Sealed Transformer Monitoring - A.Tonin - F.Stevanato
Sealed Transformer Monitoring - A.Tonin - F.Stevanato
Sealed Transformer Monitoring - A.Tonin - F.Stevanato
Interest in sealed distribution trans-
formers, with and without gas cush-
ions, increased in the 1950s. How-
ever, the tank of hermetically sealed
transformers must tolerate a higher
pressure, and this can lead to me-
chanical sealing problems. Contra-
rily, a lower pressure in the tank can
put the internal dielectric seal at risk.
Therefore, the pressure and tem-
perature monitoring in hermetically
sealed transformers are crucial to
keep the pressure behaviour under
control and to have the ability to per-
Introduction This equipment has found a large market
form proactive prevention.
request due to the following reasons:
Interest in sealed distribution transform-
KEYWORDS: ers, with and without gas cushions [1], • The insulating liquid is protected
increased in the 1950s. against the effects of the atmosphere.
hermetically sealed transformers, This allows for keeping the quality of
monitoring, pressure, prevention, We will talk more about the latter ones, the insulating materials with little or no
temperature usually used in smaller sizes. maintenance.
• Since a conservator is not required for expansion and contraction of the trans- Solution: Monitoring of the temperature
a hermetically sealed design, this type former tank. It affects transformer tank rise with a thermostat
of transformer has additional advan- design, behaviour, and aging. Transform-
tages arising from the reduced overall er tanks are manufactured in corrugated The thermostat provides a system for
height if installed at the wind turbine form for efficient heat transfer and oil controlling the temperature and operates
or application where dimensions are a cooling. The ribs of the corrugated tank only when a prefixed temperature value is
critical point. have the essential rule in cooling and tol- exceeded.
• Suitable to be filled with natural ester erating pressure variations [2], [3].
oil (environmentally friendly) with Case 2: Overpressure inside the
flash point higher than 300 °C. tank
Critical aspects
In hermetically sealed transformers, the Case 1: Transformer overloading An accentuated overpressure could cause
oil pressure is usually higher than the at- permanent deformation of the corrugated
mospheric pressure, and despite conser- When the transformer is overloaded be- fins with consequent lowering of the oil
vator-type transformers, the tank of these yond the nameplate rating, there is an level and internal discharge.
transformers acts as a pressurized vessel. increase in temperature due to increased
The tank of hermetically sealed trans- load losses. There are several methods that can be
formers must tolerate a higher pressure. used to ensure that the internal pressure
Due to the elimination of the conserva- Excessive temperatures prematurely age in the transformer tank is kept within an
tor, the oil temperature variations lead to the insulations. acceptable safe range.
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Continuous monitoring of pressure and
temperature in hermetically sealed trans-
formers became crucial to:
- keep the pressure behaviour under
control also in the negative range,
where the breakdown voltage reduc- MIL-STD-1553
tion could be dangerous,
- map the correlation between tempera-
ture and pressure to have proactive
prevention of abnormal behaviour.
[1] E. B. Franklin, Sealed transformers,
Surface Mount
Proceedings of the IEE, June 1955
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