Lesson Plan in Affixes Jerimiah 8

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Quarter: First Inclusive Date: September 19, 2023


The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis-à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.


Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clue and collocations.

At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students should be able to:
a. Identify the three basic parts of words: root words, prefix and suffix.
b. Use affixes the important of using words to express oneself to anyone.
c. Realize the important of using words to express oneself to anyone.


Topic: Affixes and Root Words
Reference: Integrated English for Effective Communication, Youtube
Materials: Power Point


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Setting of rules and regulation

B. Activate Prior Knowledge

Motivation: “Body Charades”

The class will be divided into 2 Groups (Girls and Boys). Each group will choose one
representative to act without using his/her mouth nor uttering the list of the words that the
teacher will be providing. Then the remaining members will guess the words being acted
by their representative. The group that can guess correctly will garner points, the group
who will gather the greater points will be the winner.



Motive Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? Was it easy of difficult? Why?
2. What did you notice with the words?
3. What would be the topic for today?
C. Acquire New Knowledge

Presentation of the lesson

What is Root word?.

- A root word from which many words are derived. Kind is a root word from which kindly,
kindness, and unkind are derived.
How about a Prefix?
- A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed before a root word to from a new word. Return
is composed of the prefix re + the word turn. Return means “to turn back or go back.”
Reread is composed of the prefix re + the root word read. Reread means “to read again.”
What is Suffix?
- A Suffix is a syllable or syllables placed before a root word to from a new word. Read is
a root word; reader is composed of the word read + the suffix -er. Reader means “one
who reads.” Act is a root word; actor is composed of the word act + the suffix -or. Actor
means “one who acts.”
Using Prefix:
Some of the commonly used prefixes are as follows:

Example Structural
Meaning Word with Affixes Meaning
Anti- Opposing Anticlimax Anti + climax Opposing climax
Circum +
Circum- Around Circumnavigate Navigate around
Counter- Opposite Counteract Counter + act Opposite act
Dis- Not Disallow Dis + allow Not allow
More than
Extra- More than Extraordinary Extra + ordinary
Inter- Between, among Interisland Inter + island Between islands
Macro +
Macro- Large Macroeconomics Large economics
Mis- Wrongly misinterpret Mis + interpret Wrongly interpret
Post- After Postgame Post + game After the game
Pre- Before Prewar Pre + war Before the war
Opposite of
Un- Opposite of Unskilled Un + skilled
Suffixes are letters added after the root word to make a new word. There are two ways to add suffixes:
a. Inflectional
Inflection occurs when suffixes are added to a base word that changes its number, tense, degree of
comparison, among others.
The following are example of nflection:

Base Word Suffix Inflection

Tomatoe -es Tomatoes
Walk -ed Walked
Heavy -er Heavier

The singular noun tomato when added -es changes to plural form, tomatoes. The present tense
verb walk when added with -ed changes to its past tense walked. The positive adjective heavy
when added with -er changes to comparative form heavier. Inflection therefore does not affect a
word’s meaning or class, i.e. the base and its inflected words still belong to the same category.
b. Derivational
The derivational function of suffixes happens when new words with new meanings are formed
and a change in semantic meaning or part of speech occurs. The following are examples of derivation:

Base Word Suffix Inflection

Teach -er Teacher
Beautiful -ly Beautifully
Simple -fy simplify

The verb teach when added with -er becomes teacher, a noun. The Adjective beautiful when added with -
ly becomes beautifully, an adverb. The adjective simple when added with -fy becomes simplify, a verb.
Derivation therefore changes the part of speech.

D. Application

Group Activity
Directions: Write 10 examples of affixes using Suffix and Prefix.

E. Generalization
What is a root word? Prefix? Suffix? Can you describe what is the meaning of the three basic
parts of words.

F. Assessment
Direction: Study the root words that follow and list one different word that you is derived
from each root word.

1. Honor
2. Create
3. Favor
4. Teach
5. Tomato

1. Honored
2. Created
3. Favored
4. Teacher
5. Tomatoes


- Think of 5 varied words that are derived from the root words. Then, write examples of
sentence using them.

Jericho B. Bangalisan
Student Teacher

Rossel Parungao
Cooperating Teacher

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