Research Study Chapter 3

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This chapter discussed the research methods, data gathering, procedures,

respondents of the study and instrumentation that were used in this study.

Research Design

The type of qualitative research design is case study and the method use

in gathering data is interview.


The study was conducted at Tominjao National High School, Tominjao,

Daanbantayan, Cebu, Division of Cebu Province during the school year 2019-

2020.Tominjao National High School is one of the 12 public secondary schools in

the Municipality of Daanbantayan and is located in Barangay Tominjao,

Daanbantayan, Cebu along the provincial road which is 133 km away from Cebu

City and four hours travel away by either bus or v-hire. It began its operation in

1995. Presently, it has 13 junior high school teachers, 12 senior high school

teachers and one school head. The respondents of the study have the total

population of 90 students which are all Grade 11 students in this school year

2019-2020. It envisions to produce globally competitive secondary graduates that

are academically equipped through excellent and quality education.

Figure 2. The Façade of the Study
Figure 3. Map of Daanbantayan Showing the Location of

Research Locale
Figure 3 would be a map of Daanbantayan showing the location of the

research locale. The research environment is about seven kilometers away from

the town of Daanbantayan, toward the northeastern part.

Population and Sample Size

The sample was drawn from 90 Grade 11 students of Tominjao National

High School, School Year 2019-2020. The Slovin’s Formula was used to

compute the sample and stratified random sampling was employed in selecting

the student-respondents who became the subject of the study. Table 1 shows the

distribution of student-respondents per section.

Slovin’s Formula
1+ N e 2
n = sample size
N = population size
e = marginal error
1 = constant
n= 2
1+ 90(0.05)
1+ 90(0.0025)
n=73.47 ( 74 )
Computation for sample per section:
%=0.816 ( 0.82 )
Table 1

Population and Sample Size

Sectio Male Female Total % Male Female Sample

CHEF 11 12 33 0.82 9 10 19
GAS 25 32 57 0.82 21 26 47
TOTAL 36 44 90 30 36 66

Table 1 showed that the Grade 11 Department had a total of 90, 36 of

which were males and 44 were females. Of the total population, 66 students

were chosen as sample for the study using stratified random sampling. Of these,

30 were male and 36 were female students. Of the 33 Chef 11 students, 19

students were chosen as sample, 9 of which were males and 10 were females;

and for Gas 11, out of 57 students, 47 were chosen as sample of which 21 were

males and 26 were females. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted

so that each of the levels of stratum of the population is adequately represented

in the sample.

Sample Technique

The sample comprised of 66 Grade 11 students selected by stratified

random sampling technique using fishbowl method was adopted to select the

respondents from the total population of 90 Grade 11 students so that each

individual had an equal and independent chance of being selected.

Each students’ name was written on a piece of paper and placed inside a

container. The container was then thoroughly shaken and slips of paper were

selected until the desired number of respondents was reached.


There were two sets of respondents of this study as shown in Table 2.

First, the 66 Grade 11 student-respondents of Tominjao National High School,

Tominjao, Daanbantayan, Cebu, S.Y. 2019-2020, who provided the demographic

profile as to age and sex and second, the 8 Grade 11 teacher-respondents who

determined the student-respondents’ academic performance. The data on the

table further revealed that out of the 66 Grade 11 student-respondents, 30 or

45.45 percent were males and 36 or 54.54 percent were females. As for the 8

Grade 11 teacher-respondents, five or 62.50 percent were males and three or

37.50 percent were females.

Table 2

Distribution of the Respondents

Category Number Percentage

Male 30 45.45
Female 36 54.54
Total 66 100.00
Male 5 62.50
Female 3 37.50
Total 8 100.00

The data on the academic performance of Grade 11 students were from

form 5 (previously form 18-A) or consolidated sheets at the office of the guidance


The data on the teacher-student relationship was taken from the result of

the responses of the respondents from the given interview.

Research Procedure

Conducting Interview. The researcher followed the protocol by asking an

approval from the school head to conduct the study. Then conducted the

interview to the respondents personally.

Gathering Data. The data gathering process was accomplished, first after

asking permission from the school administrator of the research to locale to

conduct an interview and get the on the profile of the research instrument. Both

sets of respondents were properly oriented before they were set to an interview,

after which, the answers were consolidated.


For better understanding, relevant terms are herein defined as used in

relation to the study.

Academic Performance. The term refers to the students’ average

academic grades of all subjects for the purpose of this study during the school

year 2019-2020 taken or obtained from the students’ permanent records or Form

137 and consolidated grade sheets.

Age. The term means the age of the respondent students while they were

still in their specific grade level in the school year 2019-2020.

Demographic profile. The term pertains the distinguishing characteristics

of an individual. In this study, it would encompass the age the gender and the

students’ academic performance.

Interview. The term refers to the formal consultation at which information is


Sex. The term defines the sexual category of the students and teachers,

respectively, whether male or female.

Teacher-student relationship. The term pertains the academic relation

between teachers and their students- a learner who is enrolled in an educational

institution instructor, teacher.

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