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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495


Effect of green marketing mix, green customer value, and attitude

on green purchase intention: evidence from the USA
Rizwan Raheem Ahmed1 · Dalia Streimikiene2 · Hina Qadir1 · Justas Streimikis3,4

Received: 15 June 2022 / Accepted: 5 September 2022 / Published online: 12 September 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

The undertaken research examines the impact of green attitude, green customer value (e.g., environmental image and per-
ceived value), and green marketing mix (e.g., product, packaging, price, promotion, and place) on green purchasing intention.
The research has integrated fundamental theoretical approaches of customers’ purchasing such as attitude-behavior context
(ABC) theory, signaling theory, and theory of planned behavior (TPB) in the modified conceptual framework. Additionally,
this research has also incorporated the green psychological benefits (e.g., nature experience, self-expressive, and warm glow)
as mediating construct. The modified conceptual framework also unified green marketing (e.g., environmental advertis-
ing and green word of mouth) as moderator to investigate further the connotation between attitude, green customer value,
green marketing mix, and green purchase intention. The survey method is used to collect data with a sample size of 896
customers that are well-versed with eco-friendly green products and services from the different urban centers of the USA.
The data is analyzed through a structural equation modeling (SEM)–based multivariate approach by using SPSS 26, AMOS
26, and conditional process modeling software. The findings have demonstrated a positive and significant impact of green
customer value, green marketing mix, and attitude on the green purchase intention of US customers. The study has further
concluded that the green psychological benefits (mediator) and green advertising (moderator) have a significant influence
on a relationship between attitude, green customer value (environmental image and perceived value), green marketing mix,
and green purchasing intention. The results of this research can be helpful for researchers and academicians to get insight
into theoretical approaches to green purchasing, and it can also be helpful for marketers to devise green marketing strategies
to gain optimal competitive advantage in the long run.

Keywords Green attitude · Green customer value · Green marketing mix · Green marketing · Green psychological benefits ·
ABC theory · Signaling theory, TPB model

JEL Classification C12 · M3 · K32

Introduction Alsaad 2021). Shifting to green services and products is

believed to be more costly, but it is for the short term, and
In today’s era, there is much concern for the environment things could be more favorable and cost-effective in the
because of the environmental issues related to pollution, long run (Johnstone and Lindh 2022; Kumar and Ayodeji
global warming, and unrecyclable solid waste (Nekmahmud 2021; Omar et al. 2021). Ramli et al. (2020) establish that
and Fekete-Farkas 2020; Dawei and Wu 2022). It has made environmental issues are the primary concern of today’s
marketers and consumers more alert concerning the neces- world and humans. The main environmental problems are
sity of green products and marketing (Abbes et al. 2020; the greenhouse effect, air pollution, and ecological imbal-
ances with human-caused disturbances. It has raised the
green marketing approach, but it is evident that researchers
Responsible Editor: Nicholas Apergis and academicians have no substantial contribution to green
marketing. It is believed that consumption patterns do not
* Dalia Streimikiene
[email protected] entirely cause environmental issues (Dhewi et al. 2018);
also, green purchasing is a solution in developing nations.
Extended author information available on the last page of the article

11474 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

The consumers’ attitude and behavior toward green purchas- and protection. The green marketing involves advertise-
ing have flourished more for eco-friendly products and ser- ments, sales promotion, and marketing strategies that can
vices due to environmental concerns (Amallia et al. 2021). significantly influence the customers’ green purchasing
For this purpose, today’s customers are more attracted to (Arora and Manchanda 2022; Agarwal and Kasliwal 2019).
those pro-environment responsible firms, which are provid- Besides green advertising, the green word of mouth can
ing eco-friendly products and services (Peluso et al. 2021; be used by green marketing as an informal and additional
Quach et al. 2022; Shimul et al. 2022; Kim et al. 2014). Now, tool to gain the customers’ trust towards green products and
marketers are adopting the green marketing concept with their consumption (Chen et al. 2015; Keller and Fay 2012).
the uprising environmental concern of customers, thereby Jamal et al. (2021) and Kotler et al. (2014) demonstrated
gaining a competitive advantage in today’s competitive that creating awareness regarding environmental issues like
era (Walia et al. 2019; Lee and Park 2013). Several studies pollutants, unrecyclable wastes, and global warming can be
highlight the green marketing activities as significant in all done through green marketing, and green marketing mix,
fields like green marketing segmentation, green marketing, and customers’ green attitude and value can influence green
green distribution (place), green supply chain, green pack- consumption (Tarabieh 2021).
aging, green promotional performance, and organizational The previous research studies had not covered all the
performance (Sun et al. 2021; Jermsittiparsert et al. 2019). factors of green marketing; hence, this study covers some
Therefore, organizational performance is related to market green marketing factors, such as green advertisements and
share, profitability, customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long- green word of mouth, taken as moderators to justify the
term competitive advantage. The firms which opt for green fact that more green marketing, if used, can influence
marketing strategies are advised to incorporate consistent more customers’ green values, attitudes, and consump-
pro-environment objectives in all their fields and activities, tion. Similarly, “green psychological benefit” constitutes
not just to promote green products, but also to gain cus- nature experience, self-expressive, and warm glow, which
tomers’ trust (Yusiana et al. 2021; Chen and Chang 2012). have also been used in the current study as mediating vari-
Even if customers already have a positive attitude toward ables. Correspondingly, if the product provides customers
green products, it does not mean they go for them (Sultan with self-satisfaction and a warm glow, it can increase the
et al. 2020); regarding this matter, Carrington et al. (2010) customers’ intention to purchase green products (Soelton
advocate that “Customers do not walk what they talk”; it et al. 2020). If customers get self-expressive, psychologi-
shows the attitude-behavior gap in customers’ purchasing cal benefits from the product can also increase green con-
(Iweala et al. 2019). Thus, for this purpose, studies show sumption (Chen et al. 2021; Ahmad and Thyagaraj 2015;
that customers’ intention to purchase could be dropped with Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez 2012). Besides, the psy-
inadequate information and fewer efforts from marketers to chological benefits derived from nature experience from
motivate and build customer trust and satisfaction (Shaw advertisements can trigger customers’ imagination, creat-
et al. 2021; Pham et al. 2019). Today, building a green mar- ing customers’ attitudes, values, and pro-green purchasing
keting approach and knowing customers’ needs seem like behavior (Shimul et al. 2022; Shafiee and Shahin 2021;
general study topics; similarly, there is an influence of envi- Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez 2012). The undertaken
ronmental concern on customers’ attitudes and behavior in study covers the limitations of previous studies by includ-
environmental-related fields. Therefore, it has triggered the ing psychological benefits as mediators to analyze their
firms to focus on environmental issues in their operations influence on green attitude and customer value, and green
to avail the advantages of green products and services for marketing mix. Additionally, green marketing (e.g., green
long-term sustainable growth. Another important factor that advertising and green word of mouth) analyzes its impact
drives the green customer attitude and purchase intention as moderating variables between exogenous and endog-
is customers’ green value; related to this issue, Kim et al. enous variables. The research also examines the signals
(2014) used the value-based adoption model (VAM) theory responsible for customers’ purchasing attitudes regard-
to analyze the impact of customer value on green purchas- ing green products and the environment. Therefore, the
ing intention. According to the symbolic and conspicuous undertaken study provides multifold novelty and signifi-
consumption model, signaling theory is essential for green cance, which were not achieved in the previous studies.
consumption (Amin and Tarun 2021; Aaker 2002). How- The novel conceptual framework also offers important
ever, these studies have not analyzed the influence of green theoretical and managerial implications. Moreover, this
marketing, environmental concerns, green advertising, green study incorporates the attitude-behavior context (ABC)
word of mouth (GWOM), and green psychological benefits. theory along with the signaling theory to better analyze
Although, Keller and Fay (2012) demonstrated that green both mediating effects of psychological benefits and mod-
marketing is a current increasing factor that has enabled to erating influence of green marketing in a relationship
adopt the green products for the environmental sustainability between customer attitude, marketing mix and customer

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11475

value, and green purchase intention for the US custom- the “Limitations and future research recommendations” sec-
ers, which could be achieved through theory of planned tion in section nine.
behavior (TPB) model, ABC theory, and signaling theory.
The modified conceptual framework provides a compre-
hensive analysis of independent variables, for instance Theoretical background
customers’ green attitude, green customers’ value (e.g.,
environmental image and perceived value), and green The signaling theory
marketing mix (e.g., green product, green price, green
promotion, green packaging, and green place). Addition- The signaling theory describes how information is dissemi-
ally, the modified conceptual framework incorporated nated between two parties that are the sender and the recipi-
mediating variables, such as green psychological benefits ent (Ahmad and Zhang 2020; Kingston and Paulraj 2021;
(e.g., nature experience, self-expressive, and warm glow), Connelly et al. 2011). The theory explains that information
moderating variable green marketing (e.g., environmen- between sender and receiver drives the behavior and deci-
tal advertising and word of mouth), and their aggregate sion-making of the stakeholders. Most of the economists and
impact on customers’ green purchase intention. firms use the signaling theory in business and green mar-
The research background, significance, and motivation keting to disseminate information (Kashi 2019). Signaling
of the study have provided us the research questions, which theory suggests that appropriate information must be trans-
will be addressed and solved in the coming sections of the ferred between sender and receiver as most senders would
study. Therefore, we have formulated the following research have helpful information, but the receiver does not reach it.
questions to answer from the current study: Therefore, insufficient and inappropriate information signifi-
cantly impacts quality and content (Nguyen-Viet 2022). The
• How green marketing mix (e.g., green product, green senders are more concerned with the receivers’ behavioral
price, green packages, green promotion, green place) approach, and receivers are concerned with the uncertainty
influence the customers’ green purchase intention? of information. Based on this theoretical approach, firms
• How green customers’ value (e.g., environmental image as senders transfer the information to a targeted consumer,
and perceived value) and attitude influence the custom- and this signal can affect the behavior and attitude of the
ers’ green purchase intention? consumer. Thus, sending appropriate signals (signaling) can
• How green psychological benefits (e.g., nature experi- generate favorable results for firms regarding investments
ence, self-expressive, and warm glow) influence the or selling (Chairunnisa and Perdhana 2020; Hussaina et al.
exogenous variables and customers’ green purchase 2020). For green marketing and consumption, the signaling
intention as mediating variable? theory can be taken as a framework to transfer the signals
• How green marketing (e.g., environmental advertising between firms and consumers.
and word of mouth) influences as moderating variable
between the exogenous variables and customers’ green Attitude‑behavior context theory
purchase intention?
The research uses the ABC theory to examine the relation-
The current research provides the answers of the above ship between consumers’ behaviors and green purchasing
research questions, which is the crux of the novelty and sig- (Sembiring 2021). The theoretical framework suggests
nificance of this research. The current study also provides that people act according to their expectations of particular
significant theoretical and practical implications to the future actions (Goh and Balaji 2016). Thus, this theory identifies
researchers, academicians, and industry managers. There- that people’s attitude results in a particular behavior (Sug-
fore, in the light of the findings and recommendations of the andini et al. 2020; Goh and Balaji 2016). The studies related
study, the managers may devise effective green marketing to green marketing and purchasing have explored environ-
strategies for long-term sustainable growth. mental, social, and climate change issues, and some studies
The rest of the paper was arranged as follows: “Theo- have also incorporated the ABC theory in their models to
retical background” is in section two, “Hypotheses develop- get an insight into people’s behaviors (Walia and Kumar
ment” is provided in section three, “Material and methods” 2021; Nguyen-Viet 2022). The study adopts the ABC theory
are discussed in section four, and “Estimations and findings” and signaling theory as fewer studies have used two theo-
are provided in section five. “Discussions and conclusion” ries in their theoretical frameworks to explore the behaviors
are provided in section six, “Theoretical implications” are in green consumption. Therefore, the current study covers
discussed in section seven, “Managerial implications” are essential issues and their interrelationship, for instance,
provided in section eight, and in the end, we have provided green attitude, green customer value, green marketing mix,
and green purchase intention. Moreover, this theory attains

11476 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

and explains the moderating effect of green marketing and Ghofrani et al. (2017), continuous green purchase inten-
mediating influence of psychological benefits in a relation- tion of consumers leads to the green purchase behavior of
ship between exogenous and endogenous variables. consumers.

Theory of planned behavior

Hypotheses development
There are studies related to customers’ behavior in pur-
chasing implement psychological theories, and TPB is Green customer value and green purchase intention
one of them, which suggests that particular beliefs lead to
behavior. The TPB theory is developed by Ajzen (1991), Many studies, including Ramli and Maysari (2020) and Chen
which describes that people’s belief and intention define and Chang (2012), have evaluated the association between
their readiness for their actions and behavior. It means that customers’ perceived value and green purchase intention of
intentions lead to individual behavior except for external customers. The customers’ value is the beliefs that enable
intermediaries (Kingston and Paulraj 2021; Ajzen 2002). them to judge and make decisions (Alamsyah 2020). Green
Several studies have used this theory in many fields, such as customer value is associated with pro-environmental behav-
energy-efficient products, eco-friendly products, and green ior, and that is derived from environmental awareness and
restaurants, to know the psychology behind consumers’ pur- concerns (Nabilla 2019). Previous studies suggest that con-
chasing (Al Zubaidi 2020). In previous studies, this theory sumer behavior is not always derived from awareness of the
has explained well about consumers’ behavior and purchase environment and attitude (Kalsi and Singh 2019). Therefore,
intentions, but studies use only some parts of this theory; for this purpose, several studies examined the association
therefore, the fundamental factors of this theory are still cru- between customers’ values, attitudes, and consumers’ behav-
cial that perceived behavioral control, norms, and attitude. ior. Alamsyah et al. (2020) suggest that the environmental
According to Chairunnisa and Perdhana (2020) and Scalco image of customer value leads to pro-environmental behav-
et al. (2017), the higher norms would lead to greater behav- ior of customers. Environmental image shows the excellent
ioral perceived control that eventually leads to intention for status of an organization in customers’ mindsets and overall
performing a particular behavior. The studies also employed social settings, therefore changing the customer’s values
those theories, which analyzed the drive for green purchas- (Diva 2020; Appolloni et al. 2014). Environmental image is
ing intention, for instance, the TPB (Wang et al. 2022; Paul related to how much customers are concerned about environ-
et al. 2016). The research has covered all the parts of TPB to mental issues. According to one study, consumers are more
analyze better understanding of human behavior regarding prone to consuming green products when they have an atti-
purchase intention in a particular situation. tude toward them and when they see their quality (Saputra
et al. 2020). Thus, it can be concluded that pro-environment-
Green purchase intention oriented consumers consume eco-friendly green products
that protect the environment (Chin et al. 2020; Amoako et al.
Green behavior is very difficult to measure as it depends on 2020). Regarding customer decisions for purchasing, per-
the intention (Kashi 2019; Meier et al. 2019). The behavioral ceived value for the product is also an essential part of the
intention in terms of consumers shows their readiness to customer value concept (Sharma and Klein 2020). Accord-
act on a particular purchasing behavior, and this intention ing to Song et al. (2019) and Hänninen and Karjaluoto
could have negative and positive results (Diva 2020). Thus, (2017), green perceived value is expressed as “the perception
if people intend to exert a particular behavior, the behavior is of customers regarding the green product characteristics, and
executed as an affirmative association between intention and its impact on the environment.” Customers’ green perceived
behavior (Chairunnisa and Perdhana 2020; Ghofrani et al. value shows their assessment of the product as to how much
2017). Therefore, the green purchase intention coordinates it is valuable for an eco-friendly environment (Chairunnisa
with the behavioral intention, which means if consumers and Perdhana 2020; Chen and Chang 2012). Therefore, this
intend to purchase green products, they go for it, and this factor is significant for environmental-oriented customers
purchasing behavior can be called pro-environmental behav- and helps make buying decisions (Chairunnisa and Perdhana
ior. Regarding this, one of the studies by Meier et al. (2019) 2020; Islam et al. 2019). Customers’ purchase intention for
suggests that pro-environment behavior means people adopt green products is essential in the actual buying behavior of
such behavior, which is very concerned with the environ- customers as it shows the readiness of customers to buy the
ment and making efforts not to harm the environment. Such valuable product, which is related to the perceived value
efforts can be seen in the consumption of green products attached to the product (Al-Gasawneh and Al-Adamat 2020).
and proper management of the recycling of waste (Kalsi According to studies, for pro-environment customers, the
and Singh 2019). Hence, according to Nabilla (2019) and perceived value of a product leads to buying green products

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11477

(Alamsyah et al. 2020; Ahmed et al. 2020; Suki and Suki positive image, increase the product’s value, get a competi-
2019). From the above discussions and studies, the following tive advantage, and follow the green trends. The firms follow
hypothesis could be generated: green marketing mix strategies like pricing strategy, which
is related to the company’s policies, competition, law, and
Hypothesis 1 (H1): The green customer value, including demand; integrated communication strategies; analysis of the
(a) environmental image and (b) perceived value, has a market including segmentation and positioning and supply
positive and significant relationship with green purchase chain and distribution (place) strategies (Nguyen-Viet 2022).
intention. A green marketing mix is implemented through a marketing
mix consisting of “5Ps,” which encourages consumers to
Customer attitude and green purchase intention consume environmentally safe products (Ramli and Maysari
2020). Green marketing mix synchronizes product, packag-
Green attitude is one of the factors in the TPB model, ing, pricing, and promotion, and places activities accord-
which shows a consumers’ view and assessment of some- ing to the organizational goal of maintaining environmental
thing, leading to behavior (Chin et al. 2020). In terms of the protection (Sembiring 2021; Groening et al. 2018). In the
customer purchasing concept, some studies, such as Liao marketing mix, the first component is a green product, which
et al. (2020) and Panda et al. (2020), suggested that custom- means an environmentally friendly product made with less
ers’ attitude toward green products would determine their toxic raw materials and by pro-environmental organization
behavior and plays an essential function in developing the standards (Vijaya 2020). Hence, green products are made
green purchase intentions of customers for green services for environmental protection as they are made with simple
and products. Moreover, the consumers’ attitude towards and minimum resources that can be recyclable, long-lasting,
environmental issues describes their seriousness and non- and suitable for the environment, creating less pollution
seriousness towards environmental protection (Ahmad and (Misra and Singh 2016). Another component of the green
Zhang 2020; Suki 2016; Chekima et al. 2016). Therefore, marketing mix is green packaging, which is not harming
if customers have a pro-environmental attitude, they can be the environment and can be recyclable and biodegradable.
concerned with environmental protection and consume envi- Regarding the perception of green packaging, some factors
ronmentally friendly services and products (Kalsi and Singh can affect consumers’ purchasing (Nguyen-Viet 2022); for
2019; Chekima et al. 2016). Amoako et al. (2020) concluded example, attitudes towards green purchasing and consumers’
a positive impact of customers’ green attitude toward green awareness of green packaging can influence the purchasing
purchasing intention; hence, attitude can build consistent behavior of products with green packaging (Kingston and
behavior. From the previous literature and discussions, we Paulraj 2021; Parkash 2019). Concerning the price compo-
have generated the following hypothesis: nent of the green marketing mix, an important study sug-
gested that green products are high priced as customers need
Hypothesis 2 (H2): Green customer attitude has a posi- them and pay extra. However, another study explored that
tive and significant relationship with green purchase consumers lack knowledge regarding the procedure for mak-
intention. ing green products and why they are subjected to pay more
for it (Jamal et al. 2021; Nuttavuthisit and Thøgersen 2017;
Green marketing mix Pettersson et al. 2016, Misra and Singh 2016). The extra
charges for green products are costly in terms of their factors
The green marketing mix is referred to eco-friendly market- of production, which cannot be changed. Thus, consumers
ing of products, which considers environmental protection, pay little more for the extended-lasting benefits of green
starting from development and promotion to distribution products (Soelton et al. 2020). Green promotion is another
(place) of products. Marketers follow the strategies which component of the green marketing mix. Marketers promote
are safe for the environment and also adopt the tactics in the product by giving information about environmental ben-
operations to improve quality and promote packaging of efits and suggesting ways to protect the environment; it can
products in a manner which gives benefits to the environ- attract the most significant chunk of customers (Sembiring
ment (Soelton et al. 2020). Green marketing has become a 2021; Ankit and Mayur 2013). Green promotion advertise-
more critical part of businesses (Sembiring 2021). There- ments can be in the form of multifacet: firstly, showing the
fore, the green marketing mix in businesses is implemented link between green products with environmental protection,
to satisfy today’s customers’ need for safe products and pro- and secondly, disseminating the pro-environmental lifestyle
tect the environment (Shaw et al. 2021). In this regard, one by adopting the green product, and lastly, advertisement
of the studies by Chen et al. (2015) elaborated on the main shows the pro-environmental nature of the organization
reasons for firms to opt for a green marketing mix: firstly, (Vijaya 2020; Grimmer and Miles 2017; Nuttavuthisit and
to get green opportunities, and secondly, to build the firm’s Thøgersen 2017). Finally, the last “P” of the green marketing

11478 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

mix is a place that means the proper distribution of products Consumers’ positive brand attitude can be touched with pro-
from producer to end consumer without harming the envi- environmental marketing, thus serving the goal of green pur-
ronment in between. In being environmentally responsible, chasing (Chairunnisa and Perdhana 2020). It is suggested by
organizations are more concerned with adopting all possible Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez (2012) that advertisements
ways of distribution that are convenient to consumers and related to nature experiences can develop the brand attitude
less harmful to the environment (Walia and Kumar 2021; of consumers, hence leading to purchasing. Hence, nature
Sugandini et al. 2020). Hence, the previous literature and experiences create environmental values and attitudes which
discussions generated the following hypothesis: influence pro-environmental behavior (Chen et al. 2021).
Considering previous studies and the above discussions, we
Hypothesis 3 (H3): The green marketing mix, including formulated the following hypothesis:
(a) green product, (b) green packaging, (c) green price,
(d) green promotion, and (e) green place, has a positive Hypothesis 4 (H4): Green psychological benefits,
and significant relationship with green purchase intention. including (a) nature experience, (b) self-expressive, and
(c) warm glow, mediate between green customer value
Green psychological benefits as mediators (environmental image, perceived value attitude, and green
marketing mix) and green purchasing intention.
Psychological benefit is a feeling of satisfaction that
improves the state of mind (Ahmad and Zhang 2020). It Green marketing as moderator
is derived from self-concept related to self-expressive ben-
efits, which makes the person feel psychologically satisfied Green marketing considers the environmental concerns in
according to the symbolic and conspicuous consumption the promotion and is an essential factor in research today.
model (SCCM) and signaling theory (Aaker 2002). The The green marketing has become more important to get a
self-expressive benefits in people’s minds related to green competitive advantage and stable growth and brand image in
products make the consumers more willing to make buying consumers’ minds, thus changing the consumers’ decision-
decisions (Alamsyah 2020; Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez making (Liao et al. 2020; Ni 2022). A critical study on home
2012). Moreover, the warm glow and a positive mental state appliances found that green marketing influences purchasing
can build a sense of social responsibility in a consumer’s behavior of consumers (Solekah et al. 2020; Ahmad and
mind (Sembiring 2021; Andreoni 1989). Therefore, Ahmad Ilkay 2019). Green marketing consists of green advertising
and Zhang (2020) suggested that a sense of being socially and green word of mouth, which both are the dire need of
responsible has made people get satisfaction from helping interest of firms today. Nabilla (2019) found green advertise-
others. The warm glow (psychological benefits) of social ment is a moderator between the price and quality of prod-
responsibility leads to pro-environmental behavior, and it ucts and consumers’ green purchasing behavior. Similarly,
continuously triggers people to behave as pro-environmental the pro-environment advertisements moderate the value
oriented today and in the future too (Hartmann et al. 2017). and attitude of consumers towards green purchasing. Previ-
One study suggested that a warm glow drives mainly the ous studies suggested that green advertising can influence
current behavior of consumers, not the future one (Pelt et al. customers’ values toward eco-friendly products (Ramli and
2018). Nevertheless, according to Hartmann et al. (2017), Maysari 2020). A study found that green advertising has
warm glow-psychological benefits can also be the reasons made the customers pay higher, considering the quality and
for future consumer behavior. Therefore, this study uses psy- belief that the product is pro-environment in nature which
chological benefits as mediators that can influence the values benefits the environment (Pratiwi et al. 2018). Another factor
and attitudes of consumers toward a green purchase behav- of green marketing is GWOM, which is adopted by many
ior. Another vital factor for psychological benefits is nature firms today as it is considered an essential element in cus-
experience which means that pro-environmental people are tomers’ decision-making (Chen et al. 2021, 2015). Kotler
always related to nature for their mental and emotional state et al. (2014) believed that GWOM is a powerful marketing
(Hwang and Choi 2017). The level of nature experiences tool that conveniently gives consumers information about
develops the values and attitudes of consumers, related to firms and products. Consumers take this marketing tool as
pro-environmental behavior and consumption of green prod- reliable and credible than other tools (Genoveva and Sam-
ucts. Consumers who are concerned with the environment ukti 2020) as the positive GWOM consists of a higher level
and are connected to nature-related things are experienced of trustworthiness and integrity (Keller and Fay 2012). The
with quality of life (Andereck and Nyaupane 2011). For this studies have found that GWOM moderates consumers’ val-
purpose, the nature experience rouses the awareness of envi- ues and attitudes toward green purchasing (Jaini et al. 2020).
ronmental issues and acts as a mediator between the values Shafiee and Shahin (2021) suggested that positive GWOM
and attitudes of consumers and green purchasing intention. for a firm can influence the customers’ trust and values

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11479

towards purchasing a firm’s products as GWOM is trust- undertaken study. The conceptual framework of the study
worthy. Thus, the information provided by GWOM is more is provided in Fig. 1.
likely believed by consumers, affecting values and attitudes
and, significantly, buying decisions. Considering the previ-
ous studies, we have formulated the following hypothesis: Material and methods

Hypothesis 5 (H5): Green marketing includes (a) envi- Design and data collection
ronmental advertising and (b) GWOM moderate between
green customer value (environmental image, perceived The research design of the undertaken study is quantitative,
value attitude, and green marketing mix) and green pur- explanatory, and causative, which examines the influence of
chasing intention. green customer value, green marketing mix, and attitude on
green purchase behavior. The data was collected through an
Theoretical and conceptual framework adapted 5-point Likert scale questionnaire from the consum-
ers of eco-friendly products and services. For the data col-
We have constructed a modified theoretical and concep- lection, we used both online and in-person methods. Initially,
tual framework for the current research by using the ABC we circulated 1000 questionnaires to the green products
theory, the TPB model, and the signaling theory. The cur- acquainted customers, but we received 950 questionnaires
rent research has critically analyzed all the frameworks and in which we found 896 responses were properly filled and
variables used in previous studies concerning the under- completed. Hence, the response rate was 89.6%, which is
taken study’s conceptual model. From the previous litera- considered good, the sampling period was from September
ture, we employed green customer value, attitude towards 2021 to February 2022. The responses were collected from
green products, and green marketing mix as independent the consumers acquainted with pro-environmental behavior
variables, and green purchase intention as an outcome vari- from the US urban centers, including Huston, Wisconsin,
able. Besides the direct relationship among the variables, Virginia, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, New Jersey,
the adapted conceptual framework also takes “psychological Miami, Washington DC, and San Francisco. For the in-per-
benefits” as a mediator and “green marketing” as a modera- son data collection, we traveled across the US urban cent-
tor. Therefore, the conceptual model shows this research’s ers and filled questionnaires at major superstores, including
overall objectives, significance, and novelty, which firstly Target, Walmart, Kroger, and Costco. For the online data
evaluates the association of green attitude, green customer collection, we used social media sites, for instance, Google
value, and green marketing mix with green purchasing, and Docs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and personal emails.
secondly to find the mediating impact of psychological ben- Since the targeted population is unknown, we employed non-
efits (nature experience, self-expressive, and warm glow) probability sampling techniques, i.e., purposive sampling,
and moderating impact of green marketing (environment because we selected consumers accustomed to the pro-envi-
advertising and GWOM) on green purchasing. Figure 1 dem- ronmentally friendly products and services. We employed
onstrates the theoretical and conceptual framework of the a quantitative, structural equation modeling (SEM)–based

Fig. 1  Conceptual framework of

the study

11480 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

multivariate approach (Dash et al. 2021). Therefore, we also convergent/discriminant validities to examine the hypoth-
check the normality of the data, which is a prerequisite for esized measurement model. We employed total variance
structural equation modeling. explained, KMO, and Bartlett’s methods for the data suit-
ability and adequacy and construct validation. Finally, we
Measurement scaling used model fit indices through AMOS 26 software to exam-
ine the structural model, and lastly, for direct and indirect
The current study covers thirteen constructs measured with (mediating and moderating) relationship between the vari-
different scales taken from different studies. The items of ables through conditional process modeling. We also gener-
green customer value (environmental image and perceived ated the values for moderating, exogenous, and endogenous
value) are taken from previous literature such as Kaur et al. variables through model 1 of conditional process modeling
(2022), Bailey et al. (2018), Kalsi and Singh (2019), and and drew graphical analyses to prove the moderation.
Appolloni et al. (2014). The items of the second independ-
ent variable, such as green customer attitude, are extracted Demographic analysis
from the studies of Kaur et al. (2022), Chin et al. (2020),
Chen et al. (2019), and Ajzen (1991). The items of the green The study has considered consumers, who are well
marketing mix (green product, green packaging, green price, acquainted with environmental sensitivity, and also took
green promotion, and green place) were adapted from the into account the green products, green marketing, and
previous studies, for instance, Leonidou et al. (2013), Kau- their impact on human life. Initially, we selected 1000
tish et al. (2019), Sembiring (2021), Bailey et al. (2016; respondents, of which 950 consumers (respondents) agreed
2018), Shaw et al. (2021), Hossain and Rahman (2018), to participate in this study. Finally, we have received 896
Mehraj and Qureshi (2020), Nuttavuthisit and Thøgersen complete and adequately filled responses. Hence, the
(2017), Pettersson et al. (2016), and Misra and Singh (2016). response rate was 89.6% which is considered very good.
The items of moderating variables such as green marketing We received 504 (56.3%) responses from males. However,
(environmental advertising and GWOM) were taken from
Kaur et al. (2022), Liao et al. (2020), Jaini et al. (2020),
Chen et al. (2015), and Keller and Fay (2012). The items Table 1  Demographic analyses
of mediating construct, such as green psychological ben- Demographics Frequency Percent
efits (warm glow), were extracted from Chen et al. (2019),
Gender Male 504 56.3%
Andreoni (1989), and Clark et al. (2003). The items of self-
Female 392 43.7%
expressive were adapted from Chairunnisa and Perdhana
Marital status Single 516 57.6%
(2020), Pelt et al. (2018), Aaker (2002), and Hartmann and
Married 354 39.5%
Apaolaza-Ibáñez (2012). However, the items of nature expe-
Divorced 26 2.9%
rience were extracted from Andereck and Nyaupane (2011)
Age (in years) 18–30 320 35.7%
and Maller et al. (2006). Lastly, the items of dependent vari-
30–40 203 22.7%
ables, such as green purchase intention, were adapted from
40–50 130 13.7%
Kaur et al. (2022), Costa et al. (2021), Diva (2020), Kashi
50–60 141 15.7%
(2019), and Lai and Cheng (2016). The details of the meas-
More than 60 109 12.2%
urement scaling sources and questionnaire are reported in
Education High school diploma 387 43.2%
Annexure Table 7.
Graduation 286 31.9%
Post-graduation 144 16.1%
Estimation techniques
Ph.D. degree 79 8.8%
Experience (in years) 1–5 241 26.9%
For the analyses of fundamental characteristics of varia-
5–10 270 30.1%
bles, we employed descriptive statistics, for instance, mean,
10–15 125 14.0%
standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. We employed
15–20 119 13.3%
the SEM-based multivariate approach for inferential sta-
More than 20 141 15.7%
tistical analyses, such as exploratory factor analysis, con-
Income (in PKR 000) 30–60 156 17.4%
firmatory factor analysis, and conditional process modeling
60–90 398 44.4%
(Dash et al. 2021). For the hypothesized measurement model
90–120 182 20.3%
analyses, we used factor analyses through SPSS 26 (factor
120–150 97 10.8%
loading, Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability and average
More than 150 63 7.0%
variance extracted, KMO and Bartlett’s, and total variance
Total–N 896
extracted methods). We evaluated the data’s reliabilities and

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11481

392 (43.7%) females participated in the study. The findings variance extracted-AVE). However, we also employed total
of Table 1 demonstrated the detailed demographic analysis explained variance, KMO, & Bartlett’s analyses for suitabil-
of respondents. ity and adequacy of data. Therefore, Table 3 demonstrates
that the loading of each item is between 0.880 and 0.950, and
readings of CA and CR are higher than 0.70, which validated
Estimations and findings the convergent validities of items and constructs. Similarly,
the readings of AVE are higher than 0.50. Thus, discrimi-
Descriptive analyses nant validity is also met (Fornell and Larcker 1981). Hence,
now it has been inferences that the validity and consistency
For the analyses of fundamental characteristics of variables, of all items and constructs are achieved. The validation of
we employed descriptive statistics, for instance, mean, stand- the measurement model is achieved for all variables; hence,
ard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis. For this purpose, data further investigation of the SEM-base multivariate approach
was changed into z-scores. These statistics show that the could be carried out (Dash et al. 2021; Ahmed et al. 2020).
mean values of data are more significant than 3.50, which
shows its significance, and the standard deviation and skew- KMO & Bartlett’s analysis
ness values are between ± 1.5. Apart from this, the kurtosis
values are observed between ± 3.0, which mean there is a The Bartlett’s sphericity and Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO)
normality pattern in the data (Ahmed et al. 2022). There- measures demonstrated the accuracy and suitability of the
fore, the normality of data fulfills the requirement for other data sampling for the hypothesized model. The KMO meas-
statistical techniques, enabling the researchers to go for an ure exhibited a reading of 0.706, which is considered an
SEM-based multivariate approach using SPSS 26, AMOS adequate number as ranges of KMO between 0.70 and 0.79
26, and conditional process modeling software. The findings are considered a satisfactory threshold (Štreimikienė and
of descriptive analyses are presented in Table 2. Ahmed 2021). Similarly, Bartlett’s sphericity values show
p < 0.05 at a 5% confidence interval. Thus, it demonstrated
Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) a significant correlation between the variables of the study.
Hence, the sampling adequacy and validations of all con-
For the validation of constructs and their items, we employed structs have been achieved; therefore, now model could be
exploratory factor analysis; for this purpose, we used a used for the undertaken study, and we can proceed with
rotated component matrix. For the validation of reliabilities further SEM-based multivariate analyses (Dash et al. 2021;
and validities, we used factor analyses (factor loading-FL, Hair et al. 2019).
Cronbach’s alpha-CA, composite reliability-CR, average

Table 2  Descriptive analyses

Variables N Mean Std. deviation Skewness Kurtosis
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error Statistic Std. error

Green purchase intention Green purchase intention 896 3.79 1.080 − 0.898 0.082 0.289 0.163
Green customer value Environmental image 896 3.76 1.075 − 0.822 0.082 0.201 0.163
Perceived value 896 3.93 1.109 − 0.957 0.082 0.319 0.163
Attitude towards green products Attitude towards green products 896 3.89 1.011 − 0.988 0.082 1.022 0.163
Green marketing mix Product 896 3.96 1.121 − 0.971 0.082 0.279 0.163
Packaging 896 3.84 1.059 − 0.938 0.082 0.543 0.163
Price 896 3.50 1.043 − 0.553 0.082 − 0.360 0.163
Promotion 896 3.79 1.063 − 0.812 0.082 0.307 0.163
Place 896 3.83 1.047 − 0.942 0.082 0.610 0.163
Green psychological benefits Nature experience 896 3.92 1.103 − 0.952 0.082 0.340 0.163
Self-expressive 896 3.86 1.071 − 0.938 0.082 0.480 0.163
Warm glow 896 3.90 1.092 − 0.945 0.082 0.383 0.163
Green marketing Environmental advertising 896 3.90 1.090 − 0.943 0.082 0.394 0.163
Green WOM 896 3.89 1.087 − 0.942 0.082 0.405 0.163

11482 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

Table 3  Measurement model Table 3  (continued)

Factors Items FL CA CR AVE Factors Items FL CA CR AVE

Green purchase intention GPI1 0.935 GWOM2 0.894 0.913 0.937 0.833
GPI2 0.882 0.916 0.943 0.841 GWOM3 0.919
GPI3 0.937
Extraction method: principal component analysis; rotation method:
GPI4 0.899 varimax with Kaiser normalization
Green customer value: EI environmental image, PV perceived value, AGP attitude towards
a) Environmental image EI1 0.926 green products, PRO product, PAK packaging, PRI price, PRM pro-
EI2 0.901 0.924 0.946 0.855 motion, PLA place
EI3 0.947 Mediating variables: NE nature experience, SE self-expressive, WG
warm glow
b) Perceived value PV1 0.927
PV2 0.905 0.926 0.947 0.857 Dependent variables: GPI green purchase intention
PV3 0.946 Moderating variables: EA environmental advertising, GWOM green
word of mouth
Attitude towards green AGP1 0.931
AGP2 0.904 0.927 0.948 0.859
Total variance explained
AGP3 0.945
Green marketing mix:
The statistics of total variance explained demonstrates a
a) Product PRO1 0.926
cumulative variance of fourteen variables is 86.018 (86.01%)
PRO2 0.904 0.919 0.944 0.842
against the cutoff value of 0.50 (50%), which shows a per-
PRO3 0.930
fect reading for the analysis. Moreover, the eigenvalue of
PRO4 0.876
individual variables is more than one, which is also signifi-
b) Packaging PAK1 0.932
cant and exhibits the reliability and suitability of the overall
PAK2 0.904 0.928 0.949 0.860
data for the SEM-based multivariate approach and analyses
PAK3 0.947
(Dash et al. 2021; Ahmed et al. 2020).
c) Price PRI1 0.931
PRI2 0.902 0.924 0.949 0.858
Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA)
PRI3 0.947
PRI4 0.893
According to Hair et al. (2019), the CFA is a direct approach
d) Promotion PRM1 0.928
for analyzing the observed and unobserved variables and
PRM2 0.904 0.921 0.944 0.849
validating the hypothesized measurement model. The con-
PRM3 0.932
sidered measurement model comprised of three independent
e) Place PLA1 0.923
variables such as green customer value (e.g., environmental
PLA2 0.893 0.913 0.937 0.834
image and perceived value), green attitude, and green mar-
PLA3 0.924
keting mix (e.g., green product, green price, green pack-
Green psychological ben-
efits: aging, green promotion, and green place) along with three
a) Nature experience NE1 0.930 items each; however, green products and green price have
NE2 0.906 0.925 0.946 0.853 four items each. Moreover, the model also incorporated
NE3 0.936 mediating variable psychological benefits, which include
b) Self-expressive SE1 0.932 three constructs (warm glow, self-expressive, and nature
SE2 0.904 0.924 0.964 0.854 experience) with three items each. The moderating variable,
SE3 0.937 green marketing, consists of two constructs (environmental
c) Warm glow WG1 0.929 advertising and GWOM) with three items each. Finally, the
WG2 0.902 0.921 0.943 0.848 measurement model has one dependent variable, such as
WG3 0.932 green purchase intention, with four items. Hence, the overall
Green marketing: hypothesized measurement model has fourteen constructs,
a) Environmental adver- EA1 0.929 including forty-five items (Štreimikienė and Ahmed 2021).
tising Table 6 shows the fit-indices values including measure-
EA2 0.901 0.919 0.942 0.844 ment model, in which values are as follows: GFI = 0.97,
EA3 0.927 CFI = 0.96, RNI = 0.99, IFI = 0.96, NFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.97,
b) Green word of mouth GWOM1 0.926 PCFI = 0.84, PNFI = 0.84, and RMSEA = 0.028; therefore,
it demonstrates that all values are within the required range.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11483

Hence, the considered hypothesized measurement model is RNI = 0.98, IFI = 0.97, NFI = 0.93, TLI = 0.98, PCFI = 0.83,
valid for the green purchase intention in the case of US cus- PNFI = 0.85, and RMSEA = 0.029 are within the threshold
tomers, which are eco-friendly customers. limit; therefore, it demonstrates that all values are within the
required range. Hence, the considered hypothesized struc-
Structure equation modeling tural model is valid for the green purchase intention in the
case of US customers who are pro-environmentally friendly.
According to Dash et al. (2021) and Ahmed et al. (2022),
the SEM approach is employed to examine the hypothesized Hypothesized direct relationship
structural model based on previous literature’s adapted mod-
els and theories. Since, the hypothesized structural model of The conditional process modeling examined the relation-
this study consists of green purchase intention (dependent ship between independent and dependent variables. Table 4
variable) with four items. However, the independent variable shows the direct relationship of the independent variables,
comprises green customer value (environmental image and including green customer value (environmental image and
perceived value), green attitude, and green marketing mix perceived value), green marketing mix (e.g., green product,
(green product, green packaging, green price, green pro- green packaging, green price, green promotion, and green
motion, and green place). After the data screening, every place), and green attitude with green purchase intention.
independent variable has three items in the hypothesized Table 4 exhibits that environmental image, perceived value,
structural model except green product and green price that attitude towards green products, green product, green pack-
have four items each (Hair et al. 2019). Additionally, this aging, green promotion, green price, and green place (dis-
study has taken mediating variables such as green psycho- tribution) have a positive and significant relationship with
logical benefits, including three constructs (nature experi- green purchase intention. If we consider the impact of each
ence, self-expressive, and warm glow) and three items for independent variable, it has been observed that “green per-
each construct. Lastly, we incorporated the moderating ceived value” has the highest value of 0.2506, which means
variable, green marketing (environmental advertising and it has a more significant impact on green purchase intention,
GWOM), with three items for the hypothesized structural and the green packaging has the second highest value of
model. Hence, the study has fourteen constructs, including 0.2240, then the green place has 0.1749, and followed by
forty-five items in our considered structural model (Ahmed the green promotion, which has 0.1311. Thus, hypotheses
et al. 2020). The fit-indices readings for the structural model H1a, H1b, H2, and H3a to H3e are accepted with 5% signifi-
in which values are as follows: GFI = 0.96, CFI = 0.97, cance levels, i.e., T >  ± 1.96 and p < 0.05. Hence, it is finally

Table 4  Hypothesized direct relationship

Hypotheses Independent variables Dependent variable Regression paths Standardized SE T P Decision
weights (β)

H1: Green customer values such as (a) environmental image and (b) perceived value have a significant positive influence on green purchase
(a) Environmental image Green purchase intention EI † → GPI 0.0812 0.0215 3.78 0.0002 Supported
(b) Perceived value Green purchase intention PV † → GPI 0.2506 0.0241 10.39 0.0000 Supported
H2: Attitude towards green products has a significant positive influence on green purchase intention
Attitudes towards green Green purchase intention AGP † → GPI 0.0496 0.0245 2.03 0.0431 Supported
H3: Green marketing mix such as, (a) green product, (b) green packaging, (c) green price, (d) green promotion, and (e) green place have a
significant positive influence on green purchase intention
(a) Product Green purchase intention PRO † → GPI 0.0630 0.0231 2.73 0.0177 Supported
(b) Packaging Green purchase intention PAK † → GPI 0.2240 0.0286 7.84 0.0000 Supported
(c) Price Green purchase intention PRI † → GPI 0.0279 0.0109 2.57 0.0104 Supported
(d) Promotion Green purchase intention PRM † → GPI 0.1311 0.0276 4.74 0.0000 Supported
(e) Place Green purchase intention PLA † → GPI 0.1749 0.0220 7.93 0.0000 Supported

† predictor, EI environmental image, PV perceived value, AGP attitude towards green products, PRO product, PAK packaging, PRI price, PRM
promotion, PLA place
Dependent variables: GPI green purchase intention


Table 5  Mediation analyses
Hypotheses Mediation Bootstrapping method Normal theory method
Indirect Boot SE Boot LLCI Boot ULCI Indirect effect SE Z* Prob.** Decision

H4: Green psychological benefits: mediator: M1: nature experience

(a) EI→ NE→ 0.3648 0.0213 0.3237 0.4064 0.3648 0.0200 18.21 0.0000 Supported
(b) GPI 0.3299 0.0229 0.2837 0.3740 0.3299 0.0195 16.94 0.0000 Supported
(c) PV→ NE→ 0.4462 0.0246 0.3995 0.4947 0.4462 0.0233 19.12 0.0000 Supported
(d) GPI 0.3769 0.0225 0.3289 0.4291 0.3769 0.0201 17.35 0.0000 Supported
H5: Green psychological benefits: mediator: M2: self-expressive
(a) EI→ SE→ − 0.0937 0.0239 − 0.1391 − 0.0455 − 0.0937 0.0194 − 4.82 0.0000 Supported
(b) GPI − 0.1073 0.0150 − 0.1382 − 0.0792 − 0.1073 0.0166 − 6.46 0.0000 Supported
(c) PV→ SE→ − 0.0471 0.0190 − 0.0848 − 0.0111 − 0.0471 0.0199 − 2.37 0.0177 Supported
(d) GPI − 0.1102 0.0235 − 0.1256 − 0.0342 − 0.1102 0.0198 − 5.45 0.0000 Supported
H6: Green psychological benefits: mediator: M3: warm glow
(a) EI→ WG→ 0.4554 0.0246 0.4080 0.5037 0.4554 0.0224 20.37 0.0000 Supported
(b) GPI 0.4025 0.0249 0.3542 0.4518 0.4025 0.0225 17.87 0.0000 Supported
(c) PV→ WG→ 0.5096 0.0261 0.4578 0.5593 0.5096 0.0241 21.12 0.0000 Supported
(d) GPI 0.4215 0.0243 0.4225 0.5203 0.4215 0.0221 21.42 0.0000 Supported

Predictor: EI environmental image, PV perceived value, AGP attitude towards green products, GMM green marketing mix Mediating variables: NE nature experience, SE self-expressive, WG
warm glow
Dependent variables: GPI green purchase intention
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11485

concluded that US consumers are more friendly towards the since T >  ± 1.96 and p < 0.05 in all the cases. The findings
consumption of green products, and they are very concerned exhibited a significant moderating influence of environ-
about environmental protection. mental advertising and green word of mouth in a relation-
ship between green customer value, attitude towards green
Mediation analysis products, and green marketing mix with green purchase
intention. Thus, hypotheses H7a to H7d and H8a to H8d are
Conditional process modeling is also used for mediation accepted. The findings conclude that green marketing (envi-
analysis; Table 5 demonstrates the two methods of media- ronmental image and GWOM) can be essential for influ-
tion analysis: bootstrapping method and the normal theory encing consumers to adopt pro-environmental behavior and
method. Bootstrapping method is a crucial method for purchase green products. It can be helpful for marketers to
finding mediation. The result shows no zero between Boot promote green products to gain a competitive advantage and
LLCI and Boot ULCI, meaning there is perfect mediation sustainable growth.
(Hayes and Rockwood 2020). Similarly, the normal theory
method shows the value of Z >  ± 1.96 and p < 0.05; thus, it Conditional graphical evidence of moderation
again validated the perfect mediation among the variables.
Therefore, hypotheses H4a to H4d, H5a to H5d, and H6a to According to Hayes and Rockwood (2020), it is also essen-
H6d are accepted. This analysis found that nature experi- tial to prove moderation graphically. Therefore, Fig. 2a to
ence, self-expression, and warm glow significantly impact h show that green marketing (environmental advertising
between exogenous and endogenous (green purchase inten- and GWOM) has a significant moderating impact on the
tion) variables. For instance, green psychological benefits relationship between green customer value (environmental
(nature experience, self-expressive, and warm glow) have a image and perceived value), green marketing mix, attitude
significant mediating effect between environmental image, towards green products, and green purchase intention. Every
perceived value, green marketing mix, and attitude toward reading of moderating variable (red lines) changes the green
green products and green purchase intention. purchase intention (green lines); however, exogenous vari-
ables (blue lines) are kept constant, which remains constant
Hypothesized moderating relationship throughout the process of moderation. Hence, it is concluded
that green marketing, including environmental advertising
The moderating relationship is also analyzed with con- and GWOM, significantly impact between exogenous and
ditional process analysis (Hayes and Rockwood 2020). endogenous (green purchase intention) variables.
Table 6 shows the significant impact of moderation of
green marketing (environmental advertising and GWOM)

Table 6  Moderation analyses

Hypotheses Moderator Moderation Coefficient SE T P* LLCI ULCI Decisions

H7: Environmental advertising has a significant impact on customer value, attitude toward the green product, green marketing mix, and green
purchase intention
(a) EA EI x EA 0.2201 0.0135 − 16.30 0.0000 − 0.2466 − 0.1936 Accepted
(b) EA PV x EA − 0.0711 0.0123 − 5.76 0.0000 − .0953 − 0.0468 Accepted
(c) EA AGP x EA − 0.1535 0.0145 − 10.58 0.0000 − 0.1819 − 0.1250 Accepted
(d) EA GMM x EA − 0.1802 0.0142 − 13.55 0.0000 − 0.1877 − 0.1542 Accepted
H8: Green word of mouth (GWOM) has a significant impact on customer value, attitude toward the green product, green marketing mix, and
green purchase intention
a) GWOM EI x GWOM − 0.1757 0.0148 − 11.88 0.0000 − 0.2047 − 0.1467 Accepted
b) GWOM PV x GWOM − 0.1096 0.0111 − 9.85 0.0000 − 0.1314 − 0.0877 Accepted
c) GWOM AGP x GWOM − 0.1491 0.0142 − 10.53 0.0000 − 0.1769 − 0.1213 Accepted
d) GWOM GMM x GWOM − 0.1324 0.0150 − 9.48 0.0000 − 0.1521 − 0.0979 Accepted

Where “x” denoted for the multiplicative sign; * Indicates rejection of Null Hypotheses at p < 0.05
EI environmental image, PV perceived value, AGP attitude towards green products, GMM green marketing mix
Dependent variables: GPI green purchase intention
Moderating variables: EA environmental advertising, GWOM green word of mouth

11486 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495 11487

◂Fig. 2  a–h Moderation of environmental advertising and green word consumers go for those products to which they have an
of mouth between green customer value, attitude towards green prod- emotional attachment. Hence, marketers need to see the
ucts, green marketing mix, and green purchase intention
customers’ values related to environmental issues as it is
a decisive element for their green purchasing behavior.
Discussions and conclusion Therefore, customers and firms must show their concerns
and contribute positively to environmental issues to get a
The analyses of the study suggested that green customer positive image and status in society (Sun et al. 2021; Ramli
value, including perceived value and environmental image, and Maysari 2020). Moreover, the third factor of psycho-
has a positive and significant relationship with green pur- logical benefit is self-expressive, which enables customers
chase intention in the case of US urban centers’ consum- to value green products. Thus, it leads to green consump-
ers. Dhewi et al. (2018) also explored that customer’s per- tion behavior (Arora and Manchanda 2022; Hwang and
ceived value is a self-experience that ultimately depends Choi 2017). The mediation findings have suggested that
on the situation, the people, and the product itself. The warm glow, nature experience, and self-experience have
multidimensional approach suggests that customers’ per- a significant and positive influence on the relationship of
ceived value is a combination of different values which exogenous (green attitude, green customer value, and green
can influence a specific situation. The other studies have marketing mix) and green purchase intention. Lastly, the
explored that perceived green customer value leads to pro- findings of this research demonstrated that green market-
environmental behavior and can enhance the image ben- ing (environmental advertising and GWOM) as moderat-
efit in customers’ minds (Al Zubaidi 2020). The findings ing variable has a significant impact between exogenous
also demonstrated that a positive environmental image of variables and green purchase intention (Shafiee and Shahin
customers increases their green consumption and creates 2021). Thus, it is suggested that customer value, attitude,
a sense of social responsibility. Hence, the study suggests and green marketing mix have a stronger relationship with
that customer value (environmental image) significantly green purchase intention in the presence of moderating
affects green consumption, which is also harmonized with variables, for instance, environmental advertisement and
the analysis of Shimul et al. (2022) and Hänninen and Kar- GWOM. Previous literature such as Chen et al. (2021), Kao
jaluoto (2017). Secondly, the study has explored customers’ (2020), and Saboo et al. (2016) also suggested that envi-
green attitude and concluded that it had been a significant ronmental advertising has a significant influence between
determinant that has a positive and cogent impact on green customer values and attitudes, green marketing mix, and
purchase intention. It means that the pro-environmental green purchase intention, hence increasing the chances of
customers are more tilted towards eco-friendly products consumption. Correspondingly, Solekah et al. (2020) and
and environment protection. Similarly, the findings also Chekima et al. (2016) concluded that green advertising
demonstrated that the green marketing mix (e.g., green increases the level of consumers to behave pro-environ-
product, green packaging, green price, green promotion, mental oriented, which motivates green purchasing. Simi-
and green place) has a positive and significant relation- larly, GWOM has a significant moderating impact between
ship with green purchase intention. Previous literature also the green attitude, the customer value and green marketing
exhibits that consumers with a green attitude and status mix, and the green purchase intention. Consumers are more
oriented are more inclined to purchase green products and prone to rely on their surroundings’ word of mouth, and
green packaging (Shaw et al. 2021; Amallia et al. 2021; it can change customers’ attitudes toward green products
Ahmad and Thyagaraj 2015). and enhance their purchasing decisions. The GWOM is an
Moreover, the study has concluded that there is a signifi- effective tool because consumers’ decision-making heavily
cant and positive mediating impact of green psychological depends on others’ direct recommendations. Thus, mar-
benefits, for instance, warm glow, nature experience, self- keters must focus on GWOM to promote green products
expressive between independent variables (customer value, (Vijaya 2020; De Medeiros et al. 2016).
attitude, and green marketing mix), and green purchase
intention and behavior. Remarkably, it suggests that people
with a high level of perceiving the psychological benefits Theoretical implications
of green products are more inclined toward green consump-
tion. According to Yusiana et al. (2021), Hartmann and For considering the study results, it is observed that
Apaolaza-Ibáñez (2012) also confirmed that environmen- undertaken theories are verified for considered modi-
tal protection’s warm glow and other psychological ben- fied conceptual framework. Therefore, the research-
efits enhance purchase intention. Similarly, nature experi- ers can replicate this model for specific industries and
ences can influence the attitude and values of customers products, which is an essential contribution to the study.
toward green products. Wang et al. (2022) suggested that Since behavioral theories like signaling theory, ABC

11488 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

theory, and TPB model are verified with the analysis, generations. Moreover, from this study, the firms can get
these theories could be used while making consumer pur- insight into moderating and mediating the role of green
chase intention models. Similarly, in the signaling theory, marketing and psychological benefits on customers’ pur-
customers become more confident and doubtless towards chase intention. Accordingly, marketers can adopt such
products with the help of signals like green advertising factors in their marketing strategies to gain a competitive
and green word of mouth. The researchers can use the advantage. Marketers can change the customers’ values
signaling advantage of green products, like signals pro- toward environmental concerns through effective green
vided to customers about the benefits of green products strategies. The current study can influence policymakers
(Tarabieh 2021; Berger 2019). Besides this, other cata- to promote green marketing programs and initiate pro-
lysts, including green marketing, such as environmental environmental campaigns to improve green purchasing
advertising and GWOM, can strengthen the customers’ and change customers’ values towards protecting the
value, attitude, and green purchase intention (Soelton environment. Policymakers can be more focused on the
et al. 2020). Several studies have considered the GWOM implementation of pro-environmental strategies. The
as direct one-to-one verbal communication, and direct government can also play a vital role in disseminating
communication spreads information to customers regard- pro-environmental behavior through social media and
ing good or bad product experiences. Similarly, customers mainstream media to influence consumers and industries
share positive product reviews, and positive wording is to adopt the pro-environment nature and consequences
disseminated more hence leading to the willingness to of environmental issues. It is the only way to protect the
consume by many buyers (Amin and Tarun 2021; Vijaya environment when customers get to know about environ-
2020; Chen et al. 2015). Moreover, the psychological mental issues; then, they adopt green products in their
benefit factors act as signals in terms of signaling theory, purchasing behavior.
affecting customers’ minds and emotional states, thus
impacting green purchase intention.
Limitations and future research
Managerial implications
The study has found many informative and valid results;
The undertaken study has drawn numerous practical and however, this research has certain limitations and could
managerial implications. For example, this research sug- be improved in future research studies. Firstly, this study
gests that firms need to focus more on green marketing has taken 896 sample sizes by using purposive sampling,
as this has been proved as an essential tool to change which may not be sufficient to represent the whole popula-
the customers’ values and attitudes and marketing mix tion of the USA. Therefore, the results cannot be gener-
toward green purchasing behavior. The study finds out alizable for an entire country or North American region.
that green advertisements have positively strengthened Thus, it is recommended that future researchers take a
the pro-environmental nature of US consumers and more appropriate sample from the entire North American
enabling to adopt green product consumption behavior. region for more robust results. Future studies may also add
Firms could create an affirmative environmental image more significant variables in a modified conceptual frame-
and value of green products in the minds of consumers work to carry out studies. Moreover, this study does not
to enhance the customer’s value towards green prod- address the cause and effect between the variables. There-
ucts through effective green advertisements and green fore, it is recommended that future researchers employ
word-of-mouth strategies. Besides, this study enables cause and effect models while carrying out their studies
the firms to adopt better green marketing mix strategies (Štreimikienė and Ahmed 2021). Future research can
for an eco-friendly environment. Regarding the psycho- develop a new model and analyze the motivation behind
logical benefits factors, these could be incorporated into green purchasing. Another limitation of this study is that
marketing strategies to impact the customers’ values, it has not taken a specific green product or service. There-
green attitude, and green marketing mix towards green fore, the results can be different for different products.
product consumption. The organization can adopt green Hence, it is also suggested to future researchers to take
strategies to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities specific green products or services.
toward a pro-environmental atmosphere for the next

Table 7  Questionnaire’s items and sources
Variables Items Statement Source

Green purchase intention GPI1 I am willing to pay more for a green product, avoiding Costa et al. (2021); Kaur et al. (2022); Diva (2020); Kashi
cheaper ones that harm the environment (2019), Lai and Cheng (2016)
GPI2 I will consider buying green products, as they conserve
energy resources
GPI3 I will consider buying green products, as they are recycled
GPI4 I have the perception that green products have more excel-
lent added value, and therefore I am willing to pay more
Green Marketing mix Product PRO1 Green products or services are solutions to environmental Bailey et al. (2016); 2018); Hossain & Rahman (2018);
problems Misra and Singh (2016)
PRO2 The products I use must not harm the environment
PRO3 Green products or services are good for health
PRO4 The quality of green products or services is better
Price PRI1 The ecological benefits justify the price of green products Bailey et al. (2016); Hossain an Rahman (2018); Mehraj and
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

or services Qureshi (2020)

PRI2 Green product or services prices should be reasonable to
motivate consumers to buy
PRI3 The price and quality of green products or services are
PRI4 The enhanced performance of green products or services
justifies their price
Place PLA1 Green products or services are regularly available nearby Hossain and Rahman (2018); Leonidou et al. (2013); Kaut-
PLA2 Green products or services are readily available nearby ish et al. (2019)
PLA3 Green products or services are widely available in all
Promotion PRM1 I tend to pay attention to advertising messages about the Hossain and Rahman (2018); Bailey et al. (2018); Misra and
environment Singh (2016); Pettersson et al. (2016)
PRM2 Consumers are facilitated by environmental advertisements
to make informed buying decisions
PRM3 Green advertisements increase consumers’ awareness of
the benefits of green products or services
Packaging PAK1 Green packaging protect the environment Sembiring (2021); Shaw et al. (2021); Nuttavuthisit and
PAK2 I prefer to purchase green packaging products Thøgersen (2017)
PAK3 Consumers are enabled by green packaging for purchasing
products or services

Table 7  (continued)

Variables Items Statement Source

Attitude towards green products AGP1 It has become inevitable to protect the environment for Chin et al. (2020), Chen et al. (2019), (1991); Kaur et al.
future generations (2022); Ajzen (1991)
AGP2 I know the environmental benefits of green personal care
products and services
AGP3 I actively participated in an environmental campaign
Green customer value Environmental image EI1 Environmental image is a key factor for any organizational Kalsi and Singh (2019); Bailey et al. (2018); Appolloni
existence and long-term sustainable growth et al. (2014)
EI2 The environmental image could be enhanced by adopting
environmentally friendly strategies, which also increase
the overall organizational performance
EI3 Environmental image is an essential parameter for the
employees, shareholders, and consumers
Perceived value PV1 Perceived value is an essential element for the long-term Kaur et al. (2022); Kalsi and Singh (2019); Appolloni et al.
sustainable performance of any organization (2014)
PV2 I always believe on the perceived value of a product or
service regarding an eco-friendly environment
PV3 Perceived value always plays an essential role to become a
brand for any product and service
Green Psychological benefits Nature experience NE1 Nature experience is very much linked with the eco- Andereck and Nyaupane (2011); Maller et al. (2006)
friendly environment that is vital for consumers, and
other stakeholders
NE2 Nature experience is directly linked with the environment
related strategies, which are beneficial for both consum-
ers and the organization
NE3 Nature experience always inspires me towards the buying
of organic products and services
Self-expressive SE1 I always self-expressive to buy eco-friendly products and Chairunnisa and Perdhana (2020); Pelt et al. (2018); Aaker
services (2002); Hartmann and Apaolaza-Ibáñez (2012)
SE2 My personality does not accept the product or service that
is hazardous for the environment
SE3 My purchase intention always triggers by the inner con-
scious that support the eco-friendly product or service
Warm glow WG1 Warm glow always can be achieved through buying eco- Chen et al. (2019); Andreoni (1989); Clark et al. (2003)
friendly products and services
WG2 The pro-environmental strategies of any product or organi-
zation provide a significant sense of warm glow
WG3 Warm glow always be a significant psychological benefit
of eco-friendly services and products’ buying
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495
Table 7  (continued)
Variables Items Statement Source

Green marketing Environmental advertising EA1 Financial growth can be achieved by using environmental Liao et al. (2020); Jaini et al. (2020); Kaur et al. (2022);
advertising strategies as a core business strategy Keller and Fay (2012)
EA2 I always fascinate with the pro-environmental advertising
EA3 Pro-environmental advertising strategies convince me to
buy eco-friendly products and services
Word of mouth WOM1 Word of mouth from family, friends and peers always Liao et al. (2020); Jaini et al. (2020); Chen et al. (2015);
convince consumers to buy eco-friendly products and Keller and Fay (2012)
WOM2 Consumers can receive the word of mouth through in
person, electronically through social media that will alter
their buying behavior
WOM3 Word of mouth significantly change my buying behavior
intention regarding eco-friendly products and services
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

11492 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:11473–11495

Author contribution All authors contributed to the study’s conception and willingness to pay a premium. J Sustain Mark 1(1):24–32.
and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were https://​doi.​org/​10.​51300/​josm-​2020-​23
performed by Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Hina Qadir, Dalia Streimikiene, Al-Gasawneh J, Al-Adamat A (2020) The mediating role of e-word of
and Justas Streimikis. The first draft of the manuscript was written by mouth on the relationship between content marketing and green
Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, and all authors commented on previous versions purchase intention. Manag Sci Lett 10:1701–1708. https://​doi.​
of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. org/​10.​5267/j.​msl.​2020.1.​010
Alamsyah DP (2020) Green customer behavior: mediation model
of green purchase. Int J Psychosoc Rehabil 24(5):2568–2577.
Data availability Not applicable.
Alamsyah DP, Chung W-YD, Luckieta Mulyani M, Amran A (2020)
A study of green perceived value as mediation to green purchase
Declarations intention of the customer. J Crit Rev 7(14):142–146. https://​doi.​
Ethics approval Not applicable. Amallia BA, Effendi MI, Ghofar A (2021) The effect of green advertis-
ing, trust, and attitude on green purchase intention: an evidence
Consent to participate Not applicable. from Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Int J Creat Bus Manag 1(1):66–79.
Consent for publication Not applicable. Amoako G, Dzogbenuku R, Abubakari A (2020) Do green knowledge
and attitude influence the youth’s green purchasing? Theory of
Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. planned behavior. Int J Product Perform Manag 69(8):1609–
1626. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1108/​IJPPM-​12-​2019-​0595
Amin S, Tarun MT (2021) Effect of consumption values on custom-
ers’ green purchase intention: a mediating role of green trust.
Soc Responsib J 17(8):1320–1336. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1108/​
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Authors and Affiliations

Rizwan Raheem Ahmed1 · Dalia Streimikiene2 · Hina Qadir1 · Justas Streimikis3,4

Rizwan Raheem Ahmed Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Institute of Economics
[email protected] and Rural Development, A. Vivulskio g. 4A‑13,
03220 Vilnius, Lithuania
Hina Qadir
[email protected] Faculty of Management and Finances, University
of Economics and Human Science in Warsaw, Okopowa 59,
Justas Streimikis
01‑043 Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]
Faculty of Management Sciences, Indus University, Karachi,
Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos 3, Kaunas, Lithuania


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