Emergency Response To Powerline Incident

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Emergency Response to

Power line Incident

Trainer Imtiaz Ahmad
Classroom Rules
• Introduction
• Emergency Response Plan
• Alarm Signals
• Evacuation Policy
• Type of emergencies
• Medical Emergencies
• Exit Diagrams and floor maps
• Evacuation Procedures – Calm, Cool and Safe & Head Count
• What happens if your vehicle contacts live overhead/underground powerlines?
• What should happen if the driver of the vehicle need to be evacuated ?
• What should you do if your vehicle contacts overhead/underground powerlines?
• What causes the tyres to explode ?
• What hazards are created by tyres during and after a vehicle contacts powerlines ?
• What should you do if your vehicle contacts powerlines?
Course Objectives
• Provide knowledge to the employees on how to respond to emergencies and
follow safe evacuation procedures at workplace
• Emergency: Any unplanned event that can cause death, injuries or damage
to properties
• Emergency Response Plan is put into effect whenever a crisis, man-made
or natural, disrupts operations, threatens life, creates major damage, and
occurs within the company premises
Importance of Emergency Response Plan
• Emergencies create a threat to health, life, property and the environment
• Can happen anywhere, anytime, without warning
• Being prepared can minimize property damage and reduce injuries
Importance of Emergency Response Plan
• The best plan is only as good as the people carrying it out
• Knowing and doing your job in as emergency is your greatest tool for staying
General Content of ERP
• The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to include:
• How to report fires and other emergencies
• Evacuation procedures and emergency escape routes
• Information for employees who must stay behind to operate critical equipment before
• Procedures for after an evacuation (head counts, rescue and medical duties of designated employees)
• List of people in the company who can give you further explanation of employee duties
• Never hesitate to ask for clarification if you need it.
General Content of ERP
Emergency Communication
Emergency Communication
On-Site Emergency Response
Types of Alarm Signals
Types of Emergencies
• Many emergencies require evacuations, including fires, explosions, floods,
earthquakes, toxic material releases, radiological and biological accidents, civil
disturbances and workplace violence
• Follow Your Company Site Specific Emergency Evacuation Plan for each
Medical Emergencies
Medical Emergencies
Exit Diagrams and Floor Maps
• Each work area should have an exit diagram or floor map so you can find the
best evacuation route from wherever you happen to be
• These should clearly show the location of exit points, fire extinguishers, first
aid kits and chemical spill kits
• Follow Your Company Site Specific Emergency Evacuation Plan for each
Evacuation Procedures – Calm, Cool and Safe
• If you’re required to evacuate:
• Immediately stop work
• Turn off your machines and tools
• Be calm and follow the evacuation route in the emergency response plan.
Head Count
What happens if your vehicle contacts live
overhead/underground power lines?
What happens if your vehicle contacts live
overhead/underground power lines?
1. The vehicle will become live at the voltage contacted and the electricity will
attempt to pass through the vehicle to the ground
2. Anything else in contact with the power lines will also become live, such as
fences and trees etc.
3. Electricity will create a potentially dangerous field around anything in contact
with the power line for approximately eight meters.
What should happen if the driver of the
vehicle need to be evacuated ?
An emergency evacuation is extremely dangerous and should only be attempted as a
last resort such as if the vehicle is on fire. Remember, never approach the vehicle to
assist in the evacuation and always treat wires as live.
1. It’s critical that you jump well clear to avoid contact with the vehicle and ground at the
same time
2. When you jump, ensure you land with your feet together.
3. Do not touch the vehicle, fall forward or backward, or allow your feet to step apart
4. You must jump or shuffle with your feet together until you are at least eight meters clear
of the vehicle, power lines or anything else in contact with them. It is recommended that
operators of high machinery practice this jump/shuffle technique on a regular basis
5. Once clear, do not return to the vehicle for any reason.
What should you do if your vehicle contacts
overhead/underground power lines?
1. Try not to panic, remain calm and stay in the vehicle until the power has
been isolated and the power lines removed, don’t risk being electrocuted by
attempting to leave the vehicle
2. Advise anyone near the incident site to stay a minimum of eight meters
from the vehicle and anything else in contact with the power lines
3. Contact Essential Energy immediately on 993 to switch off the power and
call the emergency services (993) reporting wires down and a life-
threatening situation
4. Always treat power lines and anything in contact with the power lines as
What causes the tyres to explode ?
When a vehicle contacts overhead and underground power lines, it causes an
electrical current to flow through it. The electrical current can cause tyres to
explode at the time of contact and also start burning inside the tyres for up to
24 hours. This can create a build-up of gases and heat causing significant
pressure and heat to distort the rims and tyres of the vehicle causing the tyres
to violently explode at a later time.
What hazards are created by tyres during and
after a vehicle contacts power lines ?
Tyres become conductive because of the carbon black and metal they have in
them, allowing current to flow through the vehicle to ground
Material from the exploding tyre and surrounding area, such as gravel can be
thrown many meters with the potential to injure people nearby
What should you do if your vehicle contacts
power lines?
Contact Essential Energy immediately on 993 to switch off the power. Remain
with the vehicle until the power has been isolated and the power lines removed
Once safe, the vehicle needs to be isolated as the hazard posed by an exploding
tyre can extend to 300m and for 24 hours after contact
It is imperative that you avoid being in line with the side of the tyres/rims as
they may explode.
Safety First
1. Be aware that power lines may fall and as power lines can be re-energised
automatically, all power lines need to be treated as live
2. A competent person should inspect all tyres, bearings and brakes before
continued use after power line contact
3. Stay a minimum of 8 meters from the vehicle and anything else in contact
with the power lines.
Thank You

•Any Question

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