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Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309

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The use of Wollastonite to enhance the mechanical properties of mortar

Mona Abdel Wahab, Ibrahim Abdel Latif, Mohamed Kohail, Amira Almasry ⇑
Structural Engineering Department, Ain Shams University, Egypt

h i g h l i g h t s

 Wollastonite is an inert mineral which can enhance mortar micro structure.

 The incorporation of Wollastonite in mortar as partial substitute of sand enhances its strength.
 Replacement of sand with Wollastonite powder delays the initial setting time.
 Incorporation of Wollastonite powder enhances the drying shrinkage resistance of mortar mixes.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effect of using mineral Wollastonite powder as a partial substitute of cement or sand in Portland
Received 27 April 2016 cement mortar mixes was studied. Seven different mixes of mortar incorporating Wollastonite as a par-
Received in revised form 23 May 2017 tial substitute of cement or sand with replacement levels of 10%, 20%, and 30% were prepared and tested.
Accepted 1 July 2017
Initial setting time was measured and a delay up to 60% was observed for mortar mixes with 30% sand
replacement while mortar mixes with cement replacement showed a marginal increase up to 5%.
Compression test results showed a 45% increase in compressive strength due to 20% sand replacement.
Flexural strength was enhanced by 28% by the same batch. The effect of Wollastonite in resisting drying
shrinkage was investigated and test results showed a reduction in length change for both mortar mixes
Shrinkage-reducing with 30% cement replacement and 30% sand replacement up to 47% and 44% respectively.
Flexural strength Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Compressive strength

1. Introduction [6]. Combination of expansive admixtures and SRA has been tested
and synergistic effect has been reported justifying its use in shrink-
When selecting a cementitious composite, particular attention age control [6,7].
should be paid to its durability; one of the main factors that influ- Replacing sand or cement in Portland cement mortar with a
ences durability is shrinkage and the resultant cracks formation. natural mineral such as Wollastonite represents a challenge. Wol-
Many researchers [1–5] have investigated shrinkage types and dif- lastonite is a naturally occurring acicular, white mineral with
ferent factors affecting shrinkage; reduction in the concrete vol- needle-like crystals. The chemical composition of Wollastonite is
ume due to moisture loss, rate of evaporation, bleeding shrinkage b-CaSiO3. Wollastonite is categorized according to its particle size;
rate, w/b ratio, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, creep relax- particles with sizes from 25 to 150 lm are considered as micro-
ation, and degree of restraint. Many approaches were proposed to fibers, less than 25 lm are considered as powder and more than
minimize the shrinkage cracking behavior such as adding shrink- 150 lm are considered fibers. Recently Wollastonite has been
age reducing admixtures (SRA) or improving curing conditions. commonly known worldwide for its major industrial importance.
Unfortunately SRA have been reported to have negative side It is used primarily in ceramics, friction products, paint filler, and
effects; reduction in the degree of hydration of the cement, signif- plastics. Unfortunately its uses in the construction field are very
icant reductions in mechanical strength, and delays in setting time limited, although its acicular shape and durability improvement
behavior allows it to compete with other materials. In the recent
⇑ Corresponding author. years studies have been made to prove its significance in construc-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Abdel Wahab), ibr_lati- tion field.
[email protected] (I. Abdel Latif), [email protected] (M. Kohail), amira.
[email protected] (A. Almasry).

0950-0618/Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Abdel Wahab et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309 305

and found that increasing the concentration of Wollastonite

decreases the amount of drying strain. Many researchers have
studied the effect of using Wollastonite on the mechanical proper-
ties of cementitious composites. Low and Beaudoin [12] investi-
gated flexural toughness improvement of Portland cement-based
binders reinforced with natural Wollastonite micro-fibers with
median particle size of 55 mm combined with silica fume. They
reported that the optimum concentration of Wollastonite micro-
fibers for enhancing the flexural toughness would range from 2
to 15%. In another study [13], Low and Beaudoin investigated the
stability of Wollastonite micro-fibers with a concentration of
11.5% after exposure to prolonged hydration in a highly alkaline
environment. They concluded that the contribution of Wollastonite
micro-fibers to the strengthening process is apparently unaffected
by aging. Dey et al. [14] used combination of Wollastonite and sil-
ica fume for micro (850–2000 mm) and sub-micron (33–55 mm)
Fig. 1. Microstructure of Wollastonite powder (2000). Wollastonite fibers up to 20% cement replacement. They reported
that Wollastonite fibers moderately increase compressive strength,
and significantly increase fracture toughness resulting in enhanced
The effect of using both SRA and Wollastonite micro-fibers on ductility and improved resistance to crack growth. In other study,
ultra-high performance concrete was investigated by Soliman Kalla et al. [15] reported improvements in strengths for concrete
and Nehdi [2]. They concluded that the delayed cracking time mixes containing Wollastonite as cement replacement with con-
through reducing the developed capillary stresses and conse- centration range of 10–15%. They also reported that Wollastonite
quently shrinkage strains lead to a lower mass loss, less drying made the mix more densified leading to a durable matrix. The
shrinkage and reduction in SRA leaching. Kalla et al. [8] reported effect of Wollastonite on the setting time of ordinary Portland
that when replacing 55% to 60% of the cement with combination cement pastes and mortars was investigated by Ransinchung
of Wollastonite and fly-ash in concrete mixes of 0.45 and 0.5 w/b et al. [16]. They noted that the substitution of cement with Wollas-
ratios, improvements in shrinkage resistance and reduction in per- tonite powder causes increase in initial and final setting times up
meability were observed. Mathur et al. [9] used same combination to 25% and 27.5% respectively, beyond decreasing effect appears.
of Wollastonite microfibers (M400) and fly ash as partial substitute They also reported that incorporating micro-silica with Wollas-
of cement/sand and noticed reduction in water absorption and dry- tonite as substitution of cement significantly increases the com-
ing shrinkage. Hamedanimojarrad [10] and Galea et al. [11] used pressive strength.
powder Wollastonite with 4 mm particle size as an admixture

Table 1
Physical properties of Wollastonite powder.

Property Median Particle Surface Area Moisture (%) Morphology Specific Gravity Bulk Density Coefficient of
Size lm (m2/gm) (BET) g/cm3 Expansion mm/mm/°C
Loose Tapped
Typical Value 9.5 1.6 0.1 Acicular 2.9 0.65 1 6.5  106

Fig. 2. Chemical composition of Wollastonite NYAD M400 using XRD test.

306 M. Abdel Wahab et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309

300 In Egypt, Wollastonite is present in the local market for sanitary

and ceramic manufacture. Wollastonite properties allows it to
250 240 compete with carbon and steel microfibers in microfiber reinforced
230 mortar applications, moreover with less cost. So, the main objec-
Initial Setting Time (min)

200 tives of this study is to investigate the potential of using Wollas-
tonite powder as partial replacement of cement or sand to
150 154 157
152 enhance the mechanical properties of Portland cement mortar

2. Experimental program
2.1. Materials

0 Ordinary Portland cement (CEM I 42.5N) complying with EN 197-1 [17], ISO
Control S10 S20 S30 C10 C20 C30 sand, and Wollastonite powder (NYAD M400; particle size, 9 mm and aspect ratio,
Mix Designation 3:1) supplied from NYCO minerals Inc., were used in this study. Micrograph of
the used Wollastonite powder is shown in Fig. 1. The physical properties of Wollas-
Fig. 3. Effect of Wollastonite on initial setting time of mortar mixes. tonite powder are given in Table 1. X-ray Diffraction test was carried out to evaluate
percentages of chemical composition of the used Wollastonite as illustrated in Fig. 2


Sand Replacement

Load (N)


1000 S30


0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27
Deflection (mm)

Cement Replacement

Load (N)




0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.27
Deflection (mm)
Fig. 4. Load-deflection curves at 28 days for mortar mixes incorporating Wollastonite (a) as sand replacement (b) as cement replacement.
M. Abdel Wahab et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309 307

Table 2
Flexural strength results of mortar mixes.

Flexural Strength
Mix Designation 2 days 28 days
MPa % MPa %
Control 6.51 100 8.18 100
S10 6.64 102 9.12 112
S20 7.16 110 10.51 128
S30 6.75 104 9.43 115
C10 6.01 92 8.00 98
C20 4.68 72 7.40 90
C30 4.13 64 6.80 83

For drying shrinkage test, the batch of the control mortar mix consists of 750 g
of cement, 1500 g of graded standard sand, and an amount of mixing water suffi-
12 2 days 28 days cient to produce a flow of 110 ± 5% as prescribed by ASTM C 596-01 [19]. Six mortar
mixes incorporating Wollastonite with 10%, 20%, and 30% by mass as sand or
10.5 cement replacement were prepared containing one part by mass of cementitious
10 9.4 material to two parts of graded sand. The water/cementitious solids was variable
to ensure the same flow for all admixed mortars.
Flexural Strength (MPa)

8.2 8.0
7.2 7.4 2.2. Tests and specimens preparation
6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8
6.0 Mixing was performed according to EN 196-1 [18] using the automatic mortar
mixer (Mixmatic). Flow table test was conducted according to ASTM C1437 [20] to
4.1 determine the dosage of superplasticizer required to sustain a constant flow. The
4 mortar mixes were casted in prisms with dimensions of 40  40  160 mm accord-
ing to EN-196-1 [18]. The moulds were de-moulded after 24 h and the specimen
were kept in water until the age of testing at 2 and 28 days. The specimens were
2 first tested in flexure where three replicates from each mix were used for determin-
ing the flexural strengths. Flexural loads and the corresponding mid-span deflec-
tions were recorded until reaching the post-peak load carrying capacity. Broken
0 portions of flexural test specimens were used for the compression test and the aver-
Control S10 S20 S30 C10 C20 C30
age of six results for each mix was used to determine the early and standard com-
Mix Designation pressive strengths at 2 and 28 days as prescribed by EN-196-1[18] .
Brass cylindrical rings with radius of 76 mm and height of 40 mm were used for
Fig. 5. Flexural strength of mortar mixes. determining the initial setting time of mortar mixes using modified Vicat apparatus
according to ASTM C807 [21].
Moulds of 25  25  285 mm were used for preparing the drying shrinkage test
specimens. After de-moulding, specimens were moist cured in water at the first
Seven different Portland cement mortar mixes were prepared in this study. The 24 h and then cured in lime saturated water for 48 h. The length change of hardened
batch of the control mortar mix consists of 450 g of cement, 1350 g of ISO sand, and mortar specimens was determined according to ASTM C 490 [22]. At the age of 72 h
water/cement ratio = 0.5 as prescribed by EN 196-1 [18]. Three mortar mixes incor- initial readings were taken using length comparator apparatus and length change
porating Wollastonite as partial substitute of cement with replacement levels of was monitored at 4, 11, 18, and 25 days of air storage. Temperature and relative
10%, 20%, and 30% by mass were prepared containing one part by mass of cemen- humidity were attained according to the requirements of ASTM C 490 [22].
titious material to three parts of ISO sand. The other three mixes incorporating Wol-
lastonite as partial substitute of sand with replacement levels of 10%, 20%, and 30%
by mass were prepared containing one part by mass of cement to three parts of ISO 3. Results and discussion
sand and Wollastonite. The water/cementitious solids of 0.5 was used for all
admixed mortars. A high-range water reducer (HRWR) ‘‘Sika Viscocrete 593000 3.1. Setting time
was used to compensate for the loss in workability due to incorporation of Wollas-
tonite. Mortar mixes were categorized according to the Wollastonite replacement
level as partial substitute of cement or sand. Setting time is the time duration taken by matrix to change
itself from fresh to hardened state. The results of the setting time

2 days 28 days
Compessive Strength (MPa)

40 37.5

30.5 31.2 30.1 29.9

30 27.9 27.7
20 18.4


Control S10 S20 S30 C10 C20 C30
Mix Designation

Fig. 6. Compressive strength of mortar mixes.

308 M. Abdel Wahab et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309

Table 3 mortar mixes incorporating Wollastonite as partial substitute of

Compressive strength results of mortar mixes. sand showed more ductile behavior and higher post peak deflec-
Compressive Strength tions than that of the control mix. On the other hand, mortar mixes
Mix Designation 2 days 28 days incorporating Wollastonite as partial substitute of cement showed
lower post peak deflections with the increase in Wollastonite
MPa % MPa %
Control 18.35 100 42.58 100 The flexural strength results of mortar mixes are presented in
S10 30.47 166 44.90 105
S20 40.29 220 61.63 145
Table 2 and Fig. 5. The flexural strength of the control mix at 2
S30 31.19 170 50.21 118 and 28 days was 6.51 MPa and 8.18 MPa respectively. For mortar
C10 22.85 124 37.51 88 mixes incorporating 10%, 20% and 30% Wollastonite as sand
C20 30.12 164 27.89 66 replacement, the flexural strength was increased by 2%, 10% and
C30 29.89 163 27.74 65
4% respectively at 2 days and increased by 12%, 28% and 15%
respectively at 28 days compared to the control mix. This increase
in flexural strength could be attributed to the fibrous nature of
test for different mortar mixes are shown in Fig. 3. The initial set- Wollastonite. It can be noticed that flexural strength increases
ting time of the control mix was 150 min. For mortars with cement due to increasing Wollastonite concentration up to 20% beyond
replacement levels up to 30% of Wollastonite, the initial setting which Wollastonite starts to weaken the bond in the matrix caus-
time had marginal increase up to 5%. For mortars with sand ing decrease in strength. For mortar mixes incorporating up to 30%
replacement levels of 10%, 20% and 30% of Wollastonite, the initial Wollastonite as cement replacement, the flexural strength at 2 and
setting time was increased by 33%, 53% and 60% respectively. This 28 days was decreased up to 64% and 83% respectively compared
increase in initial setting time is attributed to the delay in hydra- to the control mix. These results supports the findings of other
tion reaction due to the increase of Wollastonite concentration in researchers [2,9,10,14] that Wollastonite is an inert mineral due
the cementitious material. Wollastonite seems to act as a very fine to its acicular shape and does not contribute in strength develop-
material in the mixture leading to narrow shell surrounding ment, so the decrease in cement content will certainly decrease
cement particles and preventing water to reach and react leading the flexural strength.
to delay in hydration reaction.
3.3. Compressive strength
3.2. Flexural strength
The compressive strength results of the mortar mixes at 2 and
Load-deflection curves of the 28-day moist cured specimens for 28 days are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 6. The compressive
different mortar mixes are given in Fig. 4. It can be noticed that strength of the control mix at 2 and 28 days was 18.35 MPa and

3 days 4 days 11 days 18 days 28 days
-50 control
Total Shrinkage strain (μm)

-100 S10



Age (days)

3 days 4 days 11 days 18 days 28 days
-50 control
Total Shrinkage strain (μm)

-150 C30




Age (days)

Fig. 7. Length change for mortar mixes incorporating wollastonite (a) as sand replacement (b) as cement replacement.
M. Abdel Wahab et al. / Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 304–309 309

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