LP Roxy PE Tumbang Presoo

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Detailed Lesson Plan

GRADE 5- Physical Education

Mentee: Roxanne S. Povadora

Mentor: Mr. Khyrthz Marco Salaguste


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to do the following with at least 75% level of

a. define tumbang preso

b. show interest and appreciation on playing tumbang preso; and

c. execute the different skills of the game.


Topic: Target games

Subtopic: Tumbang preso

References: K-12 PE Curriculum Guide

Materials: Slippers, Can, Chalk, Power Point


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class, please everybody stand up for Good morning, Ma’am. ( The students will stand
a prayer. up)

Once again, good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am.

Before you take your seats, pick up the pieces of

papers and cellophanes and arrange your chairs ( Students do as told)
You may now sit down ( Sitting down)

Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent from the class today? No one Ma’am.

Very Good! Everybody is present.

Let’s clap our hands for ourselves ( Students clap their hands)

Setting of classroom rules

Before we move to our new discussion, I want us to

have an agreement for us to have an organize flow
of discussion.

Everybody read! 1. Raise your right hand if you want to answer or

ask questions.
2. Listen and be quiet when someone is talking in
3.Use positive language and attitude.
4. Avoid going in and out.

Is it clear class? Yes, Ma’am.

B. Motivation

Now we will have an activity, let’s have four pics

in two word. I have four pictures here an di want
you to guess what the picture is all about. Is
everything clear class?

( Picture)

What is the correct answer of this picture? Tumbang preso

Very good! It is tumbang preso

C. Activity

Okay class let us now proceed, let us have a

brainstorming activity. I have here jumbled letters
and all you to do is to guess what the correct word

Now I will group you into two, and when I show

the jumbled letters, I will pick one representative
each group to answer.

Is everything clear class? Yes, ma’am.

So here it is, what is the correct word of this
jumbled letters?



NGTUBAM Tumbang preso

GETRAT Target games

In the activity we had, what are those word that Can, slipper, Chalk, Tumbang preso, and Target
was formed? games.

Okay, very good!

So, anyone who has an idea of what will be our I think our topic for today ma’am is all about target
topic for today? games.

Very good! This morning we will discuss about

Target Games. But before that let us know first our
objectives that we need to attain at the end of our

Everybody read! a. define tumbang preso

b. show interest and appreciation on playing
tumbang preso; and
c. execute the different skills of the game.
Thank you!

Now let us discuss what is target games.

Target games

Is a type of games where the player tries to throw,

slide or swing the checkers to hit or hit and carry or
capture the target to a designated area.

Target games can be singular or plural. Some of the

well-known target games of singular are palo sebo,
luksong baka, sipa, billiards, bowling, golf, tatsing,
and rock ball. Tumbang preso, bati cobra, luksong
tinik, ubusan ng lahi, siyato, football, soccer,
baseball, and Frisbee are examples of target games
that are plural.

The games included in the target games are those

that can be performed 3-5 times a week based on
the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid. This is
the second level of the pyramid guide. The
Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid guide is
divided into four levels that define the
recommended Frequency of doing various physical
activities, apart from being fun to play the target
games also have cultivated abilities.

After reading the definition of target games, are

you all sure that Tumbang preso is a target games? Yes,ma’am

Why? Because in playing tumbang preso there is a target

that will be thrown.
Very good! That means tumbang preso is a target

What do you think are the materials that is used in Can, Slipper, and Chalk.
playing Tumbang preso?

Alright! Can, Slipper, and Chalk are the materials

used in playing Tumbang preso.

So class, Tumbang preso is a target games that uses

slippers, can, and chalk. The chalk is used to make
a circle and the can is used as the prison inside the
circle. The use of the slipper is for targeting the
can. Tumbang preso can be played by more than
two players but it has only one bet.

There are ways in playing tumbang preso. 1. Put the can inside a circle with a diameterof one
Everybody read! foot.

2. The “manuhan” or red line is five to seven

meters away from the can.

3. Steer to select the bet, one by one stand on the

side of the can and throw the slipper on the steering
line. The one with slipper fusthest from the line
will be the bet.

4. The bet will run close to the can (either on the

back or side of the circle but he cannot block any
part of the can). The throwers, on the other hand ,
are in the drawing line.

5. Target a can one at a time with a slipper to

remove or throw it away from the circle.

6. Every time the can is thrown away, the bet will

take it and stand it back inside the circle.

7. If the can is spilled but it is still standing

anywhere in the play area, the bet will continue to
monitor it. There is no need to put it back in the

8. When the can is knocked down, this is the

opportunity for the throwers to pick up their
slippers and return to the drawing line.

9. When the can goes away and someone was

caught. Those who caught will be the new bet.

10. The player in the drawing board cannot be

caught. The bet can no longer be made if the can is

11. When the bet is drawn, the player can kick the
can to knock it down.

Thank you!

Does the way in playing tumbang preso clear to Yes, ma’am.

you class?

Okay, very good!

The following are the physical skills that will be

enhance in playing tumbang preso.

1. Targeting
2. Avoidance so as not to become a bet
3. Running so as not to become a bet
4. Throwing checkers
5. Picking-up the slippers

Characteristics that will be enhance in playing

tumbang preso.

1. Teamwork
2. Self-discipline
3. Determination
4. fair play
5. Sportsmanship


Class, target games are activities in which children

send an object towards a target. Some target games
might also involve avoiding different obstacles,
blocking the opposition’s thrown object or
Target games are usually included in children’s
activities because it teaches them new skills and
strategies that they can use in their daily life. They
will learn how to appreciate the distance, protect
the shot, and decide on different ways of throwing.

What is the importance of target games? The importance of target games is it develop
locomotor skills with a variety of activity drills,
movement skills, movement strategies and
movement concepts.

Very good! that is correct. It also develop fair play,

leadership, teamwork and communication skills
through team sport activities.

Are target games important for you as a children? Yes, because it teaches us new skills and stretegies
that we can use in our day to day life. We will also
learn how to appreciate the distance, protect the
shot, and decide on different ways of throwing.
Very good!


Now class, we will have a group activity. I will

group you into two. All you have to do is to
execute the following skills involved in playing
tumbang preso. Choose 5 representatives in your
group to do it in front.


1. Dodging
2. Running
3. Hopping
4. Throwing
5. Catching

Is it understood class? Yes, ma’am

( Let the students perform the task)


Which of the following is the equipment used in

game tumbang preso? Check the correct answer on
your answer sheets.

1. Slipper
2. Ball
3. Can
4. Bat
5. Chalk


In a short bond paper, paste two pictures of you playing tumbang preso. Be creative in doing it.

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