GR 6 Bubble Art Rubric

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OP Art Color Pencil Drawing Rubric

Criteria Exceptional (4) Pro cient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
Understanding Demonstrates a Shows a solid Demonstrates a basic Lacks a clear
of OP Art profound grasp of OP Art understanding of OP understanding of OP Art
understanding of concepts, Art, but may lack principles, resulting in
OP Art principles, creating complexity or minimal optical illusion.
e ectively noticeable optical engagement.
conveying optical e ects.
illusions and
engaging the
Artistic Exceptional use Skillfully applies Utilizes color pencils Struggles with basic
Techniques of color pencil color pencil adequately but with color pencil techniques,
techniques, techniques with limited variation and resulting in a lack of
displaying a high good control and precision. nesse and clarity.
level of skill and attention to detail.
Geometric Uses complex E ectively Uses basic geometric Struggles to incorporate
Abstraction geometric shapes employs shapes and patterns, geometric abstraction
and patterns to geometric but they may lack depth e ectively.
create intricate abstraction to or intricacy.
optical e ects. create optical
Color Theory Expertly applies Demonstrates a Utilizes color theory to a Shows minimal
color theory, solid limited extent, with understanding of color
creating understanding of some inconsistencies or theory, resulting in jarring
harmonious and color theory, clashes. or inappropriate color
impactful color creating pleasing choices.
schemes. color
Symmetry and Achieves perfect Demonstrates Shows some attempt at Lacks symmetry and
Balance symmetry and strong symmetry symmetry and balance, balance, impacting the
balance, and balance in but there may be overall aesthetic.
enhancing the the composition. noticeable irregularities.
overall impact of
the artwork.
Pattern Creates intricate Successfully Uses patterns to a Struggles to create
Creation and visually designs patterns limited extent, with meaningful patterns
engaging that contribute to some lack of clarity or within the artwork.
patterns that the overall e ect. impact.
enhance optical
Optical Skillfully E ectively utilizes Includes optical illusions Fails to incorporate
Illusions incorporates optical illusions to to a limited extent, with optical illusions
optical illusions, create engaging less impact or clarity. e ectively.
resulting in visuals.
dynamic visual
e ects.
Composition Masterfully Successfully uses Shows some e ort in Lacks e ective
and employs composition and composition and composition and
Perspective composition and perspective to perspective but may perspective, impacting
perspective to enhance the lack depth or clarity. the illusion.
create depth and illusion of space.
Artistic Demonstrates a Displays a Shows some individual Lacks signi cant
Expression highly original creative and creativity but relies on individual creativity,
and creative unique established conventions. resembling generic OP
approach to OP interpretation of Art.
Art, showcasing a OP Art principles.
unique personal
Craftsmanship Presents the Presents the Displays the artwork Presents the artwork with
and artwork with artwork with with basic poor craftsmanship and
Presentation exceptional good craftsmanship, with a lack of attention to
craftsmanship craftsmanship some imperfections or detail.
and attention to and a well- rough edges.
detail. nished
Overall Impact Creates a visually Generates a Creates an OP Art piece Fails to create a
stunning and visually appealing that is visually compelling OP Art piece,
captivating OP OP Artwork that interesting but lacks a lacking visual appeal or
Art piece that engages the strong impact. engagement.
leaves a lasting viewer.

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