Auditory Consonant Trigrams: Construct and Criterion Validity UpdateUpdate

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Auditory Consonant Trigrams: Construct And Criterion Validity

Katharine Elizabeth Lindberg

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Lindberg, Katharine Elizabeth, "Auditory Consonant Trigrams: Construct And Criterion Validity Update"
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Katharine Elizabeth Lindberg

Bachelor of Arts, Winthrop University, 2013

Master of Arts, University of North Dakota, 2017

A Dissertation

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty

of the

University of North Dakota

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Grand Forks, North Dakota

Copyright 2020 Katharine E. Lindberg

This dissertation, submitted by Katharine E. Lindberg in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of North
Dakota, has been read by the Faculty Advisory Committee under whom the work has
been done and is hereby approved.

Dr. Joseph Miller, Chairperson

Dr. Thomas Petros, Committee Member

Dr. F. Richard Ferraro, Committee Member

Dr. Alan King, Committee Member

Dr. Lindsay Hines, Committee Member

Dr. Virginia Clinton, Member-At-Large

This dissertation is being submitted by the appointed advisory committee as

having met all of the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies at the University of
North Dakota and is hereby approved.

Dr. Chris Nelson

Dean of the School of Graduate Studies



Title Auditory Consonant Trigrams: Construct and Criterion Validity


Department Psychology

Degree Doctor of Philosophy

In presenting this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a

graduate degree from the University of North Dakota, I agree that the library of this
University shall make it freely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for
extensive copying for scholarly purposes may be granted by the professor who supervised
my dissertation work or, in his absence, by the Chairperson of the department or the dean
of the School of Graduate Studies. It is understood that any copying or publication or
other use of this dissertation or part thereof for financial gain shall not be allowed without
my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and
to the University of North Dakota in any scholarly use which may be made of any
material in my dissertation.

Katharine E. Lindberg
July 29, 2020


LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. x

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................ xi

ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................... xii


I. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1

Intelligence....................................................................................... 13

Executive Functioning .....................................................................15

Working memory/Updating ................................................. 16

Perseveration ........................................................................ 18

Attention .......................................................................................... 19

Processing Speed ............................................................................. 20

Present Study ................................................................................... 21

II. METHOD ................................................................................................. 23

Participants ....................................................................................... 23

Materials .......................................................................................... 27

Demographics ...................................................................... 27

Neuropsychological Assessment Measures ......................... 27

Measures of Executive Functioning ........................ 29

Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test ............. 29

WAIS-IV Digit Span Forwards and

Backwards .................................................... 30

Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous

Performance Test Auditory Prudence .......... 31

WAIS-IV Letter Number Sequencing ......... 31

WAIS-IV Arithmetic ................................... 32

California Verbal Learning Test-II Trial 1

and Trials 1-5 scores .................................... 32

Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) Percent

Retention ...................................................... 33

Stroop Test Interference Score..................... 34

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Perseverative

Errors score .................................................. 34

Controlled Oral Word Association Test ...... 35

Measures of Processing Speed ................................. 35

WAIS-IV Coding ......................................... 35

WAIS-IV Symbol Search ............................ 36

Stroop Test Word-reading score and Color-

naming score ................................................ 36

Measures of Attention .............................................. 36

Trail Making Test Part A and Part B ........... 36

IVA + Auditory Vigilance ........................... 37

Verbal Series Attention Test ........................ 37

Measures of IQ and Premorbid IQ ........................... 38

WAIS-IV Full Scale Score........................... 38

Wide Range Achievement Test: Fourth

Edition Word Reading ................................ 38

Procedure ......................................................................................... 39

III. RESULTS ................................................................................................. 39

Exploratory Factor Analyses............................................................ 41

Receiver Operating Characteristic Analyses ................................... 46

IV. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 55

Construct Validity ............................................................................ 56

Implications of Principle Factors Extraction Method and

Promax Rotation on the EFA ............................................... 60

Additional Limitations and Future Directions of the EFA .. 62

Criterion Validity ............................................................................. 64

Limitations and Future Directions of ROC Analyses .......... 68

Limitations and Future Directions ................................................... 69

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................... 71


Figure Page

1. ACT Total and ACT Perseveration score Means with Standard Deviations within
Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients ...................................................................... 48


Table Page

1. List of Previous Studies Evaluating the ACT ............................................................... 7

2. Patient Demographics ................................................................................................. 24

3. Common Comorbidities within Clinical Groups ........................................................ 26

4. List of Tests by Domain .............................................................................................. 28

5. Overall Mean Factor Structure Variables ................................................................... 43

6. Group x Variable Mean Factor Structure Variables ................................................... 43

7. Principle Axis Factoring 2-Factor Pattern Matrices ................................................... 45

8. ACT Total and ACT Perseveration Score Means and Standard Deviations for
Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients ...................................................................... 47

9. ROC Results Between Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients ................................. 51


I wish to express my profound gratitude to my advisor and committee

chairperson, Dr. Joseph Miller. The support and guidance you offered throughout not

only this project, but also during my time in this graduate program has been generous and

truly invaluable. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to work with you on this

and other projects. To Dr. Lindsay Hines, your support and guidance was essential to the

completion of this project, moreover your mentorship has enabled me to succeed far

beyond the scope of this project in my career pursuits. Your bright and enthusiastic

nature kept me going, for this I will forever be grateful. I would like to offer my

appreciation to all the other members of my advisory committee, Dr. Thomas Petros, Dr.

F. Richard Ferraro, Dr. Alan King, and Dr. Virginia Clinton whose support and

suggestions have aided me in this endeavor.

I would like to thank my cohort, with whom I have shared many memories over

the past years. Special thanks to Stephanie Henley. Your support and knowledge aided

me tremendously in this and other projects, as well as, the mental support you have

always given me. I am lucky to call you my colleague, but more importantly my friend.

Last but most definitely not least, thank you to my family and other friends who helped to

keep me motivated through your endless encouragement over the years.

To my mom Mary.
You have always been my source of strength.
Moving forward without you will continue to be immensely difficult, but
I am so thankful you raised me to be the resilient woman I am today.
We are two of a kind and as such I will never be without you.
This accomplishment will always remind me of your sacrifices and unconditional love for me.
I love you.

To my dad, Richard, and my sister, Kristin.

I could not have been successful through the ups and downs that have come our way without
both of you by my side. I am so glad these trials have brought us closer together as your
encouragement kept me going even when I doubted myself.
To my nephews, Jack and Jude.
You are both my joy and I cannot wait to see what you will accomplish in the future.
I am looking fo a d o la ghing i h o all and ha ing in each o he accompli hmen fo
many years to come.
I love you all tremendously.

The Auditory Consonant Trigrams (ACT) has historically been used in research and

clinical settings as a measure of working memory ability, though previous research has

failed to identify the precise cognitive processes and abilities measured by the task. The

ACT total score (ACT T) has been shown to be sensitive to numerous clinical

neurological and psychological populations (i.e., TBI, ADHD, MS, MDD). Alternatively,

little is known about the ACT perseveration score (ACT P), the current study aimed to

identity the ACT T and ACT P relationships to other neuropsychological measures and

their clinical utility within diverse clinical/neurological presentations. In a sample of

patients referred for neuropsychological evaluation (N = 448), an exploratory factor

analysis revealed a 2-factor model accounting for 49.54% of the variance within the

sample. The ACT T and ACT P loaded on a factor with measures of higher-order

executive functioning accounting for 9.99% of the variance within the sample. Further,

the clinical utility of the ACT T and ACT P was found to be limited within the current

sample with a trend of the ACT T discriminating the severity of brain damage within

TBI, while the ACT P tended to discriminate diagnostic groups. These findings suggest

that the ACT scoring methods may be too simplistic to identify subtle cognitive changes

in clinical populations.



The Brown-Peterson task is an assessment measure used in clinical and

experimental settings that require test-takers to maintain information throughout a

distractor task (e.g., counting backwards; Brown, 1958; Lezak et al., 2012; Strauss et al.,

2006). Brown (1958) created the task to assess memory decay after a brief delay (i.e.,

immediate memory) while limiting test-takers' ability to rehearse information to be

remembered. Distractor tasks, such as the Brown-Peterson task, were shown to decrease

recall performance over a delay of up to 20 seconds. This finding suggested that

information encoded into short-term memory, though initially accurate, rapidly decays

especially in situations where rehearsal is not possible (Peterson & Peterson, 1959).

Numerous versions of the Brown-Peterson task have been created and studied, with

variations in types of information to be remembered (e.g., letters vs. words), types of

delays (e.g., no delay, time only delay, distractor task delay), length of delay, and

administration method (e.g., auditory and computer). Despite the longevity of the Brown-

Peterson paradigm, numerous researchers have failed to converge on a consensus

regarding the precise cognitive processes and abilities measured by the task (Boone et al.,

1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et al., 2016), though the task is generally administered

in clinical settings as a measure of working memory ability (Lezak et al., 2012; Strauss et

al., 2006).
One of the most common variations of the Brown-Peterson task used in clinical

practice is the Auditory Consonant Trigrams (ACT; Boone et al., 1998; Stuss et al., 1987;

Stuss et al., 1988), which requires test-takers to listen to a sequence of three letters (i.e.,

consonant trigrams; e.g., B-T-G), then immediately begin counting backwards by threes.

After some period of counting, the test-takers are asked to recall the previously presented

consonant trigram. Although conceptualized and commonly used as a measure of

working memory ability, empirical evidence suggests performance on the ACT is highly

related to other measures of basic and complex attention, processing speed, working

memory, impulsivity, and intelligence (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et

al., 2016). Though the ACT has been ranked one of the top 40 tests used by

neuropsychologists to measure attention (Rabin et al., 2005), a consistent relationship

between the ACT and other neuropsychological assessment measures, nor a clear

understanding of the construct the ACT is thought to measure, has emerged.

Throughout the ACT literature and norming samples, many different versions of

the ACT have been used, resulting in difficulty interpreting results across studies. One of

the most prevalent differences between these versions of the ACT is in the length of the

distractor task (e.g., counting backwards by threes) delay, with some versions using a

consistent distractor delay (i.e., 20-seconds for all trials; Mertens et al., 2006) and others

having a variable distractor delay (i.e., 3-, 9-, 18-seconds or 9-, 18-, 36-seconds; Boone et

al., 1998; Stuss et al., 1987; Stuss et al., 1988). In clinical practice, the 3-, 9-, 18-second

and the 9-, 18-, 36-second distractor delay versions are used; however, these distractor

delays are not specifically used in any particular age groups (e.g., youth, middle age,
older adult) or clinical populations; rather, use is dependent on the normative comparison

sample. In addition to the distractor delay time, some versions require participants to

write down the recalled trigrams (Mertens et al., 2006), while most others require the

participant to report trigrams verbally (Boone et al., 1998; Stuss et al., 1987; Stuss et al.,

1988). Finally, one study (Geurten et al., 2016) used a computerized version of the ACT

(see description below) and its comparability to either the verbal or written method is


The most commonly used ACT in clinical practice is the Stuss and colleagues

(1987, 1988) version. Stuss and colleagues (1987) used three consonants (i.e., consonant

trigram) for the stimulus followed by the presentation of a 2- or 3-digit number.

Participants then immediately began counting backwards out loud by threes from the

number presented. After the distractor task (i.e., counting backwards by 3s from the

number presented) delay of either 9-, 18-, or 36-seconds, participants were asked to

verbally report the stimulus consonants remembered. Five trials of each distractor task

delay were administered in random order (i.e., 15 total trials). The score was derived

from the number of correct consonants reported by the participant. Stuss and colleagues

(1987) normed this ACT version on 60 Canadian individuals, ages 16 to 69, and provided

normative data based on either gender and education or age for each of the three

distractor delay times. In 1988, Stuss and colleagues extended their normative sample to

include 90 Canadian individuals. While, the clinical version of the Stuss and colleagues

(1987, 1988) ACT includes five 0-second trials (i.e., with no distractor task) administered

consecutively before the 9-, 18-, and 36-second distractor delay trials, these trials were
not added (i.e. to administration but not to scoring) until Stuss and colleagues (1989)

examined the ACT's utility in a sample of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Regarding the clinical utility of the ACT, previous studies have shown the ACT is

sensitive to numerous clinical neurological and psychological populations (Anile et al.,

2003; Oral et al., 2012; Stuss et al., 1989; Merkley et al., 2013; Shura et al., 2016; Dige &

Wik, 2005; Ozakbas et al., 2004), thus the ACT may aid in the detection or identification

of these groups in clinical neuropsychological evaluations. More specifically, Stuss and

colleagues (1989) found the ACT to be sensitive to cognitive dysfunction in recent mild

TBI and more severe TBI. Merkley and colleagues (2013) found, when comparing

patients with severe TBI to controls, that the ACT (i.e., Boone et al., 1998 version)

showed a moderate effect of the total score discriminating between the two groups'

performance. Alternatively, Shura and colleagues (2016) found no difference in ACT

total performance between remote (>11 months since injury) mild TBI and no history of

mTBI in a sample of veterans, in the context of adequate performance validity. With

regard to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the ACT was found to

distinguish between individuals with adult ADHD and control subjects with moderate to

large effects (Dige & Wik, 2005). With regards to multiple sclerosis (MS), a study of

Turkish patients found significant differences between patients with relapsing-remitting

MS and secondary progressive MS, as well as between clinically isolated syndrome and

secondary progressive MS on ACT performance, but not between relapsing-remitting MS

and clinically isolated syndrome (Ozakbas et al., 2004). With regard to post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD), Shura and colleagues (2016) found no relationship between the
presence of PTSD in a sample of veterans and ACT total score performance. With

regards to major depressive disorder (MDD), both Oral et al. (2012) and Shura et al.

(2016) found significantly lower scores for participants with MDD than individuals

without MDD. In sum, the ACT total score may aid in differentiating numerous clinical

neurological and psychological populations; however, limited research has elucidated the

effectiveness of the ACT total score in differentiating clinical presentations from their

relevant differential diagnoses. Additionally, no previous studies have evaluated the

utility of the ACT perseveration score in clinical neurological and psychological


Given that the ACT does not require a timed response and is sensitive to disorders

with white matter disturbance, some have suggested it may be a desirable measure of

executive functioning not confounded by declines in mental speed (Mitrushina et al.,

2005). For example, lower scores on other measures of executive function (e.g., Trail

Making Test Trial B and Stroop Color Interference) may easily be confounded by slowed

information processing speed making interpretation of executive functioning on these

tasks difficult (Mitrushina et al., 2005). In order to determine the utility of the ACT in the

context of clinical disorders with slowed processing speed, an understanding of the a

relationship to measures of executive functioning, general intellectual ability, and

psychomotor speed must first be established (Boone et al., 1998; Shura et al., 2006;

Mertens et al., 2006).

In the context of the reported popularity of the ACT in clinical practice (Rabin et

al., 2005), relatively few studies have assessed the psychometric properties and construct
validity of the ACT, with the result being an unclear consensus as to what cognitive

abilities the ACT measures. In the following paragraphs, studies completed in which the

construct validity of the ACT is assessed will be reviewed.

Two previous factor analytic studies have assessed the relationship of ACT

performance to test-takers' performance on other neuropsychological assessment

measures/cognitive domains; however, these factor structure results are only partially

congruent (see Table 1 for a review of previous studies including the ACT). First, Boone

and colleagues (1998) aimed to assess validated measures (i.e., Wisconsin Card Sorting

Test, WCST [Heaton, 1981]; Stroop Test [Comalli et al., 1962]; Verbal Fluency, FAS

version [Boone et al., 1998]; and ACT [Boone et al., 1998]) of frontal lobe function to

understand the specific functions assessed, the relationship between tests, and if the

measures were redundant in neuropsychological assessment batteries. The sample was

comprised of older adults from inpatient, outpatient, and control patients/non-patients

groups (Boone et al., 1998). The inpatient and outpatient groups were largely psychiatric

in presentation, with the top three diagnoses consisting of obsessive-compulsive disorder,

late-life psychosis, and major depression (Boone et al., 1998). The 3-, 9-, and 18-second

interference delay version of the ACT was used. Ultimately, a three-factor model was

proposed, including factors labeled b , , and

ba / attention and short-term (Boone et al., 1998, pg. 590). ACT

performance (i.e., total score, perseveration score, sequence score) loaded on the

"basic/divided attention and short-term memory" (Boone et al., 1998, pg. 590) factor,

which included verbal and performance intelligence quotients (IQ; i.e., Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale-Revised, WAIS-R, Verbal Intelligence Quotient, VIQ; WAIS-R

Performance Intelligence Quotient, PIQ; Adams et al., 1984), auditory and visual

working memory (i.e., WAIS-R Digit Span, Adams et al., 1984; Rey-Osterrieth Complex

Figure, Rey-O, percent retention), and processing speed (WAIS-R Digit Symbol; Adams

et al., 1984). Thus, providing convergent validity of the ACT as a measure of IQ,

working memory, and processing speed, though Boone and colleagues (1998) seemed to

deemphasize the ACT relationship to measures of IQ. This finding was not entirely

novel, as the ACT had been previously used clinically as a measure of short-term

memory and/or divided attention (Lezak, 1995). Of note, this assessment of the ACT was

the only one found which assessed additional scores on the ACT, namely the ACT

perseveration score; however, little emphasis was placed on interpreting these scores.

Table 1

List of Previous Studies Evaluating the ACT

Study Participants ACT Version Analysis Type Measures Related to


Boone et 138 outpatients and 3-, 9-, 18- EFA WAIS-R VIQ
al. (1998) inpatients referred for second a WAIS-R PIQ
neuropsychological testing WAIS-R DS
o Age = 51.15 (16.25) WAIS-R DSC
o Education = 13.50 (2.88) RCFT % Retention
112 controls
o Age = 60.87 (12.74)
o Education = 14.50 (2.56)

Mertens et Younger participants "modified EFA WAIS-III DS
al. (2006) o Age = 20.83 (.27) Brown- WAIS-III LN
o Education = 14.64 (0.16) Peterson task" b WAIS-III AR
Older participants
o Age = 70.14 (0.83)
o Education = 15.55 (0.34)
o MMSE = 28.66 (0.13)
o All part of a study
evaluating the impact of
glucose regulation on
cognitive functions

Shura et al. Veterans 9-, 18-, 36- hierarchical Education

(2016) o Age=35.54 (9.42) second c linear WTAR
o Education=13.74 (1.97) regression TMT A
o 85.3% male WAIS-III LN
Controls CPT-II COM
o Age=36.41 (10.33)
o Education=13.81 (2.18)
o 84.5% male

Geurten et French speaking computerized correlations PASAT

al. (2016) TBI Brown- Stroop In
o Age = 37.7 (12.89) Peterson test d WAIS-III DS
o Education = 13.00 (2.26) Stroop C
Controls fNART
o Age = 37.77 (12.86)
o Education = 13.11 (2.98)
Whole health
o Age = 49.78 (19.94)
o Education = 12.64 (3.51)

Aita et al. Healthy college students 3-, 9-, 18- EFA RSpan
(2019) Age=19.82 (1.45) second a OSpan
Education=12.98 (0.97)

Notes. ACT = Auditory Consonant Trigrams test; MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination; TBI =
Traumatic Brain Injury; WAIS-R = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales - Revised; WAIS-III = Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scales - III; VIQ = Verbal Intelligence Quotient; PIQ = Performance Intelligence
Quotient; DS = Digit Span; DSC = Digit-Symbol Coding; RCFT = Rey Complex Figure Test; %
Retention = Percent Retention; LN = Letter-Number Sequencing; AR = Arithmetic; WTAR = Wechsler
Test of Adult Reading; TMT A = Trail Making Test Part A; CPT-II = Conners' Continuous Performance
Test-II; COM = Commission Errors; PASAT = Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task; In = Inhibition; C
= Color-Naming; fNART = National Adult Reading Test; RSpan = Reading Span; OSpan = Operation
aBoone et al. (1990), bMertens et al. (2006), cStuss et al. (1987) & Stuss et al. (1988), dGeurten et al.

With regards to divergent validity for the ACT, the other two factors contained 1)

a measure of abstract concept formation and set-shifting (i.e., Wisconsin Card Sorting

Test, WCST; Heaton, 1981) and 2) measures of executive functioning and processing

speed (i.e., Verbal Fluency, FAS; Stroop A, Stroop B, Stroop C, Comalli et al., 1962; and

WAIS-R Digit Symbol; Adams et al., 1984). Thus, the distinction between the

and ba / attention and short-term (Boone et al., 1998, pg.

590) was somewhat unclear and seemed to represent some overlap in cognitive processes

(i.e., processing speed).

Given the persisting ambiguity of the ACT, a second factor analytic study was

completed by Mertens and colleagues (2006). An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was

conducted to determine the neuropsychological measures related to the "modified Brown-

Peterson task" (MBPT, Mertens et al., 2006). Two samples were collected, 1) healthy

young adults and 2) older adults, and were both screened for health issues (i.e., diabetes,

hypoglycemia, chronic hepatitis, neurological problems, depression, and alcohol or drug

abuse). Four versions of the MBPT were used, each using different letters; however, all

consisted of three conditions (i.e., baseline, waiting without counting, interference),

though the order of conditions was varied between versions (Mertens et al., 2006). Unlike

other versions of the MBPT or ACT, (a) participants were asked to write down the

consonants remembered, instead of verbally reporting them, and (b) every trial of the

interference condition had a distractor task delay of 20-seconds (i.e., instead of

alternating delay time). All other aspects of the MBPT were consistent with Stuss and

a (1987, 1988) previously described version. After completing a factor analysis

including neuropsychological assessment variables and the MBPT interference trial total

number of consonants recalled, the researchers found the MBPT loaded on a factor with

the working memory subtests from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - III (WAIS-III;

i.e., Digit Span Forwards and Backwards, Letter-Number Sequencing, and Arithmetic,

Wechsler, 1997) described as an "auditory/visual working memory and complex attention

factor" (Mertens et al., 2006, pg.736). These findings agreed in part with Boone and

a findings (1998), in that both found measures of working memory to load on

the same factor as ACT performance; however, Mertens and colleagues (2006) did not

find a relationship between ACT performance, IQ, and processing speed. Of note,

Mertens and colleagues (2006) did not include IQ or Rey-O performance in their factor

analysis; however, Wechsler Memory Scale-III (WMS-III, Wechsler, 1997) Spatial Span

was included as a measure of visual working memory but was not shown to be related to

ACT performance. Additionally, a measure of processing speed (i.e., WAIS-III Digit

Symbol Coding, Wechsler, 1997) was included; however, loaded on a separate factor

from ACT performance in direct contrast to Boone and a (1998) findings

(Mertens et al., 2006). In sum, Mertens and a (2006) results suggested the ACT

was similar to other measures of working memory; however, they did not replicate Boone

and a (1998) relationship between ACT, IQ, and processing speed.

As Boone and a (1998) and Mertens and a (2006) results

failed to provide a clear consensus regarding the cognitive processes measured by the

ACT, Shura and colleagues (2016) and Geurten and colleagues (2016) concurrently

aimed to provide a psychometric update for the ACT.

In Shura and a (2016) study, a hierarchical regression analysis was

conducted, including measures of cognitive domains identified by Boone and colleagues

(1998) and Mertens and colleagues (2006) as related to ACT performance (i.e.,

processing speed, IQ, and executive functioning) and measures relating to attention and

verbal learning. Stuss and a (1987, 1988) version of the ACT was used. Here,

ACT performance was predicted by education, premorbid intelligence (i.e., Wechsler

Test of Adult Reading, WTAR, a measure of reading ability for phonemically irregular

words; The Psychological Corporation, 2001), processing speed (Trail Making Test Part

A; Reitan & Wolfson, 1985), verbal working memory (WAIS-III Letter-Number

Sequencing, LNS; Wechsler, 1997a), and impulsivity (Conners' Continuous Performance

Test-II, CPT-II, Commission Errors; Conners & MHS Staff, 2004). Shura and colleagues

(2016) suggested these results did not provide convergent validity for the ACT as a

measure of executive functioning or working memory, as previously described (Boone et

al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006), rather suggested the ACT may be more adequately

described as a measure of general intellectual ability and psychomotor speed.

In Geurten and a (2016) study, a computerized version of the Brown-

Peterson test, unique to the study, was used. Participants were presented with three

letters, one at a time on the screen, and asked to read each letter aloud. Then, participants

were shown pairs of numbers, one pair per screen, which they were to repeat backwards

for delays of either 0-, 5-, 10-, or 20-seconds. After this interference delay, participants

were asked to enter the three letters in the correct order. While there are potentially

numerous benefits to a computerized version of the ACT (e.g., more accurate delay
intervals, more consistent administration), Geurten and colleagues (2016) did not

establish the relationship of this new computerized version to any of the non-

computerized versions. More specifically, it remains unclear the extent to which the

visual presentation of the consonant trigrams, the difference in distractor tasks, and the

impact of requesting participants to enter responses in the correct order have on the

equivalency of the computerized to non-computerized version. Convergent validity

measures indicated relationships (i.e., significant correlations) between the Brown-

Peterson test and measures of attention (i.e., a computer version of the Paced Auditory

Serial Addition Task, PASAT; Gronwall, 1977) and executive functioning/working

memory (i.e., Stroop Interference score; Regard, 1981; WAIS-III forward and backward

Digit Span; Wechsler, 1997) while controlling for age and education (Geurten et al.,

2016). Measures used for divergent validity indicated relationships between the Brown-

Peterson test and measures of processing speed (i.e., Stroop Color-Naming; Regard,

1981) and vocabulary (i.e., National Adult Reading Test, fNART; Geurten et al., 2016).

In sum, numerous domains of cognitive function have been related, rationally or

empirically, to ACT performance with no consistent relationship established. These

domains have included intelligence/word reading ability, executive functioning, working

memory, attention, and processing speed (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura

et al., 2016; Geurten et al., 2016). The following section offers a brief review of the

aforementioned domains of cognitive function, with the goal of providing the reader with

a general understanding of the concepts/abilities conceptualized within these domains.

The discussion here is minimally descriptive, rather than exhaustive.


Intelligence is a complex construct used to describe mental processes underlying

adaptive behavior (Goleman, 1995; Greenspan & Driscoll, 1997), complex problem-

solving (Sternberg, 1997), and/or stable traits or trait-like competencies predictive of

performance on specified tasks (Sternberg, 1997; Gardner, 1983; Horn & Noll, 1998).

Wechsler (1944) specifically defined intelligence as the a a of the individual to act

purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his (pg. 3).

Wechsler (1944) did not limit his definition to solely cognitive descriptors, as intelligence

is also comprised and impacted by characteristics such as goal awareness, enthusiasm,

persistence, etc., which are not routinely assessed in cognitive tasks (Wechsler, 1975).

Three general theoretical perspectives of intelligence are identified by McGrew

and Flanagon (1998): the psychometric or structural theories, information processing

theories, and the cognitive modifiability theories. The information processing and

cognitive modifiability theories are often used to explain performance on a cognitive task

by identifying ability areas represented by test performance (McGrew & Flanagon,


Alternatively, the psychometric or structural approach identifies stable

population-level traits or competencies based on individual differences in cognitive test

performance (McGrew & Flanagan, 1998). Correlational methods (i.e., factor analysis)

identify latent ability domains within and across psychological tests. Individual

differences can be detected and test-takers placed at different points along one or more

dimensions based on their test performance relative to the population. The psychometric
approach emphasizes the structure of latent abilities and classification of individual test-

takers over explanation of cognitive performance. Intelligence models based on this

approach have the longest history of empirical support and have become popular

measures of intelligence in clinical practice settings (McGrew & Flanagan, 1998).

While numerous psychometric theories of intelligence have been assessed

historically, one of the most widely accepted is Ca (1993) hierarchical model of

intelligence, which expanded the Horn-Cattell Gf-Gc model through factor analytic

research. Ca (1993) model included three levels: stratum III (g), stratum II (broad

abilities), and stratum I (narrow abilities). In this model, g is the all-encompassing

cognitive ability, broad abilities represent different intellectual domains within g, and

narrow abilities represent specialized intellectual abilities within each broad domain

(Carroll, 1993). Stratum II contained intelligences familiar to most psychologists, e.g.,

Gv , representing visual-spatial ability, Gs representing speed and efficiency of

simple information processing, etc. Stratum I contained specific cognitive processes

deemed relevant to the superordinate Stratum II broad abilities; e.g., inductive and

deductive reasoning skills for the domain of Fluid Reasoning (Gf).

As conceptualized by Carroll (1993) within this framework, the rest of the

cognitive domains to be discussed would fall within stratum II or stratum I abilities and

theoretically should load on the overarching cognitive ability, g, or in the context of

neuropsychological assessment measures of IQ.

Executive Functioning

The concept of executive function (EF) is highly diverse and is defined more

broadly depending on the context. In the clinical literature, EF is defined more broadly as

a system of supervisory capacities of overall brain processing and is comprised of

abilities needed for purposeful or goal-directed behavior (Lezak, 2004; Strauss et al.,

2006). As such, EF abilities are more frequently used in novel or unfamiliar contexts,

rather than during routine or well-learned problem-solving, as the individual needs to

develop new effective strategies (Shallice, 1990). EF deficits may appear in assessment

performance as poor initiation, poor planning/organization, poor inhibition, inability to

shift, poor working memory, inflexibility, perseveration, difficulty generating or using

strategies, difficulty correcting mistakes, difficulty using feedback, and overall

carelessness (Strauss et al., 2006). Given the broad nature of EF in this context, many

confounds have presented themselves, specifically, that by definition EF tasks or

functions must use other lower-level cognitive processes (Miyake et al., 2000; Strauss et

al., 2006). In addition, numerous studies assessing tasks of frontal lobe function (Boone

et al., 1998) and planning/problem solving (Kafer & Hunter, 1997) have resulted in factor

structures or models in which multiple, and sometimes seemingly divergent, constructs

appear as related to EF. Thus, the construct validity of executive tests is often not well

established (Strauss et al., 2006).

As a result of the ambiguity of EF in the clinical literature, experimental models

of EF have frequently aimed to identify simpler, more discrete, functional components of

EF. While there are numerous models of EF in the literature, a commonly accepted model
proposes three underlying abilities: shifting, updating, and inhibition (Miyake et al.,

2000). The shifting function relates to one's ability to shift between multiple tasks or

mental sets (Miyake et al., 2000). Tests of shifting require participants to switch back and

forth between tasks, such as the Trail Making Part B test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting

Test. The updating function relates to one's ability to update and monitor working

memory representations and is almost synonymous with the term working memory

(Miyake et al., 2000; Miyake & Shah, 1999). This function requires one to monitor and

code new information while revising the information contained in one's working memory

by replacing information no longer relevant with more relevant information (Miyake et

al., 2000). Tests of updating require participants to actively manipulate information held

in working memory, such as WAIS-IV Digit Span Backwards and Letter-Number

Sequencing. The inhibition function relates to one's ability to intentionally inhibit more

automatic or dominant responses when necessary (Miyake et al., 2000). Tests of

inhibition require participants to deliberately stop a more automatic response, in order to

provide the requested response, such as the Color Word trial of the Stroop task. While

these three components are most commonly accepted as central tenants of EF, it should

be noted they are not comprehensive and other more complex aspects of EF are still

largely unresolved in both the clinical and experimental literature.

Working Memory/Updating

Of specific interest to the current study is working memory (WM) or updating

(Miyake et al., 2000; Miyake & Shah, 1999), as the ACT was originally developed to

assess memory encoding (Brown, 1958) and given the historical categorization of the
ACT as a measure of WM by most neuropsychological texts (Strauss et al., 2006; Lezak,

et al., 2012). WM may be classified both in the context of EF (Lezak et al., 2012) and in

memory (Strauss et al., 2006).

WM is the most current in a series of terms, replacing older terms like short-term

and immediate memory, and is generally accepted as a limited-capacity store for

information over a short period of time (i.e., seconds to minutes) in which one can also

perform complex cognitive operations on said information (Strauss et al., 2006; Lezak et

al., 2012). The information assessed in WM may come from new sensory inputs or

retrieved from long-term memory (Strauss et al., 2006). While numerous models of WM

exist, one of the most prominent is from Baddeley and Hitch (1974). In this model of

WM, the central executive, a supervisory controlling system, is assisted by the

phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). The

phonological loop is used to temporarily store and process verbal material, while the

visuospatial sketchpad is used to temporarily store and process visual material (Baddeley

& Hitch, 1974). In addition, Baddeley (2003) added an additional component to this

model, the episodic buffer, which is described as a limited-capacity store of information

that binds/integrates information. The central executive is in control of these subordinate

systems (i.e., phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer) and

determines how the information they contain and process will be used (Straus et al.,

2006). In this model, working memory is conceptualized as an attentional control system

that is responsible for strategy selection and coordination of cognitive processes to enable

completion of cognitively complex activities, such as learning, comprehending, and

reasoning (Strauss et al., 2006).

As such, WM refers to the use of both executive control and memory to complete

an activity or task (Vandierendonck, 2016). More specifically, WM is the ability to

sustain memory representations, while at the same time processing alternative

information, distractions, and/or shifts in attention (Conway et al., 2002; Engle et al.,

1999; Vandierendonck, 2016). WM is a heterogeneous construct, which includes, but is

not limited to, tasks involving language, mental arithmetic, reasoning, attentional control,

etc. (Vandierendonck, 2016).


Perseveration is another central concept to the current study, given the proposed

evaluation of the perseveration score on the ACT (see below in methods section).

Perseveration is the impaired ability to shift responses, typically presented as repetition of

the same activity and/or response (Lezak, 2012). Perseveration errors can present in a

variety of ways, including verbal, motor, visual, etc. The construct is often

conceptualized as a central disruption within the shifting function; however, Miyake and

colleagues (2000) conceptualized shifting through only Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

(WCST) scores (Lezak, 2012). However, perseverative responses present in many

additional ways throughout a neuropsychological testing battery (i.e., word repetitions in

word fluency, inability to discontinue motor responses or patterns, providing similar or

the same responses to subsequent items on a variety of tests), thus it is unclear if these

different presentations of preservation form a unitary empirical construct. While

numerous neuropsychological assessments are used to identify different types (i.e.,

verbal, motor, visual, etc.) of perseveration, many do not provide normative data for

which to compare these responses, rather are qualitatively evaluated as positive or

negative for perseveration (Lezak, 2012; Strauss et al., 2006). The lack of assessment

measures in different response types (i.e., verbal, motor, visual, etc.) with quantitative or

normative scoring of perseveration presents difficulty in the evaluation of perseveration

across the neuropsychological assessment battery, thus the development of scoring

methods of perseveration across the battery will aid in both the empirical and clinical

understanding of perseveration.


Attention is a multifaceted term comprising multiple basic processes, including

sensory selection, response selection, attentional capacity, and sustained performance

(Cohen, 1993; Strauss et al., 2006). Overall, attention is conceptualized as a system of

interacting processes that allow individuals to identify relevant and irrelevant

information, hold and modify mental representations, and monitor responses to

information (Straus et al., 2006). The construct of attention is most commonly divided

into component processes (i.e., alertness/arousal, focused attention, selective attention,

divided attention, and sustained attention/vigilance; Strauss et al., 2006); however, there

is variability in the exact definition of each of these processes and some tend to represent

overlapping processes (i.e., focused attention and selective attention). It is important to

note that tests of attention often measure more than one type of attention and other motor

and cognitive aspects as well (i.e., motor speed, information processing speed, verbal
responding, etc.; Strauss et al., 2006). The construct of attention shares overlap with other

domains of cognitive functioning, namely EF and WM. More specifically, many tests of

attention, especially divided attention tests, require individuals to use inhibition,

switching, and WM (i.e., aspects contained in models of executive functioning; Strauss et

al., 2006). Thus, the distinction between tests of attention (i.e., EF and WM) is somewhat

arbitrary and often defined based on the extent to which these processes are required to

complete a task and/or the relative difficulty of the task. Although arguably loosely

defined, tests of attention are often very sensitive measures and crucial to the diagnosis of

many neurological disorders, as many of these patients initially present with attentional

disorders (Strauss et al., 2006).

Processing Speed

Processing speed (PS) is a term, one of many, used to describe the speed at which

individuals can execute cognitive processes (Kail, 1986; Kail, 2000). PS has been shown

to be related to mental capacity (Kail & Salthouse, 1994), reading performance (Kail &

Hall, 1994), reasoning, and WM (Fry & Hale, 1996; Kail, 2000). Concepts relating to

speed factors more broadly have been included in numerous theories of intelligence, such

as Carroll's (1993) three-stratum theory and Horn and Noll's (1998) theory of fluid (Gf)

and crystallized (Gc) intelligence. PS has also been identified as an important domain of

cognitive functioning through factor analytic analyses (Carroll, 1993; Horn & Noll,

1998). Though, a clear structure of PS has largely been unresolved, as much of the

research on PS has focused on its relationship with age-related changes (Danthiir et al.,

2005). Danthiir and colleagues (2005) completed a study to assess if PS is a unitary or

multidimensional concept. Results revealed a general mental speed factor that loaded four

subfactors (i.e., Switching, Odd-Mann-Out, Substitution, and Hick task); however,

Danthiir and colleagues (2005) acknowledged the variance associated with each subfactor

is limited in interpretability. Thus, while PS seems to be related to a wide array of

cognitive processes and potentially overall cognitive functioning, the lack of consistency

in the measurement of PS throughout the experimental and clinical psychology literature

may be impeding a more comprehensive understanding of this domain of cognitive


Present Study

With regards to the current study, there are three main goals: 1) explore the

construct validity of the ACT by consolidating previous findings, 2) identify the

relationship of the ACT perseveration score to other measures of cognitive functioning,

and 3) add to the literature on the discriminant ability of the ACT total and perseveration

scores within a clinical/neurological population referred for neuropsychological


With regards to construct validity, previous research has suggested the ACT

shares relationships with a variety of cognitive domains and premorbid abilities,

including: education, IQ, premorbid IQ, EF, WM, Attention, and PS (Boone et al., 1998;

Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et al., 2016; Geurten et al., 2016). In sum, these previous

findings have not resulted in a consistent relationship between the ACT and other

neuropsychological assessment measures/constructs, resulting in ambiguity regarding the

ACT's utility in clinical practice. Although the ACT is seemingly most consistent (i.e.,
face validity) with tasks of EF function, specifically WM/updating, previous research has

not consistently identified and has even challenged the ACT relationship to WM

(Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et al., 2016; Geurten et al., 2016). The

current study aims to add to the construct validity of the ACT by conducting an EFA in a

diverse clinical/neurological sample and including neuropsychological measures of IQ,

EF, PS, and attention, as well as, education. Based upon previous factor analytic research,

it is hypothesized the ACT will load on the same factor with measures of intelligence,

processing speed, and executive functioning (i.e., specifically measures of working

memory) within the current study (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006).

The evaluation of the relationship between the ACT perseveration score to the

ACT total score and other neuropsychological measures has been especially limited in

scope (Boone et al., 1998). As such, the current study will include the ACT perseveration

score and total score in an EFA, to identify the ACT perseveration relationship to

other neuropsychological measures and relevant latent variables. Based on Boone et al.'s

(1998) finding, it is hypothesized that the ACT perseveration score will load on the same

factor as the ACT total score.

Finally, the assessment of the ACT total score, and, certainly, the ACT

perseveration score, in a largely neurological sample, has been limited, with previous

studies having limited numbers and/or clinical presentations. Though the ACT

construct validity is suboptimal, the ACT has been shown to have promising discriminant

ability between clinical populations of interest (Anile et al., 2003; Oral et al., 2012; Stuss

et al., 1989; Merkley et al., 2013; Shura et al., 2016; Dige & Wik, 2005; Ozakbas et al.,
2004). No previous study has assessed the clinical utility of the ACT perseveration score

in discriminating clinical presentations. Through criterion-related validity analyses, the

current study aims to assess the clinical utility of the ACT perseveration score and further

assess the clinical utility of the ACT total score in discriminating clinical groups within a

diverse clinical/neurological sample of patients referred for neuropsychological





A total of 448 a neuropsychological assessment data, clinical diagnoses,

and demographic information were collected from Sanford Health Neuropsychology

department, Fargo, ND, for the current study. These patients were a clinically referred

group with comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations. Patients' data were obtained

by chart review of patient files and electronic medical record systems. To meet inclusion

criteria for the current study, (1) patients must have previously undergone a

neuropsychological evaluation at Sanford Health Neuropsychology department between

January 1, 2012, and April 13, 2018, (2) have completed the ACT during their

neuropsychological assessment, and (3) were 18 to 90 years of age at the time of

assessment. After a review of patient records at Sanford Health Neuropsychology, 448

patients were identified who met the current study inclusion criteria.

The majority of patients were white (92.2%), right hand dominant (90.4%), and

female (56.7%). The mean patient age was 45.5 (range = 18 78, SD = 14.6) and the
mean highest achieved education was 13.5 years (range = 6 20, SD = 2.3) with 10%

achieving below a high school education, 36.6% earning a high school diploma, 27.6%

attending college without a degree or earning an ass a degree, 19.4% earning a

ba (4-year) degree, and 6.2% attending post-graduate education and/or earning a

a or doctoral degree. A total of 20 primary diagnostic groups were identified

within the sample. Of those, the 5 largest clinical presentations (in order from highest to

lowest) were a primary psychiatric diagnosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), moderate to severe

TBI, cognitive disorder not otherwise specified (NOS) and mild TBI (i.e., concussion).

See Table 2 for more detailed demographic information. The groups represented a highly

diverse clinical population with numerous comorbidities, see Table 3 for the most

common comorbidities within each clinical group.

Table 2

Patient Demographics

Female 56.7 a
Male 43.3 b

Race (%)
White 92.2
Native American or Alaskan Native 3.8
Black or African American 2.2 c
Hispanic or Latino 1.4
Asian 0.2 d
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 0.2

Age (Mean; SD) 45.5 (14.6)

Education (Mean; SD) 13.5 (2.3)

Handedness (%)
Right hand dominant 90.4

Left hand dominant 9.4
Unknown 0.2

Primary Clinical Diagnosis (%; number of cases)e

MS f 19.4 (87)
Seizure Disorder 2.2 (10)
Autism Spectrum Disorder 1.8 (8)
Attention Disorder 4.7 (21)
Psychiatric diagnosis 20.1 (90)
moderate to severe TBI g 13.6 (61)
TIA and Cerebrovascular Disease 3.1 (14)
No diagnosis 0.7 (3)
Cognitive Disorder NOS 8.5 (38)
mild TBI g 6.9 (31)
Renal Failure 3.1 (14)
Mild Cognitive Impairment 1.1 (5)
Anoxic Brain Injury and Encephalopathy 1.8 (8)
Cerebrovascular Accident and Aneurysm 6.5 (29)
Major Neurocognitive Impairment h 2.0 (9)
Pa D a 0.7 (3)
Central Nervous System Tumor 0.4 (2)
Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1.6 (7)
Substance Induced Cognitive Disorder 0.9 (4)
Specific Learning Disorder 0.9 (4)

Notes. a The female group contained one female-to-male transgender individual. b The male group
contained two male-to-female transgender individuals. c The African American group contained one
biracial African American and White individual. d The Asian group contained one biracial Asian and
White individual. e P a a a a
diagnostic classification. f multiple sclerosis. g TBI = traumatic brain injury, h dementia

Table 3

Common Comorbidities within Clinical Groups

Clinical Group 1st Comorbidity 2nd Comorbidity 3rd Comorbidity

(%) (%) (%)

MS Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Sleep Diagnosis

(54.0) (26.4) (10.3)

Seizure Disorder Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Sleep Diagnosis

(90.0) (60.0) (30.0)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Learning difficulty

(50.0) (37.5) (25.0)

Attention Disorder Anxiety Disorder Mood Disorder Learning difficulty

(71.4) (47.6) (14.3)

Psychiatric Diagnosis a Chronic pain (16.7) Headaches/Migrain Self-reported

es (11.1) history of head
trauma (11.1)

moderate to severe TBI Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Sleep Diagnosis

(44.3) (14.8) (11.5)

TIA and Cerebrovascular Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Sleep Diagnosis

Disease (71.4) (64.3) (57.1)

No Diagnosis Self-reported
history of head
trauma (33.3)

Cognitive Disorder NOS Mood Disorder Sleep Diagnosis Chronic Pain (26.3)
(50.0) (36.84)

mild TBI b Mood Disorder Headaches/Migrain Anxiety Disorder

(71.0) es (58.1) (48.39)

Renal Failure Learning difficulty Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder

(35.7) (28.6) (21.4)

Mild Cognitive Impairment Mood Disorder Kidney Disease Structural Changes

(60.0) (20.0) on Imaging (20.0)

Anoxic Brain Injury and Mood Disorder Seizure Disorder Trauma Disorder
Encephalopathy (37.5) (12.5) (12.5)

Cerebrovascular Accident and Mood Disorder Sleep Diagnosis Headaches/Migrain

Aneurysm (48.3) (24.1) es (20.7)

Major Neurocognitive Mood Disorder Sleep Diagnosis Diabetes Mellitus
Impairment c (55.56) (22.2) (11.1)

Pa D a Anxiety Disorder

Central Nervous System Tumor Visual Deficit


Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Attention Disorder Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder

Intellectual Disability, Fetal (57.1) (57.1) (14.3)
Alcohol Syndrome

Substance Induced Cognitive Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Sleep Diagnosis

Disorder (50.0) (25.0) (25.0)

Specific Learning Disorder Anxiety Disorder Mood Disorder Attention Disorder

(100.0) (75.0) (75.0)
Notes. a Comorbidities are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th most common disorders after mood disorder and
anxiety disorder., b i.e., concussion, c i.e., dementia



Information from patients' records were collected regarding their age, sex,

ethnicity, and education level at the time of their neuropsychological evaluation. The

patients' cognitive and/or physical diagnosis(es) associated with their neuropsychological

assessment were collected.

Neuropsychological Assessment Measures

Neuropsychological assessment measures were collected from a standard battery

that was completed as part of referral-based clinical care. Neuropsychological evaluations

in this clinical setting include various measures administered by trained technicians using

standard procedures for each test. Neuropsychological testing is generally completed in

one or two sessions. Neuropsychological test measures included in these batteries are

largely similar, with only minimal deviation. Additional measures may have been

included at the discretion of the neuropsychologist and relate to the patient's need and

medical necessity. See Table 4 for a list of the selected tests by domain.

Table 4

List of Tests by Domain

Domain 1 Measure

Executive Functioning ACT T

IVA + Auditory Prudence
RCFT % Retention

Processing Speed WAIS-IV CD


Attention IVA + Auditory Vigilance



Notes. Bold items were included in final analyses, alternatively non bolded
items were planned but ultimately not included due to missing data or influence
on factor structure.
ACT T = Auditory Consonant Trigrams Total score; ACT P = Auditory
Consonant Trigrams Perseveration score; IVA + = Integrated Visual and
Auditory Continuous Performance Test; WAIS-IV = Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scales - IV; LNS = Letter-Number Sequencing; AR = Arithmetic;
DS = Digit Span; CVLT-II = California Verbal Learning Test -II; 1 = Trial 1; 1-
5 = Trials 1-5; RCFT = Rey Complex Figure Test; % Retention = Percent
Retention; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; PE = Perseverative Errors;
COWAT = Controlled Oral Word Association test; CD = Coding; SS = Symbol

Search; In = Interference; C = Color-naming; W = Word-reading; TMT A =
Trail Making Test Part A; TMT B = Trail Making Test Part B; VSAT = Verbal
Series Attention Test; FSIQ = Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; WRAT4 = Wide
Range Achievement Test: Fourth Edition; WR = Word Reading
1 Based on domains as described in Strauss et al. (2006), with the exception of
measures of working memory which were conceptualized as measures of
Executive Functioning (see discussion in-text), and test sources.

Measures of Executive Functioning (EF).

Auditory Consonant Trigrams Test (ACT). The ACT used in the current study is

a variation of the Brown-Peterson test (Brown, 1958; Peterson & Peterson, 1959)

developed by Stuss and colleagues (1987, 1988). During the first five trials, test-takers

are verbally presented with a consonant trigram (e.g., L-B-D), one letter per second, and

asked to immediately recall the consonant trigram, with no delay. These initial trials act

as a practice for the delay trials. Then, test takers are presented with a consonant trigram,

one letter per second, immediately followed by a two- or three-digit number. The test-

taker must immediately begin counting backwards out loud by threes from the number

presented (e.g., 98-95-92...). After a delay of 9, 18, or 36 seconds, the test-taker is asked

to recall the consonant trigram they were presented with prior to the delay. The delays are

varied in order throughout the test until five trials for each delay time are administered.

The total number of correct letters recalled are scored for each delay interval (i.e., 0, 9,

18, and 36 seconds) and a total sum of all correct letters recalled were used as the ACT

total score (ACT T). Additionally, as outlined by Boone and colleagues (1990), a total

perseveration score (ACT P) will be calculated by summing the number of perseverations

on all 20 trials of the ACT task (i.e., including the 0-second delay trials). Perseveration

will be defined as "the reporting of an incorrect letter which was used as an answer on the

preceding trial, (Boone et al., 1990)" with a total of 57 perseverations possible on the

Stuss et al. (1987, 1988, 1989) version of the ACT.

Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) Digit Span

Forwards and Backwards (WAIS-IV DSF & WAIS-IV DSB). In the WAIS-IV DSF,

participants are verbally administered sequences of 2 to 9 numbers, in ascending trials

(two trials of each number sequence, i.e., two trials of a sequence of 2 numbers, two trials

of a sequence of 3 numbers...two trials of a sequence of 9 numbers), at a rate of one

number per second (Wechsler, 2008). Participants are subsequently asked to repeat the

stimulus numbers aloud as they heard them, in the same order (Wechsler, 2008). Thus, if

a patient was administered a trial consisting of the stimulus 3-5-2, the correct response of

the patient would be 3-5-2. Each trial is scored as correct (if all the numbers are reported

in the same order as the stimulus) or incorrect (if all the numbers are not reported in the

same order as the stimulus) and the task ending when both trials of an item are incorrect

or all trials are administered (Wechsler, 2008). The total score is the sum of the number

of correct trials throughout the test.

In the WAIS-IV DSB test, participants are verbally administered sequences of 2

to 8 numbers, in ascending trials (two trials of each number sequence, i.e., two trials of a

sequence of 2 numbers, two trials of a sequence of 3 numbers...two trials of a sequence of

8 numbers), at a rate of one number per second (Wechsler, 2008). Participants are

subsequently asked to repeat the stimulus numbers aloud backwards (Wechsler, 2008).

Thus, if a patient was administered a trial consisting of the stimulus 3-5-2, the correct

response of the patient would be 2-5-3. Each trial is scored as correct (if all the numbers
are reported in the backwards order) or incorrect (if all the numbers are not reported in

the backwards order) and the task is ended when both trials of an item are incorrect or

when all trials are administered (Wechsler, 2008). The total score is the sum of the

number of correct trials throughout the test.

Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA + )

Auditory Prudence. The IVA + is an auditory and visual continuous performance test,

measuring sustained attention and response inhibition (Sandford & Turner, 2004a, 2004b;

Strauss et al., 2006). The test includes four sections: a - (i.e., two one-minute

tests consisting of simple visual and auditory reaction time tests for baseline reaction

time), a 1.5-minute practice session, the main test which consists of five sections of 100

visual and 100 auditory trials, and a - (the same as the practice session;

Strauss et al., 2006). While numerous scores can be derived from the IVA +

administration, of specific interest is the Auditory Prudence IVA + scaled score, which is

reported to measure impulsivity/response inhibition by scoring commission errors

throughout the test administration (Sandford & Turner, 2004a, 2004b; Strauss et al.,


WAIS-IV Letter Number Sequencing (WAIS-IV LN). In the WAIS-IV LN,

patients are read a sequence of numbers and letters, then asked to recall the numbers in

ascending order and the letters in alphabetical order (Wechsler, 2008). Each trial is

scored as correct (all the stimulus numbers reported in correct ascending order and all the

stimulus letters reported in correct alphabetical order) or incorrect (any other response;

Wechsler, 2008). The test consists of 10 items with 3 trials each (i.e., a total of up to 30
trials) and patients are administered trials until they incorrectly answer all 3 trials of a test

item (Wechsler, 2008). The sum of correct trials is used to calculate a scaled score.

WAIS-IV Arithmetic (WAIS-IV AR). In the WAIS-IV AR, patients are verbally

administered up to 22 arithmetic problems and are asked to mentally solve each problem

(Wechsler, 2008). Each response is scored as correct (correct answer provided within <31

seconds) or incorrect (any incorrect answer and correct answers provided after 30

seconds), then the sum of correct responses is used to calculate the scaled score

(Wechsler, 2008).

California Verbal Learning Test-II Trial 1 and Trials 1-5 scores (CVLT-II 1 &

1-5). In the CVLT-II, patients are verbally presented with a 16-word list and asked to

report all the words remembered from the presented list (Delis et al., 2000; Strauss et al.,

2006). The patient is presented with the same word list, in the same order, for 5 trials.

Next, the patient is presented with a second 16-word list, an interference list, and asked to

report all the words remembered from this second list of words. Next, the participant is

asked to report all the words remembered from the first list, the list presented 5-times, not

the second list. Then, the patient is presented with four categories (i.e., the four categories

of words presented in the first list: furniture, vegetables, ways of traveling, and animals)

and asked to report all the words from the first list remembered from each category. After

a 20-minute delay, the patient is asked to recall all the words remembered from the first

list and then subsequently is asked to report all the words remembered from the first list

from the presented categories again. Then, words are presented one at a time (i.e., words

from the first list, words from the second list, and words not in either list) and the patient
is asked to respond if the word was from the first list or if the word was not

from the first list. After a 10-minute delay, the patient is presented with two words at a

time (i.e., one word from the first list and a second word they have not heard before) and

asked to report which word was from the first list. Numerous scores are derived from this

verbal list-learning task; however, for the purpose of the current study, the Trial 1 and

Trials 1-5 scores are of interest. The Trial 1 score is the total of correctly reported words

from the first list after its first presentation to the patient (Delis et al., 2000). The Trial 1-

5 score is the sum of the correctly reported words from the first list from each of the five

learning trials (Delis et al., 2000).

Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) Percent Retention (% Retention). In the

RCFT, patients are asked to copy a complex geometric figure (copy trial; Meyers &

Meyers, 1995). After a 3-minute delay, the patient is asked to draw the same complex

figure from memory (immediate recall trial). After a 30-minute delay (from the end time

of the copy trial), the patient is asked to draw the complex figure again from memory

(delayed recall trial). Then, the patient is presented with 24-designs and asked to select

each of the designs they believe were part of the complex geometric figure they copied

before (recognition trial). Each RCFT figure drawn was scored in accordance with the

Meyers and Meyers (1995) scoring criteria. While numerous scores can be generated

from the RCFT, the percent retention score is of interest in the present study. Given the

percent retention score was not calculated for clinical use, the score will be calculated by

dividing the immediate recall trial total score (ranging from 0-36) by the copy trial total

score (ranging from 0-36), then multiplying by 100.

Stroop Test Interference Score (Stroop In). In the Stroop Test (i.e., Golden

Version; Golden & Freshwater, 2002), patients are first asked to read words (i.e., red,

blue, and green) that are printed on the page (Word-Reading trial). In the next trial

(Color-Naming trial), patients are asked to name the color (i.e., red, blue, and green) of

the ink the XXXX are printed in on a second page. In the last trial (Color-Word

Interference trial), patients are asked to name the color ink (i.e., red, blue, and green) the

words (i.e., red, blue, and green) are printed in on a third page. On all trials, the patient is

told if they make an error and are directed back to the incorrectly answered item and

asked to correct the mistake, then continue the trial. Each trial is administered for 45-

seconds and the score for each trial is the number of the last correctly answered item.

While there are numerous scores calculated on this test, the interference score is a

calculated score (i.e., color-word interference trial score minus a predicted color-word

score based on age and education level of the participant) of interest in the current study

(Golden & Freshwater, 2002).

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Perseverative Errors score (WCST PE). During the

WCST (Heaton et al., 1993; Kongs et al., 2000), participants are tasked with matching

response cards, one at a time, to one of 4 stimulus cards. Participants are told if a

response card match is correct or incorrect based on rules known to the administrator but

not the participant (i.e., matching based upon color, form, or number of figures). Patients

are administered consecutive trials until all the cards are used (either 64- or 128-cards

depending on the version) or all rules are solved by the patient. While there are a number

of different scores within this test, of concern to the present study is the perseveration
errors (WCST PE) score. The perseveration errors score is a multifaceted faceted score,

summing numerous types of perseveration errors patients can make while matching cards

(Heaton et al., 1993). In general, a perseveration error on the WCST is when a patient

continues to respond to a stimulus characteristic (i.e., color, form, or number) which is

incorrect for the current rule (Strauss et al., 2006). All perseverations on the WCST were

scored according to the Heaton and colleagues (1993) scoring guidelines.

Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT). In the COWAT, patients are

verbally presented with a letter and asked to verbally produce as many words as possible

that begin with the administered letter, until they are told to stop (i.e., after 60-seconds;

Heaton et al., 2004). The patients are told that they cannot use proper nouns (i.e., names

of people or places) or use the same word again with a different ending (i.e., eat, eats,

eating). The patients complete three trials (i.e., letters administered are F, A, and S). The

COWAT score is the total number of words (minus repetitions, proper nouns, and items

with only a different ending than another item) the patient generates over the three trials

(Heaton et al., 2004).

Measures of Processing Speed (PS).

WAIS-IV Coding (WAIS-IV CD). In the WAIS-IV CD subtest, patients are

required to transcribe, using a key, the symbol associated with each number, one number

at a time, within a 2-minute time limit (Wechsler, 2008). The patient is provided with a

record form with the key at the top and rows of boxes beneath. For each row of boxes, the

top of the top box has a number in it and the bottom box is empty, so the participant can

draw in the associated symbol. The total number of correctly drawn symbols is used to

calculate the scaled score (Wechsler, 2008).

WAIS-IV Symbol Search (WAIS-IV SS). In the WAIS-IV SS subtest, patients are

required to scan rows of symbols (target group) one row at a time for two target symbols

(for each row) and indicate whether either of the target symbols is in the target group

(Wechsler, 2008). The patient is told to either mark the target symbol within the target

group or mark the NO box if neither of the target symbols are in the target group

(Wechsler, 2008). The total number of correctly marked target symbols and correctly

marked NO boxes are summed. The total number of incorrectly marked non-target

symbols and incorrectly marked NO boxes summed. The incorrect total is subtracted

from the correct total, then this calculated number is used to calculate the scaled score

(Wechsler, 2008).

Stroop Test Word-reading score (W) and Color-naming score (C). See Stroop

Test Interference Score (above) for a full explanation of the Stroop Test. Additional

scores for the current study on the Stroop Test are the word-reading score (i.e., number of

items completed correctly on the word-reading trial) and the color-naming score (i.e.,

number of items completed correctly on the color-naming trail; Golden & Freshwater,


Measures of Attention.

Trail Making Test Part A and Part B (TMT A & TMT B). The TMT A test is a

paper and pencil test, where the participant is to connect circles containing the numbers 1

through 25 in sequential order as quickly as they are able without making mistakes. If a
mistake is made (e.g., connecting the circle containing 23 to 25), the administrator

informs the participant of the error and directs them back to the last correct connection

(e.g., 23) and instructs the participant to continue. The total time (in seconds) is recorded

for the score on the TMT A (Heaton et al., 2004).

The TMT B test is a paper and pencil test, where the participant is to connect

circles containing the numbers 1 through 13 and letters A through L alternately (e.g.,

connecting the circle containing 1 to A to 2 to B... L to 13) as quickly as they are able

without making mistakes. If a mistake is made (e.g., connecting the circle containing 2 to

3 or 2 to D), the administrator informs the participant of the error and directs them back

to the last correct connection (e.g., B) and instructs the participant to continue. The total

time (in seconds) is recorded for the score on the TMT B (Heaton et al., 2004).

IVA + Auditory Vigilance. See above for a full description of the IVA +

assessment. The IVA + Vigilance scaled score is reported to measure attention by scoring

omission errors throughout the test administration (Sandford & Turner, 2004a, 2004b;

Strauss et al., 2006).

Verbal Series Attention Test (VSAT). The VSAT is a verbal test of attention,

developed as a screening measure (Mahurin & Cooke, 1996). The VSAT consists of nine

items: 1) reciting the alphabet, 2) counting backwards from 20 to 1, 3) counting

backwards by 3 from 100 to 70, 4) reciting the days of the week forwards, 5) reciting

the days of the week backwards, 6) reciting the months of the year forwards, 7) reciting

the months of the year backwards, 8) alternately sequencing numbers and letters from 1

to 10 (i.e., 1-A, 2-B, ,10-K), and 9) an auditory vigilance task where the patient is asked
to signal each time a specific letter is reported in a sequence of 60 letters (Mahurin &

Cooke, 1996). The total time (in seconds) is recorded, with a maximum time of 60

seconds per item, then the time (in seconds) for the first eight items (item number nine is

untimed) is recorded and scored (Mahurin & Cooke, 1996).

Measures of IQ and Premorbid IQ.

WAIS-IV Full Scale Score (WAIS-IV FSIQ). The WAIS-IV FSIQ is not a

specific test administered to patients, rather the FSIQ is a composite score derived from

all the index scaled scores on the WAIS-IV (i.e., Verbal Comprehension Index Scale,

Perceptual Reasoning Index Scale, Working Memory Index Scale, Processing Speed

Index Scale; Wechsler, 2008). Each index scaled score is derived from the core subtest

scores (or supplemental subtest scores if all core subtests are not administered) within

each index score. The WAIS-IV FSIQ provides a measure of general intellectual

functioning (FSIQ), which is based on current cognitive performance on the WAIS-IV

subtests (Wechsler, 2008).

Wide Range Achievement Test: Fourth Edition Word Reading (WRAT4 WR).

In the WRAT4 WR, participants are asked to read up to 55-words printed on a card

(Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006). The administrator immediately scores each word read

aloud as correct (i.e., responses read correctly) or incorrect (i.e., any incorrect reading of

a word) and, at the end of the test, sums the total number of correctly read words

(Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006). If the participant cannot read at least 5-words correctly,

then they are administered the Letter Reading trial, where they are to read aloud 15 letters

(Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006). If the patient can correctly read at least 5 words, the 15-
points from the Letter Reading trial is automatically added to the total points from the

Word Reading trail. The sum of the Letter and Word Reading trails are used to calculate

a scaled score (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006). While the Word Reading test was created

to measure letter and word recognition (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006), word reading

tests are frequently used as estimates of premorbid intelligence (Stevens & Price, 1999),

as reading tests are relatively more immune to the effects of many types of brain damage

than other neuropsychological tests (Strauss et al., 2006). Thus, the WRAT4 WR score

will be used as a premorbid intelligence estimate in the current study.


A waiver of informed consent was approved from Sanford Health Institutional

Review Board. Patients meeting inclusion criteria (see Participants section) were

identified through a review of patient files and electronic medical record systems at

Sanford Health Neuropsychology department. Once identified, code-linked identifiers

were assigned to each patient, thus patients' protected health information (PHI; i.e., name

and medical record number) were kept separate from the study database in a secure

electronic file. All aforementioned materials (i.e., demographics and neuropsychological

assessment measures) were collected for each patient and entered into a second secure

electronic file, which was used for statistical analyses.



Prior to planned statistical analyses, missing data points were addressed in two

ways, i.e., first, variables with greater than 10 percent missing data were eliminated (i.e.,
WAIS-IV LN, IVA + Auditory Vigilance, IVA + Auditory Prudence, VSAT Time,

CVLT-II 1, and WRAT4 WR) and second, two data substitution methods were used (i.e.,

overall mean substitution and group x variable mean substitution). Two data sets were

created to accommodate both mean substitution methods. In the first version of the data

set, overall variable means were substituted for missing data points, alternatively in the

second version of the data set group x variable mean substitutions were substituted for

missing data points. These methods of data substitutions were chosen as even after

eliminating variables with greater than or equal to 10 percent missing data, there

continued to be missing data points throughout the variables, ranging from 8.7% to 0.7%,

with the exception of the ACT total and perseveration scores which evidenced no missing

data points due to study inclusion criteria. Case deletion for missing variables was not

used, as this method would have reduced the sample below 200 unique individuals. Per

Tabachnick and F (2013) recommendation regression or prediction based

estimation procedures were not used to reduce the likelihood of inflating variable

correlations and thus potentially creating factors. As the overall variable mean

substitution was likely to underrepresent the variability within the sample and group x

variable mean substitution was likely to overrepresent the variability within the sample,

both methods were employed to gain a diverse picture of variable relationships within

this clinical database.

Reliable correlations were verified using Ba test of sphericity. Normality

was assessed with some variables evidencing a skewed distribution. Data transformation

was not conducted, which may knowingly degrade the factor solution (Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2013). To assess linearity of variable combinations, correlation matrices were

produced, within both groups. For variable relationships that did not have a significant

correlation, the scatter plots of these variable relationships were assessed for linearity. In

these cases, variable relationships were scattered without an identifiable relationship, but

did not evidence other forms of nonlinear relationships. Univariate and Multivariate

outliers were assessed, though outliers were present given the aim of the current study to

understand variable relationships within a broad clinical sample, deletions were not


Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA)

Regarding sample size, adequate sampling estimates for factor analytic

analyses vary depending on the number of variables, strength of factor loadings, and

commonality, thus require specific analysis of these variables while conducting a

factor analysis on one's data post hoc (Field, 2013). A priori predictions are limited

in utility; however, numerous sources suggested a sample size of 300 should

provide a stable factor solution unless the aforementioned variables suggest

otherwise in a sample (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007; Field, 2013). Alternatively, a

review article of PsychINFO articles using either principal components or EFA

recommended a 10:1 ratio of cases per variable, sighted a majority (63%) of studies

resulted in adequate factor structures with this ratio (Costello & Osborne, 2005).

Thus, a priori, the current study aimed for overall data collection of approximately

240 cases based upon the 10:1 ratio of cases to variables. Final data collection

resulted in 448 unique patients being collected, exceeding the recommended sample

size estimates.

The factors were extracted using principal factors (also called principal axis

factoring), such that the shared variability between variables could be assessed through

estimated communalities (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). This particular data extraction

procedure attempts to eliminate or reduce both unique and error variance from variables

entered. A priori, an oblique promax rotation was planned, allowing for the correlation

between factors, which was expected given the results of previous factor analytic studies

(Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006). Based on the recommendations of Tabachnick

and Fidell (2007), .32 was used as the minimum loading of a variable on a factor

acceptable for inclusion. Factors with fewer than three variable loadings were eliminated.

The factor structures for the overall mean and group x variable mean substitution data did

not differ in factor structure outcomes, loadings, or variance

accounted for, thus are described simultaneously.

Prior to performing the EFA, data were screened for normality, univariate

outliers, and homogeneity of variance among entered variables. Results revealed all

statistical assumptions of EFA were met. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of

sampling adequacy was .893, indicating a sufficient proportion of common variance

among variables for EFA. Bar test of sphericity was significant, indicating

sufficient covariances among variables for factor analysis (p < .001). Concerning sample

size, the cases to variables ratio (N/k) was approximately 30:1, which is adequate

(Costello & Osborne, 2005). See Table 5 and Table 6 for EFA data screening summaries.
Table 5

Overall Mean Factor Structure Variables

Variable Principle Axis Factoring

2 Factor Model 3 Factor Model

KMO .893 .893

Ba Significant Significant

% Variance 49.538% 56.494%

Double Loadings 0 2

Items Eliminated 1 (WCST PE) 2 (ACT P & WCST PE)

Smallest # Items per Factor 7 3

Table 6

Group x Variable Mean Factor Structure Variables

Variable Principle Axis Factoring

2 Factor Model 3 Factor Model

KMO .893 .893

Ba sphericity Significant Significant

% Variance 49.538% 56.494%

Double Loadings 0 2

Items Eliminated 1 (WCST PE) 2 (ACT P & WCST


Smallest # Items per Factor 7 3

EFA was initially conducted including variables for executive functioning (i.e.,

ACT total and perseveration; WAIS-IV DS, AR; CVLT-II 1-5; RCFT % Retention;
Stroop In; WCST PE; COWAT), processing speed (i.e., WAIS-IV CD and SS; Stroop W

and C), attention (i.e., TMT A and B), and IQ/premorbid IQ (i.e., WAIS-IV FSIQ; see

Table 4 for a complete list of tests by domain). WAIS-IV FSIQ was ultimately removed

from the final factor analyses due to its strong correlation with WAIS-IV subtests,

negatively impacting the factor structure.

A 2-factor structure was retained using the principle factors extraction method

with an oblique promax rotation, while a 3-factor structure was rejected due to multiple

double loadings, a 2 variable third factor, and the elimination of the ACT perseveration

and WCST PE variables from the factor loadings. See Table 5 and Table 6 for factor

structure variables. The 2-factor model accounted for 49.54% of the overall variance

while eliminating the WCST PE. The smallest number of variables per factor was 7 with

no double loadings. The first factor, accounting for 39.55% of the variance, included

Stroop W, TMT A, Stroop C, WAIS-IV CD, TMT B, WAIS-IV SS, and COWAT, while

the second factor, accounting for 9.99% of the variance, included ACT total, WAIS-IV

AR, CVLT-2 1-5 Total, WAIS-IV DS, Stroop In, Rey-O % Retention, and ACT

perseveration. See Table 7 for the factor structure and loadings, as well as the factor

correlation matrix.

Table 7

Principle Axis Factoring 2-Factor Pattern Matrices

Overall Mean substitution Group x Variable Mean


Factor Factor

1 2 1 2

Stroop W .918 -.208 .918 -.208

TMT A .860 -.189 .860 -.189

Stroop C .842 -.079 .842 -.079

WAIS-IV CD .715 .104 .715 .104

TMT B .626 .122 .626 .122

WAIS-IV SS .617 .192 .617 .192

COWAT .406 .215 .406 .215

ACT T -.041 .745 -.041 .745

WAIS-IV AR .115 .630 .115 .630

CVLT2 1-5 .162 .528 .162 .528

WAIS-IV DS .255 .528 .255 .528

Stroop In -.152 .487 -.152 .487

Rey-O % -.119 .429 -.119 .429

ACT P .024 -.327 .024 -.327

WCST PE .140 .308 .140 .308

% Variance 39.55 9.99 39.55 9.99

Eigenvalue 5.93 1.50 5.93 1.50

Cronbach's Alpha .83 .48 .83 .48

Factor Correlation Matrix Factor Correlation Matrix

Factor 1 2 1 2

1 1.000 .667 1.000 .667

2 .667 1.000 .667 1.000

Receiver Operating Characteristic Analyses (ROC)

The ACT s criterion-related validity in actual clinical application was

evaluated via receiver operating characteristic (ROC; McFall & Treat, 1999)

analyses. ROC analyses produce a quantitative index of prediction accuracy between

two groups on test by plotting the hit rate (i.e., sensitivity) on the y-axis and the

false alarm rate (i.e., 1-specificity) on the x-axis for all possible cutoff values of the

test/score (McFall & Treat, 1999). The area under the curve (AUC; McFall & Treat,

1999) statistic was used to assess the accuracy of group prediction in all ROC

analyses. AUC ranges from 0-1, with 0.50 representing prediction no better than

chance, and higher scores reflecting better overall prediction of criterion groups.

Hosmer and colleagues (2013) indicated that 0.5 < AUC < 0.7 represents poor

discrimination, 0.7 AUC < 0.8 represents acceptable discrimination, 0.8 AUC <

0.9 represents excellent discrimination, and AUC 0.9 represents outstanding

discrimination between groups. Specific goals were to identify clinical groups, which

previous research on the ACT total score has indicated discriminant ability (i.e., TBI,

ADHD, MS, PTSD, MDD; see above for a review of studies) when possible in the

archival data set, and new clinical groups yet to be assessed using the ACT. Given,

the relatively little information regarding adequate sample size for ROC analyses it

was determined that a priori clinical groups with 30 or more patients would be
compared using the ROC analyses. As such, ROC analyses were conducted between

all possible combinations of clinical groups of 30 or more patients for both the ACT

total and perseveration scores instead of predetermined comparisons, which

included the MS, psychiatric diagnosis, moderate to severe TBI, cognitive disorder

NOS, and mild TBI (i.e., concussion) clinical groups. See Table 8 and Figure 1 for the

ACT total and ACT perseveration means and standard deviations within these

aforementioned clinical groups for reference.

Table 8

ACT Total and ACT Perseveration Score Means and Standard

Deviations for Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients

Primary Clinical Group ACT T ACT P


MS 41.62 7.92 6.64 4.90

Psychiatric Diagnosis 42.24 7.48 4.96 3.82

moderate to severe TBI 40.20 8.46 7.92 6.64

Cognitive Disorder NOS 39.53 8.68 4.71 3.32

mild TBI 43.71 7.83 5.68 4.35




30 ACT


Multiple Psychiatric moderate to Cognitive mild TBI
Sclerosis Diagnosis severe TBI Disorder

Figure 1. ACT Total and ACT Perseveration score Means with Standard
Deviations within Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients

Prior to ROC analyses, one-way fixed factor ANOVAs were conducted to

evaluate group differences in age and education. The results revealed significant

group differences in age, F(4, 302) = 6.78, p < 0.0001, p2 = .082, and education, F(4,

302) = 3.23, p = .013, p2 = .041 across the five clinical groups. Subsequent pairwise

comparisons (i.e., Bonferroni) revealed significant age differences between the MS

and mild TBI groups (p = 0.007), the psychiatric diagnosis and cognitive disorder

NOS groups (p = 0.005), the moderate to severe TBI and cognitive disorder NOS

groups (p = 0.003), and the cognitive disorder NOS and mild TBI groups (p <

0.0001). Further, pairwise comparisons also revealed a significant education

difference between the MS and moderate to severe TBI groups (p = 0.009).

Significant ROCs between these group comparisons were further assessed to

understand the impact of age and education on ACT total and ACT perseveration


A total of ten comparisons were made with results as follows. See Table 9 for

a tabular view of these results. 1) In the comparison between patients in the MS

group and those in the psychiatric diagnosis group, ACT perseveration was found to

be a significant predictor of diagnostic group (AUC = .60, p = .019); however, ACT

total was not (AUC = .521, p = .637). 2) In the comparison between patients in the

MS group and those in the moderate to severe TBI group, neither the ACT

perseveration (AUC = .54, p = .463) or ACT total (AUC = .558, p = .232) were

significant predictors of diagnostic group. 3) In the comparison between patients in

the MS group and those in the cognitive disorder NOS group, neither the ACT

perseveration (AUC = .61, p = .053) or ACT total (AUC = .58, p = .153) were

significant predictors of diagnostic group. 4) In the comparison between patients in

the MS group and those in the mild TBI (i.e., concussion) group, neither the ACT

perseveration (AUC = .55, p = .375) or ACT total (AUC = .58, p = .190) were

significant predictors of diagnostic group. 5) In the comparison between patients in

the psychiatric diagnosis group and those in the moderate to severe TBI group, ACT

perseveration was found to be a significant predictor of diagnostic group (AUC = .63,

p = .006); however, ACT total was not (AUC = .58, p = .086). 6) In the comparison

between patients in the psychiatric diagnosis group and those in the cognitive

disorder NOS group, neither the ACT perseveration (AUC = .50, p = .960) or ACT

total (AUC = .61, p = .062) were significant predictors of diagnostic group. 7) In the

comparison between participants in the psychiatric diagnosis group and those in the

mild TBI (i.e., concussion) group, neither the ACT perseveration (AUC = .55, p =

.394) or ACT total (AUC = .56, p = .321) were significant predictors of diagnostic

group. 8) In the comparison between patients in the moderate to severe TBI group

and those in the cognitive disorder NOS group, ACT perseveration was found to be a

significant predictor of diagnostic group (AUC = .63, p = .030); however, ACT total

was not (AUC = .53, p = .630). 9) In the comparison between patients in the

moderate to severe TBI group and those in the mild TBI (i.e., concussion) group,

ACT total (AUC = .64, p = .036) was found to be a significant predictor of diagnostic

group; however, ACT perseveration (AUC = .58, p = .198) was not. 10) In the

comparison between patients in the cognitive disorder NOS group and those in the

mild TBI (i.e., concussion) group, ACT total (AUC = .65, p = .035) was found to be a

significant predictor of diagnostic group; however, ACT perseveration (AUC = .55, p

= .070) was not.

Table 9

ROC Results Between Clinical Groups of 30 or More Patients

Primary Clinical ACT T (AUC; p) ACT P (AUC; p)

Group Comparison

MS x Psychiatric .521 (.627) .602 (.019*)


MS x moderate to .558 (.232) .536 (.463)

severe TBI

MS x Cognitive .580 (.153) .609 (.053)

Disorder NOS

MS x mild TBI .580 (.190) .554 (.375)

Psychiatric .583 (.086) .632 (.006**)

Diagnosis x
moderate to severe

Psychiatric .605 (.062) .503 (.960)
Diagnosis x
Cognitive Disorder

Psychiatric .560 (.321) .551 (.394)

Diagnosis x mild

moderate to severe .529 (.630) .630 (.030*)

TBI x Cognitive
Disorder NOS

moderate to severe .635 (.036*) .582 (.198)

TBI x mild TBI

Cognitive Disorder .649 (.035*) .546 (.070)

NOS x mild TBI

Notes. *significant (<.05) difference between scores, **significant (<.01) difference

between scores

Given the significant group difference in age and significant ROC between the

moderate to severe TBI and the cognitive disorder NOS groups (see ANOVA and ROC

results above), the relationship between ACT perseveration and age was evaluated

more thoroughly to understand if the ACT perseveration improved discrimination

between these groups above and beyond age alone. A hierarchical binary logistic

regression was conducted where age was entered into the model followed by ACT

perseveration. The addition of ACT perseveration significantly added to the model

(Block Chi-Square = 9.173, df = 1, p = .002), as the age only model explained 14.4%

of the variability in clinical group placement (Nagelkerke RSquare = .144). The final

model revealed that age and ACT perseveration were significant predictors of

clinical group ( moderate to severe TBI vs. cognitive disorder NOS), which improved

upon the intercept only model (Model Chi-Square = 20.270, df = 2, p < .001). This

final model explained 25.2% of the variability of clinical group placement

(Nagelkerke RSquare = .252). Age and ACT perseveration were significant at or

below the 1% level (age Wald = 10.019, p = .002; ACT perseveration Wald = 6.723, p

= .010). The model predicted 73.8% of the moderate to severe TBI cases and 50.0%

of the cognitive disorder NOS cases, giving an overall percentage correct prediction

rate of 64.6% though this is less than the desired standard of 25% greater accuracy

rate than having no model (greater than 65.875% accuracy rate). However, the age

only model correctly predicted 80.3% of the moderate to severe TBI cases and

44.7% of the cognitive disorder NOS cases with an overall percentage correct

prediction rate of 66.7%, thus the final model resulted in a slight decrease in

prediction accuracy. In sum, the ACT perseveration was found to be a significant

predictor of clinical group beyond age alone; however, its addition into the model

slightly reduced (by 2.1%) the overall discriminative accuracy of the age alone


Given the significant difference in age and significant ROC between the

cognitive disorder NOS and mild TBI groups (see ANOVA and ROC results above),

the relationship between ACT total and age was evaluated more thoroughly to

understand if the ACT total improved discrimination between these groups above

and beyond age alone. A hierarchical binary logistic regression was conducted

where age was entered into the model followed by ACT total. The final model was

significant with age as the significant predictor of clinical group identification

between cognitive disorder NOS and mild TBI groups than the intercept only model

(Model Chi-Square = 17.939, df = 1, p < .001), explaining 30.6% of the variability of

clinical group placement (Nagelkerke RSquare = .306). Age was significant below

the 1% level (age Wald = 14.037, p < .001). The model predicted 76.3% of the

cognitive disorder NOS cases and 64.5% of the mild TBI cases, giving an overall

percentage correct prediction rate of 71.0% which is above the than the desired

standard of 25% greater accuracy rate than having no model (greater than 63.15%

accuracy rate). The addition of ACT total did not significantly add to the model

(Block Chi-Square = 2.332, df = 1, p = .127), thus was not retained. In sum, the ACT

total was not found to be a significant predictor of clinical group beyond age alone,

thus did not add to the overall discriminative accuracy of the age alone model.



Previous research aimed to understand the relationship between the ACT and

other neuropsychological assessment measures to gain a better understanding of the

domains of cognitive function involved in ACT performance; however, this research did

not reveal a consistent relationship, with some finding relationships with measures of

intelligence/word reading ability, executive functioning, working memory, attention,

and/or processing speed (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et al., 2016;

Geurten et al., 2016). The present study aimed to improve upon the construct validity of

the ACT by consolidating previous findings with specific emphasis on identifying the

relationship of the ACT perseveration score with other measures of cognitive functioning,

which had only been previously assessed in one prior study (i.e., Boone et al., 1998). To

accomplish this, the present study aimed to conduct an EFA including

neuropsychological assessment measures within all domains of cognitive functioning

previously identified to be related to ACT performance (i.e., IQ, EF, WM, Attention, and

PS). Further, to add to the literature on the discriminant ability of the ACT total and

perseveration scores within a largely neurological sample, the present study aimed to

validate and expand upon previous research regarding the clinical utility of the ACT total

score within a clinical/neurological population referred for neuropsychological

assessment (Anile et al., 2003; Oral et al., 2012; Stuss et al., 1989; Merkley et al., 2013;

Shura et al., 2016; Dige & Wik, 2005; Ozakbas et al., 2004), while generating a novel

understanding of the clinical utility of the ACT perseveration score within the same
sample. To accomplish this, the present study planned to conduct ROC analyses between

all sufficiently large (i.e., greater than 30 cases) clinical groups within the collected

sample for both the ACT total and perseveration scores.

Construct Validity

Regarding the planned EFA analysis, the a priori hypothesis predicted that the

ACT total and perseveration scores would load on the same factor with measures of

intelligence, processing speed, and executive functioning, specifically measures of

working memory, as indicated by previous research (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al.,

2006; Shura et al., 2016; Geurten et al., 2016). Results from the present study revealed a

2-factor model. The first factor included measures of verbal and visual processing speed

(i.e., Stroop W, Stroop C, WAIS-IV CD, and WAIS-IV SS), attention (i.e., TMT A, TMT

B), and verbal executive functioning (i.e., COWAT), while the second factor included

measures of executive functioning (i.e., ACT total, WAIS-IV AR, CVLT-II 1-5, WAIS-

IV DS, Stroop In, Rey-O Percent Retention, and ACT perseveration). Given these

findings, the first factor, accounting for the most variance within the sample (i.e.,

39.55%), appeared to be most indicative of the domains of latent attention and processing

speed, whereas the second factor, which the ACT total and perseveration scores loaded

on, appeared to relate latent higher-order EF functions, accounting for less variance

within the current sample (i.e., 9.99%).

The EFA within the present study accounted for a similar amount of variance

within the sample as in the Boone and a (1998) and Mertens and c a

(2006) EFAs at 49.54% variance accounted for compared to 55% and 46.7%,
respectively. In addition, in all cases (i.e., the present study; Boone et al., 1998; Mertens

et al., 2006) the factor loading the ACT accounted for the least amount of variance within

the factor structure at 9.99% in the present study, 13% (Boone et al., 1998), and 10.61%

(Mertens et al., 2006). These results are not surprising given the inclusion by all three

studies of similar overlapping neuropsychological measures within the EFAs, suggesting

some consistency across studies even in the context of different samples.

Congruent with previous findings, the present study found a consistent

relationship between the ACT total and perseveration scores with WAIS-IV DS, WAIS-

IV AR, RCFT % Retention, and Stroop In (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006;

Geurten et al., 2016). In contrast, the present study did not reveal significant relationships

between the ACT total and perseveration scores with WAIS-IV CD, TMT A, and Stroop

C as found in previous studies, in that the ACT total and perseveration scores did not load

on the same factor as these measures (Boone et al., 1998; Shura et al., 2016; Geurten et

al., 2016). These findings provide convergent validity for the ACT as a measure of

executive functioning as opposed to a measure of processing speed or attention, as

previously suggested (Boone et al., 1998; Shura et al., 2016).

With regard to measures of IQ and premorbid IQ, though previous research found

significant relationships in EFA analysis, regression, and correlational research, these

measures were ultimately not included in the present EFA. The planned measure

of premorbid IQ (i.e., WRAT4 WR) evidenced greater than 10% missing data points,

thus was eliminated during data screening. Additionally, the planned measure of IQ (i.e.,

WAIS-IV FSIQ) was initially included in the EFA; however, it was ultimately removed
due to overlapping variance with other WAIS-IV measures, as the score is derived from

other WAIS-IV subtests used in the EFA. This variable relationship pooled WAIS-IV

measures onto the same factor, thus limiting the expression of WAIS-IV subtests

relationships with the ACT total and perseveration scores in the EFA. Though a

limitation of the current study, an independent measure of IQ was not identified within

the current sample, thus general intelligence was eliminated as a domain assessed.

A novel finding of the current study was that the ACT total and perseveration

scores loaded on the same factor with verbal learning (i.e., CVLT-II 1-5 Total), an EF

measure, which had not been previously identified by other researchers. While previous

research had included multiple measures of verbal learning and memory, these measures

were found to load on a and tracking of a factor separate from the

ACT total score performance (Mertens et al., 2006). Mertens and a (2006)

previous finding was not surprising given the inclusion of numerous measures of verbal

memory with multiple sub-scores from each measure, resulting in strong relationships

leading to high amounts of shared variance. Given that the present study only included

one measure of verbal learning, the relationship between verbal learning and aspects of

executive functioning was elicited.

The ACT total and perseveration scores evidenced relationship with

measures of EF in the present study is not a novel finding as previous studies have

suggested relationships with measures of short-term memory, working memory,

and executive functioning (Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Geurten et al.,

2016). Further, a recent article by Aita and colleagues (2019) included the ACT total
score in an EFA of measures of EF to assess the construct validity of verbal fluency

measures (i.e., semantic and phonemic) as measures of executive functioning within

healthy college students. The EFA revealed the ACT total score loaded with

measures of working memory (i.e., Reading Span, requires the participant to

mentally hold series of letters of increasing length with a distraction task of reading

and identifying the truthfulness of sentence; and Operation Span, requires the

participant to remember series of letters of increasing length with a distraction task

of simple mathematical problems) on a factor that accounted for 34.25% of variance

out of 61% total variance within their sample (Aita et al., 2019). Alternatively, the

ACT total score did not load with measures of fluid reasoning i e WAIS-IV Block

Design, WAIS-IV Matrix Reasoning Raven s Progressive Matrices or measures of

shifting updating i e TMT B Paced Auditor Serial Addition Test Shifting

Attention Test; Aita et al., 2019). This study further validated the ACT total score as

a measure of EF, more specifically a measure of working memory.

Previous research on the ACT proposed that the ACT total score and in some

cases the Perseveration score likely represent a variety of cognitive domains and

premorbid abilities, including: education, IQ, premorbid IQ, EF, WM, Attention, and PS

(Boone et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006; Shura et al., 2016; Geurten et al., 2016). The

present study suggested that ACT total and perseveration score performances are more

closely related to other measures of executive functioning within the current clinical

population, which was also validated by Aita and colleagues (2019), who, within a

healthy sample, reported the ACT total relationship with measures of working

memory. Though direct comparison between the two studies is limited, given the use of

measures of processing speed and attention in the present study, as well as sample

differences (i.e., healthy versus clinical), future research is indicated to replicate a similar

EFA of EF measures with the inclusion of both the ACT total and perseveration scores

within healthy and clinical samples. The purpose of this prospective study would be to

aid in further differentiating the ACT total and perseveration scores within only measures

of EF, which may aid in identifying differential executive processes between the two

scores. Though Boone and colleagues (1998) reportedly assessed a of prefrontal

lobe , their inclusion of EF factors was limited and did not represent an

extensive sampling of EF measures or subdomains. Future research should strategically

include EF measures covering the broad EF subdomains of shifting, updating, and

inhibition established by Miyake and colleagues (2000), as well as other higher-order

mental processes, that is, planning, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning routinely

considered within the EF domain of cognitive functioning (Collins & Koechlin, 2012).

Implications of Principle Factors Extraction Method and Promax Rotation on the EFA

An EFA using principle factors (also called principal axis factoring) with a

promax rotation was selected for the current study based upon the congruence of the

extraction method with study goals and variable characteristics, as well as

correspondence with previous research. Alternatively, other extraction and rotation

methods may have yielded different results and interpretations. Principal factor was

selected in order to assess the shared variance between variables as this extraction
method attempts to eliminate both unique and error variance from each of the variables

entered (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Alternatively, Principle Component Analysis

(PCA) would have also been a reasonable extraction method for the current data and

research questions, as both are methods aimed at maximizing the variance extracted by

orthogonal components or factors. In contrast, in PCA, the final solution includes

common, unique, and error variance within the components, which may contaminate the

final factor solution resulting in a factor structure that is more difficult to interpret

(Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Given the nature of the present sample with diverse

clinical presentations and overlapping comorbidities, the more conservative principle

factors method was selected to reduce the impacts of unique and error variance, in order

to simplify interpretation of the factor structure. The reader should be aware that the

communalities used in the principle factors extraction method are an estimation of the

common variance between variables with potential for error in underestimating this

variance, whereas the PCA extraction more closely aligns with the direct correlations

seen in the original correlation matrices within the sample (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013).

This discussion serves to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of both extraction

methods for the reader and to serve as an explanation for why the principle factors

extraction method was selected.

Further, regarding the rotation method, the oblique promax rotation method was

planned and performed as it allowed for the correlation between factors, which was

expected within the current sample, given the results from previous similar EFAs (Boone

et al., 1998; Mertens et al., 2006). This method was selected as its specific goal is to
rotate orthogonal factors into oblique rotations, allowing for correlations among factors

and maximizing clarity by identifying which variables do and do not correlate with the

factors (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Thus, this method was identified as best suited

given previous EFA findings and the goals of the current analysis; however, other

alternative oblique rotation methods may have revealed differing results and

interpretations as they simplify or rotate the factor structure using differing methods (e.g.,

minimizing cross-products of loadings, rescale factor loadings; Tabachnick & Fidell,


Additional Limitations and Future Directions of the EFA

The impact of variable deletions (i.e., IVA + Auditory Prudence, IVA + Auditory

Vigilance, WAIS-IV LN, CVLT-II 1, VSAT Time, WRAT4 WR) and elimination of

WAIS-IV FSIQ is somewhat unknown. If retained in the EFA as planned, these variables

may have had a significant impact on the overall factor structure. It is known that the

reduction in planned variables reduced the number of EF, attention, and IQ measures

included in the present study analyses, which may have underrepresented relationships

that exist within the clinical sample. Similarly, the use of mean substitution methods for

other retained variables (i.e., WAIS-IV AR, DS, CD, and SS; CVLT-II 1-5; RCFT %

Retention; STROOP C, W, In; WCST PE; COWAT; and TMT A and B) reduced the

overall variability within these variables, which may have limited additional factor

identification or clarity. As EFA methods are highly influenced by the variables included,

variability within the sample, and relationships between variables, it is likely the deletion

of planned variables and the use of mean substitution methods impacted the underlying
factor structure in unforeseen ways (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2013). Given the archival

nature of the current study with a priori test selection and extensive missing data not at

random, the reduction in variables was unplanned, thus future research is indicated to

understand the ACT total and perseveration score relationships within a more extensive

sampling of EF measures.

Regarding the sample within the present study and its impact on the EFA, the

heterogeneous nature of the overall sample and heterogeneity within each of the clinical

groups may have negatively impacted the EFA. In the EFA, though the present study

aimed to understand the relationship of the ACT scores with other measures in a clinical

data set, it is possible that the factor structure of these variables may be different within

each clinical group included, thus rendering the resulting overall factor structure less

meaningful. Further, within each clinical group, there was extensive heterogeneity due to

differences in clinical presentation and severity, as well as differing comorbidities. Thus,

the current factor structure may represent variable loadings that are not necessarily

consistent between all groups included. As such, future research may aim to understand

the unique factor structures within diagnostic categories or clinical presentations, i.e.,

more homogeneous groups, rather than an overall clinical group. A more homogeneous

clinical sample may have yielded a substantially different factor structure and variable

relationships with the ACT total and perseveration scores. While assessing

neuropsychological measures within a clinical sample can be useful, as there may be

more pervasive deficits and differing relationship patterns, this same variability may also

confound cumulative analyses or non-group specific analyses such as EFA. This

limitation should be considered when assessing the results of the current EFA.

Criterion Validity

Previous research on the ACT had assessed the discriminant ability of the ACT

total score in predicting clinical group membership with numerous significant results,

though mixed. Within TBI samples, previous research on the predictive ability of the

ACT total score reported discriminant ability between mild and severe TBI (Stuss et al.,

1989; Merkley et al., 2013) but no difference in performance between mild TBI and no

TBI samples. With regard to MS samples, previous findings revealed the ACT total score

differentiated relapsing-remitting MS and clinically isolated syndrome from secondary

progressive MS (Ozakbas et al., 2004). Within psychiatric presentations, the ACT total

score had been shown to not predict PTSD symptoms (Shura et al., 2016); however,

alternatively, it did predict symptoms of MDD (Shura et al., 2016; Oral et al., 2012) and

ADHD (Dige & Wik, 2005). In sum, previous research assessing the clinical utility of the

ACT total score was limited with mixed findings, while the clinical utility of the ACT

perseveration score had not been previously assessed.

Regarding the present study, given the exploratory nature of the planned ROC

analyses within unknown clinical/neurological populations, no a priori hypotheses were

made for the comparisons between clinical groups with regard to the predictive utility of

the ACT total and perseveration scores. After conducting all ROC analyses with the ACT

total and perseveration scores between all possible combinations of the MS, psychiatric

diagnosis, moderate to severe TBI, cognitive disorder NOS, and mild TBI clinical groups,
the results revealed that the ACT total score significantly differentiated between the

moderate to severe TBI and mild TBI groups, and between the cognitive disorder NOS

and mild TBI groups, though it was a poor predictor. Follow-up analysis between the

cognitive disorder NOS and mild TBI groups was necessary due to the significant group

difference in age. The results revealed that age alone accounted for the previous finding

without significant discriminant utility added by the ACT total score. This finding

suggests that the significant AUC for the ACT total score between the cognitive disorder

NOS and mild TBI groups is rather subsumed by variation in age between the two groups

resulting in limited discriminate ability of the ACT total score in this clinical group


Further, the results revealed the ACT perseveration score significantly predicted

between the MS and psychiatric diagnoses groups, the psychiatric diagnosis and

moderate to severe TBI groups, and the moderate to severe TBI and cognitive disorder

NOS groups, though was a poor predictor. Follow-up analysis between the moderate to

severe TBI and cognitive disorder NOS groups was necessary due to the significant

group difference in age. The results revealed that age and unique variance from the ACT

perseveration score accounted for the previous finding, with age being the strongest

predictor of group membership. This finding suggests that the ACT perseveration score is

useful as a predictor between the moderate to severe TBI and cognitive disorder NOS

groups, though there is a significant group difference in age within the current sample.

No other group comparisons revealed the ACT total or ACT perseveration scores to be

significant predictors of clinical group membership.

An overall interpretation of these findings within the current sample suggests that

while the ACT total score may have limited utility in discriminating the severity of brain

damage within TBI, the ACT perseveration score evidenced a trend of more consistent

utility in discriminating diagnostic groups. More specifically, The ACT perseveration

score discriminated between those groups with acquired executive functioning deficits

(i.e., MS and moderate to severe TBI) from those without (i.e., psychiatric diagnosis and

cognitive disorder NOS) in most cases (i.e., except in the comparison between MS versus

cognitive disorder NOS). While there are potentially numerous explanations for these

findings, two recent publications from the same longitudinal study may provide insight

into the current results. These studies revealed that the ACT total score alone was not

sensitive to subjective cognitive changes in mild TBI (Karr et al., 2019). Alternatively,

fMRI data revealed differential resting state functional connectivity in the frontal-

temporal brain regions between the mild TBI group and controls, with increased

activation in the mild TBI group being significantly related to improved ACT total score

performance, representing a compensatory change (Pagulayan et al., 2018). These results

indicate that while the ACT total score was not effective in discriminating between the

clinical and control groups, ACT total score performance was associated with significant

changes in brain activation. Of note, the ACT perseveration score was not assessed

within the two aforementioned studies. Thus, condensing the findings of the present study

with these two studies may indicate that, though there are likely declines in EF or

working memory, the ACT total score is not effective in identifying these changes;

whereas the ACT perseveration score may be more clinically useful, especially in
discriminating clinical groups with more significant EF dysfunction (i.e., in MS and

moderate to severe TBI) from those without. Though, even the ACT perseveration score

may not be effective in identifying mild EF dysfunctions, suggesting that the ACT

scoring methods may be too simplistic to identify subtle cognitive changes in clinical

populations. This is reiterated by the current study as evidenced by the inability of the

ACT total and perseveration scores to discriminate between mild TBI and psychiatric

groups, as well as between mild TBI and cognitive disorder NOS groups.

No previous studies had evaluated the clinical utility of the ACT perseveration

score, thus the present study revealed novel discriminative ability between clinically

relevant presentations (i.e., MS and psychiatric diagnoses, psychiatric diagnoses and

moderate to severe TBI, and moderate to severe TBI and cognitive disorder NOS) using

this sub-score of the ACT. Though previous factor analytic research (Boone et al., 1998)

and the present study found the ACT total and perseveration scores to load on the same

factor with each other, the ACT total and perseveration scores shared 27.04% (r = -0.52;

Boone et al., 1998) and 11.49% (r = -0.339, p < .001; present study) variability,

respectively, suggesting medium to large effects but with limited overlapping variability

(Field, 2013). These findings suggest that though there is a strong relationship between

the two scores, there remains variance unaccounted for (i.e., 72.96% and 88.51%) by this

relationship, comprised of unique and error variance. Research to date has been unable to

differentiate the specific differences in latent construct relationships which may account

for the unique variance between the ACT perseveration and ACT total scores. These

combined results may suggest that the two scores, though significantly related, are
measuring different aspects of underlying cognitive performance on the ACT task

resulting in the differential discriminant ability seen between clinical presentations in the

current study.

Limitations and Future Directions of ROC Analyses

In the ROC analyses, the clinical groups were highly heterogeneous with many

stages/types of the overarching medical conditions, as well as many comorbidities.

Notably, as examples, the brain injury groups included individuals at different stages of

recovery and the MS group contained all types of MS at all stages of the disease process.

Including such variability within each clinical group likely reduced the discriminative

utility of the ACT scores, whereas ideally, the study would have had enough

patients/information within each group to understand differences between acute vs. post-

acute, in severity, and different subtypes of clinical presentation, etc. Future research

within subsets of these clinical groups may aid in understanding the ACT clinical utility

further beyond the results of the current study.

Due to the archival nature of the present study, criterion contamination may be

present, that is, the ACT total and perseveration scores may have significantly influenced

the b inclusion in their clinical group. If this were the case, the ROC results may

have been inflated. Though possible, given the multifaceted nature of neuropsychological

evaluations with use of many data points, e.g., history, physical presentation,

neuropsychological assessment results, imaging, lab results, etc., it is unlikely that the

ACT total score, the only score used clinically within this sample, would have been used

as a sole or even significant determinant of diagnostic group within the clinical


Limitations and Future Directions

Regarding the scoring of the ACT perseveration variable, though the utilized

scoring method has been used by other authors (i.e., Boone et al. 1998), theoretically

there are alternative or additional ways to score perseveration within this measure.

Notably, one could choose to score perseverations based upon the length the

perseverative response is maintained rather than all instances of perseverations, as was

the case in the present study. Though this scoring method was not selected, future

research may be indicated to identify the costs and benefits of both scoring methods, as

well as differences in discriminant usefulness.

In conclusion, the present study aimed to clarify the construct and criterion

validity of the ACT total and perseveration scores, within a clinically referred

sample. Results suggested that the ACT total and perseveration scores load on the

same factor with other measures of executive functioning. These findings indicate

that though previous research has suggested the ACT loads with other domains of

cognitive functioning, the current study and a recent study by Aita and colleagues

(2019) suggest the ACT total and perseveration scores are more closely related to

other measures of executive functioning in healthy and clinical samples. Further,

relating to criterion validity, the present study revealed that the ACT total and

perseveration scores evidence differential discriminative utility between clinical

groups, a novel finding. Such that the ACT perseveration score may be more useful

in discriminating diagnostic groups. Considering the limitations within the present

study (i.e., deletion of variables due to missing data, heterogeneity within the

sample and diagnostic groups), future studies are warranted to address the

construct and criterion validity more thoroughly with a more comprehensive

measure of EF and within more clinical presentations (e.g., ADHD, subsets of clinical

presentations, dementias).


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