World's Most Influential Leaders Inspiring The Tech World, 2023

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09 | Issue 12 | September 2023

World’s Most
Inspiring the Tech World, 2023

Helping and Connecting with

People to Grow their Mind-sets
and Skills and Find the Best
Version of Themselves

PG. 36
The Leading Lady of the
Aviation Industry

PG. 40

Honorio J.
A Business Visionary with
Diverse Expertise and
Leadership Across Industries
World's Most Inuential Leaders
Inspiring the Tech World, 2023

Aligning Technology
with Vision

Like societies, businesses to thrive and fall with the times.

Similar to how some politicians remain in power for
decades while others lose it over a short period of time. For
exceptional leaders, however, the road to success is seldom
smooth, and they are not endowed with a silver spoon and a
huge economic legacy. Business leaders' sheer tenacity and
enthusiasm provide doors to bigger projects and better
prospects. With a diverse portfolio, Mr. Padrón's career encompasses
engagements with both Fortune 500 companies,
A strong corporate leader has several qualities, including Government, and smaller enterprises. His influence extends
the capacity to inspire people and the ability to articulate a to sectors including retail, hospitality, consumer products,
compelling vision that others can get behind. Excellent aerospace, utilities, technology, life sciences, chemical,
leadership is the only way to create long-term success. We public sector, telecommunications, agriculture, and
aim to focus some of the best technologists, inventors, and manufacturing.
important business executives holding leadership roles in
the tech sector in order to acknowledge and reward A proactive contributor, he regularly shares his insights
visionary tech professionals who are advancing technology. through published research on topics such as Shared
With their remarkable leadership within this rapidly Services, Globalization, G&A optimization, Enterprise
expanding business, these extraordinary executives Service Delivery Models, and the dynamic world of
established a standard for subsequent generations. Information Technology. His accomplished journey and
dedication to sharing knowledge marks him as a respected
World’s Leaders in its latest edition “World's Most authority across a wide range of industries and disciplines.
Influential Leaders Inspiring the Tech World, 2023” sheds
some light on visionary tech leaders who are showcasing While we come to the end, please do not forget to read the
importance and role of tech leadership in economic CXO standpoints written by industry experts and the
development and society. informative articles penned down by our in-house editorial
The cover features Mr. Honorio Padrón who is CIO/CTO
and CEO as well as has fruitful 15-year consultancy career.
He has strong knowledge in areas such as Shared Services, Have a lovely read!
Operations Management, Business Transformation,
Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence,
Sustainability, and Outsourcing/In-sourcing.

Editor-in-Chief Steve Sanchez

Managing Editor Jagdish Chincholikar
Executive Editor Nicole Williams
Assistant Editor Gayatri Bhujbal

Art & Design Director Jack Anderson

Business Development Manager Gloria Sanchez
Business Development Executive Natalie, Jerrey
Associate Designer Kevin Rust

Digital Marketing Manager Victor Clarke

Sales Manager Casey Simpson, Irfan Shekh
Marketing Manager Tom Swann
Technical Specialist Barry Jones
Circulation Manager Danny Parker


3296 Westerville Rd #250, Columbus, OH 43224, USA

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Honorio J.
A Business Visionary with
Diverse Expertise and
Leadership Across Industries
18 Cassandra Chandler

22 Dr. Eric Darr

26 Dr. Natanya Wachtel

32 Dr. Tigran Haas

36 Kristy Guo

40 Lindsey Gamell

46 Morgana Rae

50 Omar Hammoud

54 Rania Toukebri
Honorio J.

08 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 09
With over four decades of expertise as a Global Senior Services, Globalization, G&A optimization, Enterprise
Executive, Mr. Honorio Padrón has included diverse Service Delivery Models, and the dynamic world of
responsibilities such as CIO/CTO and CEO, as well as a Information Technology. His accomplished journey and
fruitful 15-year consultancy career. He has strong dedication to sharing knowledge marks him as a respected
knowledge in areas such as Shared Services, Operations authority across a wide range of industries and disciplines.
Management, Business Transformation, Information
Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, and About Pantaleon
Pantaleon is an Agroindustrial powerhouse dedicated to the
With a diverse portfolio, Mr. Padrón's career encompasses responsible processing of sugarcane, yielding essential
engagements with both Fortune 500 companies, products like sugar, molasses, alcohol, and electric power
Government, and smaller enterprises. His influence extends derived from biomass. Operating across five
to sectors including retail, hospitality, consumer products, nations—Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, and the
aerospace, utilities, technology, life sciences, chemical, United States-, its headquarters are based in Guatemala.
public sector, telecommunications, agriculture, and The company's identity is rooted in a culture of high
manufacturing. performance and unwavering commitment, firmly anchored
in values and principles that have been honed over an
A proactive contributor, he regularly shares his insights impressive 174-year journey.
through published research on topics such as Shared

10 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Mr. Padrón's vision for Pantaleon's future revolves
around the company's goal of being one of the top ten
companies in the worldwide sugar sector. This aim will
be met by concentrating on a number of techniques,
including increasing the company's attractiveness,
deepening their sustainability initiatives, and growing
its market reach. The company's goal is to deliver a
wide range of products to various customer categories
while developing strategically and sustainably.

Pantaleon's journey began in 1849 on the scenic South Leading Pantaleon's Digital Transformation
Coast of Guatemala, evolving from a local enterprise into a
global frontrunner with significant influence in the Mr. Padrón had an impressive educational background,
international arena. Presently, it holds a prominent position holding degrees in both electrical engineering and
as a leader in the Central American sugar production sector biomedical engineering. His professional journey took a
and proudly stand among the ten most influential sugarcane fascinating turn as he embarked on a decade-long tenure at
groups globally. The company's yearly output of 1.2 million NASA, where he harnessed his expertise. However, his
tons of sugar and its derivatives bears testament to its career path exhibited an eclectic shift as he ventured into
accomplishments. These products find their way to local the world of entrepreneurship, establishing and managing
markets and over 40 export destinations, serving food his own restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. These
industries and refineries across the globe. establishments were strategically located in the Cocoa
Beach and Kennedy Space Center vicinity, gaining
Harnessing substantial investments in innovation and significance during the unfortunate Space Shuttle explosion
unwavering dedication to enhancing efficiency in both in 1986.
agricultural and industrial processes, Pantaleon's strategic
focus rests on sustainable development and achieving Amid economic challenges, Mr. Padrón made a strategic
operational excellence. It is committed to forging a path of decision to exit the restaurant business and transition back
progress, guided by the principles of responsible business to corporate roles. This led him to work for prominent
and the pursuit of continual growth. companies such as Burger King, PepsiCo, Excelon (a utility
company), , CompUSA, and even start his own consulting | 11
12 | SEPTEMBER 2023
firm. Throughout these diverse
positions, he held various
responsibilities ranging from
engineering, Division CEO, Chief
Information Officer (CIO), and Chief
Technology Officer (CTO) roles.

In 2014, a significant turning point

occurred when Mr. Padrón's career led
him to Latin America, where he met
Pantaleon. This encounter was pivotal,
as Pantaleon had a clear vision of
undertaking a digital transformation
within their company. Understanding
the importance of innovation and
future-oriented thinking in a
competitive and challenging market
like the sugar industry, Pantaleon's
board of directors sought an
experienced individual to drive this
digital shift.

In June 2019, Mr. Padrón officially

joined Pantaleon as the Chief other complementary technologies, The first phase of the transformation
Technology Officer (CTO), marking a such as Vistex, Solinftec, Arcgis, and was successfully completed in
new chapter in his career. His primary November 2020, with a strategic focus
objective was to spearhead the on Central America, specifically
comprehensive digital transformation In December 2019, the project received Guatemala and Nicaragua. The
of Pantaleon's sugar business. approval from the board of directors. subsequent phase, targeting Mexico,
Recognizing the need to adapt to the The implementation process encountered some delays due to the
rapidly changing landscape and to commenced in February 2020, with acquisition of a new sugar mill in the
enhance operational efficiency despite teams assembled, offices established, region. This acquisition necessitated
the constraints of the sugar market, Mr. and project management procedures attention to expansion efforts and
Honorio Padrón held immense put in place. An unforeseen challenge operational adjustments before the
significance in reshaping the emerged with the outbreak of the digital transformation could fully take
company's technological strategies and COVID-19 pandemic, disrupting effect.
ensuring a successful transition normal working conditions and
towards a digital future. introducing a unique set of difficulties. As of now, the project is nearing its
completion, and Mr. Padrón's
Steering Through Disruption Despite this hurdle, Mr. Padrón and his leadership and strategic decisions have
team opted to continue the project positioned the company on the cusp of
Mr. Padrón's primary focus was not on remotely. Each month, he presented technological evolution. The successful
expanding Pantaleon's business progress updates to the Board of navigation through the challenges
footprint, but rather on optimizing its Directors and sought permission to posed by COVID-19 highlights his
operations. To achieve this, he sustain the project. The decision was commitment and expertise in guiding
embarked on a comprehensive digital made to persevere, provided the project Pantaleon's digital transformation
transformation initiative. Beginning could maintain its scheduled progress journey.
with meticulous planning, his team and risk management measures. This
conducted a thorough study of the adaptive approach enabled them to Insights on Diversity, Integration,
company's existing processes and navigate the complexities of the and Strategic Implementation
future requirements. As a pivotal pandemic and advance toward their
technology choice, SAP was selected goals. Mr. Padrón's perspective on today's
as the core system, accompanied by technology leaders is that there is a | 13
Mr. Padrón shares his wisdom about
the challenges that today's technology
leaders face, especially those working
in non-tech companies. He talks openly
about the potential pitfalls and the need
for a different approach when it comes
to integrating and using technology

Looking back, he remembers a time

when integrating different systems, like
ERP systems, resulted in complex and
messy solutions known as "spaghetti
code." He explains how picking and
combining various point solutions that
don not fit well together can create
expensive, hard-to-maintain systems
that take a long time to show results.

He sees a similar situation in the AI

field today, with many different AI
solutions being released. Mr. Padrón
stresses that the key to AI success is
being centered around data. He points
out that even though we have better
technologies now, the challenge
remains in integrating these solutions
seamlessly to make sure data flows
effectively into AI models.

He advises technology leaders to

remember their main role in companies
that aren not primarily tech-focused:
applying existing technologies
strategically instead of trying to
reinvent the wheel. He acknowledges
the appeal of new tools but emphasizes
that successful implementation relies
on a well-integrated approach to avoid
remarkable pool of highly qualified companies. He notes that if you are
the costly cycle of using disconnected
individuals across various age groups part of a company that specializes in
and backgrounds. He recognizes the technology development, that is
presence of a trend among the younger perfectly valid and contributes to the
Mr. Padrón's core message is the need
generation, which tends to lean more broader ecosystem.
for a shift in mindset among
towards the development of technology
technology leaders. They need to
rather than its practical application. This viewpoint underscores the
recognize that their goal isn not to
importance of a balanced and
recreate technology, but to smartly
In Mr. Padrón's view, it is for collaborative approach to technology
utilize it to achieve business goals. His
technology leaders, including those in leadership, wherein both development
insights stress the importance of a
roles such as CIOs and CTOs, to and application play critical roles in
cohesive and integrated approach to
acknowledge and embrace the diversity driving innovation and progress.
technology implementation, which he
of technology-related roles within
believes is crucial for success in
today's complex tech landscape.
14 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 15
Nurturing Systemic Thinking underlines the need of this holistic Decisions can no longer be made
approach. without considering the potential
Mr. Padrón wishes for more systemic influence of technology. Previously,
thinking in society, arguing for actions Mr. Padrón's "sweet spot" comes business requirements would emerge,
that take into account the larger during the sugar harvesting season, and technology would be added
implications of a complex system. He revealing a look into his all- afterwards. However, due to the
notes that many decisions are encompassing relationship with his pervasiveness of technology, the
frequently made in isolation, with little business. His focus is the distinct surroundings have evolved into a
comprehension of how they affect the character of the sugar cane sector, mutually beneficial relationship in
overall system. The lack of systemic which harvests 24/7 from November to which technology and business are
thinkers in firms and leadership May. During the off-season, the closely linked from the outset.
positions suboptimizes business emphasis changes to sugar cane
performance and sustainability. He cultivation and maintenance of the He sees the future transformation
points out that this isn't always due to a sugar mill's equipment. propelled by artificial intelligence (AI)
lack of capacity, but rather to short- as fascinating and extremely fast.
term viewpoints often influenced by When harvesting season begins, Reflecting on the past, Mr. Padrón
quarterly reporting and analyst though, a sense of urgency and rhythm references a book written by Ray
expectations. takes over, similar to a marathon. The Kurzweil about two decades ago, titled
business operates nonstop until the "The Singularity Is Near." In the book,
Mr. Padrón advocates for the sugar cane is gone, which normally Kurzweil discusses the convergence of
preservation of a system in which takes around six months. Climate various technological cycles, many of
equality exists on a human level, but variables, such as rainfall patterns, which were on the cusp of exponential
distinction happens depending on determine the time of this season, growth. He anticipated that this
conduct and contribution. He thinks which varies between nations. convergence would end in a great
that people who connect their technological boom, with the following
behaviors with their obligations and Mr. Padrón receives enormous joy ten years outperforming the preceding
thrive in their positions should be from observing the process's 100. The term "singularity" alludes to
rewarded more than those who do not. optimization and accuracy. He enjoys the moment at which technological
He recognizes the diversity of human seeing the sugar cane convoy arrive at advancement becomes unmanageable
talents and behaviors, emphasizing that the weighing station and the execution and irreversible, causing dramatic
while everyone is unique and of different optimizations and societal transformations.
wonderful, not everyone excels in the complicated accounting systems. This
same areas. includes deciding how to distribute Pantaleon, according to Mr. Padrón, is
payments, evaluating equipment presently witnessing the fruition of this
Mr. Padrón's viewpoint is based on the performance, and closely monitoring prophecy. The tremendous progress of
premise that aiming for the common different operational factors. AI is a tribute to Kurzweil's insight. He
average might stifle innovation and Mr. Padrón's "happy spot" is emphasizes that we have passed the
societal advancement. Instead, he calls essentially witnessing the culmination "near" stage and that the singularity
for recognizing and honoring of his efforts and the applied has arrived. This fast improvement has
individual strengths and achievements, technology match effortlessly to create been allowed by the convergence of
as this approach encourages higher efficiency and success in the sugar cane many exponential technological
standards and greater creativity. harvesting and milling processes. This curves, leading to astounding success
demonstrates his commitment and the in AI and other domains.
Thriving Connection with satisfaction he enjoys from seeing
Technology in Sugar Cane Industry technology's positive influence in a Mr. Padrón emphasizes that these
real-world, high-stakes scenario. exponential technical developments are
Mr. Padrón highlights the normal tasks allowing society to move forward
related to technology inside a Views on AI, Evolution, and Society quickly and effectively, and he predicts
company, including the whole design, that the impact of AI will expand
development, and operation process. In According to Mr. Padrón, the most beyond businesses, transforming many
the technological arena, where fundamental development in today's facets of everyday life and society as a
solutions are designed, deployed, and organizations is the widespread whole.
maintained as a cohesive unit, he adoption of technology including AI.

16 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Embracing Risks

Mr. Padrón states that he has

always been a risk taker and has
had a broad and extended career.
Among the countless risks he has
taken, he recalls a watershed event
in 2004, when he was offered the
opportunity to purchase and
become the CEO of an IBM
Equipment Reseller and consulting
firm. He made the decision to
exchange his high-level corporate
position in charge of a key business
unit at Excelon Corporation to
pursue his dream of owning and
managing his own technology
company. While this was a
significant change, it presented Mr.
Padrón with new perspectives and
experiences. He admits that being a
reseller and consultant forced him
to demonstrate his talents and
attributes in a different way than in
a corporate context. He had to
work hard to make his company´s
presence and expertise known to
potential customers.

Mr. Padrón describes the risks and

advantages of taking this risk,
highlighting how it changed his life
outlook. He had to adapt, gain new
skills, and deal with the reality of a
new work environment. Despite the
difficulties, he found the change to
be extremely satisfying and
fulfilling. | 17
18 | SEPTEMBER 2023
An Innovative Strategist and Investigator, Identifying
and Addressing Intelligence, Financial Crimes,
Cyber and Fraud Risks

Effective leadership in law enforcement demands a combination of
technical proficiency, strategic acumen, and interpersonal finesse.
The leader must possess the ability to communicate with clarity and
impact, both internally and externally, while displaying the confidence
and decisiveness necessary to make difficult choices. Moreover, they
must be adept at inspiring and empowering their staff, providing the guidance,
resources, and support required for success.

Cassi Chandler, a seasoned leader with a remarkable track record in both law
enforcement and banking, exemplifies the qualities of a successful leader. With
extensive experience as an intelligence strategist, investigator, and leader of diverse
teams, she has cultivated a culture of motivational leadership and inclusivity at some
of the world's most prominent organizations, including Bank of America and the FBI. | 19
A Career of Excellence news anchor for an NBC affiliate there.

Ms. Chandler spent 23 years with the FBI, When she was recruited and "first indicated I
leading investigations into white collar was interested in the FBI, a lot of my
crimes, financial crimes, and cybercrimes, as acquaintances were shocked.”
well as directing criminal and domestic
terrorism intelligence and foreign "When I was a child, the commonly held
counterintelligence activities. She also belief was that the FBI bugged your phone,
redesigned the Bureau's health care fraud did wrong things against Martin Luther
and criminal intelligence programs and was King, and such. You didn't aspire to be an
appointed to the U.S. Senior Executive agent.”
Service as an Assistant Director. She retired
as Special Agent in Charge of the Norfolk, At the same time, Chandler's mother had
Virginia FBI Field Office. After leaving the raised her to respect law enforcement, and
FBI, she joined Bank of America, where she when the FBI agents came to recruit her, "it
led fraud investigations and intelligence and sounded pretty exciting. I thought it might be
built an integrated framework to identify, like James Bond. It wasn't. I thought there
evaluate, and assess emerging regulatory would be a lot more international intrigue,
risks and the operational effectiveness of special gadgets and travel. Instead, I was
enterprise coverage areas. assigned to address complex white-collar
Founding Vigeo Alliances, LLC
Chandler started her career in the FBI by
“Vigeo” (Latin) - to thrive and flourish working in New Orleans for a duration of
four years, during which she developed
Cassi is currently the President and CEO of expertise in dealing with white-collar crimes
Vigeo Alliances, LLC a culture risk and financial crimes. Following this, she
assessment partner that supports businesses moved to the FBI's legal office in
in growing emerging leaders, retaining Washington, D.C., where she supervised
diverse talent, and building a culture of civil litigation. Subsequently, she joined the
leadership in an inclusive organization. Her white-collar crimes section and took on the
experiences in different organizations role of managing and coordinating health
(private and public) led her to observe the care fraud investigations throughout the
impact of “inept” leadership and drove her to country.
seek opportunities where she could share her
perspective with organizations and better the Long Spanning Work Career
culture for all employees.
Cassi Chandler's impressive career spans
Joining Law Enforcement over two decades in law enforcement and
private sector leadership. She has since
While pursuing her law degree at Loyola served in numerous high-profile positions
University in New Orleans, she secured a which include:
part-time job at a CBS affiliate station to
support herself financially. Prior to this, she
had completed her undergraduate studies in
English and journalism at Louisiana State
University in Baton Rouge, and had worked
a few years as a journalist and television
20 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Ÿ aimed at enhancing public safety and public
it sounded pretty exciting. trust in the Aurora Fire and Rescue
Department and the Aurora Police
I thought it might be like Department. As a member of the Aurora
Consent Decree Monitorship, Cassi was
James Bond. It wasn't. I entrusted with working closely with leaders

thought there would be a

of both the Fire and Police Departments
reform recruitment and hiring policies in a
lot more international manner that ensured qualified candidates of
the diverse communities of Aurora were
intrigue, special gadgets identified and successfully hired.

and travel. Instead, I was Ÿ New York Police Department- Federal

Monitor Team
assigned to address As a former member of the NYPD Federal
Monitor Team, Cassi assessed and made
complex white- recommendations for changes and
improvements to NYPD policies, practices,
collar investigations." procedures, and training to ensure the
Department's adherence to Constitutional
and bias-free policing as ordered by the
Court. She evaluated the sufficiency of
police investigations of community
complaints for unconstitutional police
conduct and she similarly reviewed and
assessed allegations of racial profiling,
analyzed and prepared matrices of data,
observed body worn camera video footage
for actions, behavior and practices that may
require additional attention, and she
evaluated and reported on the sufficiency of

Ÿ Bank Of America- Senior Vice President

Cassi retired as Senior Vice President for
Business Operations at Bank of America,
where she was responsible for building an
integrated framework to identify, evaluate
and assess emerging regulatory risks and
the operational effectiveness of enterprise
coverage areas. Prior to working in
Business Operations, she conducted
compliance and risk assessments while a
member of the Bank's Compliance team. | 21
22 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 23
24 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 25
26 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Dr. Natanya
A Mental Health Advocate Behavioral-Science
Powered Marketer and Philanthropist with a Passion
for Improving Access to Care | 27
Redefining Business with Human- focus on creating meaningful impact in host of the popular podcast 'Insights
Centric Values and Philanthropy people's lives. This led her to transition Out' on an established health network
to nonprofit work, philanthropy, and hosted by The Outcomes Rocket
New Solutions Network is a group of working with start-ups in the wellness Network. Through this platform, she
innovative for profit and nonprofit and MedTech space. interviews leaders in customer-
companies dedicated to making the centricity in the health and wellness
world a better place. They prioritize Apart from her professional work, Dr. industry about trends, best practices,
creating businesses that put people at Wachtel is also a writer and speaker and watchouts. She is also a frequent
the center and prioritize philanthropy, who has dedicated herself to guest on podcasts, television, and
which marks a significant change in addressing the healthcare disparities radio, speaking about wellness,
traditional business models. The faced by marginalized communities. customer science, transformation, and
company provides specialized services She is particularly passionate about mental health.
for behavioral science informed improving access to care, education,
commercialization and marketing, and healthy food. Dr. Wachtel is the
including cutting-edge customer-
centric and science-driven marketing
and commercialization solutions.

The New Solutions Network is

committed to keeping up with cutting-
edge technologies and digital tools to
improve impact, growth, efficiency and
provide innovative and meaningful
solutions to customers. They help
companies build stronger customer
relationships and deliver seamless
customer experiences.
Operating as a collective of like-
minded leaders, New Solutions
Network partners with companies to
drive positive impact for individuals,
organizations, and communities on a
large scale. The New Solutions
Network is devoted to building
businesses and growing revenue while
prioritizing human-centric values.

Work Experiences

Dr. Wachtel is an experienced mental

health advocate who has been working
with families and exeuctives for over a
decade. Along with her clinical work,
she is also a health educator and
marketing strategist with expertise in
behavioral science. Dr. Wachtel has
spent more than 20 years in the pharma
and biotech industry, working on major
healthcare brands, before and after
founding New Solutions Network. In
2019, she left the corporate world to

28 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 29
A Renowned Name in Urban Planning
and Urban Design, Environmental
Science, and Regional Planning

32 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 33
A leader is someone who has the ability to understand and
connect with people and places. They have the skills to
communicate effectively with individuals from diverse
Education Methods for
backgrounds and cultures, and can empathize with their Future Perspectives
perspectives and experiences. A leader who understands
people can build relationships and trust with their team
members, inspire them to achieve common goals, and
create a positive work environment that fosters creativity, Dr. Haas believes that effective
innovation, and growth. Dr. Tigran Haas is a leader who
believes in the power of people and their potential to
teaching involves using a variety of
achieve great things. His leadership style is characterized methods, such as active learning, a
by empathy, collaboration, and a commitment to student-cantered approach, blended
excellence. learning, project-based learning,
Dr. Haas possesses advanced degrees in architecture, urban inquiry-based learning, problem-
planning and design, environmental science, and regional based learning, flipping the
planning, providing a unique perspective on classroom, and collaborative learning
comprehending the complexities and issues at the macro, as well as new and combined
meso, and micro levels of cities. In addition to being a
tenured Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Urban approaches. However, the best
Design, they have also held various leadership positions, teaching method will depend on the
including Lab Director of Halcyon Athenaeum Laboratory subject, students, and learning
(HAL), Director of Civitas Athenaeum Laboratory (CAL),
objectives, and effective teaching
Director of the Centre for the Future of Places (CFP),
Director of the Graduate Program in Urbanism (MUSE), often involves adjusting methods
and Co-Director and Founder of the first Scandinavian based on student feedback and
Graduate Program in Urban Planning and Design (UPD) at assessment data. Lastly, high quality
the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at
and inspiring instructional paradigm
KTH. Dr. Haas has further expanded their expertise
through Post-Doc Fellowships at MIT, Boston, UC in form of deep and wide lectures
Berkeley, and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and and instructions is paramount.
currently holds the position of guest research scholar at the
esteemed LCAU - The MIT Norman B. Leventhal Centre
for Advanced Urbanism in Boston. Their experience also Dr. Haas emphasizes the importance
includes eight years of teaching project and strategic of setting high standards for oneself
management, as well as project leadership at KTH as a teacher and empowering
(Stockholm) and ZSEM (Zagreb). students to develop critical thinking
Insights on Leadership and intellectual curiosity to navigate
the complexity of the real world. He
Leadership is a challenging journey of self-transformation, believes that education and teaching
undertaken by an individual who has been entrusted with
must respond to the converging
the responsibility of guiding a team towards achieving a
specific business objective. As someone who has taught crises in the world and that teachers
project and strategic management and project leadership have a duty to their profession,
for over 8 years and has also spent 5 years running a students, and themselves to cultivate
research lab and serving as the director of three educational
critical thinking and creativity to
programs, Dr. Haas has gained a deep understanding of the
intricacies of leadership. think beyond what "everyone knows."

34 | SEPTEMBER 2023
While getting things done by the team past mistakes, possess strong Sharing Views on Academic
is undoubtedly important, it is just one communication skills, and build Freedom
aspect of a leader's role. It is equally sustainable relationships on all levels.
crucial to assemble a team with the Leaders must listen, understand, and Academic freedom is the principle that
right mix of competence, equality, and take action, and have the optimism and provides scholars and researchers the
professionalism, and to have the risk-taking ability required to drive right to conduct their work without
finesse to understand where each team their teams forward. They must also interference or restriction. It
member can contribute the most. Dr. possess the ability to read people and encompasses the freedom to teach, to
Haas understands that expanding and adapt them to necessary tasks within learn, to publish and share their
building new networks, both physical the organization, anticipate problems, research findings and opinions, and to
and virtual, is essential for building think outside the box, and eliminate participate in academic debate and
strong relationships with team threats and negative personalities. discourse. Academic freedom is a
members and employees. Developing Overall, Dr. Haas's leadership fundamental aspect of a democratic
mutual trust, gaining honest feedback, philosophy emphasizes the importance and open academic society, as it allows
achieving friendships, and fostering of building strong inter-personal scholars and researchers to pursue the
mutual respect are all critical relationships, fostering a positive truth, advance knowledge, and freely
components of building long-lasting organizational culture, creating a express their ideas and opinions
relationships. trustworthy and mutually without fear of retaliation or
understanding community, and driving censorship.
To be an effective leader, Dr. Haas the team towards achieving its goals.
believes it is important to learn from | 35
36 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Helping and Connecting
with People to Grow
their Mind-sets and
Skills and Find the Best
Version of Themselves

risty Guo (Cuilan), the founder, president, and
owner of Signature Global Network PTY, is an
award-winning entrepreneur, and a passionate
and significant female leader. She is renowned for her
drive, optimism, and distinctive personality, which gives
people's lives light, power, and vitality.

She is a celebrated Australian who was born in China

has 20 years of logistics experience. She is also a
speaker, influencer, and the author of the best-selling
book "Changemakers" on Amazon. Kristy is a highly
motivated and influential female leader renowned for
her zeal, optimism, and distinctive personality, which
gives people's lives brightness, power, and vitality.

Signature Global
Network | 37
Career Path Kristy shares, "I only took one year Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Kristy
Pre before Uni, so I graduated about saw how that business grew from a
Kristy wasn't very self-assured when three years earlier than others. I modest size to one with up to 2000
she was in primary school, but she realized that my family wasn't employees and from 5 to 30+
recognized she had a leadership gift, prosperous, and I needed to be international offices.
which is why she was always a financially independent the earlier
wonderful assistant to the instructor. the possible. That's also one reason I Signature Global Network
From middle school through her time was always the youngest leader
in college, Kristy held a variety of among all. " For Kristy, starting SGN is a dream
leadership positions, including those come true. She has always had a
of class and school captain, topic Kristy formerly held the position of passion for people and networking.
senator, and supervisors. She Head of Trade Oceanfreight ANZ at The previous experience she had
participated in every activity and a prestigious international logistics brought success, which could only
subject while also encouraging her and freight forwarding firm. One of happen with her strong networking
classmates to learn more effectively. Australia's largest freight forwarders skills. She asserts, "Most importantly,
sponsored her. She then relocated her my passion is for people and
Kristy started her first job when she small family from Hong Kong to multicultural. I love to see people
was 17+ and graduated from Australia at that time. For from different places of the world
university when she was 18. approximately ten years, Kristy getting together." Kristy found her
worked as a freight forwarder in gift in strengthening people's
relationships and connecting with
various nations and people.

Every time Kristy goes to work, she

always positions herself in the
position of the company owner,
acting in their best interests. No
matter what position she was in, that
enabled her to become a leader.
Everywhere and whenever she was,
Kristy had an impact. But as time
went on, she began to realize that she
needed a broader stage in order to
have a greater impact because there
was so much possibility for
improvement, but the role's
constraints prevented her from doing

The moment Kristy recognized she

had a plan—to launch her own
company, a worldwide logistics
network—it was after she wrote her
first book, rose to fame as an
international best-selling author, and
spoke up for others to follow their

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40 | SEPTEMBER 2023
The Leading Lady of the Aviation Industry

“The most difcult

thing is the decision
to act, the rest is
merely tenacity.”

Amelia Earhart | 41
upholds policies and procedures. She value for all of its clients globally,
skillfully manages teams, production, wherever they may be, at any time. It
maintenance work orders, supply and combines market experience with

inventory, and ensures customer substantial MRO capabilities and a
satisfaction and support in her role as global network. The Honeywell 737
business development and program Classic Series is distributed solely by
manager at TP Aerospace. To TP Aerospace.
improve organizational strategy, she
cultivates long-lasting connections TP Aerospace provides its airline
with stakeholders, senior clients with the highest level of
management, and customers. flexibility and cost transparency
through its integrated programs, all
After graduating from high school in of which are powered by its pay-as-
2002, Lindsey began working in you-go model. Customers of the
Today's aviation sector is lacking in aviation. She comes from a highly program benefit from an all-inclusive
crucial leadership expertise since varied background in the industry. approach that is supported by an
more than half (59%) of women in She began in general aviation, excellent warranty, a guarantee of
leadership roles in the sector have working in different office support stock availability, and first-rate
thought about quitting. Women are functions and learning the customer service.
more likely to be forced out of the fundamentals of aviation
profession because of bad maintenance. After that, she briefly The staff is committed to serving its
experiences, but males are more worked as a flight attendant for an clients and is aware of the many
likely to be drawn away by the airline. She then entered the area of difficulties faced by aircraft
promise of greater prospects. Greater maintenance repair organizations operators. When enrolled in a
and more noticeable roles for women (MRO), which is essentially where program with TP Aerospace, its
are emerging in the sector. she is currently as TP Aerospace is a clients are given a personal program
part 145 repair station. For most of manager who is intimately familiar
There have never been more women her career, Lindsey worked as a with their requirements and serves as
in top positions in the aviation sector. maintenance planner, arranging a sparring partner in streamlining
Still, there is a leadership gap as a heavy maintenance projects on their wheels and brake operations.
result of the prejudices and obstacles airplanes, which in layman terms
faced by female leaders that continue entailed organizing the whole work Being an Aviation Leader
to limit their development and scope and process for disassembling At TP Aerospace, Lindsey's duties
influence. There is a growing trend an airplane fully, inspecting it, and include leading a group of Customer
for people of all genders to adopt then putting it back together to get it Executives that, together with her,
leadership styles that support back in the air. handle all of the program accounts
successful women in business and for the North American region. This
the organizations they manage, as The Leading Aviation Aftermarket includes managing contracts, visiting
more women assume high-ranking Supplier with clients to report on KPIs;
positions. As the top aftermarket provider of monitoring daily operations; and
aircraft wheels and brakes, TP managing the technical facets of
Lindsey Gamell is a skilled and Aerospace provides all of its clients asset management, including
seasoned company leader and with an easy substitute for establishing priorities with the
manager who is extremely passionate conventional component business' internal MRO shop.
about aviation, is well-versed in the management. It excels at what it does Lindsey also works to provide
laws and rules pertaining to FAA because it has a narrow focus. The awareness and brand familiarity in
compliance, and develops and firm ensures quality, simplicity, and her business development role.

42 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 43

M organa Rae is an internationally acclaimed author, with her book

"Financial Alchemy®: 12 Months of Magic & Manifestation"
achieving #1 bestseller status. With over 27 years of experience in
personal development, she is a true pioneer in her field. Morgana is renowned as
the foremost expert in transforming one's relationship with money. Her guidance
benefits a diverse range of individuals, including entrepreneurs, artists, healers,
and humanitarians. Morgana empowers them to thrive in their life's purpose,
attracting abundance effortlessly and achieving their goals with ease, flow, and

Morgana's innovative wealth creation program has earned her recognition from
major media outlets, including television networks, United Press International,
Coast to Coast Radio, Yahoo Finance, and The Wall Street Journal. She has also
been honored as a Top Woman in E-Commerce by WE Magazine.

As a thought leader in the realms of wealth and relationships, Morgana has shared
her expertise alongside renowned figures like Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington,
Bob Proctor, and many others on various prestigious stages.

Below are highlights of the interview conducted between World's Leaders and
Morgana Rae:

Describe who you are as a person, inside and outside of the workplace.

"Having proven definitively that an Ivy League education, celebrity clients,

taglines and testimonials, half a dozen master coach certifications, and every Law
of Attraction gimmick in the world were no match for my own Superpowers of
Money Repulsion, I developed a new way of coaching and living that turns leaden
human experience in to gold, spiritually and financially. People call me a money
goddess, but I apply this alchemy to every aspect of life.”

Describe your background, and what did you do before you started or joined
the company?

I began my coaching career in the entertainment industry while I was still in that
business myself. Coaching others was like a “soul vacation” from my own hustle.
Very quickly, I found my clients (actors, writers, directors, producers, editors, etc.)

46 | SEPTEMBER 2023 | 47
achieving unlikely results within weeks—winning awards, my imaginary money “honey,” four new clients hired me at
booking their first prime-time series, selling their first film, double what I had ever charged before. And they kept
etc. I was hooked! I decided to become a full-time coming. This was the event that set me on a course to
professional people helper. becoming a world-famous authority on making millions
while putting love first.
I led workshops, and I was invited to speak at industry
events. My phone was ringing with people who wanted to A decade later, I tried the same approach to my relationship
hire me. I had a reputation for working magic. I still wasn't with love. I slammed my love monster and met my husband
making money. Something was off, obviously. Helping two months later. I was 45 years old and had never been
others was easy. Getting paid was my block. married before. We've currently married each other 26 times
in 21 countries so far, on our way to 100 weddings. 100%
In fact, 20 years ago (March of 2003), I hit my low point his idea.
when I was struggling to make $100 a month in Los
Angeles, California. I had taken every marketing course, Tell us about the inception of the company. How did it
sales course, and mindset course available in the late 90's all start?
and early aughts. None of it mattered. I was still making
I started testing and perfecting this process with my
coaching clients. (I wasn't marketing my money work at the
I found my financial results changed for the better (to the time, but most human beings have money drama, right?) I
tune of millions of dollars) only after I changed my discovered I needed to dig far below the money stories to
relationship with money as if it were a person. I changed find the causal issues—never actually about money—behind
my money from a monster of scarcity to a hunky honey, the stories. That's when things took off. Clients were
worthy of my deepest trust and admiration. (I literally had reporting big financial results, and fast.
to make money for a cute guy just to have it in my life!)
Within 24 hours of evicting my money monster and meeting Word got out. A popular coaching magazine profiled me and

48 | SEPTEMBER 2023
my 6-step Financial Alchemy® program. Bigger magazines, Give us your opinion on whether organizations rely
newspapers, radio shows, speaking gigs, and television heavily on individual heroics or team processes.
interviews followed. I became a regular Money Maven on
FOX News and the Money Manifestation Expert on Coast As to the question of whether organizations need systems or
to Coast AM, the subject of articles in the Wall Street individual heroes, I say yes and yes. My company culture is
Journal, United Press International, Yahoo Finance, and built on appreciation and service. Rarely have I seen people
interviewed on NPR, CNN, all the major television thrive or do their best work when they are only working for
networks, etc. I'm a #1 best-selling author in 20 countries. a pay check. People are not cogs. There must be a greater
mission. I believe humans have a need to be valued and
What has made you successful? What do you value? respected as urgently as we need to eat and breathe. Team
members are intelligent, talented heroes in their area of
What has made my company successful is having a standout contribution. With that in mind, I appreciate my team. I
message rooted in my own lived experience, backed up by communicate my appreciation frequently. I compensate
prodigious client results. I decided early on that money was generously. Reciprocal care is essential to me. Every
my “pain door” for whole-person transformation, because partnership is designed to be win-win-win: it serves my
money is where my difference stands out the loudest. No partner, serves me, and serves our clients and beyond.
one else sounds quite like me: making money a person, Systems serve to create clarity to protect the company and
diving deep into hidden root causes (love, safety, power) support the team and clients.
that had nothing to do with money, and my signature
process to make money fall in love with you for good. What are your responsibilities as the Founder/CEO/
Managing Director of the company?
Which are the major services of the company and how
do the company to get ahead in the competition? What As the CEO, I set the calendar for projects and programs,
value-added services does the company provide? tuning in to what wants to happen and when. Book
launches, retreats, new programs and promotions, etc. I like
I like to say, “Your wealth is in your weirdness.” The more to schedule spaciously, leaving room for unexpected
you do what only you do, producing better results than your invitations and opportunities to show up, too.
competitors, the less competition you have.
What is the happiest part of your daily routine?
Even when other people started copying me (OMG, the
copycats!), my own followers would spot them and tell The happiest part of my daily routine, and I'm almost
them to stop. Copying is not a good look. embarrassed to admit it, is coaching clients on the days I
coach clients. I tried semi-retiring in early 2020, when the
Clients who, like me, had failed with every other modality pandemic first hit. I discovered, after a year of yoga at the
out there were finally getting their breakthroughs. There's beach and growing a vegetable garden at home, that I really
no better marketing than boat loads of testimonials; zero-to- hated not coaching clients! There's nothing in the world
multi-million-dollar case studies; and good, old-fashioned more optimistic and energizing than participating in the
word of mouth. fulfillment of other people's dreams.

What is the significance of innovative ideas in the What advice would you give someone going into a
company? leadership position for the first time?

My philosophy regarding innovation is that human clients What I would advise someone going into leadership for the
are endlessly creative at coming up with new obstacles that first time is that you are worthy, you are wanted, and you
you've never encountered before. Problem-solving programs can make the necessary connections to solve any problem.
are here to serve the client, not squeeze clients into a Make money decisions that serve love, lifestyle, and legacy.
program box. If something isn't working, adjust and re- Does Money love you? Or is your relationship a mess? 7-
adjust your approach until you find what works for that figure Financial Alchemy® creator Morgana Rae walks you
person. Meeting and solving every new twist improves the through her 6 proven steps to Radically, Rapidly, and
product. Permanently transform your Relationship with Money at | 49
Omar Hammoud
Owner & CEO

50 | SEPTEMBER 2023
Bringing Collaborative Ideas, Innovative
Technologies, and a New Way of Doing Business
in Aerospace and Defense

“A successful leader should be able to

inspire their team while also seeing the
future of the company and the
advantages of such innovation. When
the team can think quickly and
creatively, they are one step ahead of
the competition and in front of them.” | 51
Omar Hammoud, owner and CEO Omar works closely with his 1500 units installed in North
of APG-Neuros, has a track record customers every day at APG- America and Europe, and more
of success as a chief execu ve Neuros to be er understand their than 5000 units worldwide.
officer in the machinery sector. needs and develop new ones that
With strong technical and will increase efficiency, lower APG-Neuros con nues to lead the
leadership skills that he developed opera ng costs, and reduce carbon industry by constantly driving and
over the course of his previous 25 footprint. propelling innova on forward
years in leadership posi ons with through the most technologically
the three leaders in the aerospace Every day, Omar spends me with advanced products and aera on
industry, Omar founded APG- his staff to help them with their solu ons to achieve maximum
Neuros nearly two decades ago. problems. At the same me, Omar energy efficiency and opera onal
When a chance to revitalize the works with investors to raise flexibility for our customers.
aerospace and defense industries money and with savvy
by introducing innova ve manufacturers and technology APG-Neuros' headquarters are
technologies, coopera ve ideas, development partners around the located in Quebec, Canada, and its
and a fresh approach to business globe to come up with the newest manufacturing and tes ng facility
was discovered, APGNeuros was cu ng-edge goods and services. is in Pla sburgh, New York, USA.
established. For genera ons, the
aera on market in wastewater APG-Neuros Redefining the Sector with
treatment and industrial CVFounded in 2005, APG-Neuros' Innova on
applica ons has suffered from the award-winning company was APG-Neuros takes pride in
loss of talent and the liquida on of established to design, develop, and con nuing to set trends and lead
quality. What was le were cheap, manufacture high-efficiency the market with its innova ve
ineffec ve products and outmoded turboblowers and complete ideas made possible by cu ng-
business prac ces. According to aera on systems. Its focused edge technology. For maximum
APG-Neuros, these discomforts approach on innova ve cu ng- effec veness and opera onal
represent a fantas c opportunity edge technologies drives our flexibility for customers, the
that, if pursued by a newcomer successful product introduc on internal R&D program on aera on
with leadership skills, can result in and High-Speed blower technology. solu ons uses cu ng-edge model-
transforma on and help build a The company's product solu ons predic ve control methods using
successful company. are based on technical excellence, machine learning and ar ficial
proven design, high quality intelligence.
Process engineering, water materials applied in aerospace and
treatment, engineering, business other significant industries. "We APG-Neuros provides complete
development, and project complement our product aera on packages that are
engineering are among Omar's innova ons with stringent reviews effec ve and cu ng-edge, as well
areas of exper se. With a Bachelor and audits including CE, with UL & as turnkey design solu ons to
of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) in CSA cer fica on," Omar says. assist in resolving challenging
Mechanical Engineering from the problems. Customers also
University of O awa, he has a APG-Neuros turbo blowers are appreciate the company's
strong background in used in a variety of industrial excep onal proximity, round-the-
entrepreneurship. applica ons and wastewater clock support, and responsiveness.
treatment processes, with over

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