Writing Workshop

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AIM: To analyze and understand the process of writing a compare and contrast essay.


In groups of four, discuss the information you found and summarize five features of this kind of text

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________

4. _________________________

5. _________________________


Individually, watch the video http://bit.ly/1RESCoS (from 00:00 to 2:38) and complete the chart.


Tip a)

Introduction 1. _______________:
2. _______________:
(1 paragraph) 3. _______________:

1. Block Method 2. Point-by-Point method

Paragraph 1: ______________
Structure Purpose: __________________
Paragraph 2: ______________
Body Body:
1.1. Subject to Subject Paragraph 1: ______________

Paragraph 1: ______________ Paragraph 2: ______________

Paragraph 2: ______________

Conclusion 1. _______________________________
(1 paragraph) 2. _______________________________


In groups of 4, identify with different colors the structure described and explained in the video in the sample essay
you received.

In pairs, SS discuss the following questions
1. How do you think the author arrived to that product?
2. What did the author have to think about to produce that piece?


5.1. Watch the video to understand the importance of an outline: http://bit.ly/1RiZEwH.

5.2. Individually, structure an outline about the following topic: Narrow boat and lighthouse (Refer to the
reading from last week).

Narrow boat and lighthouse

• 1. Hook:
• 2. Background:
Introduction • 3. Thesis:

• Topic sentence:
• Similarity 1:
Paragraph: • Similarity 2:

• Topic sentence:
Paragraph 1: • Difference 1

• Topic sentence:
Paragraph 2: • Difference 2:

• Restatement of Thesis:
• Summary:.
Conclusion • Opinion:


Check http://bit.ly/1q0GogH and either choose the topics from the list or decide on your own topics for your essay.

Download and print the outline template available in the 5th hour activities-week 2. Use the template to write your
ideas about the chosen topics.


AIM: To analyze and understand the process of writing an introductory paragraph.

To identify the features of a hook, background information and a thesis statement.


In pairs, exchange your outline and check if your partner include all the elements of the essay and revise if his/her ideas
are clear and organized. Then, edit your outline and hand it in.


1. Read the following strategies to write a hook and rank them from 1 (you like the most) to 9 (you like the least)

 Relate a dramatic anecdote.

 Expose a commonly held belief.
 Present surprising facts and statistics.
 Use a fitting quotation.
 Ask a provocative question.
 Tell a vivid personal story.
 Define a key term.
 Present an interesting observation.
 Create a unique scenario.

1.1 In pairs compare your ranking and reach an agreement on the one you most and least prefer


1. Read the following information about the characteristics of an interesting background:

The introduction will provide any background information needed to understand the essay. Such information is needed
so that the reader has a CONTEXT in which to understand the ideas presented in the essay. Therefore, the background
information must answer the following questions:


2. Read the following introductory paragraph and highlight the background information

Taking private lesson and learning in a classroom.

Technological and social advances have led to a great many changes in all aspects of life. People have changed their
way of living, entertaining, working and studying. These changes have created different forms of learning and teaching
methods. Some students prefer taking private lessons whereas some others prefer learning in a classroom. The purpose
of this essay is to compare the similarities and contrast the differences between private lesson and classroom lesson.

1. In groups of three or four, write a definition for THESIS:


2. Read the following information and classify the types of thesis statements below.

A thesis statement can be direct or indirect.

 A direct thesis statement gives a specific outline or the main topic developed through out of the
 In an indirect thesis statement, no such outline is provided; however, the reader will still know
what aspect of the topic the essay is going to discuss

Thesis statement D I
 “In today’s rapidly changing technology market, only technopreneurs
who possess certain qualities will succeed while those who do not will
falter and fall in the battlefield.”

 “The three core qualities that a technopreneur must possess to be

successful are vision, a never-say-quit attitude and an innovative

Look at the following expressions to write your thesis statement and choose one you feel comfortable


This essay is written in order to ... The purpose of this essay is to...

This essay aims of _____(ing)... This essay compares and contrasts…

This essay discusses...


1. The topics you chose are: ____________________________________.

2. Write a 70-word introductory paragraph about the topics you chose. Include hook (red), background
(blue) and thesis statement (green). 20 MINUTES


1. Exchange your introductory paragraph with a partner. For the feedback you need:

a. List of conventions

b. Checklist

2. Use the list of conventions to provide feedback on grammar use, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.

3. Tick each circle if your partner took into account each factor. Please write a comment on your partners’
performance writing the paragraph.
Introductory paragraph checklist

Tick each circle if your partner took into account each factor. Please write a comment on your partners’
performance writing the paragraph.

o Did your partner include a hook, which catches the reader’s attention?

o Did your partner include background information that describes the topics’ context?

o Did your partner use an expression to introduce the thesis?




SS Sentence Structure I want that you open the door (ss) I want you to open the door.

SP Spelling Beatifull (sp) beautiful

SVA Subject Verb He walk (sva) to school every day. He walks to school every day.

WC Wrong Connector She is tall. However, (WC) she is intelligent. She is tall and intelligent.
or insert a

?? Nonsense Idea The teacher is not able to understand what

the student is trying to communicate.

VF Verb Form She has been wait (vf) for 2 hours. She has been waiting for 2 hours

WO Word Order She has eyes blue. (wo) She has blue eyes

XYZ Unnecessary Word His happy birthday is on January 15. His birthday is on January 15.

S/P Singular-Plural form My child (p/s) were playing in the street when My children were playing in the street
they saw the accident. when they saw the accident.

Cap Capitalization Many people visit madrid (Cap) every year. it Many people visit Madrid every year. It
(Cap) has become the driving force of has become the driving force of the
the(Cap) spanish economy nowadays. Spanish economy nowadays.

PUN Punctuation Crepes staff are helpful (pun) friendly and Crepes staff are helpful, friendly and
polite (pun) polite.


AIM: To analyze and understand the process of writing a comparative paragraph

To get familiar with connectors and linking words.

Paragraph general structure and connectors:

1.1 Circle the connectors and write a synonym next to them.

1.2 Underline what you consider the topic sentence and concluding sentence from the paragraph.
1.3 Read the following sample and identify 2 similarities and example(s) or explanation(s).

To begin with, there are significant similarities between learning through private lessons and classroom
studies. The first similarity is to have a schedule. For example, students, both in private lessons and
classroom, have to follow a certain schedule. Subjects are taught according to a program, not randomly.
The second similarity is that students have to do homework in both situations. If students do not do
homework, they cannot improve their knowledge about that lesson. In brief, having a certain schedule
and doing homework are important similarities between private lesson and classroom studies.


1. Get familiar with some linking words to use them in your comparison paragraph.


In comparison and contrast, transition words tell a reader that the writer is changing from talking about
one item to the other. Transitional words and phrases help make a paper smoother and more coherent by
showing the reader the connections between the ideas that are being presented.

To compare
 Likewise/Like
 Also  In the same manner /way
 As well as  Same/Similar/Similarly
 As  The same as
 Both  Too
 Most important

Write a 70-word comparison paragraph about the topics you chose. Include two similarities and examples.


Introduction and comparison paragraphs checklist

Exchange your comparison paragraph with a partner. Tick each circle if your partner took into account each factor.
Please write a comment on your partners’ performance writing the paragraph.

o Did your partner include a topic sentence starting the comparison paragraph?

o Did your partner include two similarities about the chosen topics?

o Did your partner include an example and/or explanation to support each similarity?

o Did your partner include a concluding sentence in the comparison paragraph, which summarizes the two

o Did your partner use connectors to start the comparison paragraph, introduce each similarity,
examples/explanations and concluding sentence?


Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]
Improved version: Based on your partner’s feedback, improve the introductory and comparison paragraphs.

LEVEL 6 2016-01


NAME ____________________________________

GROUP ____________________________________

CODE ____________________________________



Task = Coherence = Language = Vocabulary = Mechanics = Grade =


Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]


AIM: To get familiar with the rhetorical structure of a contrast paragraph.


1.1. Based on the information presented on the video you watched in the 5th hour activities, gather in groups of three
and summarize three features/characteristics of this type of paragraph.

 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________
 ____________________________________________

1.2. In the same groups, share main ideas from the video based on the questions you answered about it.

 What is the main purpose of contrast paragraphs?

 How many paragraphs do you have to write?
 What is a topic sentence?
 Which connector can you use to contrast two topics?
 Do you have to use a connector to start the second contrast paragraph?


Based on the video, identify and underline with different colors the following features:
 Topic sentences: green
 Differences: red
 Concluding sentences: blue
 Connectors: yellow.

Despite similarities, the iPhone and Samsung phones have some differences as well. The first
difference is that both smartphones have different operative systems, iOS and Android. iPhone
runs under the iOS operative system like all Apple products. On the contrary, the Samsung 5
operates under the Android operative system. Therefore, even though both systems are robust
and support the device, the decision to purchase one or the other lays on the end user’s preference.

In addition, both smartphones have different app stores available to customers. iPhone users use
the App Store for their purchases, while Samsung users have the Google Play store at their
disposal. Thus, users can download and purchase apps easily in the store available through their
provider. In brief, different operative systems and app stores are the main differences these phones

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]



 To write your contrast paragraphs.

 To provide feedback on one of your partner’s contrast paragraphs.
 To improve your contrast paragraphs.


1.1. Last term, you chose two topics to write the introduction and comparison paragraph (similarities):
-Which were them? __________________________ and ________________________.
-Use your outline to copy in the Venn diagram the two similarities and differences between both topics.

Paragraph 2

1st Difference 2nd Difference

Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]

Write your third and fourth contrast paragraphs (differences) about your topics. (130-140 words in total)




1. Exchange your contrast paragraphs with a partner.

2. For the feedback, you need list of writing conventions and checklist.
3. Use the list of conventions to provide feedback on grammar use, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.
4. Tick each circle if your partner took into account each factor. Please write a comment on your partners’
performance writing each paragraph.

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]
o Did your partner include a topic sentence for each paragraph?

o Did your partner describe two differences about the chosen topics?

o In each paragraph, did your partner contrast both topics?

o Did your partner include an example and/or explanation to support at least one of the differences?

o Did your partner include a concluding sentence for each paragraph?

o Did your partner use connectors to start the contrast paragraphs, introduce each difference, contrast each topic,
provide examples/explanations and state concluding sentences?




SS Sentence Structure I want that you open the door (ss) I want you to open the door.

SP Spelling Beatifull (sp) beautiful

SVA Subject Verb He walk (sva) to school every day. He walks to school every day.

WC Wrong Connector or She is tall. However, (WC) she is She is tall and intelligent.
insert a connector intelligent.

?? Nonsense Idea The teacher is not able to understand what

the student is trying to communicate.

VF Verb Form She has been wait (vf) for 2 hours. She has been waiting for 2 hours

WO Word Order She has eyes blue. (wo) She has blue eyes

XYZ Unnecessary Word His happy birthday is on January 15. His birthday is on January 15.

S/P Singular-Plural form My child (p/s) were playing in the street My children were playing in the street when
when they saw the accident. they saw the accident.

Cap Capitalization Many people visit madrid (Cap) every Many people visit Madrid every year. It has
year. it (Cap) has become the driving force become the driving force of the Spanish
of the(Cap) spanish economy nowadays. economy nowadays.

PUN Punctuation Crepes staff are helpful (pun) friendly and Crepes staff are helpful, friendly and polite.
polite (pun)

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]
LEVEL 6 2016-01
NAME ____________________________________
Improved version GROUP ____________________________________
CODE ____________________________________

Based on the feedback given by your partner, write two contrast paragraphs for your compare and contrast essay.
(130-140 words in total)



Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]



 To understand the process to write an effective title

 To get familiar with the structure of a conclusion


Below you will find six practical tips to write an effective title.

How do I develop an appropriate title for my essay?

1. Write your essay. Most often, titles are written at the end of the writing process, so the first step in creating a
great title is to write your essay.

2. Consider your audience. Of course, you thought about your intended audience before and while writing your essay,
but think about who will be reading your work again when choosing a title. Think about what is most likely to appeal
to them.

3. Does the essay assignment ask a question? Asking a question in a title can be an effective way to spark the curiosity
of readers, but it’s usually a good idea to give the answer in your title.

4. Re-read your essay. If a good title doesn’t suddenly come to mind, write down your topic and key words from your
essay. These words reflect the main concept or ideas of the whole essay.

5. Join these words together in a sentence, or sentences. Convert these sentences into shorter phrases.

6. Be direct and enthusiastic! Adapted from https://umanitoba.ca/student/academiclearning/media/Writing_a_Great_Title_NEW.pdf


Imagine you work in an advertising agency and you have been asked to write an effective title for the
posters below. Compare your proposals with a classmate.

___________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]

1. Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvs9IpA5O2s and complete the outline below.

1. _________________

2. __________________

3. __________________


1. Read the paragraph below and underline the three features identified in activity 3 and connectors.
Use different colors.

To sum up, there are not only similarities but also differences between private lessons and classroom studies.
Both settings share significant similarities which are related to the schedule and homework. Students usually
have the lessons within a specific time set either by the teacher or student; in addition, students have to do
some extra activities to practice what they have learned during the class. On the contrary, those methods
differ in aspects such as the learners’ comfort learners when asking questions and the setting where the
lesson takes place. As far as l am concerned, both forms of learning can work as long as students are
determined to achieve their goals and while learning.

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]

1. Read the chart below and circle the connectors you feel comfortable with in order to write your

Introduce your conclusion Introduce your Super, so what?

In conclusion As far as I am concerned…

As a result To my view…
To conclude It is my impression that ...
To sum up From my point of view, ...


Write a concluding paragraph for your compare and contrast essay.



5. Exchange your concluding paragraph with a partner. For the feedback you need: writing rubric, list of

conventions and checklist.

6. Use the list of conventions to provide feedback on grammar use, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.

7. Tick each circle if your partner took into account each factor. Please write a comment on your partners’

performance writing the paragraph.

o Did your partner restate the thesis?

o Did your partner summarize the two similarities and the two differences?

o Did your partner include an explanation to support the two similarities and two differences?

o Did your partner include a Supper So What! Sentence in which your partner state his/her opinion?

Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]
o Did your partner use connectors to start the concluding paragraph, introduce similarities, differences and the
Super So What! Sentence?


SS Sentence Structure I want that you open the door (ss) I want you to open the door.

SP Spelling Beatifull (sp) beautiful

SVA Subject Verb Agreement He walk (sva) to school every day. He walks to school every day.

WC Wrong Connector or She is tall. However, (WC) she is intelligent. She is tall and intelligent.
insert a connector

?? Nonsense Idea The teacher is not able to understand what the

student is trying to communicate.

VF Verb Form She has been wait (vf) for 2 hours. She has been waiting for 2 hours

WO Word Order She has eyes blue. (wo) She has blue eyes

XYZ Unnecessary Word His happy birthday is on January 15. His birthday is on January 15.

S/P Singular-Plural form My child (p/s) were playing in the street when My children were playing in the street
they saw the accident. when they saw the accident.

Cap Capitalization Many people visit madrid (Cap) every year. it Many people visit Madrid every year. It
(Cap) has become the driving force of the(Cap) has become the driving force of the
spanish economy nowadays. Spanish economy nowadays.

PUN Punctuation Crepes staff are helpful (pun) friendly and polite Crepes staff are helpful, friendly and
(pun) polite.


Write your improved concluding paragraph for your compare and contrast essay.


Copyright © 2016. Universidad de La Sabana, Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Created by Díaz, J. & Rodriguez, C. (2016). Writing
Workshop – How to write a compare & contrast essay. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material shall be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or
commercially exploited, except with express written permission from the copyright holders. Enquiries for permission to reproduced all or parts of this
material should be directed to [email protected]

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