Free Hand Vs Guided Implant Surgery
Free Hand Vs Guided Implant Surgery
Free Hand Vs Guided Implant Surgery
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Replacement of teeth with implants is done majorly to The significance of surgical guides in implantology
preserve the underlying bone and to provide good functional becomes particularly evident in cases of full mouth
efficiency. If the implant is replacing an anterior tooth rehabilitation, where there is a deficiency in both bone and
esthetics become the primary concern. Hence, whatever the tissue, making it challenging to control the drilling process.
requirement may be, it is crucial to choose the ideal implant Additionally, the absence of natural teeth possesses a
size and its optimal position which is accurately possible with challenge in determining the spatial position for implant
3D radiographic interpretation. Through CBCT not only placement. In such scenarios, surgical guides serve a crucial
important landmarks, ideal implant position is identified, but role by either guiding the clinician to the precise target site or
also the DICOM data can be used to create a surgical guide. exerting complete control over the movement, speed, and
depth of the drills.
Implant placement can be done either by free hand
placement or using a surgical guide. Free hand placement and Before the surgery, measurement of available bone at
guided surgery have their own advantages and disadvantages. the intended implant site and the identification of critical
Hence, the technique that must be used varies from case to anatomical landmarks, such as the Inferior Alveolar Nerve
case. (IAN), using CBCT scans can be done.
A. Free hand implant placement Furthermore, the size and diameter of the implant to be
Free hand implant placement allows the clinician to placed can be carefully determined as well. Subsequently,
assess the bone directly and to graft the site after elevating the merging of the DICOM data of the CBCT and intraoral scans
flap. Selection of the implant size prior to surgery is possible in the implant planning software makes it possible to plan the
when CBCT is used as radiographic assessment but if there's surgery according to the knowledge and visualization of the
only 2D radiograph, caliper can be used to determine the clinician.
bone diameter and length after flap elevation in direct vision.
The adjacent tooth is taken as reference to decide the position The desired position of both the prosthesis and the
of the implant. The distance between the implant and tooth is implant can be visualized and simulated using implant
supposed to be 1.5 mm and distance between the two planning software. Nevertheless, prosthesis path of insertion,
adjacent implants should be 3 mm at least. Below are listed screw channel and abutment type and size can also be
the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. determined and altered. The complete data is then transferred