Majeed Et Al 2022 Sustainability-14-11703

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Green Marketing Approaches and Their Impact on Green
Purchase Intentions: Mediating Role of Green Brand Image and
Consumer Beliefs towards the Environment
Muhammad Ussama Majeed 1 , Sumaira Aslam 2 , Shah Ali Murtaza 3, * , Szakács Attila 4 and Edina Molnár 3

1 Department of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Lahore Campus,

Lahore 54000, Pakistan
2 School of Commerce and Accountancy, University of Management and Technology, Lahore 54770, Pakistan
3 Institute of Management and Organizational Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Debrecen, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary
4 Institute of Marketing and Commerce, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Debrecen,
4032 Debrecen, Hungary
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Today, customers see businesses as more than just profit seekers, they see them as organi-
zations that are concerned about the well-being of their societies. Therefore, businesses have made
sustainability a primary focus by implementing green marketing tactics to encourage consumers
to buy green goods. The intention to buy green products was examined in relation to factors such
as eco-labelling, green packaging and branding, and green products, premium, and pricing. This
study analyses a model that incorporates green marketing techniques based on the responses of
450 people to a survey. In addition, the paper investigates the moderating effect of green brand
Citation: Majeed, M.U.; Aslam, S.;
image and customer views on the environment on the link between green marketing and green
Murtaza, S.A.; Attila, S.; Molnár, E.
Green Marketing Approaches and
purchase intentions. This study’s framework is confirmed by using structural equation modelling
Their Impact on Green Purchase (SEM). The findings of this study show that green marketing methods significantly and positively
Intentions: Mediating Role of Green affect customers’ intentions to make environmentally friendly purchases. When looking at the path
Brand Image and Consumer Beliefs coefficient between green marketing techniques and green purchase intents, we discovered that green
towards the Environment. brand image and customer environmental attitudes considerably moderated this relationship. This
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703. study provides regional and international enterprises and governments with information on how to enhance consumers’ intentions to make green purchases. Significant findings from this study support
favourable social behaviour toward green marketing. Towards the examination of the consumers’
Academic Editors: Manfred green purchasing intents, this research underlined the importance and function of green brand image
Kirchgeorg and Christoph Burmann and customer attitudes regarding the environment. The packing of the items should be eco-friendly
and prevent excessive paper and plastic packaging. Companies should leverage the environmental
Received: 19 August 2022
features of their products for branding purposes.
Accepted: 13 September 2022
Published: 18 September 2022
Keywords: green pricing; eco-labelling; green marketing strategies; green branding; green purchase
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral intentions
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-

1. Introduction
Human industrial practices are creating an excess of greenhouse gas emissions (such
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
as CO2 and methane), resulting in physical and chemical changes in soil, air space, and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. seawater, and leading to more unpredictable climatic variations such as famine, severe
This article is an open access article thunderstorms, and warmer temperatures [1]. Reduction and variation in rainfall events is
distributed under the terms and due to climate change, which has a great impact on the agriculture sector.
conditions of the Creative Commons Human activities are involved in estimations that global warming could reach approx-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// imately 10 ◦ C. The estimation of increasing anthropogenic global warming per decade is 0.2 ◦ C (likely between 0.1–0.3 ◦ C). If global warming keeps on increasing at the same pace,
4.0/). then it will reach 1.5 ◦ C between 2030 and 2052 [2]. According to reports, increased global

Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703.

Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 2 of 18

warming has caused the temperature of land and oceans to rise, and heavy precipitation
or drought in many areas. The use of resources is increasing in those countries where the
population is increasing tremendously [2].
Consequently, many firms are considering environmental protection as their social
responsibility because of climate change and environmental risks are now becoming chal-
lenging. The first reason is that people are not showing responsibility and are not more
concerned about environmental risks. In general, people are also unable to realize how
their attitudes and behaviours lead to environmental problems [3,4]. The second reason
is that due to the scientific complexity of the environmental problems it is difficult for a
layperson to understand them with limited knowledge of mathematics, physics, etc., [5].
Third, it is observed that the culture and concepts of people related to the environment and
climate change are the results of their sociocultural beliefs and values [6–9]. Human en-
gagement and commitment towards environmentally friendly products increases through
green marketing [10].
The concept of “green marketing” is gaining an important position on a global scale.
Because of its strong connection to the cause of preserving the natural world, “green”
advertising is often regarded as an effective marketing tactic that can be applied to the
promotion of services, goods, and business concepts [11]. Recent increases in green cus-
tomers have created a new market opportunity for the global economy. Scholars have been
interested in green marketing and techniques for preserving the natural environment since
the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, green marketing, and associated concepts have grown in
popularity [12,13].
Due to advancements in environmental, scientific, and networking technologies, such
as the world wide web, as well as increased public awareness of and concern with ecolog-
ical challenges [14], such as the progressively increasing population and the worldwide
temperature alteration, it is more important than ever to understand green purchase inten-
tion [15].
To deal with the growing environmental concerns it is very significant for marketers
to investigate the aspects that influence consumer views and purchase decisions regarding
a company’s offerings [16]. Values, trust/information, requirements and inspirations,
attitudes, and socioeconomic factors are some of the aspects to consider [17]. Moreover,
several mediating factors, such as eco-labels and customer response, impact customers’
willingness to spend extra for environmentally friendly products [18,19].
Although most buyers incline toward an environmentally better product over a sub-
standard one in terms of the environment [20] in any case, data suggest that consumers
frequently will not pay more for an environmentally friendly product [21]. Oddly, and
unfortunately, it has been noticed that consumers with a strong inclination toward environ-
mental issues are not particularly interested in acquiring green services and products [22].
Customers may have concerns over the environmental responsibility of a company, the
quality, affordability, and accessibility of green products and services, as well as the com-
pany’s determination and devotion to the environment [23]. In addition to this, maintaining
some sort of credibility has emerged as one of the most critical aspects of green marketing.
Customer trust level can be enhanced by reducing the perceived risk of consumers about
green products and services as it ultimately assists in removing the consumer suspicion [24].
Furthermore, many green products and services are revolutionary, prompting individuals
to upgrade their preferences [25].
Green marketing involves stakeholder evaluation to build a significant prolonged
association with consumers while preserving, sustaining, and enriching the natural envi-
ronment [26]. Organizations use green marketing for five purposes: (1) taking advantage
of green opportunities; (2) strengthening brand image; (3) enhancing product value; (4) im-
proving competitive advantage; and (5) adhering to environmental advancements [27].
A strong and favourable association was established between green purchase intention
with a green price, eco-friendly packaging, and advertisement regarding environmental
concerns [28].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 3 of 18

The findings of this study will assist marketers in designing a green marketing model
to enhance green buying behaviour by investigating the key elements: ”Eco-labelling, green
packaging and branding, green products, premium and pricing, green brand image, and
customer beliefs towards the environment”. Customers’ perceptions of risk and value
concerning products have been studied in the past, but none has explored them concerning
green marketing and environmental challenges. As a result, this study fills a research gap.
In addition, the concepts of “green marketing” and “consumer behaviour” in relation to the
environment have not been examined sufficiently. In general, the discipline of marketing
research has looked at both green marketing and consumer behaviour from a number
of different perspectives [25,29–32]. Over time, consumer support for environmental
preservation has intensified, leading to higher demand for green products [25,33–39]. As a
consequence of this, one of our primary study objectives was to fill in some of the existing
knowledge gaps in the fields of green marketing and sustainable consumer attitudes. This
research, which is based on our findings, provides recommendations on how these factors
might be incorporated into the economy. This research looks at the following questions:
1. Does eco-labelling have a significant impact on green purchase intention?
2. Does green packaging and branding has a significant impact on green purchase intention?
3. Do green products’ premium and pricing have a significant impact on green pur-
chase intention?
4. Does green brand image significantly mediate the relationship between eco-labelling
and green purchase intention?
5. Do green packaging and branding significantly mediate the relationship between
eco-labelling and green purchase intention?
6. Do green products, premium, and pricing significantly mediate the relationship
between eco-labelling and green purchase intention?

2. Literature Review and Hypotheses Development

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been an increasing amount of
research that suggests that the environmental sustainability holistic approach is associated
with improved corporate commercial success [40]. Concerns about environmental degra-
dation in society have increased competitive pressure and introduced new obstacles for
businesses to overcome [41,42]. The worldwide living environment has worsened in recent
years as a result of population increase and to meet consumer expectations. Consumer
lifestyle and behaviour are linked to environmental system destruction. By gradually
raising environmental consciousness and environmental preservation, people have par-
ticipated in the formation of corporations that promote the ecosystem and environmental
standards to avert irreversible environmental devastation by means of restrictions placed
on international trade [43]. To maintain sustainable development over the long term, it is
currently advised that businesses engage in activities such as paying attention to the signifi-
cance of environmentally friendly products and environmentally responsible consumption.
Whether a person is acting as a customer or a company owner, the natural environment
has emerged as a topic of concern that is both relevant and essential [44]. As traditional
marketing overemphasizes consumer requirements while ignoring social welfare and envi-
ronmental problems, this issue has permeated all aspects of companies, affecting marketing
and resulting in the development of the concept of green marketing [45].
During the course of the last few decades, environmental issues have evolved into a
component of a company’s responsible and sustainable approach to conducting business.
Additionally, environmental concerns have become a competitive possibility for social
entrepreneurship and growth [46]. This idea represents the entrepreneurial company’s vol-
untary commitment to contributing to a greener planet and better people. It also describes
the firm’s dedication to improving people’s lives. Environmental entrepreneurship and
green marketing are two terms that have recently gained popularity, reflecting the public’s
growing concern for the ways in which new businesses’ resources and skills affect the
environment. Consequently, corporate initiatives that benefit the environment may result
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 4 of 18

in increased commercial competitive advantages [47,48]. Green marketing is a set of actions

that aim to ensure that the product exchange, which is the most essential component of
marketing, has the smallest potential negative effect on the environment [49]. A “holistic
management strategy that recognises, predicts, and serves the requirements of customers
and enterprises effectively and sustainably” is what Peattie calls “green marketing” [50].
However, other sources claim that a more comprehensive definition of green marketing
is based on activities such as the early phases of planning, executing, and controlling the
growth, product pricing, and advertising, as well as manufacturing and distribution of
products in a way that fits the requirements of meeting consumer wants while also accom-
plishing the corporation’s goals, and connecting these procedures to the environment. In
other words, green marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to minimise the negative
impact of a company’s operations on the environment [51].
At the core of strategic green marketing initiatives is a sense of social responsibility and
a willingness to align marketing efforts with the expectations of both existing stakeholders
and those who may emerge in the future. Sustainable marketing decisions result in long-
term, corporate-wide environmental sustainability efforts [52]. A green marketing plan
entails a shift in the customer–firm relationship. Firms must create both the functional and
emotional qualities of a product to suit the demands of ecological customers. The majority
of environmental issues include people’s environmentally friendly demands, which differ
from a traditional marketing plan. Green marketing is considered a proactive approach
as well as a long-term sustainable goal of the firm [53]. The main goal of green marketing
is to gain a competitive edge by strategically placing items in the minds of customers.
To accomplish this, all stakeholders in the value chain must be aligned with the green
marketing objectives. This involves collaboration and environmental awareness from all
concerned parties. “Market segmentation, green product creation, green positioning, green
price determination, green logistics, sufficient residual management, green communication,
green partnership development, and having an adjusted marketing mix” are some of the
most important aspects of a green marketing strategy [54,55]. A firm must complete its
homework and be clear on what it should do when developing a green marketing plan to
get a competitive advantage [56]. This is an important consideration since accomplishing
corporate goals includes more than just profit, they also entail making a good contribution
to the environment. In order to maximize the advantages of green marketing, a marketing
strategy needs to address some essential areas of importance, such as demographic segmen-
tation, developing sustainable products, green positioning, setting green prices, or using
green supply chain management, treatment and disposal management, launching green
advertisements, solidifying green partnerships, and having the adequate green market [57].
Eco-labelling affects consumer behaviour since it reveals environmental concerns and
product attributes [58]. It provides environmental product information to corporate users
and consumers. Eco-labelling helps formulate environmental regulations and encourages
ecologically sustainable product and service use. In addition to this, it is compatible with
the multi-stakeholder policy as well as the related framework [59]. Eco-labelling has led to
customer confusion, making it difficult to forecast product environmental quality [60]. The
environmental effect of a product is a key part of its life cycle and an accreditation criterium.
Eco-labels let consumers choose items and services with the minimal environmental effect
over time. This cycle begins with raw material gathering and ends with disposal [61].
In the present body of research, a variety of corporate strategies and objectives about
eco-labelling for items that are already labelled as well as those that are not labelled have
been investigated [62]. Also, the competitiveness of products with eco-labels has been
looked into again. Also, the idea of eco-labelling has been brought up in the recent research
on green technology investment that has been published. For the purpose of eco-labelling,
for instance, academics have concentrated their attention on investment, environmental
quality behaviour, and price competitiveness. Eco-labelling has been identified as a signifi-
cant instrument for reducing investment in low-quality products, and it has been found that
businesses producing low-quality goods face intense competition. As a result, these busi-
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 5 of 18

nesses are able to improve their productivity through the application of eco-labelling [63].
Therefore, this study deduced the following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1 (H1). Eco-labelling has a positive and significant impact on green purchase intention.

Green packaging, also referred to as sustainable packaging or eco-friendly packaging,

is fully comprised of naturally occurring substances, can be reused or recycled and is prone
to degradation, and encourages environmental sustainability during its whole lifespan.
In addition, green packaging is safe and good for the environment as well as the health
of people and animals [64]. However, consumers are becoming more conscious of green
packaging and branding as a result of rising environmental concerns. Usually, brands influ-
ence customer perceptions of green products, as a successful green position requires brand
distinctiveness and a unique selling point to succeed. According to recent research, prod-
ucts with no green features and attributes have less commercial success [65,66]. Customers
will recognise a firm as a “sustainable brand” if it effectively conveys the distinctive green
value it creates via its environmentally friendly offerings [67,68]. According to studies,
green positioning is also crucial to the success of green branding initiatives [69]. There is
a favourable correlation between the green attributes of the product and green purchas-
ing intentions, according to previous studies on green products and environment-related
activities. Another study revealed that consumers in Europe have a favourable attitude
towards eco-branded items [70,71]. As a consequence of this, the second hypothesis can be
formulated in the following way:

Hypothesis 2 (H2). Green packaging and branding has a positive and significant impact on green
purchase intention.

Customer investment in renewable energy is facilitated by the concept of “green

pricing”. Customers respond well to premium pricing tactics in several regions. The
quality of items with green premium pricing has also been proven to be greater [72].
Furthermore, research have shown that the majority of consumers are prepared to pay a
premium for already available ecologically friendly items [73]. According to estimates,
customers are more likely to participate in green pricing systems when green energy sources
have fewer negative side effects, create more jobs, and provide financial incentives such
as tax credits [74]. Furthermore, a well-designed environmental regulatory pricing plan
encourages green activities, giving businesses a competitive edge. Product production and
price strategies have a direct influence on a company’s profitability; hence, using the right
pricing strategy while keeping the environment in mind may help a company succeed [75].
The green price of items is determined by several components. Consumer involvement
rates are significantly influenced by green pricing and associated initiatives [76]. Similarly,
a favourable correlation exists between the desire to engage in green purchasing behaviour
and the attitude towards buying green items [77]. As a result, this research indicates that:

Hypothesis 3 (H3). Green products, premium, and pricing has a positive and significant impact
on green purchase intention.

Some other authors also define “green brand image” is “a specific group of ideas,
thoughts, and apprehensions about a brand in the minds of customers that are tied to
sustainability and eco-friendly concerns” [78]. The image of the green brand is a subset
of the overall brand image. When a company promises to offer environmentally friendly
items, current quality perceptions in the minds of consumers may help to boost a greener
brand image [79]. According to the findings of another study, the results of green marketing
are strongly linked to the creation of a favourable brand image for environmentally friendly
products. Furthermore, the study found that customer identity, in conjunction with product
excellence and corporate and social responsibility viewpoints, has a significant impact
on customers’ intentions to use environmentally friendly brand products [80]. According
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 6 of 18

to Mourad (2012), green brand image has a positive influence on the selection of envi-
ronmentally friendly brands. This indicates that a brand image that is environmentally
friendly has an effect on the reputation of the firm, and a brand image that is positive
enhances the possibility that consumers would adopt environmentally friendly goods [81].
The development of a strong marketing strategy is the first step in achieving success in
expanding a company’s customer base and keeping existing customers committed to its
offerings. People tend to act in a manner that is widely acceptable in society and are drawn
to things that are already well-known, as suggested by the social cognitive theory. To clarify,
people’s attitudes and perceptions of a brand play a crucial role in their decision to buy,
how they behave after they do so, and how they treat the brand overall [82]. Therefore, it is
referred to as:

Hypothesis 4 (H4). Green brand image significantly mediates the relationship between eco-
labelling and green purchase intention.

Hypothesis 5 (H5). Green brand image significantly mediates the relationship between green
packaging and branding and green purchase intention.

Trust may be measured by the degree to which an individual believes the product
will live up to their expectations. Trust in the brand is a major factor in determining loyal
customer behaviour over time [83]. As a result, consumer trust has an impact on customer
intent to buy [84]. Literature from the past suggests that consumer intents to purchase are
affected by buyer trust. Consumers’ purchasing intentions are influenced by their level of
confidence in the company. This has been proven in different research [85]. Consumers’
propensity to spend more for eco-friendly goods varies not just by product category but also
by the perceived value added. Consumers are prepared to pay a premium for eco-friendly
goods, albeit the exact amount they are ready to spend varies by product category and
savings expected [86]. Another study on hybrid cars seems to support the findings that
consumers are willing to pay a premium for an environmentally friendly vehicle, despite
the fact that this premium is relatively low and is influenced by the likelihood of a return
on investment [87]. Therefore, the sixth hypothesis is written as follows:

Hypothesis 6 (H6). Green brand image significantly mediates the relationship between green
products, premium, and pricing and green purchase intention.

Environmental issues and concerns affect all businesses and individuals across the
world [88]. Consumers are concerned about the environment, and as a result, their pur-
chasing habits have gradually altered to support the preservation of the environment [89].
Because people are worried about the environment, their shopping behaviours have steadily
shifted to reflect their desire to contribute to the protection of the environment in some
way [90]. Creating a value for the environment is one of the behaviours that is signifi-
cant [91]. On the other hand, there is the viewpoint that consumers who are concerned
about the environment do not always act in a way that is beneficial to the environment.
According to the findings of an empirical study, only a tiny fraction of consumers have
shown an interest in recycling goods, are concerned about pollution, and are willing to
pay extra for environmentally friendly products [92]. Therefore, the seventh and eight
hypotheses state that:

Hypothesis 7 (H7). Customer beliefs towards the environment significantly mediate the relation-
ship between eco-labelling and green purchase intention.

Hypothesis 8 (H8). Customer beliefs towards the environment significantly mediate the relation-
ship between green packaging and branding and green purchase intention.
Hypothesis 8 (H8). Customer beliefs towards the environment significantly mediate the relation-
ship between green packaging and branding and green purchase intention.

The “Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)” explains that human conduct is impacted
by a person’s ideas and attitudes. The subjective norm is the second most significant pre-
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 7 of 18
dictor of behavioural intention, but attitude is by far the most important.[93]. Another
study was conducted in 1980 by Ajzen and Fishbein and found that the majority of hu-
man behaviour can be predicted from the individual’s purpose. Behavioural purpose
The “Theory
depends of Reasoned
on attitude Action (TRA)”
and perceived explains
norms [94]. that1human
Figure conduct
represents the isframework
impacted byof the
a person’s ideas and attitudes. The subjective norm is the second most significant predictor
study. Customers’ views towards hotel green activities were impacted by their behav-
of behavioural intention, but attitude is by far the most important [93]. Another study was
ioural beliefs in environmental conservation, according to Han, Hsu, and Sheu (2010).
conducted in 1980 by Ajzen and Fishbein and found that the majority of human behaviour
They demonstrated that behavioural beliefs influenced their attitudes toward environ-
can be predicted from the individual’s purpose. Behavioural purpose depends on attitude
and conservation
perceived norms [95].
[94]. Following is a hypothesis
Figure 1 represents that has of
the framework beenthedeveloped on the basis
study. Customers’
of these
views discussions:
towards hotel green activities were impacted by their behavioural beliefs in envi-
ronmental conservation, according to Han, Hsu, and Sheu (2010). They demonstrated
that 9 (H9).
behavioural Customer
beliefs beliefs
influenced towards
their the environment
attitudes significantly
toward environmental mediate the[95].
conservation relation-
ship between
Following is agreen products,
hypothesis premium,
that has beenand pricing and
developed green
on the purchase
basis of theseintention.

Figure Frameworkofofthe

3. Methods 9and(H9). Customer beliefs towards the environment significantly mediate the relation-
ship between green products, premium, and pricing and green purchase intention.
The current study is non-contrived quantitative research. Individuals are the unit of
3. Methods targeted respondents are addressed individually. Each statement is solicited to
and Materials
the current
studyperception of it. This
is non-contrived study’s demographic
quantitative covers allare
research. Individuals customers
the unit who
of analysis; targeted respondents are addressed individually. Each statement is solicited who
buy green products from hypermarkets or online platforms in Pakistan. Customers
to intothe this category prefer
individual’s to dooftheir
perception shopping
it. This at large shopping
study’s demographic coversmalls or shopping
all customers
centres because these establishments stock a greater variety of environmentally
who buy green products from hypermarkets or online platforms in Pakistan. Customers friendly
who falland
intoservices. Examples
this category preferof
tothese goods
do their and services
shopping at large include
or shoppingdevices
and gadgets,
centres because green
thesepackaged goods,stock
establishments basicacommodities,
greater varietyand a variety of environmentally
of environmentally friendly
goods and services. Examples of these goods and services include green electronic devices
and gadgets, green packaged goods, basic commodities, and a variety of environmentally
friendly products. However, the exact number of consumers is unclear because there is
no method to measure how many individuals enter these malls or buy green products
online [81]. It would be best to conduct the survey on the whole population, but since the
population that was being studied was unknown, it was not practicable to include the full
population in the survey. As a consequence of this, the convenience sample method was
used in this research, and the participants were selected on the basis of the ease with which
they could be contacted and their proximity to the researcher [96].
A multistage random sampling technique was used to study so that it provided more
authentic and clear results. Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the collection of data
was a major problem. Customers who purchase green products were unable to physically
respond to questions and provide their answers. Self-administered questionnaires were
sent to customers through the Internet. A total of 780 surveys were circulated, with
450 completely returned (57.6% response rate). These questionnaires were distributed and
collected during January 2022–March 2022.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 8 of 18

The extensive and comprehensive research questionnaire was designed to collect the
primary data; the questionnaire was used to determine all the constructs of the study.
Items of the “Eco-Labeling (EL), Green Packaging and Branding (GPB), Green Products,
Premium, and Pricing (GPPP), and Consumer Beliefs towards the Environment (CBTE)”
are adapted from Shabbir and colleagues [97]. Green Purchase Intentions (GPI) are adapted
from Chen and Chang [98]. Whereas items of Green Brand Image (GBI) are adapted from
Doszhanov [99]. The respondents’ responses were recorded and elicited using a Likert
scale. A measuring scale (ranging from 1–5) was used to assess respondents’ degree of
agreement with the individual question statements. SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version
3.3 were used in the processing and analysis of the data, respectively. The coding of the
data, the cleaning of the data, and the screening of the data were all performed via SPSS. In
a related manner, SPSS was used in order to analyse the demographic characteristics as
well as the descriptive analysis. The evaluation of measured and predicted associations
was accomplished with the help of Smart PLS 3.0.

4. Data Analysis and Results

4.1. Demographics
Demographic percentages and frequencies, as well as histograms, are examined be-
cause the graphical depiction of facts improves clarity and significance. The Table 1 reflects
the demographic details of the respondents (n = 450).

Table 1. Demographics statistics of the respondents.

Items Category Frequency Percentage

Male 246 54.6
Female 204 45.3
20 or below 44 9.7
20–30 169 37.5
Age (years) 31–40 110 24.4
41–50 92 20.4
50 or above 35 7.7
Primary 10 2.2
Matriculation 25 5.5
Intermediate 45 10
Education Bachelors 210 46.6
Masters 95 21.1
MPhil 50 11.1
PHD 15 3.3

Of the respondents, 54.6% were male and 45.3% were female. Similarly, 37.5% of the
respondent belonged to the 20–30 age group. The second major group was 31–40, including
24.4% of the respondents. The third dominant age group was 41–50, having 20.4% of the
respondents; 9.7% and 7.7% of respondents belonged to the 20 or below and 50 or above
categories, respectively. The majority of the respondents have completed their education
up to the Bachelor level, i.e., 46.6%. Whereas 21.1% of the respondents have a degree of the
Master’s program and 11.1% of the responders have undertaken an Mphil program. The
demographic data aids in interpreting the research findings and better understanding the
characteristics of the audience.

4.2. Measurement Model Assessment

The first approach in evaluating a measurement model is measuring its reliability. The
reliability and validity are measured using Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability to
measure the measurement model’s internal consistency. The level of internal consistency is
higher when the value is closer to 1 and above [100]. Composite reliability is believed to be
a preferable way to assess internal consistency, with values larger than 0.7 being deemed
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 9 of 18

significant. Table 2 demonstrates that all reflective constructs have Cronbach alpha values
of more than 0.7, and the composite reliability of all reflective constructs is also more than
0.7. This means that the construct is internally consistent. It shows that all of the indicators
for each construct are consistent in their measurement of that construct. The fact that the
estimated values of AVE are higher than 0.50 indicates that the construct represents greater
than 50% of the variance of the indicator [101]. AVE values below 0.50 indicate that there
are more errors in the indicators, values of AVE greater than 0.50 represent that there are
fewer errors. AVE values in Table 2 are above the acceptance level of 0.50.

Table 2. Construct reliability and validity.

Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability (AVE)

CBTE 0.824 0.820 0.616
EL 0.836 0.867 0.619
GBI 0.814 0.825 0.557
GPB 0.834 0.838 0.504
GPI 0.864 0.892 0.662
GPP 0.785 0.811 0.511

The term, discriminant validity, refers to how distinct a construct is from any other
construct in the analysis. In this study, discriminant validity is assessed with the help of
the HTMT ratio [102,103]. Values of the HTMT ratio between the two constructs that are
less than 0.9 are considered important for established discriminant validity. Table 3 depicts
that all the values of the construct are in the optimum range and less than 0.9.

Table 3. Discriminant validity–HTMT ratio.


EL 0.310
GBI 0.519 0.310
GPB 0.562 0.543 0.625
GPI 0.756 0.562 0.509 0.465
GPP 0.678 0.856 0.616 0.678 0.639

4.3. Structural Model Assessment

VIF values are examined in the initial phase of structural model evaluation to review
collinearity issues. VIF values in this study ranged from 1.872 to 2.427, indicating that
there is no collinearity. Path coefficients are calculated in the second step to analyse the
significance of the relationship. In the structural model, the path coefficient is the coefficient
linking construct. It denotes the strength of the relationship or represents the significance
of the relationship. It has a value between −1 and +1. A value closer to +1 means that the
relationship is strong and positive, whereas a value closer to −1 means that the relationship
is strong and negative [104]. The p-value and t-value for each path coefficient are used to
determine their significance. We took 1.96 (significance level 5%) as the significance level
for the t-value, and 0.05 (significance level 5%) as the significance level for the p-value. This
means that all t-value values less than 1.96 are not recognized as significant, however values
greater than 0.05 are recognized as non-significant. Table 4 represents the significance of
the path coefficients of all hypothesized relationships of the study.
The hypothesized relationship between Eco-Labelling (EL) → Green Purchase Inten-
tions (GPI) has a path coefficient value of 0.131, whereas Green Packaging and Branding
(GPB) → Green Purchase Intentions (GPI) has a path coefficient value of 0.281. Green
Products, Premium, and Pricing (GPPP) → Green Purchase Intentions (GPI) have the
highest value of 0.308. The t statistics for Eco-Labeling (EL) → Green purchase intentions
(GPI) is 2.317 (t > 1.96), which is greater than the significance threshold, and the p-value
significance of the path coefficients of all hypothesized relationships of the study.

Table 4. Significance of path coefficients.

Original Sample Mean Standard Deviation

Construct T Statistics p Values
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 (O) (M) (STDEV) 10 of 18
EL → GPI 0.131 0.138 0.058 2.317 0.000
GPB → GPI 0.281 0.286 0.028 4.654 0.000
GPPP → GPI 0.308 0.310 0.034 6.144 0.000
of this relationship is likewise significant (p = 0.000). The t statistics for the relationship
Green Packaging and Branding (GPB) → Green purchase intentions (GPI) is 4.654 (t > 1.96),
the significancerelationship
threshold, andbetween Eco-Labelling
the p-value (EL) → Green
of this relationship Purchase
is likewise Inten-
cant (p(GPI) has aSimilarly,
= 0.000). path coefficient value
t statistics andofp-value
0.131, for
whereas Green Packaging
the relationship of Greenand Branding
Premium, → Green Purchase
and Pricing (GPPP) →Green purchase
Intentions (GPI) hasintentions
a path coefficient value(tof> 1.96),
(GPI) are 6.144 0.281.and Green
Products, Premium, and Pricing (GPPP) → Green Purchase Intentions (GPI) have the
0.000 respectively. Figure 2 represents the SEM model of the study.
highest value of 0.308. The t statistics for Eco-Labeling (EL) → Green purchase intentions
Table 4.isSignificance
(GPI) of pathwhich
2.317 (t > 1.96), coefficients.
is greater than the significance threshold, and the p-value
of this relationship is likewise
Original Sample significant
Mean (p = 0.000).
Standard The t statistics for the relationship
Green Packaging and(O) Branding (GPB) (M) → Green purchase
(STDEV) intentions (GPI) pisValues
T Statistics 4.654 (t >
1.96), more
than the significance
and the p-value
of this relationship
is likewise
significant (p = 0.000). Similarly, t statistics and p-value for the relationship of Green Prod-
GPB → GPI 0.281 0.286 0.028 4.654 0.000
ucts, Premium, and Pricing (GPPP)→Green purchase intentions (GPI) are 6.144 (t > 1.96),
and 0.000→ GPI
respectively. 0.308 0.310
Figure 2 represents the SEM0.034 6.144
model of the study. 0.000

Figure 2. SEM
SEM model

The next step in evaluating a structural model is to analyse the coefficient of deter-
mination (R2 value). The coefficient of determination is used to calculate the amount of
variance explained by the exogenous variable in the endogenous variable. R squared has a
range of 0 to 1. An R2 value of 0.75, 0.50, or 0.25 can be represented as strong, moderate, or
weak impact on the dependent variable. The R-squared value of the GPI is 0.678, indicating
a moderate to strong influence, whereas the value of the GBI is 0.477, indicating a weak to
moderate impact. CBTE is considered as a moderate impact since CBTE has an R2 value of
0.527. As the values of R squared and R squared adjusted differ less, the model is deemed
parsimonious. Table 5 shows the R2 values of the study.

Table 5. Coefficient of determination (R2 value).

Endogenous Construct R Square R Square Adjusted

GPI 0.678 0.651
GBI 0.477 0.463
CBTE 0.527 0.517
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 11 of 18

Mediation Analysis
There are a total of six indirect effects in this study, reflected in Table 6. The relationship
between EL → GBI → GPI has path coefficient value of 0.257 and t-value is 3.622; according
to the significance level (t > 1.96). The relationship between GPB → GBI → GPI is also
significant with value of 3.785; according to the significance level (t > 1.96). Similarly,
relationship numbers 3, 5, and 6 are significant relationships as they have t-values that are
more than the minimum threshold (t > 1.96), i.e., 4.723, 3.411, and 7.688, respectively. On
the other hand, the relationship between EL → CBTE → GPI has a path coefficient value
of 0.021, and a value of 0.337 which is less than the minimum acceptable criteria (t < 1.96).
So, this path relationship is not considered a significant relationship. Hence, the specific
indirect relationships between the five paths are considered significant.

Table 6. Specific indirect effects.

Standard Deviation
No. Relationship Original Sample (O) Mean (M) T-Statistics p-Values
1 EL → GBI → GPI 0.257 0.368 0.030 3.622 0.000
2 GPB → GBI → GPI 0.278 0.385 0.029 3.785 0.000
3 GPPP → GBI → GPI 0.342 0.339 0.072 4.723 0.000
4 EL → CBTE → GPI 0.021 0.003 0.089 0.337 0.551
5 GPB → CBTE → GPI 0.161 0.163 0.028 3.411 0.000
6 GPPP → CBTE → GPI 0.429 0.446 0.116 7.688 0.000

5. Discussion
The current study’s findings depicted that all the defined constructs: eco-labelling,
green packaging and branding, and green products, premium and pricing have a positive
relationship with green purchase intention. The relationships between eco-labelling, green
packaging and branding, and green products, premium and pricing, and green purchase
intention were significant.
One of the findings of the study is that eco-labelling has an impact on green purchase
intention and this result is supported by [105]. This past study investigated that eco-
labelling has a relatively significant impact on consumers’ purchasing intentions when
compared with other product attributes such as brand name. Eco-labelling has a significant
and positive impact on consumer behaviour towards the environment [106].
The current study also showed that green packaging and branding have a significant
impact on green purchase intention. This is reinforced by a massive amount of prior
research on how brands may affect purchasers’ views about purchasing green goods, since
an effective green stance makes a brand distinctive. It has also been suggested that non-
green products have smaller sales growth [107]. Furthermore, scholars have claimed that
environmentally friendly positioning is critical to the successful implementation of green
branding strategies [108]. The relevance and behaviour of environmental products and
their properties has the subject of numerous research. Consumers in European countries
have shown supportive attitudes toward environmental products [109].
The finding of this study revealed that green products, premium and pricing have
a significant impact on green purchase intention. Through market analysis, it has been
estimated that in the marketplace a number of buyers are willing to pay higher prices for
green services/products. Green pricing gives consumers more options for renewable en-
ergy investment. Consumers respond positively to premium pricing techniques in several
countries. Additionally, it has been shown that goods that command a higher price just
because they are greener are of higher quality [110]. Furthermore, a comprehensible envi-
ronmental pricing approach encourages green activities, giving businesses a competitive
advantage. The profit margins of a product are directly influenced by its production and
pricing techniques [111].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 12 of 18

In the present research, it has been explored whether or not a green brand image acts
as a mediator between eco-labelling and the desire to make environmentally conscious
purchases. In previous studies, it was found that companies’ greenwashing behaviour not
only has a direct negative impact on their customers’ green purchasing intention, but it also
has an indirect negative impact on it through their green brand image and customer trust.
In other words, greenwashing has a double negative effect [112]. The key contribution of
the current study relates to the mediating role of green brand image on the eco-labelling–
green purchase intention relationship. In other words, we can say that a green brand image
successfully allows firms to increase green purchases by using the tool of eco-labelling.
The finding of this study also revealed that green brand image mediates the rela-
tionship between green packaging and branding and green purchase intention. A recent
study explored that green packaging design appears to be a powerful determinant of green
trust, which increases green brand engagement [113]. Another study revealed that the
green brand image and green brand behaviour have a favourable impact on green brand
engagement [114]. The key contribution of the current study relates to the mediating role
of green brand image on the green packaging and branding–green purchase intention
relationship. In other words, we can say that green brand image successfully allows firms
to increase green purchases by employing green packaging and branding and should avoid
excessive packaging of the product as excessive packaging of the product harms green
brand image and the green brand attitude of consumers [114,115].
Green brand image mediates the link between green goods, premium, and price, and
green buying intention. Green pricing and related measures increase customer participation,
previous research found [116]. Green goods, premiums, and price influence customer
environmental attitudes. This study also showed that purchasers assume some of the
amount they spend for green items goes toward environmental concerns. Also, the fact
that purchasers were prepared to pay extra for green services/products, underlines the
significance of green goods’ eco-image, and calls for increased green product marketing
awareness [106]. The present study’s primary contribution is the mediating influence of
green brand image on green goods, premium and pricing–green buying intention. In other
words, we can say that green brand image successfully allows firms to increase green
purchases by employing the strategy of green products, premium and pricing as consumers
pay more for the environmentally friendly product compared with an environmentally
inferior product.
The finding of the current study revealed that customer beliefs towards the envi-
ronment significantly mediate the relationship between eco-labelling and green purchase
intention. Past research investigated that eco-labelling has a positive and significant impact
on green purchase intention [106]. Eco-labelling affects consumer behaviour because it
transmits environmental and product quality information [117]. Customer perceptions
about the environment mediate the eco-labelling–green purchasing intention connection.
In other words, we can say that customers’ belief towards the environment successfully
allows firms to increase green purchases by using the tool of eco-labelling.
Customers’ environmental sentiments strongly moderate the association between
green packaging and branding and green purchasing intention. Past research concluded
that due to the greater demand of stakeholders and high consumer pressure on the preser-
vation of the natural environment, many companies have moved far away from just
addressing the environmental regulatory challenges by introducing alternatives of inferior
products. Some companies have created ecologically friendly packaging or support cause-
related campaigns (Greenhouse Challenge (2005)). The major contribution of the present
research is the mediation influence of consumer environmental beliefs on green packaging
and branding–green purchasing intention. In other words, we can say that customers’
beliefs towards the environment successfully allow firms to increase green purchases by
employing green packaging and branding as customers demand companies to preserve the
natural environment by the environmentally friendly packaging of products [118].
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 13 of 18

The results of this study show that customer beliefs towards the environment sig-
nificantly mediates the relationship between green products, premium, and pricing, and
green purchase intention. A recent study reported that due to the increased customer
concern for the environment, consumers are willing to pay more, even if they have low
motivation for sustainable development and a low eco-literacy rate [119]. Green products,
premium, and pricing have a positive and significant impact on customer beliefs toward
the environment [106].

6. Conclusions
The present research investigated how factors such as eco-labelling, green packaging
and branding, and green product, premium, and price affect consumers’ propensity to
make environmentally conscious purchases. Eco-labelling, green packaging and brand-
ing, and green product, premium, and price were all shown to have a substantial and
favourable effect on customers’ intentions to make green purchases. This research also
looked at the role of green brand image and consumer perceptions about the environment
as mediators between various marketing strategies and green purchase intentions. Several
green marketing strategies, including eco-labelling, green packaging and branding, and
green product, premium, and price, were emphasised and proposed in this research. This
research recommended that organisations should take into account the results of this re-
search when developing environmentally friendly strategies and the impact they have on
producing value in contemporary business contexts. Policymakers in charge of developing
and enforcing marketing strategies and rules benefited from the research since it provided
new data and pointed them in the right direction.

7. Implications
People are becoming more aware of the importance of maintaining a cleaner and
safer environment. We all want clean air and water, better waste management, and more
efficient use of natural resources. However, despite some improvements, all of these are
under significant stress in some regions. Commercial products play a significant role
in these environmental issues and have a variety of negative effects on people’s health.
Approximately 100,000 chemicals are utilized in the production process; all are unregulated
and can contain hazardous, allergic, and carcinogenic substances.
The first implication of this study is that it is giving some important suggestions
to businesses and policymakers. As the results of this study revealed that eco-labelling,
green packaging and branding, and green product, premium and pricing have a significant
influence on the consumer’s intention to purchase green products. Therefore, firms should
improve their green marketing for example by using the tool of eco-labelling. A logo
conveying the message of natural environmental protection should be displayed promi-
nently on the front of the packaging or any appliances. Packaging of the products should
be environmentally friendly and avoid excessive packaging using paper and plastic. For
branding their products, companies should use the environmental aspects of the products.
Firms should avoid non-sustainable methods while manufacturing and packaging their
products. Firms should design products that have little or no negative impact on the
natural environment during their entire lifespan and even after they are no longer in use.
For environmental-friendly products, people tend to pay more compared with environ-
mentally inferior products. As a result, customers are more likely to trust the business,
perceive green activities by firms, and be more eager to buy the company’s environmentally
friendly products.
The second implication of this study is that this paper proposed a new framework of
different green marketing approaches in compliance with green brand image and customers’
beliefs towards the environment to help companies increase the green purchase intentions
of consumers for their products. This research highlighted the value and role of green
brand image and customers’ beliefs towards the environment in terms of studying the green
purchase intentions of the consumers. Previous studies on green marketing have looked at
Sustainability 2022, 14, 11703 14 of 18

how various green marketing strategies affect consumers’ perceptions of the environment
and their intentions to buy green goods [99,106]. However, the impact of green marketing
strategies on green purchase intentions has not been investigated through the lens of
mediating variables like green brand image and consumer environmentalist attitudes.
This study found that eco-labelling, green packaging and branding, and green product,
premium, and price may help businesses boost sales of environmentally friendly offerings
by appealing to consumers’ green brand image and their environmental consciousness.

8. Limitations and Future Directions

The present study, like all others, includes flaws that might be dealt with in future
research studies. To begin with, the research failed to give even the barest scraps of data
about any one firm, product, or sector. As green products are so diverse in nature, it is
difficult to understand how these green marketing approaches will work and support the
purchase intentions of consumers for certain green products. Future research can examine
the impact of green marketing approaches on the green purchase intentions of consumers
for specific brands or products. Second, this study examined the green purchase intention of
hypermarket consumers and those who buy from online platforms. Future research should
aim to study the consumer’s green purchase intentions at different marketplaces of in a
specific country to see if there is any impact between the factors that have been specified in
the current study. Third, to further explore the concept of green marketing and its impact on
consumer green purchase intention, there are many dimensions in this field that need to be
addressed in future studies, for example, how the green marketing concept can assist people
to engage in the protection of the natural environment by reducing the disposal of plastic
waste and preserving natural resources. Future scholars can investigate which methods and
techniques companies should use for the manufacturing and designing of green products
so that they can control waste disposal as not to pollute the natural environment.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.U.M.; Formal analysis, S.A.M.; Funding acquisition,

S.A. (Szakács Attila); Methodology, S.A. (Sumaira Aslam); Writing—review & editing, E.M. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from the respondents of the survey.
Data Availability Statement: The data will be made available on request from the corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: The publication of this study was supported by the EU-funded Hungarian
grant EFOP-3.6.3.-VEKOP-16-2017-00007, for the project entitled “From Talent to Young
Researchers”—Supporting the Career-developing Activities of Researchers in Higher Education.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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