PBTSC by Laws

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1. The name of this organization shall be the Palm Beach Tigers Sporting Club. PBTSC may be

used as an abbreviation for the club name. PBTSC is a nonprofit organization.


1. To encourage, organize and promote a safe competitive environment for Soccer events and other


2. To encourage and foster the spirit of unity and sportsmanship among its members.

3. To educate and enlighten the public regarding the Clubs objectives and solicit their support of for the

club sports events.

4. To encourage good sportsmanship and fair playing among the participants.

5. To create a seamless link between junior and senior players.

6. To use soccer as a mechanism to promote healthy community ties.


It is the duty of all concerned with PBTSC sports:

1. To emphasize the proper ideas of sportsmanship, ethical conduct.

2. To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game.

3. To stress the values derived from plying the game fairly.

4. To show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials.

5. To establish a happy relationship between players.

6. To respect the integrity and judgment of the Executive Committee.

7. To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rule of the game.

8. To encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment by the players.

9. To recognize that the purpose of sports is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and

emotional well being of the individual players.

10. To remember that sports contest is only a game not a matter of life and death for a player, coach,

officials, fans and the Team.



1. We believe that soccer is the primary function and that equal opportunity shall be provided to all


2. We believe that participation in a sound soccer match contributes to the development of health and

happiness, physical skills, emotional maturity, social competence and moral values.sti

3. The player learns how to work with others as a team.

4. It is the belief of the PBTSC that aims of fair completion can be realized in an atmosphere in which

the players, members, fans, spectators manifest a feeling of respect and concern for these goals.

5. The primary objectives of the PBTSC shall be recreational and competitive soccer and fun for all


6. To promote and encourage recreational, physical fitness and a community spirit around soccer and

other sports.

7. It is understood that tempers may flare during any soccer event; this behavior must be kept to a

minimum to preserve the congenial surroundings of friendly competition.

8. PBTSC also stipulates that our soccer program shall not reject any players application for reasons of

race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or other discriminatory practices as are prohibited by law.
9. PBTSCs success will be measured by how well we accomplish our objectives, not by win/loss

records. The foundation of our club is the development of both individual and team skills while

emphasizing good sportsmanship, athletic skills, leadership, character, teamwork, and team spirit.


1. Membership is open to any person of good character as defined by the code of conduct, who is fully

acquainted with, and agrees with the objectives and rules of the club.

2. Membership requests will be made on Application to the Executive Committee and shall require a

recommendation from a member in good standing.

3. Membership to the club may be limited based on availability of facilities or team structures.

4. The Executive Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as

violation of the code of conduct or character likely to bring the Club into disrepute. Appeals against

removal may be made to the members.

5. All general members may attend all general meetings of the Club in person and shall have full voting

privileges and may hold any office in the club.

6. Complimentary memberships may be awarded at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

7. Members must remain in good standing with regard to payment of fees and dues.

8. Membership may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the eligible votes at a membership meeting.

10. The club shall have three (3) classes of Members. The designation of such classes and qualifications

of the members of each class shall be as follows:

11. General Members must meet General Membership qualifications and shall enjoy all the privileges of

being a member of the club and will have voting rights.

12. Honorary Life Time Members shall be entitled to all the privileges and benefits as general members,

shall be exempted from paying membership fees. However, honorary members shall not be entitled to

hold an office, but may serve on committees, other than the Executive Committee.
13. Special Members. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, upon the vote of a three-forth (3/4)

of directors, elect Special Members under such terms and conditions as they deem appropriate and in

the best interests of the club. Special Members shall not have voting rights and shall not be entitled to

hold an office, but may serve on committees, other than the Executive Committee. Membership fees

shall be as indicated by the Executive Committee.


Dues for Club Membership will be as follows:

1. General Members: $150.00 per year. However, membership fees could be changed from time to time

by the Board of Directors and approved by the members at the AGM or a SGM.

2. Dues for each year must be received no later than last week of January.

3. If a member fails to pay his due in time his/her membership privileges will be automatically


4. Members may be required to pay fees for special events and/or purposes, such as tournament fees,

equipment fees, etc. as determined by the Executive Committee.

5. Any member whose membership has been suspended or terminated, or who has resigned his

membership, may be reinstated at the discretion of the Board of Directors upon such terms and

conditions and the payment shall be in the amount of current year membership fee plus a penalty of



1. All Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote of

the members in attendance. All Board of Directors shall serve for a term of two (2) years. No person

shall hold more than one office.

2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of one elected committee President, one elected Vice

President, one elected Sectary, one elected Treasurer, and three elected committee members.

3. The responsibilities of the Executive Committee are outlined below:

President: The President shall preside at all meetings, shall be in charge of equipment, and shall be

General Manager of Palm Beach Tigers Sporting Club. If a position of committee head or appointed

officer becomes vacant between the elections, the club president will appoint a new person for the

position or will select an elected officer to assume the duties of that position. An appointed officer or

committee head also may be replaced with the unanimous vote of elected officers.

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the club and shall serve under the authority of the

By-Laws and at the direction of the Board of Directors. He shall be presiding at all regular and special

meeting of the club and the Board of Directors. He shall cast the deciding vote in a case of a tie. The

president shall have the power to executing and enforcing all policies and procedures established by the

club. As a Chief Executive Officer, the President is empowered to take prudent and reasonable action in

cases not covered by these By-laws. The president shall have the power to take necessary steps to lead

the Board of Directors to PBTSCs objectives.

Vice President (Sr.): The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President with the same

authority, shall be in charge of the fields, and shall perform other duties as assigned by the membership.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for all communications, both internal and external.

The Secretary shall keep a full and complete record of all proceedings of General Membership meeting

of the club, the meeting of the Board of Directors, all activities of the club, and shall preserve all such

records in proper books and files. The Secretary shall take care of all clubs correspondence, preserving

copies of all letters send out and received. He shall turn over to his successor within ten (10) days of the

election of such successor, all books and records pertaining to his office. The Secretary shall keep a roll

of all Members.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the official records of PBTSC, including minutes of all meetings,

shall receive, disburse, and account for all funds of PBTSC which shall be kept in a bank designated by

the Officers.
The Treasurer shall have custody of all moneys of the club, shall collect all dues, and shall pay all proper

bills, claims and awards against the club. In the Treasurers absence, the President, Vice President or

Secretary may approve and pay all bills, reporting to the Treasurer the actions undertaken in his absence.

The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and shall issue

statements thereof to the club every month and to the Directors, at their request, and a like statement to

the annual meetings. He shall turn over to his successor within ten (10) days after elections, a complete

financial statement together with all funds and records pertaining to the club.

Executive Members Three (3):

The Executive Members will have three (3) votes one for each member at the Executive Committee

meeting. Each Member will be recognizing as an Officer of the club. Their duties and responsibilities may

change time to time, and will be decided by the Executive Committee.


PROPERTIES AND FUNDS: The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect

private benefit of members. The property and funds of the Club shall only be used in connection to the

sports purposes and objectives of the Club.

MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION: Any Officer may be removed from office by 70% vote of the

membership present at a membership meeting.

TERM: The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer will each serve a term of two (2) years.

Board Members shall serve a term of two (2) years too.

VOTING RULE: Each Officer shall have one vote with the President voting only to break a tie.

MEMBERSHIP VOTING: each member shall have one vote.

SPECIAL COMMITTIEES: Committees other than Registration and Rules may be appointed as needed

by the President with advice and consent of the Board of Directors for an active life to be specified in the


Meeting of the membership shall be held at the call of the Officers provided that at least one meeting is

held monthly. The meeting normally held in the month of January shall be called the Annual General

Meeting (AGM) and shall be for the election of officers and presentation of the budget.


The Club will hold an AGM once every calendar year and not more than 15 months after the last AGM.

Such meetings need 14 clear days notice to members. The quorum for all general meetings is 60% of the

total membership whichever is greater. At every AGM:

1. The Committee will present a report on the Clubs activities since the previous AGM;

2. The Treasurer will produce accounts of the Club for the latest financial year audited as the

Committee shall decide;

3. The Members will discuss and vote on any resolution (whether about policy or to change the Rules)

and deal with any other business put to the meeting.

4. No more than three (3) SGM or Special general meetings can be called by the President in a year.


Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held twelve (12) times per year. Further meetings may be

held at the discretion of the President. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five

members of the Executive Committee. Decisions shall be by simple majority of those voting. The minutes

of all meetings will be approved by the Executive Committee.

The Board of Directors and Executive Committee Members must maintain the following conditions at the


1. Elected Officers and Executive members are expected to show up at schedule meetings on time.

10/15 minutes time will be allowed in case of someone is late.

2. If any reason someone is unable to come to the meeting should notify the Secretary at least 24 hours

in advance or ASAP.
3. Must be respectful to each other, must value others opinions even though one might have a different

view on a particular issue.

4. Each of the Board Members has the official obligation and responsibility to come to an agreement

with the committee as a whole.

5. There shall be no foul language or inappropriate gestures. Not allowed to talk about other subjects or

topics during meeting hours, focusing only on that days agendas.

6. No personal insult should be taken lightly, The President, with the Board of Directors will take an

appropriate action in the event of a personal insult.

7. PBTSC appreciate everyones time, efforts and service for the club. All such efforts will be recognized

as very valuable asset for the club.


The Palm Beach Sporting Clubs activities are governed by its Bylaws.


Players, referees, coaches, and other spectators at any PBTSC sponsored or PBTSC-related function

are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with both the Laws of the Game,

and consistent with the spirit expressed within. The following actions or activities are unacceptable, and

persons who participate in these activities are subject to disciplinary actions as provided in the PBTSC


1. Verbal harassment (cursing) or physical assaults of referees, coaches, or players, by anyone are

unacceptable conduct. In the event of such act, the guilty person will be fined for $200 penalty, be

banned for 2 weeks, and will have to make an apology to all the club members including the victim.

2. Illegal, unfair, disruptive, violent, dangerous, and un-sportsmanship behavior will not be tolerated.

3. Consumption of any alcoholic beverages by any coach, assistant coach, or player is not

acceptable conduct. This expectation will be in force while in and around the playing areas before,

during or after a match or team practices including traveling to and from match destinations including

PBTSC sponsored events.


Any player, coach, or assistant coach who violates this Code of Conduct will be given a warning by the

Executive Committee. If the unacceptable conduct continues, The Executive Committee will then take

further action as it deems necessary.


Election date must be announced well in advance by the Executive Committee. The current Executive

Committee will be effective until the Election Day. The term of newly-elected officer / directors shall

commence immediately following the election.


1. An Election Committee will be formed in the election time, no members of which shall be candidates

for election, which shall supervise the conduct of elections, including balloting, and procedures.

2. The President shall appoint three members, with the approval of the Board of directors, to be in the

Election Committee.


1. Any member seeking an office must submit his nomination paper and fees before the deadline

announced by the Election Committee.

2. The names of all candidates shall appear on a ballot prepared in advance.

3. Election shall be by secret ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of the votes for such

respective office shall be elected.

4. Any member who is not active for at least one year will not be eligible to run for an election.


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members provided that the amendment has

been presented in writing at the previous meeting.



The current edition of FIFA official rules of play shall be the official book for practice and tournament

matches, except as noted in the PBTSC by-laws.


1. There shall be two teams selected by the two team captains in every practice match.

2. Practice start and end time will be announced in advance. Every participating member must follow the

PBTSC Bylaws. 15 Minutes law may be applicable.

3. Sunday Practice Rules and law must be followed by all participating members. Area of consideration

may describe as follows:

Improving the Game.

Discipline during Game.

Unity in the field.


1. There shall be at least one (1) soccer tournament each year to determine the Champion Team.

2. There shall be a league schedule provided by the tournament committee.

3. All players shall wear team jerseys and soccer clits, S-guards, and goal keeper must have gloves on.

4. Referee and the linesmen shall be furnished for all regular and Tournament games in the manner

chosen by the Board of Directors. Referee has the final judgment of a game. The Linesmen must

assist the referee.

5. PROTESTS: Only appeals for a misapplication of the laws of the game will be considered and

reviewed. Referees judgment calls and sent-off may not be protested.

6. The protest must be in writing with $50.00 fee and received by the Tournament Committee within 72

hours after the game.

7. The decision of the Tournament committee will be final. The decision will be forwarded to the team

representative within 48 hours.

8. If the decision is reversed, your $50.00 fee will be returned. If not, it will be forfeited.

9. YELLOW CARDS: Accumulation of two yellow cards throughout a tournament will result in an

automatic one game suspension.

10. RED CARDS: Any individual receiving a red card cannot play the reminder of the game and he

must leave the field at once.

11. DISCIPLINERY RULES: The Board of Directors will decide upon and implement any needed actions

against a player, team, team rep, referee or contributor to the tournament not specifically outlined in

Bylaws in order to keep the tournament safe, friendly and recreational.

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