Llacuna - Project No.1

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BES 7 TECHNOPRENEURSHIP 101 September 5, 2023

Do I want to be an entrepreneur? Write an essay.
As a student with ambitious plans and dreams for my future, achieving financial
stability is crucial for me to create the life I desire. Simply having a stable job is not
enough to reach the level where I can afford the things, I want for myself and my family
without worrying about the cost. In order to attain true financial stability, I believe that
having a stable job alongside being a successful entrepreneur is the key that will unlock
that door.

Living in a third-world country where a degree alone is insufficient to succeed in

life, aspiring to become an entrepreneur is a necessity. I anticipate facing numerous
struggles and challenges as I strive for success. While I understand that this is normal,
it feels like climbing the tallest mountain when surrounded by a toxic environment
characterized by job discrimination, lack of support, and unsupportive family members.

In the Philippines, having a degree is not enough to secure a stable job due to
high qualifications and standards. Moreover, the minimum salary is insufficient for
meeting one's needs, and the cost of goods is high. Merely dreaming of having a job is
insufficient to sustain oneself financially and fulfill personal desires. Therefore, taking
the risk of becoming an entrepreneur becomes a means of escaping this situation.

Recognizing this, I am determined to become an entrepreneur someday in order

to escape this toxic environment and achieve my dream of financial stability. However,
growing up in a family where some relatives eagerly await my failure and celebrate my
success adds pressure to my life. While it may be easy to ignore their negativity, it
would be different and more fulfilling to have the support and comfort of family as I face
challenges, whether financial or otherwise.

This is another reason why I aspire to become an entrepreneur and attain wealth.
I know that achieving this would enable me to break the cycle of negativity within my
family. Once I reach that point, I will assist my cousins and nephews in their studies and
job search. I want to build a family where individuals support each other in reaching
their goals without talking behind each other's backs.

I understand that reaching my dreams and goals will be akin to climbing the
tallest mountain, but I believe it is possible. With dedication, self-discipline, and faith in
God, nothing is impossible. The presence of job discrimination, lack of support, and
unsupportive family members in my country are not insurmountable obstacles that will
deter me from striving for success. For me, having a job alone is insufficient to fulfill my
aspirations; it is the combination of a stable job and entrepreneurial success that will
enable me to achieve my goals.

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