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Department of Management Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business

Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

email: [email protected]

Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry

ISSN: 2716-4810 (print) ISSN: 2716-4802 (online)

The Mediating Effect of Consumer Brand Engagement on the Relationship

between Social Media Marketing and Repurchase Intention

Asyhari Asyhari*1, Sri Ayuni1, Naufal Athiya Primananda1, Pungky Lela

Saputri1, Wan Anisabanum Salleh2
1Sultan Agung Islamic University, Indonesia
2 Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


Social media has become the primary marketing to enhance repurchase

intention in e-commerce. However, only a few companies in Indonesia
use it to increase sales and gain profits. In addition, some literature reveals
that the effect of social media marketing is insignificant on repurchase
intention. Several studies have shown that the dimensions of social media
marketing have no significant effect on consumer behavior. This study
aimed to investigate the influence of social media marketing on
repurchase intention through consumer brand engagement. The data
were collected from 100 consumers of online Muslim fashion products in
Central Java. Data were analyzed using the model partial least square
Article history:
structural equation (PLS-SEM) with two steps, namely confirmatory and
Received 28 February 2022 structural analysis. The result indicated that social media marketing
Accepted 26 August 2022 positively correlated with repurchase intention. Moreover, consumer
Published 30 October 2022 brand engagement can mediate the relationship between social media
marketing and the repurchase intention of Muslim fashion products in
Keywords: Indonesia. The theoretical implication of this study is to provide an
Customer Brand Engagement, overview of the factors that shape consumer repurchase intention based
Repurchase Intention, Social on the Stimulus-Organism-Response theory. The practical implication is
Media Marketing, Muslim that business practitioners should pay more attention to marketing
Fashion Online Store through social media than conventional marketing.

@2022 Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry

Junusi, 2020), such as social media marketing.

Digital marketing and sales transformation are
Introduction strategies to maintain and increase sales
(Adhitya, 2021). Indonesian social media users'
The arrival of the Covid 19 pandemic caused a penetration has been very high over the last ten
change in marketing that led to digital usage (El years. Based on the data, the number of active

* Corresponding author. email: [email protected]

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

users in 2021 is 193.43 million, estimated to marketing on purchasing decisions is

reach 236.97 million in 2026. The largest insignificant. In addition, Prasetyo et
market share is Facebook (70%), followed by al. (2021) research shows that the influence of
YouTube (20.05%), Instagram (3.87%), Twitter the online customer review variable does not
(3.97%), and others (2.3%) (statista.com, indicate a high impact on the purchase
2021). Social media has, in practice, developed decision. Another state is that entertainment
into a valuable advertising and marketing tool and interaction drive consumers' consuming,
for well-known brands (Nurhayati-Wolf, 2021). contributing, and creating behaviors, but only
It is no exception in fashion businesses that trendiness drives creating behavior, and
often experience changes. Marketing uses social customization has a non-significant impact on
media as a promotional tool (Ahmad et al., consumers' behaviors (Cheung et al., 2021).
2015). The impact of social media marketing on
Optimizing social media can increase market repurchase intention is insignificant
share and sales of products (Nafiuddin & (Hanaysha et al.; Ibrahim, 2022).
Hamdan, 2020). Muslim fashion products in The description of the study gap above
Indonesia are increasing because they are indicates that the relationship between social
supported by social media marketing media marketing and repurchase intention
(Khoirunnisa & Astini, 2021). The fashion examined can give an inconsistent result.
business has great potential to contribute to Therefore, this study was conducted by
Indonesia's economic growth (Immanuel & integrating customer brand engagement (CBE)
Bianda H.S., 2021). The price data shows that as the mediating role in the effect of social
the two Muslim fashion brands with the largest media marketing and repurchase intention.
social media visitors are Hijup and Hijabenka. The company must create interest with
The data illustrates that active social media consumers to generate repurchase intention
users tend to increase, and marketing methods from consumers. This interest is commonly
through social media are considered very referred to as CBE. CBE is a fast-growing trend
effective. for marketers in today's competitive market,
Brands and companies around the world today and CBE is an essential construct to build
are mandatory to present social media networks customer brand love, satisfaction, and loyalty
as a consumer-enterprise interaction (Islam & Rahman, 2016). CBE is the level of
(Brandão et al., 2019). Experts believe in using motivation, cognitive activity, emotions,
social media marketing (SMM) to build thoughts, and behavior of consumers toward
business relationships and increase sales the brand, indicated by the level of direct brand
(Ancillai et al., 2019; Cartwright et al., 2021). interaction (Hollebeek et al., 2016). CBE
The use of social media has been shown to positively influences loyalty with the social
affect marketing (Patma et al., 2021) and is one networking brand community as an
of the determinants of repurchase intention informative customer learning platform with
(Khoirunnisa & Astini, 2021; Phuong & Dai co-creation, collaborative learning, and
Trang, 2018; Subawa et al., 2020). interactivity (Chiang et al., 2017). Marketers
seek to understand how CBE are formed,
However, the opposite finding of Hanaysha maintained, and sustained and incorporate
(2018) reveals that the influence of social media possible behavioral outcomes (Hollebeek et al.,

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137

Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

2016). However, social media marketing is 2022).

considered a new strategy, with a limited
Consumer Engagement
understanding of its consequences. Customer
brand engagement is fundamental in Customer engagement marketing defined as a
processing consumer loyalty, including firm's deliberate effort to motivate, empower,
repurchase intention (Febrian & Ahluwalia, and measure customer contributions, marks a
2021). The intention to purchase is positively shift in marketing research and business
influenced by social media and consumer practice (Harmeling et al., 2017). Customer
engagement (Gani et al., 2022). involvement is a multi-dimensional, behavior,
process, and disposition of customers towards
Based on research gaps and inconsistent
the company. For companies, customer
studies, this research aimed to determine the
involvement will generate satisfaction, trust,
relationship between social media marketing
loyalty, purchase intention, and word-of-mouth
and repurchase intention with mediating role
(Ng et al., 2020). Customer engagement can be
of customer brand engagement. It was carried
increased through digital marketing content
out on consumers of online Muslim fashion
(Hollebeek & Macky, 2019); social media
products in Central Java. In addition, this
communication, brand equity and brand
research examines the theory of digital
engagement (Huerta-Álvarez et al., 2020);
marketing to increase customer loyalty based on
customer involvement, customer participation,
consumer emotions.
and self-expressive brand (Algharabat et al.,
Literature Review
Repurchase Intention
Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R)
Repurchase intention is defined as a
In order to predict the effects of social manifestation of customer loyalty and has a
marketing activities such as interactivity, direct impact on e-commerce profits (Zhang et
informativeness, word-of-mouth (WOM), al., 2011). Some researchers describe
personalization, and trends on online repurchase intention as the initial positive
consumer commitment, trust, satisfaction, and attitude of consumers towards e-commerce
repurchase intention, researchers have which has an impact on repurchase behavior
extensively employed organism-stimulus (Andriani et al., 2021; Tandon et al., 2021).
response theory (Ho et al., 2022; Malarvizhi et Barger et al. (2016) described that social media
al., 2022; Sohaib et al., 2022; Svotwa et al., can be leveraged to increase consumer
2020; Yu et al., 2021). Several studies based on engagement into highly profitable relationships
the theory of SOR reveal that social media with brands, content, products, consumers,
platforms and social brand management have a and markets effect.
positive impact on the intention to buy online
market products (Hajli, 2014; Hutter et al., Social Media Marketing and Customer Brand
2013; Vo Minh et al., 2022). The SOR theory
also shows that electronic consumer stimuli The marketing 4.0 approach has become so
play a positive role in consumer buying common in the modern business environment,
behavior in e-commerce (Alanadoly & Salem, due to client connectivity and social media that

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

is constantly evolving (Dash et al., 2021). Kotler (Muntinga et al., 2011).

et al. (2020) explained that in the digital Consumer-brand interactions provide shared
economy customers are socially connected in a interests between consumers and companies,
horizontal community network. Social media is which results in higher levels of enthusiasm and
actively used for integrated advertising and
subsequent development of affection (Vivek et
marketing and interaction with consumers
al., 2012). Such affection ultimately strengthens
(Kim & Ko, 2012). Tuten (2020) argued that
consumer activation and subsequent consumer
social media marketing is a form of online
behavior engagement development (Chen et al.,
advertising that uses the cultural context of
2011; Harrigan et al., 2016).
social communities including social networks,
virtual worlds, and national news sites. Hasan According to Liu et al. (2021) trendiness is the
and Sohail (2021) stated that the growing usage extent to which a brand disseminates the latest
of social media has provided marketing a better and most trendy information about the brand
space for consumer engagement. on social media. Trendy information includes
Social media marketing (SMM) is defined as updated brand-related information and new
one of the marketing concepts that are closely ideas about brands initiated by marketers and
related to the involvement of consumer brands consumers (Cheung, Pires, & Rosenberger,
(Ganawati & Sumardi, 2021). Cheung, Pires, 2020; Cheung et al., 2021). Trendiness drives
and Rosenberger (2020) explained that the consumers' motivation to look for the latest
potential of social media marketing in building information on brand pages, thereby helping in
consumer-brand relationships is to involve developing positive brand perceptions, as well
several tactics in the elements used, namely as strengthening consumers' cognitive presence
entertainment, interaction, trendiness, in brand-related interactions (Chan et al.,
customization, and electronic word-of-mouth 2014). So, the trendier the information a social
(EWOM). Sharing videos, games and fun media brand page carries, the more effective it
participation when using social media will be in attracting consumers (Dessart et al.,
platforms is a means for marketers to create 2015).
entertainment experiences for consumers Customization refers to the extent to which
(Manthiou et al., 2013). Building a sense of services are customized to satisfy the personal
intimacy with the brand and strengthening preferences of consumers (Cheung, Pires, &
consumer purchase intention is the result of Rosenberger, 2020; Cheung, Pires,
social media marketing (Dessart et al., 2015). Rosenberger, Leung, et al., 2020). Thus, when
The entertainment value of the brand can be brands offer services tailored to consumer
interpreted as a positive consumer experience preferences, this can have a positive impact on
(Ji et al., 2021). Through these interactions, perceived brand usefulness, along with
marketers offer opportunities for two-way increasing their affection for the brand (Godey
information sharing and the exchange of et al., 2016; Phan et al., 2011).
opinions on social media platforms (Dessart et
Electronic word of mouth (EWOM) refers to
al., 2015; Kim & Ko, 2012). Interaction allows
communications made by former, actual, or
consumers to discuss with other like-minded
potential former customers about a brand,
consumers which are expected to help in
product, or company through digital channels
researching and evaluating certain products
such as social media platforms or websites (Chu
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137

Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

& Kim, 2011; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004; (2017), Arif (2019), and (Prahiawan et al., 2021)
Suryani et al., 2021). EWOM has a positive explains that eWOM on social networking has
influence on consumers' evaluation of services been identified as a predictor of customer
and goods (Schulze et al., 2015), which helps repurchase intention. Based on the result of
attract consumers to invest more cognitive previous studies, the second hypothesis can be
effort in reading E-WOM (Kudeshia & Kumar, declared:
2017). The sharing and creation of E-WOM
H2: Social media marketing affects repurchase
among consumers build a sense of closeness
and emotional connection between brands and
their consumers (Brodie et al., 2013; Chae et al., Customer Brand Engagement and
2015), engendering positive feelings among Repurchase Intention
consumers which is useful in strengthening Customer brand engagement (CBE) is defined
consumers' relationship with the brand (de as a motivation state occurring when people
Vries et al., 2012). A study by Farook and experience a product or service (Calder et al.,
Abeysekara (2016) demonstrated that social 2016), the psychological process of consumers
media marketing exerts a significant influence becoming more loyal to a brand is characterized
on customer online engagement. by increasing levels of commitment and trust,
Based on several studies, the more intensive resulting in repeat purchases (Febrian &
social media marketing, the higher the level of Ahluwalia, 2021). Repurchase intention is a
involvement or bond between consumers and positive assessment of previous purchase
the brand in question. This argument provides activities so that an intention arises to be willing
the first hypothesis: to repurchase (Hellier et al., 2003). Repurchase
intention occurs at the cognitive, affective,
H1: Social media marketing affects customer brand conative, or behavioral intention, and action
engagement. or actual behavior levels (Amoako et al., 2021).
Social Media Marketing and Repurchase The consumer's past consumption experience
Intention and the perceived value of the product are the
fundamental reasons for the consumer's
Social media marketing is a very essential factor
repurchase intention (Wu et al., 2014).
to predict customer repurchase intention
Previous research has shown that CBE have a
(Khoirunnisa & Astini, 2021; Subawa et al.,
positive effect on brand loyalty outcomes,
2020). Previous research has shown that
including repurchase intentions (Cheung,
different perceptions of the characteristics of E-
Pires, Rosenberger, & De Oliveira, 2020;
WOM can determine consumer attitudes and
Hollebeek et al., 2016), and its positive effect on
consumer behavior towards online stores
enterprises performance (Musa et al., 2016). So
(Zhang et al., 2011). Other research results also
the third research hypothesis proposed:
provide a statement that there is a positive
relationship between social media marketing H3: Customer brand engagement affects repurchase
on customer behavior such as purchase intention.
intention and re-purchase (Alalwan, 2018;
Many factors affect the online repurchase
Duffett, 2015; Erlangga et al., 2021; Nasidi et
intention including service-information
al., 2021). A study by Kudeshia and Kumar quality, satisfaction, trust, and word-of-mouth
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

(Nguyen et al., 2021; Phuong & Dai Trang, The Method, data, and analysis
2018). Dash et al. (2021) also suggest the need
to use elements of social media such as word-of- The study was designed a quantitative with
mouth to increase consumer engagement. The survey method. The population in this research
relationship between social media marketing was conducted on consumers of online Muslim
and repurchase intention has been carried out fashion products in Central Java. The sampling
and found that social media marketing such as technique used is convenience sampling with
Instagram has been shown to have a positive selected 100 respondents. The descriptive of
influence on consumers' purchase intentions respondents in Table 1 show that dominantly a
(Hardiyanto et al., 2020). The previous study female (82%), aged between 21-25 years old
states social media marketing activities have a (62%), and educational background in senior
positive influence on customer relationships, high school (77%).
brand equity, and repurchase intentions in e- Table 1.
commerce companies (Maskuroh et al., 2022). Profile of Respondents
However, Hutter et al. (2013) Abzari et al.
(2014), Ahmed and Zahid (2014), Nugraha et Demographic Characteristic F %
al. (2018), Ardiansyah and Sarwoko (2020), Sex Female 82 82.0
Angelyn and Kodrat (2021), and (Masuda et al.,
2022) in their research found indirect effect Male 18 18.0
social media on e-loyalty such as repurchase Age 15-20 year 28 28.0
intention. The statement of the four research 21-25 year 62 62.0
hypotheses can be declared: 25-30 year 10 10.0
H4: Social media marketing has a indirect influence Education Yunior High 2 2.0
on repurchase intention with the mediation of School
customer brand engagement. Senior High 77 77.0
Based on the arguments presented in the
hypothesis development, the research Bachelor 21 21.0
framework model of this research can be Degree
described in the following diagram (Figure 1).
There is 3 latent constructs in this study, name
Social Media Marketing
• Entertainment social media marketing (SMM), customer
• Interaction Repurchase brand engagement (CBE), and repurchase
• Trendiness Intention
intention (RI). Especially SMM, the variable is
• Customization
• E-WOM measured using a second-order confirmatory
factor analysis (Awang, 2012; Koufteros et al.,
2009) with five dimensions and each is
measured by tree indicators (Cheung, Pires, &
Customer Brand Rosenberger, 2020; Cheung, Pires,
Rosenberger, Leung, et al., 2020; Ganawati &
Figure 1- Research Framework Sumardi, 2021). The CBE questionnaire was
adopted from a previous study with three

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137

Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

indicators (Brodie et al., 2013; Febrian & 2022). Two-step used in SEM-PLS, namely the
Ahluwalia, 2021; Hollebeek, 2011), and the RI measurement model and structural model
measurement is carried out with three assessment In the measurement model
indicators (Nguyen et al., 2021; Nurcholis & assessment, the outer loading of all indicators >
Miftaqulkismay, 2021). 0.7. The reliability test used the Cronbach
alpha > 60, the composite reliability (CR) > 0.7,
The data collectiong method is using a Google
and the average variance extracted (AVE) > 0.5,
questionnaire to get more efficient time. The
so it can be said that is reliable. The second step
research instrument was arranged in the closed
evaluates the overall model through R-Square
questions on a five-choice Likert scale, ranging
and t-value of direct and indirect effects (Hair
from 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3
Jr et al., 2021).
(neutral), 4 (agree), and 5 (strongly agree). The
questionnaire was distributed from July to
Result and Discussion
September 2021.
The data analysis technique used the partial A variety of advanced software is available for
least square structural equation model (PLS- use in PLS-SEM multivariate analysis. We
SEM) (Hair Jr et al., 2017). This is because the carried out the data analysis using SmartPLS
model analyzed uses several unobserved version 3.2.8. (Ringle et al., 2015).
variables, its can estimate models in large and Furthermore, the bootstrapping method was
complex systems and has relationships between chosen with resampling of a number of 5,000
variables that are considered important for and 5% two-tailed significance. Figure 2
theory and practice development (Scaliza et al., presents the graphic for calculating estimates

Figure 2- Standardized Calculate Result

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

In the first step, we analyze the measurement with a loading factor value of > 0.50. Overall
model by examining convergent validity and the validity data of all items have met the
construct reliability. Table 2 shows the results recommended (Benitez et al., 2020).
of the first-order CFA. The loading factor value
Table 4 shows construct reliability results. The
for social media marketing items is 0.741 to
Cronbach's Alpha, _A, and Composite
0.907, customer brand engagement is 0.805 to
Reliability of all variables are higher than 0.70,
0.826, and repurchase intention is 0.743 to
and they meet the required threshold
0.888. All loading factor values above 0.7 so the
(Nunnally, 1994). Another, the value of
instrument can be declared valid (Hair Jr et al.,
Average Variance Extracted is higher than 0.50,
so it can be concluded that construct validity
Furthermore, the results of the second-order and reliability are adequate (Hair Jr et al., 2021).
CFA test in Table 3 show a satisfactory value
Table 2.
Results of the first-order CFA

Construct, Dimension, Indicator Loading Factor

Social Media Marketing
Ent1-Content from social media is entertaining 0.814
Ent2-Spending time using social media for fashion products 0.768
Ent3- The content of fashion product social media is interesting 0.795
Int1-Fashion product social media allows sharing information with others 0.883
Int2-Fashion product social media enables conversation with others 0.830
Int3-It's easy to give opinions through social media for these fashion products 0.860
Tren1-Social media content of fashion products up to date 0.902
Tren2-The social media of these fashion products provides the latest information 0.884
Tren3-The social media of these fashion products uses modern applications 0.907
Cust1-Social media of fashion products can be tailored to the needs of consumers 0.852
Cust2-Social media design service processes to help meet consumer needs 0.898
Cust3- Social media from fashion products is able to understand consumer needs 0.874
E-WOM1-The content of the fashion product's social media is entertaining 0.788
E-WOM2-I pay attention to the quality of E-WOM fashion products 0.741
E-WOM3-I pay attention to the quantity of E-WOM fashion products 0.777
Customer Brand Engagement
Eng1-Consumers always think about fashion products from online shops 0.862
Eng2-Fashion products from the online shop make happy 0.805
Eng3-Consumers use fashion products more than other fashion products 0.826
Repurchase Intention
Purc1-Consumers return to using these fashion products 0.888
Purc2-Consumers make fashion products the main choice in their next purchase 0.817

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137

Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

Purc3-Consumers have a strong intention to try other products 0.743

Table 3.
Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Dimension of SMM Loading Factor

Entertainment 0.719, 0.685, 0.688
Interaction 0.753, 0.743, 0.802
Trendiness 0.828, 0.736, 0.769
Customization 0.719, 0.685, 0.668
E-WOM 0.600, 0.624, 0.592

Table 4.
Reliability Model Assessment

Variable C.A. _A C.R. AVE

Entertainment 0.703 0.704 0.835 0.628
Interaction 0.820 0.821 0.893 0.736
Trendiness 0.880 0.883 0.926 0.806
Customization 0.847 0.847 0.907 0.766
E-WOM 0.653 0.653 0.812 0.591
Social Media Marketing 0.929 0.932 0.938 0.504
Customer Brand Engagement 0.777 0.781 0.870 0.691
Repurchase Intention 0.750 0.760 0.858 0.669
C.A. = Cronbach's Alpha C.R.= Composite Reliability; AVE =Average Variance Extracted
Table 5.
Hypothesis Result

Relationship B T-statistic P-Values R2

H1: SMM → CBE 0.887 27.747 0.000 0.786
H2: SMM → RI 0.503 4.764 0.000 0.821
H3: CBE → RI 0.430 4.225 0.000
H4: SMM → CBE → RI 0.381 3.954 0.000

The second step after assessing the R2 value of the repurchase intention variable
measurement model is the structural or full being 0.821. The R2 values are a large category,
model assessment. We evaluated this stage with which means the predictors in the model can
the quality of the R2 value, t-statistic value, and explain the variance in the construct (Chin,
probability value. The results are shown in 1998).
Table 5, with the R2 value of the customer
The final step in the PLS-SEM procedure is to
brand engagement variable being 0.786 and the

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

test the hypothesis proposed through the t-test customization, and EWOM, proved to be
approach. The results in Table 5 show H1 effective in building consumer brand
accepted, that there is a positive effect between engagement. This is because when the social
social media marketing toward consumer brand media content of the fashion product is
engagement (=0.887, t-statistic=27.747>1.96, interesting, it can make consumers happy to
and p-values=0.000>0.05). The next result visit the social media of the fashion product.
indicates the second hypothesis is accepted, Furthermore, if consumers can easily provide
which means there is a positive influence of opinions through social media, supported by
social media marketing on repurchase up-to-date content presented on social media,
intention (=0.503, t-statistic=4.764>1.96, and consumers will feel happy. Consumers have felt
p-values=0.000>0.05). The third result shows a good service process can help them meet their
the support of H3, that consumer brand needs. In addition, the quantity of EWOM can
engagement has a positive influence on contain two that contain positive reviews that
repurchase intention (=0.430, t- can increase consumer engagement for these
statistic=4.225>1.96, and p- fashion products. Barger et al. (2016) state that
values=0.000>0.05). The final result confirms social media marketing can be used to leverage
the acceptance of H4, that there is an indirect consumer engagement into a highly profitable
effect between social media marketing on company. The findings are supporting some
repurchase intention with the mediation of previous studies by Farook and Abeysekara
consumer brand engagement (=0.381, t- (2016), Calder et al. (2016), Musa et al. (2016)
statistic=3.954>1.96, and p- Cheung, Pires, and Rosenberger (2020), and
values=0.000>0.05). Ganawati and Sumardi (2021).
Discussion Based on data analysis, social media marketing
have a positive and significant influence on
In organism-stimulus response (OSR) theory,
repurchase intention in direct and indirect
repurchase intention is an assessment of
effect. E-WOM which contains positive reviews
repurchasing, the desire to involve yourself in
as one of the elements of social media
the future with the service provider and its
marketing will encourage consumers to buy
activities. It is a form of consumer behavior by
back fashion products. In theory, Chen et al.
online buying goods or services repeatedly
(2011) state that social media facilitate
(Anshu et al., 2022; Constantinides, 2004). In
consumers to publicize their evaluation of
e-commerce, this intention is formed when the
purchase products and thus provide word-of-
consumer has a good experience with the
mouth communication. Online consumer
brand. In addition, the shopping satisfaction
reviews on Facebook, Instagram, and others are
factor from others is a driving force for
important information sources for the
consumers to visit again, seek information, and
consumers to explore the product or service.
become the first choice to buy products at
So, the result of this study is consistent with the
another time.
findings by Abzari et al. (2014), Ahmed and
The first results showed that hypothesis 1 was Zahid (2014), Duffett (2015), Kudeshia and
accepted, that social media marketing which Kumar (2017), Lim et al. (2017) Alalwan
was built from five elements, namely (2018), Ardiansyah and Sarwoko (2020), Hasan
entertainment, interaction, trendiness, and Sohail (2021), Erlangga et al. (2021), and

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21580/jdmhi.2022.4.2.13137

10 | P a g e
Journal of Digital Marketing And Halal Industry
Vol. 4, No. 2 (2022) 1-22

Masuda et al. (2022). intention is to include consumer involvement

in giving a positive assessment of the product
The results of further research prove that
brand. The engagement of the customer brand
consumer brand engagement is effective for
is a driving force for the presence of brand
building repurchase intention. Consumers will
loyalty so that repeat purchases increase.
return to using the product if they find
Consumers' emotional closeness to brands
cognitive, emotional, interaction, and
contributes to their intention to purchase
behavioral activities related to the brand.
products or services again. However, this result
Hollebeek (2011) states that enhanced insight
supported previous studies on social media
into customer engagement is expected to
enhance customer relationship, retention, and
loyalty. This finding is in line with Brodie et al. Based on the conclusion, this study have some
(2013) who describe the consumer engagement suggestions can be given which are expected to
process as consisting of a series of sub-processes be useful for the progress of the online shop
that reflect the interactive experience of owner for the halal fashion product concerned.
consumers in online brand communities, and The implementation that can be done by
the creation of shared value among community online shop owners for Muslim fashion
participants. Engaged consumers show products is to implement a strategy with the
increased consumer loyalty, satisfaction, main goal of entertaining consumers so that
empowerment, connection, emotional CBE and Repurchase Intention can increase.
attachment, trust, and commitment. The result The owner of an online shop for halal fashion
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Cheung, Pires, Rosenberger, and De Oliveira engagement by increasing interaction between
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E-WOM have a positive influence on consumer with consumers.
brand engagement and repurchase intention.
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a positive and significant influence on
repurchase intention, which means that the Based on the results, it can be concluded that
increased bond between consumers and brands the elements of social media marketing which
will increase the chances of consumers doing consist of entertainment, interaction,
repurchase intentions for these online Muslim trendiness, customization, and E-WOM have a
fashion products. positive influence on consumer brand
engagement and repurchase intention.
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