Sports Club

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This club shall be known as Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc.
Organization of Student-Athletes, hereafter referred to as LSSTI-OSA.


This organization aims to help increase overall participation levels in sport and physical
activity in Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc. and to help student-
athletes to achieve their full potential. Moreover, this organization aims to produce
competent student-athletes excelling in various sports in order to give honor and
pride to the institution. This organization aims to create opportunities for everyone
to play individual, dual and team sports together where student-athletes can learn
essential skills and life lessons in ways that are consistent with best practices in
athletics. Will teach the fundamentals of the game and promote good
sportsmanship and respect for all participants emphasizing fun, fundamental
individual & team-based skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership and skill-
appropriate competition.


Section 1: Any person enrolled as a student for academic credit in any course
offered under the auspices of Lanao School of Science and Technology Inc. shall be
given equal opportunity to become part of the said organization.

Section 2: Every student who desires to become a member of the organization

should join the tryouts to be conducted by the recognized coaches of different
sports events of the institution such as Basketball (Men’s and Women’s), Volleyball
(Men’s and Women’s), Futsal (Men’s), Sepak Takraw (Men’s), Badminton (Men’s
and Women’s), Table Tennis (Men’s and Women’s) and Lawn Tennis (Men’s and

Section 3: Student-athletes who are members of the organization should attend

trainings and activities imposed by the Coaches and Sports Coordinator/Director.
Failure to do so may lead to deliberation whether the he/she will be removed from
the organization or not.

Section 1: The officers shall conduct a regular monthly meeting, every last Monday
of the month together with the Club Coordinator/ Adviser.

Section 2: The members shall conduct a regular monthly meeting, every last Friday
of the month.

Section 3: The LSSTI-OSA President may call an emergency meeting when


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Section 4: The members must submit an excuse letter stating a valid reason for
failing to attend the meeting. This should be signed by proper signatories. The letter
should be signed by the President, the coach and should be approved by the Sports

Section 5: Failure to submit an excuse letter for: a. two (2) consecutive meetings
will be charged to pay Php 100; b. three (3) consecutive meetings will be charged to
pay Php 150. c. four (4) consecutive meetings will be charged to pay Php 200.
Payments will be collected by the LSSTI-OSA Secretary.

Section 1: All student-athletes who are members of the team shall be vested in the
Organization of Student-Athletes.

Section 2: The President of OSA shall, at the time of seeking office, a graduating
or non-graduating student taking up any course in Lanao School of Science and
Technology Inc. He/she has no failing grade in all of his/her subjects from the
previous semester with a cumulative GPA not less than 2.25 Finally, he/she is not a
freshman student and has completed at least 32 units in his/her enrolled program.

The President shall preside at organizational meetings. The President is responsible

for developing and distributing the agenda for each organizational meeting.

The President shall have the power to nominate any student-athlete into any
committee or appoint persons to vacancies, subject to the approval of the OSA at-
Section 3: The Vice-President of the Student Council shall, at the time of seeking
office, is a non-graduating student of the current semester. He/she must not have a
grade lower than 2.50 in all of his/her subjects and has taken up at least 24 course
units in any program offered in LSSTI.

The Vice-President is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships

between the OSA members, administrators, students, the Alumni Association and the
student body. He/she will act as the officer-in-charge in the absence of the
Section 5: The Treasurer shall keep a record of all expenses of the organization.
He/she is responsible in holding the funds, sanctions and other finances that the
organization will have. The treasurer also is obliged to keep a record of the members
who paid or failed to pay in any legal contributions of the organization and to submit
a report regarding the organization funds every last Friday of the month.

Section 6: The OSA auditor shall keep the receipt of the things brought for the
organization and liquidate the expenses of the organization. He/she is to submit a
report regarding the expenses of the club for the whole month every last Friday of the

Section 7: The team captains in every aforementioned sport event shall

automatically be their Representatives and shall spearhead the tasks assigned to

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every activity. He/she must report the concerns of his/her teammates to the
president. The representatives shall coordinate with the president and vice-president
in supervising the activities initiated by the team, write a narrative report of the
activity conducted in every competition and be able to give it to the organization’s
secretary and to collect legal funds and contributions of the members in their
designated event and be able to give it to the organization’s main treasurer. The
representatives shall inform the members about the organization’s activities. He/she
is tasked to book for the venue of the organization’s activities, design and finalize
posters and announcements to be posted on social media platform.

Section 1. Election of Officers

1.1. Election of officers shall be done on the first month of the first semester.

1.2. Students who sought to become members of the organization should

abide the guidelines of election and meet the requirements stipulated in the
constitution and bylaws.

1.3.Election may be done by the members of the OSA during the first
meeting in the first semester.

Section 2. Impeachment of officer is conducted when he/she:

2.1.Failing in at least one of his/her subjects.

2.2. Not responsible in his/her duties.

2.3.Guilty of any illegal action.

2.4.Committed any major offense stipulated in the student’s handbook.

Section 3. In the case of vacancy in the office of the OSA President, the line of
executive succession shall be the OSA Vice- President, followed by the OSA
Treasurer, followed by the OSA Secretary.

Section 4. In the case of a vacancy of any other position, the OSA President may
appoint an interim member from the members of the organization to serve until the
vacancy is filled based on the results gathered during the election. The President
shall carry out a minimum two (2) weeks advertised search to fill the open seat,
which is open to all eligible members of the student body with further deliberation
and approval of OSA officers and the Sports Coordinator/Director. After the search
is completed, the interim member, if they served on the OSA prior to their
appointment, will return to their respective seat.

Section 5: After either dismissal by the council or official receipt of the resignation,
the OSA shall select a successor from among the student-athletes. The OSA President
shall make the appointment. The appointee must meet all membership qualifications
for the vacant position. This candidate must be confirmed by a simple majority vote
of the members of the OSA and further deliberation and approval of the Sports

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Section 6: No member of the OSA shall hold more than one elected OSA office at
any time.

Section 7: Members appointed to any position on the OSA before the election shall
serve until the next regularly scheduled election. Member appointed after the
election shall serve the remainder of the term.

Section 8: All members serving on the OSA shall not miss more than three
meetings without approval by the Sports Coordinator/Director. If a member has
missed more than three meetings, the OSA shall have the ability to declare the seat
vacant and appoint a new member who shall serve until the next election.
Section 6: No member of the OSA shall hold more than one elected OSA office at
any time.

Section 7: Members appointed to any position on the OSA before the election shall
serve until the next regularly scheduled election. Member appointed after the
election shall serve the remainder of the term.

Section 8: All members serving on the OSA shall not miss more than three
meetings without approval by the Sports Coordinator/Director. If a member has
missed more than three meetings, the OSA shall have the ability to declare the seat
vacant and appoint a new member who shall serve until the next election.

Section 1: The main source of funds of the OSA will be anchored to the Athletics
Fee collected by the institution. Registration fees, athlete’s uniforms and budgets
during competition shall be subject to approval by the school administrator.

Section 2: Dues and payments shall be collected by the Treasurer. The

organization will decide on the project the money collected be used for.


Section 1. Appointment. The Club Coordinator shall appoint a Club Adviser of the
said club.

Section 2. Duties. The responsibilities of the club adviser shall be to:

a. Facilitate programs sponsored by the student club, or even inter-school


b. Encourage the members to join contest inside and outside the school.

c. Meet on a regular basis with the leader of the student club to discuss
upcoming meetings, goals, and problems of the club.

d. Attend regular meetings, executive board meetings, as often as schedule

e. Explain and clarify campus policy aid procedures that apply to the club.

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Section 1: The Club Coordinator or the Club Adviser shall appoint a coach based on
their expertise on the aforementioned sport events.

Section 2: The coaches shall be responsible in holding tryout activities.

Section 3: Coaches will be responsible in identifying student-athletes who passed

the tryouts and become official member of the team.


Section 1. Any member of the OSA may offer, in writing, a proposed amendment
to the organization’s constitution and bylaws five (5) days before the next regular
meeting. Copies of the proposed amendment will be given to the OSA President,
Advisor, and Secretary.

Section 2. All proposed amendments must receive a two-thirds majority of the OSA
at-large on the next meeting of business. Amendments, once approved by the OSA,
shall be advertised and then brought before the entire student body. Amendments
approved by the Organization of Student-Athletes shall require a two- thirds
majority vote by the voting student body in order to be ratified.

Section 3. Every member has the right to propose agenda to the President provided
that these are relevant and need immediate action to call for a meeting as approved
by the Adviser.

Section 4. Revisions of the OSA constitution shall be proposed in the same fashion
as amendments.

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