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Self-direction: creativity; freedom; independence; curiosity;

UNIVERSAL VALUES choosing your own goals
6. Universalism: broadmindedness; wisdom; social justice;
6.0 WHAT IS UNIVERSAL VALUE? equality; a world at peace; a world of beauty; unity with nature;
Value - something that a person or a group believes has a value protecting the environment; inner harmony
that merits being sought, promoted, or privileged. This can be
7. Benevolence: helpfulness; honesty; forgiveness; loyalty;
a thing (money, food, art), a state of mind (peace, protection,
responsibility; friendship
certainty), or a behavior that results from those things or
states of mind (protecting innocent people, telling the truth, 8. Tradition: accepting one's portion in life; humility; devoutness;
being creative). respect for tradition; moderation
9. Conformity: self-discipline; obedience
Universal values, however, can be be understood in two ways.
10. Security: cleanliness; family security; national security;
First, it could be that something has universal value because
stability of social order; reciprocation of favours; health; sense of
everyone finds it important. Second, it could have universal
value when all people have reason to believe it has value.

According to the Didactic Encyclopedia (2015), universal value is Schwartz also tested an eleventh possible universal value,
a concept that it is not obvious to define because a principle is 'spirituality', or 'the goal of finding meaning in life', but found
connected with morality or ethics. It is difficult to transpose or that it does not seem to be recognised in all cultures
apply to the level of the group. In other words, all people have
certain values that come from within them and direct their 6.2 UN CHARTER OF UNIVERSAL VALUES
actions. Because human beings do not think in the same way, In the lecture by Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Global Ethics,
values can differ from person to person. Universal values, entitled “Do We Still Have Universal Values?”, delivered at
however, need to be socially expressed. Tübingen University, Germany, he stressed this quotation, “The
values of peace, freedom, social progress, equal rights and
human dignity, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations
and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are no less
valid today than when, over half a century ago, those documents
were drafted by representatives of many different nations and
cultures.” Progress, equal rights, human dignity are accutely
needed in this age of globalization. In the Millenium Declaration
according ot Annan, “all states reaffirmed certain fundamental
values as being essentials to international relations in the twenty-
first century”: freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, respect
Figure 1. DESCRIPTION OF UNIVERSAL VALUES for nature and shared responsibility.”

Looking at the fundamental values mentioned above and the

S. H. Schwartz, along with several colleagues in the field of provisions under the Charter of the United Nations, countries of
psychology, carried out empirical research analyzing whether all nations and cultures must apply these principles to maintain
there are universal values and what those values are. Schwartz peace and security in the world. Rich, poor, developed,
underdeveloped, advanced, or not and highly technological or
described 'values' as 'conceptions of what is important that affect
the way people choose action and evaluate events.' (Sen, 1999) not countries must not only adapt but implement these values
Schwartz's results from a series of studies that included seriously. In reality, the presence of discrimination, double
standards, injustice, partiality, oppression, etc., can be seen in an
surveys of more than 25,000 people in 44 countries with a wide
range of different cultural types suggest that there are fifty-six international setting. It is admittable that the nations, which are
specific universal values and ten types of universal value. advanced are powerful than those states in poverty considered
Schwartz's ten types of universal value are: power, achievement, as weaker states. If all nations in the world despite differences in
races, colors, international standings, cultures, religions, customs,
hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence,
tradition, conformity, and security. traditions, set aside their respective self-interests, peace and
security in the whole world will evidently possible. It can be
described as, unified, cooperative, promoter of mutual
Below are each of the value types, with the specific related
values alongside: understanding, and peace-loving nations. A better future for all
the countries in the world.
1. Power: authority; leadership; dominance, social power, wealth
2. Achievement: success; capability; ambition; influence; 6.3 BASIC UNIVERSAL HUMAN VALUES
intelligence; self-respet. Hereunder are some of the basic univeral human values:
3. Hedonism: pleasure; enjoying life
(1) Happiness – it refers to good fortune; pleasure; contentment;
4. Stimulation: daring activities; varied life; exciting life
joy. Under the notes on Aristtle’s Nicomachean Ethics,
“happiness or flourishing or living well is a complete and
sufficient good. This implies that it is desired for itself, that it is good reputation for anyone. People must be very careful of his
not desired for the sake of anything else, that it satisfies all or her action and words to be said.
desire and has no evil mixed in with it, and that it is stable. The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article 2 Section 11 provides,
Under the notes on Aristtle’s Nicomachean Ethics, “happiness “The state recognizes the dignity of every human person and
or flourishing or living well is a complete and sufficient good. guaranteed full respect for human right.” This implies that any
This implies that it is desired for itself, that it is not desired for person in whatever capacity, economic and social status, rich or
the sake of anything else, that it satisfies all desire and has no evil poor, educated or uneducated deserve to be respected by
mixed in with it, and that it is stable. anyone. There are instances that a simple individual is respectful
more than professionals. The status in life is not a guarantee that
(2) Peace – is a freedom from disturbance; tranquility. It is a state an individual has dignity and honor. It is in the inner self of a
or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. A state of person, an innate character built and developed day by day of
mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in anyone. Whatever action to be done will reflect on whom and
personal relations: Example: Llive in peace with your neighbors. who you are.

(3) Freedom – is the state of being free or at liberty, freedom

from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering MODULE 7
conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., THE FILIPINO WAY
according to choice.
(4) Safety - is the state of being safe; freedom from the Filipino cultural morality especially that which concerns social
occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. ethics, centers on ideally having a “smooth interpersonal
relationship (SIR) with others (De Guzman et al. 2017). The
(5) Intelligence – is a capacity for learning, reasoning, definition of “smooth interpersonal relationship” in Philippine
understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in culture is principally supported by and anchored on the following
grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. Filipino values and Filipino traits and values (De Guzman et al.
2017 and Arcega et al., 2018).
(6) Respect - as a formal expression or gesture of greeting,
esteem, or friendship: deference to a right, privilege, privileged Filipino Values
position, or someone or something considered to have certain Values are those aspects in life that include customs, traditions,
rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; etc., which the people regard as necessary and important in their
acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to dealings with one another (Agoncillo et al., 2010). One of the
show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly. Filipino values is ‘pakikisama’ or sense or togetherness. It refers
to doing somebody a good deed, such as helping a relative or
(7) Equality – is the state or quality of being equal; neighbor build a house without asking for compensation, or
correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability: helping someone looking for a job and so on (Agoncillo et al.,
promoting equality of opportunity in the workplace. 2010). It is not only practiced in neighborhood but also at work
and school. Helping other people even in small little way may
(8) Justice – is the quality of being just; righteousness, show ‘pakikisama.’ Like offering help if someone cannot carry a
equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a bunch of documents or buy goods that an office-mate or
cause. classmate sells to support his/her relative in medication or
education (Arcega et al., 2018). According to De Guzman et al.
(9) Nature – is the material world, especially as surrounding 2017, ‘pakikisama’ is having and maintaining ‘good public
humankind and existing independently of human activities. relations.’ This is usually being practiced to avoid clash with other
people or a certain group. Just like other Filipino values,
(10) Health – is the general condition of the body or mind with ‘pakikisama’ can work either positively or destructively. To elude
reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health. open displays of conflicts, clashes, and confrontations, Filipinos,
soundness of body or mind; freedom from disease or ailment to because of ‘pakikisama,’ may submit to group opinion,
have one's health; to lose one's health. overgenerous praise one another, using metaphorical language
rather than candid terms, concealing negative feelinsg or
6.4 THE HUMAN DIGNITY unhappy spirits underneath a pleasant demeanor, smiling even
Dignity is the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. when things go wrong, avoiding to say ‘no,’ and refraining from
"A man of dignity and unbending principle" is an example. It venting anger or losing temper (De Guzman et al. 2017).
refers to bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self respect or
appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or ‘Utang na loob’ or dept or gratitude is very important to
situation. It is the importance and value that a person has, that Filipinos. It is recognizing and returning the favor to that person
makes other people respect them or makes them respect in the same measure who help them in times of need (Agoncillo
themselves. Dignity is earned and cannot be taken away from et al., 2010). According to Arcega et al., (2018), Filipinos may
anyone. It must be preserved so that the respect of others is have ‘utang na loob’ if other people help them during sickness,
maintained. Any act or action to be done by an individual will be medication, sending their children to school, finding a job, or
reflected in his or her personality. Only one big mistake can ruin a they were saved in a life threatening situation. Once Filipinos
surpass those challenges in life they will return to the person however, makes Filipinos prone to being abused or maltreated
whom they have debt of gratitude to give back the favor they (De Guzman et al., 2017).
received or they will help that person in times of need. However
‘utang na loob’ may not be good if the person is forced to do Family is the unit of society and consists, at least very recent
somethings even against his/ her will or against the law just to times, of the parent, grandparents, and the children (Agoncillo et
pay the debt of gratitude. The person will do this to avoid being al., 2010). Filipinos are also known for having close family ties. As
reproved or having confrontations, clashes and conflicts with the much as possible, they want to live in a house together with their
person whom they have ‘utang na loob.’ grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. Father is the
head and the provider of the family. All of his salary will be given
‘Hiya’ or ‘kahihiyan’ or sense of shame is another Filipino to his wife to budget all the expenses and needs of the family. He
values (Agoncillo et al., 2010). ‘Hiya’ may be observed to will fix anything that are damaged in their house. On the other
Filipinos in accepting the food that are offered to them. Even hand, mother is the light of their home. She will guide their
though they are hungry, they will feel sense of shame accepting children in their assignment and school activities. She will do the
the food given to them or they will say that they are not yet house chores like going to market, cleaning the house, cooking
hungry. They also feel ‘hiya’ in approaching higher authorities like dishes, washing and ironing the clothes and etc (Arcega et al.,
school principal, teachers/ professors, deans, and executives. 2018). On the other hand, this Filipino trait may not be good
They will look someone whom they think have the courage to sometimes if daughters and sons who have their own family still
approach higher authorities (Arcega et al., 2018). On the other live under their parents’ custody. Their aging parents who should
hand, ‘kahihiyan’ maybe observed in the Filipino families. They be enjoying their retirement age, still support their children and
try to avoid doing things that may dishonor their family’s name grandchildren in many ways such as providing them basic needs,
and reputation. If problems arise in the family, as much as they shoulder the payment of utilities, or even support grandchildren
could, they will hide it within the family because for them, the in their studies because the former either have no capacity to
stink of a member will be the stink of the whole family (Arcega support their family, have no stable job, are immature parents or
et al., 2018). Sense of shame maybe observed also during family’s used to be dependent to parents even they have their own family.
occasion like wedding, baptism and feast (Agoncillo et al., 2010). Respect for the elders is also observed to the Filipinos. They
Others will borrow money from relatives or other people obey elderly and consider their suggestions in major life
offering 5/6 or with higher interest rates just to be used in the decisions like choosing a course in college, marriage, burial,
occasion. They will spend so much not to receive bad comments changed of residents and others. Saying po and opo as well as
from other people that they cannot afford to spend money for mano po are taught to children as sign of respect to elders.
the event. At the end, they need to settle their obligations or else Children are also taught not to interrupt or mingle with the
the interests will get higher (Arcega et al., 2018). elders while they are having conversations. Calling kuya or ate
the person who is older in age even they are not biologically
Like ‘hiya,’ the Filipino value of ‘amor propio’ is derived from related is also a a way f showing respect (Arcega et al., 2018).
the concept of ‘face.’ Although commonly translated as self- When excessive, nonetheless, respect to elders make one
respect or self-esteem, ‘amor propio’ has been characterized as dependent or irrationally obedient to parents or elders (De
the high degree of sensitivity that makes a person intolerant to Guzman et al. 2017).
criticism and causes him to have an easily wounded pride
(“Amor Propio.” n.d). Concerning this Filipino value, some These Filipino social values are important to maintain harmony
observe that Filipinos learn to withstand a loss of face in some in Filipino relationships in social institutions such as family,
situations, particulalrly when they perceive themselves to be a school, and community. The ‘smooth interpersonal relationship,’
fault, but it is devastating to be publicly criticized, insulted, together with Filipino ‘pakikipagkapwa-tao,’ has been deemed as
belittled, or humiliated or to lose one’s self-respect (“Amor a central core of essential cultural traits that form and define an
Propio.” n.d). According to De Guzman et al., (2017), ‘amor almost stereotypic Filipino character and mora behavior (De
propio’ comes from the person’s tendency to protect is or her Guzman et al. 2017).
dignity and honor. Because of pride or amor proprio, for
instance, a person may refuse offers even if he/she wants to
accept them.

Trait is a distinguishing feature or character of a person or a
group of people (Agoncillo et al., 2010). One of the common
traits among Filipino is hospitality or keeping the strangers feel
warm and welcome. Filipinos are known by other nations
through this trait because they really make an effort to welcome
their guests. It is not only applied to foreigners but it also applied
to everybody. New kitchen utensils, bed sheets and pillow covers,
bath towels etc., are used by their guests. They also cook
delicious foods for them. They want their guests happy,
contented and comfortable (Arcega et al., 2018). This trait

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