EDITED AQUINO - Joanna T3 DIS Action - Research

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An Action Research Presented

to the Division Research Committee

Teacher III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union


This research studied on how to improve the language domain of the Kindergarten
using the Montessori Reading Approach. This approach implores learning by doing in doing
practical life. Language cards are an excellent way to introduce more than new words and
they can learn about the world, colors, and places. Another way is through labelling objects.
This helps learners to see the word and assign it to an object, so when they see it in the
future, it helps them understand the word faster. The 25 Kindergarten learners were pre-
assessed as slightly delay in their total development, thus total enumeration sampling was
used in the data collection analysis. The study revealed that there is a significant difference
in the pre and post assessment mean scores of learners. This implies that the Montessori
Reading Approach significantly improved the kindergarten language domain in reading.
Consequently, the approach is an effective way of improving the Kindergarten language
domain in reading. Furthermore, it is recommended that Montessori Reading approach be
adopted by Kindergarten and/or lower grade teachers.

Keywords: Montessori Reading Approach, language domain, slightly delay, effective way

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union


Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

I. Context and Rationale

Republic Act 10157, or “The Kindergarten Education Law” made Kindergarten the
compulsory and mandatory entry stage to basic education. Section 2 of this Act provides that
all five (5)-year old children shall be given equal opportunities for Kindergarten Education to
effectively promote their physical, social, emotional and intellectual development, including
values formation so they will be ready for school. This was so since the Department of
Education (DepEd) believes that Kindergarten is the transition period from informal to formal
literacy (Grades 1-12) considering that age five (5) is within the critical years where positive
experiences must be nurtured to ascertain school readiness (https://www.deped.gov.ph/k-to-

Reading has been labeled as one’s key toward understanding the world. Thus, an
intensive training is done at home and in school so as to achieve the goal of building a
strong reading skill foundation of every learners.

The five critical domains in the early childhood development. social, emotional,
physical, cognitive and language.

This developmental domain includes alphabetics, phonemic awareness, oral, and

written language. Even though children are not able to read for several years, one can read
for her. Talking about things throughout the day (even when it feels silly) is especially
important as well. Learning the ABC’s (as well as the sounds each letter makes) is another
example of a language activity.

During the challenging time brought by the unseen enemy- COVID 19, learners
struggled at building their skills in reading because there is no other way to choose in the
rural community for the mode of learning delivery other than modular. Also, parents and

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

guardians struggle at those moments because not all of them are well-trained at the
procedural way of teaching these young learners to read.

Through the effect of Department of Education (DepEd) Order Number 173 series of
2019, also known as Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3B’s) Initiative because the department found
that learners have learning gaps and reading ability gaps and that early grade levels have
difficulty on English, Math and Science. This DO is anchored with the department’s program
on Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) with the purposes of nurturing a culture of
reading in schools and communities, providing learners with reading skills at their grade level
and capacitating teachers to become the best reading teachers they can be.

With the purpose of establishing a good reading foundation for kindergarten learners,
numerous teaching approaches can be adapted by teachers. In this study, the Zone of
Proximal Development on Technology-integrated Learning Reading Software or Mobile
Application and Montessori Approach have a great role in satisfying our goal.

Zone of Proximal Development

In facilitating learner, learners take control of their learning and teachers are there to
guide and assist them as they go the process. In Lev Vygotsky’s teaching approach on the
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), it is the significant difference of what learners can
accomplish without the help of other or what he can do with the help of others. In this study,
it was proposed that a learner can accomplish a certain task through the help of a teacher or
a peer with a higher skill or cognitive level.

Moreover, the essence of help, guidance and monitoring paved way to the strategy
proposed by Wood, Bruner and Ross (1976) and further utilized by Gibbons (2002) in the
scrutiny of parent-child talk in the early years. The strategies used will be learners’ tool at
learning the high-order thinking skills. This process, called scaffolding, can be provided by
experienced people around the learner: teachers, parents and even peers at the same class
through planned instructional scaffolds that are often provided by teachers (Benson, 1997;

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Haghparast & Mall-Amiri, 2015 in Salem, 2017). It is a strategy that provides learners with
learning opportunities through the guidance of an expert until the learners are able to
accomplish tasks that are beyond their current capabilities. In addition, scaffolding promotes
opportunities for learners to develop skill on problem-solving while transforming information
rather than memorizing certain scenarios to undertake some actions (Poorahmadi, 2009).

Montessori Reading Approach

In teaching reading the Montessori way, teachers’ ready learners into phonics before
doing the segmenting and blending. Some strategies are done like “I Spy” Game so as for
learners to associate their schemata on reading. This approach rooted from Maria
Montessori, who discovered experiential reading. In the Montessori System, the creativity
and potentials of children, their motivation to learn, and their right of every learner to be
treated as an individual. Moreover, the literacy skills on this method follows the physical,
mental and social skills.

With Region One’s Reading First Program on enabling teachers to have updated
teaching reading approaches, La Union Schools Division (LUSD) responded on this program
though its Reading Recovery Plan that has six (6) specific solutions: (1) every teacher, a
reading teacher, (2) peer leading in reading, (3) school heads and master teachers
mentoring, coaching and supervising reading, (4) non-teaching personnel involvement in
reading, (5) parents, guardians and community in reading, and (6) trifocalization on
Approach to Reading Program Support System.

In Dulao Integrated School, through the Revised Philippine Early Childhood Care and
Development (ECCD) Checklist, it was found out that the 25 learners of Kinder-Daisy for SY
2022-2023 suggests a slight delay on their overall development. It was further found out that
these learners struggle on their expressive and receptive language skills that further
contributes into their learning difficulty or cognitive skills since their learning pace is
significantly slower that those who have higher level of over-all development. This is the
challenge faced by the teacher-research and it needs to be addressed the soonest possible.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

This paved way into the existence of conducting this study to further identify the
effectiveness of merging reading software since these learners belong to Gen Z (born on the
highly techie era) while also doing the Montessori Approach in upgrading their language
domains that might further result into improving their cognitive skills.
II. Proposed Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

In order to successfully achieve the goal of upgrading the reading skills of

kindergarten learners, this study focuses at utilizing the reading approach on Montessori
environment or learning by doing and tactile learning. The Montessori Approach implores
learning by doing in doing practical life skills. In terms of learning to read, children are taught
writing while learning the phonemes. Aside from the regular class schedule, learners will
have three times a week session or every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to enjoy the
different activities in the Montessori Reading Approach for 3-4 months.

Some of the Montessori approach in facilitating learning used by the teacher-

researcher are through tracing the learners learn letters if it is constantly part of their routine,
using language cards using flashcards with pictures or photographs is one way to teach new
vocabulary to kindergarten learners. Language cards are an excellent way to introduce more
than new words to your child. They can learn about the world, colors, and places.

Another way used was through labelling objects. This helped learners to see the
word and assign it to an object, so when they see it in the future, it helps them understand
the word faster. It doesn’t need to put labels on everything, just the objects and items that
the learners interacts with regularly.

III. Statement of the Problem

This study aims at improving the language domains of kindergarten learners through
the Montessori Reading Approach.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of language domain of Kindergarten Learners of Dulao

Integrated School before and after the intervention was given?

2. Is there a significant difference between the level of language domain of

kindergarten learners during and after using Montessori reading approach?

3. What is the perception of the kindergarten parents on the significant effectsin

the language domain of their children using the Montessori Reading Approach?

IV. Action Research Methods

The veracity of this quantitative research is based on the following methods:

a. Participants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information

Total enumeration of the Kinder-Daisy or twenty five(25) learners were the

participants of the study. All of them were chosen because their level of development
is Slight Delay in the Overall Development based on the ECCD done during the start
of the present School Year.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The research design used was Experimental One-Group Design. Since this
is a classroom research that deals on upgrading their language skills that could
further develop their cognitive skills.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Before conducting the study, parents or guardians were oriented regarding

on this matter and ensuring them that privacy of the results are well-kept in order to
observe the ethics of research. On a daily basis during schooldays, learner-
respondents are set to learn through Montessori Approach for 15 minutes and using
the reading software for at least 10 minutes.

Moreover, the results on the pre-assessment and post assessment through

the ECCD shall be compared in order to identify the effectiveness of the reading

c. Data Analysis Plan

This study utilized the simple comparison and correlation of the pre-
test and post test results on the level of over-all development of learner-
respondents in identifying the effectiveness of the reading interventions. The
data was treated using the frequency count, mean and percentage. The
frequency of correct answers, mean score and percentage range is subjected
to the following categorization:

Mean Score Numerical Value Descriptive

Suggest significant Delay in
1-7 5 Overall Development
Suggest Slight Delay in
8-14 4 Overall Development

15-21 3
Average Development
Suggest Slightly Advance in
21-28 2 Overall Development
Suggest Highly Advanced in
29-35 1 Overall Development

In Question Number 1, the mean scores were analyzed and interpreted to compare
the performance of learners in the pre and post assessment test. Then Question Number 2

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

was answered using t-test to measure the difference between the pre-assessment and the
post assessment. While question Number 3, a thematic diagram was presented.

V. Results and Discussions

1. Level of language domain (Reading) of Kindergarten-Daisy Learners during the pre and
post assessment

Table 1
(Pre-Assessment Level of Language Domain of kindergarten-Daisy Learners based
from the ECCD)

Number of Participants 25

Highest Possible Answer 35

Highest Score Obtained 23

Lowest Score Obtained 6

Total Score 299

Percentage 34.17

Mean 11.96
Suggest Slight Delay in the Overall
Description Development

Table 1 presents the language domain (Reading) of Kindergarten Learners during

the pre-assessment. The ECCD was conducted during the enrolment and at the beginning of

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

the School Year. It can be gleaned from the table that the obtained Mean is 11.96 or

34.17% Percentage or with a numerical value of 4 that means slightly delay in overall

development. This infers that the learners’ level of language domain in reading need to be


Table 2
(Pre-Assessment Level of Language Domain of the Kindergarten-Daisy Learners
based from ECCD )

Number of Participants 25

Highest Possible Answer 35

Highest Score Obtained 35

Lowest Score Obtained 28

Total Score 808

Percentage 92.34%

Mean 32.32

Description Suggest Highly Advanced in

Over-all Development

Table 2 shows the results of the post-assessment conducted to Kindergarten-Daisy

to measure the level of their language domain in Reading. It can be noted that the learners

got a Mean of 32.32 or 92.34% Mean Percentage. This signifies that the level of domain of

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

the 25 kindergarten- daisy learners improved after using the innovation patterned using the

Montessori Reading Approach.

2. Significant Difference on the level of the Language Domain of the Kindergarten-Daisy

Learners during the pre and post-assessment
Table 3


Number of Respondents 25 25

Highest Possible Answer 35 35

Highest Score Obtained 23 35

Lowest Score Obtained 6 28

Total Score 299 808

Percentage 34.17 92.34

Mean 11.96 32.32

Standard Deviation 3.25 2.16

Mean Difference 20.36

Level of Significance 0.05

Degrees of Freedom 24

Computed t-value 22.91

Critical t-value 2.06

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Table 3 presents the comparison of the results during the pre-assessment and post-

assessment using the T-test analysis. This is the basis for getting the significance

difference of the level of language domain of the kindergarten learners on the pre and post


It can be signified that the mean during pre-assessment is 11.96 while in the post-

test is 32.32 and a mean difference of 20.36 T-test for Paired Two-Sample Means was

used to compute for the t-value at 0.05 level of significance. The computed t-value is 22.91

which is higher than the critical value of 2.06. Thus, this means that there is a significant

difference between the pre-assessment and post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that the

level of language domain in reading by the kindergarten-daisy learners at Dulao Integrated School

have improved and so the Montessori Reading Approach used is an effective intervention. .

Table 4

(Percentage of Learners with their Level of Language Domain)

Raw Score Numerical Value Descriptive Pre-Assessment Post Assessment

# % # %
Suggest significant
Delay in Overall 1 4% 0 0%
1-7 5
Suggest Slight
Delay in Overall 20 80% 0 0%
8-14 4

15-21 3 3 12% 0 0%
Suggest Slightly
Advance in Overall 1 4% 1 4%
21-28 2
Suggest Highly
Advanced in 0 0% 24 96%
29-35 1

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union


Table 4 displays the number of leaners and its percentage in the pre and post

assessment in the categorization. It denotes that the biggest percentage or 80% of

kindergarten learners in the pre-assessment suggest slight delay in the over-all

development while 96% of them or 24 out of 25 learners during the post assessment have


3. Parents’ Perception on the significant effects of the Montessori Reading Approach to the
Language Domain of the Kindergarten-Daisy Learners

They become more

assertive and active

They are more Montessori Reading Approach They can follow

interested to go to directions.

. They work They can read

independently. simple words.

VI. Reflection

Researches support that Kindergarten is the period of greatest growth and

development. Teachers should therefore be guided to facilitate explorations of the young
mind to engage in a creative and meaningful experiences.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Based from the result of this study, the Montessori Reading Approach is an effective
way of improving the kindergarten language domain in reading. Provision of varied play-
based activities leads them to become emergent literates and, helps them to naturally
acquire the competencies to develop holistically.

Teachers are the designers of the complete plan that suits to the needs, styles and
abilities of the learners. The Montessori Reading Approach is a design that is highly
recommended to improve the language domain of the kindergarten learners. Try it!

VIII. Action Research Work Plan and Timelines

Deliverable/s Activity/ies Time

1. Research - Making of  Reading of research November
Proposal with the introduction materials like journals, 2022
books, action research
studies and thesis and
- Formulating the dissertations related to
statement of the the study
- Formulating the November
statement of the 2022
 Reading of statistics November
- Making of the
books 2022
methodology  Surfing in the internet

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

2. a. Crafting of - Crafting of the  Collecting of reference materials

the instruments Reading Materials/ December
 Surfing in the internet
Labeling of objects 2022
 Validation of the Teacher made
materials and Questions for the
Pre -Test

b. Floating of - Interpreting and December

the instruments analyzing the pretest 2022

- Floating the  Reproducing the December

Validated Teacher Validated Test 2022
made Test to the 
Respondents (Pre-  Administering the
Validated Teacher made
Test to the respondents

c. - Interpreting the  Interpretation of the

Interpretation of answers of the result on the Pre-test
results respondents during the

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

3. Intervention - Crafting the  Crafting the December

Material intervention Material Intervention Material 2022
based on the result of
the Pre-Test
 Validation of the January
Teacher made reading 2023
 Reproduction of
Reading Materials

4. Utilization of - Utilization of  Scheduling of Parents

the Intervention Reading Material an Stakeholders
Material January -
 Monitoring of the
June 2023
learners’ progress
 Evaluation

5. Administration - Administration of the Post  Reproduction of the June

of the Post Test Test 2023
Validated Teacher Made
Context Clues Analysis
 Administration of the
Post Test
 Interpretation of the
result during the Post

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

6. Final Copy of - Finalization of the  Proof reading June

the Reseach manuscript 2023
 Editing
 Printing of the materials
 Binding
 Submission of Final

7. Dissemination - Registration of July 2023

of Results participants onwards
- Dissemination

IX. Cost Estimates

Deliverable/s Activity/ies Items of COST

Expenditures ESTIMATES
1. Research - Making of Bond Paper Php 2000.00
Proposal with the introduction Data Allowance
incorporated Printer Ink
- Formulating the
statement of the
- Formulating the
 Reading of
statement of the research
problem materials like
 journals,
Reading books,
- Making of the statistics books
Research action research
 studies
in the
thesis and

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

2. a. Crafting of Bond Paper 2,000.00

Collecting of Data Allowance
the instruments
reference materials Printer Ink
Surfing in the internet
Validation of the
Teacher made
Context Clues
Analysis Test
b. Floating of - Interpreting and
the instruments analyzing the pretest

*Reproducing the
Validated Test on
Context Clues Analysis
*Administering the
Validated Teacher
made Context Clues
Analysis Test to the

c. Interpretation Interpretation of the Bond Paper 2,000.00

of results result on the Pre- Data Allowance
test Printer Ink

3. Intervention - Crafting the Bond Paper 12,000.00

 Crafting the
Material intervention Folder
Intervention Material Paper Clip
based on the result Fastener
of the Pre-Test Data Allowance
 Validation of the Printer Ink
Teacher made
reading materials
 Reproduction of
 Binding of
Teacher made
reading materials

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

4. Utilization of the
Intervention  Crafting the Intervention Bond Paper Php 4000.00
Material Material based on the Folder
result of the Pre-Test Paper Clip
 Validation of the Teacher Fastener
Data Allowance
made reading materials
Printer Ink
 Reproduction of reading

5. Administration  Reproduction of the Bond Paper 3,000.00

of the Post Test Validated Teacher Made Folder
Context Clues Analysis Paper Clip
Data Allowance
 Administration of the Printer Ink
Post Test
 Interpretation of the
result during the Post

6. Final Copy of  Proof reading Bond Paper 3,000.00

the Reseach Folder
 Editing
Paper Clip
 Printing of the materials Fastener
 Binding Data Allowance
 Submission of Final Printer Ink

7. Dissemination - Registration of Bond Paper Php 2000.00

of Results participants Data Allowance
- Dissemination Printer Ink

TOTAL Php 30,000.00

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union



School/ To disseminate Planning and PSDS 1st quarter Bond Paper Adopt the use of
District the result of the Organizing Principal PPT the intervention
LAC research Teachers Laptop
Session Facilitate the SLAC Non Teaching Staff Conduct other
To encourage researches using
other teachers Feed backing similar intervention
to conduct
research on Brainstorming
similar aspect
but wider in Giving of TA

Publicati To publish in Contact a PSDS August- Bond Publish in a

on a newspaper publisher Principal Septemb Paper local
the findings Teachers er PPT newspaper/
of the study Publish the Non Teaching 2023 Laptop school journal
to findings/ results of Staff
encourage the study Parents Donation
parents and Publisher (publication)
to participate
in the
activities of
the children

Montessori Education.Montessori Northwest. Retrieved: https://montessori-

Gardes, ML. (2021). Effects of Montessori Education on the Academic, Cognitive, and
Social Development of Disadvantaged Preschoolers: A Randomized Controlled Study
in the French Public-School System. Child Development. Education Resource Information
Center. v92 n5 p2069- 2088. Retrieved: https://eric.ed.gov/?

Winsler, A. (2022), The Long-Term Benefits of Montessori Pre-K for Latinx Children
from Low-Income Families. Education Resource Information Center. Applied

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Developmental Science, v26 n2 p252-266. Retrieved:


Adeyinka, A. (2021) School Environment and Methods of Teaching as Correlates of Language

Skills Achievement of Pre-Primary School Pupils in Edo State Nigeria. Education Resource
Information Center. Education Quarterly Reviews, v4 n3 p243- 251. Retrieved: https://eric.ed.gov/?

Hafour, M. (2022) The Effects of MALL Training on Preservice and In-Service EFL
Teachers' Perceptions and Use of Mobile Technology. ReCALL, v34 n3
p274-290 Retrieved: https://eric.ed.gov/?

Qian, K. (2018) Researching Mobile-Assisted English Language Learning among

Adult Distance Learners in China: Emerging Practices and Learner
Perception of Teacher Role. International Journal of Computer-Assisted
Language Learning and Teaching, v8 n3 Article 1 p1-28. Retrieved:


Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

I. Appendices

1st Indorsement
November 2, 2022

Respectfully forwarded to the Schools Division Superintendent, Division of La Union,

City of San Fernando, La Union the herein request of MRS. JOANNA Y. AQUINO, Teacher
III of Dulao Elementary School, Dulao, Aringay, La Union to conduct an Action research
entitled “Improving the Language Domains of the Kindergarten Learners using the Montessori
Reading Approach”.


Principal IV

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union


Permit to Conduct Action Research

This Basic or Action Research proposal entitled, Improving the Language Domains of
the Kindergarten using the Montessori Approach” was prepared and submitted by Mrs.
Joanna Y. Aquino, Teacher III of Dulao Integrated School, Dulao, Aringay, La Union

Pertinent documents submitted/attached have been read, thoroughly evaluated and

validated by the Schools Division Research Committee (SDRC) members and thereby
recommended for approval of the Schools Division Superintendent.



Senior Education Program Specialist
In-charge of Basic or Action Research


Chief Education Program Supervisor
School Governance and Operations Division



Schools Division Superintendent



Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Principal IV
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


1. Annex 1: Research Proposal Application Form and Endorsement of Immediate Supervisor;

2. Annex 3: Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of Interest; and

3. Basic or Action Research Proposal with complete requirements/parts based on the Annex 2
(Minimum requirements of the Research Proposal) of DepEd Order No. 16, s.2017.


Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

ANNEX 1: Research Proposal Application Form and Endorsement of the Principal

Research Title: Improving the Language Domain of the Kindergarten using the Montessori Approach


o Schools Division (check only one main research theme)
o District o Critical Content
o School o Contextualization
o Spiral Progression
(check only one) o Integration
o Action Research o Inclusive Education
o Basic Research o Special Programs

FUND SOURCE (if applicable) * Personal

Year the Research was conducted: SY 2022-2023
*indicate if proponent used personal funds


REGION/ DIVISION/ SCHOOL (whichever is applicable)



enumerate from bachelor’s degree up
to doctorate degree


I hereby endorse the attached proposal research. I certify that the researcher will
conduct the said research in Manga Elementary School.

Name and Signature of Immediate Supervisor


Position/ Designation: Principal IV
November 2, 2022
Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando
Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Date: __________________________________

ANNEX 3: Declaration of Anti-Plagiarism and Absence of Conflict of



1. I, JOANNA Y. AQUINO understand that plagiarism is the act of taking

and using another’s ideas and works and passing them off as one’s own. This
includes explicitly copying the whole work of another person and/ or using
some parts of their work without proper acknowledgement and referencing.

2. I hereby attest to the originality of this completed research and has

cited properly all the references used. I further commit that all
deliverables and the final researchJOANNA
study emanating
Y. AQUINOfrom this proposal
shall be of original content. I shall use appropriate citation referencing
other works from various sources.

NOVEMBER 2, 2022
3. I understand the violation that I am solely legally and administratively
liable for any violation of this declaration and commitment.

4. I also understand that any violation of this declaration and commitment

shall be subjected to disqualification from the BASIC EDUCATION



DATE: ________________________________

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union


1. I, JOANNA Y. AQUINO understand that conflict of interest refers to situations in which

financial or other personal considerations may compromise my judgment in evaluating,
conducting, or reporting research.

2. I hereby declare that I do not have any personal conflict of interest that may arise
from my application and submission of my research proposal. I understand that my
research may be returned to me if found out that there is conflict of interest during the
initial screening and evaluation of the SDRC/RRC/BCD.

3. Further, in case of any forms of conflict of interest (possible or actual) which may
inadvertently emerge, I will duly report it to the research committee for immediate

4. I understand that I may be held accountable by the Department of Education and

(insert grant mechanism) for any conflict of interest which I have intentionally
concealed and will automatically disqualify my research from the BASIC EDUCATION


SIGNATURE: __________________________

NOVEMBER 2, 2022
DATE: ________________________________

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

A. Permit to Conduct the Action Research


Schools Division Superintendent, La Union
City of San Fernando, La Union

Re: Permit to Conduct the Action Research


Christian greetings!

With the department’s goal at establishing a strong reading foundations, I was

able to try to providing a contribution or solution to the reading challenge experienced
by my learners.

This letter intends to ask for permission from your good office to conduct the
TEACHING READING, from October 2022-July 2023.

This endeavor surely benefits our learners as it address their reading

difficulties so as for them to achieve academic success in life.

I am very much hopeful for the approval of this study.

God bless and keep safe.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Very respectfully yours,

Teacher III

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Learners Raw Scores in the Pre-Assessment

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 / / / / / / / / / / / / /
2 / / / / /
3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
4 / / / / / / / /
5 / / / / / / / / / / / / /
6 / / / / / / / / /
7 / /
8 / / / / / / /
9 / / / / / / / / / /
0 / / / / / /
1 / / / / /
2 / / /
3 / / / / / / / / /
4 / / / / / / / / / /
5 / / / / / /
6 / / / / / / / /
7 / / / / / / /
8 / / / / / /
9 / / / / / / / /
0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
1 / /
2 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
3 / / / /

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

4 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
5 / / / / / / / /
6 / / /
7 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
8 / / / / /
9 / / / / / / / /
0 / / / / / / /
1 / / / / / / / / / / / / /
2 / / / / /
3 / / / / / / / / /
4 / / / / / / / / / / / / /
5 / / / / / / / /
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 2 1 1 8 0 6 2 10 9 11 11 11 15 9 11 15 11 12 12 14 16 14 14

Total Score = 299 Mean= 11.96 Mean Percentage = 34.17

Learners Raw Scores in the Post-Assessment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
1 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
2 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
4 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
5 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
6 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
7 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
8 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
9 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

10 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
11 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
12 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
13 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
14 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
15 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
16 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
17 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
18 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
19 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
20 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
21 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
22 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
23 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
24 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
25 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
26 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
27 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
28 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
29 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
30 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
31 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
32 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
33 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
34 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
35 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
31 32 35 33 33 32 31 32 34 32 34 34 34 34 32 34 32 33 32 33 34 30 28 32 29

Total Score = 808 Mean= 32.32 Mean Percentage = 92.34

1 23 31 t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

2 11 32
Variable Variable
3 12 25 1 2
4 11 33 Mean 11.96 32
5 11 33 Variance 10.54 4.666667
6 8 32 Observations 25 25
7 10 31 Pearson Correlation -0.27923
Hypothesized Mean
8 6 32 Difference 0

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

9 12 32 df 24
10 10 34 t Stat -22.9132
11 9 34 P(T<=t) one-tail 4.01E-18
12 11 34 t Critical one-tail 1.710882
13 11 34 P(T<=t) two-tail 8.01E-18
14 11 32 t Critical two-tail 2.063899
15 15 34
16 9 32
17 11 33
18 15 32
19 11 33
20 12 34
21 12 34
22 14 30
23 16 28
24 14 32
25 14 29

Intervention Materials to be used (for validation)

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

November 2, 2022


Schools Division Superintendent
Division of La Union
City of San Fernando, La Union


I have the honor to request from your good office to conduct an Action Research
entitle, “Improving the Language Domains of the Kindergarten Learners using the Montessori
Reading Approach” of Dulao Integrated School, Dulao, Aringay, La Union.

Your approval to this request is highly appreciated.

Very truly yours,

Teacher III



Principal IV

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of La Union

Address: Flores St., Catbangen City of San Fernando

Telephone No.: 205-0046
Email: [email protected]

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