(Quarter 3 - Module 1) : Iligan Medical Center College

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Week 1-2

Iligan Medical Center College

Basic Education Department
Laya ext., Palao Iligan City
S.Y 2020 - 2021

Grade 12 Senior High School

(Quarter 3 - Module 1)

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship


Prepared by:
Ms. Gisette Flores
Mr. Percival P. Alvarez

Week 1-2

NAME: _________________________________________ SECTION: ____________

Topic The integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives
MELCs  Explain the importance of studying community dynamics and community action in
relation to applied social sciences and the learners’ future career options.
 Define using various perspectives. (e.g., Social Sciences, institutions, civil society,
 Analyze functions of communities in terms of structures, dynamics and processes.
 Differentiate typologies of communities.


In this lesson, the students will independently use his or her understanding of the dynamics of
community and how they take actions in the development of their community. Also, to enhance their ideas
about the different elements of community action (e.g., Structures, dynamics, and processes. They will also
acquire understanding about the definition of various community perspective such as Social Sciences,
Institutions, Civil Society, etc..

Activity 1: Define me!

Direction: Write an introductory essay about “what defines Community?” based on your own understanding
about the said topic. Refer to the Rubrics attached on this module.



Activity 2: Arrange Me!

Direction: Arrange the following letters to make a correct word/s that is associated with our lesson for this
module. A picture is provided that will serve as a hint.

1. VILCICIESOYT - __________________ 3. GANIORTIZONI - ______________________

2. ERSPPCEIVT - _____________________ 4. MOMCUIYTN - _____________________

Week 1-2

As a citizen of the country, our citizenship does not only give us the rights but also a social
responsibility. As a citizen, we are tasked to contribute to the development of the country through exercising
our social responsibility. Hence, it is our responsibility to extend our hands to those who are in need.

However, working and helping alone can sometimes be very difficult to do. It is much easier to extend
our hands when there are people that are also with us. With this, it is necessary to practice solidarity. It is a
process where on acts justly, respectfully and responsibly with each other to end social injustice and
inequality. With this, one can greatly influence each other to take an action in helping our world.

As social inequality increases, academic institutions have found a way to lessen the cries of the people.
Community engagement has now become one of the goals of a lot of institutions to help contribute in
solving societal issues around us. It is the application of the skills and knowledge learned in school. Thus, it
will not only develop the learning and skills of the younger generation but will also help our society.

The Importance of understanding a community and its gains

Community situations vary. Each community has its own context and realities. Those interested in
working with a community must first have a clear picture and a good grasp of the entity they are trying to
address. It is in appreciating the features and elements of a community that engagement processes and
actions become relevant, acceptable, and appropriate. Without a deep and wide knowledge of a target
community, interventions may emerge as exclusive, inappropriate, or totally insensitive to the members of the

Community Dynamics is the change and development involved in a community that includes all
forms of living organisms. Community Action is putting communities as the center of the services
development and services delivery. This initiative aims to cater the primary needs of the communities before
implementing it. In such way, **community action** will help the community dynamics or the degree of
improvement of the community.

Gains from Understanding Community Dynamics

Provides benchmarking data Before the undertaking of any community action or
development intervention like a community project,
it is important to establish benchmark data. The
data illustrate the preliminary pictures or image of
the community. It serves as the initial community
situationer or briefer
Provides preliminary project planning information It is necessary to secure community information and
feedback needed for the conceptualization of a
project design or plan. Understanding community
dynamics is the key to a sound and relevant
community development plan.
Provides an idea of the community’s strengths and An in-depth understanding of the community’s
challenges strengths and challenges guides the community-
base project development team to identify the
strengths and possible loopholes of the project
design. Thus, it will make the design more feasible
and realistic. The project development team involves
the key stakeholders in the community, such as the
community leaders and the representatives of the
people who will be directly or indirectly affected by

Week 1-2

the project implementation.

Provides an opportunity to understand the The success or failure of a community project more
community’s dominant rules and norms often than not is strongly affected by the prevailing
rules and norms in the community. The intensity or
degree of reactions or sensitivities of the community
members is affected by those rules and norms.
Provides an occasion to gauge the attitude and If one is an outsider in a target community for
behavior of the community. project development, a crucial activity one should
undertake is dialogue with the community. The
quality of the dialogue depends on how well-
informed or how knowledgeable the outsiders are on
the community situation and issues.
Makes networking and partnership building more By having an idea of the different advocacy and
favorable interest groups in the community, it is easier for
people from schools, institutions, or groups to
partner with local networks or associations.
Gets projects implementation less complicated Without a good grasp of the community they are
aimed at, project development and implementation
become complicated and stressful. The project
implementation plan includes the steps and
processes that must be taken into consideration. An
understanding of the community will tell the project
development and implementation team what not to
do or what to be more concerned of.

There are many ways to understand and appreciate a community but there is no substitute to immersing and
living with that community. Social development workers, social workers, social actions people, and
community organizers cannot escape what we call in Tagalog as “paglubog” or “pagbabad.”

THE ELEMENTS OF A COMMUNITY: Nature and power structure

The dynamics of a community is determined by its nature and how it reacts on both external and internal
forces. It is thus important to recognize the characteristics and features of a community to understand why it
acts and reacts in a certain way.

Nature of Community
It has a sociological construct. It has a set of interactions or behaviors that have meaning and
expectations. These portray beliefs, behaviors, ideas and attitudes.
It has a fuzzy boundary. Communities do not always have boundaries. This is due to the results of
interaction and people migrating.
It can exist in a larger People in one community are not totally the same. They may differ in some
community. ideas, values and behavior. Thus, a community can exist in a larger
community. Commonly, a barangay inside a city. It can also be a Muslim
community in a barangay.
It may move. A community is not always located in a definite space. It can also move
according to their interest and needs. For instance, Badjao community can
be seen all over the Philippines. They transfer from one place to another
depending on which area they can have better living.


In a community, change agents put premium in understanding power structure. Community power structure
is about the distribution of power at the local community level. But what is power? Power in a community is
the capacity to influence the decision-making and distribution processes, to bring about change and get
things done. The idea of power includes determining the structures that have impact on local communities
and also the linkages that form collaborative works.

What are the bases of local community power?

Bases of Local Community

Connections The capacity to create networks and relationship with powerful individuals
that can contribute to the community.

Week 1-2

Power in Number Power is due to its large number that can greatly influence the other
members of the community.
Rewards The ability to provide rewards, gifts or promotions that benefits an
individual, group or organization.
Personal Traits/Expertise The capacity to gain respect and power based on an individual’s charm,
skills or expertise.
Legitimate Power A power held from a position in the community.

Information The capacity to keep and share information.

Coercion Influence through manipulation and coercion.

Communities can be seen anywhere. It can exist within each other. It is important that we get to know how to
identify the different types of communities to better understand its nature. Basically, communities have four
types – geographical community, community of identity, community of interest and intentional community.

Types of Communities Description Example

Geographical community It is a type of community that considers Puroks
physical boundaries. Its members are the Barangays
occupants of the given space regardless of
their individual attributes such as religion,
values and the like.
Community of Identity It is a community that is formed through Ilocanos
the identifiable commonalities of its Tausugs
members. Attributes such as religion,
languages, customs and others bind the
Community of Interest This community incorporates social Environmental Advocates
movements. It is driven by the interest to LGBT Community
address issues and interests from local to
international level. These social movements
include those that fight for the environment,
religion, gender and others.
Intentional Community This community refers to the voluntary Fraternity
formation of the members to pursue their Fandoms
interests and identity.


To understand the concept of community further, four approaches in applying the said term have been
identified. Delanty (2003) as cited by Clark (2007).

Groups Approaches of each group

First Group They are concerned about the social and spatial formation of social
(Sociologist and Geographers) organization into small group, such as neighborhoods, small towns, or
other spatially bounded localities.
Second Group Applies the term to ideas of belonging and difference around issues such
(Those working in Cultural as identity.
Studies and Anthropologies)
Third Group Considers community as a form of political mobilization inspired by
(Those working in the Social radical democracy that prompts communities of action to oppose social
Movement) injustice.
Fourth Group Consider the development of a community based on the rise of a global
(Those concerned about the society and draws on processes, such as transnational mobility and the
influence of Globalization) development of diaspora, and technological development, such as global
communications and the internet, to explain this.

The identification f the four approaches indicates that perspectives on communities evolve depending ono the
realities and requirements of the environment. In the earlier points of view, communities are seen,
traditionally, as spatially bounded and attached to the powers of locality or place.

Week 1-2


Community as a concept is not solid. Similar to the story of the elephant and the blind men, a community has
different parts and is therefore seen from various viewpoints. The varying viewpoints come as a result of the
distinct perspective of the different academic disciplines and sectors. Their perspectives are influenced by
their academic or sectoral orientation, philosophy, and values.

Perspective Point of view

1. Social Science A Community is a congregation of people unified by at least one common

characteristic. The people can be unified by geography, shared interest,
values, experiences, or traditions.
2. Community-based Community is seen as a setting for intervention, target for change,
resource, and agents from the community-based perspective.
3. Ecological A community is a congregation of species that occur together in time and
space and have high probability for interaction.
4. Sectoral Communities are seen as a system which is compromised of individuals
and sectors with diverse characteristics and interrelationships.
5. Civil Society Civil society views the community as composed of people, structures,
and systems endowed with resources but is confronted with social
issues as well.


Generally, there are three types of community: geographic community or neighborhood, community of interest
or solidarity, and intentional community. Pramila Aggarwal (nd) provided a description of each type:

1. Geographic Community or Neighborhood

This type of community focuses on the physical boundaries that makes it distinct or separate, such as
a river or a street. It has a diverse population with individuals or groups occupying different physical
spaces and each with special attributes such as religion, economic status, etc.
2. Community of identity
This community has common identifiable characteristics or attributes like culture, language, music,
religion, customs, and others.
3. Community of interest or Solidarity
This community incorporates social movements such as women’s rights, environment, peace, and
human rights.
4. Intentional Community
This community refers to individuals that come together voluntarily and support each other. Members
may share the same interests and identity or geographical location.

Activity 3: Reflection!
Question: Differentiate the meaning of Community from one perspective to another as applied in various


Week 1-2



Activity 4. Answer the following questions. Rubrics is attached for grading points.

1. How do we express our social responsibilities as a citizen?

2. Is solidarity an essential element in taking responsibility to our community?

3. Is it obligatory for a citizen to conduct community engagement? Explain?



Activity 5: In the choices provided below, select one and explain the type of community;

1. Badjao Community
2. IITians
3. Religious Group
4. Indigenous People

Explain: Note: no less than 150 words.


Week 1-2


Direction: In your Barangay/Purok, give your observation about the type of community you have base of
the different perspective (e.g. Social Science, Institutions, Civil Society, Grassroots Level). Rubrics is
attached for Grading points below


Rubrics for all

Illustration and Content

10 pts The illustration shows an extraordinary concept. The composition is focused and is
rich in details.

8 pts The illustration shows a clear concept. The composition is focused and is rich in

5 pts The illustration shows a little concept. The composition is focused but gives few

1 pt The illustrations shows no concept. The composition is not focused and no details.

Diana J. Mendoza, PhD et.al (2017). Zeal for Action: Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship (The
padayon Series). Phoenix Publishing House. Quezon City, Philippines

Delos Santos, Danillo Lorenzo S. (2020). Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship (The padayon
Series). Rex Book Store. Quezon City, Philippines

Week 1-2


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