Venezuela Const 1 - 45

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Article 1: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is irrevocably free and independent, basing its moral

property and values of freedom, equality, justice and international peace on the doctrine of Simón
Bolívar, the Liberator. Independence, liberty, sovereignty, immunity, territorial integrity and national
self-determination are unrenounceable rights of the Nation.
Article 2: Venezuela constitutes itself as a Democratic and Social State of Law and Justice, which
holds as superior values of its legal order and actions those of life, liberty, justice, equality, solidarity,
democracy, social responsibility and, in general, the preeminence of human rights, ethics and political
Article 3: The essential purposes of the State are the protection and development of the individual and
respect for the dignity of the individual, the democratic exercise of the will of the people, the building
of a just and peace-loving society, the furtherance of the prosperity and welfare of the people and the
guaranteeing of the Fulfillment of the principles, rights and duties established in this Constitution.
Education and work are the fundamental processes for guaranteeing these purposes.
Article 4: The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a decentralized Federal State on the terms set forth
in this Constitution, governed by the principles of territorial integrity, cooperation, solidarity,
attendance and shared responsibility.
Article 5: Sovereignty resides untransferable in the people, who exercise it directly in the manner
provided for in this Constitution and in the law, and indirectly, by suffrage, through the organs
exercising Public Power. The organs of the State emanate from and are subject to the sovereignty of the
Article 6: The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and of the political organs
comprising the same, is and shall always be democratic, participatory, elective, decentralized,
alternative, responsible and pluralist, with revocable mandates.
Article 7: The Constitution is the supreme law and foundation of the legal order. All persons and
organs exercising Public Power are subject to this Constitution.
Article 8: The national flag with its yellow, blue and red stripes, the National Anthem "Gloria al bravo
pueblo" (Glory to the Brave People), and the coat of arms of the Republic are the symbols of the native
land. Law shall regulate their characteristics, meaning and use.
Article 9: Spanish is the official language. The use of native languages also has official status for
native peoples, and must be respected throughout the territory of the Republic, as constituting part of
the cultural heritage of the Nation and humanity.

Chapter I: Territory and Other Geographical Spaces

Article 10: The territory and other geographical spaces of the Republic are those which belonged to the
Captaincy-General of Venezuela before the political transformation begun on April 19, 1810, as
amended by virtue of the treaties and arbitration awards which have not been vitiated with nullity.
Article 11: The full sovereignty of the Republic is exercised on the continental, and insular spaces, lake
and river spaces, territorial sea, historic, vital and inland sea areas, and those lying within such straight
baselines as have been adopted or may come to be adopted by the Republic; seabed and under the
seabed of the aforementioned; the continental, insular and maritime air space and the resources located
within the aforementioned spaces, including genetic resources, migratory species, derived products and
any intangible components that may be present within the aforementioned spaces because of natural
The insular space of the Republic includes the Archipelago of Los Monjes, Las Aves, Los Roques, La
Orchila, La Tortuga, La Blanquilla, Los Hermanos, islands of Margarita, Cubagua and Coche, Los
Frailes, La Sola Island, Los Testigos Archipelago, Patos Island and Aves Island, as well as the islands,
islets, keys and banks located or coming in the future to emerge from the territorial sea, that covering
the continental sheaf or that lying within the limits of the exclusive economic zone.
As to the water spaces consisting of the contiguous maritime zone, the continental sheaf and the
exclusive economic zone, the Republic exercises exclusive rights of sovereignty and jurisdiction on
such terms, to such extent and subject to such conditions as may be determined by public international
law and national law.
The Republic has rights in outer space and in those areas which are or may be the Common Property of
Humanity, on such terms, to such extent and subject to such conditions as may be determined by public
international agreements and by the national legislation.
Article 12: Mineral and hydrocarbon deposits of any nature that exist within the territory of the nation,
beneath the territorial sea bed, within the exclusive economic zone and on the continental sheaf, are the
property of the Republic, are of public domain, and therefore inalienable and not transferable. The
seacoasts are public domain property.
Article 13: The territory shall never be assigned, transferred, leased or in any manner whatsoever
conveyed, even temporarily or partially, to foreign States or other international law subjects.
The geographical space of Venezuela is an area of peace. No foreign military bases or facilities having
purposes that are in any way military shall be established within such space by any power or coalition
of powers.
Foreign States or other international law subjects shall be permitted to acquire real property only for the
quarters of their diplomatic or consular delegations, within such area as may be determined and subject
to guarantees of reciprocity, with such limitations as may be established by law. In all such cases,
national sovereignty shall remain intact.
There shall be no conveyance of title to vacant land existing within the federal dependencies and on
islands in rivers and lakes, and the right to use the same shall be granted only in a manner that does not
involve, directly or indirectly, the transfer of title to the land.
Article 14: The law shall establish a special legal regime for those territories which, by the freely
adopted decision of their inhabitants and with the approval of the National Assembly, come to be
incorporated into the territory of the Republic.
Article 15: The State is responsible for establishing an overall policy in land, insular and maritime
border areas, preserving the territorial integrity, sovereignty, security, defense, national identity,
diversity and environment in accordance with cultural, economic and social development and
integration. Taking into account the inherent nature of each border region through special financial
allocations, an Organic Law on Borders shall determine the obligations and objectives comprising this

Chapter II: Political Division

Article 16: For purposes of the political organization of the Republic, the territory of the nation is
divided into those of the States, the Capital District, federal dependencies and federal territories. The
territory is organized into Municipalities.
The political division of the territory shall be regulated by an organic law which shall guarantee
municipal autonomy and administrative/political decentralization. Such law may provide for the
creation of federal territorial in certain areas within the States, the taking effect of which shall be
subject to the holding of a referendum to approve the same in the organ concerned. By special law, a
federal territory may be given the status of a State; being allocated part or all of the territorial area
Article 17: Federal dependencies are the maritime islands which are not incorporated into the territory
of a State, as well as any island that may form or appear in the territorial sea or that covering the
continental sheaf. Their regime and administration shall be provided by law.
Article 18: The city of Caracas is the capital of the Republic and the seat of the Organs of National
The provisions of this article shall not prevent the exercise of National Power elsewhere in the
A special law shall establish the territorial and political unit of the city of Caracas, incorporating into a
two-tier system of municipal government the Municipalities of the Capital District and those of the
State of Miranda. Such law shall provide for the organization, government, administration, competency
as well as resources of the city, with a view to its harmonious overall development. In any case the law
shall guarantee the democratic and participative character of its government.

Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 19: The State shall guarantee to every individual, in accordance with the progressive principle
and without discrimination of any kind, not renounceable, indivisible and interdependent enjoyment
and exercise of human rights. Respect for and the guaranteeing of these rights is obligatory for the
organs of Public Power, in accordance with the Constitution, the human rights treaties signed and
ratified by the Republic and any laws developing the same.
Article 20: Everyone has the right to the free development of his or her own personality, subject only
to the limitations deriving from the rights of others and public and social order.
Article 21: Al persons are equal before the law, and, consequently:
1. No discrimination based on race, sex, creed or social standing shall be permitted, nor, in general, any
discrimination with the intent or effect of nullifying or encroaching upon the recognition, enjoyment or
exercise, on equal terms, of the rights and liberties of every individual.
2. The law shall guarantee legal and administrative conditions such as to make equality before the law
real and effective manner; shall adopt affirmative measures for the benefit of any group that is
discriminated against, marginalized or vulnerable; shall protect in particular those persons who,
because of any of the aforementioned circumstances, are in a manifestly weak position; and shall
punish those who abuse or mistreat such persons.
3. People will only be officially addressed as Citizens, except for diplomatic forms.
4. No titles of nobility or hereditary distinctions shall be recognized.
Article 22: The recitation of rights and guarantees contained in this Constitution and in international
instruments concerning human rights are not to be understood as negating others inherent to
individuals, not expressly mentioned in such recitation. The absence of a law regulating these rights
shall not adversely affect the exercise thereof.
Article 23: The treaties, pacts and conventions relating human rights which have been executed and
ratified by Venezuela have a constitutional rank, and prevail over internal legislation, insofar as they
contain provisions concerning the enjoyment and exercise of such rights that are more favorable than
those established by this Constitution arid the laws of the Republic, and shall be immediately and
directly applied by the courts and other organs of the Public Power.
Article 24: No legislative provision shall have retroactive effect, except where it imposes a lesser
penalty. Procedural laws shall apply from the moment they go into effect, even to proceedings already
in progress; however, in criminal proceedings, evidence already admitted shall be weighed in
accordance with the laws that were in effect when the evidence was admitted, insofar as this benefits
the defendant.
When there are doubts as to the rule of law that is to be applied, the most beneficial to the defendant
will prevail.
Article 25: Any act on the part of the Public Power that violates or encroaches upon the rights
guaranteed by this Constitution and by law is null and void, and the public employees* ordering or
implementing the same shall incur criminal, civil and administrative liability, as applicable in each
case, with no defense on grounds of having followed the orders of a superior.
Article 26: Everyone has the right to access the organs comprising the justice system for the purpose of
enforcing his or her rights and interests, including those of a collective or diffuse nature to the effective
protection of the aforementioned and to obtain the corresponding prompt decision.
The State guarantees justice that is free of charge, accessible, impartial, suitable, transparent,
autonomous, independent, responsible, equitable and expeditious, without undue delays, superfluous
formalities or useless reinstating.
Article 27: Everyone has the right to be protected by the courts in the enjoyment and exercise of
constitutional rights and guarantees, including even those inherent individual rights not expressly
mentioned in this Constitution or in international instruments concerning human rights.
Proceedings on a claim for constitutional protection shall be oral, public, brief, free of charge and
unencumbered by formalities, and the competent judge shall have the power to restore immediately the
legal situation infringed upon or the closest possible equivalent thereto. All time shall be available for
the holding of such proceedings, and the court shall give constitutional claims priority over any other
The action for the protection of liberty or safety, may be exercised by any person and the physical
custody of the person of the detainee shall be transferred immediately to the court, without delay.
The exercise of this right shall not be affected in any way by the declaration of a state of exception or
restriction of constitutional guarantees.
Article 28: Anyone has the right of access to the information and data concerning him or her or his or
her goods which are contained in official or private records, with such exceptions as may be established
by law, as well as what use is being made of the same and the purpose thereof, and to petition the court
of competent competence for the updating, correction or destruction of any records that are erroneous
or unlawfully 'affect the petitioner's right. He or she may, as well, access documents of any nature
containing information of interest to communities or group of persons. The foregoing is without
prejudice to the confidentiality of sources from which information is received by journalist, or secrecy
in other professions as may be determined by law.
Article 29: The State is obliged to investigate and legally punish offenses against human rights
committed by its authorities.
Actions to punish the offense of violating humanity rights, serious violations of human rights and war
crimes shall not be subject to statute of limitation. Human rights violations and the offense of violating
humanity rights shall be investigated and adjudicated by the courts of ordinary competence. These
offenses are excluded from any benefit that might render the offenders immune from punishment,
including pardons and amnesty.
Article 30: The State has the obligation to make full reparations to the victims of human rights
violations for which it may be held responsible, and to the legal successors to such victims, including
payment of damages.
The State shall adopt the necessary legislative measures and measures of other nature to implement the
reparations and damage compensation provided for under this article.
The State shall protect the victims of ordinary crimes and endeavor to make the guilty parties provide
reparations for the inflicted damages.
Article 31: Everyone has the right, on the terms established by the human rights treaties, pacts and
conventions ratified by the Republic, to address petitions and complaints to the intentional organs
created for such purpose, in order to ask for protection of his or her human rights.
The State shall adopt, in accordance with the procedures established under this Constitution and by the
law, such measures as may be necessary to enforce the decisions emanating from international organs
as provided for under this article.

Chapter II: Nationality and Citizenship

Section One: Nationality
Article 32: Are Venezuelans by birth:
(1) Any person who was born within the territory of the Republic.
(2) Any person who was born in a foreign territory, and is the child of a father and mother who are both
Venezuelans by birth.
(3) Any person who was born in a foreign territory, and is the child of a father or a mother, who is
Venezuelan by birth, provided they have established residence within the territory of the Republic or
declared their intention to obtain the Venezuelan nationality.
(4) Any person who was born in a foreign territory, and is the child of a father or a mother who is
Venezuelan by naturalization, provided that prior to reaching the age of 18, they establish their
residence within the territory of the Republic, and before reaching the age of 25 declare their intention
to obtain the Venezuelan nationality.
Article 33: Are considered Venezuelans by naturalization:
(1) Foreign nationals who obtain a naturalization letter. In order to do so, they must have at least ten
years of uninterrupted residence immediately preceding the application date.
(2) The period of residence shall be reduced to five years in the case of foreign nationals whose original
nationality is that of Spain, Portugal, Italy, or a Latin American or Caribbean country.
(3) Foreign nationals who marry a Venezuelan, upon declaring their wish to adopt the Venezuelan
nationality, which may be done at least five years after the date of marriage.
(4) Minors of foreign nationality, on the date of the naturalization of one of his/her parent who
exercises parental authority, provided that such minor declares his or her intention of adopting the
Venezuelan nationality before reaching the age of 21, and has resided in Venezuela without interruption
throughout the five-year period preceding such declaration.
Article 34: The Venezuelan nationality is not lost upon electing or acquiring another nationality.
Article 35: Venezuelans by birth cannot be deprived of their nationality. The Venezuelan nationality by
naturalization can be revoked only by a judgment handed down by a court in accordance with law.
Article 36: Venezuelan nationality may be renounced. A person who renounces the Venezuelan
nationality by birth may regain such nationality if he or she establishes a residence within the territory
of the Republic for a period of at least two years, and expresses the intention of regaining the
Venezuelan nationality. Naturalized Venezuelans who renounce the Venezuelan nationality may regain
it by again meeting the requirements prescribed under article 33 of this Constitution.
Article 37: The State shall promote the celebration of international treaties related to nationality,
especially with the bordering countries and those indicated in item 2 of Article 33 of this Constitution.
Article 38: The substantive and procedural rules relating to the acquisition, election, renunciation and
recovery of the Venezuelan nationality, as well as the revocation and withdrawal of naturalization, shall
be determined by law, in compliance with the foregoing provisions.

Section Two: Citizenship

Article 39: Venezuelans who are not subject to political disablement or civil interdiction, and meet the
age requirements provided for in this Constitution, can exercise citizenship and therefore are entitled to
political rights and duties in accordance to this Constitution.
Article 40: Political rights are reserved to those who are Venezuelans, with the exceptions established
in this Constitution.
Naturalized Venezuelans who have entered the country prior to reaching the age of seven years and
have resided permanently in Venezuela until reaching legal age shall enjoy the same rights as
Venezuelans by birth.
Article 41: Only Venezuelans by birth who have no other nationality shall be permitted to hold the
offices of President of the Republic, Executive Vice President, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the
National Assembly, Justices of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, Chairman of the National Board of
Elections, Attorney General of the Republic, Comptroller General of the Republic, General Prosecutor
of the Republic, People Defender, Ministers with responsibilities relating to national security, finance,
energy and mining or education; Governors and Mayors of border States and Municipalities and those
contemplated under the Organic Law on the National Armed Forces.
In order to hold the position of member of the National Assembly, Minister or Governors and Mayors
of non-border States and Municipalities, naturalized Venezuelans must be domiciled in Venezuela with
at least fifteen years of permanent residence, as well as meeting the capability requirements provided
for by law.
Article 42: Anyone who loses or renounces to nationality loses citizenship. The exercise of citizenship
or any political rights can be suspended only by final judicial decision in the cases provided by law.
Article 43: The right to life is inviolable. No law shall provide for the death penalty and no authority
shall apply the same. The State shall protect the life of persons who are deprived of liberty, serving in
the armed forces or civilian services, or otherwise subject to its authority.
Article 44: Personal liberty is inviolable, therefore:
(1) No person shall be arrested or detained except by virtue of a court order, unless such person is
caught in fraganti. In the latter case, such person must be brought before a judge within forty-eight
hours of his or her arrest. He or she shall remain free during trial, except for reasons determined by law
and assessed by the judge on a case-by-case basis.
(2) The bail as required by law for the release of a detainee shall not be subject to tax of any kind.
(3) Any person under arrest has the right to communicate immediately with members of his or her
family, an attorney or any other person in whom he or she reposes trust, and such persons in turn have
the right to be informed where the detainee is being held, to be notified immediately of the reasons for
the arrest and to have a written record inserted into the case file concerning the physical or mental
condition of the detainee, either by himself or herself, or with the aid of specialists. The competent
authorities shall keep a public record of every arrest made, including the identity of the person arrested,
the place, time, circumstances and the officers who made the arrest.
(4) In the case of the arrest of foreign nationals, applicable provisions of international treaties
concerning consular notification shall also be observed.
(5) The penalty shall not extend beyond the person of the convicted individual. No one shall be
sentenced to perpetual or humiliating penalties. Penalties consisting of deprivation of liberty shall not
exceed 30 years.
(6) Any authority taking measures involving the deprivation of liberty must identify himself or herself.
(7) No person shall remain under arrest after a release order has been issued by the competent authority
or such person's sentence has been served.
Article 45: The public authorities, whether military, civilian or of any other kind, even during a state of
emergency, exception or restriction or guarantees, are prohibited from effecting, permitting or
tolerating the forced disappearance of persons. An officer receiving an order or instruction to carry it
out, has the obligation not to obey, and to report the order or instruction to the competent authorities.
The intellectual and physical perpetrators accomplices and concealers of the crimes of forced
disappearance of a person, as well as any attempt to commit such offense, shall be punished in
accordance with law.

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