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Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...


20, 3
Received, June ‘22
Revised, July ‘22 Deandra Vidyanata
August ‘22 International Business Management, School of Business and Management, Universitas
Accepted, August ‘22
Ciputra Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract: Social media has revolutionized the traditional marketing paradigm, where tradi-
tional marketing communication is usually regarded as a one-way relationship between
service providers and consumers. The purchase decision is the final stage of a complex
consumer decision-making process. which can be influenced by various marketing stimu-
lus, one of which is Social Media Marketing activities. Heretofore, there is no certainty
regarding the extent to which the effectiveness of Social Media Marketing affects purchase
decisions, especially in the healthcare industry. This study employs The Stimulus-Organ-
ism-Response (S-O-R) Model to explain the role of Brand Trust (O) in mediating the influ-
ence of Social Media Marketing activities (S) on Purchase Decision (R) in the healthcare
industry. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling. The results of
this study show that Social Media Marketing cannot directly affect purchase decisions.
However, Social Marketing is proven effective in generating Brand Trust, which evokes
consumers’ purchase decisions. Furthermore, Brand Trust is found to be a full mediation in
effect between Social Media Marketing on purchase decisions. Thus this study substanti-
ates the implication of the Stimulus-Organism-Response Model in the healthcare industry.
Journal of Applied
Management (JAM) Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Brand Trust, Purchase Decision, Stimulus-Organism-
Volume 20 Number 3, Response (S-O-R) Model
September 2022
Indexed in DOAJ -
Directory of Open Access Cite this article as: Vidyanata, Deandra. 2022. Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model
Journals, ACI - ASEAN Application in Examining The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Decisions
Citation Index, SINTA - in The Healthcare Industry: The Mediating Role of Brand Trust. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen,
Science and Technology Volume 20, Number 3, Pages 651–667. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/
Index, and Google
Scholar. 10.21776/ub.jam.2022.020.03.14.

The rapid development of nizations interact and maintain relationships with their
technology in the last two consumers. Social media has revolutionized the tra-
Corresponding Author: decades has caused an enor- ditional marketing paradigm, where traditional mar-
Deandra Vidyanata, Interna-
tional Business Management, mous impact on all aspects keting communication is usually regarded as a one-
School of Business and Man-
agement, Universitas Ciputra
of human life. The massive way relationship between service providers and con-
Surabaya, Indonesia, E-mail: technological disruption has sumers. The proliferation of social media usage is
[email protected],
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10. changed the marketing land- supported by the development of web 2.0, which
21776/ub.jam.2022.020.03.14 scape in the way how orga- facilitates various forms of participatory interaction

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 651
Deandra Vidyanata

between users, which previously could not be ac- Social Media Marketing is one of the online
commodated by web 1.0. In web 2.0, users can marketing strategies for utilizing social media to
generate and share User Generated Content (UGC) achieve the company’s marketing communication
and interact with other users on social media (Alves, goals. (Kim and Ko, 2012) Social Media Marketing
2010). Social media has changed the role of users is described in 5 dimensions: interaction, entertain-
from passive to active in the new dynamics of the ment, trendiness, customization, and word of mouth.
collaborative web. Still, the results of his research conclude that enter-
Social media can create dynamics of recipro- tainment and interaction are the most critical deter-
cal exchange and fusion of values between service minants of Social Media Marketing. These unique
providers and consumers (Larivière et al., 2013). characteristics cause Social Media Marketing to be
This two-way interaction enacts social media as an different than traditional marketing.
increasingly popular marketing communication tool Social Media Marketing has been proven es-
at every stage in consumer decision-making, from sential in influencing consumer perceptions of brands
awareness to customer retention. Service provid- (Angelyn and Kodrat, 2021). It is indicated by the
ers can utilize social media to increase brand aware- increasing search for specific brands by customers
ness, customer engagement, and brand image and using social media. Compared to 2020, there was a
ultimately help consumers make purchasing deci- 43% increase in consumers’ use of social media to
sions (Anantasiska et al., 2021; Bilgin, 2018; Cheung discover brands, learn about products, and make
et al., 2020). some purchases (Bedgood, 2021). Consumers re-
The purchase decision is the final stage of the quire service providers to be present on social me-
complex consumer decision-making process. How- dia. Furthermore, 62% of consumers agree that
ever, service providers should not only focus on the brands that do not have a presence on social media
final part of the customer journey. Otherwise, they will not be able to survive in the long term (Bedgood,
have to pay close attention to each stage of the de- 2021). However, although there are many benefits
cision-making process by presenting the correct Social Media Marketing can provide, some previ-
marketing exposure. It is because a complex pro- ous research found that Social Media Marketing
cess exists before consumers reach the final pur- does not influence customers’ purchase decisions
chase decisions (Basil et al., 2013). Research con- (Anantasiska et al., 2021; Haudi et al., 2022). Based
ducted by Duffett (2015) and Duffett (2017) con- on a further literature review, it was found that there
cluded that social media marketing plays an impor- is an indirect influence of Social Media Marketing
tant role in influencing consumer decision-making on purchase decisions through brand awareness and
processes and attitudes towards a brand. Further- purchase intention (Angelyn and Kodrat, 2021;
more, social media influences consumer shopping Ardiansyah and Sarwoko, 2020). In addition, Social
behavior (Ismail, 2017). Media Marketing was found to directly influence
Stelzner (2014) stated that in the annual social brand trust (Delgado-Ballester, 2016; Primaskara
media marketing report, the main benefits of Social et al., 2021).
Media Marketing for service providers are such as Various studies have explored the role of brand
increased exposure (92%) and increased traffic trust as an important factor that affects purchase
(80%). Furthermore, it was found that the more decisions in the social commerce context. (Hajli,
effort companies allocate to managing their social 2015) explained that trust can increase consumer
media marketing, the greater their perceived ben- engagement with the brand. It escalates the brand’s
efits from increased sales (Stelzner, 2014). Thus, social presence and assists consumers in determin-
most companies focus on marketing activities ing purchase decisions. Furthermore, Putri and
through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Rahayu (2021) research found that brand trust indi-
and Tiktok to convey their marketing communica- rectly affects the relationship between Social Me-
tions (Koay et al., 2021). dia Marketing and purchase decisions.


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...

Based on the inconsistencies outlined, this study form rather than using text because, on Instagram,
examines the effect of brand trust on social media photos are the ones that will make the users stop
marketing. In social media commerce, trust is vital scrolling and observing. Still, the text can increase
in consumer decision-making (Delgado-Ballester, users’ engagement. Social media analysts explained
2016). If consumers feel that the information con- that Instagram feeds with captions get higher en-
veyed by the brand is reliable and the service pro- gagement compared to photos without captions.
vider can be trusted, consumers will perceive that Socialbakers, an international social media market-
purchasing from service providers is less risky. Thus, ing firm, found that the posts with captions resulted
this study adopts the Stimulus Organism Response in 41% more engagement (Mana Yang Lebih Kuat
(S-O-R) model to explore how purchase decisions Di Instagram: Foto Atau Teksnya? n.d.)
can be influenced by consumers’ internal states Referring to this background, both from busi-
(Jacoby, 2002). This study uses the dimensions of ness phenomenons and research gaps found, this
brand trust in service providers based on the con- research will focus on analyzing the relationship
text of social commerce. between Social Media Marketing, Trust, and Pur-
Indonesia is the country with the 5th largest chase decisions on Halodoc. Halodoc is an inter-
number of startups in the world in 2022, with a total esting object to study due to the limitations of previ-
of 2,346 startups (Annur, 2022). One of them has ous research on the effectiveness of Social Media
become a disruptive breakthrough in the healthcare Marketing specifically for service providers. Espe-
industry. Halodoc, engaged in health teleconsultation, cially, Halodoc is a telemedicine service in the health
provides various consultations with general practi- sector, which tends to require a higher level of con-
tioners and specialists, medicine delivery services, sumer involvement in determining purchase deci-
and enables consumers to have boundless healthcare sions. It is because healthcare purchasing decisions
access. The services provided are in accordance are unique and very distinctive from other purchas-
with Halodoc’s vision to simplify healthcare services ing decisions. Social Media Marketing must be able
for all people across the country. to reflect the credibility and trustworthiness of ser-
Halodoc is one of the startups that optimize the vice providers before consumers make purchase
use of social media, especially Instagram, in con- decisions more than products/services in other fields.
veying their marketing efforts to provide informa- Thus, the role of Social Media Marketing becomes
tion related to its services. Halodoc displays a lot of essential, especially in the health industry.
information on their Instagram account, delivered
by photos and videos on the Instagram feed and LITERATURE REVIEW
using the instastory feature. Halodoc often presents Stimulus Organism Response Model
interactive educational content to increase the The S-R (Stimulus-Response) model was first
public’s awareness of their health. The content pre- proposed by (Mehrabian and Russel, 1974), which
sented by Halodoc on Instagram is delivered con- describes a person’s response to stimuli from the
cisely but remains detailed and complete to make it external environment. However, this model ignores
more understandable. the fact that communication is a sequential process.
Halodoc regularly uploads infographic content In the S-R model, communication is considered to
on its Instagram feed. The contents are presented be static. Humans are considered to behave (R)
in visual forms, such as photos and videos contain- solely because of external forces (S), not based on
ing health-related information. The content on their free will. Thus, the individual’s mental state
Halodoc’s Instagram is dominated by the color and internal motivation are compromised in a sim-
“red,” which conveys the company’s identity. plified S-R model (Jacoby, 2002). Responding to
Halodoc also utilizes the use of captions for every these limitations, Jacoby (2002) re-conceptualizes
photo uploaded on Instagram. In delivering their in- the S-R model into an S-O-R (Stimulus - Organism
formation, Halodoc optimizes the content in visual - Response) model. The S-O-R model adds up a

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 653
Deandra Vidyanata

mediating aspect of one’s internal evaluation in the and TikTok, but also presented in various other forms,
form of emotion/motivation, which is then called such as a combination of blogs, user reviews, social
Organism (O) to be an essential aspect in the pro- media, website link integration, and forums (Hajli,
cess of someone responding (R) to the Stimuli (S) 2015). In short, businesses are more likely to prac-
(Sultan et al., 2021). Stimulus (S) influences the tice Social Media Marketing because of the unique-
external environment that arouses the individual ness and cost-efficiency that is provided by Social
(Koay et al., 2021). Organism (O) is a person’s Media Marketing. In the previous literature, Social
cognitive and emotional state which can be in the Media Marketing can be measured using five di-
form of perceptions and feelings (Jacoby, 2002; Liu mensions: entertainment, interaction, trendiness,
et al., 2019). Response (R) is the individual’s final customization, and word of mouth (Kim and Ko,
behavioral response to the stimulus (Koay et al., 2012). Meanwhile (Koay et al., 2021) measured
2021; Mehrabian and Russel, 1974). Various previ- Social Media Marketing using interactivity, informa-
ous studies that engaged in retail and social com- tiveness, personalization, trendiness, and word of
merce (Seo and Park, 2018; Zhang et al., 2014) found mouth. Based on the research results (Kim and Ko,
that the S-O-R model roles as a theoretical basis, 2012), it was found that entertainment and interac-
that marketing stimuli (S) affect the state of inter- tion are the two most important determinants of
nal consumers (O) which will then create a specific Social Media Marketing factors. Based on further
response (R) from consumers. Therefore, this study literature review, entertainment and interaction are
proposes that Social Media Marketing, which is the two of the foremost critical determinants of Social
quality of content on social media, is a stimulus (S) Media Marketing factors (Gautam and Sharma,
that will trigger the initial external evaluation (O) of 2017; Moslehpour et al., 2021). Thus, this study uses
consumers in the form of trust in service providers, Entertainment and Interaction to identify Social
which then results in purchasing decisions as Re- Media Marketing. Entertainment is defined as a part
sponse (R). of social media communication that pleases users.
Entertainment is cited as an important component
Social Media Marketing of Social Media Marketing that enhances participa-
Social media is an internet-based application that tory behavior. Furthermore, entertainment is the joy
enables businesses to create and communicate value that comes from using social media. This definition
(Koay et al., 2021). In addition, Social Media Mar- of entertainment is supported by a hedonic perspec-
keting also facilitates interaction and collaboration tive which views social media users as seekers of
between business consumers and consumer-con- satisfaction and joy (Cheung et al., 2020; Cheung
sumer, provides personalized recommendations, and and Iii, 2019). Meanwhile, Interaction is social
encourages information sharing and co-creation media’s embodiment and unique characteristic. So-
between users through UGC (Ismail, 2017; cial media is about sharing and interaction because
Moslehpour et al., 2021). In addition, Social Media social media is an online environment for having dis-
Marketing also makes it easier for companies to cussions and sharing opinions (Kaplan and Haenlein,
provide offers and build long-term consumer rela- 2011; Koay et al., 2021). Therefore, interaction
tionships (Lagrosen and Grundén, 2014). These vari- through social media enables UGC exchange. In-
ous advantages encourage more businesses to opti- teraction provides visibility to a larger business be-
mize their marketing activities in Social Media Mar- cause it can provide the information consumers need
keting. Furthermore, consumers are increasingly in purchasing decisions (Moslehpour et al., 2021).
more engaged with major social media platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, has mo- Brand Trust
tivated businesses to create reliable Social Media The importance of brand trust has been exten-
Marketing strategies. However, Social Media Mar- sively studied by various previous studies in the
keting is not only limited to Facebook, Instagram, marketing literature (Amron, 2018; Delgado-


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...

Ballester, 2016; Primaskara et al., 2021). Brand trust Marketing becomes more relevant. Consumers also
is defined as the consumer’s perception of whether try to minimize risk in purchasing decisions
a brand is reliable and able to deliver what is prom- (Hanaysha, 2018). In this study, Purchase Decisions
ised, which contains a cognitive element (Delgado- are measured in several indicators developed
Ballester, 2016). If customers have a feeling of trust (Hanaysha, 2018), namely feelings of pleasure to
and a sense of security when using a brand, there purchase certain products/services, willingness to
will be an intention to buy, repurchase, and even recommend certain products/services to others,
brand loyalty (Tufahati et al., 2021). Brand trust is willingness to always buy products/services from
also referred to as the consumer’s mental state of the same brand, and an interest in making repeat
relying on a brand to minimize the risk, based on the purchases in the future.
expectation that the brand will bring positive results.
Trust is formed by the basic information provided HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT
by the brand, which leads to product performance. The effect of Social Media Marketing towards
Brand trust is formed when the products/services Purchase Decision
provided always meet or exceed consumer expec-
Social Media Marketing is one online market-
tations (Amron, 2018). Thus, consumers’ trust in
ing strategy that utilizes social media to achieve the
the brand reflects that a product/service can fulfill
business’ marketing communication goals. Social
its promises to consumers. In this study, brand trust
Media Marketing has been proven to play an im-
is measured using several indicators developed
portant role in businesses’ efforts to influence con-
(Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Delgado-Ballester,
sumer perceptions of brands, and Social Media
2016), such as the brand’s ability to meet consumer
Marketing was found to influence purchase deci-
needs, the brand ability to fulfill its promises, the
brand’s ability to always be reliable, and the brand’s sions (Alfikri, 2021; Angelyn and Kodrat, 2021;
ability to give honest information. Ridayani et al., 2021). However, although there are
many benefits that Social Media Marketing offers,
Purchase Decision some previous research did not find any influence
on Social Media Marketing form purchase decisions
Purchase decision involves a sequential process (Anantasiska et al., 2021; Haudi et al., 2022).
that consumers go through before making a deci- H1: Social Media Marketing has a positive and sig-
sion (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007). This process nificant influence towards Purchase Decision
begins when consumers identify their need for a
product. Furthermore, consumers are in the process
The effect of Social Media Marketing towards
of determining what, when, where, how, and from
Brand Trust
whom they will make a purchase. This process re-
quires a complex involvement of mental and physi- The importance of brand trust in the marketing
cal activity. Marketers can take advantage of this literature has been widely explained in various pre-
consumer decision-making process to place mar- vious studies (Jakic and Wagner, 2012; Chaudhuri
keting exposure at the right time and place to pro- and Holbrook, 2001; Nurhasanah et al., 2021). Trust
vide the information consumers need, which is ex- is formed on the basic information provided by the
pected to influence consumer behavior. For example, brand that leads to product performance. Brand trust
when consumers identify a need for recognition for is created when the products/services provided al-
a particular product or service, marketers place ways meet or exceed consumer expectations
advertisements to increase consumer awareness of (Amron, 2018). Research conducted by (Delgado-
the brand. (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007) explains Ballester, 2016; Primaskara et al., 2021) found that
that consumers usually look for information relevant Social Media Marketing can directly generate con-
to products/services that will be purchased from sumer trust toward the brands. (Putri and Rahayu,
external sources. Thus the use of Social Media 2021)also confirmed that Social Media Marketing

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 655
Deandra Vidyanata

activities positively and significantly affect brand The Mediation Effect of Brand Trust in The
trust. Relationship of Social Media Marketing to-
H2: Social Media Marketing has a positive and sig- wards Purchase Decision
nificant influence towards Brand trust Various studies have been conducted to deter-
mine the effect of Social Media Marketing on pur-
The Effect of Brand Trust towards Purchase chasing decisions. Although there are many ben-
Decision efits obtained from QMS activities, several studies
Purchase decision involves a sequential process did not confirm the effect of Social Media Market-
that consumers go through before making a deci- ing on purchase decisions (Anantasiska et al., 2021;
sion (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007). This process Haudi et al., 2022). Based on a further review of
requires a complex involvement of mental and physi- the literature, it was found that there is an indirect
cal activity. Marketers can take advantage of this influence of Social Media Marketing on purchase
consumer decision-making process to place mar- decisions through brand trust (Delgado-Ballester,
keting exposures at the right time and place to pro- 2016; Primaskara et al., 2021). (Hajli, 2015) found
vide the information consumers need, which is ex- that trust is able to increase consumer engagement
pected to influence consumer behavior. Research with the brand, which in turn can increase the brand’s
conducted by (Amron, 2018) concluded that Brand social presence, and in the end, is able to assist con-
Trust could generate purchasing decisions. Similar sumers in making purchasing decisions. Further-
results were also found by (Ermawati, 2018; more, (Putri and Rahayu, 2021) research found an
Nurhasanah et al., 2021), who concluded that there indirect effect of brand trust in the relationship be-
was a positive and significant influence on the rela- tween Social Media Marketing and purchase deci-
tionship between Brand Trust to Purchase Deci- sions.
sions. H4: Brand Trust mediates the influence between
H3: Brand Trust has a positive and significant in- Social Media Marketing toward Purchase De-
fluence towards Purchase Decision cision

Brand Trust

2 3

Social Media Purchase

Marketing (X) Decision (Y)

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Based on the literature review that has been METHOD

carried out, a conceptual framework was built, The population used in this study is Halodoc
which is presented in figure 1. It is designed to un- Instagram followers, which consists of 784,000 ac-
derstand the relationship between Social Media counts (accessed June 2022). The sampling tech-
Marketing, Brand Trust, and Purchase Decision. nique used in this study is purposive sampling, where


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...

the sample will be selected from the population with Social Media Marketing
the following criteria. Fist criteria is respondents have Social media marketing is measured by two (2)
installed the Halodoc application. Second criteria is indicators referring to (Gautam and Sharma, 2017;
respondents have used Halodoc services through Kim and Ko, 2012; Moslehpour et al., 2021), which
the application at least once. Last criteria is respon- are Entertainment and Interaction. Entertainment
dents use the service for their purposes. The num- refers to the part of social media communication
ber of samples used in this research refers to the that provides joy, pleasure, and happiness to users.
concept of Hair et al. (2010) which explained that Interaction refers to the embodiment and unique
the number of samples is 5-10 times the number of characteristic of social media itself, such as sharing
indicators. The number of indicators used in this an opinion, having a discussion, and interactions on
study is 10. Thus the number of samples used is (10 social media
indicators x 10 = 100 respondents). This study
chooses the multiplier with the largest number (mul- Brand Trust
tiplied by 10). It is because the researcher wants
Brand Trust is measured by four (4) indicators
the research results to have a high level of accu-
referring to (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001;
racy, indicating that the selected sample can repre-
Delgado-Ballester, 2016), which are the brand’s
sent the population. A high degree of accuracy can
ability to meet consumers’ needs, the brand’s ability
be represented by large sample size, especially if
to fulfill its promises, the brand’s ability to always
there is a wide range of variability in the population
be reliable, and the brand’s ability to convey honest
(Rangkuti, 2019). The researcher also added 10%
of this amount to anticipate any limitations and er-
rors, so the number of respondents in this study was
Purchase Decision
110. The data collection process is carried out online
using the google form. The researcher sent a direct Purchase Decision is measured in four (4) in-
message (DM) to ever y Halodoc Instagram dicators developed (Hanaysha, 2018), which are the
account’s followers and redirected them to the pleasure of purchasing certain products/services,
google form link. Prospective respondents must have willingness to recommend certain products/services
answered with “Yes” to their respective three ques- to others, willingness to always buy products/ser-
tions, namely 1) whether respondents have installed vices from the same brand, and the interest in mak-
the Halodoc application, 2) whether respondents ing repeat purchases in the future.
have used the Halodoc application at least once,
and 3) whether respondents use the service for their RESULTS
purposes. If the respondents who have filled in the The characteristics of respondents in this study
questionnaires do not meet the three criteria, the will be described based on gender, age, domicile,
respondent’s answers will be dropped from the data latest education, and the respondent occupation.
processing phase. The distribution of the question- Table 1 showed that some important information can
naires will be continued until meeting the number of be obtained, including the majority of users of
required samples in this study. This study uses a Halodoc are women. It can be observed that the
Likert scale of 1-5 to explain respondents’ answers, people of DKI Jakarta and West Java dominate the
ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree Halodoc application users in this study, referring to
(5). The distribution of questionnaires began in Oc- the residence domicile. Meanwhile, the majority of
tober 2021, and the number of required samples was respondents in this study were high school gradu-
completed in March 2022. ates/equivalent with occupations as students.
Table 1 showed that the majority of respon-
dents in this study have a monthly income of less
than 3 million rupiah.

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 657
Deandra Vidyanata

Table 1. Respondents Characteristic

Characteristic Total Percentage

Gender Male 35 31.8%
Female 75 68.2%
Total 110 100%
Domicile DKI Jakarta 38 34.5%
West Java 25 22.7%
Central Java 13 11.8%
East Java 30 27.3%
Outside Java 4 3.6%
Total 110 100%
Latest Education High School / as Equivalent 68 61.8%
Bachelor Degree 35 81.8%
Master Degree 7 6.3%
Doctoral Degree 0 0%
Total 110 100%
Occupation Pelajar / mahasiswa 61 55.4%
Pegawai swasta 33 30%
Pegawai Negeri 8 7%
Others 8 7%
Total 110 100%
Monthly Income < IDR 3 millions 49 71,6%
IDR 3 millions – 5 millions 37 15.4%
> IDR 5 millions 24 13%
Total 110 100%
Source: Data Processed, 2022

This study employs the Structural Equation model. In this study, three items must be eliminated
Model - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) to ana- from the research model, namely SMM3, SMM6,
lyze the data. Data analysis was carried out in 2 and Social Media Marketing 7, because they have
stages, namely the evaluation of the Outer Model a loading factor of < 0.06. After the three items
and the Inner Model analysis. In evaluating the outer were deleted, the outer loading value of all items
model, the analysis carried out is to test the con- was> 0.06. All variables in this study have met the
struct validity and reliability of the research instru- rule of thumb used for reliability testing is the provi-
ment. Construct validity consists of the loading fac- sion of Cronbach’s alpha value > 0.70 (Hair et al.,
tor, and the measured reliability is based on 2010). Furthermore, all the variables in this study
Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability. The rule have also met the rules of thumb used for the reli-
of thumb used for convergent validity is to have a ability test with a composite reliability value > 0.70
loading factor value > 0.60 (Abdillah and Jogiyanto, (Hair et al., 2010). Thus, it can be stated that all
2015). If the item does not meet the rule of thumb, items in this study have met the validity and reliabil-
then the item must be eliminated from the research ity requirements.


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...

Table 2. Outer Loading

Variable Item Loading Factor Description

Social Media Marketing SMM1 0.709 Valid
SMM2 0.756 Valid
SMM4 0.733 Valid
SMM5 0.682 Valid
SMM8 0.685 Valid
Brand Trust BT2 0.806 Valid
BT3 0.766 Valid
BT4 0.770 Valid
BT5 0.796 Valid
BT6 0.779 Valid
BT7 0.784 Valid
BT8 0.697 Valid
Purchase Decision PD1 0.796 Valid
PD3 0.720 Valid
PD4 0.770 Valid
PD5 0.758 Valid
PD6 0.792 Valid
Source: Data Processed (2022)

Table 3. Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability

Variable Cronbach Alpha Composite Reliability Description

Social Media Marketing 0.848 0.848 Reliable
Brand Trust 0.919 0.920 Reliable
Purchase Decision 0.899 0.898 Reliable
Source: Data Processed (2022)

Inner Model Analysis negative value of 0.118 with a t-statistics value of

The second phase is measuring the Inner Model 0.238 and a significance level (p-values) of 0.619.
or hypothetical test results. The t-test or path coef- Given the value of t-statistics <1.96 and p-values>
ficient is used to indicate the test hypothesis’s sig- 0.05, the relationship is declared insignificant, so it
nificance level. Furthermore, the mediation effect can be concluded that Social Media Marketing has
was tested to determine the role of the mediating no significant effect on purchase decisions. Thus,
variable, whether it was partial or full mediation. the first hypothesis is rejected.

Social Media Marketing has a Positive and Social Media Marketing has a Positive and
Significant influence towards Purchase Deci- Significant Influence towards Brand Trust
sion The result shows that the coefficient of the
The result shows that the Social Media Mar- Social Media Marketing path to Brand Trust has a
keting path coefficient on Purchase Decision has a positive value of 0.793 with a t-statistics value of

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 659
Deandra Vidyanata

13,484 and a significance level (p-values) of 0.000. significant, so it can be concluded that Brand Trust
Given the value of t-statistics <1.96 and p-values> mediates the effect of QMS on Purchase Decision
0.05, the relationship is declared significant, so it Considering the t-statistic value < 1.96 and p-value
can be concluded that Social Media Marketing has > 0.05. Thus, the fourth is accepted.
a positive and significant effect on purchase deci-
sions. Thus, the second hypothesis is accepted Indicect effect
Furthermore, to determine the role of brand trust
Brand Trust has a Positive and Significant In- as mediating variable, this analysis will be contin-
fluence towards Purchase Decision ued by comparing the value of the beta coefficient
The result shows that the path coefficient of on the direct effect of exogenous variables on en-
Brand Trust on Purchase Decisions has a positive dogenous variables with the value of the beta coef-
value of 0.975 with a t-statistics value of 4.958 and ficient on the indirect effect.
a significance level (p-values) of 0.000. Given the Based on the calculation, it is known that the
t-statistic value < 1.96 and p-value > 0.05, the rela- direct effect coefficient of the Social Media Mar-
tionship is declared significant, so it can be said that keting on Purchase Decision is 0.663 with a signifi-
Brand Trust positively and significantly affects pur- cance level (0.000) <0.05, while the Social Media
chasing decisions. Thus, the third hypothesis is Marketing indirect effect coefficient on Purchase
accepted Decision drops to -0118 and has become insignifi-
cant (0.619 > 0.05). The figure shows that the ef-
Brand Trust Mediates the Influence between fect of Social Media Marketing on Brand Trust (a)
Social Media Marketing toward Purchase De- is significant with p-values of 0.000, less than 0.05,
cision and the influence of Brand Trust on Purchase De-
The result shows that the Social Media Mar- cisions (b) is significant with p-values of 0.000, which
keting path coefficient on Purchase Decisions with is less than 0.05. Hair et al. (2010) stated that if a
Brand Trust mediation has a positive value of 0.773 and b are significant, but c is not significant, then Z
with a t-statistics value of 3.860 and a significance can be stated as full mediation.
level (p-values) of 0.000. The relationship is declared

Table 4. Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Path Coef T statistic p-value Decision

H1 SMM  PD -0.118 0.238 0.619 Rejected
H2 SMM  BT 0.793 13.484 0.000 Accepted
H3 BT  PD 0.975 4.958 0.000 Accepted
H4 SMM  BT  PD 0.773 3.860 0.000 Accepted
Source: Data Processed (2022)

[+] [+]

SMM Purchase

Figure 2. The Direct Effect of Social Media Marketing towards Purchase Decision


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...


Brand Trust
0.793 (0.000) 0.975 (0.000)

[+] [+]
-0.118 (0.619)

SMM Purchase

Figure 3. The Indirect Effect of Social Media Marketing towards Purchase Decision through Brand Trust

Table 5. Inner Model Evaluation with Coefficient of shows that the use of Social Media Marketing has
Determination R²) no direct effect on consumer purchasing decisions.
This result has been the opposite of previous re-
Variable Adjusted R2 search, which stated that Social Media Marketing
activities could influence purchase decisions(Alfikri,
Brand Trust 0.623
Purchase Decision 0.776 2021; Angelyn and Kodrat, 2021; Diantari and Jokhu,
2021; Ridayani et al., 2021). However, this result
Source: Data processed (2022)
supports previous studies which stated that Social
Media Marketing has no significant effect on pur-
chasing decisions (Haudi et al., 2022; Okadiani,
Table 5 shows that the R² value for Brand Trust 2019). In this study, Social Media Marketing is mea-
is 0.623, categorized as a moderate to strong model, sured using two indicators: Entertainment and In-
meaning that the Social Media Marketing variable teraction. Entertainment is a component of Social
can explain the brand trust variable by 62.3%. Other Media Marketing that is believed to pleasure con-
variables outside the model explain the remaining sumers in their information searching on social me-
37.7%. Furthermore, the R² value of the Purchase dia. The entertainment element in social media cre-
Decision is 0.776. Thus it can be categorized as a ates an emotional connection with consumers, where
moderate to strong model, meaning that the Social forming an emotional connection can provide a brand
Media Marketing and Brand Trust can explain the experience (Koay et al., 2021). The entertainment
purchase decision variable by 77.6%, and the re- aspect (ENT), which brands in social media usually
maining 22.4% is explained by other variables out- present, includes games, videos, infographic presen-
side the model, such as brand awareness, brand tations, contests, and games, making consumers
image, brand preference (Anantasiska et al., 2021;
enjoy their experience on social media more (Tuten,
Diantari and Jokhu, 2021), and brand attitude 2010). It can motivate consumer interaction and
(Duffett, 2017)
participation in the brand community. Social media
posts with images, video clips, and story content can
DISCUSSION effectively attract consumers’ attention. Thus, the
Social Media Marketing towards Purchase entertainment aspect of social media represents the
Decision brand’s ability to share interesting and exciting con-
Based on the hypothesis testing result, it can tent (Tuten, 2010). Several items measure enter-
be concluded that the first hypothesis is rejected. It tainment in this study, including Halodoc providing

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 661
Deandra Vidyanata

interesting content on Instagram, Halodoc sharing cial Media Marketing alone are not enough to influ-
a lot of useful information, and Scrolling on Halodoc’s ence consumers’ purchase decisions on telemedicine
Instagram makes me lose track of time Halodoc’s services directly. Furthermore, a study conducted
Instagram has a lot of entertaining content. Halodoc by (Gong et al., 2019) found that trust in service
routinely posts useful information related to health providers, subjective norms, and perceived benefits
in the form of images. In addition, the halodoc were the main factors consumers considered before
Instagram feeds, which dominantly use the magenta adopting telemedicine services. Furthermore, this
color, are intended to strengthen the brand image. result also confirms the limitations of the S-R model,
All of these items emphasize the hedonic aspect of which only explains that individuals behave solely
consumers when using social media (Sultan et al., based on stimuli from the environment and ignores
2021). Meanwhile, interaction refers to the charac- the individual’s internal evaluation (Jacoby, 2002).
teristics of social media in facilitating the two-way
exchange of opinions and information (Moslehpour Social Media Marketing towards Brand Trust
et al., 2021). The interaction aspect can strengthen Based on the hypothesis testing result, it can
consumer attitudes towards the brand. Informative be concluded that the second hypothesis is accepted.
content that corresponds to the target audience’s The result is in line with previous research (Delgado-
profile will encourage discussion and improve the Ballester, 2016; Primaskara et al., 2021; Putri and
relationship between consumers and brands. While Rahayu, 2021), which stated that Social Media
interaction is measured with several items, making Marketing has a positive and significant effect on
it easier for consumers to express their opinions on brand trust. Brand trust is critical in explaining pur-
Halodoc Instagram, simplifying conversations with chase decisions (Delgado-Ballester, 2016). In so-
other users, easy 2-way interactions with brands, cial commerce, there are a lot of uncertainties and
and simplifying sharing information. Regarding the ambiguities that might occur, and consumers highly
interaction aspect, Halodoc often creates content anticipate it. Thus, consumers’ confidence in the
through videos and Instagram stories with multiple brand/service provider can compensate for this feel-
choice features, contests, and quizzes. It is used to ing of uncertainty (Moslehpour et al., 2021). There-
increase engagement. Halodoc also contains con- fore, brand trust is important in strengthening con-
tent that must be further responded to by consum- sumer and brand relationships. One of the Social
ers, such as “Write your experience in the com- Media Marketing aspects, interaction, is often re-
ment section down below” so that users can ex- ferred to as a reinforcement of consumer confidence
press and share opinions with other users to increase in the brand. It is confirmed by various previous
interactions. In this study, it is found that there is no studies regarding the role of brand trust in generat-
influence between Social Media Marketing on the ing consumer purchase intention (Chaudhuri and
purchase decision. That may be due to the unique- Holbrook, 2001; Ermawati, 2018), where purchase
ness of the object of this research, namely intention was stated as the most important predic-
telemedicine services, which are part of the tor of actual behavior (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007).
healthcare industry. The consumer decision-mak- The Social Media Marketing campaign carried out
ing process regarding medical and health needs is by businesses must be able to develop consumers’
different and more complex than other products. It trust in the brand. In Halodoc, Social Media Mar-
is because consumers consider more internal evalu- keting activities often share entertaining content on
ation factors before making purchasing decisions. social media, which will increase consumer excite-
Some of the dominant factors in influencing pur- ment and extend consumer scrolling time on
chasing decisions in telehealth use decisions are Instagram, increasing consumer engagement with
knowledge, experience, trust, satisfaction, and atti- service providers. (Tuten, 2010) explained that up-
tudes (Woo and Dowding, 2020). It means the en- loading entertaining content will benefit the organi-
tertainment and interaction aspects of Halodoc So- zation, one of which is influencing consumer per-


Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model Application in Examining The Influence of ...

ceptions and attitudes towards brands to be more The result of this study is in line with previous stud-
favorable. In addition, the regular interaction of ies, which concluded that brand trust mediates the
brands through social media can assist consumers’ effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase De-
information searching process. A study by Jakic and cisions (Delgado-Ballester, 2016; Pop et al., 2022;
Wagner (2012) found that interaction is the most Primaskara et al., 2021). Furthermore, this study
important antecedent of Brand Trust. Furthermore, successfully confirms the congruence of the S-O-
consumer-brand interaction created consumer trust R model in explaining the influence of social media
in the brand (Moslehpour et al., 2021). marketing on purchase decisions. The S-O-R model
enhances the limitations of the S-R model by add-
Brand Trust towards Purchase Decision ing aspects of individual internal evaluation (O) in
Based on the hypothesis testing result, it can behavior (Jacoby, 2002). The result of this study
be concluded that the third hypothesis is accepted. indicates that the Social Media Marketing activities
This result is in line with previous studies, which carried out by Halodoc can indirectly influence con-
concluded that brand trust positively influences pur- sumers’ purchase decisions through brand trust. The
chasing decisions (Amron, 2018; Ermawati, 2018; S-O-R model in this study implies that Social Media
Nurhasanah et al., 2021). One problem that often Marketing (S) does not directly affect purchasing
arises within online and social commerce businesses decisions (R) but must be determined in advance
is the lack of consumer trust in the brand (Kamal et by the existence of the consumer’s inner state ac-
al., 2020). These dynamics may result in consum- tivity to trigger a specific response, which in this
ers’ purchase decisions. Trust is essential in influ- study is explained by Trust (O). It is directly shown
encing a purchase decision, especially in online and by the inability of Social Media Marketing to influ-
social commerce (Moslehpour et al., 2021). Con- ence purchase decisions, which in this case, is rep-
sumers will not make a purchase decision if they do resented by the S-R theory. However, the Social
not trust the brand/service provider. Consumer trust Media Marketing activities carried out by Halodoc
in the brand also shows that service providers can are proven to be effective in forming a favorable
be trusted (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). Brand internal consumer condition (Liu et al., 2019), which
Trust indicators used in this study include the brand’s includes consumers’ cognition and affection in the
ability to meet consumers’ needs, the brand’s ability form of Trust towards the brand. A favorable inter-
to fulfill its promises, the brand’s ability to always nal evaluation can encourage the establishment of
be reliable, and the ability to convey honest infor- purchase decisions. It is also confirmed by several
mation. Consumers demand a brand that can al- previous studies conducted in the health industry,
ways be trusted and perform its competence be- specifically for telehealth services, where consumer
fore consumers make a purchase decision. Specifi- trust in service providers plays an essential role that
cally, in telemedicine and telehealth services, trust can influence consumer purchase decisions (Kamal
describes the faith and hope of consumers to get et al., 2020; Woo and Dowding, 2020). Furthermore,
better health conditions. Thus, trust in service pro- the result of the Brand Trust role as the mediating
viders is important, especially in the healthcare in- variable shows that Brand Trust acts as a full me-
dustry. Trust is an essential condition in maintaining diation of the effect between Social Media Market-
successful interpersonal relationships. Therefore ing on purchase decisions. It can be interpreted
trust has a central role in influencing the purchase firmly as without consumer trust towards the brand
decision. or service providers, social media marketing activi-
ties performed by the brand is not capable of af-
Brand Trust mediates the influence of Social fecting consumers’ purchase decision. This result
Media Marketing toward Purchase Decision substantiates the implication of the Stimulus-Organ-
ism-Respons Model in the healthcare industry.
Based on the hypothesis testing result, it can
be concluded that the fourth hypothesis is accepted.

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 663
Deandra Vidyanata

CONCLUSIONS ers’ purchase decisions. The results of this study

The purchase decision is the final stage of a contribute to the marketing literature, and in par-
series of complex consumer purchasing behavior, ticular, to service providers. Social Media Market-
which can be influenced by various marketing stimu- ing activities should be developed and performed
lus, one of which is Social Media Marketing activi- on how service providers can form consumers’ trust
ties. Heretofore, there is no certainty regarding the towards the brand. It can be done by routinely up-
extent to which the effectiveness of Social Media loading informative content as a soft selling strat-
Marketing affects purchase decisions, especially in egy. In addition, providers can assign specific social
the healthcare industry. It is indicated by the limited media administrators to respond quickly to custom-
previous studies that specifically discussed the role ers’ questions, which can increase consumer atti-
of Social Media Marketing in generating purchase tudes and trust toward the brand. Service providers
decisions in telemedicine services. The results of should also emphasize the image of honesty by pro-
this study conclude that Social Media Marketing can viding reliable, informative and accurate informa-
directly not influence purchase decisions. Social tion about the services displayed on their social media
Media Marketing has a positive and significant ef- platforms. Future researchers can develop this re-
fect on Brand Trust. Brand trust has a positive and search by testing the congruence of the S-O-R
significant impact on Purchase decisions. Brand model in explaining the influence of social media
Trust fully mediates the influence of Social Media marketing in different industries. In addition, fur-
Marketing on Purchase decisions. ther researchers are recommended to include
trendiness, customization, and word of mouth to
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ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 667

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