Exercises Grade 6

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(172 words)

Graciano Lopez-Jaena was good in writing and speaking. He wrote “Fray Batod” short story
about the greed evil deeds and cruelties of the Spaniards in the Philippines. The Spanish officials were so
angry with him that he became their enemy. He was called “El Filibustero”.

To escape the anger of the Spaniards in the Philippines, his parents sent him to Spain 1880.
There he met Dr. Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. Del Pilar, the Luna brothers, and other Filipinos who were
working for the independence of the Philippines from Spain.

Jaena founded the La Solidaridad, a newspaper. The angry feelings of the Filipinos for the
Spaniards were published in it.

Jaena was a very good orator. The people loved to hear him speak and they enjoyed his
speeches. They used to give him long and loud applauses after his speeches. His writings and speeches
were well-liked by the Filipinos for they spread the ideals of nationalism and served as tools to make
known resentment of the Filipinos towards the Spaniards.


1. What kind of family does Graciano Lopez-Jaena belong?

a. Well-to-do family b. poor family c. religious family
2. Why did he go to Spain?
a. To study b. to earn a living
c. to escape from the anger of the Spaniards in the Philippines
3. What did he do in the Spain?
a. Took up medicine b. wrote a book v. founded La Solidaridad
4. What is the title of the story written by Graciano Lopez-Jaena about the great and evil deeds of
the Spaniards?
a. “Fray Batod” b. “The Reign of Greed” c. “El Filibusterismo”
5. What were his writing about?
a. The Spanish injustices in the Philippines
b. Spain’s contribution to the Philippines
b. The Philippines government under the Spain.


(176 words)

Marcelo H. Del Pilar was hardworking. His works proved it. He had works composed of six books
with four hundred pages each. May Filipinos understood them because they were written in Filipino.
May People though Marcelo H. Del Pilar was the greatest man of this times. His works won the praises
of not a few.
While in Spain, Marcelo H. Del Pilar lived on whatever her received from his friends and
relatives. He was always hungry. He used to pick up cigarette butts on the streets and smoked them in
order to forget hunger.

He spent may sleepless nights thinking of good ways to make the Spanish friars treat the
Filipinos with love and kindness. His writings revealed the corruption and cruelty of some Spanish friars
in the Philippines. He wrote every night until the wee hours of the morning.

He worked hard by going from one Spanish official to another Filipino representative in the
government. Although he was not successful, his writings opened the minds of the Filipinos, one factor
leading to the revolution in the 1896.


1. What kind of a man was Marcelo H. Del Pilar?

a. Kind b. hardworking c. resourceful
2. How many books had he written?
a. 5 b.6 c.10
3. In what language did h write his books?
a. English b. Filipino c. Spanish
4. What were his books about?
a. The indolence of the Filipinos
b. The rose of Christianity in the Philippines
c. The cruelty of the Spaniards to the Filipinos
5. How di the people regard his writings?
a. They praised them. B. They did not understand them.
b. They did not like them.


(180 words)

Goyo, as Gregorio Del Pilasr was fondly called, was the fifth child of Fernando Del Pilar and
Felipa Sempio. He was born on November 14, 1871 in Bulacan, Bulacan.

He studied the caton and cartilla under Romualdo Sempio and Pedro Laktaw. He was a bright

When Gregorio was of school age, he went to Manila to study. He lived in the city with his uncle
Deodato Arellano. Goyo showed his gratitude for his opportunity to study by helping in the household
chores. He helped his aunt and cousin whenever possible.

Goyo attended school at Ateneo de Manila. In 1890, he started working for his Bachelor of Arts
Degree, which took him six years to finish. He was good in college arithmetic and algebra and also did
well in his other subjects.
After six years, at the Ateneo de Manila, he wanted to study further. But the year 1896 proved
to be a restless one. The Katipunan was on the move. Goyo’s friends had joined the other rebels. Being
patriotic , he too, left his books and joined the revolution.


1. What was Gregorio del Pilar’s nickname?

a. Totoy b. oyo c. goyo
2. When was he born?
a. Janu 10, 1971 b. November 14, 1871 c. December 14, 1781
3. Where was he born?
a. A. Bulacan, Bulacan b. Tondo, Manila c. Baler, Quezon
4. What did he study first?
a. Caton and carilla b. a pre-primer in Spanish c. a pre-primer in English
5. Where di he study when he was school age?
a. In Spain b. in Manila c. in America

(180 words)

Andres Bonifacio’s first teacher was his aunt, Mrs. Remigia Castro. She taught him how to read
and write. When he was a little aider, he studied at the Meisic Primary School.

Andres studied very well and was liked by his teachers. At the age of fourteen, he stopped going
to school because both his parents had died. He had to take care of his brothers and sisters. He sold
canes and fans on the streets to earn money. Although he was tired, when he reached home after
selling, he still read books which he borrowed from his friends.

One day a man talked to Andres in Spanish. Andres answered him in good Spanish , too.

“Where did you learn to speak good Spanish?” the surprised man asked.

“I studied by myself.” Andres answered. “I read Spanish books and listened to the conversations
of people.”

Andres became a good writer of tagalog and Spanish poems. He is remembered best as the
founder of Katipunan, wherein he was called the Supremo. His fine character and good leadership made
him worthy of the title.


1. Andres’s first teacher was _____.

a. His mother b. his father c. his aunt
2. When he was a little older he studied at ______.
a. Tondo Primary School b. Meisic Primary School c. Primary School of Music
3. At fourteen, he stopped studying because _____.
a. The revolution broke off.
b. He had lost interest in his studies.
c. Both his parents died.
4. He earned money by _____.
a. Working as laborer. B. working as servant c. selling fans and canes.
5. Andres had little schooling but he was ___.
a. Strong b. intelligent c. dull

(185 words)

Pagodas, normally found in the Far East, are towers made up of several storeys. A pagoda
always has an odd number of storeys. Builders think that odd numbers are lucky.

Most pagodas are temples or part of temples. Along with Buddhism, the idea of pagodas spread
from India to other parts of Asia.

The Chinese and Japanese pagodas are what most people know best. A Chinese pagoda has
eight sides and has three to thirteen storeys. Wide eaves that turn up at the corners reach about each
storey. Small bells that tinkle when the wind blows are hung from the eaves. Chinese pagodas are built
of bricks, glazed tiles or porcelains.

Most Japanese pagodas are wooden with skillful joinery. Japanese pagodas are usually five
storeys high and beautifully carved brackets, as the Tennoj Pagodas in Osaka.

Many pagodas are decorated with gold. The world’s tallest pagoda stands on a hill near the
heart of the city of Rangoon, the capital of Burma now, Myannmar. It is the Shwe Dragon Pagoda. Every
inch of the walls of this 326-foot tall pagoda is covered with pure gold.


1.Pagodas originated in ____.

A. Asia b. India c. Japan

2. Pagodas are normally found in the _____.

a. east b. west c. North

3. Actually, pagodas are ______.

a. bungalows b. apartments c. towers

4. The number of storeys of pagodas are usually ____.

a. even b. odd c. thirteen

5. This number is believed to bring_____.

a. goodluck b. peace c. harmony

(188 words)

“Don’t be too in a hurry, Son. Take your time for breakfast.” Ernesto’s mother said.

“I might be late for our math test, Mother.” Ernesto replied and he gulped down his glass of milk
as fast as he could. He ate his pandesal in tow successive mouthfuls and swallowed it with a glass of
water. He rushed to his room, grabbed his school bag and ran downstairs.

“Mother, I’m going.” Ernesto shouted from their gate. Aling Rosa peeped out of the windows
and called, “Ernesto, you don’t have your shoes on. Come back and put on your shoes.”

Ernesto shook his head and said, “It’s alright, Mother. I have my slippers on. “

“I insist. Come back for your shoes.” Aling Rosa argued.

“But, Mother, I don’t want my shoes on today. We’re going to have a test in mathematics.”

“What has the test got to do with your shoes?”

“Without my shoes on, I can count my toes during test, Mother.”

Aling Rosa nodded and said. “Hurry to school then but you have to put on your shoes first.
Remove them when you are in the classroom.”


1.How did Ernesto eat his breakfast?

a. hurriedly b. pleasantly c. slowly

2. What did he have for breakfast?

a. milk and rice b. pandesal and milk c. coffee and bread

3. Who did not want Ernestro to go without wearing shoes?

As. His father b. his mother c. mother and father

4. What did Ernesto not want to wear?

a. his long pants b. his shoes c. his slippers

5. What did Ernesto want to wear instead?

a. his short pants b. his old-shirt c. his slippers


(194 words)

The wind howled and hissed. It seemed to tip Renato’s nipa hut. Rain dripped in through the
holes on the roof. Lightning flashed from time to time followed by loud thunderclaps. The moon was
entirely hidden by big black clouds. It was totally dark.

As the sound of the thunder slowly faded, Renato heard the distant howling of dogs. He
shivered because of the cold wind and he shuddered with fright.

He wrapped himself more tightly with this blanket and hugged his pillow tighter. Suddenly, a
thunderclap exploded and he felt their house tremble. The more Renato quivered.

And then, he remembered his grandmother telling him once. “A real man is not afraid of
anything. You are a man now, Renato, be brave. “

Renato stood up and grabbed a rolled rope that was just above his head. He carefully tied the
window shutters that were about to fall. He helped his parents transfer their household belongings to a
place in the hut where it was dry.

“The storm will soon stop, Mother. You may sleep now while I stay awake with Father.” Renato

Renato’s father smiled. He realized he has a brave son.


1.What part of the day did the story happen?

a. morning b. noon c. night

2. In what kind of house does Renato live?

a. an apartment b. bungalow c. nipa hut

3. To what kind of family does Renato belong?

a. rich family b. poor family c. middle class family

4. What was Renato afraid of

a. a ghost b. robbers c. the storm

5. Whose words made Renato brave?

a. his teacher b. his mother c. his grandmother


(199 words)

Alma came home running. She was almost breathless when she said, “Mother, please give me
five pesos.”

“Ah, I know why you’re asking me money. I head the bell of the ice cream vending ringing.” Aling
Dora said.

“I’m not going to buy ice cream, Mother. Please give me.” Alma pleaded.

“Ice cream the other day, ice cream yesterday and ice cream again today. I say no ice cream
today.” Aling Dora said very angrily as she continued washing their clothes.

“Please Mother, give me even fifty centavos then.” Alma pleaded further.

In order to get of Alma, Aling Dora gave her fifty centavos.

Alma ran out of their house like a lightning. Curious, Aling Dora followed Alma up to the road
fronting their house. Alma ran until the bend of the road. She went near an old woman sitting by the
roadside. She stopped and whispered something into the old woman’s ear. Then she gave the fifty-
centavo coin to the old woman. Aling Dora, who was watching, felt glad for the daughter.

Back home, Alma Said proudly, “Mother, I made her happy with only fifty-centavos.”

“Who?” her mother asked.

“My friend , the beggar.” Alma replied happily.


1.How much was Alma asking from her mother?

a. one peso b. two pesos c. five pesos

2. How much was given to her?

a. two pesos b. one peso c. fifty-centavo coin

3. What did her mother think she will do with the money?

a. give it away b. buy ice cream c. buy candies

4. Who was Alma’s mother?

a. Aling Nora b. Aling Dora c. Aling Emma

5. Who was her friend?

a. beggar b. newsboy c. classmate



(201 words)

Miss Ruiz, the Grade VII teacher, was happy that her children were bright. Tony was the
brightest but he was a little noisy. Nelia was quick to learn but a little lazy. Sonia was quiet and kept to
herself most of the time. Miss Ruiz loved them all, however, she loved Elena most of all.

All the children wondered why Miss Ruiz showed special love for Elena. Elena was not very
bright. She was only an average child. She did not learn easily. She was neither beautiful nor rich. The
children wanted to know what Elena did to gain Miss Ruiz’s love. They all decided to observe her.

“We would like you very much to join our group they heard Elena tell Rolando, the orphan boy
who preferred to be alone all the time.”

“You report was clear and interesting. “They heard her tell Lorna, the child who seldom reacted
in class.

After observing Elena for a day, the children knew my Miss Ruiz seemed to love Elena best of all.
Elena did and said the kindest things in the kindest way.


1.Miss Ruiz was a teacher of the children in the _____ grade.

a. first b. third c. fifth

2. The brightest boy was ____.

a. Lito b. Tony c. Rolando

3. The girl Miss Ruiz seemed to love best of all was.

a. Elena b. Sonia v. Benilda

4. Elena was ____.

a. rich child b. average child c. bright child

5. The orphaned child was ____.

a. Sonia b. Rolando c. Benilda



(203 WORDS)

Don Lucio’s hands showed marks of age and hard labor. Bent and old, he used a cane when he
walked. The riches and comfort of life that he enjoyed were the results of hard, work. He had risen to
become the richest man in town and the most respected as well. He was known as a very kind old man.

One day, as Don Lucio was resting in the porch of his beautiful house, a man dressed almost in
rags approached him.

“I’m very hungry, Sir. Kindly give me something to eat.” He said.

Don Lucio looked straight at the man’s eyes. He noticed that he was about forty years old. The
man looked healthy but limped when he walked.

“Are your sick?” Don Lucio asked.

“I’m sickly, Sir. I have been like this since I was born.” The man replied.

“I would like to give you a sack of rice. Can you carry it?” The man’s face lightened up with joy
when he said, “Yes, sir. I can carry a sack of rice.”

“Just as I thought,” Don Lucio said. “Go home and work. You are stronger than I am because you
can carry a cavan of rice while I cannot.”


1.At this point in his life, Don Lucio was ____.

a. young b. able bodied c. old and bent

2. Don Lucio seemed to be _____.

a. angry b. selfish c. wise

3. His comfort in life is due mainly to his _____.

a. richest man b. poorest man c. meanest man

4. In town, he was considered the _____.

a. richest ma b. poorest man c. meanest man

5. One day, Don Lucio was approached by ____.

a. the town mayor b. a beggar c. school teacher



(219 words)

David was brave, young shepherd and a fine musician known all around Bethlehem. The officers
of Kind Saul chose him to play sweet music for the sick Kind David played skillfully on the harp that the
Kind got well. David went back to his father’s sheep but whenever the king’s sickness required, David
went back and played for him.

There came a time when King Saul’s army was at war with a neighboring kingdom, Goliath, a
giant, came out from the camp of the enemy and challenged anyone from King Saul’s camp to come out
and fight him. All the soldiers of King Saul were afraid. David who heard the challenge was unafraid so
he begged King Saul to let him fight the giant.

“David, you are but a little boy and Goliath is a seasoned soldier.” The worried Kind said.

“I’ll fight Goliath, God is with our nation. Israel, God is with me.” David said.

David arrived armed with only a slingshot and five round stone. Goliath in his heavy armor
moved toward the slender shepherd boy. David ran swiftly forward, fitting a stone in this his sling. He
aimed skillfully and the stone found its mark between Goliath’s eyes and killed him.

The enemies became afraid and led while in David’s camp there was much rejoicing.


1. David was a _____.

a. farmer b. driver v. shepherd

2. He played music so beautifully in his ____.

a. guitar b. violin c. harp

3. He is known far and wide in ______.

a. Bethlehem b. Israel c. Palestine

4. He served his king by _____.

a. tending his sheep b. playing his harp for him c. serving in his palace

5. His kin was _____.

a. King Goliath b. King Saul c. King Pharaoh

(220 words)

There was a spinster named Juanita, who never stopped complaining. She lived alone in her not
too small house in a fertile valley. She worked in the fields every day except when she went to town to
sell fruits and vegetables. She tried to work hard to show to her neighbors that she was poor. She was
not really poor for she kept a duck that laid a golden egg twice a year. She kept this secret to herself.
The eggs that she gathered were kept safely in a jar that was buried under her house.

One day, Juanita thought of a plan to make her duck lay eggs of gold more frequently. “My duck
lays egg only twice a year. How can I get rich quickly?” she asked herself.

“I’ll give her twice as much corn as I am giving now I will add more rice bran to her daily ration.”
Juanita taught.

Soon she started feeding her duck twice as much corn and rice bran as she used to give. She
watched the duck grow fatter and bigger. The duck became very slow and lazy. After six months the
duck failed to lay egg when it was supposed to. A year passed without an egg from the duck. The duck
grew so fat that it stopped laying eggs.


1. Who was Juanita?

a. a widow b. a saint c. a mother

2. Where di Juanita lives?

a. in a city b. in a town c. in a valley

3. What was her secret?

a. a duck that laid golden eggs

b. a golden fish
c. a duck that laid brown eggs

4. Was Juanita really poor?

a. No b. yes c. Maybe

5. Where did she keep the golden eggs?

A . in a jar b. in a basket c. in a box


(246 words)

Cats make up a large mammal family. The lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar are all member of the
cat family. So are the acelot, cheetah and may others. Many kinds of cats have long become extinct due
to some reasons.

Cats vary greatly in sizes but whether they are big like the lion or small like the house cat, all cats
are alike in a number of ways.

All cats have cushioned feet to help them move silently. Cats have sharp claws. Their sharp
claws help them catch other animals. They have long, sharp teeth good for tearing meat. Cats are meat-
eaters. They have tough tongues that can file bits of meat from bones.
All cats have whiskers that serve as feelers. Cats’ eyes are usually yellow with long, slit like pupils
which open up wide at night. Cats can see well even in the dark.

We have several kinds to choose from if we want a pet cat. Some are long-haired and others are
short-haired. The long-haired cats, Persians, came in many colors black , white, cream, buff, blue-cream
and smoke. Some are with stripes or spots. The short-haired cats, the Siamese, are white when they are
kittens but become tan as they grow up. The eyes of the Siamese cats are blue instead of the usual

Cats are fun to keep as pets. Kittens are playful baby animals. It’s easy to take care of cats for
they can look after themselves better than most pets.


1.Which of these does not belong to the cat family?

a. tiger b. lion c. carabao

2. Which helps cats move silently?

a. eyes b. cushioned feet c. soft fur

3. What are the cat’s feelers?

a. feet b. nose c. whiskers

4. Which describes cat’s claws”?

a. sharp b. short c. long

5. What does a cat use for tearing meat?

a. claws b. teeth v. tongue



(251 words)

Twelve farmers worked on Don Lucio’s big farm. The wide tract of land was equally divided
among the twelve. Each famer was responsible in planting, gathering and selling his own product in the
town market. They were paid according to the money they got out of their sales.
Reynaldo, a boy of about eighteen years of age, was one of the farmers. He found working on
the farm a pleasure. He was on the farm before sunrise and continued working long after the sun had
set. Don Lucio secretly admired Reynaldo for his industriousness.

One day, Don Lucio went to the farm. “Reynaldo can you show me a plot of tomatoes form
where we can gather and give for free to some poor people?

Reynaldo accompanied Don Lucio to the plots of tomatoes. When they came to a plot where
tomatoes were ready to picked, Don Lucio said, “This plot of tomatoes will do.”

“No, Sir. Let’s go just a little further.” Reynaldo replied politely.

Amused instead of getting angry, Don Lucio walked on with Reynaldo.

“Well, this plot of tomatoes is just right for gathering.” Don Lucio said.

“If you don’t mind, Sir let’s move to the next plot. ” Reynaldo requested.

Don Lucio and Reynaldo moved on to the next plot. Surprised, Don Lucio looked at Reynaldo and
said, “These tomatoes are not different from those we have seen earlier. Why did we have to go this

“Because, Sir, this plot of tomatoes is mine.” Reynaldo replied.


1.How many farmers were employed by Do Lucio?

a. 10 B. 12 C. 15

2. How old was Reynaldo?

a. about eighteen years old

b. exactly eighteen years old
c. past eighteen years old

3. What could be said Reynaldo?

a. hardworking b. carefree c. impatient

4. How were the farmers paid?

a. on monthly basis b. according to their sales c. by dividing the products

5. Who were to be given tomatoes?

a. the poor people b. Don Lucio’s neighbor c. Don Lucio’s friends

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