TVL - Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) : I. Objectives

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TVL - Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

School Maria Asuncion Rodriguez Tiñga High School Grade Level 10

Teacher Ms. Jannelle E. Guivencan Learning Area ICT - CSS
Date December 6, 2022 Quarter 2 Quarter
Time 7:00 – 8:00 AM Valenzuela
MRTHS 9:00 – 10:00 AM Bonifacio
10:15 – 11:15 AM Jacinto


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of Networking Device
B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of different concepts of Networking Device
C. Learning At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Competencies / 1. Understand the Networking Device
Objectives. 2. Differentiate types of hubs
Write the LC code for each 3. Appreciate the use of Networking Device
II. CONTENT Networking Device

A. References Computer System Servicing 3 PC Troubleshooting with Basic Computer Networking pp. 91-92

Learner’s Materials pages Computer System Servicing 3 PC Troubleshooting with Basic Computer Networking

Additional Materials from

TV, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning Resources Internet (Google)

V. PROCEDURES Student’s Activity

Teacher’s Activity

A. Daily Routine Good Morning everyone! Good Morning, ma’am

A. Prayer (students will volunteer to lead the prayer)

Can someone please lead the prayer for catholic
and Muslim?

Are you ready to pray? (students will pray)

Thank you.

Are you ready to listen class? Yes Ma’am!

B. Checking of Attendance
I will call students who are present for today
(students will raise their hands and say
Raise your hand and say present if your name is
being called.

Thank you.

C. Classroom Management

See to it that the student inside the classroom is

comfortable and balanced.
Could you remember what have we discussed last
A. REVIEW time class?
Yes ma’am

What is it? Biometrics ma’am

Very Good!

What is biometrics? it is to verify the identity of a person


What are the different types of biometric devices? Fingerprint recognition ma’am

What else? Voice Recognition ma’am

Another? Iris Recognition ma’am

Very Good!
Please give me another example? Palmprint recognition

There are others remaining, give me one DNA ma’am

Very Good!
Last one Ear recognition ma’am
None Ma’am
Very Good class!
Before we proceed with our new topic, do you
have any questions or clarifications class?
Are you familiar with the game hangman? Yes ma’am
B. MOTIVATION How about the others? No ma’am

Since some of you do not know the game

hangman, I will explain the game instructions.

1. Goal: guess the word to save the man

2. Per student, you can only say one word
3. Make 6 guesses and you lose.

Is the instruction clear? Yes ma’am

Now we will start


1. Network
2. Hubs
3. Switch
(students will guess the words)
4. Router
5. Bridges)

Now that you have finished your activity. What is

C. LESSON PROPER it all about? About network ma’am!

Very Good class!

Our topic for today will be the Networking



A networking device used to connect computers,

peripheral devices, and workstations to the
network. Its function is to pass on the received
signal from one port to all the rest of the other

Different types of Hubs.

1. Active hub

echoes out the signal being passed on in order for

it to be amplified and to prevent any signal
(student will read)
2. Passive Hub

passes off the signal without amplifying it • CPU slot and socket

3. Hybrid Hub It is where the CPU is usually mounted.

Able to fuse media types and provides

interconnectivity for other hubs.

4. Smart Hub

Also referred to as an Intelligent Hub, is similar to

an active hub but has the ability to divide the
ports into different logical networks.


This type of networking devices used to connect

two different local area networks or two
segments of the same network in order for them
to appear as a single network. It manages the flow
of data or signals between the two networks.

Types of bridged used in a network

1. Transparent Bridge
- A type of bridge that simply blocks or
forwards signals or data based on MAC
addresses while the network is unaware
of its existence
2. Source Route Bridge
- The computer provides the path
information that is included in the data
packet or signals to be sent.

Do you have any clarification/question class?

None Ma’am
Ok, we will proceed.


Has the ability to create a direct path between the

two ports or deices attached to it. At the same
time it monitors their communication, thus
lessening the possibilities of data collision.


Type of networking device forwards data packets

or signals along the network or from one network
to another.

Ways the router is able to get information in the

routing table.

1. Static Routing
Routes and route information are entered

2. Dynamic Routing

This router use two types of special routing

protocols, distance vector protocol and link state

Do you have any questions/clarifications class?

None Ma’am
Class, in order to know more about the
D. DEVELOPING MASTERY networking devices, I will present a video.

(Presentation of videos) (Students will watch videos)

E. APPLICATION What are the difference between the Hub, Switch, Hub transmits data from one device to another
and the Router? without filtering the data. If data pockets is
sent to one device, it would also reflect to
other devices. Switch on the other hand filters
the data, it sends a data packet to a specific
device. Router connects devices to a network.

Very Good class!

Do you have any questions class? None Ma’am
What have we discussed for today? Networking Device ma’am
Very Good!

What is a Networking Device? Used to connect computers, peripheral device

to a network.

Why do we need Networking Device? Ma’am we need Networking device in order to

keep communication flowing

Very Good!
Networking Devices establishes connections
between external devices.

Do you have any questions or clarifications? None Ma’am

If none, now we will proceed with a quiz.
In a ¼ sheet of paper, answer the following
G. ASSESSMENT questions.

What are the difference between the Hub, Switch,

and the Router?

(possible answer)
Hub transmits data from one device to another
without filtering the data. If data pockets is
sent to one device, it would also reflect to
other devices. Switch on the other hand filters
the data, it sends a data packet to a specific
device. Router connects devices to a network.

Do an advance reading for Wireless application protocol.


Additional activities for

application or remediation
⮚ Assignment/Agreement (
minutes). Fill-in below any
of the four purposes
● Reinforcing /
strengthening the day’s
● Enriching / inspiring the
day’s lesson
● Enhancing / improving the
day’s lesson
Preparing for the new lesson



A. No.of learners who earned 80%

on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No.of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Jannelle E. Guivencan Ianlyn G. Damaso Isabelo M. Baquiran

Practice Teacher TVL Grade 11 Teacher Department Head III, TLE

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