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Class 10-Mathematics
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80
General lnstructios

1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.

2. Section A has 20 MCQS carrying 1 mark each.

3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each.

4. Section C has 6 questions carying 03 marks each.

5. Section D has 4 questions carying 05 marks each.

6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subparts of the values of 1, 1 and 2

marks each respectively.

. All Questions are compusory. However, an intermal choice in 2 Qs of 5 marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks and 2 Questioms of

2 marks has been provided. An internal choice has been provided in the 2marks questions of Section E.

8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take n =22/7 wherever required if not stated.

Section A

1 I n the given figure, AB|DE and BD|EF. Then,


2 The sum and the product of the zeros of a quadratic polynomial are 3 and -10 respectively. The quadratie
polynomial is

a)x-3x10 b)-3x-10

3x-10 dx3x 10

Thesolution of 217x+ 131y 913 and 131x+ 217y 827 is

b) x = 2 and y = 3
a)x 2and y*2
c)x3and y=2 d)x=3and y=3
A system of lincar equations is said to be inconsistent if in has

a) one solution b) at least one solution

c) two solutions ) no solution

5. In the adoining figure if exterior 2EAB=110",2CAD-35, AB 5cm, AC 7em and BCC 3cm, th 2
CD is equal to

a) 2 cm. b) 1.9 cm.

.75 cm. d) 2.25 cm.

6. A box contains cards numbered 6 to 50. A card is drawn at random from the box. The probability that the drawn [1
card has a number which is a perfect square is

) b)
c) d)
x a cos and y b sin 6, then b'xd + a*y=

)b b) ab

d) ab
. he mean of tistn o 0 d natural mumber s

b) n

9. In A PQR, if - 7 5 and ZR- 45, Then the measure of 2QPMis

a)22.5 b) 30P

)60. d)45
10. If two positive integers m and n can be expressed as m=xf° and n = xy, where x and y are prime numbers,

then HCF(m, n)=

11. The roots of the equation ax bx+ c=0will be reciprocal of each other if

) None of these b) a=b

12. f the midpoint of the line segment joining the points (a, b- 2) and (-2, 4) is (2,-3), then the values of a and b are [1
a) 6, 8 b) 6,-8

c)4,-5 d6,8

13. The marks obtained by 9 students in Mathematics are 59, 46, 30, 23, 27, 40, 52, 35 and 29. The median of th
data is

a) 29 ) 3o

) 40 d) 30

14. 1fsin-con-0 then the value of (sin'0 + cos 0) is

a) )

15. The o f an object is the angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the object is above [1
the horizontal level.

) angle of projection b) angle of depression

c)angle of elevation d) none of hese

16 In the given figure, if ZAOB= 125, then 2COD is equal to :

a) 45 b) 623
c) 55 d) 35
17. The line segments joining the midpoints of the adjacent sidles of a quadrilateral fom

a) a thombus b) a sqgaaie

)a parallelogram d) a rectange
18. The sum of two numbers is 17 and the suim of their reciprocals is T h e quadratic representation of the above
situation is

b) #
19 Asertion (AE Graph of a quadratic polyomial is always shaped upward or downward.

Reason (R): Curve of any quadratic polymomial is always symmetric about the fixed-line.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation ot A. corect explanation ot
)Ais true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

20. Assertion (A}: Two identical solid cubes of side 5 cm are joined end to end. The total surface area of the

resulting cuboid is 350 cm,

Reason (R): Total surface area of a cuboid s 20b+ bh - h)

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation ofA corect explanation of A.

)Ais true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

Section B

21 Find the
roots of the equation, if they exist, by applying the quadratic formula: 3x- 2x+20.
22 1f the point C(k-4) divides the join of points A(2.60) and B(5.1) in the ratio 2:3, find the value of k? 21
23. Complete the factor-tree and find the composite number M. 21

24. Given 15 cot A =8 find sin A and sec A.

Prove the trigonometric identity: +i 2 cosec 6.

In Fig. AD is the bisector of ZA. If BD =4 cm, DC= 3 cm and AB =6 cm, determine AC. 121

B 4 3cm C

In the adjoining figure, AABDis a right uriangle, right angled at A and AC L BD. Prove that AB= BC. BD.

26. A girl is twice as old as her sister. Four years hence, the product of their ages (in years) will be 160. Find their 13
present ages
27. Pand Q are points on the sides AB and AC respectively of a AABC. IT AP = 2 cm, PB =4 cm, AQ=3 cm and 13

QC 6 cm, show that BC= 3PQ.

Find the coordinates of points which trisect the line segment joining (1, 2) and (-3, 4)
Name the type of quadrilateral formed, ifl any, by the points (-3, 5), (3, 1), (0, 3, (el,-4), and givea reason for your

29. A mason has to fit a bathroom with square marble tiles of the largest possible size. The size of the bathroom is
10 t. by 8 ft. What would be the size (in inches) of the tile required that has to be cut and bow many such tiles

e eqadr

From the top of a tower of height 50m,the angles of depression of the top and bottom of a pole are 30 and
4 epectvely. Find

1. How far the pole is from the botom of the tower?

2. The height of the pole.

From a point on a ground, the angle of elevation of bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed on the top of azw

high building are 45 and 60 respectively. Find the height of the tower
31. The distribution below gives the weights of 30 students of a class. Find the median weight of the students

Weight(in k Number of students






Section D
32. Ved travels o0 km to his home partly by train and partly by car. He takes 8 hours if be travets 120 km by train B

and the rest by car. He takes 20 minutes longer if he travels 200 km by train and the rest by car. Find the speedof
the train and the car.

Solve the tollowing system of linear equations graphicaly:

2x * y

Shade the area bounded by these two lines and y-axis. Also, determine this area.
33. AB is a chord of length 24 cm of a circle of radius 13 cm. The tangents at A and Bintersect at a point M. Find 151
the length AM.
34. Find the area of the segment ofa circie of radius 12 cm wbose coresponding sector central angle 60". (Use x 151


Four equal cicles are described at the four corners of a square so that each touches two of the others. The shaded
area enclosed between the circles is cm'. Find the radius of each circle.
35. From a deck of 52 playing cards, Jacks and kings of red colour and Queen and Aces of black colour are
removed. The remaining cards are mixed and a card is drown at random. Find the probability that the drawn card

LA black Quen
.A card of
red colour
ii. A Jack of black colour

iv.A face card

Section E

36. Read the text carefuly and answer the questions:

Basant Kumar sa farmer in a remote village of Rajasthan. He has a small square farm land. He wants to do
fencing of the land so that stray animals may not enter his farmland. For this, he wants to get the perimeter of the
land. There isa pole at one corner of this field. He wants to hang an effigy on the top of it to keep birds away. He

standing in one corner of his square fiekd and observes that the angle subtended by the pole in the corner just
diagonally opposite to this cormer is 60". When he retires B0 m from the corner, along the same straight line, he
finds the angle to be

(0 Find the height of the pole too so that he can arrange a ladder accordingiy to put an effigy on the pole.

(i) Find the length of his square field so that he can buy material to do the fencing work accordingly.
(i) Find the Distance from Farmer at position C and top of the pole?

Find the Distance from Farmer at position D and top of the pole?
37. Read the test carefully and answer the
questions 4
The students ot a school decided to beautity the school on an annual day by txing colourful tlag5 on the straig

passage of the school. They have 27 flags to be fixed at intervals of every 2 metre. The flags are stored at the
position of the middlemost flag. Rachi was given the resposibility of placing the flags. Ruchi kept her books

where the tlags were stored. she could carry only one tlag at a tume

0 How much distance did she cover in pacing 6 tlags on either side of center point?
(i) Represent above information in Arithmetic progression
What is the maximum distance she travelled canying a flag
(i) How much distance did she cover in completing this job and returning to collect her books
38 Kead the fext caretuly and answer the questions
One day Vinod was goling home from school, sawa carpenter working on wood. He found that he is carving out

a cone of same height and same diameter from a cylinder. The beight of the cylinder is 24 cm and base radius is
7 cm. While watching this, some questions came into Vinod's mind.

(0 Find the slant height of the coical cavity so

(i) Find the curved surface area of the conical cavity so formed?
Find the ratio of curved surface area of cone to curved surface area of cylinder?

(ii) Find the external curved surface area of the cylinder?

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