Artemic - Warning Danger Not To Scale
Artemic - Warning Danger Not To Scale
Artemic - Warning Danger Not To Scale
Ashford's Watch is a small town in a duchy
After observing strange phenomena located between the Ashmill River and the
happening in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa Redborne Forest. Duke Greggor von
has used her latest invention to shrink herself Hildebrande has ruled Ashford's Watch for over
down to a minuscule size, barely three inches forty years, as his family has for generations.
tall. While minimized, she discovered that the Before the current duke's reign, Ashford's Watch
small creatures inhabiting her lab have somehow was little more than a border outpost town,
gained some level of sentience, and a violent protecting the rest of the duchy from the
feud has broken out between her escaped lab nomadic people of the Redborne Forest, who
mice and a group of pond frogs in the courtyard would annually raid the nearby towns and fields
garden. each fall.
Mesmerized by the tiny world living right In a historic treaty, the duke married the
beneath her feet (and feeling somewhat nomadic chief's youngest daughter, Alexa,
responsible for what's been going on) Alexa bringing forth a new-found time of peace.
forgot to notify her assistant, Elgeon, of her However, with Alexa's disappearance the
plans. treaty is in jeopardy. If the duke can't locate
Her escaped lab mice have founded a city Alexa before her family arrives for the annual fall
within the inner walls of the manor house, and festival, it would mean mayhem.
have been living in peace and quiet until the
royal twins were recently abducted. A nearby
tribe of pond frogs have made off with the
young pups, in retaliation for their tadpole "Why that's the most curious thing I've ever seen -
clutch being destroyed. who would have thought a simple shocking grasp
Eyewitnesses at the frog enclave thought they spell would have the kind of effect on a slistone
saw a large, white mouse destroy their pool, and energy transmutor? ... I'm sure the hair will grow
raided the mouse city, keeping the pups as back soon. Really."
hostages until their demands are met. The
arrival of Alexa has only exacerbated the The youngest daughter of the chief of the
situation, and the frogs now believe the mice nomadic Redborne clan, Alexa al'Redthorne,
have recruited a strange, hairless wizard to their was married to Duke Greggor von Hildebrande
side. as a way of sealing the peace treaty between the
However, the tadpole clutch was actually two peoples. Nearly three decades his junior,
destroyed by a ferocious rat, another denizen of Alexa and the duke for the most part leave each
the manor house's crevices. If the players can other to their own devices; Alexa keeps her own
kill the rat and convince the frogs of the mice's staff in her wing of the ducal manor house,
innocence, order can be restored to the small staffed primarily by members of her own clan
garden world. If not, Alexa's life may be at and the odd assortment of colorful characters.
stake. An avid inventor and accomplished wizard,
Alexa is a natural intellectual and a master
craftsman and tinkerer. However, her family
never approved of her hobbies (most likely due to
the number of wagons she singed and horses she
DM NOTE : While the module takes place in
and around the village of Ashford's Watch, it
can be easily substituted by any other small
town in an overarching campaign. 3
frightened off). When presented with the
marriage offer from the duke, including the
promise of independence and access to his "Are you TRYING to blow up the courtyard with
substantial resources, she readily agreed and that convoluted nonsense? Oh, you are?
packed her bags. Hrummar's tits, girl, you're going about it all
successful Survival or Track check DC 9).
As the duke would prefer that word not get Talking to any gate guard at Ashford's Watch will
out about his wife's disappearance, no decrees or prompt them to wonder why Sara went out into
rewards have been posted calling for her return. the woods alone, and that someone should
If the party is comprised of higher-level or probably go after her as she's been gone for quite
famous characters, then the duke may quietly some time. Once rescued Sara will tell the player
send a messenger to meet with the party party the entire story of Alexa's disappearance
discretely while they spend the night at the local and her fears that something dreadful may have
inn. However, if the player group is comprised happened. She'll also arrange for the party to
of 1st-level or otherwise innocuous party meet the duke at their earliest convenience.
members, some possible introductory story
hooks include the following:
• When entering the town of Ashford's Ashford's Watch (small town): AL NG; 1000
Watch for the first time, the citizens in the town gp limit; 35,000 gp assets; Population 790;
square are concerned and scared. They'll be Mixed (85% human, 9% halfling, 5% half-elf,
quick to gossip about Alexa's basic history, 1% other races)
physical appearance, and personality, but grow
quiet and aloof when pressured as to her Important Characters: Duke Greggor von
whereabouts. They're worried for her, but afraid Hildebrande, male human Nob3; Sara Winters
of retaliation from the duke or forest clan. Once (Alexa's handmaid), female half-elf Com1; Percy
they've determined that she's missing, the party Johnes (Duke's gardener), male human Com2;
can approach the duke's manor house and Madam Thurgood (innkeeper), female human
request a meeting from the butler. However, the Com2
butler may turn them away if they don't possess
enough information to make the party sound
trustworthy. The adventure begins when the players first
• Every night at the inn, the duke's enter the town. Start off by providing the players
gardener can be found enjoying a pint of the with a description of the sites around them:
local ale. If bribed with free drinks, the party
can get him to open up and eventually explain The gates to a small, cozy town lie open. A guard
smiles thinly in your direction; he looks friendly but a
how Alexa hasn't been seen in days and that her slight tightness plays at the corner ofhis eyes. The town
wing of the manor house has been sealed off to square lies ahead, full with the bustle ofpeople
visitors. He suspects foul play, but doesn't have shopping, running errands, and generally conducting
any proof. business. A few townspeople seem slightly edgy,
checking over their shoulders from time to time or
• Alexa's handmaid, Sara, has also gone scanning the horizon as ifsearching for something. A
missing. Sara reported the duchess's well-kept inn is nestled next to a collection ofshops and
disappearance when she went to wake Alexa up services, and the outline ofan impressive stone manor
and found that she wasn't in her bedroom. house can be seen on the hill overlooking the town.
Concerned that perhaps Alexa had decided to
return to her clan without warning, Sara set out
into the woods in search of her and promptly
got lost. Sara's tracks are very easy to follow (a
Players may purchase basic goods, Once the duke will accept a meeting with the
equipment, and services in the town, and can players, the butler will show them into his
rent horses from the inn for 2sp a day. drawing room, where he will answer any
However, any specialized or magical questions they might have.
equipment is hard to come by in the border The duke is gruff and curt in his answers,
town, and must be ordered specifically from but doesn't withhold information once he allows
the traders frequenting the market stalls. the party into his home. After he's answered as
much as he can, he refers the party to Elgeon,
and summons him to take them to her lab, her
last known location. The lab is located in the
Duke von Hildebrande's manor house sits corner of Alexa's wing of the manor house,
atop a bluff overlooking the town itself. It's a reachable through her private courtyard or from
short walk to the town center (roughly 10 the main house.
min) but townsfolk rarely visit the reclusive Elgeon will escort the party to her lab, but
old man. His household makes trips down to will refuse to leave them alone in it; even in her
the market for supplies a few times a week. absence he's fiercely protective of her and her
An old stone house sits at the end ofthe road; well-
inventions. He is obviously stressed and red
kept bushes and gardens surround the estate and rings around his eyes show a lack of sleep. If
bushy vines cover all shaded parts ofthe masonry. asked directly about her latest research, the dwarf
For the obvious care going into its upkeep, the becomes a bit nervous and suggests the party
grounds are silent and no one can be seen. A large, take a closer look at the large contraption
intricately carved oak door graces the front ofthe dominating the center of the room.
facade. Heavy drapes are pulled across all the
windows, but a thin plume ofsmoke can be seen
trailing from one ofthe many chimneys.
• 18: A faint magical aura can be viewed without decrypting the journal, but no
discerned coming from inside the wall other information can be gleaned until it's legible.
bordering the courtyard garden. It's too small
however to make out what exactly is causing Sketches of mice, rats, beetles, lizards, and
it. frogs adorn pages, while smaller doodles of ants
and ladybugs are squeezed into the margins. The
most recent pages describe her trials with the
DM NOTE : If the players lack any required SM3000 and how she keeps finding strange,
skills, some information can be imparted as crudely fashioned tools made of odd items, like
rewards for strong roleplaying. Elgeon can buttons and twigs, when she enlarges anything in
provide them with this information directly. the working circle. She is, however, pleased that
her recent order of universal translating devices
has come in (the necklaces in the box), which will
save her the effort of casting Comprehend
Alexa's journal is written in a combination Languages each time she needs to deal with some
of common and another language, which can of the travelling elf merchants who refuse to speak
be recognized as a form of encryption common. On the very last written page, hastily
(Perception DC 14). It can be successfully scrawled numbers and angles are scratched into
decrypted over the course of 5d6 hours, the paper.
minus 1d6 for each modifier point in
Intelligence the decrypting character has. Investigation Skill Check (only if the journal is
Alternatively, a Comprehend Languages spell decrypted and the players need a hint):
will also allow for reading. Pictures can be • 12: The strange necklaces in the box could
be her translation devices - it's possible Alexa took
one with her before she disappeared.
• 16: The last page of markings look like they
8 could be settings for the SM3000, and do in fact
match the machine's current dial readings. collide in some kind of confrontation. Alexa's
Duchess Alexa von Hildebrande has gone boot tracks lead directly
Duchess Alexa to theHildebrande
von mouse city ofhas gone
missing, and her husband, the Duke of Skreell if the
missing,Ifand players wish
her husband, to advance the story
Duke of Ashford's
Ashford's Watch,canwants someone to quietly directly. the players are being
The players attempt to operate the look Watch,
noisy, the wants
DM maysomeone
wish toto quietly
have a look into the
SM3000 the matter.
at any time Sheandhasn't
maybeen shrinkseenor since an matter. troop
scouting She ambush
hasn't been
the seen since
party, an explosion
described on the
explosion rocked her
enlarge themselves laboratory,elseand
or anything theythelike.Duke therocked
next her laboratory, and the Duke fears
The machine is bolted to the floor, but theAs the
the worst may have happened. worst may have happened. As the region's fragile
main apparatusfragile maypeacebedepends
swiveled on the tenuous
to point at peace depends
Following are on theoptional
more tenuousencounters
marriage between
any place in the room - currently it's pointed the
between Alexa and the Duke, Alexa
which the and the
players Duke,
may the
discover people
when of Ashford's
people of Ashford's
at the middle Watch Aarecollection
of the circle. anxious ofto have theWatch
lab. are anxious to have her returned safely to
dialsreturned safelyadorn
and switches to them. the faceplate of the them.
machine, and a giant silver lever is currently
set to the "OFF" position. If players turn on
the machine by flipping the lever, it will
shrinkAs anything
the Dungeon withinMaster
the circle(DM),to a you
of As the Dungeon Master (DM), you should be
1" for every 2 ft (a 6ft tall humanoid would copy
familiar with the basic rules and have a familiar with the basic rules and have a copy of
be the
3" tallPlayer's
all gear and handy to help
clothing being run this the Player's Handbook handy to help run this
worn, held, orWhile placed in useful,
the circlethe willDUNGEON
also adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON
shrink. Guide and Monster Manual are not MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual are not
necessary to run this module.
The lever can be flipped from within the necessary to run this module.
circlePlayer information
by attaching a stringis and
in offset or boxes, Player information is listed in offset boxes,
with the use of a spell such as Prestidigitation. to
should be provided (read or paraphrased) and should be provided (read or paraphrased) to
Playerswhen can also they first to
attempt encounter
Persuade the (DCarea 15) or them when they first encounter the area or
Elgeon to turn Enemy and NPC
the machine on andstatistics
shrink are character. Enemy and NPC statistics are provided
provided for each encounter.
them, but he will want to accompany the for each encounter.
party Warning:
unless Dangerconvinced
successfully Not To Scale is written
otherwise. While Warning: Danger Not To Scale is written
Ifthree NOTE:
players to five
the module
1st-level with
the dials
it caninbe
before for three to five 1st-level characters, it can be
and around
adjusted easily the
groups ofof Ashf ord's Watch,
different sizes itor adjusted easily for groups of different sizes or
can be the machine
easily Notes on,
substituted see the Appendix:
by any other smallare
SizaMatron levels. 3000 at theforend possible changes
of the module for power levels. Notes for possible changes are
included in an overarching campaign.
inline with each encounter. included inline with each encounter.
further information.
Players need to successfully shrink
themselves (and Elgeon if he's coming along)
to a size between 1 - 5" tall to continue.
After observing strange phenomen After observing strange phenomen happening
happening in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa has used her
has used her latest invention to shrink herself latest invention to shrink herself down to a
down to a miniscule size, barely three inches tall. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. While
While minimized, she discoved that the small minimized, she discoved that the small creatures
Tracks in
creatures the glitteryherresidue
inhabiting lab arehavenowsomehow
very inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
clear, and party members can
gained some level of sentience, and a violent employ normal level of sentience, and a violent feud has broken
feud hasorbroken
Tracking outchecks
between (DCher 10) escaped
to followlab out between her escaped lab mice and a group of
mice and a group of pond frogs in the will
her trail, or they can explore the lab at courtyard Excerpt from Alexa's Journal
from their new size perspective. With a
successful Perception
Mesmerized check
by the tinyof world
15 or higher,
living right
the party can also discover signs of tiny mice
beneath her feet (and feeling somewhat
paw prints and frog tracks, which appear to 9
Alexa's Lab
Medium Alexagoodvon
beast, neutral Hildebrande has gone Duchess Alexa von Hildebrande has gone
Armor Classand
missing, 12 her husband, the Duke of missing, and her husband, the Duke of Ashford's
Hit Points 11 (2d8 +2)
Speed 30 ft.,Watch,
all fourswants
50 ft. someone to quietly look
Watch, wants Rating
someone 0 to quietly look into the
intoSTR the matter.
DEX CON She hasn't INT beenWISseen since
CHA an matter. She hasn't been seen since an explosion
explosion rocked her laboratory, and the Duke rocked her laboratory, and the Duke fears the
fears7 (-2)the 15worst
(+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
may have happened. As the If themay
worst partyhave
decides to search
happened. As around the rag
the region's fragile
region's fragile 50peace
Senses darkvision depends
ft., passive on the
Perception 10 tenuous
(A2), they can discover a trapped ladybug.
peace depends on the tenuous marriage between
Languages: between
Mouse Alexa and the Duke, the Freeing
Alexa the
andbug thewillDuke,
earn itsthegratitude,
people of andAshford's
it will
people of1/8 (25 XP) Watch are anxious to have
Ashford's follow
Watchtheareparty around
anxious unlessher
to have a hostile action
returned is to
her returned safely to them. exhibited
them. towards it. A successful Animal
Keen Smell. The mouse has advantage on Wisdom Handling Check (DC 14) can send the ladybug
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. to scout or fetch small items up to 60 ft. away.
Pack Tactics. A mouse has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the mouse's allies are
As5 the
within ft. ofDungeon
the creature,Master
and that(DM),
ally isn'tyou should Perception
As the Check
Dungeon Master (DM), you should be
be familiar with the basic rules and have a copy familiar withhear
• 10: You thesomething
basic rulescoming froma copy of
and have
of the Player's Handbook handy to help run this underneath
the Player'stheHandbookrag. handy to help run this
adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON adventure. While useful,of wings
• 13: The agitated sounds beating
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one frantically
MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual arethenot
can be heard coming from beneath
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 +2) and damage.Manual are not
piercing rag.
necessary to run this module.
Toothpick: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 necessary to run this module.
ft., one target.information
Hit: 4 (1d6 + is1) listed
offset boxes, Player information is listed in offset boxes,
and should
Teleport: be provided
(Recharge (read
5 - 6): The or paraphrased)
mouse magically to LadyBug
and should be provided (read or paraphrased) to
teleports, along with any equipment
them when they first encounter the area or it's wearing or Tiny
thembeast, when
unaligned they first encounter the area or
carrying, up to 20 ft. to any unoccupied space it can Armor Class 10
see. Before or Enemy and it NPC
after teleporting can makestatistics
one attack. are Hitcharacter.
Points 2 (1d4)Enemy and NPC statistics are provided
provided for each encounter. for each
Speed 60 ft. encounter.
While Warning:
Treasure: The mice are each
Danger Notcarrying is written
To Scale one While DEX
STR Warning: CON DangerINTNot T is written
o ScaleCHA
for DM threeNOTE:
Toothpick, one Thimble helmet (heavyplace
to fiveWhile the
1st-level module takes
characters, it caninbe
armor for3 (-4)three15 to(+2)five10 (+0)
1st-level characters, it can be
1 (-5) 7 (-2) 3 (-3)
adjusted around
to AC), andthe
easily 20village
for groups
ft. ofofAshf
of twine. ord's Watch,
different sizes itor adjusted easily for groups of different sizes or
can be
power easily Notes
levels. substituted by any other
for possible changessmallare power
Senses levels. 60 ft.,
darkvision Notes for possible
Perception 8 changes are
included in an overarching
If players campaign.
each encounter.
succesfully subdue the mice, included—
Languages: inline with each encounter.
they may attempt to question them (provided Challenge 0 (10 XP)
they can translate). The mice refer to the
players as "frog-loving traitors" and dare them Actions
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 3ft., one
to attack Afteror kill them
observing- "Thestrange
Lady" will save
phenomen target. After
Hit: 2 observing strange
(1d4) piercing damage.phenomen happening
them. They
happening in will
her reveal
lab onnotheinformation
tiniest level,as toAlexa in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa has used her
the used
has locationher oflatest
the city or info to
invention on shrink
Alexa, orherself latest invention to shrink herself down to a
who this
down to a "Lady"
miniscule might
size,be.barely three inches tall. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. While
While If players
minimized, are overwhelmed
she discovedby that the mice,
the small minimized, she discoved that the small creatures
they are bound
creatures and escorted
inhabiting her labdirectly
have tosomehow inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
gained Proceed levelto of
Skreell on p. 14.
sentience, and a violent level of sentience, and a violent feud has broken
feud has broken out between her escaped lab out between her escaped lab mice and a group of
mice and a group of pond frogs in the courtyard
Mesmerized by the tiny world living right
beneath her feet (and feeling somewhat 11
remaining enemies are dispatched and swallowed
targets are regurgitated one by one so they can be
easily dealt with.
When the frogs attack, they knock an empty rat
Challenge Rating 1/4 poison bottle onto the field. Any target hit by the
flying bottle takes 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage -
the party can dodge the bottle with a sucessful
If the party has not been captured by the Acrobatics check (DC 11). Once it lands, the
mice and pass within 10 ft. of the trash bin bottle provides full cover.
(A3), the frogs hiding in the bin will notice
them and prepare an ambush.
Perception Check Medium beast, lawful neutral
• 11: You get the feeling that you're being Armor Class 11
Hit Points 15 (3d10)
watched. Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
• 15: A muffled rustling sound can be
heard coming from the direction of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
overturned trash bin, accompanied by deep- 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
sounding grunts. Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: Frog
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
DM NOTE : Adjust the levels or number of
frogs to keep the challenge level appropriate for Amphibious. The frog can breathe air and water.
Standing Leap. The frog's long jump is up to 20 ft. and its
the players' average level. Should be an easy high jump is up to 10 ft., with or without a running start.
encounter for a prepared party.
If the party fails their Perception Checks, Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 +2) piercing damage.
the frogs attack the next round and have Shield Bash: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
advantage for one turn. one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. The target is
The frog scouts are each carrying a shield knocked prone unless they succeed a Strength or Acrobatics
fashioned from a metal or wooden button. Check (DC 13).
They're adorned with beaded necklaces and Swallow: (Recharge 5 - 6): The frog makes a bite attack
against a prone Medium or smaller target. The swallowed
have painted markings on themselves in target is blinded and restrained, and it has total cover against
crude approximations of the glyphs on the attacks and other effects outside the frog. A frog can only
lab floor. The frogs believe the party have one target swallowed at a time. Tbe frog can choose to
members are strange looking, hairless mice. regurgitate a swallowed target at will - this counts as an
If the frog dies, a swallowed creature is no longer
restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 ft. of
movement, exiting prone.
The frogs attempt to incapacitate their
enemies by knocking them prone with their Treasure: The frogs are each carrying one Button
shields and then swallowing that enemy. Shield (+1 to AC). They also carry an assortment
Once all frogs have swallowed enemies, the of washers and wingnuts (1d4 of each).
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows
the exact location of any other creature in contact with the
Duchess Rating
Alexa von
1 Hildebrande has gone same web.Duchess Alexa von Hildebrande has gone
spider ignores movement
missing, and her husband, the Duke of Wmissing,
eb Walker.and
caused by webbing. husband, the Dukerestrictions
of Ashford's
Ashford's Watch, wants someone to quietly look Watch, wants someone to quietly look into the
into As thethematter. She hasn'tthe
party approaches been
far seen since an
wall where matter. She hasn't been seen since an explosion
the city ofrocked
Skreellher laboratory,
is located (A5), andtheythecanDuke rocked
Bite: Meleeher laboratory,
Weapon Attack: +5andto hit,the
reachDuke fears the
5ft., one
choose thetoworst may havethehappened.
cut underneath couch (A4)Asto the worstHit:may
target. have+3)happened.
7 (1d8 piercing damage,As the andregion's
the targetfragile
save some fragile
doingonso theputs tenuous
them peace
must makedepends
a DC 11 on the tenuous
Constitution savingmarriage between
throw, taking 9
directly inbetween
the path Alexa and the
of a hungry spider.Duke,
If thethe (2d8) poison damage on a failed save,
Alexa and the Duke, the people of Ashford's or half as much
people of Ashford's
maneuver Watcharoundare the anxious to have damage on a successful one. have
If the poisonreturned
damage reduces
party can webs without theWatch
target toare0 hit
points, to
the target her safely to
is stable but poisoned
her returned
touching themsafely to them.Acrobatics or
(successful forthem.
1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed
Dexterity Check at the beginning of every while poisoned in this way.
turn under the couch) they avoid the spider. Web (Recharge 5 - 6): Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
However, once a web is touched the spider range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained by
willAsattack the party inMaster
1d4 rounds. webbing. As an action, the restrained target can make a DC
the Dungeon (DM), you should As thecheck,
12 Strength DungeonburstingMaster (DM),
the webbing on ayou should
success. The be
Once under
be familiar with the couch, the area
basic rules and ishave
dimly a copy familiar
webbing canwith
also bethe basicand
attacked rules and have
destroyed (AC 10;a copy
hp 5; of
oflit.the Player's Handbook handy to help run this the Player's
vulnerability to fireHandbook handy totobludgeoning,
damage; immunity help run this
adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON adventure.
poison, and psychicWhile
damage). useful, the DUNGEON
MASTER'S Checkand Monster Manual are not MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual are not
• 13: toYourunnotice
necessary delicate webs crossing the
this module. Treasure:
to runare
thisa number
module. of webbed
in front of you. Some
information are covered
is listed in offsetinboxes, cocoonsPlayer
the thatincanoffset
is listed be safely
and but others look freshly
be provided (readplaced.
or paraphrased) to cutandopen oncebetheprovided
should spider is(read
defeated. Players may to
or paraphrased)
them when they first encounter the area or find
them a broken
when watch
they face,
first three cotton balls,
encounter a or
the area
character. Enemy and NPC statistics are dead moth, Enemy
character. and a thumbtack.
and NPC statistics are provided
provided for each encounter. for each encounter.
The W
While spider
to attack
Notits To opponents
Scale is written While Warning: Danger Not To Scale is written
for DM
from NOTE:
three While the
reach1st-level module
areas, such takes itplace
as from
characters, thecaninbe for three to five 1st-level characters, it can be
and around
adjusted easilytheforvillage
bottom. Sheofwill
groups Ashf
of ord's W
different atch,
what sizessheitor adjusted easily for groups of different sizes or
power theeasily
levels. substituted by attempting
Notes any other
possible changes smallare
to power levels. Notes for possible changes are
town in an
ensnare itinline
included overarching
in a web. campaign.
with each encounter. included inline with each encounter.
House Spider
Medium beast, unaligned
Armor ClassAfter
14 (natural armor) strange
observing phenomen After observing strange phenomen happening
Hit Points
happening 26 (4d10 +4)
Speed 30 ft., in her30labft. on the tiniest
climb level, Alexa in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa has used her
has STR
used her latest
DEX CON INT invention to shrink
WIS CHA herself latest invention to shrink herself down to a
down to a miniscule size, barely three inches tall. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. While
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-3)
While minimized, she discoved that the small minimized, she discoved that the small creatures
Skills Stealthinhabiting
+7 her lab have somehow inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
gained some level
Senses blindsight 10 ft.,ofdarkvision
sentience, 60 ft.,and a violent
passive level of sentience, and a violent feud has broken
feud has broken
Perception 10 out between her escaped lab out between her escaped lab mice and a group of
mice and a —
Languages: group of pond frogs in the courtyard
garden. 1 (200 XP)
Mesmerized by thecantiny
Climb. The spider climbworld
difficultliving right
beneath her down
including upside feet on(andceilings,feeling somewhat
without needing to
make an ability check.
Medium beast, neutral good
Skreell (small city): AL NG; 0 gp limit; 0 gp Armor Class 1 4
assets; Population 58; White lab mice 100%. Hit Points 11 (2d8 +2)
Speed 30 ft., all fours 50 ft.
Important Characters: King Trisk, male STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
mouse Nob2; Queen Chikka, female mouse 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Nob2; the royal twins Skeet and Skeena, male Senses darkvision 50 ft., passive Perception 10
and female mouse pup Nob1 Languages: Mouse
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
target can make a DC 11 Strength check, bursting the
webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked
If a creature gets caught in the web, a and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage;
Spindle Spider will attack the party in 1d4+1 immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
rounds from above.
The spider will attempt to first ensnare
someone in a web, if a target is not currently
caught in one. Then she will leap on the
caught victim using Spindle Barb. At half Exiting the wall through a small crack, the
health, the spider will attempt to retreat up players enter the walled in courtyard garden of
into the darkness, regain stealth, and then the manor house.
drop upon the party again in 1d4 rounds.
Light fills the tunnel as a small crack in the
wall opens into the lush, courtyard garden of
the manor. Flagstones cross the space between
trim bushes and perennials, and elegant irises
and daffodils wave slowly in the breeze. A
Medium beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) small fish pond can be seen in the distance.
Hit Points 21 (3d10 +6) If Day:
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. The flagstones have soaked up the sunlight
and are extremely hot to the touch. It won't be
possible to stand on them for long.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) If Night:
Swirling fireflies twinkle in the darkness,
Skills Stealth +10 softly illuminating the path.
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 8
Languages: —
Challenge 1 (200 XP) If sunny and in daylight, walking on the
flagstones offer no cover, and the rocks are too
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to hot to stand still on for long. Players must make a
make an ability check. successful Constitution check (DC 13) each
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider round they are on a flagstone. If they fail, they
knows the exact location of any other creature in must move on their next turn.
contact with the same web. The frog's enclave is located at D1 along the
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement
restrictions caused by webbing. edge of the fish pond. Players may explore the
garden or follow the flagstones to the pond's
Actions edge. Exploring can also lead to the following
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one optional encounters.
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 +1) piercing damage.
Spindle Barb (Recharge 6): Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 +2) piercing
damage. The spider leaps and thrusts with its barbed
Web (Recharge 5 - 6): Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is
restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained
The Courtyard Garden
accidentally break the fire beetle eggs in the nest,
and enrage the nearby adults.
Challenge Rating 1/8
A nest of fire beetles can be found at The adults will attack the players from afar
location C1. The fire beetles are neutral with a poison spit attack if able, only directly
creatures initially, and will generally ignore engaging if there is no other choice. They also will
the players if they poke around the nest. If not chase the playes if they leave the nest area , but
players have decrypted the journal or make a will remain hostile if they choose to re-enter.
successful Nature check (DC 16), they have
access to the follow information:
Fire beetles are well known among alchemists
and herbalists for both their distinctive
patterned shells in gold and red, and their
poisonous secretions capable ofcausing searing Medium beast, unaligned
burns. Docile by nature, the fire beetle will only Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
spit poison when either itselfor its nest are Hit Points 8 (2d10 +3)
threatened . Speed 20 ft.
With a successful Perception check (DC
5 (-3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 3 (-4)
13), the players can locate wads of poison
soaked nest material, which they can take
with them. Harvesting the nesting material Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 8
requires a Dexterity or Sleight of Hand check Languages: —
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
(DC 15). If they fail this check, they
Beetle Armor. The fire beetle's thick carapace provides
immunity to fire damage.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) piercing damage. The bird will not land by choice, and will
Poison Spit (Recharge 5 - 6): Ranged Weapon Attack: continue to fly up and Dive at the players once
+3 to hit, range 30/60ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) fireevery other round; it can only be attacked via
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 11 ranged weapons or spells. The bird can be
Constitution saving throw or take 8 (2d8) poison
damage. If the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit frightened away with a loud noise (such as gun
points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even firing or noise-producing cantrip), and will fly
after regaining hit points, and has his Consitution away of its own accord after 15 (3d10) damage.
reduced by -4 during this time. If, however, the players have a way of trapping it
or knocking it from the sky they may be able to
DM NOTE : If a player makes a successful kill it, but the bird is just as deadly on the ground,
called shot on a beetle's leg, the beetle is if not more so. If forced to the ground, it will
knocked prone onto its back and cannot right employ all its skills and actions available.
itself. Players making a successful DC 16
Strength check can also push a beetle over.
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 The frogs have made a home along the
Languages: —
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) northern edge of the pond at D1.
Crude mud and leafhuts dot the shoreline,
Actions and a simple wall encloses them, fashioned of
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one twigs and small pebbles. Two frogs stand
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) piercing damage. guard at a small opening in the wall, armed
with what appear to be large sewing needles.
A sizeable hut stands in the center ofthe
village, adorned with scraps ofcolored paper
on the walls.
Challenge Rating 1/8 The central hut is where the chieftain spends
her time, and where the two mouse pups are also
being held.
Similar to the Encounter A3, the players The players will need to find a way to win an
may be ambushed by another group of frog audience with Chieftain Hruul and convince her
scouts. Roughly every 5 min., roll a d20 - on to release the twins, or find a way to abduct them
a 19 or 20 the wandering frog scouts secretly. Some possible methods include:
encounter the party.
• Reason with a captured Frog Scout. If
Perception Check players do not kill all the frog scouts during any of
• 11: You get the feeling that you're being their encounters with them, they can attempt to
watched. reason with one and convince the frogs that
• 15: Deep grunts and the sound of they're not mice, and friendly. The scout will put
rustling cloth against leaves can be heard in a good word with Hruul. Persuasion check DC
coming from the underbrush. 14 if no frogs have been killed, otherwise it
requires a Persuasion check DC 21 if any have
been killed.
• Reason with one of the guard frogs at the
20 entrance, as above. Persuasion check DC 13.
• Pretend to bring a mouse in as a Eyewitnesses described a giant mouse-like figure
hostage, to gain instant favor. in the night. In retaliation, a band of frog guards
Sneak into Alexathevon Hildebrande
enclave at night tohas gone abductedDuchess Alexa
the royal mousevonpups
when theyhas weregone
abduct theand twins.herStealth
check DC the 17Duke
to get of onmissing, and walk
a morning her husband,
and broughtthe Duke
them to of Hruul.
Ashford's Watch,wall,
past the initial wants withsomeone
a recurring to quietly
Stealthlook Watch,stillwants
Hruul hasn'tsomeone
decided towhatquietly look tointo
she wants do the
checktheDC matter.
13 everyShe2 minutes.
hasn't been seen since an matter.
with them,Shebuthasn't
will notbeen seen since
let them go; sheanneeds
explosion rocked her laboratory, and the Duke rocked herfrom
reparation laboratory,
the mice andor herthepeople
Dukewillfears the
instead worsttheymay havetohappened.
attempt As the
brute force their worst may
declare haveSkreell.
war on happened. As the region's fragile
way pastfragilethe gatepeaceguards,depends on the
the guards willtenuous peace depends
If players haveondiscovered
the tenuous
any of marriage between
the rat poison
immediately between
sound Alexa
the alarm andwith thea horn
Duke,at the Alexaaround
lying and the lab,Duke,theythe
reason of thatAshford's
people of Ashford's
their belt. Watch are will
Two reinforcements anxious
have Watcha are
wasn't lab anxious
mouse thatto have her the
attacked returned
frogs, safely
but to
minutessafely untiltoa them.
total additional eight them.a rat on the loose. If not:
Frog Guards have been deployed (12 minutes
total). Three minutes later (15 minutes into the Insight Check
encounter), Chieftain Hruul will execute the • 11: The Skreell mice travel in packs for
mouse pupsDungeon
As the unless players
Mastercan(DM), reach you
the central
should safeyAs- one
the mouse
Dungeon wouldn't
(DM),theyou frogs
and stop withher.theSeebasic
rules and D1.have a copy Something
familiar with else the
have.rules and have a copy of
of the Player's Handbook handy to help run this the Player's Handbook handy to help run this
adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON Investigation
adventure. Check While useful, the DUNGEON
MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual are not • 13: Eyewitnesses
MASTER'S Guide and reported
Monster theManual
If the to
necessary players entermodule.
run this the central hut, they "huge".
this you've
module.seen in Skreell don't
the pups informationwooden
tied to a is listedsupport
in offsetpole
boxes, come close
that. However, rats can
is listed be huge...
in offset boxes,
and hemp be cord. The cord
provided (readcanorbeparaphrased)
easily cut to and should be provided (read or paraphrased) to
with any
them when sharpened
they first implement.
encounter If daytime,
the area or Nature
them Check
when they first encounter the area or
Hruul is busy at work in
character. Enemy and NPC statistics are the hut, mixing character.LabEnemy
• 12: mice and
aren'tNPCexactly knownaretoprovided
statistics be
potions and
provided reading
for each scattered mulberrry leaf
encounter. huge or ferocious.
for each encounter.However, rats, which certainly
pieces. If night,
While Warning: Danger Hruul is asleep
Not Toon a pile
Scale of
is written would qualify
While as "mouse-like"
Warning: Danger Not in Tthe dark,isvery
o Scale written
for NOTE:
alongtothefive While
wall. characters, it caninbe
far 1st-level module takes place well
for can five 1st-level characters, it can be
and around
adjusted easilythe forvillage
groupsofof Ashf ord's Watch,
different sizes itor adjusted easily for groups of different sizes or
can be
power easily Notes
levels. substituted by any other
for possible changessmallare Hruullevels.
power is skeptical,
changes are
included in
• 13:inline an overarching
The unmistakable campaign.
with each encounter. glimmer of wards that a rat could
included inlinebewith
source of their misfortune.
surround the mice pups; a shimmering purple If the players can produce proof of a dead rat,
light runs slowly up and down the hemp cord she'll believe them.
binding them. If asked, Hruul will allow the players to search
After observing strange phenomen around theobserving
After tadpole clutch,
strangeunder the watch
phenomen of
happening in herattempt
If the players lab on totheusetiniest
to freeAlexa four guards.
in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa has used her
the pups (or cast any kind of
has used her latest invention to shrink herselfspell directed at latest invention to shrink herself down to a
the hemp
down cord), it sets
to a miniscule size,offbarely
inchesIftall. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. While
she wasminimized,
While asleep, she immediately
she discovedwakes and small
that the minimized, she discoved that the small creatures
attacks the players. See Encounter
creatures inhabiting her lab have somehow D2. inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
gained some level of sentience, and a violent Theoffrog's
level tadpoleand
sentience, clutch is located
a violent feudalong the
has broken
feudIf the
brokenhave outentered
between theherhut escaped
peacefully, lab eastern edge of the village, surrounded
out between her escaped lab mice and a group by its ownof
Hruul will listen to what the
mice and a group of pond frogs in the courtyardplayers have to mud and pebble wall, one side of which has been
say. However, Hruul will not free the mice
if asked. A few by thenightstinybackworldtheliving
frogs' right
tadpole clutch
beneath her was feetdestroyed
(and feeling
eaten - only a small handful were saved.
and theirsomewhat
hastily repaired. It's almost empty, with only guards are also trained to work as a team, and
a few small tadpoles swimming within. receive bonuses when more are present.
Perception Skill Check:
• 8: The mud and pebble wall around The guards will play defensively until at least
the clutch was recently broken from the four are present, after which they will attempt to
outside by a large force - claw marks can be surround and subdue the strongest threat on the
seen dug into walls. field using their most powerful attacks available.
• 11: Five-toed and four-toed prints are Like the scouts, they favor bashing attacks with
pressed into the ground surronding the their shield and will coordinate actions amongst
clutch. They lead off back into the garden. themselves.
• 15: A small patch of white hair is
lodged underneath one of the pebbles. It's
longer and more wiry than what you Medium beast, lawful neutral
remember from the Skreell mice. Armor Class 13
Hit Points 18 (3d10+3)
Investigation Skill Check: Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
• 11: One of the frog guards present was STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
also there the night of the attack. He 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
describes the creature as being at least twice
his size, perhaps larger. Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages: Frog
• 14: The guard also recalls that the Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
creature had a long, skinny, hairless tail,
which it used to knock down some of the Amphibious. The frog can breathe air and water.
wall. Standing Leap. The frog's long jump is up to 20 ft. and its
high jump is up to 10 ft., with or without a running start.
Pack Tactics. A frog guard has advantage on an attack roll
The rat tracks can be followed back to its against a creature if at least one of the frog's allies are within
lair with a successful Survival check (DC 12), 5 ft. of the creature, and that ally isn't incapacitated.
the entrance located at E1 on the courtyard
map. Actions
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 +2) piercing damage.
Shield Bash: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage. The target is
knocked prone unless they succeed a Strength or Acrobatics
Check (DC 13).
Swallow: (Recharge 5 - 6): The frog makes a bite attack
against a prone Medium or smaller target. The swallowed
Challenge Rating 1 target is blinded and restrained, and it has total cover against
attacks and other effects outside the frog. A frog can only
have one target swallowed at a time. Tbe frog can choose to
regurgitate a swallowed target at will - this counts as an
The frog guards are better trained and action.
equipped than the frog scouts previously If the frog dies, a swallowed creature is no longer
encountered, and pose more of a threat. The restrained by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 ft. of
movement, exiting prone.
Skills Perception +8
Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception
Challenge Rating 2 15
Languages: Rat
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
If the players have been quiet and are Keen Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
stealthy, they may be able to sneak up to the checks that rely on smell or hearing.
rat without alerting it to their presence, Pack Tactics. A rat has advantage on an attack roll against a
however, due to the rat's keen senses this will creature if at least one of the rat's allies are within 5 ft. of the
creature, and that ally isn't incapacitated.
be very difficult. If the rat is awake, the Pounce: If the rat moves at least 10 ft. straight towards a
players needs to make a Stealth check DC 24, creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn,
if asleep, Stealth check DC 16. that target must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
If the rat isn't present when the players be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the rat can make
arrive, they may choose to wait for it. one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
However, the rat will be aware of their
presence unless the players can camoflouge Actions
Multiattack: The rat can use its Frightful Presence. It then
their smell and find a place to hide. makes three attacks: one with its bite, one with its claws, and
If the rat is awake, or the players fail their one with its tail.
Stealth checks, it will become aware of the Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d8 +6) piercing damage.
Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one
24 target. Hit: 7 (1d6 +4) slashing damage.
Tail: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d8 +4) slashing damage.
Frightful Presence: Each creature of the rat's choice
40 feet of the rat and aware of it must succeed on
a DC 15 WisdomAlexa savingvon
throwHildebrande has gone
or become frightened for Duchess Alexa von Hildebrande has gone
1 minute. Aand hercan repeat
creature husband, thethrow
the saving Duke at the of missing, and her husband, the Duke of Ashford's
end of eachWatch, wants
of its turns, someone
ending the effecttoonquietly
itself onlook
a Watch, wants someone to quietly look into the
into the Ifmatter.
success. a creature'sShe hasn't
saving throwbeen seen since
is successful or the an matter. She hasn't been seen since an explosion
effect ends for
explosion it, the her
rocked creature is immuneand
laboratory, to thethe
rat'sDuke rocked her laboratory, and the Duke fears the
Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
fears the worst may have happened. As the worst may have happened. As the region's fragile
region's fragile peace depends on the tenuous peace depends on the tenuous marriage between
marriage between Alexa and the Duke, the Alexa and the Duke, the people of Ashford's
Lair Actions
people of Ashford's Watch are anxious to ahave Watch are anxious to have her returned safely to
On initiative count 20 every 5 rounds, the rat takes lair
her returned
action as a freesafely
action to of the following
to cause them.
• The rat swipes its tail against the ground, causing a
large dust cloud of putrid smells and decaying flesh to
envelop the lair in a 40-foot radius around the rat. The
initiative Master
count 20 (DM),
of the nextyouround.
should As the Dungeon Master (DM), you should be
creaturewith the basic
that starts its turnrules
in theand
musta copy familiar with the basic rules and have a copy of
the Player's
on a DCHandbook
13 Constitution handy to throw
saving help orrunbe this the Player's Handbook handy to help run this
poisoned until the end of its
adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON turn. While poisoned in adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON
this way, the creature is incapacitated
MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual are not and takes 2 (1d4) MASTER'S Guide and Monster Manual are not
• Maggots to run
from underneath the rat's nest. necessary to run this module.
in the lair otheristhan
the in
rat offset
on the boxes, Player The Tunnel and
information is Rat
in offset boxes,
must be provided
succeed on a DC (read or paraphrased)
13 Dexterity saving to and should be provided (read or paraphrased) to
throw or be knocked prone.
them when they first encounter the area or them when they first encounter the area or
character. Enemy and NPC statistics are character. Enemy and NPC statistics are provided
provided among the rotting corpses
each encounter. forTaking back proof of the rat's death to the
each encounter.
and strewn
While in the nest
Warning: Dangeris anNot
To Scale isofwritten
odds frogsWhile
(suchW asarning:
its head,Danger
tail, orNotfoot)
To will
is written
DM ends the
NOTE: rat has colleted. Toothpick
for three to five 1st-level characters, it caninbe
While the module takes (x2),
place Hruul to release the twins into the player's
for three to five 1st-level characters, it can be
easily copper
for villagecoins
groups ofof (x3),
Ashf turquoise
ord's Watch,
different sizes itor custody
for future
groupswar of on the mice.
different sizes or
can be
power spool of
easily Notes
levels. gold
substitutedthread, raven's
by any other
for possible foot,
changessmallare Hruul will also reward the PCs as
power levels. Notes for possible changes arewell for putting
town necklace.
in an overarching campaign.
included inline with each encounter. aincluded
stop to the creature
inline with that
encounter. them, a shield
embued with her most powerful protections. She
will also name the party guardians of the enclave,
DM NOTE : The rat encounter should be and always offer them safe passage in the garden
hard, but not impossible. If the players are and village.
having After observing
difficulty strange they
by themselves, phenomen
can After observing strange phenomen happening
attempt toinPersuade
her lab(DCon the
15) tiniest
the frogslevel, Alexa
or mice in her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa has used her
hasto supply
used her latest invention to shrink herself Treasure: Hruul's Tortoiseshell
latest invention to shrink herself Button:down
Lightto a
help. Shield,
down to a miniscule size, barely three inches tall. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. cast
AC+3. Once per day, the bearer can While
While minimized, she discoved that the small asminimized,
a free actionsheCure Woundsthat
discoved . the small creatures
creatures inhabiting her lab have somehow inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
gained some :level
Rat of
poison can be and
sentience, used ato violent
give When
level the twins are
of sentience, andreturned
a violentsafely
feudhome to
has broken
the has
feud rat disadvantage for the entirety
broken out between her escaped of thelab Skreel, the royal
out between herfamily willlabrejoice
escaped miceand andthrow
a groupan of
encounter. If players need a boost
mice and a group of pond frogs in the courtyard to their elaborate feast for the players, entreating them to
damage dealing power, it can also deal 2d4
garden. stay the night. At the party, Queen Chikka will
damage to the byrat
world living right
beneath her feet (and feeling somewhat 25
bestow her tiara on the party, one of Alexa's DM NOTE : Ashford's Watch can be used to
diamond rings valued at 800 gp. easily launch new adventures from, as the PCs
will now have a small base ofoperations they
can use.
Once the twins are back home safely,
Alexa and Elgeon will pack up to leave item as a free action.
Skreell, being satisified with their research for
If Alexa is alive and with the party, she
knows the combination the SM3000 has to During the course of the adventure it's possible
be reset to in order to return everyone to their key characters might perish along the way. If that
normal size. Alexa's journal also has notes in happens, check below for any complications.
it for resetting the machine, or Elgeon can
take his best guess and manage it. If neither IfAlexa Dies
Alexa nor Elgeon is available, and the players • The players can still rescue the mouse pups
don't have the decrypted journal, they will and end the war between the mice and frogs.
have to figure it out by guesswork. See the However, Elgeon will be devastated and leave
Appendix: SizaMatron 3000 at the end of the Ashford's Watch to return to travelling.
module for further information. The player can choose to lie to the duke or
If the party has rescued the lizard mounts never report back in. Reporting her death without
(and still has them), they can be used to easily proof (such as her necklace), will have the duke
climb up to the top of the machine. throw them out of the town under threats of
Resetting a dial or switch requires a Strength imprisonment should they return. If instead they
check (DC 12); there are four dials that must return with proof, he'll be sad but immediately
be set. If the players don't have access to the concerned with the political fallout with her
lizards, they will need to make an Athletics or family. This can segue into a new adventure
Climbing check (DC 16) to reach the top. managing the impending war between the two
Duke von Hildebrande will be relieved to nations.
be reunited with his wife. He insists he
doesn't want to know the details but also IfElgeon Dies
makes her promise not to run off like that • Alexa will be heartbroken at losing her friend
again. He will reward the players with the and assistant, and will become despondent for the
following treasure, and allow them to stay at remainder of the module. She won't supply
the inn in town for free while they remain in information unless directly asked, and will become
the area. If the mouse twins were saved, Alexa reclusive when returned home. She will also scrap
will also pitch in with her own reward. the SM3000 immediately and melt it down.
Treasure: (from the duke) 500gp, Letter of IfThe Mouse Twins (either or both) Die
free room and board for the inn. Garnet ring • The mice are furious and begin preparations
(50gp), 30" gold chain (100gp). for all-out war with the frogs. Alexa will beg the
Treasure: (from Alexa) Alexa's Miniature players to leave, but feels terrible and somewhat
Magnifying-Glass Necklace. Once per day responsible. If she or the players return, Skreell is
can be used to identify a magical potion or destroyed, with no survivors. The frog enclave is
equally destroyed. Broken tools, burned
26 buildings, and a few decaying corpses are all that
Spellcasting: Alexa is a 1st-level spellcaster. She has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, prestidigitation, mage hand
Duchess Alexa von Hildebrande has gone 1st levelDuchess Alexa vondetect
(2 slots): thunderwave, Hildebrande
magic has
missing, and her husband, the Duke of missing, and her husband, the Duke of Ashford's
If the players
Ashford's Watch,mustwantsguess how totooperate
someone quietly the
look Watch, wants someone to quietly look into the
SM3000, roll 2d6 and use the following
into the matter. She hasn't been seen since an table matter. She hasn't been seen since an explosion
for the results
explosion rocked of their attempts: and the Duke
her laboratory, rocked her laboratory, and the Duke fears the
fears the worst may have happened. As the Medium dwarfhave
worst may , neutral good
happened. As the region's fragile
• 2:fragile
The players' Armor Class 11 (light armor)
region's peace sizes are halved,
depends on theincluding
tenuous peace
Hit depends
Points 5 (1d10)on the tenuous marriage between
any gear they are wearing
marriage between Alexa and the Duke, or holding. The effect the Speed 30 ft. the Duke, the people of Ashford's
Alexa and
lasts for one hour.
people of Ashford's Watch are anxious to have Watch
anxiousCON to haveINTher returned
WIS CHAsafely to
• 3-5: 1d4
her returned pieces
safely of equipment the players
to them. them.
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+1) 11 (+0)
are holding or wearing are shrunk permanently
to 50% of their original size. Skills Insight+3, Survival +4
• 6,8: The machine comes to life briefly Senses passive Perception 10
andAs thenthesputtters
Dungeon in aMaster
of blueyousparks.
should Languages: Dwarf, Common
As the1/4Dungeon
• 7: Successfully operates the SM3000. Challenge (50 XP) Master (DM), you should be
be familiar with the basic rules and have a copy familiar with the basic rules and have a copy of
• Player's
of the 9 - 11: 1d4 pieces handy
Handbook of equipment
to help therun this the Player's Handbook handy to help run this
players are holding or wearing are enlarged Actions
adventure. While useful, the DUNGEON adventure.
Dagger: While Weapon
Melee or Ranged useful,Attack:
to hit, reach
MASTER'S to 50% andofMonster
their original
Manualsize.are not MASTER'S
5ft. Guide
or range 20/60 andtarget.
ft., one Monster
Hit: 4 Manual are not
(1d4 +2) piercing
• 12:toThe
necessary runplayers' sizes are doubled,
this module. necessary to run this module.
Player information isarelisted
any gear they wearing or holding.
in offset boxes, Player information is listed in offset boxes,
and effect lasts for one hour.
be provided (read or paraphrased) to and should be provided (read or paraphrased) to
them when they first encounter the area or them when they first encounter the area or
character. Enemy and NPC statistics are character. Enemy and NPC statistics are provided
If Alexafororeach encounter.
Elgeon must participate in a fight for each encounter.
(both willWattempt
arning: Danger
to hide Not unlessisno
To Scale
or run written While Warning: Danger Not To Scale is written
other choice presents itself), these are theircaninbe
to fiveWhile the
1st-level module takes
characters, place
it for three to five 1st-level characters, it can be
and around
character stats.the
easily Youvillage
for groups ofof
may want Ashf
toord's Watch,
increase theiritor
sizes adjusted easily for groups of different sizes or
level be aeasily
levels. substituted
higher-level by any party,
for possible
adventuring other
or are power levels. Notes for possible changes are
included in an
with each campaign.
leave them low-level for the additional included inline with each encounter.
Medium human, observing
good strange phenomen After observing strange phenomen happening
Armor Class in 10 her lab on the tiniest level, Alexa in her lab on theQueen
level, Alexa has used her
has used 4her
Hit Points latest invention to shrink herself
(1d8) latest invention to shrink herself down to a
down to a miniscule size, barely three inches tall.
Speed 30 ft. miniscule size, barely three inches tall. While
STR minimized,
DEX CON she discoved
INT that theCHAsmall
WIS minimized, she discoved that the small creatures
9 (-1) 13inhabiting
(+1) 10 (+0) her lab 12have
17 (+3) (+1) somehow
14 (+2) inhabiting her lab have somehow gained some
gained some level of sentience, and a violent level of sentience, and a violent feud has broken
feud Throws
, Wis+4
between her escaped lab out between her escaped lab mice and a group of
Skills Arcana +4, Insight +3
Sensesand a group
passive of pond
Perception 11 frogs in the courtyard
Languages: Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)by the tiny world living right
beneath her feet (and feeling somewhat 27