Impeller Design For An Axial - Ow Pump Based On Multi-Objective Optimization

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Impeller design for an axial-flow pump based on multi-objective optimization

Article  in  Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences · April 2018

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3 authors:

Hong-Seok Park Fuqing Miao

University of Ulsan Pusan National University


Trung-Thanh Nguyen
Le Quy Don Technical University


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Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences
Vol. 25, April 2018, pp. 183-190

Impeller design for an axial-flow pump based on multi-objective optimization

Hong-Seok Park, Fuqing Miao & Trung-Thanh Nguyen*
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ulsan, 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, South-Korea, 680-749

Received 27 July 2015; accepted 3 July 2017

This paper presents a design optimization process for an axial-flow pump impeller; in which geometrical parameters are
optimized to increase the efficiency (η) and reduce the net positive suction head required (NPSHr). The design variables
evaluated include the hub angle, chord angle, the cascade solidity of the chord, and blade thickness. To identify the
relationships between geometrical parameters and efficiency as well as the net positive suction head required, a numerical
simulation approach was applied in conjunction with a design of experiments (DOE) and group method of data handling
(GMDH)-type neural networks with the meta-model. An integrated approach combining a multi-objective particle swarm
optimization (MOPSO) algorithm and mapping method was used to generate Pareto diagram and determine the best optimal
solution. The optimized design improved efficiency by 4.24% and reduced the net positive suction head required by
approximately 11.68% relative to the initial design. Therefore, this work is expected to improve the performance of
prototype axial-flow pumps.

Keywords: Axial-flow pump impeller, Numerical experiment, Group method of data handling, Particle swarm optimization,
Design optimization

Axial-flow pumps provide effective transport and are was adopted to improve the helico-axial-multiphase
widely used in agricultural and industrial applications. pump efficiency based on an optimal impeller6. In
Compared to other pump types, axial-flow pumps addition, optimization of a design guide vane behind
have higher flow rates and lower head, and also the impeller can be considered as an effective solution
have simpler structures. However, they also tend to to increase the pump efficiency7. To improve the
consume more energy than other types of fluid mixed-flow pump performance, an optimization of the
machinery. Rising energy prices are increasing the impeller and diffuser was conducted by using numerical
importance of designing and manufacturing more simulation and a design of experiments (DOE)8. These
efficient hydraulic equipment. Finding ways to improve research results have indicated that the combination of
the efficiency of the axial-flow pump continues to CFD-based approaches and optimization methods is a
become more important. powerful technique to predict and improve the
Improving the design efficiency and working working performance of fluid machinery.
performance of fluid machinery has been discussed by Recently, improving the pump performances by
many researchers. Because it reduces the prototyping optimizing impeller geometry has been successfully
cost and time, the use of a finite element method achieved in several studies. The pump cavitation
(FEM)-based approach with a well-defined numerical performance can be significantly improved with new
model and optimization technique has become the impellers designed by properly extending the blade
intelligent choice for such optimizations, rather than inlet and enlarging the blade inlet angle9 as well as
expensive physical experiments1,2. For this purpose, optimal slots10. Wang et al.11 determined an optimal
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have been value for vane wrap angle to obtain the best cavitation
used to represent the flow behavior and to identify performance. Similarly, Tao et al.12 proposed the
potential modifications to improve the performance of leading edge ellipse ratio and blade thickness based
centrifugal pumps3,4 and radial pumps5. A combination on CFD simulation and genetic algorithm. However,
of artificial neural networks (ANN) with non- the aforementioned publications often optimized
dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) impellers in order to improve the cavitation
performance. Geometrical parameter optimizations
*Corresponding author (E-mail: [email protected]) in the impeller for resolving the trade-off between

the pump efficiency (n) and net positive suction torque that the fluid puts on the rotating axis,
head required (NPSHr) have not been thoroughly respectively.
investigated. Besides the efficiency, net positive Net positive suction head required is defined as the
suction head required (NPSHr) should be considered total energy in the liquid required to overcome the
as an important factor in pump performance. friction losses from the suction nozzle to the eye of
Increasing the net positive suction head required can the impeller without causing vaporization. The value
damage the pump, leading to a reduction or stoppage of net positive suction head required can be calculated
of the fluid flow13. Minimizing NPSHr is an important by using the following formula.
criterion in optimizing the design. Due to the wide Pin  Pmin U in2 … (2)
application of axial-flow pumps, it is essential to have NPSHr  
 2g
a reliable numerical model for conducting parametric
studies to increase design efficiency. Changing the Here, Pin and Pmin are the inlet pressure and the
design parameters of pump components in general minimum pressure of whole blade, while γ and Uin are
and the impeller geometry in particular will vary the the fluid’s specific weight and the inlet fluid velocity,
efficiency and net positive suction head required. respectively.
Besides that, the generation of an optimal solution can Table 1 lists the levels of four key geometrical
significantly improve prototyping performance and parameters, including hub angle (βh), chord angle
reduce manufacturing cost. Therefore, an effective (βc), cascade solidity of the chord (σc), and blade
approach that optimizes design parameters in terms of thickness (H). The parameter ranges were selected
multi-objective optimization is still an important area according to common technical values used in current
of research; this is the focus of the present paper. impeller, practical data from real company (Maintenance
The aim of the present work was first to construct Innovation of Real Automation Engineering Company,
mathematical models of the pump efficiency (η) and Korea), the capacities of the devices used (i.e., the
the net positive suction head required (NPSHr) with pump power), and available literature information1-8.
respect to various impeller geometrical parameters In the numerical approach, the efficiency (η) and
such as the hub angle, chord angle, the cascade net positive suction head required (NPSHr) were
solidity of the chord, and blade thickness, based on calculated by using the simulation results extracted
numerical results. Consequently, a hybrid approach
Table 1 — Parameter levels
combining a multi-objective particle swarm optimization
(MOPSO) algorithm and a mapping method was Symbol Parameters Level-1 Level 0 Level +1
employed to determine the best compromise solution βh Hub angle (deg) 36 45 54
from the Pareto set. A framework is introduced for βc Chord angle (deg) 21 23 25
solving the multi-objective optimization problem. The σc Cascade solidity of chord 0.75 0.80 0.85
design variables of impeller blades are shown in Fig 1. H Thickness of blade (mm) 7 9 11

Research Methodology
Optimization problem
As mentioned in earlier, both objective functions
for pump efficiency (η) and the net positive suction
head required (NPSHr) in an axial flow pump were
optimized simultaneously by means of numerical
experiments and a multi-objective optimization
process. The efficiency of an axial flow pump is
defined as follows14

(Ek Ep )60

2 nT … (1)
Here, ΔEk, ΔEp, n, and T are the kinetic energy
difference, the pressure energy difference in the inlet Fig. 1 — Design variables of impeller blades
and outlet per unit time, the rotation speed, and the

based on Eqs (1) and (2). According to the aim and Finally, we performed an optimization based on the
decision space, the optimization process was regression explicit equations obtained by means of the
formulated by the following expression: previous approximation. This method is called a meta
model-based optimization approach.
Find X = [βh, βc, σc, H]
The meta model-based optimization algorithm is
Maximize the pump efficiency η (βh, βc, σc, H) given in Fig. 3. To construct two approximate models
of the efficiency and the net positive suction head
Minimize the net positive suction head required required in terms of geometrical parameters, we
NPSHr (βh, βc, σc, H) applied a group method of data handling (GMDH)-
Subject to: 36 ≤ βh ≤ 54 (deg), 21 ≤ βc ≤ 25 (deg), 0.75 ≤ type neural network16, which builds an analytical
σc ≤ 0.85, 7 ≤ H ≤ 11 (mm). function by means of a feed-forward network based on
a quadratic node transfer function; the approximate
Optimization strategy coefficients of this function are obtained by using a
The framework of simulation-based design regression technique. The optimization problem can
of experiments and multi-objective optimization used be solved by any optimization algorithm; however,
to optimize the parameters is given in Fig. 2. Firstly, multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO)
we defined the design variables and design constraints algorithm is preferred for a global solution. Also,
and performed a design of experiments (DOE). Instead compared to other optimization algorithms, such
of using direct numerical optimization, we applied a as neural networks or genetic algorithms, this
meta-model to reduce the number of simulations algorithm is faster and cheaper. Many researchers
required. The theory of DOE, the approximation have demonstrated that MOPSO is an efficient and
method used, and the meta-model used are discussed viable technique for solving complex optimization
in detail elsewhere15. Secondly, the numerical model problems17,18.
of the axial-flow pump was developed, and virtual On the multi-objective optimization problem, it is
experiments were carried out by using different difficult to find a solution that optimizes all the
combinations of inputs in the design matrix. Thirdly, objective functions at the same time. When one
the data obtained from the simulations were used to objective function is improved, at least one other
construct approximate mathematical relations between objective function will be weakened simultaneously.
the inputs (geometrical parameters) and the outputs To overcome this problem, a mapping method based
(pump efficiency and net positive suction head on a non-dominated Pareto diagram was used in the
required). We verified the fidelity of the approximate
model before carrying out the optimization process.

Fig. 2 — Simulation based optimization approach Fig. 3 — Algorithm of meta-model based optimization

present work to find an appropriate solution. In this dissipation rate, ω, were obtained from the following
method, the values of the objective functions for all transport equations21.
non-dominated points are mapped to the interval
y (  k ) y (  ku )   k  … (7)
between 0 and 119. The mapped value of each design    k   Gk  Yk  Sk
t xi x j  xi 
point is calculated as
y (  k ) y ( u )     … (8)
f  f min       G  Y  S
Mapped value of (f)  f  f t xi x j  xi 
max min
… (3) The source terms on the right-hand sides of Eqs (7)
and (8) and other model constants are available in the
where f is the value of the objective function, fmax ANSYS Fluent user manual22. Therefore, a duplicated
and fmin are the maximum and minimum values of the description is unnecessary in this paper.
objective functions in the whole of the Pareto front.
The best optimal point is simply considered to be the Boundary conditions
one having the minimum sum among the finite Pareto The pressure velocity coupling was treated by
solutions. In the final step, confirmation experiments using the well-known SIMPLE method. The mass
are also very necessary to verify the optimization flow rate was defined for the pump inlet, a static
results. It can be observed that this optimization pressure boundary condition was used at the outlet,
design process can be used for solving common and non-slip conditions were applied all around the
MOPSO to improve design quality and efficiency. walls. The second order upwind difference scheme
was used for the momentum, turbulent kinetic energy,
Numerical Results and dissipation rate equations. The set of algebraic
equations for each variable were solved sequentially
Flow analysis by using an iterative method. The solution was
In order to improve the precision of the numerical considered to have converged when the normalized
simulation results, a three-dimensional whole flow residual fell below 10−7 for the governing transport
passage is developed based on CFD code ANSYS equations.
Fluent. The Reynolds-averaged Navier- Stokes equations The meshing type was generated by using ANSYS
of mass, momentum and energy conservation equations Gambit 2.4.6; a tetragonal mesh was adopted for the
for incompressible flow are as follows20: pump and impeller surroundings, and the remaining
areas were filled with hexagonal mesh. The grid
U i … (4)
0 generation method based on a binary tree algorithm is
xi used to generate the adaptive Cartesian grid for
numerical simulation. The density of the coarse grids
U i P   U i U j  … (5) increased based on the dichotomy method in the
U j   (  )   ui'u 'j 
x j xi x j  x j xi  region requiring high geometric precision. The grid is
laid out in accordance with the surface of the fluid
T    T  domain boundary to precisely fit the fluid domain
U j     T 'u 'j  … (6)
x j x j  Pr x j  along the boundary. The computational domain,
comprising the inlet, impeller, and guide vane,
where P, T, and Ui are the mean pressure, consists of 1150460 grids. The grid independence of
temperature, and velocity components, respectively; the flow components is shown in Fig. 4.
T′ and u′i are the fluctuating temperature and velocity Table 2 lists the simulation conditions used.
components, respectively; xi is the coordinate The various impeller geometries were designed
direction; and ρ, μ, and Pr are the fluid density, by using CATIA V5R20 and were imported into
dynamic viscosity, and Prandtl number, respectively. the software. Representative outputs of the CFD
We used the shear stress transport (STT) k–ω simulation are presented in Fig. 5.
model in this simulation, owing to its relatively low Mathematical prediction models
computational cost as well as its accuracy in the According to the experimental plan, we performed 81
determination of the turbulent viscosity, which is simulation runs, thereby obtaining response data that
considered sufficient for industrial applications. were used for training and testing the GMDH-type
The turbulent kinetic energy, k, and the specific neural networks. A training set, which consists of

81 input-output data pairs, was used for training Y (3)  54.324  0.5914Y (4)  1.0126Y (6)  0.00521Y (4) 2  0.0063Y (6) 2
0.0191Y (4)Y (6)
the neural network models, and 20 input-output
  0.7241  3.0174Y  9   5.0124Y  3  2.3104Y  9   2.5983Y  3
2 2
data samples were employed for testing set to show
the predictive accuracy of the developed models. 5.362Y  9  Y  3
Specific parameters of the GMDH-type neural network N (3)  0.6432  0.015h  0.17c  0.0325h2 -0.0274c 2 +0.0000023h c
were population size, number of generations, crossover N 1  3.524  0.134h  0.0245 c  0.0418h 2  0.00002 h c
probability, and mutation probability, with the respective N  7   5.643  0.2134 H  0.02192  0.0021H 2 +0.0004  h 2 +0.000025 H  h
values of 20, 500, 0.9 and 0.09. The polynomial models N  4   1.89  0.213 c +0.015 c  0.004  c 2 +0.000012 c c
showing the pump efficiency (η) and the net positive
N  9   6.941  3.7845 N  3  0.5418 N 1  0.4723 N  3   0.0245 N 1
2 2

suction head required (NPSHr) in terms of the 0.0475 N  3  N 1

geometrical parameters are expressed as follows: … (10)
Y (4)  0.5412  0.411 h  2.143 c + 0.016 h 2  0.0124c 2 +0.00012 h  c
N (6)  6.147  2.1873N (7)  0.7122 N (4)  0.218 N (7)  0.0947 N (4) 2
Y  6   16.895  1.2183 H  0.495 c  0.008 H 2 - 0.0041 c 2 +0.0012 H  c 0.4234 N (7) N (4)
Y 1  15.03  1.96 c  0.6181 c  0.023 c 2  0.0041 c 2 +0.0012  c c
NPSHr  0.412  0.062 N  9   1.148 N  6   0.0812 N  9   0.0412 N  6 
2 2

Y  7   34.107  1.254H  0.49h  0.0082H  0.0092h +0.00059H h

2 2
0.1271N  9  N (6)
Y  9   54.324  0.5912Y  4   1.0126Y  6   0.00521Y  4   0.0063Y  6 
2 2
To validate the accuracy of the approximate
+0.0191Y  4  Y  6 
models, various statistical measures of the models’
... (9) objective function results were determined: absolute
fraction of variance (R2), root mean squared error
(MSE), and mean absolute percentage of error
Table 2 — Operating conditions used in the simulation
(MAPE). Table 3 lists the results; the models fit the
Parameter Number Fluid Liquid Rotation Mass Pump
observations well.
of blades temperature density speed flow head
rate Additionally, to verify the accuracy of the polynomial
Value 4 20°C 999 530 rpm 2.61 2.31 m models, confirmation tests were executed on two
kg/m³ m³/s random sets of design parameters. Table 4 lists the

Fig. 4 — Meshing flow components

Fig. 5 — Representative simulation outputs


random data sets that were used for verification, and Figure 6 also indicated that minimizing net positive
compares the results of the analysis by the GMDH- suction head required (NPSHr) will decrease the
type neural networks developed herein and the results efficiency (η). There was no design point that
of CFD simulation. The percentage deviations for optimized both objective functions. Therefore, it is
the two response variables lie within the ranges of necessary to find an appropriate optimum among
0.1% to 0.13% and 0.24% to 0.34%, respectively. points on the Pareto frontier. The mapping method
There was a little error between the two sets of was adopted to calculate the mapped values for
results, indicating that the method developed herein is the two objectives at the specific optimal point. The
adequate and can be used to predict the objectives results revealed that point C has the smallest sum
with high accuracy. Given the higher computational value and it can be considered as the best optimum
cost of CFD-based simulation, the developed models design point (Table 5).
herein is a much simpler and more efficient way to The optimization results listed in Table 5 were
predict the outputs with the limited ranges of variables regarded as design parameters of the impeller shape to
considered in the present work. Therefore, the obtained simulate the correspondence between pump efficiency
models could be applied in the optimization process. and net positive suction head required. A comparison
between MOPSO and numerical experiments was
Results and Discussion conducted to check the accuracy of the optimized
The MOPSO algorithm described earlier was used results. The errors between the experimental results
in conjunction with the developed mathematical models and optimal results for the two objectives were
to search for Pareto-optimal solutions. The non- only 0.12% and 0.27%, respectively, illustrating the
dominated optimum points on the Pareto frontier thus efficiency and practical potential of the proposed
obtained are shown in Fig. 6. The blue points indicate optimization method. Importantly, the net positive
feasible optimal solutions that can be used to meet suction head required to exhibit an approximate
different requirements. In Fig. 6, the Pareto optimal reduction of 11.68% compared to the initial value and
labelled A and E are the best solutions for the net the efficiency has improved about 4.24%.
positive suction head required and the pump
Table 5 — Results of multi-objective optimization process and
efficiency, respectively. Moreover, other design points, numerical experiment
namely B and D, can be considered as better solutions
Method Design variables Objective functions
reflecting the trade-off between the objective
functions. It can be observed that, compared to A, the βh (deg) βc (deg) σc H (mm) η (%) NPSHr (m)
optimum of point B represented an improvement of MOPSO 53.5 22.5 0.81 8.2 83.6 7.28
efficiency, but an increase in the net positive suction CFD 53.5 22.5 0.81 8.2 83.7 7.30
head required. In contrast, compared to the E, the Error (%) 0.12 0.27
design point D showed a reduction in the net positive
suction head required but a decrease of efficiency.

Table 3 — Statistical measures of the objective functions

Parameter R2 RMSE MAPE (%)
Train Test Train Test Train Test
η 0.9996 0.9991 1.0256 1.0212 0.0081 0.0080
NPSHr 0.9991 0.9990 0.0488 0.0481 0.0070 0.0068

Table 4 — Comparisons between GMDH and CFD

No βh (deg) βc (deg) σc H (mm) Method η (%) NPSHr (m)
54 25 0.85 10 GMDH 70.80 8.75
1 CFD 70.72 8.72
Error (%) 0.13 0.34
45 22 0.75 7 GMDH 80.50 8.35
2 CFD 80.42 8.33
Error (%) 0.1 0.24 Fig. 6 — Finite Pareto solutions

According to the best combination of the

geometrical parameters, the optimized impeller is
designed and simulated using the same method. The
predicted performance was compared with the
original one in Fig. 7. At the design conditions,
the NPSHr of the optimized pump decreases by
0.85 m, which significantly improves the cavitation
performance. Furthermore, the pump efficiency
reaches 83.6%, compared to the initial design. A
prototype impeller was designed and manufactured
according to the optimization results, including
casting (Fig. 8a) and polishing process (Fig. 8b) in
order to produce the final form (Fig. 8c), indicating
that the proposed approach was feasible and effective.
Fig. 7 — Comparison of the cavitation performance between
the original and optimized design Conclusions
This paper has described a design process for the
axial-flow pump impeller parameters such as hub
angle, chord angle, the cascade solidity of the chord,
and blade thickness, carried out using CFD-based
approach and a multi-objective optimization method.
The goals of this work were to increase the efficiency
(η) and reduce the net positive suction head required
(NPSHr). The numerical simulation approach was
employed in conjunction with a design of experiments
(DOE) and group method of data handling (GMDH)-
type neural networks to develop polynomial models
of the objectives in terms of the geometrical
parameters. Because the two objectives traded off
with each other, the best optimum design point was
determined by using a mapping method based on the
finite Pareto solutions generated by using multi-
objective particle swarm optimization. The following
conclusions can be drawn from this investigation
within the ranges of factors considered in this study:
(i) The two polynomial models developed to
optimize the objective functions of efficiency and
net positive suction head required, carried out by
GMDH-type neural networks, and predicted the
values of the responses with sufficient accuracy.
(ii) The multi-objective optimization gave results
representing an approximate 11.68% reduction
of the net positive suction head required and an
increase of 4.24% in pump efficiency compared
to initial values. An industrial trial based on the
optimal results demonstrated that the proposed
approach was feasible and effective in design
parameter optimization for the axial-flow pump
impeller. However, the design parameters of the
guide vane are also important factors affecting
Fig. 8 — Axial-flow pump impeller prototype the pump efficiency and the net positive suction
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