. Squat and Block coefficient
9 TRS in detail
10. Load line charts on what basis they are made
11 Once anchor is aweigh are you underway? (yes) now if ur heading is 000 T and current is
180 what will ur heading be? Without using engines? What will happen if you give hard
starboard? Will ur heading change? By how much? Will she settle on any particular heading?
12 How you come to know gyro stabilized after service?
13 Back up requirements for ECDIS? And as per which certificate
14 IAMSAR contend and names of search patterns.
1. Load-line Marking
2. What is constant( he just want to listen word Variables)
3. IMSBC is detail
4. ISGOTT amendments
5. Difference in PV valve and breaker
6. Load density and Stowage Factor with units
7. Contents of Trim and Stability Booklet, what is the most important thing you will check.
What is Inclining report, what do we get from it.
8. Loading on a Bulk carrier
9. IMDG code? Can containers be loaded on a general cargo ship.
10. Loadicator approval and testing?
11. Loading Sulphur documents required?
12. Flammability diagram explain? Including purging and Inerting.
13. CSC plate and details. CSC code contents.
14. Use of trim and stability booklet
1. Emergency Generators requirements
2.Procedures to discharge fixed CO2 and requirements
3. SOPEP contents and when to update
4.ANNEX 2 discharge criteria
5. Annex 1 in detail
6. ISM in detail (including the certification and its frequency for renewal and intermediate
7. Stiff and tender ship
8 Docking plans? What all things are there in Shell Expansion plan ?
9 Note of protest and LOP? When it is lodged? And when you Issue NOP (those 7 reasons)
1. How will you reduce static electricity in oil tankers
2. Critical dilution line
3. IMO structure
4. Before MLC who was taking care of crew welfare? ILO and then why MLC came
Result F/P/P
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 18.04.23
File : MMD Noida
External : Sk Das Kumar
Internal : Capt. Darokar
What is Triparty?
Latest Solas Amendments?
Latest Stcw amendments?
Critical period?
Tonnage Certificate expiry?who issued it? As per which Convention?
What is Boat drill?
Davit Test? static & dynamic?
What is scope?
Lifebiat PMS?
All certificates as per Marpol Annex-6?
What is Critical period Formula?
No question
1) Cbd definition
2) Explanation rule 2
3) Passage planning as chief mate
4) What if our calculation went wrong and ship not raised to winter load line when entering
winter zone area ?
5) A tug and tow in port bow - Action
6) danger message
7) what is urgency message
8) how will u overtake in narrow channel ?
And few questions more can't recollect now
If cleared congratulations... If not there is always a next time. Don't loose hope...
Internal asked me which function, which attempt, type of ships sailed and which company.
Then he asked External to start with the orals.
1. Tell me all the certificates as per MARPOL.
2. What is Form A and Form B?
3. Annex 6 in detail with special emphasis on CII, EEXI and SEEMP.
4. Does your company have a cyber security policy? What do you do to ensure cyber security
on board?
4. Complaint Handling Procedures on board.
5. BWTS D1 and D2 requirements.
6. Difference between Port State and Flag State.
7. ISM in detail. DOC and SMC.
8. BMP4 and BMP5 difference.
9. Why is the trim small when vessel heads for drydocking?
10. Article of Agreement details.
11. What are clear ground as per PSC?
12. Which was the first MOU?
Internal said he was listening to the answers throughout and was happy with them so no
questions from his side.
Result: Pass.
Func 1
Quote Rule 3 NUC RAM CBD, 19 d and e Rule 13
Aground vsl 100m Fog signal
Sailing vsl and fishing vsl at anchor lights
Constraints of Radar range scale explain
Ocean currents
Aneroid barometer
Frontal depression
Frontogenesis and Frontolysis
Right ahead Danger buoy action and cross questions
South cardinal buoy
Func 3
Dry dock full preparation
Anchor marking
PMS for windlass lifeboat
Steering gear requirements
Critical instant critical period
Which dry dock you prefer
How to dock when vsl is loaded
Docking plan
Shell expansion plan
welding terms
Surface preparation
Lifeboat 5yearly test
How you wil do static and dynamic test
And some more can't recall
Internal asked how was your orals, I said I answered well sir and I need to read some more ,
He said you are above our criteria clearing you in both the functions .
Finally cleared mates. Thanks everyone for sharing questions. All the best for everyone.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 04/05/23
Fn 2
1. Imdg container loading preacuations
2.cow procedure,when to do cow
3.cargo line testing procedure
4.steam line testing
5.fire line testing
6.bil of lading n types
7.grain hazard
8.sulphur hazard
9.heavy lift precaution
10.wat to check in wilden pump on tanker as mate
2.oxygn level to maintain on tankers
Func 1
Quote Rule 3 NUC RAM CBD, 19 d and e Rule 13
Aground vsl 100m Fog signal
Sailing vsl and fishing vsl at anchor lights
Constraints of Radar range scale explain
Ocean currents
Aneroid barometer
Frontal depression
Frontogenesis and Frontolysis
Right ahead Danger buoy action and cross questions
South cardinal buoy
Func 3
Dry dock full preparation
Anchor marking
PMS for windlass lifeboat
Steering gear requirements
Critical instant critical period
Which dry dock you prefer
How to dock when vsl is loaded
Docking plan
Shell expansion plan
welding terms
Surface preparation
Lifeboat 5yearly test
How you wil do static and dynamic test
Finally cleared mates. Thanks everyone for sharing questions. All the best for everyone.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: Date: 02 May 2023
Mmd Mum
External: Capt.Sharda
Internal: Capt.Darokar
Fun 1.
1. Rule 6
2. Radar characteristic
3. Why TRS recurve
4. Emergency wreck marking buoy characteristics and how u identify in RV
5. Aground vsl Sound signal in RV
6. Meaning of flag U
7. Passage plan safety margin
8. Normal head on situation action
9. Crossing in TSS stbd to port action
10. Position circle on celestial body and how
11.tidal stream on chart in English channel
12. Magnetic anomaly
13. Lookout as per STCW
14. What is systematic and random error
15. Schedule of emergency steering drill
16. Weather associated with cold fronts
17. ETA in detail
18.Back scattering
19.meaning of scanty radar information
20. What is gradient current bay of Bengal
Internal : in winter season ur proceeding Chennai to Paris what information are u expected
from 2nd mate.
Ans : Mainly heavy wx and various cyclones developing now a days.
- Rule 6, 19d, sound signals, light and shapes for various vsls - aground, anchor, nuc, ram
- Few ROR situations
- IALA buoyage - description of iso. danger, E- cardinal mark and situations wrt buoys
- TRS in details
- Gyro principles and working
- Passage Planning as a mate
- IAMSAR contents, SAR coordinator etc
- Plenty other questions and cross questions in above topics
- Aground vsl > 100m lights, fog signals
Thank you everyone for the valuable info provided.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: MMD MUMBAI
Date- 04/05/2023
Fun 1
External- K. Iyer
Internal - Capt. Vikram Manhas
External -
Introduction about myself then asked me from where to start. I said ROR cards and Situations
- fishing vessels clutter on port side and stb of own track like in china, asked me action I
will take to avoid collision.
3- VARIOUS ECDIS SYMBOLS Showed on screen and asked me to identify.
4- Emergency steering test.
5-What are sign of Developing TRS.( He want to listen about swell, wind speed, Cloud color
change at sunset)
6-Action and instruction to be given to 3rs mate for transiting through archipelago.(He
showed a picture, but picture did not show any lane ,it was some group of islands).
7-Showes on screen Weather Synopsis chart asked me to read it
8-weather associated with cold front, types of front.
9- Points to discuss in BTM as a Mate.
-TSS crossing situations and few situations from Pawan notes.
-Tidal diamond .
Fn 2
1. Showed schedule of a cargo and asked where to find it what is MHB and what is WF and CR
in MHB column , what does group b means
2. What is segregation of containers and where to find it and what is different than normal
3. You have to segregate cargo in bulk how will u go about it
4. Limited and excepted quantity as per Imdg and where to find it
5. How to load heavy lift showed me a cylindrical tank with dimensions and weight and told
me how will u go about load such cargo and lashing for the same , how to calculate load
density , where will u find load density of hold
6. What all Documents are maintained as a mate
7. Difference between explosive meter and tank scope
8. How will you load grain
9. Where will u find VHM
10. If VHM exceeding what will u do now
1. What is angle of loll
2. What happens at angle of loll if ship is listed 20 deg due to wind , now wind has stopped
what will happen
3. Angle of repose
4. Which aor is better 18 deg or 36deg
5. Which cargo has aor 18 deg
6. What happens to cargo of aor 36 deg when will it shift
Thank you so much guys finally cleared mates. Keep supporting keep posting questions it
helps a lot.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: MMD:- KOCHI
FUN 1&2
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 8/5/2023
Mumbai mmd
Int - shenoy
Ext- nitin nayar
Function 2 only
Internal - no questions
Result - pass
Fun 2
He asked Imsbc
How to load coal
Which section of imsbc deals with coal
Then imdg in detail
Like segregation and contents.
Some table he asked, I don't know.
Then I have done tankers so went deep isgott
Then tank cleaning, COW, flamability diagram.
Then construction part
Then drydock
Fun 3
Construction of wires
Dry dock preps in detail
Stcw in detail
Ism code
Docs as per ISM
Marpol all annexes
Plans on ships and identification
Strengthening of plates.
Result - F/P
Fn : 2/3
Function 2:
1-Grain loading in detail ( full procedure), from where will you get allowable heeling
2-What is SF/BM
3-Heavy lift precautions/ procedures before / during loading
4-How to calculate max cargo that can be loaded on your ship
5- Why draft survey is carried out. What all corrections are done and reason for each
6- Prior loading IMDG container, what all precautions to be taken and what instructio you
will give to your duty officer
Function 3:
1- Ammendments to MARPOL annex 6 & 5
2- Port state inspection & Flag state inspection difference
3- Certificate of registry , who issues and as per which convention
4- AOA, and contents
5- Duties of Chief mate as per ISM & STCW
6- PMS of anchor chain
7- What is B/L, functions and contents
8- V/l approaching port & grounded, how to know how much jettisoning / lightering/ de-
ballasting to be done to refloat the vsl
Function 3:
Dock labour regulation.
What is competent Person.
PMS of lifeboat.
Difference between Port state and flag state inspection.
Your duty officer reported Oil pollution : your action.
In drydocking why less trim.
Statutory certificates for cargo.
Certificate of registry: procedure for registration.
Sopep contacts : how will you know ther are up to date.
Duties of Chief officer as per ISM Code and STCW code.
How you will clear foul anchor.
What all checks for beaching the ship.
Amendments to Marpol annex 6 and annex 5.
Parts of Garbage Record book.
Function 2
Draft survey in details with all correction
Grain stability criteria DOA
Grain cargo on general cargo Flame arrestor
Flame screen
Inerting explain
Purging explain
Container Marking 4 digit code
Reefer cargo hold preapartion
Brine pipe
Pump room alarms
pump room bilage overflow action
Ibc code content
Imdg cargo segeration
Timber lashing
Function 3
Critical period
How u r exchanging ballast on board n criteria?
Right hand propeller.. Which turning circle will be bigger?
Garboard strake
Stealer plate
What is rudder drop? How u will measure it? Rudder drop in detail
Paint thickness
Draw flange bracket, Solid angle floor,bulb angle
Galley fire
Coal temp rises in midsea action
Lodicator fail action
How will you change crane wire
Ballast tank inspection
imp point drydock check in bottom and many for rapid fire from
his set
Result - P/P
Finally mate all the best guys
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 11.05.2023
File - Noida MMD
Oral - Mumbai MMD
External -
1. what is Bi anf Tri party.
2. Their example and explain.
3. U are going ahead u ground what will happen to ME RPM.
4. How will u know u have aground and actions and Ground Tackle.
5. Screening of lights and limits for side and main mast lights and their arc of visibility.
6. What is Girting of TUG and GOBE wire.
7. Angle of LOLL.
8. Timber carrier next day listed what u will do.
9. What is critical instant and critical period and why it is called that.
10.Difference b/w PSC and FSC.
11. Statutary and Mandatory certificates
after surveyor said from my side its pass now Internal surveyor will ask u questions
Internal -
surveyor asked have u done Drydock - I said yes sir 3 , ok we will ask from that only
Thanks all for support and cooperation and we should continue this.
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 11.05.2023
Internal : Capt Harinder
External : Capt Nitin Nayyar
Observor : Capt Biswas
Function 1
1. 10-15 ROR cards
2. Quadrantal spheres Magnetic compass
3. Settling of gyro compass
4. Ship Routing system
5. Ship reporting system with examples
6. Navigation in ice
7. Meaning of dual fuel ECDIS
8. Disabled ship dragging anchor
9. ETA requirements
10. Dangerous Quadrant? Why it is called so?
11. RV situation as per 19e
No questions by internal
5/20/23, 14:15 - Sugumar: 17.05.2023
Int-nithin mukesh
Ext- sharda
Kochi mmd
2 nd attempt
1.chain register how visual examination carried out
2.how to do Hamer test
3.lsa code chapter 7
4.what is other life saving appliance
5.ffa code how many chapter
6.before mlc which one is there
7.whivh chapter of ILO saying about MLC
8.how many pages for AOA
9.which chapter is saying about protective clothing
10.requirment of collision bulk head
11.requirment of fire pump
12.attachment of safety construction certificate
13.loadline survey Prepration where is written
14.foul anchor
15.annex 6 special area
16.solas certificate
17.coswap content
18.MBL Full form
19.redering anchor
20.Slipping anchor
21.what is ms act?content
Rapid fire If u start anz he wil ask next qstn
Result - fail
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: 06th Dec 2021
MMD Kochi,
Ext/ Int : Capt Azad
Started with func2
1. Complete grain loading procedure
2 .Draught survey and what is use of corrections
3. Cow requirements on tankers
4 .Tank cleaning procedure on your last ship and cross question
5.IMSBC groups of cargo
6.BL function and types of LOP
8. Timber cargo , applicable to which ships
Func 1
1.Started with cards ,5 to 6 with FV, purse seiner, aground vsl, buoy cards and actions,
wants as per card
2.Types of current and example of each
3.Signs of TRS and avoiding action
4. How gyro is made north seeking
5. Gyro failure actions and effect on nav equipments
Atlast asked abt previous question, I told him ROR situation I was not confident enough,
He advised take action based on TCPA
Result PP/-
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: 06th Dec 2021
Mmd Kochi
Ext/Int : Capt Azad
Function 3
1. Drydocking in details. As chief officer wat all precautions you will take prior entering
drydock and leaving drydock prior flooding.. He want to hear abt intial GM to b less them
virtual loss of GM..
2. Wat are functions of STCW and name them ( 7 functions)
3. Seq survey
4. Loadline survey preparation
5. Condition of class.. Whr ul find it if vessel unble to find Cobditon of class.. He wants
to listen abt dat vessel can download it on website quaterly list ( status of certificates)
6. Loadline certificate contents and wat u mean by type A And type B mentioned on loadline
7.MLC titles
8.AOA and CBA ( tri party and bi party)
9. As per mlc wat is d leave wages
10. As per Mlc wats is compensation given to crew in case of injury
11. Under vch MLC title and regulation number ul find d above
12. Seaman employment agreement
13. Wats d name of CBA my cmny folled d terms and conditions for employment ( ans MUI/IBF -
Model CBA)
14. Wat is cobdition of assighnment as per loadline
Result : Pass
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: Date:7-April-2022
File :Mumbai MMD
Centre:Kochi MMD
Ext:Capt Mukesh Kumar Deb &
Capt. Pardhasaradhi Vanamali
Internal: Capt A K Azad
Duration:(1 hr, 16:30-17:30)
Internal started with when did you sailed last show me your CDC, Passport and EXN for
verification also asked to show last ship stamp ,how many attempts,who were the last
internal and external, when did you give last attempt,how many functions left ?
Internal wants your secondary device to focus on you and your primary device screen .
Function 2
1.capt Mukesh: on a timber carrier When loading under deck and on deck what are the carriage
requirements as per timber code when you are going from summer zone to WNA in winter season
I said general things such as i will consider the fw consumption/production ,F.O co
consumption etc he said no what is mentioned in timber code for ice accretion ,etc
2. Capt Vanamali : why ventilation required on bulk carrier ?
Said him because man entry,removal of toxic gas, he added ship sweat ,Cargo sweat
3.Capt M:what is trimming tables ?
I said about trimming tables for ballast tanks on tankers ,he wanted to hear trimming tables
on bulk carriers
4.Capt V:How will you find out constant on bulk carrier ?
I said about the formula given in draught survey(0.05 wala) he said that will give you
general idea but what is the accurate method ?
They were asking mainly bulk carrier questions as I did tankers mostly my answers were not
good enough
Function 3
1.capt V: have you ever done dry docking ,i said yes, he asked what all jobs done in dry
I said about hull sand blasting painting,anchor cable laying, overhauling jobs,Surveys ,
check-in propellor ,rudder, transducer,anodes .
He asked if the anode is corroded what does it mean is it working or not working ,i said it
mean it was working thats why corroded . What checks will you do on propelled and rudder?
Propellor aligning test cleaning/buffing ,for rudder removal of marine growth removal of
plug to drain water .
If water inside what does it mean?
It mean it was leaking and the efficiency was reduced and we were not getting economical
speed as it was overweight.
2.Capt M: Why BL is needed ?he wanted or hear 3 functions of BL .Why one of the functions of
BL is "Evidence of already existing contracts " Why not a contract insted of BL ? I said
because we can add clause in it .He said no that's not the answer .
As per what regulations BL is required ?
He wants to hear hauge rule ,hauge visby rule ,Rotterdam rule and Hamburg rule
3.Capt M:What are the amendments of MLC 2014,2016 and 2018 ?
I said about part B amendment he was interested to know part A at least few points of all
4.Capt M:What is ment by ground tackle ?
I said when both the anchor cables laid in opposite directions used to ground a ship for
some reason such that these cables can be used later to make it afloat once high tide
5.Capt V : At what Intervals will you carry out drydocking?
My observation :capt Mukesh was asking questions which were not part of any notes but was
ready to assist you he was calm and relaxed person .
capt Vanamali was asking questions which were common wants to hear few points and jolly kind
of nature
1. Angle of repose
2. Plan your vlcc arrival at Port for discharging, you have 5 days to arrive, what checks to
3. Ship shore safety checklist and its latest inclusions?
How do you discharge cargo on a tanker, step by step procedures?
4. Centrifugal pumps adv and disadv
5. How does an eductor work? What principle?
6. Out of three pumps, two of your pumps are running at max rpm and you are getting 7 bars
at manifold, terminal wants 8 bars. You start your third pump and prs goes to 9 bars. How
will you achieve 8 bars at manifold?
7. Pressure line testing on vlcc. How to do it? Step by step
8. Sopep equipments?
9. Testing of loadicator.
Fn 3
1.Condition of class
2. Docking plan, contents
3. Declivity of blocks? What is it and how is it decided?
4. Few ques on surveys.
And that's about it, at this point he said prepare well and appear next time.
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: 05.05.2022
FUN 1/2/3
1) Conditions for Lunar Eclipse
2) Rv Vsl overtaking from Stbd
3) Diff between GLONASS and GPS
4) Vsl Crossing in TSS from Stbd to Port
5) For what ports SHM of tide calculation is mandatory
few more
1) Hazards of Heavy wt cargo
2) Coal Hazards. Why we ventilate coal. Why fire will happen in coal.
3) Diff between grain ships from Normal Bulk carier
4) Loadicator Requirement as per which convention
5) LPG and LNG difference.
6) Angle of Repose
7) Significance of VHM in grain
8) Mates receipt
9) Allowable difference between ship and BL as per cargo type
10) Shipper's declaration
few more
1) ISM Certificates
2) Funtional requirements of ISM
3) BW standards
4) Parametric Rolling
5) Annex VI certificates
Ammendments of Annex VI with dates
6) ISM inspection intervals
7) Ammendnents to GRB and on which date
8) Rule paramount. Hamburg Rule
9) NC
few more
Fun 1
Fun 3
too much cross questioning from external. Want more detailed answers at management level.
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: Date- 05.05.2022
External- Devesh Sinha
Internal- Nitin Mukesh
Function 2-
1) Sea chest pressure test value ? How to do it and where is the Documented procedure for
2) Framo maintenance? And purging procedure.?
3) In which year cargo record book was ammended? I need only year nothing else?
4) what IMO is planning now what is going to come? Apart from ammendments!
6) Isgott ammendments and date when it came?
7) Paramount clause in Bill of lading?
8) IG alarms in ER? lot of cross questionings
9) Deck seal- Purpose of water? And lot of cross questioning
10) Primary and secondary means of venting on tankers?
11) Dg container leaking and one crew is affected Action and how will you go about it? Lot
of cross questioning for MFAG!
12 From fwd 40 feet container is placed in 5th bay...Tell me its number?
13) What is Union purchase system? Cross questioning.
Function 3-
1) What all jobs can only be done in Dry docks?
2) ISM duties as mate.?
3) Elements of PMS.?
4) PSC detention apart from MLC, STCW, Solas and Marpol?
5) Window period given for Ballast water treatment system installation.?
6) Contents of Form C ?
7) 2 Containers lost in sea in heavy weather? What type of compensation will be given ?
8) What is Thetis?
9) How many MOU ? First MOU where tell me year?
10) What is Bouyant paddles?
11) Cheif mate duties as per STCW?
Result- F/F
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: Oral question Mumbai
Date: 5th May 2022
Internal: Capt.Santoshkumar Darokar(kandla)
Exrternal:Capt.Pawan kumar mittal(delhi)
Function 1:
1) ROR cards
2) Card Buoy cylinder Green/Red/Green
3) North cardinal mark
4) Aground Vsl fog signal
5) Synoptic chart
6) TRS sign of approach
7) Eye wall weather condition
8) Dangerous Quadrant NH action
9) Passage plan as a mate
10) Duties as a C/O as per STCW
11) For loading cargo what all things you will consider
12) Aspects
13) safe speed
14) Vsl on Port side radar in operational fog signal intensity increasing action
15) vsl on stbd bow open sea 6nm off day time ROC exist action(he shown on slide target vsl
F&A line is not parall to own ship but her bow turned towards port side about 30deg)
Function 3
1) centre of floatation
2) forward strengthening members.
3) anchor foul on submarine cable.
4) Marpol annex 5 dis criteria.
5) wheel house poster
6) chain register.
7) AOA
8) Prepare load line survey
9) what are the survey carried out for load line.
10) How the certificate issued after the renewal survey from which date?
Function 3
1) Dis-able ship means
2) Un-seaworthy means
3) Audit as per what?
4) Inspection as per what?
5) ILO head quarter
Results : F/-/P
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: Date : 06/05/2022
Internal : Darodkar
External : PK Sharda
MMD : Kandla
Function 1
3.Pd vessel 5* on your Stbd bow Masthead light in line and side light is visible Action.
Function -2
1.Angle of Repose.
2.Boat notes
3.What is VGM.
4.Tnk preparation for loading sulfuric acid.
5.Tnk prep for loading caustic soda.
6.Cargo GROUP A,B,C Name
7.Cow requirement.
8.How crude oil washing is carried out.
9.New ISGOTT and old isgott What is changed.
10.Chemical tanker guideline which chapter in ISGOTT
11.WALL wash test of tank.how to do.
12.CSS code
13.IMDG code for what ship is applicable.
14.Type of chemical tanker
Finally mate
5/20/23, 14:17 - Sugumar: 10 May 2022
Ext. JB Singh
Int. NK Mandal
Voyage planning
Blue moon
Wet and Dry moon
Lee Tide
TSS vessel from right ahead
How many rules
What is colreg Anx 3
What is X and S band radar
Grounding Beaching
Spoil ground
Steering failure drill
Anchoring as mate
How you check as mate navigation efficiency of junior officer
IMDG cargo types
What is dangerous cargo
Cargo Category as per IBC
DG manifest
Mate Reciept
Types of gas carrier
Types of reefer
Purpose of isgott
What all manuals/plans you will refer while preparing loading plan
Manual calculation for SF BM
Urea loaded montreal disch kakinada
Content of Stability booklet
What is timber carrier
Hazards and precations of sulphuric acid
Precautions loading methanol
Prepare for PSC
How will you train cadet and Crew
Duties of mate as per stcw
Shell expansion plan
Garboard Strakes, Sheer strake
Drills as per solas
TML, how you check onboard
How to motivate crew
Who issue COSWP
Internal: Darokar
External: Jb singh
1.Lee tide
2. Voyage planning with the help of ecdis
3. Limitation of ecdis
4.parameter to fix transducer
5.Ais and Lrit
6.Principle of magnetic compass
7.Is electricity required to run magnetic compass
8.What is directive force
9.What info do you get from ASD
10. Fog signal for Aground SV
11. Why magnetic compass is not stable when altering course
12.what all data is sync with vdr
13. Why to switch on navigation lights in adverse weather or rv
14.foul ground
15. If moonrise today 9am , tomorrow same place when before or after ?
16.annex 3
17. How many rules in colregs
18. Lights of cbd vessel
19. Which rule you can quote , i said 2 to 19 any one ,Didn’t ask any rule 😅
1. Lights of fishing vessel when engaged in fishing
2. Lights of dredger when have obstruction
3. Horizontal spacing of lights
4. Diffrence between VTS AND VTMS
5. Audibility range of vessel less than 20 mtr in fog
6. Fog signal of pilot vessel
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Mumbai MMD candidate
File @MMD Haldia
Int -SKDas
Ext -____Sinha
Funct 2. Result ( P )
Which type of vsls have u done - only Containers which company u working which all companies
before you worked with
Func 1
Quote rule 9,10,13,19
Errors of gyro, why magnetic compass behave erractic in high latitude, few ror cards for
fishing vsls, Ram vsls,fog signal for pilot vsls
Int sk das-
Asked Which company
Few lights of fishing vsls and anchored vsls
Does fishing vsl show anchored lights
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: [Forwarded from Vishal]
Func 2 & 3
Attempt: 3rd
(My oral was started at around 1630 Hrs and went up to 1745 Hrs)
Function 2
If you did not mention the underlined part, as per him whatever you say will be wrong
2) Why Grain code is separate and grain cargoes are not included in IMSBC, Why not coal code
Ans: You kept on trying to convince him with settling/shifting/AOR point but he wanted to
listen These are the only cargoes which can be carried in max quantity in bulk
3) Explain Securing arrangements given in Grain code for Partly filled compartment only.
Ans: Longitudinal divisions, Overstowing,Strapping/Lashing,Securing with wire mesh.
Do not mention Saucering, bundling
4) What are types of heavy lift and care during loading of heavy lifts.
Ans: here he wanted to check your knowledge with shift of KG,
When weight is lifted by crane, KG of the weight shifts to the top part of the boom but not
the ship’s KG
He stopped me here and checking my understanding with respect to shift of KG and then moved
to next question.
He said all ok but please answer at mate level,You are missing one of the most important
Then he said what about Loadline chart, this is the most important thing you are missing.
9)What is the significance of DG manifest, what all info you get from it.
General answer with all contents
15) Why class 1 is given with divisions and other classes with sub classes
Ans: because he wanted to hear mainly about class 4 : all sub classes having the different
characteristics not similar to each other. Explosives are all explosives
I didn’t understand what he was trying to explain.
Function 3
He asked have you ever seen Original Bill of lading,what all things are there.
I said Yes , things inside port of loading, port of discharge, shipper’s name and address,
consignee name and address, date of C/P, terms and conditions of carriage.
He stopped here and asked ok tell me there are 2 pages in B/L,which is on the front page and
which all info on the back page.
Ans is on front page all terms and conditions will be there and and the backside all
remaining details.
5) Prepare for vessels for incoming and outgoing to drydock with respect to stability.
Ans: He wanted to listen while calculating your stability calculations,keep dock manager
instructions with respect to draft and trim in mind.
6)Again he asked how will you plan departure condition from drydock.
Ans: I answered in a same manner as we arrived. he Was ok with the answer.
Then he asked ok your dedicated FW tank for Sprinkler system is empty now, Your action.Have
you ever seen in engine room
He wanted to listen there is separate provision given to connect with Sea water line later
once you have FW, flush the lines.
8) Duties of chief officer as per STCW
Ans: As per Randhawa supplement notes, explained him
Function 2
Function 3:
1. Plans and manuals onboard
2. Statutory certificates
3. Info in docking plan
4. Lifeboat yearly and 5 yearly test
5. Checks regarding anchor
6. You have three months to dry dock and you anchor chain has worn out. office says to
manage till dry dock action.
7. You are in dry dock and the 4th shackle is fucked. You have no spares in the dry dock.
What as a chief officer will you do. How will you sail out ( This was my passing question
8. Lifeboat maintenance
Many more which I cannot recall. But just do his questions and it’s good. He loves dry
dock, anchor , crane , grabs and grills on this
Basically he is a very practical guy. Wants practical answers. He told me I have to have
knowledge on all types of ships for cargo and not only on containers since I sail on
He was listening through out. Then decided to give me function 3.
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: External :Tapesh Gosh
Internal: capt.Gsranganathan
Attempt : First
Function 1:
1. Voyage planning as Chief Mate.
2. Head on situation shallow patch on STBD side.(Bold alteration 50 deg to 60 deg )
3.Quote rule 6,8 and 19
4.TRS Conditions.
5.TRS moving 270 Deg .your course 180 Deg.How will you pass ?
Funct 2:
1. Sulphur loading
2.Urea Loading.
3.Steel Coil Loading
4.Steel Slab Loading.
6.Claused B/L
7.COW Procedure Full
8.Chemical Loading.
Funct 3
2.Grabs ( He asked about securing arrangement of electric wire on electro hydraulic )
Result : P/P/F
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Date - 12/05/2022
Time - 1 hr 5 min
External - Ranganathan
Internal - Tapesh gosh
*Function 1*
1.NUC defination
2.CBD defination
3.what is Lookout
4.Rule 19d and 19e in own language no need of word to word
5.Rule 8 - listen only 2 points and moved on next
6.aground vessel more than 100 m Fog signal
7.your in narrow channel nearing a bend what all precautions you will take
8.Isolated danger mark - he just told name i have answered as top mark and use of it he was
9.South Cardinal mark - he just told name i have answered as top mark and use of it he was
10.isolated danger mark 2 nm ahead what is your action
11. How much distance off you will pass from isolated danger buoy - I answered 1 nm but not
12.Ocean current - i told whatever I know, like defination, causes like drift, upwelling,
gradient and also added warm current and cold current, He was ohk
13.synoptic charts
14.Voyage planning - what all things to consider
15.if other vessel is not taking action and not responding to your signal what you will do
16. Have you sailed on coast of Africa - I told No
*Function 2*
1.which type of vessel you have done - Gas tankers
2. Tell me how will you load on gas carrier - full procedure
3. Which pump in oil tanker for cargo
4. Advantage of centrifugal pump - mistakenly told self priming then he went in detail what
is it and how is it and which pumps it will apply
5. Is their Mast riser on gas tanker and if yes then what is the purpose
Till here all ohk next he went in bulk carrier and as I was not having practical experience
couldn't answer him properly
6. How to load steel coil
7. What is the name of 2nd tier in loading steel coil
8. Why only F and Aft direction you load why not athwardship
9. Why you can't load one above the other exactly
10. How to load steel slabs ( i don't know what is it actually hence skiped by saying sorry
don't know sir )
11. Sulphur hazards
12. What is liquifaction in Sulphur
13. What happens when mositure in Sulphur - answerd release of toxic gases but he wanted
something more
14. Lodicator not working and you are proceeding for loading what you will do - told all
things he kept saying 1 thing you are missing - finally he told their is procedure in the
last page of stability booklet what procedure to follow if lodicator fails - but same thing
I also told me before only but I don't know what was going in his mind
15. Stability booklet contents
*Function 3*
1. Various plans and documents onboard
2. Certificates onboard
3. Validity of registry certificate
4. Which ships issued with loadline exemption certificate
5. Form e
6. Which surveys in SEQ
7. What is intermidiate survey, what is periodical survey.
8. when to do renewal survey and can it be done after the expiry and if not why
9. Window period of various survey like annual, intermediate, renewal, periodical
10. What all things you will check in anchor and it's arrangement
11. Asked if found one shackle not good what action - as i told i will keep in my repair
list and try to change onboard with other shackle near bitter end but he was saying if you
put in repair list you are not going to look after it till dry dock and asking what more you
can do ... I went till class dispension as per safcon certificate but not satisfied.
12. 3 months left , anchor chain damage what all you will do
13. Which document you will refer for dry docking if vessel going first time dry docking -
don't know what he is actually wants in this
14. Block declivity and it's purpose
15. What all stability related things you will do for entering dry dock
16. Your on bulk carrier going for loading in Mumbai 3 days left and you have crane and
grabs , what all checks you will carry out - told basic basic as not having practical
experience of it, then he went in deep discussion with crans and it's type and it's wire
17. How many wires in crane - at this time Internal took interest to intruppted bcos it's 1
hr completed for me
And told me he is asking types of wire on crane - was not having idea but prompted runner
wire and all but seems not satisfied
18. Out reach of cranes - angle ,
19. Limits of crane
20. What is hydro electric crane how does it work ... Which parts moving , how to stow ..-
couldn't answer this
Finally he called external on mobile thinking he muted mic but I could listen their
Internal -
*Function 3*
1. What is NC
2. What is major NC
3. What will PSC look when onboard
I requested him till the last to ask some more questions but he said no sorry
Result -
Marks by External - 7/4/6
Internal made it - 7/4/5
Suggestion - his best part he will ask first easy easy question to give you confidance and
then grill on anchor, dry dock, and more on crane and grabs - seems his favourite part
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: 18.05.2022
Internal: Ranjith Mudali
External: Sharda
Fun 1
Safe speed
Limits of radar in determining safe speed
What is scanty information
Action to avoid collision
What is positive action in ROR
RV situation
ROR cards
Hazards of ice for safe navigation
Difference between isolated danger bouy and safe water mark buoy
What is emergency wreck buoy
How will you support master in decision making
Which ship will have ROT
What is difference between position line and position circle
Why we draw PL right angle to azimuth
Fun 2
What are the precautions you will take before discharging cargo
How do you start a cargo pump
What is pump seal pressure
Last cargo on Tank loaded ammonia how to do man entry
Formation of hydrates in gas carrier
Ammonia is light or air is light
Valves near manifold
What is use of vaporiser
Fun 3
What is special area
Ship security assessment
What have authority to change security level
What are critical equipment on deck
Need to do accident investigation in accommodation ladder what are all the items you will
check In accommodation ladder
Life raft now coming with extended service time what are all the items you will check in
that life raft
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: 18.05.2021
Q. Total no. OF ROR
q. 38 to 41 what is verification compliance? who will do audit?
q. Narrow channel sailing vsl crossing from stbd? action
q. fog will apply to which Rule in ROR
q. what is PDV?I told as per rule 3
q. If vessel is engaged in dredging with her engine running whether she is PDV ?
q. Towing vsl length 150m ? light and shapes?
q. some ROR cards and situation
q. types of AIS
q. Limitation of Ais
q. what is dgps
q. what is rock awash chart symbol draw?
q. what is Alrs 5
q. vessel approaching 2 pt abaft stbd beam, steady brg, range reducing action?
q. Transverse thrust
q. smelling the ground
q. Squat
Q. Grain stability criteria
Q. PV valve and Breaker
Q. COW washing? Hazards
Q. marpol line
Q. limited quantity
Q. some question IMDG PSN, UN number, can you load without UN number
Q. Operational requirement of Lifeboat and rescue boat
Q. AFS convention, types of paint name some paint?
Q. types of Fracture MFAG
Q. Fire extinguisher Number and spare charge requirement?
Q. what is particular matter?
Q. narcotic drugs? name some
Q. ISps code explain?
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Forwarded message
Internal- Nitin Mukesh
External- JB Singh
1) Moonrise at 0900Lt what will be the time for Moonrise tomorrow same place.
2) How many Rules in ROR and Annex
3) Quote Annex 4
4) Explain Annex 1
5) Magnetic Compass in detail
6) Celestial Navigation PZX , Phases of moon, circumpolar body etc
7) Voyage planning as mate
8) Leep, Spring, Neap Tide
9) Full, Blue, Wet, Dry Moon
10) Trs nd Tld in detail
Nd many more will update soon
1) Types of Gas carrier
2) Types of Chemical cargoes
3) How will you prepare gas carrier tanks for loading nd process of cargo grade changeover
4) Grain code, DOA, Securing arrangements of partly filled compartment
5) Contents of damage stability booklet
6) Loadicator in detail, how will you test
7) Concentrates hazards
8) BL nd Mates receipt
9) IMDG class nd DG manifest
Nd many more will update soon
1) Marpol why it’s called Marpol 73/78
2) Certification on board statutory nd mandatory
3) Prepare V/L for PSC
4) Load line survey
5) Heavy weather precaution
Yaar 3 mai sabse zyada poocha tha abhi can’t remember will update soon😅
Fun-1 -Fail, Fun-2 Pass, Fun-3 Pass.
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Mohammad:
Date : 02.06.2022
Noida MMD
EXTERNAL: Capt. J B Singh
INTERNAL: Capt.Nitin
2nd attempt
Got mail around 0950 from internal to join at 1000
Function 1 :
* Advantage of voyage planning ? Use synoptic chart because it's bird eye
* Weather routing and types.
* Rule 10 quote or say in your own words ? Just b careful when you quote first 2 lines he
want same
* You see a vsl not following TSS , your actions? CONTACT VTS , Raise flag YG , Check if ram
and own track correct
* Use of synoptic charts in voyage planning ? Mention prognosis chart also
* Sound signal of pilot vsl in RV ?
* Limitations of ECDIS . I told him all points stated in Rohan dsouza , he z lyk no, this
error is you , tell about ECDIS, pata nhi kya sunna h
* Navigation equipments connected to emergency power and as per which regulation?
* How many rules in ROR ? Just say 38 n 3 new which came in 2016 named verification of
compliance .
* Heavy weather damage : assist master in command making decision ? He wanted to listen
remove error chain , challenge and response
* Trs origin , why it form and recurve ? Last tym he told me ans bcz of high pressure on
land I told the same he said wrong , already told him corriolis force funda and oceanic high
, Westerly bla bla he z lyk nahi dunga function 1 , sach m yar he z lyk kuch bhi puchunga
and sahi ans bhi galat bolunga
* Ocean currents in East coast of usa ? Last tym gulf stream and Labrador meeting at
Savannah bay I told but this tym he said whr it's going I said to east towards English
channel bcz same he told my frnd , but he said wrong ans.
* Testing procedure for steering gear ? I said full procedure he wanted to listen it's
posted on bridge i will refer ( he said u guys juz bla bla theory juz say it's thr on
bridge i will refer ðŸ˜
* GPS : Pps and sps ?
Function 2 :
* Tml and its use in voyage planning ?
* Definition : timber code , IMSBC CODE , grain code , css code ? Bcz grain u load max so
grain code , timber he wana listen same timber deck cargo with permanent means of attachment
* Why they are called code ? As required by law
* Contents of stability booklet ? I told all , he juz wana listen exception
* Difference btwn PCC and RORO ? Wana listen roro has passenger certificate as it has
facility of accomodation for driver
* Types of reefer cargo and it's carrying temperature. I told same wriien in his notes in
my first attempt, he said wrong , this tym I said the one given in marine gyaan website he
said bullshit
* Imsg class : he just want to know class 1 divisions
* Operation of loadicator and limitations ? Incorrect input
* Loading in East coast of Australia and discharging in Iran : prepare loading plan and full
procedure for iron ore ?
* Types of gas carrier ?
* Operation of heavy lift ?
* Mates receipt, Bill of lading , types of bill of lading , he want no. ? I said more 10 thn
he said juz say no.
* Note of protest and why it is lodged ?
* Types of sulphur , hazards ?
* Why grain code ?
* Precautions while loading concentrates ?
Function 3 :
* How to maintain discipline onboard ? As per ms act 194 and first page of olb
* Olb as per which regulation and entries ? Ms act 212 n 214
* Orb and its parts ?
* Bi party and tri party agreement
* Material of fire blanket
* Chemical powder inside DCP
* Duties of chief mate aa per stcw
* Drydocking and docking survey interval ?
* Prepare vsl for PSC
* Advantage of PMS
* Fire in gallery , explain fire drill
* Statutory , mandatory and obligatory certificate ?
Internal :
Function 1
* You see a single red light right ahead, identify ? Wen u say sailing vsl underway seen
from Port it's ok , the moment I said vessel being towed seen from port he said why u can't
see towing vsl light dn ? Asked range of towing lt , as jb Singh failed me in function 1 ,
he started to make this card complicated
Function 2 :
* Gas freeing procedure ? I said ans as some tanker guy explained me bfr oral . But same
kahani jb Singh function 2 m 4 Diya to aage badho
Function 3 :
Static and dynamic test of lifeboat ?
* Slope tank requirements, he said
This tym u r correct , i will give function 3 ,
Prepare for F1 n 2 next tym
As jb Singh failed in F1 and F2 , he juz asked for formality , atlast he will give the same
what external has given
For jb Singh :
I had written what ans he want , juz include this with your remaining ans he will move to
next question.
I got jb Singh in first attempt also that means you can get the same surveyor again and
again , luck matters here .
Result : FFP
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: 06/06/2022
Haldia MMD
Internal : Capt S.K Das
External : Capt A.D
Fn 1
1. Showed me on white board a vessel abeam at short range V/L course complementary to my
course. ROC exist action.
What are the reasons for this ROC.
2. T.V on stbd quarter. What actions as per which rules.
3.Three lights in a vertical line upper two are red bottom is white.
4. Why BNWAS was introduced. Explain how it works.
5. Constricted waters and restricted water explain meaning.
6. ETA as per which regulation of SOLAS. Explain everything about ETA.
Result P/-/-
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: 6.6.2022
File kolkata mmd
Int : capt Sagar
Ext: capt Gupta
Ofb cargo
Cif cargo
Free in free out cargo ( first 3 question answer was sorry sir 😅)
Capacity plan in details ( want to listen dwt scale, plan and side elevation view is also
GA plan
How to load 200 t of heavy cargo/ precautions( went in details of loss of gm correction, and
would like to hear would keep .5 to 1 extra gm tht apart from required as per normal intact
Oil tanker cargo calculations
How to load general cargo vsl which all certificate required
Imdg class 7
What all ship specific plans are there
Few more and grilling on each and every topic tht he asked.
Certificates on ship
Marpol cert required for general cargo vsl
Fire line maintenance ( would like to hear relief valve in priority if told late or forgot
thn in trouble)
Load testing of crane
Wire rope discard criteria
Breaking strength of 6/24 wire rope
High and low expansion foam
Anchor dragging action in congested traffic
Frame spacing
Panting and pounding
a) One vessel on port bow CPA reducing tcpa reducing action? ( ROC/ASPECT/) then he said
looks like overtaking ( If not sure of aspect go to stbd, he said it will take a lot of time
to overtake, tell him no issues I can't go against 17c as it can be a crossing too. and I am
a PD Vsl, better go stbd and keep clear )
b) Drew pilot vsl lights, told master just went away also a difference between stopped and
(Call master no matter even he is resting and check for local regs- if no local regs take
action as per rules)
c) A vsl passing CPA 0.4 coming from port side action with spd 15kts your spd 15kts dis
5miles? ( determine roc/aspect/ once she comes on my bow wide alteration to a port/also
called master )
d) NUC lights and actions as per diff situations.
-Declivity of Docks and how does it help the ship in docking?
-Full joining shackle diagram and how to open it?
-How lifeboat and crane wires are secured in the drum?
-Landline survey on chemical tankers? name 10 things to check and what all to check in
detail? what Cerf attached with loadline?
Is-Pump room fan and ER fan different?And maintenance?
-Anchor Securing end
-Anchor what all markings
-Static Test in cranes and what all checks are to be done?Full procedure?
Few basic more
Function 1
- one vessel in TSS stbd side, your action?
-one vessel in a narrow channel trying to cross you following the lane /ROC exists ( IMP:
- RV vsl in port
- RV vsl in stbd
- RV vsl in stbd 3miles vsl right astern ( Action as per rule 2(b), alter course to Port )
Needs only action/His narrow channel and TSS ques are fixed and what to hear that only,
remember in TSS if u following lane and CBD crossing from the port side, even after ROC you
will maintain course and speed, irrespective of rule 8fii.
Practical guy.
1)Asked how will you go about loading grain for orders of 30,000 tonnes? Your present voyage
is of 5 days and previous cargo was coal? I replied hold cleaning n all but he said what
Master wants to know is can we load or not, explained him the calculation part, then said
20,000 in one terminal and 10,000 in other? What is it you want to know specifically now
about the terminal. What all hazards are associated with grain? I said everything but at the
end of orals he added a hazard that person can fall and sink in the grain. 🤔(Seriously)
2) stowage of IMDG cargo? Said as per segregation table and DOC. Then, what about same class
of cargo? I was like what else is there. Again at the end of meeting he said categories
A,B,C,D 🥴
4)stack wt of containers and standards for it? Ans. 1.8g (wtf)
3)Coal temperature is rising? You have reached discharge port? What all precautions to take
before discharging?
4)Steel coil loading? Precautions of carriage. He just wanted to know dew point. I explained
him cargo and ship sweat and at the very last I said have to monitor dew point temperature.
6) now receivers have said that cargo is rusty? How will you prove that you are not in
1) strengthening members?
2) most vulnerable part of your ship to get affected if you load Iron ore.
3)where will the stress affect?
4) supposed now you have repaired tank top? How to check it's integrity? Wanted to know by
pressure test by ballasting, and how much pressure will you apply.
5) instead of ballast tank you have fuel tank below, now you want to check integrity? What
you will do? I said topping up with fuel, he was unhappy. Then I just said UT test, or dye
penetrant, still unhappy. Lastly close cargo hold next day monitor gas if HC present
integrity not proper. He laughed at the end.
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: 14.06.2022. Int capt mukopadyay, Ext - Capt. Vibhuti: Asked both
function 2 and 3 combined.
1. U r on crude tanker, discharging. u know after storm is coming what will u do- explained
him disch, cow of H W tank, then SW rinsing collect in slop, then Heavy weather ballast.
2. What if during voyage u dont have time - At anchor to do, Still its coming immediately
after disch then - I said will do at berth/ take dirty ballast as per him its company
headache how to decant.
3. Now how will u disch this slop and CBT
4. Continued same que on my ans, ODMC explain parameters - Explained what ever i know
including orifice,
4. Same que continued what are automatic valve, inputs, from which equipment which input,
how to know these are correct, how to test odme, if disch side leaking what to do.( At this
time i know dont tell max things otherwise they will screw, keep up to the point)
5. Crude oil tanker disch with 10000 M3hr pipe line leaking action ( Do not stop disch) his
req,- slow down, isolate then use strops to prevent leak, or use other line( i was ansering
as per last vsl but his tanker can disch with 2 pump and can meet this criteria) i didnt
understand what he wanted to say.
6. Crude oil tanker fire in pumproom on pump, pumpman inside,action?
7. You are fwd with Bsn suddenly 2 port exploded action? I said by any means i will go aft
with my crew mistakely said use fire blanket he corrected use fire spray to cover yourself.
8. BLU code what is its purpose?
9. Bulk carrier grade change from iron ore to some bulk cargo( forgot name) procedure as per
cargo and marpol?
10. continued same que what if some cargo left on deck and ur crew doing washing- i said i
will stop and let them broom it and collect in drum then wash.
11. Same que continued what if some cargo remains and starts raining u are in special area 3
nm ( i said use dump valve, i will contain everything/ he laughed and said bulk carrier
dont have dump valve) let it go overside small quantity dosent matter.
12. Chemical tanker last cargo cat X next cargo cat X, do tank cleaning.
13. Bulk carrier how to locate frames and bottom plug.
14. Rescue person from water( his favourate que always ans recovery strops and hanging off
15. U are in marpol special area ch eng want to discharge bilge water wha but u will tell?
Marpol Disch criteria for Annex 1, 2 and annex 5.
16. Garbage recorb book part II?, Oil record book part 3?
17. Track line search why? explain procedure?
Above continued Int capt mukopadyay- Fun 2 and 3 together:
1. Precautions for sugar, cement, Urea and MOP
2. What info u will give to 2nd off before going to rest if u are loading concentrates
3. Iron ore precautions
4. Maintenance of gin tackle, luff tackle, wire and blocks
5. Advantage and Disadvantages of mediterranean, running and standing mooring.
6. As a ch off explain full disch operation ( crude oil tanker) including all calculation
procedure and what all correctiosn u will apply? this was most grinding que for me they
asked minute correction including list, trim, uti, vcf and WRF. also full procedure
practical including valve operation and pump operation.
Had oral on secondary device as primary device mic was not working at that instant thanks to
Internal & External
Function 1
Started with ROR Situation
1- (want ans in just yes or no when I tried to explain, then He said just say yes or no)
RV 1st vsl doing 8kts 2nd vsl just astern didn't mention range doing 12kts
Ques asked were for vsl astern doing 12 kts
a-Will you alter to stbd
b- Will you alter to port
c- Will you reduce speed
Then Ques asked were for 1st right ahead vsl doing 8kts
a- will you alter to stbd
b- will you alter to port
c- will you reduce speed
Function 2
Asked which type of vsl I said only containers
1- what is VGM
2- IMDG apply to which all ships
3- what info you get from Loadicator
4- stack weight
5- stability criteria for container vsl
6- stability criterai for normal vsl
7- stability criteria for grain
8- Load density
9- angle of repose
10- Hazard of sulphur, coal, wood pulp
11- Meaning of LEL
12- Types of IMSBC which is more hazardous
13- Types of chemical cargo which is more dangerous
14- Types of chemical carriers
15- Bill of lading
16- Mate's receipt
17- Types of Oil Record Book
18- Cargo compatibility code in IMDG
19- When you load heavy lift when will the most critical isntant stage, where will the shift
of 'G'
Function 3
1- stellet plate
2- striker plate
3- Entries in offical log book
4- Baltic moor
5- when will you discard wire rope
6- what is chain register, entries in it
7- example of Bi party agreement
8- As per which clause is detainable deficiency are
9- How will you make PMS of new installed equipment onboard
10- Flag state inspection
11- strengthing member in fwd
12- what is tri party agreement
13- few question on MLC
Both Internal and external were good and practical didn't say anything regarding primary
device mic issue
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Date : 05.07.2022
3rd attempt
External : Capt M.C. Yadav
Internal : capt santosh Darodkar
Function 1
1. U are entering TSS what precaution you will take, joining the TSS, Crossing the TSS,
Joining from opp lane, marking and passage plan.
2. You are on coastal passage Gps fails ... What all positions fixing methods you will use.
3. what is CBD?
4. Tell me about Narrow channel
5. If you heared the fog signal, action?? I asked radar operational or not he said radar
operational but not coming in the picture.
Internal :
1.trawler hauling net what all the lights can been seen and day signal
2.SRS and VTS its mandatory or recommendatory
3.VTS and VTMS
5/20/23, 14:18 - Sugumar: Oral 06-July-2022
Internal- Muduli
Only function 1
1. Muduli started why failed last time and how many attempt.
2. Then passed to panigrahi
3. Rule 17.
4. Weather routing explain. Stopped after few thing.
5. Vts as per solas. I told chaper 5 reg 12. And few more thing then he skip to
6. Situation RV two vessel coming down approax one point on each bow.
7. Situation overtaking form starboard and then after that came to bow and
alter to port and look like crossing what is ur action.
8. Card CBD
9. Card pilot vessel
10. Day card of sailing vessel
11. Danger message as per solas and how to report
12. Steering fail while coming out of port. Action
13. Type of currents.
1. Coming out of japan u see composite group flashing 2+1 green. Action
2. Then asked me how u have done. I said sir looks good
3. He said we also think same so we will pass you.
Result pass.
Finally mate thank you all for support.