RoboMission Rookie Primary School

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Version: 30th JANUARY 2023
Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
2. Game Field..................................................................................................................... 2
3. Game Objects, Positioning, Randomization ................................................................ 3
4. Robot Missions ............................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Manage Ship Waste................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Rescue the Whale .................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Restore the Coral Reefs ......................................................................................... 6
4.4 Get bonus points.................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Park the robot ......................................................................................................... 6
5. Scoring........................................................................................................................... 7

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

1. Introduction
Life underwater is important and humans depend on it for food, clean drinking water
and even for protection against flooding. That is why it is important that we protect
the water against pollution and that we protect and restore the underwater eco-
To protect our oceans, we have the “MARPOL convention.” It is an agreement
between countries worldwide that ships cannot pollute the water and throw their
waste overboard. This means that ships will need to save all their waste until it can
be collected.

There are also many initiatives that help to restore underwater areas. One of the
most important is the protection and restauration of coral reefs. Many other
underwater animals find food and protection there and these reefs also reduce the
risk to coastlines from flooding.
But the coral reefs are damaged in many places. Researchers are working hard on
finding ways to restore the coral reefs. One solution is growing corals in an aquarium
and then bringing them to the existing reef.

On the Elementary game field, the robot will help managing ship waste, restore
coral areas and rescue a whale from a shallow area in the sea.

2. Game Field
The following graphic shows the game field with the different areas.

If the table is larger than the game mat, place the two sides of the start area against the walls.

For more information about the table and game mat specifications, please take a look
at NRC RoboMission General Rules, chapter 6.

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

3. Game Objects, Positioning

Waste (4x, 2 times in ship hatch)

In every round there are four waste objects on the field:
- The green waste object is always placed in the ship hatch on the green ship
- The yellow waste object is always place in the ship hatch on the yellow ship
- Four other waste objects are placed on the ship of their colour.

Waste objects Ship hatch

(one red, one black, one white, one (one with green, one with yellow waste)

Start position of waste

(on a ship, always in this orientation Start position of waste in ship hatch
with the long side parallel to the (on yellow and green ship, inside the
wall.) hatch - the waste is always placed to
the front)

Please note, that the ship hatches on the yellow and green ship are fixed on the field
(see General Rules, chapter 6).

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Coral (2x)
The two corals are always placed on the little yellow areas nearest to the red &
black ships on the field. They are placed exactly on the yellow and blue markings
following the bricks of the model.

Start position of object on the field

Coral (2)

Whale (1x)
There is one whale on the field. The whale is placed on the green circles nearest to
the black ship on the field. The whale is always placed looking in the direction of
the little arrow on the game field, see the following photos.

Place in orientation of the arrow

Whale (1)

Start position of object on the field

(one possible start position)

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Fence (2x)
Two fences are placed in front of the yellow and green recycling areas.

Start position of the fences

Fence (2)

Game object position

X for the waste, for whale, for fence, for coral.

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

4. Robot Missions
For greater clarity, the missions will be explained in multiple sections. The team can decide which
parts of the missions they will do and in which order. Final scoring will be based on the situation on
the field at the end of the run.

4.1 Manage Ship Waste

The robot should bring the waste (Red, Blue, Black & White) from the ships to the recycling
areas on the game field, therefore, the robot needs to collect the waste from the ships.
Full points are awarded if the waste is in the corresponding-coloured recycling area (e.g. the
red waste in the red recycling area).

4.2 Open the ship hatch

The robot should open the ship hatch that is placed on yellow and green ships.

4.3 Rescue the Whale

A whale has been spotted in one of the coral reefs. The sea is shallow there and it is not the
best place for this big animal. It might be lost. There is a whale watching area in the open
ocean where people can see these animals in their natural environment. The robot should
bring the whale from the coral reefs to the whale watching area in the open ocean.

Full points are awarded if the projection of the whale is completely inside the whale watching
area. The whale watching area is defined by the dark blue line in the top-left corner. The dark
blue line itself does not belong to the whale watching area. It is not allowed to damage the
whale game object.

4.4 Restore the Coral Reefs

The life under water is important for our overall eco-system. That is why we want to restore
the coral reefs. In these areas the corals and other marine life are all part of an eco-system.
They depend on each other for food and shelter. The robot should bring the new coral to the
coral reefs next to it.

Full points are awarded if the coral is completely inside one coral reef (the rectangle square
near the coral start position). Maximum one coral per coral reef counts.

4.5 Get bonus points

Bonus points will be awarded for not moving or damaging the fences. A fence is moved if at
least one pillar of the fence is no longer touching the grey circle where it is placed at the

4.6 Park the robot

The mission is complete when the robot returns to the Start & Finish area, stops, and the
projection of the robot is partly (top-view) within the Start & Finish area.

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

5. Scoring
Definitions for the scoring

“Completely” means that the game object is only touching the corresponding area (not including
the black lines).

Tasks Each Max.

Manage Ship Waste

Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is completely inside the

10 40
recycling area of the corresponding colour.

Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is touching the recycling area of

the corresponding colour.

Open Ship Hatch

Ship hatch is completely opened 16 32
Rescue the whale
The projection of the whale is completely in the whale
19 19
watching area.
The projection of the whale is partly in the whale watching
Restore the Coral Reef
A coral is completely inside in a coral reef. (max. one per
6 12
A coral is touching a coral reef. (max. one per area) 3
Get bonus points
Fence pillars are touching the gray circles and fence is not
3 6
Park the robot
Projection of the robot is partly in the Start & Finish Area
(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned) 15
Maximum Score 124

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Scoring Interpretation

Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is completely inside the recycling area of the corresponding

colour. ➔ 10 points

Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is touching the recycling area of the corresponding colour.

➔ 5 points

10 points (completely inside) 10 points (ok if lying) 5 points (only touching)

5 points for red object (only 5 points (in this case it

touching), 2 points for black counts as touching the
object (wrong area) correct black area)

Ship hatch is completely opened. ➔ 16 points

16 points (completely
opened) 0 points (not open)

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

The projection of the whale is completely inside the whale watching area. ➔ 19 points
The projection of the whale is partly the whale watching area. ➔ 8 points.
Note: The whale watching area is defined by the dark blue line in the top-left corner. The
dark blue line itself does not belong to the whale watching area.

8 points (projection partly). 19 points (projection 0 points (whale damaged).


A coral is completely inside in a coral reef. (max. one per area)➔ 6 points. A coral is
touching a coral reef. (max. one per area)➔ 3 points.

3 points (touching the area) 3 points (not completely in) 6 points (completely in)

6 points (completely in) 6 points (points only for one)

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Fence that is not moved or damaged. ➔ 3 points.

Note: A fence is moved if at least one pillar of the fence is no longer touching the grey
circle where it is placed at the beginning.

3 points, OK moved. 0 points, not OK moved. 0 points, not OK moved.

0 points, damaged.

Projection of the robot is partly in the Start & Finish Area

(only if other points, not bonus, are assigned) ➔ 15 points.

Please note: The blue line surrounding the area does not belong to the area, the project
has to be over the white inner area. Cables only do not count for the projection of the robot.

The projection of the robot is The projection of the robot The projection of the robot
not in the area, 0 points. is partly in the area, 15 is completely in the area, 15
points. points.

Season 2023
NRC2023 – RoboMission (Rookie) Primary School

Scoring Sheet
Team name: Round:

Tasks Each Max. # Total

Manage Ship Waste
Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is completely inside the
10 40
recycling area of the corresponding colour.

Red/Black/White/Blue Waste is touching the

recycling area of the corresponding colour.
Open Ship Hatch
Ship hatch is completely opened 16 32
Rescue the whale
The projection of the whale is completely in the
19 19
whale watching area.
The projection of the whale is partly in the whale
watching area.
Restore the Coral Reef
A coral is completely inside in a coral reef. (max. one
6 12
per area)
A coral is touching a coral reef. (max. one per area) 3
Get bonus points
Fence pillars are touching the gray circles and fence
3 6
is not damaged
Park the robot
Projection of the robot is partly in the Start & Finish
Area (only if other points, not bonus, are assigned)
Maximum score 124
Total Score in this run
Time in full seconds


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