Performance Enhancement of Axial Fan Blade Through Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques

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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066
DOI 10.1007/s12206-010-0619-6

Performance enhancement of axial fan blade through multi-objective

optimization techniques †
Jin-Hyuk Kim1, Jae-Ho Choi2, Afzal Husain1 and Kwang-Yong Kim1,*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, 253 Yonghyun-dong, Nam-gu, Incheon 402-751, Rep. of Korea
Energy Equipment R&D Team, Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd., 701 Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 463-400,
Rep. of Korea

(Manuscript Received March 1, 2010; Revised June 7, 2010; Accepted June 11, 2010)



This paper presents an axial fan blade design optimization method incorporating a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (hy-
brid MOEA). In flow analyses, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were solved using the shear stress transport turbu-
lence model. The numerical results for the axial and tangential velocities were validated by comparing them with experimental data. Six
design variables relating to the blade lean angle and the blade profile were selected through Latin hypercube sampling of design of ex-
periments (DOE) to generate design points within the selected design space. Two objective functions, namely, total efficiency and torque,
were employed, and multi-objective optimization was carried out, to enhance the performance. A surrogate model, Response Surface
Approximation (RSA), was constructed for each objective function based on the numerical solutions obtained at the specified design
points. The Non-dominated Sorting of Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) with local search was used for multi-objective optimization. The
Pareto-optimal solutions were obtained, and a trade-off analysis was performed between the two conflicting objectives in view of the
design and flow constraints. It was observed that, by the process of multi-objective optimization, the total efficiency was enhanced and
the torque reduced. The mechanisms of these performance improvements were elucidated by analysis of the Pareto-optimal solutions.
Keywords: Axial fan blade; Evolutionary algorithm; Surrogate model; Pareto-optimal solutions; Total efficiency; Torque

tion of an axial fan modifying a stacking line of blades, and

1. Introduction
they attempted to enhance the efficiency and total pressure
Recently computing-power advances have rendered numeri- and to reduce the torque.
cal optimization techniques based on three-dimensional Rey- An optimization procedure for turbomachinery blade design,
nolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations practical in as based on the response surface approximation (RSA) model,
the design of turbomachinery blades. Application of such has been applied by Jang and Kim [5] and Chen and Yuan [6].
techniques has reduced the number of experimental tests re- Several other studies on shape optimization of turbomachinery
quired, and thereby has reduced the time and cost entailed, in blades have been undertaken, with specific emphases on
turbomachine design. maximum camber [7], camber line [8-9], airfoil thickness [10],
Efficiency and torque are the important parameters in tur- thickness location [11], trailing edge (TE) radius [12], and
bomachine performance measurement. Kim et al. [1] have others.
reported a design optimization method for enhancing the effi- Most turbomachinery designs involve multiple performance
ciency of a centrifugal compressor impeller, based on four objectives, and as such, are typically referred to as multi-
variables defining the design of the impeller hub and shroud objective problems. These problems require, for system opti-
contours. Efficiency enhancement through modification of the mization, simultaneous consideration of all pertinent objective
diffuser geometry in a mixed-flow pump was reported by Kim functions. The fast and elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic
et al. [2]. Seo et al. [3] introduced design optimization of a Algorithm (NSGA-II) of Deb et al. [13] generates a Pareto-
low-speed axial fan blade with sweep and lean to enhance optimal solution using evolutionary algorithms. For optimiza-
efficiency. Samad et al. [4] studied a multi-objective optimiza- tion with the Pareto-optimal design, Keskin and Bestle [14]

This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor posited Bezier curve parameterization of blade shape. Mar-
Jun Sang Park javaara et al. [15] employed multi-objective optimization algo-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 32 872 3096, Fax: +82 32 868 1716
E-mail address: [email protected]
rithms for shape optimization of a hydraulic turbine diffuser.
© KSME & Springer 2010 Lotfi et al. [8] reported genetic algorithm (GA)-based optimi-
2060 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066

zation of a low-speed fan cascade using Bezier-curve-selected Table 1. Design specifications of axial fan.
design variables including thickness distribution and camber
Flow Coefficient 0.41
line. Benini [16] used multi-objective optimization and a
Total Pressure Coefficient 0.30
Bezier curve to define blade-section profiles in consideration
of the total pressure ratio and adiabatic efficiency, and used Rotor Rotation Frequency, rpm 1000

these as design objectives for an axial compressor blade. He Tip Radius, mm 287.5
employed the camber line and a thickness profile as the design Number of blades 9
parameters. Lastly, Pierret et al. [17] reported multi- Hub/Tip Ratio 0.52
disciplinary and multiple-operating-point optimizations for Inlet Angle at Rotor Tip, degrees 68.8
fixed rotor speeds. Outlet Angle at Rotor Tip, degrees 63.8
In the present work, a hybrid multi-objective evolutionary
algorithm (hybrid MOEA) [18] coupled with the RSA model
was applied to obtain a global Pareto-optimal front for design
of an axial fan blade. Three-dimensional RANS analyses were
performed to obtain numerical solutions for the selected de-
sign points. The blade shape was optimized by six design
variables relating to the blade lean angle and blade profile.
Two conflicting objectives, that is, the total efficiency and the
torque, were selected for optimization.

2. Numerical analysis
Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were Fig. 1. Computational domain and structure of grid system.
solved using the Shear Stress Transport model as turbulence
closure. The commercial software ANSYS CFX 11.0 [19]
consisting of Blade-Gen, Turbo-Grid, CFX-Pre and CFX- computational domain. A grid-independency test had been
Solver applications, was employed in flow analyses. The carried out to determine the optimal grid number, and a grid of
blade profile was generated in Blade-Gen and exported to 630,000 points was selected. Fig. 1 shows the grid system
Turbo-Grid for mesh generation. The meshed geometry was structure.
then imported into CFX-Pre for boundary and initial condition The solutions are made to converge; among the conver-
definitions, and finally, the model was run in CFX-Solver, gence criteria, the root mean square (RMS) residual values of
which solves three-dimensional steady incompressible RANS the momentum and mass were set below 1.0E-06, and the
equations. The code uses a finite volume solver that utilizes imbalances of mass and energy were maintained below 1.0E-
the coupled algebraic multigrid (AMG) method [19]. 03. The converged solutions were obtained after approxi-
An important issue in turbulence modeling is the formula- mately 500 iterations. The computations were carried out us-
tion of near-wall turbulence, which determines the accuracy of ing a PC with an Intel Pentium IV CPU with a processing
the wall shear stress formulation. The shear stress turbulence speed of 3.0 GHz. The computation time according to the
(SST) model is used as a turbulence closure. The SST model, geometry considered and the rate of convergence was 8-9
having the advantages of both k-ω and k-ε, employs the k-ω hours.
model at the near-wall and the k-ε model in the bulk flow
regions, a blending function ensuring a smooth transition be-
3. Design variables and objective functions
tween the two models. Recently, the SST model has been
regarded among two-equation turbulence closures as the most Six design variables were selected from among the various
accurate model for aerodynamic applications. blade profile parameters affecting axial fan performance.
The computational domain in which the present simulations These were airfoil maximum camber (α), maximum camber
were performed for a single passage of an axial fan is shown location (β), leading edge (LE) radius (γ), TE radius (δ), lean
in Fig. 1. The simulations performed were steady-state, and angle at mid-span (κ) and lean angle at tip span (ξ). The other
the working substance was 25°C air. The total pressure at the relevant parameters were kept constant. The blade profile was
inlet was set to 1.0atm, and at the outlet, a designed mass flow varied by third-order Bezier curve, as shown in Fig. 2(a). The
rate for a single passage was established. The solid surfaces main advantage of blade curve parameterization by Bezier
were considered to be hydraulically smooth under no-slip and curves is that a certain limited number of points (the “control
adiabatic conditions, the periodic conditions were set at the points”) can be used to control the curves, rendering them
blade passage interfaces, and the tip clearance modeled was smooth and free of discontinuities. By moving these control
2.0 mm. The major design specifications are listed in Table 1. points, which are considered as design variables, the blade
A hexahedral grid system was employed as the mesh in the shape can be varied. In the present problem, some of the con-
J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066 2061

formance parameters in the multi-objective optimization.

These objective functions are defined as follows:
- Total efficiency, η={(Pt, out-Pt, in)·Q}/(τ·ω).
- Torque, τ.
Here, Pt is the total pressure, and the subscripts in and out
respectively indicate the inlet and exit of the fan. Q is the vol-
ume flow rate, and torque is related to input power (τ·ω)
through the constant angular velocity (ω) of the blade. These
objective functions were calculated by solving RANS equa-
tions at the DOE-specified design points, and a hybrid MOEA
was applied to obtain the global Pareto-optimal solutions.

(a) Blade thickness and radius 4. Optimization techniques

Any multi-objective optimization based on evolutionary al-
gorithms requires many evaluations of objective functions in
searching for Pareto-optimal solutions. Therefore, to evaluate
these objective-function values, surrogate-based approxima-
tion was utilized, which minimized numerical or experimental
expense and saved time. Queipo et al. [20] having suggested
the application of various surrogate models, including second-
order polynomial approximation, RSA [21] was used in the
present study to evaluate the objective function values at the
required design sites. RSA is a methodology of fitting a poly-
nomial function for discrete responses obtained from numeri-
cal calculations. It reflects the association between response
functions and design variables. The constructed second-order
(b) Blade lean polynomial response can be expressed as

Fig. 2. Definitions of design variables. N N N

f ( x) = β 0 + ∑ β j x j + ∑ β jj x 2j + ∑∑ β ij xi x j (1)
j =1 j =1 i≠ j
trol points were kept fixed so as to reduce the number of de-
sign variables.
The curve was defined by a third-order polynomial, and the Here, β represents regression analysis coefficients, and x indi-
control points of the Bezier curve were P1, P2, P3 and P4, P2, cates a set of design variables. The multi-objective optimiza-
the thickness control point, was moved to change between the tion problem is formulated as
design variables α and β. If P2 was moved vertically, the blade
camber (α) was changed, and if P2 was moved horizontally, Minimize f ( x) (M functions to be optimized)
the location of maximum camber (β) was changed. In this way, Subject to g ( x) ≤ 0 (s inequality constraints)
the blade shape was controlled. A positive sign of α indicated h( x) = 0 (t equality constraints)
an increase of blade thickness, and a similarly positive sign of
β indicated movement of the maximum thickness location where f ( x) = { f1 ( x), f 2 ( x), f3 ( x),........ f M ( x)} is a vector of M
towards the TE. The LE and TE radii were varied by moving real-valued objective functions and x is a vector of N design
respectively P1 and P4 normal to the chord line, the movement variables. Thus, x ∈ R N , g ( x) ∈ R 5 , and h( x) ∈ R t . In the
being made in such a way that the flow angles did not change. present problem, there are two conflicting objectives, by
An increase in the positive value of γ and/or δ showed an in- which improvement of one objective leads to impairment of
crease of radius. For the blade lean, the blade tip airfoil was the other. Each feasible solution set x of the multi-objective
moved normal to the chord line, yielding one design variable; problem is either dominated or non-dominated; all non-
a similar movement of the mid-span airfoil represented an- dominated solutions are called Pareto-optimal solutions. The
other design variable. That is to say, two design variables were vector x i dominates a vector x j if x i is at least as good as
used for the blade lean: that for airfoil movements at the blade x j for all objectives and if x i is strictly better than x j for at
tip (ξ) and mid-span (κ). Fig. 2(b) illustrates the pertinent defi- least one objective.
nitions of blade lean. Objective functions are defined mathematically and evalu-
The purpose of this study was to enhance the total efficiency ated on the experimental data by numerical simulation. A
and reduce the required torque of an axial fan blade. Accord- hybrid, multi-objective and evolutionary approach is used to
ingly, total efficiency and torque were selected as the per- obtain global Pareto-optimal solutions. In this method, first,
2062 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066

approximate Pareto-optimal solutions are obtained using the Table 2. Ranges of design variables.
real-coded NSGA-II developed by Deb [18] for the two objec-
Variables Lower Upper
tive functions, total efficiency and torque. Here, real-coded
α (mm) -4.0 4.0
indicates that the crossover and mutations are conducted in
β (mm) -12.0 12.0
real space to obtain a response from NSGA-II. The Pareto-
optimal solutions are then refined by searching for a local γ (mm) -0.5 1.0
optimal solution for each objective function over all NSGA-II- δ (mm) -0.75 0.5
derived optimal solutions; the search uses Sequential Quad- κ (deg) -15.06 16.94
ratic Programming (SQP) [22] with NSGA-II solutions as ξ (deg) -6.85 10.15
initial guesses. SQP is a generalization of Newton’s method,
which is a gradient-based optimization technique. To perform Table 3. Results of ANOVA and regression analysis.
a local search, usually two approaches are applied [18]. In one
approach, all objectives are combined into a single composite Objective
R2 R2adj RMSE validation
objective, and the optimum is searched. In the other approach, functions
one objective is optimized by treating the others as equality η 0.969 0.920 1.03E-3 1.97E-3
constraints, and the process is repeated for all objectives. τ 0.999 0.998 3.92E-4 7.15E-4
In the present study, the first objective was optimized, and
the second objective was treated as an equality constraint. The 0.7
local search was repeated for the second objective function by Axial-TEST
0.6 Axial-RANS
treating the first as an equality constraint. This process yielded Tangential-TEST
two new sets of optimal solutions, which were then merged 0.5 Tangential-RANS

with the NSGA-II solutions. From these solutions, the domi- Vt / Ut, Va / Ut 0.4
nated solutions were discarded and then the duplicate solu-
tions were removed so as to obtain the global Pareto-optimal
solutions. Subsequently, the process of local search improved 0.2

the quality of the Pareto-optimal solutions. In order to find 0.1

representative solutions from the Pareto-optimal front, K-
means clustering [23] was performed. This is an iterative al- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized spanwise direction
ternating fitting process to form a number of specified clusters.
These representative solutions were then distributed along the Fig. 3. Validation of flow analysis.
Pareto-optimal front.
range suggested by Giunta [25] for accurate prediction of the
response surface model. Leave-one-out cross-validation [20]
5. Results and discussion was performed to assess the accuracy of the models. Although
The numerical results of the flow analysis had been vali- it is uncertain how well the cross-validation correlated with
dated prior to the flow analysis and design optimization. The the model accuracy, the estimation of the generalization errors
numerical results were validated with the test data from the was nearly unbiased, as it took into account the cross-
axial fan performance testing [24], and were considered as a validation of the surrogate at every design point. The estima-
reference model. Fig. 3 shows the results of the validation for tions of the cross-validation errors are shown in Table 3.
distributions of the axial and tangential velocity components. A real-coded NSGA-II was invoked to obtain well-spread,
The normalized axial and tangential velocity distributions are approximate Pareto-optimal solutions with 100 generations
plotted along the normalized spanwise direction. The two and 250 populations. The crossover and mutation probabilities
velocity distributions show good agreement with the test data. were set to 0.95 and 0.25, respectively. The crossover and
In design optimization, it is important to find the feasible mutation parameters were established as 10 and 50, respec-
design space, which is formed by ranges of design variables. tively. These parameters were individually adjusted to suit the
The ranges of design variables, set subject to the experimental nature of the problem. Fig. 4 shows the global Pareto-optimal
and design constraints, are listed in Table 2. solutions that were generated by the hybrid MOEA through
The RSA was trained for both objective functions using the the RSA model, along with the cluster points. Since the effi-
RANS-derived solutions at the discrete design points. In the ciency was maximized and the torque minimized, the obtained
RSA method, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a regres- Pareto-optimal solutions resembled a convex front, and for
sion analysis, replete with t-statistics [21], are implemented to every fixed value of one objective function, there was one
measure the uncertainty in a set of coefficients in a polynomial. optimal value of the other objective function. Each extreme
The values of R2 and R2adj for second-order curve-fitting and end of the Pareto-optimal front represents a pair of either the
the RMS error for the surrogate model RSA are listed in Table lowest values or the highest values of the two objective func-
3. These values are reliable, according to the 0.9<R2adj<1.0 tions. Since the objective functions are conflicting in nature,
J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066 2063

Table 4. Results of design optimization.

Design variables Increment
Design prediction calculation
α (mm) β (mm) γ (mm) δ (mm) κ (deg) ξ (deg) τ η τ η τ (%) η (%P)
Reference 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - 0.474 0.8557 - -
Cluster A 3.51 0.04 0.32 -0.75 16.94 8.46 0.297 0.8193 0.283 0.8051 67.71 ↓ 5.06 ↓
Cluster B 1.67 0.04 0.29 -0.75 16.40 10.14 0.342 0.8396 0.332 0.8353 42.93 ↓ 2.04 ↓
Cluster C -0.69 0.04 0.36 -0.75 10.94 10.15 0.398 0.8566 0.397 0.8541 19.48 ↓ 0.16 ↓
Cluster D -2.30 0.04 0.73 -0.53 9.19 10.15 0.436 0.8629 0.437 0.8613 8.47 ↓ 0.56 ↑

Cluster A B C D
0.5 1

Normalized design variables

Hybrid NSGA-II
0.45 Cluster points D 0.8
RANS D 0.7
Torque [Nm]

0.4 C 0.6
C 0.5
B 0.4
0.35 β
0.3 γ
0.2 δ
A B κ
0.3 0.1 ξ
A 0
0.25 -0.1
0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87
Total efficiency Total efficiency

Fig. 4. Pareto-optimal solutions by hybrid MOEA. Fig. 5. Distributions of design variables over cluster points with total

the improvement of one objective leads to the impairment of the least sensitivity to objective functions along the Pareto-
the other. Here, it can be seen that no solution out of the optimal front. This design variable, then, can suitably be util-
Pareto-optimal solutions is superior to any other, in either ized to economize the procedure for multi-variable, multi-
objective, since each solution is a global Pareto-optimal solu- objective and multi-disciplinary design optimizations requir-
tion. A trade-off analysis showed that a higher efficiency can ing simultaneous consideration of many design variables and
be obtained at the cost of a higher torque, whereas the lower many performance objectives.
torque values are associated with lower values of efficiency. A The cluster solutions were reproduced by means of a RANS
designer can choose any optimal solution that accords with the analysis, as shown in Table 4. All of the representative opti-
available power that delivered the torque required for driving mal designs indicated that there was a significant decrease in
the fluid. the torque, though only a relatively small decrease of effi-
A greater insight into the relationship between the objective ciency was associated with them. In order to determine the
function and the design variables was attained by analyzing main factors responsible for the increase in the objective func-
the Pareto-sensitivity of the design variables, which is to say, tions, the internal flow fields were compared with the refer-
the change in the values of the design variables with the ence model and the optimal designs A and D.
change in the objective-function (e.g. total efficiency) values Fig. 6 shows the distributions of the torque value at the blade.
along the Pareto-optimal front. Out of the 620 global Pareto- The maximum torque value for solution A was observed near
optimal solutions, 4 clusters, A, B, C and D, were formed to the 70% blade span, whereas for the other designs it was
find the representative Pareto-optimal solutions, as shown in observed near the 80% span. Designs A and D had lower
Fig. 4. Fig. 5 illustrates the RSA-predicted Pareto-sensitivity torque values along the blade spans of 20~90% and 20~70%,
of the design variables for those representative Pareto-optimal respectively, than did the reference model. However, for the
solutions. The Pareto-sensitivity analysis not only revealed the blade spans beyond 90%, their torque values were higher.
effectiveness of the design variables but also determined the
extremes of the active design space in the Pareto-optimal de- Fig. 7 shows the pressure distributions along the blade spans
sign paradigm. The two design variables α and κ showed a of 10%, 50% and 90% for the suction and pressure surfaces in
decreasing trend, whereas the three design variables γ, δ, and ξ the reference model and optimal models A and D. On the
revealed an increasing trend. However, β was almost constant whole, the pressure distribution in model A, with the lowest
with efficiency. Thus, higher efficiency, in the context of the torque, has the lowest values among the three models. How-
Pareto-optimal designs, was obtained for low values of α and ever, it also had the highest pressure values for blade LE. The
κ and high values of γ, δ and ξ. The design variable β showed pressure distribution of the pressure surface in model D was
2064 J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066



Span (%)


Cluster A
20 Cluster D

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Torque [Nm]
(a) Reference
Fig. 6. Comparison of blade torques.

Pressure at 10% span [Pa]


-400 Cluster A
Cluster D

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 (b) Cluster A
Streamwise locaton

(a) At 10% span

Pressure at 50% span [Pa]



Cluster A
-400 Cluster D

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 (c) Cluster D
Streamwise location

(b) At 50% span Fig. 8. Streamline distributions on near-hub and blade suction surface.


Cluster A plane and the blade suction surface for the reference model
400 Cluster D
Pressure at 90% span [Pa]

Reference and the optimal models A and D. The reference model had the
200 widest recirculation zone at the near-hub and blade suction
surface, and diagonal streamlines. But the optimal model A
had almost no separation zone at the suction surface; the opti-
mal model D, moreover, had a smaller separation zone than
-400 the reference model. Therefore, it is clear that optimized
shapes have more stable flow fields.
0 0.25 0.5
Streamwise location
0.75 1
As discussed above, the optimal designs showed improve-
ment in torque, whereas the total efficiency was increased in
(c) At 90% span
the optimal model D and decreased in the optimal model A,
Fig. 7. Pressure distributions on blade surfaces. compared with the reference model. It is thought that the de-
sign variables were changed with the variation in the inci-
entirely more uniform than in the case of the reference model. dence angle (see Fig. 5), resulting in a significant reduction in
This trend was caused by the variation of the incidence angle the torque and an equally impressive enhancement of the effi-
with the changes of the design variables. ciency.
Fig. 8 shows the streamline distributions on the near-hub
J.-H. Kim et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (10) (2010) 2059~2066 2065

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[1] J. H. Kim, J. H. Choi and K. Y. Kim, Design optimization of [16] E. Benini, Three-dimensional multi-objective design opti-
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mization of a transonic compressor rotor, AIAA Journal of Jae-Ho Choi received his B.S. degree
Propulsion and Power, (20) (3) (2004) 559-565. from Inha University, Korea, in 1993,
[17] S. Pierret, R. F. Coelho and H. Kato, Multidisciplinary and and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
multiple operating points shape optimization of three- Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
dimensional compressor blades, Structural and Multidisci- at the same University in 1995 and
plinary Optimization, 33 (1) (2007) 61-70. 2000, respectively. He is currently a
[18] K. Deb, Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary principal research engineer and the
algorithms, 1st ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc. Chichester, Eng- leader of aerodynamic design group at
land (2001). Samsung Techwin R&D Center, Seongnam, Korea. He is an
[19] ANSYS CFX-11.0, Solver Theory, Ansys Inc. (2006). editor in the compressor division of the Korean Fluid Machin-
[20] N. V. Queipo, R. T. Haftka, W. Shyy, T. Goel, R. Vaid- ery Association (KFMA). His research and development in-
yanathan and P. K. Tucker, Surrogate-based analysis and op- terests are aerodynamic designs with conventional approaches
timization, Progress in Aerospace Science, 41 (2005) 1-28. and numerical optimizations, flow analyses, and performance
[21] R. H. Myers and D. C. Montgomery, Response surface tests on axial-, centrifugal-, and mixed-flow compressors used
methodology: process and product optimization using de- for energy equipment systems and gas turbines.
signed experiments, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
USA (2005). Afzal Husain received B.E. and
[22] MATLAB®, The language of technical computing, Re- M.Tech. degrees in Mechanical Engi-
lease 14, The Math Works Inc. (2004). neering with specialization in Thermal
[23] JMP 6.0.0, The statistical discovery software, version 6.0.0, Sciences from Aligarh Muslim Univer-
SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA (2005). sity, India in 2003 and 2005, respec-
[24] C. M. Jang, D. Sato and T. Fukano, Experimental analysis tively. He successfully completed Ph.D.
on tip leakage and wake flow in an axial flow fan according degree in Thermodynamics and Fluid
to flow rates, ASME J. of Fluids Eng., 127 (2005) 322-329. Mechanics at Inha University, Republic
[25] A. A. Giunta, Aircraft multidisciplinary design optimiza- of Korea. His research interests are computational fluid dy-
tion using design of experimental theory and response sur- namics, numerical analysis and optimization of fluid flow and
face modeling methods; Ph.D. dissertation, Virginia Poly- heat transfer systems using surrogate models, development of
technic Institute and State University, Virginia (1997). heat transfer augmentation and optimization techniques for
conventional- and micro-systems, thermal analysis of micro-
electromechanical systems (MEMS), and electronic cooling.
Jin-Hyuk Kim received his bachelor’s
degree to be honored with the early Kwang-Yong Kim received his B.S.
graduation of excellent from Sunmoon degree from Seoul National University
University, Korea, in 2007, and his in 1978, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
master’s degree from Inha University, from the Korea Advanced Institute of
Korea, in 2009. He also received the Science and Technology (KAIST), Ko-
excellent master’s thesis award in fluid rea, in 1981 and 1987, respectively. He
engineering division from Korean Soci- is currently an Inha Fellow Professor
ety of Mechanical Engineers (KSME), Korea. Currently he is and the head of the School of Mechani-
pursuing his research towards Ph.D. degree in Thermodynam- cal Engineering of Inha University, Incheon, Korea. Professor
ics and Fluid Mechanics at Inha University, Korea. His re- Kim is also the current editor-in-chief of the International
search interests are designs of turbomachinery, numerical Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems (IJFMS), and the
analyses and optimization techniques. president of the Korean Fluid Machinery Association
(KFMA). He is also a fellow of the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers (ASME) and an associate fellow of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

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