QuickBooks Online Core Certification Workbook V22.4.1

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QuickBooks Online Core Certification

Webinar Workbook

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1

Important Information

Welcome to your QuickBooks Accountant Core Certification webinar

training programme.

This workbook is designed to help you during your training session

but is not designed to replace official product documentation or be
used as a comprehensive guide to the QuickBooks product range.

Whilst some key points are written in the workbook, it is important

that you make your own notes as the training progresses.

We recommend that you complete all 3 webinars before you

attempt your core certification exam. You’ll find the Take exam
button under the training tab in the ProAdvisor portal.

When you pass your exam, you’ll receive a certificate to say you’re a
QuickBooks Online Certified ProAdvisor. This certificate will also
appear in your ProAdvisor portal.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Core Certification Webinar Programme

Table of Contents
Module Topic Page
Webinar 1
1 Getting Started 4
2 Money In 5
3 Money Out 10
4 The Basics of Banking 13
Webinar 2
5 Advanced Banking 17
6 VAT and Making Tax Digital 19
7 Mobile app 31
8 Tags 32
9 Deleting and Voiding 33
Webinar 3
10 Reporting 35
11 Accountant Tools 37
12 Customising QuickBooks for your Business 39
13 The QuickBooks Online Accountant Dashboard 43
Appendices 46

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Webinar 1 – Table of Contents
Module Topic Page
1 Getting Started 4
2 Money In 5
3 Money Out 10
4 The Basics of Banking 13

Sample company

From the QuickBooks website www.quickbooks.co.uk sign into QuickBooks Online

Accountant using your own log in. Select the Settings cog in the top right and choose the
Sample company.

Select the Settings cog*

Choose the Sample company

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
(* Also known as Gear icon/Company cog)

Module 1 – Getting Started

1.1 Navigation within your client’s file

QB Accountant Accountant Help: Search through

logo: Clicking here Settings cog*:
tools: some common queries or Company settings,
takes you back to are accountant find the contact
your accountant Lists, Tools, and
only. details for our care Profile.
dashboard. team here.

Hamburger icon: Client switcher: Search box: Search

Hides/reveals the Move between for reports and
left navigation. your QB clients transactions here.
using this option.

New button: Create all your bookkeeping transactions from here.

Left Navigation: Access your most popular lists and areas from here. Hover over
each icon for information of what’s contained here. Click to get into these areas.

Dashboard: A snapshot of what’s happening in your client’s books. Click on the time filter
to change the period. Click on the numbers or graphs to drill down for more information.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Module 2 – Money In
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to process key customer
transactions, navigate your customer centre and find recent transactions.

2.1 The New Button

The New button is your primary tool for recording every different type of bookkeeping
transaction in QuickBooks.

2.2 The invoice

Use an invoice to record sales of a product or service to a customer. A business may allow a
customer to pay at a later date and using an invoice helps to keep track of the money owed
by customers, known as accounts receivable or debtors.

2.2.1 Creating an invoice

An invoice can be created by selecting the new option on the left navigation, then selecting
invoice from the customer column.

This opens up a blank invoice to populate. The information which is compulsory to populate

● The customer
● The date
● The product or service you are selling
● How much of it you are selling
● The price of the product or service
● The VAT rate

2.2.2 The invoice number

Your QuickBooks invoice will automatically be assigned a number. The first invoice in
QuickBooks will be 1001, the second 1002, and so on. However, if you wish to use your own
invoice numbers instead, you can turn on custom transaction numbers. This will give you a
new box on your invoices where you can fill in your own invoice number.

From within the invoice screen, click on the Settings Cog in the top right hand corner and
tick against custom transaction numbers. You can also turn it on in the Sales settings, which
are accessed by selecting account and settings from the Settings cog.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
2.2.3 Different save options

All transactions have a number of save options, including the following

● Save
● Save and new
● Save and close
● Save and send
● Save and share link
● Save and share (Whatsapp)

Choose the Save and send option if you wish to send the invoice via email. If you send your
invoices through QuickBooks you can check to see when the invoice has been viewed by the
customer. This can be very useful when you are managing accounts receivable.

[Complete Exercise 1 in your separate exercise book to create a simple invoice]

2.2.4 Adding a new customer

To add a new customer simply begin typing their name into the customer box on the invoice. You
can manage your customer list from the Customer centre.

[Complete Exercise 2 to add a new customer]

2.2.5 Adding a new product/service

Products and services are used on sales and purchase forms. We refer to products and services as
items. There are 4 types to choose from:

● Stock
● Non-Stock
● Service
● Bundle

When adding a new product/service you must choose the following:

● Type of item
● Name
● Income account

Adding additional sales and VAT information for an item can save time when entering transactions. It
will automatically populate on the invoice every time you sell that item.

Adding an Item/Service code and category are optional and can be used to help with reporting or
organising your products/services list.
© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Today we will be using Services as Long for Successful Events Limited is a service based business
rather than selling goods.

[Complete Exercise 3 to add a new product or service]

2.3 Additional information to complete on invoices (and other transactions)

The following areas of an invoice, while not compulsory, may be useful to complete:

● Billing address
● Email address of customer – required if you wish to send invoice via email
● Terms – enter the number of credit days and your due date will automatically populate once
you enter the invoice date
● Description of your item – for your customer to view on the invoice
● A message on the invoice
● A message on the statement
● Adding an attachment – where you can add a PDF, word or excel doc to accompany the
transaction in QuickBooks, useful for those operating a paperless office.

In addition, you can change how the VAT is calculated from exclusive or inclusive of tax, or enter
information with No VAT.

2.4 Transaction settings: Classes & Locations

You can turn on classes and locations in your advanced settings, accessed via the Settings cog. This
allows you to assign transactions to different segments (classes) like departments, locations, and
product lines. You can add a location field on forms so you can assign transactions to different
locations like stores, sales regions, and counties. When used, you can report against the classes and

2.5 Sales form settings: Custom fields, discounts and deposits

Sales settings (accessed via the Settings cog), which are turned on in the Sample company include:

● Custom fields
● Discounts
● Deposits

You can add up to three custom fields to your invoice to record any type of information on your
sales form which is not captured somewhere else such as references, numbers or notes.

If you are using discounts or deposits you can enter that information when those settings are turned

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
2.6 The Sales Receipt

A sales receipt is used when you receive money straight away for a product or service.

The sales receipt looks very similar to the invoice however you can include details of the payment
and the account the money is deposited to. This is in contrast to the invoice where you enter the
due date of the invoice.

[Complete Exercise 4 to create a sales receipt]

2.7 The Estimate

An estimate (or a quote) is a proposal for work you plan to do. The estimate form looks similar to an
invoice, but it has a different purpose. It helps you begin negotiations with your customer.
After you've completed the work and are ready to charge your customer, save time by converting an
estimate into an invoice, which copies the information instead of you having to re-enter it.

[Complete Exercise 5 to create an estimate]

[Complete Exercise 6 to convert an estimate to an invoice]

2.8 Receive payment

When an invoice gets paid you can use the Receive Payment option to record it. Alternatively, you
can receive the payment through the banking feature in QuickBooks. Once you’ve explored both,
you can decide which method works best for you and your client.

[Complete Exercise 7 to receive a payment]

2.9 The Sales Centre

You can manage all the information related to your sales from the Sales Centre on the left

The Sales Centre has the following lists:

● All Sales — including estimates, invoices, sales receipts, and billable expense income
● Invoices — all of the invoices you’ve created
● Customers — all of the customers you sell to
● Products and Services — all of the products and services you buy or sell

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
2.10 Finding specific transactions

Here are a few ways to find a sales transaction:

● Search bar
● Advanced search function
● Clock icon within a sales transaction
● From the various lists in the Sales Centre (All Sales list, Invoices list)
● By clicking on a customer’s name in the customer list

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Module 3 – Money Out
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to process key supplier
transactions, navigate your supplier centre and manage accounts payable.

3.1 The Bill

Bills are from suppliers which you will pay at a later date. For example a telephone bill.

You can start the bill from the New button as this is your primary tool for creating all
transactions in QuickBooks. You can also start all money out transactions from the expenses
section on the left navigation.

3.1.1 Creating your first bill

The following information is compulsory when creating a bill:

● Supplier
● Date of bill
● Category
● Amount

The category area is where you enter the nominal account, usually an expense or cost of
sales code.

Note. that if you have stock tracking enabled you will also be given an area called item
where you can enter the details of the product you are buying.

[Complete Exercise 8 to add a simple bill from a supplier’s document]

3.1.2 Copying a transaction

Once you save a transaction you get the option more on the bottom ribbon. This is where
you’ll find the option to copy. You can copy all the details from one transaction to another
and then make any changes you need without affecting the original transaction.

3.1.3 Inclusive/exclusive of VAT

There is a box on your transaction where you can select inclusive, exclusive or No VAT. You
can change the default selection in your settings.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
3.1.4 Attachments

A really useful feature in QuickBooks is the ability to add attachments (PDF, Word doc,
Excel) to your transactions. When creating bills you or your client can add a copy to the
transaction making it easy to find, check and refer back to.

[Complete Exercise 9 to create a bill]

[Complete Exercise 10 to copy a bill]

3.2 The Expense

The expense transaction is used when you pay for something immediately e.g. by bank card
or cash.

The following information is compulsory when creating an expense:

● Payment account
● Date of payment
● Category
● Amount

You must select the account which the money is being paid from. As an example, you could
use an expense to record transactions paid from the petty cash account. Make sure that you
select petty cash as the payment account in this circumstance. This is a new account that
you can create in your chart of accounts.

[Complete Exercise 11 to create an expense]

3.3 Pay Bills

Use this to pay a batch of bills manually. You can also pay bills through the banking screen
but this can be useful if you have big batch payments or prefer to record the bill payment

[Complete Exercise 12 to pay a bill]

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
3.4 The Expenses Centre

All the information about purchase transactions can be found in the Expenses Centre. This is
very similar to the Sales Centre except that the money is going out instead of coming in.

The Expenses centre is made up of two lists: Expenses and Suppliers. The Expenses list
shows all of the purchase transactions in one place. The Supplier list lets you manage
suppliers, their existing transactions, new transactions and batch actions.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Module 4 – The Basics of Banking
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able understand the basic principles of
banking in QuickBooks, be able to match and add transactions and create a
simple bank rule.

4.1 Connecting a bank account

One of the first things you should do when you set up a new client is to connect the bank
account to QuickBooks. It’s the quickest way of getting information into QuickBooks and can
help with the timeliness and accuracy of your client’s financial records.

4.1.1 Setting up a live Bank feed

From Banking on the left navigation your client can set up the bank connection by clicking
on Add account. Enter the bank name and follow the step by step guide to connect their
account. They should contact our care team if they experience any difficulty establishing
that connection.

Once the connection is live the bank transactions will automatically be fed into the Banking

4.1.2 Uploading transactions manually

Alternatively, you can upload a file of the transactions. You can still make use of all the
banking features using this method, the only difference is that you will need to regularly
upload a CSV file with the recent transactions. You could also use this option if clients do not
have online banking.

A CSV file is an Excel file with no formatting. If you have online banking you should log in to
the bank’s website and choose the option to download transactions in to CSV format.

4.1.3 Next steps

New transactions, whether uploaded or fed through, will go in to the For Review screen.
They will stay there until we check them and decide where they need to go. They will not
currently be included in the books or any reports.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
4.2 Introduction to the Banking screen

Once the transactions are in the For Review screen processing them will be the same for
either a live connection or imported transactions.

For live bank connections,

this figure is the balance on
the account at the last

We have 30 transactions
This is the bank balance to review and process.
created by the entries
entered so far to QuickBooks.

4.3 For Review

The For Review screen is effectively a holding area - the transactions are not yet part of the
records or reports.

QuickBooks information Details from the bank

Details from the bank
to enter or check statement

TOP TIP: Click on any of the bold column headings to sort the list into your preferred order
to review.

4.4 How to process transactions

Each transaction should be reviewed one-by-one to decide what ACTION should be taken.
To review a transaction click on the transaction. It will expand allowing you to categorise a
new transaction or find a match with an existing transaction.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
4.5 Where do transactions go once they have been processed?

Adding or Matching transactions moves them from the For Review list into the Categorised
ADD or MATCH Excluding a transaction removes it
from the For Review list and will
not be included in the books.


4.6 Do I match or do I add?

4.6.1 Match

Matching means QuickBooks has matched the downloaded transaction with a transaction
already entered. Transactions must be for the same amount to have a suggested match.

Multiple matches may be found so all you have to do is review the potential matches and
select the correct one.

Depending on the type of transaction matching will either create a new transaction such as
a bill payment or an invoice payment, or it will match to a manual entry already in the books
so that you don’t create a duplicate.

For example, a credit transaction of the same amount as an open invoice will show in green
as a match. Selecting Match will create a new invoice payment.

[Complete Exercise 13 to match a transaction]

4.6.2 Add

Adding creates a new record. Add if there are no other records relating to that amount
already in QuickBooks. After you check the payee, category, VAT and amount Add it to the

QuickBooks will start to remember the chosen category when it sees another transaction
with the same Bank details and automatically change it for future transactions. This is called
Machine Learning. It can also set default VAT rates for a category.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
The types of transactions you can choose when adding are:

● Money spent: Expense, Cheque or Transfer

● Money received: Deposit, Sales Receipt or Transfer

We have already used the majority of these options when entering data, apart from a
transfer. A transfer moves money between accounts. For example to a savings account or
credit card.

[Complete Exercise 14 to add a transaction]

4.7 Suggested rules

Rules can be an excellent way of saving time entering data. When two entries with similar
bank details are added consecutively, QuickBooks will prompt you to set up a rule to help
categorise future similar transactions. Suggested rules can be turned off from the list cog by
unticking the option to Show suggested rules.

[Complete Exercise 15 to set up a simple rule]

4.8 Other banking features to increase efficiencies

Additional settings are available from the list cog to increase efficiencies when entering
transactions from the Banking area.

Enabling copy bank detail to memo will ensure the same detail shown on the bank
statement is entered into the memo field of a transaction ensuring important information is
retained for future reference.

The enable suggested categorisation feature allows you to view previous category choices
for a particular supplier or customer. Entering a supplier or customer in the
Supplier/Customer field will activate the Categorisation history option at the bottom of a
transaction. A list of the most or last used categories in the last 12 months for that supplier
or customer will be shown, if available. Select the applicable category, assign and continue
completing the remaining fields.

Turning on grouping will group similar transactions together. To group transactions, click
the column header to sort by that column. This will also create a group which can be
minimised or expanded. For example sorting by date will group transactions into months,
sorting by spent will group Money out transactions.

[Complete Exercise 16 to add outstanding transactions]

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Webinar 2 – Table of Contents
Module Topic Page
5 Advanced Banking 17
6 VAT and Making Tax Digital 19
7 Mobile app 31
8 Tags 32
9 Deleting and Voiding 33

Module 5 – Advanced Banking

Objective: By the end of this module you will be able understand some of the more
advanced principles of banking in QuickBooks, use the batch function, use rules, and handle
tricky matches.

5.1 Batch Actions

Batching is a way of categorising multiple transactions together and adding in one click. Use
the left hand check boxes to select each transaction. The batch actions which appear to
select are Accept, Update and Exclude.

[Complete Exercise 17 to use batch actions]

5.2 Creating Rules

Rules can be an excellent way of saving time entering data. You can give instructions to
QuickBooks to recognise details of a transaction and accurately categorise future similar

[Complete Exercise 18 to create rules]

5.3 When do I use Find Match?

A match will only appear automatically if the amount agrees to the penny.

If the transaction relates to a different amount such as a part payment, or is for more than
one transaction, you can use the Find Match function to select the records that it relates to.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
5.4 What is a split?

The split option allows you to allocate amounts to multiple categories and VAT rates.
Remember that the downloaded transactions are the gross amounts paid so the amounts
you enter for each line will need to be inclusive of tax.

5.5 What if I make a mistake?

If you need to change a transaction go to the Categorised tab and select Undo against the
relevant one. It will move back to the For Review tab to re-enter.

[Complete Exercise 19 to handle more complex transactions]

5.6 How can I check the data?

From the Settings cog, under Tools, select Reconcile

Use the Reconcile feature to balance the bank and ensure the records are accurate.
Compare the beginning balance and transactions listed in QuickBooks to the closing bank
statement. This should be a quick task if you are using the downloaded transactions as they
will already be ticked as reconciled. You know your bank and your books agree when the
difference between them is £0.00.

It is recommended to complete a bank reconciliation regularly and always before finalising a

VAT return.

TOP TIP: You can use the reconciliation tool to reconcile any Balance Sheet account, not just
the bank accounts.

Viewing the History by Account shows all the previous reconciliation reports and is also
where Accountants can undo reconciliations.

[Complete Exercise 20 to reconcile a bank account]

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Module 6 – VAT and Making Tax Digital
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to prepare and validate a VAT
return using the VAT error checker, submit VAT returns to HMRC and record
VAT payments.

6.1 VAT settings and rates

To start recording VAT you must first turn on VAT; it isn’t on by default. If VAT has already
been turned on you can view and edit the VAT settings from Taxes. Select Edit VAT in the
top right hand corner, then Edit Settings.

Update the VAT period start date, filing frequency, VAT accounting
scheme and registration number. You can also turn on MTD here.

Only three VAT rates are activated initially. Turn on other deactivated
VAT rates and add other rates as required.

From the Edit rates area, by default you will see all of the available VAT rates. To hide any
inactive rates on the list:
Select the Settings cog on a list shows the list settings.

Untick include inactive to hide inactive VAT rates.

6.1.1 Global VAT settings

If you prefer to enter gross figures to sales and expense forms you can amend the default
tax rate selection in the global settings. You can also amend this on individual transactions.

If a client deregisters from VAT you can change the default VAT rate selection to No VAT.

From the Settings cog, under Your Company, select Accounts and Settings. From Advanced
section in Accounting settings, amend the Default tax rate selection.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
6.2 VAT error checker

The VAT error checker is an innovative tool built in to assist you in reviewing VAT returns
which gives you and your client confidence the VAT figures are correct.

To run your VAT error checker you must choose an open return. Click the dropdown arrow
next to Prepare return in the ACTION column, as shown in the screen shot below.

It includes:

• VAT snapshot – shows the VAT amount due for the VAT period.
• Making sure everything is accounted for – to check through No VAT transactions
(Outside Scope) or those still to review in the banking screen for the VAT period.
• Review any unexpected items – to check for duplicates or inconsistent VAT codes.
• Take a closer look for peace of mind – a prompt to review the largest transactions in
the period.

Once you have reviewed each section you can continue to prepare the VAT return by
running the VAT reports.

6.3 VAT reports

There are a number of places to find the VAT reports:

● From within the VAT Centre using the drop down arrow in the ACTION column in line
with a return
● Using the View Reports button in the VAT Centre
● Typing VAT in the search box
● From Reports go to the Manage VAT section to see all the available VAT reports

The Audit Report is a PDF document of all the main VAT reports in one document which can
be emailed to your client. Click the drop down arrow in line with the VAT return period.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
6.3.1 What is the VAT exception report?

When preparing VAT returns you may see a column titled Exception Amount. The amounts
in this column represent transactions you have previously filed for, but have since been
changed, deleted or even added. Small amounts can be filed with HMRC on the VAT return
however large differences should be reported to HMRC on Form VAT 652.

The exception report can be found within the VAT centre or from the Manage VAT section in

[Complete Exercise 21 to VAT error check your return]

[Complete Exercise 22 to download the Audit Report]

6.4 Preparing the return

View the VAT return figures to be submitted to HMRC by clicking on Prepare Return. These
figures are the total from the VAT 100 report and VAT Exception report.

You can export these figures prior to submission from this screen.

6.5 Marking a VAT return as filed

Once you have selected Prepare return, if MTD is not enabled, you have the option to Mark
as filed. Marking as filed will close the books for the VAT period and any transactions from
that period which are now changed will show up in the VAT exception report.

You should use the option to Mark as filed if you submitted the VAT return using HMRC’s
website. To start submitting returns directly from QuickBooks you must enable MTD.
Submitting a MTD enabled VAT return automatically marks those transactions as filed.

There are some instances when you may need to show a return in QuickBooks as filed
without submitting any figures to HMRC. For example, if a business becomes VAT registered
and has been using QuickBooks prior to the registration date. Marking a period up to the
registration date as filed will mean that any applicable historical transactions can be edited
to include VAT and claimed on the first VAT return.

[Complete Exercise 23 to mark your return as filed]

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
6.6 Recording a payment or refund in the books

To record a payment or refund you need to manually enter the VAT payment (or refund) for
each VAT period. In the ACTION column select record payment or record refund as necessary.
Ensure the correct bank account is selected and the date entered agrees to the bank

Once the payment or refund has been paid or received it should appear as a match in the
For Review list in Banking.

[Complete Exercise 24 to record the payment or refund]

6.7 Unfiling a VAT return

It is now possible to unfile a VAT return. This is only possible for non MTD submitted VAT
returns. View the filed VAT return and click the Unfile button on the left hand side. Here are
some examples of when this can be used:
● If a client has submitted non MTD VAT returns directly to HMRC but what
was Marked as Filed in QuickBooks doesn’t match, you can now unfile those returns
to edit/create transactions, so that they agree
● If the dates for a Non-MTD return have been entered incorrectly and the return has
been Marked as Filed, it’s now easy to unfile the return and start over
● When bringing over clients from other software the VAT periods may not line up.
Now it’s easy to unfile one of the returns to get things in line
● Once MTD is turned on the HMRC dates for the next return may not match the QBO
dates set up. Now you can unfile a return and file a short period

6.8 VAT control vs VAT suspense

The VAT amount on each VAT transaction is recorded in the VAT control account. When a
VAT return is filed a journal is automatically posted with the period balance from VAT
control to VAT suspense.

The VAT suspense account shows the total VAT due to be paid or refunded. Recording the
VAT payment or refund zeros the balance in VAT suspense.

6.9 Making Tax Digital with QuickBooks Online

6.9.1 What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)?

MTD is part of HMRC's plans to bring UK tax into the digital age. From 1 April 2022 all VAT
registered business must sign up for MTD, keep records in a digital form and file their VAT
returns using MTD-ready software such as QuickBooks Online.
© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
6.9.2 What are the steps involved?

1. Setting up your Agent Services Account (ASA)

In order to use the new HMRC MTD online service to submit VAT returns on behalf of your
eligible clients, you will need to create an Agent Services Account (ASA). The ASA allows you
to access the new HMRC online service and use a software to communicate directly with
HMRC. You will need this if you are a professional tax agent and support one or many clients
with tax submissions.

To set up your ASA, you will need to use your current Government Gateway ID. As part of
signing up you will receive new credentials. It is these new credentials that you will use to
access MTD services.

NB: You must create your ASA via the HMRC website. You cannot create your ASA from
within QuickBooks.

2. Authorise QuickBooks to interact with HMRC

Once you have set up an ASA you're required to authorise QuickBooks to interact with
HMRC in order to submit VAT returns on your clients’ behalf.

You can begin this process by navigating to your advanced company settings, found by
selecting the Settings cog from your QuickBooks Online Accountant dashboard. Then follow
the step by step guide.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
3. Turn on MTD for your eligible client

Once steps 1 and 2 are complete you should proceed to your client’s file. You must turn on
MTD for your eligible client from within their VAT centre. You can turn on MTD from within
the settings of your client’s VAT centre.

Alternatively, if you are turning on VAT for your client for the first time, you will be asked
whether MTD is required and you can set it up from here. Click on Yes, get started.

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
Once the authorisation flow is complete, you will see that MTD is enabled in the top left
corner of your screen and the open VAT return can now be submitted in an MTD compliant
way by selecting the Prepare return option in line with the next return to file.

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4. Submit your client’s VAT return in an MTD compliant way

Once you have reviewed the figures and put a check in the box to declare the information is
true and complete select Submit to HMRC.

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5. Confirmation from HMRC

Once submitted you will get a confirmation email along with the receipt number and
submission details.

6.9.3 Submitting your return using the QuickBooks bridging solution

1. What is a bridging solution?

The QuickBooks bridging solution is a tool which imports the final values (9 boxes) of the
VAT return from a CSV file into QuickBooks from where it can be submitted to HMRC via
their MTD (Making Tax Digital) application interface therefore meeting HMRC’s compliance

© Intuit Core Certification Webinar Workbook V22.4.1
2. How does it work?

If you wish to submit your client’s MTD VAT return via our bridging solution the first three
steps are identical to the process for standard MTD VAT submissions as outlined above.

1. Set up your new Agent Services Account

2. Authorise QuickBooks to interact with HMRC
3. Turn on MTD for your eligible client

Once you have completed the above steps you can now proceed to file a VAT return
through our bridging software by following the steps:

3. Submit your client’s VAT return in an MTD compliant way

Once MTD has been enabled, you will see an option in the dropdown list next to prepare
return which says submit with a spreadsheet.

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Once you select this option you will be able to import your CSV file which contains the
information from your client’s VAT return. Then you must map the columns for each box of
your VAT return to the relevant one from your spreadsheet.

Once reviewed the final stage will be to confirm that the information is true and complete
and then submit to HMRC.

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4. Confirmation from HMRC

Once submitted you will get a confirmation email along with the receipt number and
submission details, similar to step 5 in the standard submission.

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Module 7 – The Mobile App
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to use the mobile app and
understand the features available.

7.1 Mobile app

All QuickBooks users have access to a free mobile app. It has many of the features as on the
browser version. You can create and send estimates and even get a signature of approval.
Your books are accessible from wherever you are to keep on top of the bookkeeping. You
can attach photos and images (such as expense receipts) at the click of a button.

Downloading the app

The QuickBooks app is available on your mobile devices – ipads, tablets and smartphones.
It can be downloaded from the App store if you’re using an apple device (iPhone or iPad),
and the play store if you’re using an Android device (phones and tablets).

There are two QuickBooks apps:

● QuickBooks Accounting: Invoicing & Expense Tracker

● QuickBooks Self-Employed: Track Mileage & Receipts

Choose the QuickBooks Accounting app as this is the version used by accountants and
bookkeepers accessing their clients’ books as well as their own. Your clients should also
choose this version if they are using the Simple Start, Essentials or Plus package.

The QuickBooks Self-Employed app is only for clients who use the Self Employed product.

Main features of the mobile app:

● Receipt snap (taking a picture of a receipt or bill for automatic creation of the
● Create estimates, invoices, and other transactions
● Process bank transactions
● Mileage tracking
● Cash flow
● Reports

At the time of writing the QuickBooks Accounting app has a rating on the app store of 4.7
stars out of 5, and over 18,000 people have rated it. The app is constantly being improved
and developed so you should review the features regularly to make sure that you and your
client are getting the most from it.

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Module 8 – Tags
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to create tags, tag groups and run
tag reports.

8.1 What are tags?

Tags are customisable labels that let you track transactions however you'd like. You can tag
invoices, sales receipts, expenses and bills. Group tags together and run reports to see how
specific areas of your business are doing. They don't impact your books. Instead, they're a
way for your team to track the information that matters most to you.

8.2 Where can I access tags?

Tags can be found under Banking from the left hand navigation. Tags track things at the
transaction level so are different to classes which can be used to track specific line items.
You can add as many tags as you'd like to a transaction, but you can only choose one tag per
tag group.

8.3 Reporting with tags

Reports can be run for tag groups to see how tagged transactions are performing. Since
groups have both money in and money out transactions, you'll see how everything in the
group affects your bottom line.

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Module 9 – Deleting and Voiding
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to void and delete transactions,
utilise the audit log and prevent changes to transactions.

From time to time you may make mistakes or need to change transactions you have already
entered. QuickBooks makes it easy to change transactions and automatically keeps track of
them. It’s also easy to prevent changes to certain transactions.

From within a bookkeeping transaction click More in the black

footer bar to see these options.

9.1 What is the difference between voiding and deleting?

Voiding a transaction zeros the amount but leaves it in the system so you can still open it.
Deleting a transaction permanently erases it off the system.

Voiding a transaction is almost always preferred over deleting.

[Complete Exercise 25 to void and delete a transaction]

9.2 What is the impact on the books?

Both options can affect your balances and reports and sometimes your account
reconciliations. If the transaction has been reconciled it may affect the opening account
balance and display a warning. If the transaction has been filed as part of a VAT return any
changes will be brought forward into the VAT exception report.

9.3 Where can I see my client’s changes?

Changes to transactions can be viewed in the Audit Log found under Tools from the Settings
cog. It also records all new transactions and all other actions taken by all users with access
to the books.

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The Accountant Toolbox also has a shortcut to view Voided/Deleted transactions.

9.4 How can I stop my client making changes?

There will be times when you need to restrict access to certain transactions to prevent
people making changes. For example at the end of the financial year or financial quarter. So
we Close the Books and set a date and a warning and/or a password. This can also be found
from the Accountant Toolbox.

[Complete Exercise 26 to close the books]

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Webinar 3 – Table of Contents
Module Topic Page
10 Reporting 35
11 Accountant Tools 37
12 Customising QuickBooks for your client 39
13 The QuickBooks Online Accountant dashboard 43
Appendices 45

Module 10 – Reporting
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to customise and run important
reports, manage your chart of accounts and use accountant tools to quickly
amend transactions.

10.1 Standard reports

QuickBooks has many reports set up as standard to help clients manage their business. They
are grouped into sections to make them easier to find. You can click the star beside the
name to add them to your favourite list or use the search box to find a report by name.

There are also specific reports for accountants which you may find helpful when
undertaking tasks for the client on their data such as the year end accounts.

[Complete Exercise 27 to amend report settings]

[Complete Exercise 28 to review basic reports]

10.1.2 Running a Standard report

To run a Standard report click on the report name you wish to run. Now you can choose the
report period from the list of QuickBooks date range names or enter your own specific
dates. All reports can be drilled into by clicking on a figure which either runs a detailed
transaction report on that figure or takes you to the record in the books.

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10.2 Custom reports

These standard reports can be tailored to your needs and saved so you can easily run them
in future or scheduled to run at chosen intervals. All custom reports can be found in the
custom reports tab.

TOP TIP: If you wish to schedule a report to run automatically it’s recommended that you
use a QuickBooks date range name, rather than specific dates. For example, Last Month or
Last Quarter.

For example a business should monitor their VAT taxable turnover to check if they should
register for VAT. Using the date range ‘Since 365 days ago’ it is possible to find the last 12
months rolling turnover which can be used to help with this check.

10.3 Management reports

Ready-made Management Reports are available for you to create in a PDF to send to your
clients. You can add other reports to the pack too saving you time at each review period.

If you want to know more about reporting, check out these webinars and the Advanced
course: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/uk/accountants/training/

10.4 Interpreting data, comparatives and data improvement

All data entered into QuickBooks will be included in the annual financial statements but
management reports are likely to be prepared more regularly throughout the year. It’s
important that the data is accurate in these management reports so that business owners
like your client Razzle can make great financial decisions. Some data may need to be
improved to create more accurate management reports. Running reports with a
comparative may also highlight where costs have increased over time. QuickBooks reports
can be easily tailored by using the options shown below.

[Complete Exercise 29 to run a profit and loss report]

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Module 11 – Accountant Tools
11.1 Managing the Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts is a list of all the available accounts (or categories).

11.1.1 Tools and icons on the account list

Quick reports can be run on individual accounts using the ACTION column selection.
Earlier we updated the default VAT code from a transaction in the Banking screen. You can
also use the Batch actions feature to update the VAT code for multiple accounts in one go.

The pencil icon can be used to quickly change the name of an account.
The account list can be printed for clients as a reminder of the ones to use.
Use the Settings cog to change the columns shown in the list.

11.1.2 Sub accounts

Chunky expenses may need to be broken down further to be more meaningful for our
clients. A new account can be created from within the Chart of Accounts page. Making it a
sub-account of the main parent account keeps related expenses together. You can choose
to collapse or expand sub-accounts when you run a report.

[Complete Exercise 30 to add a new category/nominal code]

11.2 Journal Entry

Journals can be used to amend data without affecting the original bookkeeping entry. We
therefore use journals to enter accounting adjustments such as prepayments and
depreciation. Journals can be set to recur to create a record in the books automatically,
another time saving feature.

[Complete Exercise 31 to create a journal]

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11.3 Accountant Toolbox

Accountants have access to a range of time saving features when using QuickBooks
Online Accountant. These are accessed from the accountant toolbox icon.

A tool to quickly clean up client’s data. Accounts and VAT

rates can be changed in bulk

Part of the audit log which we viewed earlier in Module 6

Tools to use at the end of a reporting period

A shortcut to reconcile an account

Quick access to useful reports

Set default dates for reports

A shortcut to view the nominal codes

Opens another QuickBooks window

[Complete Exercise 32 to use the reclassify tool]

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Module 12 – Customising QuickBooks for your clients
Objective: By the end of this module you will be able to create custom sales forms,
understand additional features of QuickBooks and grant QuickBooks access to
other users.

Long for Successful Events want to tailor the look of their invoice so it stands out from the
crowd and is specific to Long for Successful Events. When they are more established they
may record recharged expenses to clients. As they grow they might take on an accounts
payable clerk who needs access to the books. They also want to know how to get the best
out of QuickBooks.

12.1 Ways to get paid faster:

12.1.1 Tailor Sales Forms

Six templates are available to pick from to display the sales information to best suit the
company. Adding a company logo, some colour and payment details further tailors the look
and feel of the invoice to get it ready to use. You can also turn on payment options to accept
payments via Paypal or Go Cardless.

You can create more than one template for your sales form or other invoices. Creating more
than one invoice template may be useful if your client sells different product ranges and
wants to provide different information to customers depending on which range they are
selling. They may have different bank accounts for product or service income. Creating
custom form styles in these circumstances allows them to provide the right information to
the customer depending on the item sold.

From the Settings cog, under Your Company, select Custom Form Styles

[Complete Exercise 33 to tailor the invoice template]

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12.1.2 Send e-invoices

Sending invoices directly from QuickBooks helps keep track of when an invoice was sent and
viewed by the customer helping to make better decisions about chasing overdue customer

12.2 Settings

We’ve focused a lot on Long for Successful Events today, but what about your other clients.
There are lots of great features and settings that can be turned on to help record relevant

Do you have any clients who…..

Are a project based business

Operate across multiple locations and enterprises
Recharge expenses to customers
Import and Export using other currencies
Need to track stock

Quickbooks can be built to suit these needs. It may involve recording more information
when entering transactions.

From the Settings cog, under Your Company, select Account and Settings

Sales Custom Fields adds extra fields to sales forms. Select Internal to show the
field in QuickBooks; select Public to show the field on customer forms.

Stock tracking is available and uses the FIFO basis. It includes alerts for low
stock and uses the item table on purchase forms.

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Expenses Tracking expenses by customer allows you to see the Profit and Loss by

Making expenses billable adds a Billable column on expense forms which

brings the expenses into the customer’s next invoice.

Advanced Tracking classes and locations helps to breakdown data for further analysis.

Multicurrency can be turned on here if you have financial transactions in

more than one currency

12.2.1 Time saving settings

Turn on account numbers – if you like to use nominal account numbers (as in Sage)

Auto-fill previously entered content – based on the supplier name and can reduce data
entry time.

[Complete Exercise 34 to review additional settings]

12.3 Manage users

Finally, once you have set up the company file for your client, you can add users for the
client and their employees. Full or restricted user access can be granted to a company file.

From the Settings cog, under Your Company list, select Manage Users

On occasions we may get a new client that is already on QuickBooks and they need to invite
us as their accountant. You would advise them to select the tab Accounting firms within
Manage Users and enter the name and email details. This gives us full admin rights.

12.4 Setting up your first client

Some basic set up is required before being able to use the software for bookkeeping. Firstly,
let’s turn on VAT.

12.4.1 Turning on VAT

All VAT registered businesses must turn on VAT. From the left navigation, click Taxes, Set up

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Key points once VAT is turned on:

● Must be turned on BEFORE data imported

● You can’t turn it off
● VAT settings and schemes can be readily changed at any point

12.4.2 Importing lists of data

The import data tool, found in the Settings cog, is a great time saver. It allows you to take
information from an Excel list and bring it directly into QuickBooks.

The lists which can currently be imported are:

Customers Bank data Journal Entries

Suppliers Invoices Sales Receipts
Chart of Accounts Bills
Products & Services Credit Notes

For example, instead of adding customers one by one, create a list of customers in an Excel
spreadsheet and import them all in one go. You can add hundreds of customers to
QuickBooks in minutes using this tool.

For QuickBooks Desktop users, a migration tool is available. An instructional video and step
by step process can be found under the Settings cog, import Desktop Data.

A similar facility is available for SAGE, Xero, Kashflow and other software migrations through
a QuickBooks Internal Data Services team or carefully selected partners. Contact your
QuickBooks account manager for more details.

[Complete Exercise 35 to import data]

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Module 13 – The QuickBooks Online Accountant dashboard
13.1 Navigating the QuickBooks Online Accountant Dashboard
Settings cog: Settings, lists, tools, Profile icon: View and edit your profile
for your own practice. Access to for the Find An Accountant directory
the Sample company

Add a new client to your list

Manage the following areas:

• Clients – all of your clients in QuickBooks
• Team – members of your
accountancy/bookkeeping practice
• ProAdvisor – benefits and training materials
• Work – the practice management feature
• Apps – Explore recommended 3rd party apps

This is a free QuickBooks licence which you can use to

complete the bookkeeping of your own firm.

A list of all your clients. Those with a QB logo are the clients who are using QuickBooks

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13.2 Adding a client

13.2.1 Wholesale or Direct Discount

Choosing the option Wholesale discount when setting up a new client means that you, as
the accounting or bookkeeping firm, will pay for that licence. If you choose Direct Discount,
it means that your client will be billed directly for the licence. If you choose Wholesale
Discount, you can benefit from a discount of up to 60% off the normal price of QuickBooks.
In addition, there will be no limit to the number of users you can add to that client file.

13.2.2 Choosing a product

There are a number of different QuickBooks products to choose for your client. To find a full
list, including the features, please visit the QuickBooks website or talk to your account

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13.3 Business view

In QuickBooks Online there are two user views: Business view and Accountant view. You can
switch between them at anytime. Changing views doesn't affect the accounts or data.

The Business view simplifies the left hand navigation and lets business owners do their
accounting without learning complicated accounting terms or processes.

Business owners will automatically see the new Business view and Accountants by default
will see the Accountant view. To switch views go to the Settings cog and choose Switch to
Business View.

Bookmarks are available in the Business view and allow you to display frequently used areas
of QuickBooks. They are specific to a user log in.

QuickBooks files created after 25 March 2022 will be able to see the Business view. Existing
QuickBooks files will be migrated to the new Business View in late 2022.

To find out more go to QuickBooks Support and search Business View


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To quickly go to… Press
Customers Page Ctrl + Alt + C
Suppliers Page Ctrl + Alt + V
Lists Page Ctrl + Alt + L
Chart of Accounts Page Ctrl + Alt + A
Search Transactions Window Ctrl + Alt + F
Help Window Ctrl + Alt + H
New Invoice Ctrl + Alt + I
New Estimate Ctrl + Alt + E
New Expense Ctrl + Alt + X

To enter dates… Press

Next day + (plus key)
Previous day - (minus key)
Today t
First day of the week w
Last day of the week k
First day of the month m
Last day of the month h
First day of the year y
Last day of the year r
Open pop up calendar Alt + down arrow

To quickly save an entry… Press

Save and new Ctrl + Alt + S
Save and close Ctrl + Alt + D
Save and share link Ctrl + Alt + L

Calculate amounts in any amount or rate field by using + - * / keys and pressing TAB

Duplicate Tab in order to navigate around QuickBooks Online without losing current screen

Chrome Right click on QuickBooks Online tab & select Duplicate

Firefox Right click on QuickBooks Online tab & select Duplicate Tab
Safari Open a new tab, right click on QuickBooks Online tab & select Duplicate Tab

Go to Module Hover on the relevant module on left navigation panel and click on mouse

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