Aspects of The Community

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Awareness of the essential aspects of the 6.

Income Distribution
community is necessary in aiding the residents to • public assistance benefits available to residents
reflect on ways to be positively involved in its • median income level of residents
improvement. The poet John Donne famously said, • income levels and corresponding percentage of
“No man is an island,” referring to humanity’s population.
interconnectedness and the belief that humans are
always social beings. 7. Housing
• housing conditions
Being aware of the structure of the
• population density
community and exploring its aspects will help you
• types of housing
understand the necessary measures that should
• ownership and status of houses (rental, real
be undertaken to serve as an active member of
estate, etc)
a community and as future leaders of the
community. The following are the aspects of
8. Educational Facilities And Programs
community and the factors to explore.
• education system
• extent of community support
1. Local Politics • existence of public and private schools
• Structure of government • adherence to intended curriculum of the
• Decision-making power and control Department of Education
• Major issues currently in debate • attention to special population (e.g., children
with special needs) and to cultural
2. Demographics • differences.
• Population size (total number of people) • extent to which education brings out the best in
• Population density (ratio of people to the space the children (participation in competitions,
they inhabit) • profile of graduates, training students holistically)
• Heterogeneity (the extent to which community • adequate preparation for adults to enter the labor
members have diverse characteristics) force
• Ethnic groups
• Names given to various parts of the community 9. Health and Welfare Systems
• Areas known for having their own characteristics • adequate numbers of health professionals and
(ex: industrial area, blue collar families) specialists
• Isolation from or closeness to other communities • social service programs
• History of the area • respect of service providers to the needs and
• Changes and development of the area values of minority populations
• availability of fire and police protection
3. Geography And Environmental Influence • safety of the environment
• the community’s physical environment • the residents’ view on public safety and justice
• the community’s location and proximity to system.
highways, bodies of water or mountains
• existence of recreational areas concerns 10. Sources Of Information And Public
regarding environment hazards such as Opinion
• pollution, power shortages, among others • presence of TV and radio stations and
newspapers which provide the people
4. Beliefs and Attitudes information and perspectives on current events
• cultural values, traditions and beliefs of various • community organizations’ capacity to update
segments of the population residents on important information
• spiritual and political values of the residents • the capacity of the sources of information to
• available social agencies and the help they can enhance the residents’ skills to promote
extend • positive change
• perceptions of residents as part of the • the presence of community leaders who speak
community. for various marginalized subgroups.

5. Local Economy And Businesses 11. Summary Assessment of Community

• businesses, factories and other sources of Issues
employment that characterize the community • overall assessment of community’s functioning
• nature of business (owned by local residents or • dealing with social problems (youth gangs,
government) poverty, abuse)
• gaps in social, health care, and other community
and educational services

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