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Did you crave for

Have you
tried to
listened to
songs in
Spotify or
Do you
have an
on these?
Do you
Lorenz is a college student. He drinks Milo with his
usual corned beef, egg, and rice for breakfast every
school day. While eating, he watches Cartoon
Network on cable TV to make his morning light.
Afterwards, he rushes to brush his teeth using
Colgate. Then, he is good to go. Once inside the
university campus, he sends an I-am-at-school
message to his mom using his new iPhone X.
Likewise, he sends his “Hi” message to his special
friend via his Samsung Galaxy S9. More so, Lorenz
and his friends love to wear Vans shoes and use
Vans schoolbags. They love to hang out in their
favorite fast food store, McDonalds, and happily eat
their favorite burger, chicken nuggets, and Coke
float. He talks to his dad who works in Dubai via
Skype on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights.
Learning Objectives

❑ synthesize the definitions of globalization by the different authorities;

❑ explain the different attributes or characteristics of globalization;
❑ trace the historical periods of globalization;
❑ identify the different dimensions of globalization; and
❑ expound the major ideological claims of advocates of globalism
What is
Globalization Concepts, Meanings,
Features, and Dimensions
• Globalization is the process in • Globalization is a process of
which people, ideas and goods interaction and integration
spread throughout the world, among the people, companies,
spurring more interaction and and governments of different
integration between the world's nations, a process driven by
cultures, governments and international trade and
investment and aided by
economies . information technology.
Globalization Concepts, Meanings,
Features, and Dimensions
• Globalization is about growing worldwide connectivity.


People are engaged in buying and selling from other places in

far-away lands like the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that
connected China and Europe during the Middle Age for thousands
of years and they also invested in enterprises in other countries for
Globalization Concepts, Meanings,
Features, and Dimensions
• Since the Second World War – many governments have adopted
free-market economic system, vastly increasing their own productive
potential and creating myriad new opportunities for international trade
and investment.

• Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets,

corporations have built foreign factories and established production
and marketing arrangements with foreign partners.
Globalization Concepts, Meanings,
Features, and Dimensions
• One principal driver of • Globalization is the process of integration
of economies across the world through
globalization is technology. cross-border flow of factors product and
information . According to the
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
globalization is the growing economic
interdependence of countries worldwide
through increasing volume and variety of
cross border transactions in goods and
services and of international capital flows
and also through the more rapid and wide
diffusion of technology.
Attributes, Qualities or
Characteristics of Globalization
1. It involves both the creation of new social networks and the multiplication of
existing connections that cut across traditional, political, economic, cultural, and
geographical boundaries.

Brazilian World Cup: Today’s media combine conventional TV coverage with
multiple streaming feeds into digital devices and networking sites that transcend nationally
based services.
2. Globalization is reflected in the expansion and the stretching of social
relations, activities, and connections.
Emergence of gigantic and virtually identical shopping malls in all continents to cater
to consumers who can afford commodities all over the world-including products whose
various components were manufactured in different countries. This process is called
social stretching.
Attributes, Qualities or
Characteristics of Globalization
3. Globalization involves the intensification and acceleration of social exchanges and
Sophisticated social networking by means of Facebook or Twitter has become
routine activity for more than a billion people around the globe.
4. Globalization processes do not occur merely or an objective, material level but they
also involve the subjective plane of human consciousness. Without erasing local and
national attachments, the compression of the world into a single place has
increasingly made global the frame of reference for human thought and action.
Historical Periods of
1. The Prehistoric Period (10000 BCE-3500 BCE)
• In this earliest phase of globalization, contacts among hunters and
gatherers – who were spread around the world – were geographically
limited. In this period due to absence of advanced forms of technology,
globalization was severely limited.

2. The Pre-modern Period (3500 BCE- 1500 CE)

• In this period the invention of writing and the wheel were great social
and technological boosts that moved globalization to a new level. The
invention of wheel in addition to roads made the transportation of
people and goods more efficient. On the other hand writing facilitated
the spread of ideas and inventions.
Historical Periods of
3. The Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
• It is the period between the Enlightenment and the Renaissance. In this period, European
Enlightenment project tried to achieve a universal form of morality and law. This with the
emergence of European metropolitan centers and unlimited material accumulation which led to
the capitalist world system helped to strengthen globalization.
4. The Modern Period (1750-1970)
• Innovations in transportation and communication technology, population explosion, and increase
in migration led to more cultural exchanges and transformation in traditional social patterns.
Process of industrialization also accelerated.
5. The Contemporary Period (from 1970 to present)
• The creation, expansion, and acceleration of worldwide interdependencies occurred in a dramatic
way and it was a kind of leap in the history of globalization.
Dimensions of Globalization
1. Economic Dimension
This refers to the extensive development of economic relations across the
globe as a result of technology and enormous flow of capital has stimulated trade in
both sources and goods.

• Major players in the current century’s global economic order

• Huge international corporations (General Motors, Walmart, Mitsubishi)
• International Economic Institutions (IMF, World Bank, The World Trade Organization)

• Trading Systems
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
Consisting of 190 countries
Its stated mission is "working to foster global monetary cooperation,
secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high
employment and sustainable economic growth, and
reduce poverty around the world.

World Bank
is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants
to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the
purpose of pursuing capital projects

WTO (World Trade Organization)

is an intergovernmental organization that regulates and facilitates
international trade. With effective cooperation in the United Nations
System, governments use the organization to establish, revise, and
enforce the rules that govern international trade.
Major Sources of Economic Growth across Countries

1. Property rights - are constructs in economics for determining how a resource or

economic good is used and owned, which have developed over ancient and
modern history
2. Regulatory Institutions - These are customarily set up to strengthen safety
and standards, and/or to protect consumers in markets where there is a lack of
effective competition.
Examples: Center for Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency,
Food and Drug Administration
3. Institutions for macro-economic - deals with the performance, structure,
behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. For example, using
interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy's growth
and stability
4. Stabilization - the process of making something physically more secure or
5. Institutions for social influence - comprises the ways in which individuals
adjust their behavior to meet the demands of a social environment.
6. Institution for conflict management - is the practice of being able to identify
and managing conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently.
Dimensions of Globalization
2. Political Dimension
• This refers to an enlargement and strengthening of political interrelations
across the globe.
• Political Issues that Surface in this Dimension
• The principle of state sovereignty
• Increasing Impact of various intergovernmental organization
• Future shapes of regional and global governance
• The globalization rendered almost powerless any political efforts to introduce
restrictive policies affecting individual states, with the results that the world in
many ways turned into a borderless world. Governments often seek to restrict
the migration of peoples, especially those coming from the poor countries in
the global South.
• In the development of supra-national structures and associations held together
by common concerns and mutually agreed upon norm, the most obvious is
political globalization
• On the part of the involved parties, informal structures which are considered
Dimensions of Globalization
3. Cultural Dimension
• This refers to the increase in the amount of cultural flows across the
globe. Cultural interconnections are at the foundations of
contemporary globalization.
• Cultural diversity often results hybridization- a constructive
interaction process between global and local characteristics
which is often visible in food, music, dance, film, fashion, and
language. As a result there is a scarcely any society in the world
that expresses itself in its own self-contained and authentic
• Media empires generated and directed the extensive flow of
culture. Examples of these are Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, and
Disney. Advertisement plays an important role in this cultural flow
by featuring various celebrities in the television aside from
transforming newscast into entertainment shows.
Dimensions of Globalization
4. Religious Dimension

• Religion is a personal or institutionalized set of attitudes, beliefs, and

practices relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an
acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. It is the most important
defining element of any civilization as contrasted with race, language,
or way of life.
• Jihadist globalism is a religious response to the materialistic assault
by the ungodly West in the rest of the world. It applies to those
extremely violent strains of religion that convert the global imaginary
into very concrete political agendas and terrorist tactics. It also
applied to violent fundamentalists in the West who seek to transform
the world into a Christian Empire.
Dimensions of Globalization
• Roman Catholic Teaching of Globalization
• There are eight principles that summarizes the Roman Catholic
1. Commitment to universal human rights
2. Commitment to the social nature of human person
3. Commitment to the common good
4. Solidarity
5. Preferential option to the poor
6. Subsidiary
7. Justice
8. Integral Humanism
Dimensions of Globalization
• Justice is divided into three categories
1. Commutative Justice – this aims at fulfilling the terms
of contracts and other promises on both personal and social
2. Distributive Justice – this ensures a basic equity in how
both the burden and the goods of society are distributed and
that ensures that every person enjoys a basically equal
moral and legal standing apart from differences in wealth,
privilege, talent and achievements.
3. Social Justice – this refers to the creation of conditions
in which the first two categories can be realized and the
common good identified and defended.
Dimensions of Globalization
5. Ideological Dimensions
• Ideology is a system of widely shared ideas, beliefs, norms and
values among a group of people. It is often use to legitimize
certain political interests or to defend dominant power
structures. Globalization is a process of intensifying global
interdependence while globalism is an ideology that gives the
concept of neo-liberal values and meanings to globalization.
• Major Ideological Claims of Advocates of Globalism
1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global
integration of markets.
2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization.
4. Globalization benefits everyone.
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the
Globalization of the Philippines
• Globalization has been very effective in the Philippines. There
have been major changes in the economy since 1995 when the
Philippines took part in signing agreements with World Trade
Organization. There have been changes in the country such as
more labor and more companies that have emerged to help the
economy. Globalization has been rapidly developing in the
Philippines ever since the influence of the United States during
World War II.
Advantages of Globalization:
• Since the development of globalization in the Philippines, there
have been many advantages that have occurred because of it.
These things are very beneficial because they help the
economy grow every day. Some of these advantages of
globalization are:
• High levels of education
• Export-oriented agricultural sector that has generated more than
sufficient foreign exchange
• Because of the industrial sector growth, the Philippines has one
if the highest per capita incomes in Southeast Asia.
Disadvantages of Globalization:
• Along with the advantages, there have also been
disadvantages of globalization in the Philippines. There are over
80 million people that live in the Philippines and 60% of that
population live in poverty. The economy is doing well, but it is
still not up to par when it comes to other countries. As a result,
these other disadvantages occur:
• Not many jobs
• Hunger and suffering among the lower class
• The economy is majorly agricultural, so if something happens
where crops cannot be grown and produced, the economy
might suffer

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