M3 L4 Microbial Growth, Nutrition, and Genetics - MICROPARA LEC
M3 L4 Microbial Growth, Nutrition, and Genetics - MICROPARA LEC
M3 L4 Microbial Growth, Nutrition, and Genetics - MICROPARA LEC
Measured by the increase in population, either
by measuring the increase in cell number or
the increase in overall mass.
Bacteria and archaea can only reproduce asexually, but
eukaryotic microorganisms can reproduce either sexually
or asexually. Binary fission is the process of one cell
simply dividing into two. It is most commonly used in
archaea and bacteria, which are both prokaryotic
organisms. But it is also used in some eukaryotic protists.
Chemotrophs - Gains energy from light.
Phototrophs - Gains energy from chemical compounds.
Autotrophic Bacteria - synthesize their own food from
inorganic substances (H2O, CO2, and H2S salts).
Heterotrophic Bacteria - obtain their-ready made food
from organic substances, living or dead.
The three main categories of chemohetrotrophs that differ in
how they obtain their organic nutrients are saprophytic
bacteria, parasitic bacteria, and symbiotic bacteria.
bacteria use to obtain new genes.
Horizontal Gene Transfer
H - Acquire DNA
from their
move genes from
-Occurs when
bacteria directly
G surroundings. one
cell to transfer genes
to another cell.