Lesson Plan in Math V (BOLIVAR, JUBILLEE ROSE T.)

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Republic of the Philippines


Bailan, Pontevedra capiz

Detailed Lesson Plan in Math V

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Identify different kinds of quadrilateral
b. Illustrate` different kinds of quadrilateral
c. Show cooperation through group activity
II. Subject matter
a. Topic: Kinds of Quadrilaterals
b. Reference: gatbagan, Erlinda E. et al. Maths for meaningful lives.
Book crafts publishing Co. IncMotiva. 2003. Pg. 261-265
c. Materials: Cut outs of triangle, rules, manila paper, and powerpoint
d. Value focus: cooperativeness
III. Procedures
Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity
A. Preparatory activities
1. Prayer
Before we start our class, Let us pray. (the pupils will start to pray)

2. Checking of attendance
Now, let us check the attendance first, say
present if I call your name, ok?

Datiles, Jovelyn Present

Dumapit richelle Present

3. Recall
Who can recall our lesson yesterday? (one student will raise a hand)
Raise your hand do not answering chorus.
Our topic last time is all about
Yes? quadrilaterals.

Very good!

As a review, what is quadrilateral?

Answer may vary.
Very good! How many sides does a
quadrilateral has?

Great! 4

Do you have any questions?

No ma’am.
4. Drill
Class, are you familiar with the
quadrilateral song?
Yes ma’am.
Ok class, let us all stand we are going to
sing this. I will sing first, and then follow
me. Understand? Ok ma’am.

Quadrilateral has many shapes

Many shapes has quadrilateral
A square is one them
congruent side
and 4 right angels too

Quadrilateral has many shapes

Many shapes has quadrilateral
A parallelogram opposite sides
both sets are parallel
right arm, left arm

Quadrilateral has many shapes

Many shapes has quadrilateral
Rectangle’s, one of them
the corners square
4 right angles around
right arm, left arm, right leg

Quadrilateral has many shapes

Many shapes has quadrilateral
A trapezoid is one
2 parallel but the other 2 are not
right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg

Quadrilateral has many shapes

Many shapes has quadrilateral
Rhombus could be a square o diamond too
must have congruent sides
right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, four

Did you enjoy class?

Yes ma’am!
Very good!

B. Presentation of the lesson

1. motivation
A. Write PF if the figure is plane
figure and SF if the figure is solid

1. Pyramid
2. Cube
3. Pentagon 1. SF
4. Rectangle 2. SF
5. Cylinder 3. PF
4. PF
B. Choose the letter of the correct 5. SF

1. This polygon has 5 sides.

a. Quadrilateral
b. Heptagon 1. C
c. Pentagon
d. Triangle
2. How many sides does the
decagon has?
a. 8
b. 9 2. C
c. 10
d. 5

3. What do you call a polygon

with 9 sides?
a. Octagon
b. Decagon 3. D
c. Pentagon
d. Nonagon

4. How many sides does an

octagon has?
a. 8
b. 9 4. A
c. 10
d. 11

2. Presentation
Based on our song while ago what do you
think our lesson for today?
Our lesson for today is all about kinds
Very good our lesson today is all about of quadrilaterals ma’am.
kinds of Quadrilaterals.
Do you have any idea what are the kinds
of quadrilaterals?

Ok class, i will discuss these today.

No ma’am!
3. discussion of the lesson

1. Look at the figure

(figure of a parallelogram labelled


1. How many sides does this figure

The figure has 4 sides
2. Look at side AB and CD. Are they Side AB and CD are parallel
parallel with each other?
3. How about side AC and BD? Side AC and BD are parallel
What can you say about them?
4. Measure side AB and CD. Do they The two side are parallel
have the same measurement?
5. How about side AC and BD? AB and CD has the same measurement.
What can you say about their
measurement? AC and BD has the same measurement.
This figure is called parallelogram.
What can you say about A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with
parallelogram?’ two pairs of parallel side and each
opposite sides has the same
Do you have any questions about
parallelogram? No ma’am.

2. Look at the figure.
(figure of a rectangle labelled a, b, c,
The figure has 4 sides
1. How many sides does this figure
has? AC and BD are parallel with each
2. Look at side AB and CD. Are they
parallel with each other? other.
3. How about sides AC and BD?
What can you say about them? AB and CD and h are parallel with each
Therefore, how many pairs of other
parallel sides are there?
4. Measure side AB and CD. Do they Two pairs of sides are parallel with
have the same measurement? each other.
How about side AC and BD?
AB and CD has the same measurement.
This figure is called rectangle. Rectangle
is a kind of parallelogram. Same measurement.
What can you say about rectangle?
A rectangle is a parallelogram with all
angles right.
3. L
at the figure.
(figure of a square)

It has 4 sides

AB and CD are parallel

1. How many sides does this figure
has? AC and BD are parallel too.
2. Look at side AB and CD. Are they
parallel with each other? 2 pairs of side are parallel
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there? All sides are equal
3. Measure the sides of this figure.
What can you say about it? All angles are right angle.
4. What can you say about their
corners/angles? What is the A square is a parallelogram with all
measurement of their angels? sides equal and are right angle.

This figure is called square. It is a kind

of parallelogram.

4.figure of a rhombus

It has 4 sides
AB and CD are parallel

AC and BD are parallel too.

Two pairs of sides are parallel.

All sides are equal.

1. How many sides does this figure
has? A rhombus is a parallelogram with all
2. Look at side AB and CD. Are they sides equal but not all of its angles are
parallel right angles.
with each
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there?
3. Measure the sides of this figure.
What can you say about it?
This is called rhombus. It is a kind of
What can you say about rhombus? It has 4 sides

They are not parallel

5.figure of trapezoid They are not parallel too.

No sides are parallel

No sides are equal.

1. How many sides does this figure

2. Look at side AC and BD. Are they
with each
3. How about sides AB and CD?
Therefore, how many pairs of parallel
sides are there?

This figure is called trapezoid/trapezium.

6.Figure of a irregular polygon

1. It has 4 sides
2. AC and BD they are not
3. AB and CD they are not
parallel too.
4. No sides are parallel
5. No sides are equal
This figure is called irregular polygon has Various answers.
no pair of parallel sides.

4. Generalization No ma’am.
 What are the different kinds of
 What are parallelogram?
 What are rectangle?
 What are square?
 What are rhombus?
 What are trapezoid?
 What are irregular polygon?

Do you have any questions?

5. Application
I will group you into 6 groups.
Each group I will give you an activity.

For group 1 and 2

Identify the kind of quadrilateral.

For group 3 and 4.

Draw the following quadrilaterals.
1. Parallelogram
2. Rectangle
3. Square
4. Rhombus
5. Trapezoid
6. Irregular quadrilateral

For group 5 and 6.

1. Color Parallelogram red
2. Color Rectangle blue
3. Color Square yellow
4. Color Rhombus violet
5. Color Trapezoid orange
6. Color Irregular quadrilateral green

Accuracy – 30%
Speed – 40%
Cooperativeness – 20%
Overall Performance – 10%

IV. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of polygon has 4 sides?
a. Rectangle
b. Triangle
c. Pentagon
d. Hexagon
2. This kind of quadrilateral has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
a. Trapezoid
b. Irregular quadrilateral
c. Parallelogram
d. Kite
3. What do you call a parallelogram with all side equal and all angles are right angle?
a. Square
b. Rectangle
c. Rhombus
d. Trapezoid
4. The figure below is called _______.
a. Trapezoid
b. Rhombus
c. Square
d. Rectangle
5. A trapezoid is ______
a. A quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel side.
b. A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides.
c. A quadrilateral with all sides parallel.
d. A quadrilateral with no parallel sides.

V. Assignment
Write T if the statement is true and F if false.
1. A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
2. All rectangle are parallelogram.
3. Trapezoid has 1 pair of parallel side
4. A rectangle is a kind of square.
5. A, irregular quadrilateral has no sides.


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