Grammatical Signals or Expressions

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Before we begin...


Let us Pray
Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for
ways in which you provide for us all. For
Your protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we PRAYER
discover more about the world around us.
Before we begin...


Classroom Rules
In this class, I want you to be a star.
S- stay focused!
T- try, try, try!
A- always stand when asked
R- respect your peers
Signals and
I saw the SIGN!

A. No entry for Trucks B. No trucks allowed

C. Trucks weighing 5
tons are not allowed
I saw the SIGN!

I saw the SIGN!

A. One way only

B. No entry
C. Give way to all traffic
I saw the SIGN!

A. No Swiveling
B. Curve Road Ahead
C. Slippery Road
I saw the SIGN!

A. Pedestrian Lane
B. Do Not Cross
C. Watch Out
I saw the SIGN!

A. Narrow Bridge
B. Narrow Road
C. Bumps in Road
I saw the SIGN!

A. Steep Ascend
B. Steep Descent
C. Steep Road
I saw the SIGN!

A. School Children Crossing

B. Pedestrian Crossing
C. Animal Crossing
I saw the SIGN!

A. No Red Cars
B. No Cutting
C. No Overtaking
I saw the SIGN!

A. Weight Restriction
B. 15 Tons Bridge
C. 15 Passengers Below Only
I saw the SIGN!

A. No Curve Road
B. No U-Turn Sign
C. No Left Turn
I saw the SIGN!

A. Narrow Road
B. Narrow Bridge
C. Humps Ahead
Congratulations! You
earned +2 stars!
What would happen
if you were travelling
to an unfamiliar place
and there are no
traffic/road signs?
Just as road signs are
essential for safe
driving, grammatical
signals are crucial for
clear communication.
Learning Competencies
• Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions
suitable to each pattern of idea development:
o General to Particular

o Claim and Counterclaim

o Problem Solution

o Persuasion

o Cause & Effect and others

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, I can:
• define grammatical signals;
• identify the different patterns of idea development;
• differentiate each pattern of idea development from
each other; and
• distinguish appropriate grammatical signs to each
pattern of idea development.
Table of Content
01 02 03

Grammatical Patterns of
Idea Signals or Idea
Development Expressions Development
Idea Development
Essential in writing. It is the manner of or pattern
by which a writer or speaker explains his/her main idea
about a topic in a paragraph/s. This is done by
organizing ideas in a logical and clear manner that
suits the writer’s purpose. To achieve this, it is
necessary to use appropriate grammatical signals or
Grammatical Signals/Expressions
Are writing devices such as transitional devices,
connectors, determiners, and repetitions that are used
to maintain text coherence. Coherence establishes a
logical connection between ideas in sentences and
paragraphs. These ideas can be developed through
different patterns depending on the writer’s purpose.
Patterns of Idea Development
It refers to the structure of writing on how the
ideas are being presented. These are:
• general to particular;
• cause and effect
• claim-counterclaim
• problem-solution; and
• persuasion.
General to Particular
This pattern of idea development discusses the
general topic by presenting specific details that support
the topic. The writer starts with the general idea
stated in the topic sentence. Then, it is elaborated and
explained through specific details and examples. In other
words, general to particular pattern is a deductive
method of organization. It is sometimes called
deductive method.
General to Particular
General Statement

Specific Details
General to Particular
Signal Words Examples
For GENERAL statements Generally, primarily, largely, in general
For MAJOR details First, second, third, another,
furthermore, moreover, in addition,
For PARTICULAR ideas For instance, for example, to
illustrate, to be specific, specifically,
particularly, such as, like
The Effect of Global Warming
The impact that global warming has on earth is
extremely serious. There are many hazardous effects
that will happen in the future if global warming
continues. For instance, melting of polar ice caps,
leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines
and slowly submerging continents are some of the
specific effects of global warming.
The Effect of Global Warming
The impact that global warming has on earth is
extremely serious. There are many hazardous effects
that will happen in the future if global warming
continues. For instance, melting of polar ice caps,
leading to an increase in sea level drowning coastlines
and slowly submerging continents are some of the
specific effects of global warming.
Cause & Effect
This pattern of idea development explains the
causes or the effects of something. When a writer
presents reasons, he or she explains the causes. When
a writer explains the results, he or she is explaining the
effects. Answers the questions:
• “Why did this happen?”
• “What were the results of a particular event?”
Cause & Effect
Signal Words Examples
For expressing causes because, causes, creates, due to, for
this reason, if this…then, leads to, on
account of, produces, since
For expressing effects as a result, consequently, hence, as an
effect, in effect, resulting, since,
therefore, thus
Cause & Effect
Here are some examples:
• Global Warming is happening because of the thinning
of the ozone layer.
• Global Warming is caused by the increase in green
house effect, resulting in a raised average earth's
Cause & Effect
Here are some examples:
• Global Warming is happening because of the thinning
of the ozone layer.
• Global Warming is caused by the increase in green
house effect, resulting in a raised average earth's
Claim & Counterclaim
This pattern of idea development refers to the
structure of presenting a side of an issue in an
argumentative manner. A claim is the writer’s stand
on a topic supported by evidence and logical reasoning.
Also, the writer presents the counterclaim or the
opposite stand of an issue to disprove it through
evidence and logical reasoning.
Claim & Counterclaim
Claim- a statement or declaration of belief or opinion.
It is an arguable idea used to support or prove an
argument. It tells what you think is true about a topic
based on your knowledge and your research.
Counterclaim- the opposite of claim. It is an idea that
opposes or is against a claim. Counterclaims are also
provable and supportable by reasons and evidence.
Claim & Counterclaim
Reasons and evidence- support and explain the validity
of an argument.
Claim & Counterclaim
Signal Words Examples
For claims agree, claim, conclude, discuss, illustrate,
observe, say, show, suggest, support, think,
state, propose, present, point out, explain
For counterclaims argue, refute, disagree, oppose, contradict,
however, but, in contrast, otherwise, not
withstanding, in opposition, nevertheless, on the
other hand/on the contrary, although… even
though… while it may be true…still others may
Claim & Counterclaim
Signal Words Examples
For citing according to… evidence shows… the work of
evidences _______ indicates… the study reveals… based
on the evidence/data… (the author) claims
Bullying: Break the Cycle
Many people argue that bullying is a natural part
of our humanity; in other words, preventative
measures are ineffective against this element of the
human condition; however, they fail to understand
that bullying is a cycle that has been perpetuated for
centuries and that all cycles can be broken. In fact,
bullying is emerged as the social problem epidemic.
Bullying: Break the Cycle
Many people argue that bullying is a natural part
of our humanity; in other words, preventative
measures are ineffective against this element of the
human condition; however, they fail to understand
that bullying is a cycle that has been perpetuated for
centuries and that all cycles can be broken. In fact,
bullying is emerged as the social problem epidemic.
Problem & Solution
This pattern of idea development is used when a
writer identifies a problem and addresses it by
presenting one or more solutions. A problem refers to
an unsatisfactory situation that causes troubles or
difficulties. A solution on the other hand, refers to the
ways in solving or minimizing the problem. Answers the
questions: “What is the problem?” and “What is the
possible solution?”
Problem & Solution
Signal Words Examples
For Problem & answer, challenge, need, difficulty, dilemma,
Solution enigma, improve, indicate, issue, plan a need,
problem, propose, remedied, resolve, respond to,
solve, suggest.
Problem & Solution
Here are some examples:
• “Since pollution has a detrimental impact on modern
living standards, a key solution is increased recycling
of waste products.”
Problem & Solution
Here are some examples:
• “Since pollution has a detrimental impact on modern
living standards, a key solution is increased recycling
of waste products.”
Problem & Solution
Here are some examples:
• “Many children suffer long-term consequences of
bullying. However, the problem can be remedied
through a three-pronged approach: (1) educating the
parents, (2) encouraging a community atmosphere,
and (3) implementing a peer mediation program.
Problem & Solution
Here are some examples:
• “Many children suffer long-term consequences of
bullying. However, the problem can be remedied
through a three-pronged approach: (1) educating the
parents, (2) encouraging a community atmosphere,
and (3) implementing a peer mediation program.
This pattern of idea development intends to
convince the readers to do or believe in something. It
allows the writer to express his or her personal
viewpoints about a topic to convince the readers. This
pattern of idea development is based on opinions and
Signal Words Examples
For Persuasion come, free, need, must, must not, necessary,
latest, hurry, join, help, best, better, great,
proven, trusted, create, come along, urgent,
amazing experience, avail now, I believe, I urge,
don't miss, can do it, and one of a kind.
A school bazaar is something you don’t want to miss!
Aside from the wonderful experience, attending it is
truly a great help. First, a school bazaar is filled with
fun activities. There are amusing games, great rides,
and entertaining attractions! Besides that, your ticket
purchase will help the school. Not only that, but it also
gives you a chance to win fabulous prizes. So, what
are you waiting for? Join now and experience the fun!
A school bazaar is something you don’t want to miss!
Aside from the wonderful experience, attending it is
truly a great help. First, a school bazaar is filled with
fun activities. There are amusing games, great rides,
and entertaining attractions! Besides that, your ticket
purchase will help the school. Not only that, but it also
gives you a chance to win fabulous prizes. So, what
are you waiting for? Join now and experience the fun!
Real-life Connection
Misunderstandings are very common in everyday
communication. But with the use of proper grammatical
signals, one can speak their intended meaning
accurately and precisely, reducing the risks of
misunderstanding. Grammatical signals are important in
life because they help us convey our thoughts and
ideas clearly and effectively to others.
Thank you

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