AP Physics 1 Summer Assignment

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AP Physics 1

30 August 2023

AP Physics Summer Assignment

1) Calculate the following unknowns using trigonometry. Use a calculator, but show all of

your work. Please include appropriate units with all answers. (Watch the unit prefixes!)


- Sin 30 = y/12
- Cos 30 = x/12 = 0.866
- x = 12 * 0.866 = 10.39
- Sin 30 = 0.5 = y/12
- y = 12 x 0.5 = 6


- Sin 60 = 0.866 = dy / 59.3


- dy = 59.3 x 0.866 = 51.35 km

- Cos 60 = 0.5 = dx / 59.3
- dx = 0.5 x 59.3 = 29.15 km

- Sin (17) = y/6.2
- y = 6.2 x Sin (17) = 1.81
- Cos (17) = adj / hyp = x / 6.2
- x = 6.2 x cos(17) = 5.92

- Tan(θ) = opp / adj = 1.4 / 2.3 = 0.608
- Θ = tan-1(0.608) = 31.3°

- Tan = opp / adj
- Tan(θ) = 17/39.8 = 0.4271
- Θ = tan-1(0.4271) = 23.127°
- 172 + 39.82 = R2
- R = square root of 1873 = 43.28
- R = 17/0.392

- 4.32 x 15.12 = d2
- d = 15.7
- Sin Θ = 15.1 / 15.7 = 74.1

Algebra Practice

1.) Use the equation Vf = V0 + at to answer the following questions

a. Rearrange the equation to solve for t (don't plug in any numbers!)

- Vf = V0 + at
- Vf - V0 = at
- (Vf - V0) / a = t
- Arrangement of the solution in order to solve for t = t = (Vf - V0) / a

b. If V0= 5 m/s, Vf = 25 m/s, and a = 10 m/s2?, what is t (its unit is s)?

- V0 = 5 m/s, Vf = 25 m/s, and a = 10 m/s2
- t = (25 m/s - 5 m/s) / 10 m/s2 = t = 20 m/s / 10 m/s2

- t = 2s

2. Use the equation xf = x0 + v0t+ ½ at2? to answer the following questions

a. If v0 = 0, rearrange the equation to solve for a (don't plug in any other numbers
besides v0 = 0!!)
- xf = x0 + v0t+ ½ at2
- xf = x0 + ½ at²
- xf - x0 = ½ at²
- 2(xf - x0) / t² = a
- a = 2(xf - x0) / t²
- v0 = 0 is a = 2(xf - x0) / t²

b. If v0 = 0 m/s, a = 10 m/s2?, x0 = 0 m, xf = 120 m, what is t (its unit is s)?

- v0 = 0 m/s, a = 10 m/s², x0 = 0 m, and xf = 120 m

- a = 2(xf - x0) / t²
- a = 2(120 m - 0 m) / t²
- a = 2(120 m) / t²
- a = 240 m / t²
- 10 m/s² = 240 m / t²
- t² = 240 m / 10 m/s²
- t² = 24 s²/m
- t = √(24 s²/m)
- t = 24 s²/m = approx 4.899 s

3. Use the equation ∑ = ma to answer the following questions

a. Rearrange the equation to solve for a (don't plug in any numbers!)

- ∑ = ma
- We divide both sides by m in order to get a = ∑/m

b. If ∑F = 10 N and m = 5 kg, what is a (its unit is m/s2)?

- ∑F = 10 N
- Mass = m = 5 kg
- To solve for a, we use this rearranged version of the equation = a = ∑/m
- 10 N / 5 kg = a

- a = 2 m/s²

c. If m is doubled, but ∑F is not changed, by what factor would the value of a change?

- If m is doubled but ∑F remains constant, the value of a changes by a factor of half. This
is due to the fact that an is inversely related to mass (a ∝ 1/m). When mass is doubled,
an is cut in half.

d. If, instead, ∑F is doubled, but m is not changed, by what factor would the value of a

- If ∑F is doubled but m remains constant, the value of a changes by a factor of two. This
is due to the fact that an is directly proportional to force (a ∝ ∑F). When force is
doubled, an is twice as well.

Geometry Practice

- #1 → (G) 133cm2
- #2 → (R) 84in2

- #3 → (E) 10cm2
- #4 → (A) 119m2
- #5 → (T) 218 m2
- #6 → (J) 24m2
- #7 → (O) 28m2
- #8 → (B) 64in2

Work, Energy and power.

1) A bodybuilder is in the midst of an intense training session. He is currently bench

pressing a bar with a mass of 250 kg. If he does six reps of this mass and his arms
are 0.75m how much work has been done on the bar between the time the bar was
removed from its rack and placed back on the rack?

Wnet = △U + △K

Net work of the bar is 0J because it starts at 0 and ends at 0


2) A spaceship of mass 7500kg is motionless in space. The rocket is turned on and provides
a constant force of 1000N. Assume the mass due to spent fuel is negligible.Determine the
distance traveled in 10s.

Formula: F = ma
- F = 1000N
- m = 7500N
- a=?
- 1000 = 7500 x a
- 1000 / 7500 = 0.133 m/s

Formula: vi + at = vf
- 0 + 0.133 x 10 = vf
- 0 + 0.133 x 10 = 1.33
- Vf = 1.33 m/s

Formula: p = mv
- p = 7500 x 1.33
- 7500 x 1.33 = 9975

- p = 9975kg x m/s

9975kg x m/s

3) A basketball player goes for a 3-point shot, but misses. The basketball has a mass of 1kg
and is traveling at 3 m/s as it reaches its maximum height of 5m, If the ball loses 15% of its
total energy and half its horizontal velocity as it bounces off the rim of the hoop, what is the
total velocity of the ball as it hits the ground?

Formula: E = Ui +Ki = Uf +Kf

- (0.85)(2ghi) = ½ mx2f
- Square root of (0.85)(2ghi) is equal to vf
- Square root of (0.85)(2 x 10m/s2 x 5m) = 9.22m/s2
- Final horizontal velocity = 1 m/s
- Square root of v2fy + v2fx = square root of (9.22m/s)2 + (1m/s)2 = 9.27 m/s = vf
- The total velocity of the ball as it hits the ground is 9.27 m/s

4) If the transfer of 20J of energy per second to a 4 kg object results in the object
experiencing a force of 5N and a displacement of 12m How long will this process take?
Assume there is no friction.

Formula: work = force x distance

- Work = 20J
- Force = 5N
- Distance = 12m

Formula: work = power x time

- time = work / power
- Power = work / time
- Time = work / (force x distance)
- Time = 20J / (5 N x 12m) = 20J / 60Nm = 0.333s

The process will take 0.333s

Kinematic Equations II.

1) An engineer is designing the runway for an airport. Of the planes that will use the
airport, the lowest acceleration rate is likely to be 3 m/s2. The takeoff speed for this plane
will be 65 m/s. Assuming this minimum acceleration, what is the minimum allowed length
for the runway?

- initial velocity = u = 0m/s

- final velocity = v = 56m/s
- Formula: v2 - u2 =2aS
- Plugging values into the formula: (65)2 - 02 = 2(3)d
- d = 652/6 = 704.16 ∼ 704m
- The minimum allowed length of the runway is approx 704m

2) A car traveling at 22.4 m/s skids to a stop in 2.55 s. Determine the skidding distance of
the car (assume uniform acceleration).

- initial velocity = u = 22.4m/s

- final velocity = v = 0m/s
- t = 2.55s
- a = acceleration
- Formula: v = u + at
- Plugging values into the formula: 0 = 22.4 + a(2.55)
- 0 = 22.4 + a(2.55)
- a = −8.78m/s2
- d = distance car traveled
- Formula: v2 - u2 = 2ad
- Values plugged into formula: 02 - (22.4)2 = 2(-8.78)d
- 02 - (22.4)2 = 2(-8.78)d
- d = 28.6m
- Skidding distance of the car is 28.6m

3) A bullet leaves a rifle with a muzzle velocity of 521 m/s. While accelerating through the
barrel of the rifle, the bullet moves a distance of 0.840 m. Determine the acceleration of the
bullet (assume a uniform acceleration).

- Initial velocity = u = 0m/s

- Final velocity = v = 521m/s
- Distance traveled = d = 0.840m
- a = acceleration
- Formula: v2 - u2 = 2ad

- Plugging values into formula: (521)2 - 02 = 2a(0.840)

- (521)2 - 02 = 2a(0.840)
- a = 1.62 x 105m/s2
- The acceleration of the bullet is 1.62 x 105m/s2

4) A baseball is popped straight up into the air and has a hang-time of 6.25 s. Determine
the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak. (Hint: the time to rise to the
peak is one-half the total hang-time.)

- t = 6.25/2 = 3.125s
- Final velocity = v = 0m/s
- Acceleration = a = -g = -9.8m/s2
- initial velocity = u
- Formula to find u: v = u + at
- Plugging values into the formula: 0 = u +(-9.8)(3.125)
- 0 = u +(-9.8)(3.125)
- u = 30.625m/s
- Heigh ball reached = h
- Formula to find h: v2 - u2 = 2ah
- Plugging values into the formula: 02 - (30.625)2 = 2(-9.8)h
- 02 - (30.625)2 = 2(-9.8)h
- h = 47.85m ∼ 48m
- Height of which ball rises before reaching its peak = 47.85m ∼ 48m

5) A bullet is moving at a speed of 367 m/s when it embeds into a lump of moist clay. The
bullet penetrates for a distance of 0.0621 m. Determine the acceleration of the bullet while
moving into the clay. (Assume a uniform acceleration.)

- Initial velocity = u = 367m/s

- Final velocity = v = 0m/s
- Distance traveled by the bullet = d = 0.0621m
- a = acceleration
- Formula to calculate acceleration: v2 - u2 = 2ad
- Plugging values into the formula: 02 - (367)2 = 2a(0.0621)
- 02 - (367)2 = 2a(0.0621)
- a = -1.08 x 1--6 m/s2
- The acceleration of the bullet while moving into the clay is -1.08 x 1--6 m/s2

6) With what speed in miles/hr (1 m/s = 2.23 mi/hr) must an object be thrown to reach a
height of 91.5 m (equivalent to one football field)? Assume negligible air resistance.

- Acceleration was the result of gravity

- a = -g = -9.8m/s2
- final velocity = v = 0m/s
- Max height reached = s = 91.5m
- Formula: v2 - u2 = 2aS
- Plugging values into the formula: 02 - u2 = 2(-9.8)(91.5)
- 02 - u2 = 2(-9.8)(91.5)
- u = 42.35m/s = 42.35 × 2.23mi/h = 94.4mi/h
- 94.4mi/h

Define the following terms below and state their SI unit.

7) Work done
- The product of the force's component in the direction of displacement and the magnitude
of displacement.
- SI unit: Joule (J)
8) Energy:
- It is the ability to accomplish work, meaning the ability to exert a force that causes an
item to move.
- SI unit: Joule (J)
9) Power
- It is the quantity of energy that is moved or converted in one unit of time.
- SI unit: Watt (W)
10) Velocity
- It is the pace at which an object's position changes in relation to a frame of reference and
- metres per second (m/s)
11) Acceleration
- It is the rate at which velocity changes with respect to time.
- metres/second2 (m/s2)
12) Vector quantity
- Any quantity that must be completely characterized by identifying its size and direction.
- SI unit: metre (m)
13) Scalar quantity
- They are physical quantities that only have magnitude.
- SI unit: metre (m)
14) Motion

- It is the change in position of an object in relation to its surroundings over a certain time
- SI unit: metres per second (m/s)
15) Force
- A mass object's velocity changes when it is pushed or pulled.
- SI unit: Newton (N)
16) Heat
- It is the transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of a temperature
- SI unit: Joule (J)
17) Temperature
- The average kinetic energy of the particles in an object is measured by temperature.
- SI unit: Kelvin (K)
18) Friction
- The resistance encountered by one surface or object when travelling over or through
another material.
- SI unit: newton (N)
19) State newton's first law, second law and third law of motion.
- First Law: An object will not change its motion unless a force acts on it. In the second
law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration.
- Second Law: The force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration.
- Third Law: When two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal
magnitude and opposite direction.
20) State the law of conservation of energy.
- Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to
21) State ohm's law.
- Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly
proportional to the potential difference across the two points and inversely proportional to
the resistance between two points. Q.
22) Name four types of force .
- Strong nuclear force
- Gravitational force
- Electromagnetic force
- Weak nuclear force
23) Name two types of motion.
- Rotational motion
- Circular motion

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