Effects of Traffic Violation and Demographic Characteristics On Traffic Safety in Sulaymaniyah City

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Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

Journal Home Page: https://sites.google.com/a/univsul.edu.iq/sjes

Effects of Traffic Violation and Demographic Characteristics

on Traffic Safety in Sulaymaniyah City
Burhan Muhamad Shareef1
Hardy Kamal Karim2
Hemn Unis Ahmed2
University of Sulaimani - College of Engineering - Irrigation Department
University of Sulaimani - College of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering

Article Inform Abstract

Article History: In order to increase traffic safety on our roads, certain forms of behavior
Received 23 June 2020
and personality traits of passenger car drivers were studied. As an
Accepted 09 Nov 2020
Available online 30 December 2020 attempt to understand the potential contribution of drivers’
impulsiveness and aggressiveness in traffic accidents in Sulaimaniyah
Keywords: Traffic violation, demographic City, this study was conducted. The correlation between drivers’
characteristics, traffic safety. impulsiveness and aggressiveness were also explored. Participants, who
filled Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) and Aggressive Driving
About the Authors: Behavior Questionnaire (ADBQ), were 244 drivers. The male drivers who
Corresponding author: answered the questionnaires were 143, while female drivers were 101.
Hardy Kamal Karim The results of the statistical analyses showed that male drivers are
E-mail: [email protected] driving more aggressively than female drivers; as a result, male drivers
Researcher Involved: faced higher numbers of traffic accidents than female drivers. There
Burhan Muhamad were no significant differences between male and female drivers
Hemn Unis Ahmed regarding drivers’ impulsivity. Speeding as a measuring scale of the
aggressive driving is significantly correlated with second-order
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/sjes.10142 impulsiveness subscales. The attentional and motor impulsiveness
subscales are more correlated with the total score of the driving
aggressiveness than non-planning subscale. There was moderate
correlation between the impulsiveness total score and the overall
© The Authors, published by University of aggressiveness score. The impulsiveness of the drivers was negatively
Sulaimani, college of engineering. correlated with the drivers’ ages and positively correlated with number of
This is an open access article distributed under crashes; while the driving aggressiveness was significantly correlated
the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution with number of crashes and negatively with gender and age of the
4.0 International License. drivers. The traffic police in Sulaimaniyah City can benefit from the
results of this paper during permitting driving license and enforcement

1. Introduction neglecting to yield emergency vehicles, swerving,

not wearing a seat belt and not securing young
Traffic violation laws cover any number of passengers in a child safety seat and failing to
unlawful activities involving the moving vehicle stop at a red light. Expired registration is an
or status of the vehicle. The most common law example of the traffic violation laws that is related
violations that deal with the moving vehicles are to the status of a vehicle; whereas driving with a
exceeding speed limits, drunk driving, tailgating, suspended driving license is related to the driver

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

violations [1]. Because some of the drivers’ Mohammadi (2011) investigated the prevalence of
inattention or distraction are not fully aware from mobile phone and seat belt usage during driving
drivers during driving performance; therefore, in college students aged between 18- and 24. The
the majority of traffic violations are unintentional researcher realized that more than 50% of college
. For example, right of way violations may be students driving without using seatbelts. The
resulted by errors in judging turning headway, study also obtained that females were less
failure to obey traffic signals or signs may be involved in injury traffic accidents. Moreover, it
resulted by driver inattention [3]. Cooper (1997) was indicated that the highest percentages of
identified that a clear distinction between the trauma and injury appeared on the college
conviction types of “exceeding the speed limits” students aged between 18 and 24 years [8]. Zhang.
and “excessive speed” in terms of accident- et al. (2013) investigated the risk factors
violation relationships [4]. It is believed that associated with traffic violations and accident
several factors contribute to conscious decisions severity in China, the researcher realized that one
to drive aggressively, such as disregard for the of the major risks that threating road safety is
law and for other drivers, traffic delays, running traffic violations [9]. Wahlberg et al. (2015) re-
late, anonymity, and habitual or clinical analyzed studies on prediction of accident
behavior[3]. involvement from DBQ factors, including lapses,
Vehicle moving violation is one of the major and many unpublished effects [10]; Winter et al.
causes of traffic accidents and road fatalities. (2015) explored the use of relatively approach for
Some researchers used self-reporting methods, human factors survey research called Crowd
which is based on Driver Behavior Questionnaire Flower. Statistical results showed that the
(DBQ) approach to investigate the effects of correlation between DBQ violations and self-
certain types of vehicle moving violations on reported accidents was ρ = 0.28. Self-reported
traffic accidents such as speeding, alcohol usage, accidents at the national level correlated strongly
set belt, and red-light violations. with accident statistics published by the World
Health Organization [11].
2. Literature Review Some other researchers used traffic violation and
accident recorded approach to investigate the
Many studies have been done about the drivers’ effects of certain types of vehicle moving
behavior related to traffic violations. Moyano-Diaz violations on traffic accidents. Gebers and Peck
(1997), measured attitudes toward 12 violation (2002) assessed the accuracy of predicting future
behaviors and compared casual attributions of accidents risk by analyzing various combinations
accidents. A survey contained 41 items assessing of prior driving records variables and
a judgment of seriousness for a group of violation demographic variables such as age, gender, and
behaviors and asking about causes of accidents. driving records. It was realized that the total
Women obtained a higher level of response to the historical accidents and violation records can be
seriousness index than men. Also, pedestrians used as a measure to predict high-risk drivers
had a higher levels of seriousness index than and a probability of subsequent accidents
drivers. Based on pedestrians’ considerations, involvement [12]. Alver et al. (2014) identified the
driving under the effects of alcohol and excessive relationship between socio-demographic
speed were the most important causes of traffic characteristics, traffic rule violations, and traffic
accidents; while the experts’ considerations were accidents among young drivers having 18-19
opposite [5]. Studies performed by Baker et al. years old. The results showed that 23.9% of the
(1992)[6] and Dissanayake and Lu. (2002)[7] drivers involved in at least one traffic accident in
obtained that fastening the seat belts, and using the last three years. This accident rate increased
alcohol affects the severity of accidents greatly. to 38.3% for the drivers who received at least one

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

traffic citation/violation in last three years and Among 400 questionnaire forms were spread to
peaked to 47.4% for the drivers who fined were passenger car drivers, 244 forms were
for seat belt violations in last three years [13]. appropriately responded by the drivers in which
Shawky et al. (2017) explored the relationship 143 drivers were male, and 101 of them were
between the at-fault drivers involved in traffic female. To know the effects of the traffic violation
accidents and their history of traffic violation and demographic characteristics on traffic safety,
records as a function of drivers’ behavior. Two the statistical software Minitab 16 was used to
main parameters, which addressed were accident analyze descriptive and inferential statistical
rate per drivers and ratio of drivers with accident. analyses. The average values of the scores that
Each parameter was investigated in terms of obtained from drivers’ respond related to the
different variables; total number of violations, violations questions and demographic
number of hazard violations, number of violations characteristics were taken and compared using z-
with penalty points and a cumulative number of test statistical methods. The correlations among
traffic penalty points. There were strong the violations and demographic characteristics of
relationships between the two parameters and the the drivers were obtained, too.
exploratory variables [14].
4. Presentation of the Data and Discussion of
3. Methodology the Results

The effects of traffic violations and demographic Table (2) shows the types of moving vehicle
characteristics of the drivers on traffic safety violations, as well as the average overall values of
were assessed by using ten questions selected the violations for the sampled male and female
from aggressive driving behavior questionnaire drivers in Sulaymaniyah City. The table also
(ADBQ) approach, which consisted of twenty included the p-values that obtained from
items that were filled by drivers. Six questions comparing the male and female violation types
were directly related to traffic violation that using z-test statistical method. Regarding the
included driving faster than speed limit, red light drivers who drive above the speed limits, it was
running, ignoring traffic signs and markings, obtained that there is a significant difference
bothering other drivers by cutting off, driving between male and female drivers’ behavior because
behind other vehicles very closely (tailgating), and the p-value calculated was less than 0.05. The
drunk driving. Among the driver demographic male drivers score for the speed limits was 31.1,
characteristics that have impacts on the which is higher than the female drivers score
manifestation of traffic violations, gender and age 24.3. There were no significant differences
as demographic indicators, the distances travelled between male and female drivers for the running
by the drivers as a driving experience; as well as through the red-light and drunk driving
participation in traffic accidents were selected. violations because the p-values are 0.665 and
Each of the drivers’ violation type related 0.054, respectively. Regarding the ignoring
questions was scored at six-point Likert scale (1 = traffic signs and markings and swerving violation
never, 2 = hardly at all, 3 = occasionally, 4 = types, the male drivers drive more violent than
often, 5 = quite frequently, 6 = nearly all the female drivers. Also, the male drivers drive too
time). Table 1 shows a sample of ADBQ form that closely behind other vehicles more than female
was used to collect the driving violation behavior. drivers. Considering overall average values of the
Among the ADBQ form, questions number 2, 6, violations, the male drivers violation score was
7, 11, 16, and 18 were used as indicators for the 21.2 which is greater than the violation’s score of
driving violations that mentioned before. the female drivers 12.7; therefore, it can be

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

concluded that male drivers are driving in more drive from 0 to 10 hours a week, the speeding
violate manner than female drivers. violation score is 24.78, while the speeding
Table 3 shows the average values of the accidents violation score becomes twice 45.8 when the
per person, hourly driving per week, and average drivers drive from 40 to 50 hours per week.
ages of male and female drivers. The results show These results support that when the drivers drive
that there is a significant different between male too long, they become tired and do more traffic
and female accidents per person; male drivers had violations during driving. When there is long
higher numbers of accidents 1.86 traffic accidents drive, the drunk driving violation score increases
per person than female drivers 0.88. This result rapidly; for example, the score become seven
supports that the male drivers are driving more times more when the drivers drive from 0-10 to
violate than the female drivers. The traveling 40-50 hours per week. The only exceptional case
hours for the male drivers are greater is that ignoring traffic signs and marking
significantly than female drivers; this is because violation in which the drivers score is becoming
in Mediterranean cultures males are more less when the hours of driving per week is
allowable than female to drive far away from their becoming greater; this is because the drivers
homes. The average age for the female drivers accustomed to follow the markings and signs
that sampled in this study is lower than the male when they drive more.
drivers however the samples were taken The values of Spearman's rank correlation
arbitrarily; therefore, it can be said that the male coefficient (rs) among the demographic
drivers continue to drive when they get old more characteristics of the drivers and the types of
than female drivers. The driver's ages were violations measurements and overall violation
separated into five group ranges from 18 to 65 score are shown in Table 6. The age of the drivers
years old. is negatively correlated with violation scores; for
Table 4 shows the types of moving vehicle example, it correlates with cutting off, overall
violations and the average value of the overall violation, and speeding with values of rs = 0.296,
violation based on the drivers age ranges. The 0.247, and 0.215 respectively. The age of the
numbers of the samples for each of the ranges are drivers is less correlated with other types of
shown in the table, too. For almost all of the violation scores. The number of accidents is
scores of the violation types and overall correlated with overall violation, tailgating, red
violations, as the ages of the drivers become light running, and ignoring traffic signs and
greater, the smaller score of the violation types markings with the values of rs = 0.265, 0.25,
and overall violation obtained. The scores decrease 0.223, and 0.201, respectively. The results of
gradually when the drivers age become older; correlation coefficient showed that there are small
however, the differences are bigger when the correlations between the drivers’ demographic
drivers age reaches 46. For example, when the characteristics and the types of violations
drunk driving score for the age of 26-35 is 9.74, measurements and overall violation scores;
for the age range of 36-45 is 8.77; while the score however, all of the other types of the violation
decreases rapidly to 5.77. This result indicated measurements are highly correlated with overall
that as when the drivers are getting old, they average value of the violation score. The highest
respect traffic laws more than before. value of the correlation is between tailgating
Table 5 shows the average values of the scores for violation type and the overall violation score is the
the types of moving vehicle violations and the highest correlation value 0.847. Red light
overall violation based on the hours that the running and speeding with the overall violation
drivers travel per week. The results show that the score approximately have the same correlation
longer distance the drivers travel, the more value, which is 0.66.
violations occurs; for example, when the drivers

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

The overall average value of the male and female swerving, tailgating, drunk driving, and
drivers, which is the average value of the all of overall violation become greater; on the other
the six types of violation scores, is 18.1. However, hand, the score of the violation of the
the value of the overall value of the violation score ignoring traffic signs and marking become
is not great; it should be taking into account the smaller because the driver accustomed more
role of traffic police to reduce number of traffic when they drive more.
accidents and improving efficiency of the traffic  The age of the drivers is negatively correlated
flows in Sulaymaniyah street networks. with violation scores of cutting off (rs =
0.296), overall violation (rs = 0.247), and
5. Conclusion and Discussion speeding (rs = 0.215); while it is less
correlated with other types of violation
This paper concentrated on the effects of moving scores.
vehicle violations and demographic parameters on  The number of traffic accidents is correlated
traffic accidents in Sulaymaniyah City. The with overall violation (rs = 0.265), tailgating
results can be used in order to overcome the (rs = 0.25), red light running (rs = 0.223),
violations that the drivers were questioned. The and ignoring traffic signs and markings (rs
conclusion of the results can be summarized as = 0.201).
follows:  All of the types of the violation measurements
 All of the scores of moving vehicle violation are highly correlated with the overall average
types including speeding, ignoring traffic value of the violation score.
signs and marking, swerving, tailgating, and  However, the overall value of the violation
drunk driving for the male drivers are score including male and female drivers is
greater than female drivers. not great (18.1 out of 100), it should be
 The overall average score of the violations of taking into account from traffic police to
the male drivers was 21.2 which is greater reduce number of traffic accidents and
than the overall average violation’s score of improving efficiency of the traffic flows in
the female drivers, which was 12.7; Sulaymaniyah street networks.
therefore, it can be said that the male drivers  Traffic police in Sulaimaniyah City can
drive their vehicles in more violatively benefit from the results of the study,
manner than female drivers. especially by focusing young and male
 As a result of the moving vehicle violations drivers during permitting driving license.
that male drivers do more than female Also, it is preferred to traffic police observe
drivers, female driver have faced less traffic the drivers’ violation on the streets during
accidents (0.88 accident/person) than male driving instead of stopping on intersections.
drivers (1.86 accident/person).
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Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

Table 1: Aggressive driving behavior questionnaire
Age: Male/Female: Hours driving/week No. of accidents
1. You become agitated or enraged when other drivers impede you, aren’t paying attention, or drive poorly around you on
the1 road.
= never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
2. You travel above the speed limit, even if you have more than enough time to reach your destination.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
3. When other drivers do get on your nerves, how often do you think negatively of them without reacting verbally?
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
4. You think that other drivers just aren’t thinking or paying enough attention when they anger you with their driving.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
5. When other drivers annoy or anger you, you try to think positively or just accept there are frustrating situations while
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
6. In cases where you know you can get away with it, you have no problem breaking minor laws or rules.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
7. When another driver angers you while on the road, you follow very close (tailgate) or otherwise try to scare them.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
8. You give the finger to drivers who annoy or anger you.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
9. When another driver angers you while on the road, you shout verbal insults towards then, even if they cannot hear you.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
10. You stick your tongue out or make faces at drivers that annoy you or make you mad.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
11. You drive intoxicated even when you realize that you may be over the legal limit.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
12. When another driver angers you at night, you shine your bright in their rearview mirror.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
13. You find being stuck in traffic or behind a slow driver especially annoying.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
14. When another driver angers you while on the road, you attempt to get revenge on them.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
15. You find drivers that are impatient (ex. Weave in and out of traffic, disregard stop signs, etc.) especially annoying.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
16. While driving, you fail to notice signs or other cars, misjudge other’s speed, etc.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
17. You “wake up” to realize that you have no clear recollection of the road along which you have just traveled.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
18. You take chances and run through red lights.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
19. If another driver is following too closely, you slow down or hit your breaks to get them to back off.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time
20. You shake your head at a driver who annoys you.
1 = never 2 = hardly at all 3 = occasionally 4 = often 5 = quite frequently 6 = nearly all the time

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

Table 2: Average values of traffic violations based on gender

Male Female
Type of moving vehicle violations p-Value
Average S.D Average S.D
Driving more than permitted speed limit (speeding) 31.1 28.2 24.3 23.8 0.041
Red light running 11.4 21.5 10.1 21.6 0.665
Ignoring traffic signs and markings 19.1 25.7 13.4 18.6 0.046
Bothering other drivers by cutting off (swerving) 30.2 30.5 22.8 24.5 0.035
Driving too closely behind other vehicles (tailgating) 17.7 28.0 5.9 15.5 0.0001
Drunk Driving 11.0 27.0 5.7 15.8 0.0540
Average value of violation score 21.2 18.8 13.7 12.7 0.0001

Table 3: Average values of drivers’ traffic accidents, traveling, and age based on gender
Male Female
Type of violation p-Value
Average S.D Average S.D
Average No. of accidents/person 1.86 1.920 0.88 1.02 0.0001
Hours driving / week 13.81 9.93 9.14 6.70 0.0001
Average Age 38.10 12.90 34.85 9.67 0.0270

Table 4: Average values of traffic violation based on drivers’ age

Age range (year)
Type of violation
18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65
Number 50 77 57 39 21
Driving more than speed limit 41 27.92 25.44 19.23 23.81
Red light running 12 12.99 11.84 8.33 2.38
Ignoring traffic signs and markings 17.5 19.81 17.54 14.1 5.95
Bothering other drivers by cutting 42.5 30.84 18.42 17.31 19.05
Tailgating 16 15.26 11.4 8.97 7.14
Drunk Driving 11 9.74 8.77 5.77 5.95
Average value of violation score 24.17 20.35 16.01 12.82 10.91

Sulaimani Journal for Engineering Sciences Volume 7 - Number 3 – December 2020

Table 5: Average value of traffic violation based on hours driving per week
Hours per week range
Type of violation
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
Number 114 88 23 13 6
Driving more than speed limit 24.78 28.69 33.7 38.5 45.8
Red light running 9.43 11.08 15.22 9.62 20.8
Ignoring traffic signs and markings 17.98 18.18 10.87 9.62 8.33
Bothering other drivers by cutting off 28.07 24.15 25 38.46 37.5
Tailgating 10.09 13.64 17.39 21.15 16.67
Drunk driving 7.46 6.53 10.87 19.23 37.5
Average value of violation score 16.74 18.23 19.93 23.08 24.31

Table 6: Correlations among types of violation, overall violation scores and demographical traits of the drivers.
No. Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Sex
2. Age -0.131

3. Hours/driving -0.26 0.073*

No. of
4. -0.293 0.169 0.128
5. Speeding -0.127 -0.215 0.168 0.144
Red light
6. -0.028* -0.106* 0.078* 0.223 0.256
7. traffic signs -0.121* -0.14 -0.11* 0.201 0.145 0.280
and markings
8. Cutting off -0.13 -0.296 0.047 0.053* 0.327 0.290 0.168
9. Tailgating -0.238 -0.112* 0.136 0.250 0.46 0.417 0.318 0.318
10. -0.114* -0.049* 0.171 0.139 0.316 0.515 0.301 0.273 0.564
Average value
11. -0.217 -0.247 0.114* 0.265 0.66 0.662 0.523 0.616 0.847 0.606
of violation
1- Negative values mean that the variables are correlated aversely.
2- * means that the p-value is less than 0.05.


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