1-1. Safety Hints

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Safety Message
Intended Use
Machines should be operated in accordance with the
procedures described in the operator manual.
The products described in the operator manual are designed
and manufactured mainly for the following purposes:
·Excavation work
·Loading work
·Leveling work
·Drainage work
·Lifting work
·Demolition work

Do not operate the machine for any purpose other than

those stated above or in areas where potential hazards have
been identified. Make sure that you comply strictly with all
safety instructions at all times. Please contact HD Hyundai
Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. or your local dealer for
more information.

HD Hyundai Construction Equipment strictly prohibits the

use or operation of the machine in any of the following
·Operation by an unskilled worker
·Lifting a worker up
·Transporting flammable or dangerous materials
·Driving down or extracting piles with the bucket
·Towing damaged vehicles

Safety guidelines
Most safety accidents related to the operation, maintenance/
inspection, and repair of the machine result from a failure
to comply with the safety instructions or to take adequate
preventive measures. Safety accidents can be prevented by
eliminating potentially hazardous situations. The operator
should attend all mandatory training courses on the
operation of the machine, and fully understand how to use
the tools.
Improper operation, refueling, inspection or repair of this
machine may cause serious injury or death.
Do not attempt to operate, refuel, inspect or repair this
machine before reading and understanding the product
information on such tasks.
This manual describes preventive measures and warnings
about the product.
Failure to comply with the warnings about potential risks
may result in serious injury or death.

General Safety Information
Unauthorized modification
Any attempt to modify the machine, including the use of
unauthorized accessories or spare parts, may have adverse
effects on the conditions of the machine and its ability to
function as it was designed.
Do not attempt to modify the machine in any way without
advanced written consent of the company.
Unauthorized modification will void the manufacturer's

Never modify the operator’s cabin by welding, grinding,

drilling holes or adding attachments unless instructed by HD
Hyundai Construction Equipment in writing. Changes to the
cabin can cause loss of operator protection from roll-over
and falling objects, and result in serious injury or death.

The user is responsible for all damages and liabilities

resulting from unauthorized modifications.
The attachment, the accessory, or the spare part has been
made or distributed by HD Hyundai Construction Equipment
and has been installed according to approved methods
described in a publication available from HD Hyundai
Construction Equipment.
Any modification must be approved by the company in

The cabin is designed to provide sufficient space to
minimize impacts pursuant to ISO 12117-2 of Rollover
Protective Structures (ROPS). If any additional devices are
installed that exceed the Max. certified weight indicated on
ROPS name plate, the ROPS certification may be nullified.
The protective structure of the cabin should be replaced
immediately if it is permanently deformed or damaged.

Machines operated in areas where there is a risk of

objects falling onto the cabin are fitted with a Falling Object
Protective Structure (FOPS) pursuant to ISO 10262.

Fire and Explosion

Preventing fires
The following actions should be taken to minimize the risk
of fire:
· Do a visual inspection before operating the machine to
check for any risk of fire.
· Do not operate the machine if there is a risk of fire.
· Be sure to identify the primary exit and alternative exit of
the machine, and fully understand how to use the exits in
the event of a fire.
· Do not perform any welding or drilling work on the engine
· Keep the engine compartment free from the build-
up of flammable materials such as dead leaves, small
branches, paper, and other types of trash.
· Keep the covers of the major parts of the machine closed.
Make sure that the covers operate normally in order to be
able to use firefighting equipment in the event of a fire.
· Be careful when handling fuel. Fuel is a highly flammable.
· Always stop the engine when refueling the machine.
· Refuel outdoors.
· Remove any build-up of flammable materials from the
· Do not operate the machine near a flame.
· All fuels and most lubricant and coolant mixtures are
flammable materials, so special care should be exercised
when handling such materials to prevent fire and explosion.
· Keep all fuels and lubricant in adequate containers.
· Never smoke in the area where refueling is taking place
or in the space for handling battery electrolytes and other
flammable materials.
· Oil leaked to a hot surface or electronic component may
cause a fire.
· Do not operate the machine if there is an oil leak.
Repair the source of the oil leak, and wipe clean any leaked
oil before operating the machine.
· Always clean all electrical lines, connectors, and clamps,
and check whether they are securely connected on a
regular basis.
· If any electrical wire or connector is loose or damaged,
repair it immediately.
· Do not weld, cut or use a cutting torch through any tubes
or lines in which flammable flows. Check all tubes and
lines for signs of abrasion or deterioration and replace if
· Dust or particles generated when repairing the non-
metallic hood or fender are flammable or explosive.
Repair such parts in a well ventilated area well away
from flames or sparks, and be sure to wear suitable PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment).
Preventing explosions
The following actions should be taken to minimize the risk
of explosion:

· Never use starting aid fluid in a low-temperature

environment as it can have an adverse effect on the
engine performance and may cause an explosion.
· Do not attempt to charge a frozen battery. Forcibly
charging a frozen batte ry may result in an explosion.
· Use caution when handling the batteries. Never let a tool
make contact with the positive battery post and the frame
of the machine simultaneously.
Sparks may be generated, resulting in an explosion.
· Only charge the battery with a charger of equal voltage.
Incorrect voltage may cause overheating and explosion.
· Do not use or charge the battery if the level of electrolytes
in the battery is low.
Regularly check the electrolyte level, and refill with
distilled water to the maximum level.
· Do not attempt to start the engine using an unsuitable
booster cable as it may result in an explosion and serious
injury or death.
Only use the booster cable to start the engine in a well
ventilated open space. Starting the engine with a booster
cable may generate flammable gas.
· When hydraulic equipment and piping are overheated,
flammable gas or airborne particles may explode. Protect
and insulate such parts to prevent overheating.

Corrective Actions Before and After a Fire

In the event of a fire in the machine, the top priority should

be the safety of the operator and workers in the work area.
In the event of a fire at a level that does not endanger
the operator or workers, the following actions should be
· Move the machine well away from any flammable
materials (e.g., fuel, engine oil, clothes, and bits of wood)
and adjacent buildings.
· If the engine is running, it may cause a persistent fire.
Immediately stop the engine.
· In the event of an electric short, disconnect the batteries
to eliminate the main ignition source.
In the event of an electricity leak resulting from damage to
the power wiring caused by fire, disconnect the batteries
to eliminate the secondary ignition source.

If a fire becomes too large to control, assess the following

· The tank, accumulator, hose and fitting may burst into
flames, splashing fuel and scattering particles throughout
the surrounding area.

If you have to handle a machine that has been damaged

by fire or one that is exposed to excessively high heat
after extinguishing a fire, take the following precautions:
· Wear thick protective gloves and protective goggles.
· Never touch any materials left after combustion with your
bare hands.
· Avoid contact with melted polymer materials (e.g.,

Information on fire extinguisher
Fire extinguishers (if equipped) should be kept in a fully
operable condition, and be inspected by a qualified person
on a regular basis. Workers should complete a training
course on the use of fire extinguishers in advance.
Use fire extinguishers in accordance with the following
procedures, if required:
① Pull the safety pin of the fire extinguisher first.
② Extend the nozzle, and stand toward the fire.
③ Aim the nozzle at the flames, and firmly press the top and
bottom handles.
④ Stand in a downwind position, and evenly spray the foam
over the flames.
If the weight of the fire extinguisher exceeds 4.5 kg, mount
the extinguisher in a location near the bottom of the cabin.
Do not mount the fire extinguisher at a level higher than
one third of the height of the cabin.
Do not weld or drill ROPS to mount a fire extinguisher.
Contact your dealer or distributor for more information
about the correct mounting of fire extinguishers.

Health and Safety
Personal protective equipment
The wearing of personal protective gear is mandatory for protecting the human body from
hazardous chemicals and hazardous environments.
The wearing of personal protective gear is a means of preventing injury, and should not
interfere with the performance of jobs. It is designed to protect the human body from hazardous
environments and hazardous materials, and should be kept in an easily accessible place.
List of personal protection gear

Name Symbol Remarks

Protects the head from falling objects, and reduces risks

Safety helmet
when falling down.

Air-purifying dust mask should not be worn in workplaces

Dust mask
with an oxygen concentration of less than 18%.

Prevents the inhalation of mist, airborne particles, or

Gas mask protects against the spray of hazardous chemicals.

Blocks airborne dust and slag, and shields the face from
Welding helmet bright light during welding.

Blocks dust, mist and hazardous chemicals, and protects

Protective clothing
against burns.

Electric insulation gloves: Should be worn when working in

areas with a high risk of electric shock.
Protective gloves Chemical protective gloves: Should be worn when working
in areas where there is a risk of contact with hazardous
chemicals including materials leaked from batteries.
Protects the eyes from dust, particles and airborne
Protective goggles materials in work areas.

Wear earplug and earmuffs separately or in combination

Earplugs and earmuffs
depending on the level and duration of noise.

Protects the feet from falling objects, impacts, and sharp

Safety shoes

Health and safety instructions in hazardous environments
Comply with the following instructions during operation
and maintenance of the machine.

When handling oil

Failure to wear personal protection may result in burns
caused by contact with a high-temperature liquid. Make
sure you wear protective goggles, protective gloves and
protective clothing when handling oils such as hydraulic
oils and engine oil.
If the eyes come into contact with oil, wash them with a
sufficient quantity of water for 15 minutes or longer. If the
skin comes into contact with oil, take off contaminated
clothes and shoes, and wash the skin with soap and water
for 15 minutes or longer.

When handling the battery

If battery electrolyte leaks while handling the battery, the
sulfuric acid contained in the electrolyte may cause burns.
The lead components in battery electrolyte are toxic, so be
sure to wear protective gloves and protective clothing.
Always wash your hands after handling the battery.
If a part of your body not protected by personal protective
equipment comes into direct contact with battery electrolyte,
immediately wash the affected part with flowing water for 20
minutes or more, and then see a doctor without delay.
If you accidentally swallow battery electrolyte, drink water,
do not forcibly induce vomiting, and immediately seek
medical help.

When handling refrigerant

Always wear protective goggles, protective gloves and
other personal protective equipment when handling
refrigerant to prevent direct contact of the skin with the
Wear protective gloves made of materials that are resistant
to chemicals (such as neoprene and butyl rubber).
Never smoke when handing refrigerant.
If refrigerant comes into direct contact with the skin, wash
the skin with warm water immediately.

When handling coolants
Do not remove the radiator cap after operation of the
machine until the engine has cooled and the pressure has
dropped to a safe level. Failure to comply may result in
serious burns.
Coolant contains toxic and combustible ethylene glycol,
and should be handled in a cool, well-ventilated place
only when wearing protective goggles, protective gloves,
protective clothing, and a gas mask.
Avoid inhaling airborne particles or spray from coolant. If
the substances make contact with skin or eyes,
immediately wash the skin and eye with flowing water for
20 minutes or longer.

When working in a place subject to airborne particles and

falling objects,
Always wear a safety helmet, protective goggles and
safety shoes to prevent injury from airborne particles and
thrown or falling objects. Earplugs or earmuffs may be
necessary when working in a noisy place.

When working in places with a high level of noise

When the operator is exposed to the noise exceeding 90
dB (A) for 8 hours or longer, wear earplugs or earmuffs.

Personal protection gear for various situations

Situation Symbol

Oil handling

Battery handling

Refrigerant handling

Coolant handling

Repair by welding

Working in areas subject to airborne particles and falling


Working in places with a high level of noise

Handling machines damaged by fire or exposed to

excessively high temperature


Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.
· Do not wear loose clothing and accessories.
Secure long hair. These items can snag on controls
or on other parts of equipment.
·Do not wear oily clothes. They are highly flamma-
·Wear a hard hat, safety shoes, safety goggles,
mask, leather gloves, earplugs and other protective 73031GE01

equipment, as required.
·While working on machine, never use inadequate
tools. They could break or slip, or they may not
adequately perform intended.

Noise and Vibration
Information on vibration
This part describes the vibration data of the machine, and
methods of calculating the vibration level.
The vibration level of the machine varies according to any
of the following conditions:
·Driving habits of the operator
·Quality of seat and suspension
·Type of machine, attachments, and conditions of
·Conditions of work site, working environment, ground
surface conditions, and weather
Vibration also varies according to the duration of operation.
Physical Agents Directive 2002/44/EC defines the
exposure action value as 0.5m/s2, and the exposure
limit value as 1.15 m/s2. If the predicted value is near
the exposure action value or exposure limit value, the
predicted value should be assumed to exceed the two
latter values, and necessary action should be taken.
In regards to the actions taken according to the vibrations,
refer to the following table:

Daily vibration exposure (A(8)) Vibration exposure range Actions to be taken

When approaching the exposure activity value,
reasonable measures should be taken to
minimize exposure to vibration. The relevant
A(8)≤0.5 m/s2 Exposure action value or lower
information and opportunities for training on
vibration reduction should be provided to the
It is required to execute certain measures for
Exceeding the exposure action
reducing exposure to and risks of vibration to
value, but not exceeding the
0.5 m/s2<A(8)≤1.15 m/s2 the minimum.
exposure limit value
The health of an operator who has been exposed
to excessive vibration should be examined.
Immediate action is required to reduce the
Exceeding the exposure limit
1.15 m/s2<A(8) vibration exposure level to below the exposure
limit value.

※ For futher information, please contatct your local HD

Hyundai Construction Equipment dealer.

The vibration level can be predicted based on the
information in the following table which is used to calculate
the daily level of vibration exposure.
Predict the vibration level in the three vibration directions of
axes X, Y, and Z. The mean vibration level should be used
under normal operation conditions. Scenario factors from
mean vibration level based on operation by skilled operator
and on smooth terrain are excluded. Scenario factors
are included to obtain the mean vibration level based on
aggressive operation and severe terrain to assess the
expected vibration level.
※ All vibration values are indicated in m/s2.
ISO Reference table - Vibration level equivalent to whole
body vibration emission of the excavator (Unit : m/s2)

Vibration Levels Scenario Factors

Machine Typical operating
Machine kind
family condition X Y Z X Y Z
axis axis axis axis axis axis

Excavating 0.33 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.10

crawler Hydraulic breaker app. 0.49 0.28 0.36 0.20 0.13 0.17
Transfer movement 0.45 0.39 0.62 0.17 0.18 0.28

Excavating 0.44 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.16 0.17

Excavator Crawler Hydraulic breaker app. 0.53 0.31 0.55 0.30 0.18 0.28
Mining application 0.65 0.42 0.61 0.21 0.15 0.32

Transfer movement 0.48 0.32 0.79 0.19 0.20 0.23

Excavating 0.52 0.35 0.29 0.26 0.22 0.13

Transfer movement 0.41 0.53 0.61 0.12 0.20 0.19

Instructions on mitigating vibration
Machines should be correctly adjusted and maintained to
ensure smooth operation. The terrain conditions should be
observed. The following instructions will help reduce the
whole body vibration level:
① Use the correct size attachments for your machine.
② Maintain the machines pursuant to the manufacturer’s
③ Maintain and provide good terrain conditions.
· Remove any large rocks or obstacles.
· Fill gutters or holes.
· Adjust speed and driving path as needed for the condi-
④ Use a driver’s seat that satisfies ISO 7096.
· Adjust the driver’s seat and suspension for the weight
and the size of the operator.
· Inspect the suspension and adjusting devices of the
driver’s seat.
⑤ Perform the following maneuvers without using excessive
force :
· Steering
· Braking
· Accelerating
· Gear shifting
⑥ Move the attachments smoothly.
⑦ Keep the level of vibration minimal when working for a
long time or driving for a long distance.
· Use a machine mounted with suspension system.
· Transport the machine when moving between worksites;
do not drive the machine to get to another worksite.
⑨ Take the following actions for optimal operator comfort and
· Adjust the driver’s seat adjustment device to allow a con-
venient posture.
· Adjust the angles of the mirrors to minimize awkward,
compromised posture
· Avoid working for an excessively long time, and take
regular breaks.
· Do not jump on or off the cabin.
· Minimize repeated handling of loads and lifting of loads.
· The vibration information and calculation procedures are
based on <ISO/TR 25398> has been defined according
to the emission of vibrations measured under the actual
working conditions of the machines.

Information on noise
Noise level (EN 474-1:2018 and 2000/14/EC) are as
follows :
·Sound pressure level (LpA) : See pages 0-3.
·Sound power level (LwA) : See pages 0-3.

Emergency situations
In the event of an emergency situation, use the emergency
hammer installed inside the cabin to break the windshield
of the cabin, and carefully escape from the cabin. The
emergency hammer should always be kept inside the cabin
for emergencies, and should not be removed or used for
other purposes. If the emergency hammer is lost, replace it
Keep a first-aid kit inside the cabin or in another place at the
worksite for safety accidents.
Keep contact information (e.g., phone number) to request
help with an emergency situation or injury.

Safety Information on the Machines and Operation
Before Operating the Machine
Carefully examine the following conditions and take any
necessary actions to prevent risk factors before operating
the machine:
Checking the worksite
· Always be aware of weather conditions at your worksite.
Fog or heavy rain may decrease visibility or render the
machine inoperable. In the event of lightning, immediately
put the bucket to the ground and evacuate to a safe place.
· Check the worksite for obstacles, and avoid collisions with
such obstacles during operation. Check the surroundings of
the machine for any obstacles that may hinder operation.
· Check the worksite for buried waterlines, telecommunication
cables, power cables and oil pipelines in advance, and
avoid damaging them.
· If the terrain of the worksite is too rough for normal
operation of the machine, flatten the terrain before
operating the machine. Make sure that the ground of
the worksite is not soft as it may cause hazards during
· If the worksite is a marshy place (e.g., shallow river, large
or small lake, swamp, etc), check the conditions and the
depth of marshy areas and the flow rate before driving
or operating the machine. Do not operate the machine
· When operating the machine in water or when crossing
shallow, check the bed soil condition and depth and flow
speed of water, then proceed taking care that water is not
above upper rollers.
· Do not operate the machine on cliffs or at the end of a
road on soft ground as the machine may overturn. If
operation of the machine on such terrain is unavoidable,
keep the track perpendicular to the end, place the driving
motor at the rear to facilitate escape from the machine in
the event of an emergency situation.
· When operating the machine in areas with pedestrian or
vehicle traffic, or in a zone in the vicinity of such an area,
appoint workers exclusively responsible for controlling
the traffic, or install fences or blocking wall to separate
the worksite from the traffic area. Prevent unauthorized
workers or machines from accessing the worksite.

Instructions before operating the machine
· The machine shall be operated by authorized and skilled
operators only.
· The operator should wear clothes and personal protection
gear that are appropriate for the work environment.
· Do not operate the machine while under the influence of
alcohol or drugs or while experiencing extreme fatigue or
other conditions that may affect your awareness of your
surroundings or your reaction time.
· The operator should read and fully understand the
operator's manual before operating the machine.
· The operator should fully understand the details and
procedures of the work to be performed.
· Do not perform work when a hazard is anticipated or
encountered. Remove the hazard before beginning work.
Failure to comply may result in serious injury or death.

Inspect the machine before operating the machine

· Check the machine for abnormal noise, vibration or heat,
and for the leakage of engine oil, hydraulic oil, fuel or
· Remove any foreign substances from the engine and the
battery. The buildup of such substances may cause a fire.
· Do not operate a machine until any necessary repairs are
· Do not operate the machine until all regular inspection
and service recommended in the operator's manual have
been executed.

· Adjust the operator’s seat to suit the physical condition of

the operator. Check the seatbelt for damage, and replace
it if damaged. Do not store unnecessary objects or tools
in the cabin.
· Keep clean all parts related to visibility, such as the
windshield and rearview mirror. Adjust the rearview mirror
to ensure that the operator’s field of vision is clear.
Check the acoustic alarms (e.g., the horn and warning
· signal when driving backward or moving) for normal

During Operation of the Machine
Getting on and off
· Do not jump on or off the machine.
· Do not try to get on or off the machine while it is moving.
· Get on or off the machine using the handrail and step
(or stepladder, if any). Always keep the handrail and step
clean and free from mud or oil.
· Wear anti-slip shoes.
· Comply with the principle of three-point contact* by
contacting the machine with either both hands and one
foot or vice versa when getting on or off the machine.
· Do not sit on any part of the machine not intended for
※ Three-point contact means making contact with the
machine with both hands and one foot, or with one hand
and both feet.

During operation
· The operator should start the engine only after sitting on
the operator's seat. Make sure that all levers are shifted to
the neutral position before starting the engine.
· Pay close to any obstacles when operating the machine,
particularly when turning or moving backward, to prevent
collision. Failure to comply may result in serious injury or
· Do not exceed the recommended size and weight of an
object when lifting a load. Do not lift a heavy object with
slings by suspending the slings on the tooth of the bucket.
· Do not allow anyone to stand under the bucket.

Operation on a slope
When operating the machine on a slope, failure to comply
with these instructions could result in the machine tipping
over, which may lead to serious injury or death.
· Do not work on slopes of 10˚ or more.
· Do not exceed the maximum climbing angle of 30˚.
· If operation of the machine on a slope is unavoidable,
perform the work after flattening the ground.
· When operating the machine laterally on a slope, there
is a high risk of machine overturning or slipping. Do not
operate the machine in such conditions.
· Do not operate the machine on a slope covered with wet
grass or a thick layer of dead leaves, as the machine may
· Do not park or stop the machine on a slope.
If parking or stopping the machine on a slope is
unavoidable, bring the bucket down to the ground, and
support the wheels with wheel chocks.

· When traveling up a slope, operate the machine at a slow

speed with the attachment extended forward to keep the
machine balanced, and with the bucket raised at least 20
~30 cm (1 ft) from the ground. 20~
· When traveling down a slope, reduce the engine speed with m(1
the travel lever kept in the vicinity of the neutral position.
Keep the bucket 20~30 cm (1 ft) above the ground, and
Travel motor
use the bucket as a brake in an emergency situation.
· If the engine suddenly stalls, immediately bring the bucket
to the ground.
· If the fuel gauge reaches the red zone while operating
the machine, immediately refill with fuel. (If the machine
operates on a slope under these conditions, air may be Travel motor
introduced into the engine, causing it to stall suddenly.)

Operations to be avoided or prohibited
· Pay attention when operating the machine in an enclosed
space as this may result in the risk of a buildup of
hazardous gases.

· If the machine is operated in the vicinity of a high-voltage

line, there is a risk of death or serious injury.
· Be aware of the height and working radius of the ma-
chine, and maintain the minimum safety distance.
Voltage Minimum safety distance
6.6 kV 3 m (10 ft)
33.0 kV 4 m (13 ft)
66.0 kV 5 m (16 ft)
154.0 kV 8 m (26 ft)
275.0 kV 10 m (33 ft)

· In the event of contact with a high-voltage line, keep

sitting on the operator's seat until the electric current has
been shut down.
· Warn any workers on the ground in the vicinity of the
machine not to make contact with the machine.
· If leaving the machine is unavoidable, jump down to a
place free from any contact with the machine.
· Avoid operating the machine on soft ground, a slope or
cliff as there is a risk that it may overturn. Pay special
attention when it is raining as the rainfall may soften the
· When operating or driving the machine in water, check
the floor conditions, depth of water and flow rate, and
make sure that the top roller and axle housing are not
immersed in water.
· Do not operate the machine under adverse weather
conditions caused by overcast skies, snow and rainfall.
· Do not turn or travel with the machine when the bucket is
stuck in the ground.

Cautions when operating in specific areas
Operating in extremely cold environments
· Do not attempt to start, stop or turn the machine suddenly as
this may cause it to slip. There is potential for the machine to slip.
· Snow-covered or frozen ground may be slippery and
· Idle operation of the machine may be required to elevate the
engine temperature during startup.
· An impact resulting from a sudden movement of the boom or
the attachments at an extremely low temperature may cause
serious damage to the machine.
· The working cycle or loading weight might be reduced to
lower than those under normal conditions.
· Follow these instructions when operation in cold environments:
- Warm up the engine for 3~4 seconds when starting up the
engine. 50 (122 )
- Always fully charge the battery. A discharged battery will
freeze earlier than a fully charged battery.
- Use engine oil and fuel that are appropriate for the
- Keep the fuel tank full.
- Remove any moisture from the fuel tank, and change the
fuel filter regularly.
- If the fuel filter is frozen, the flow of fuel may be blocked.
- Pour the proper volume of antifreeze into the coolant.
- Wait until the various parts of the machine reach the
operating temperature after starting the engine.
- Make sure that every controller and function of the machine
operates normally.
- Remove any dirt, snow and ice from the machine after
completing the operation.
Operating in extremely hot environments
· Continuous operation of the machine for a long period of time
may cause the machine to overheat. Pay special attention
to prevent overheating of parts such as the engine and the
hydraulic system. Stop the machine and take a break if
Check the following conditions frequently:
- Check the level of the coolant in the radiator.
- Check the radiator grill for clogging by any debris, and
remove them, if any.
- Check the level of the battery electrolyte.
- If the battery will not be used for a long period of time, store
it in a cool place.
- Check the hydraulic system for oil leakage.
- Check the lubrication oil on the respective parts, and
lubricate as needed.
- If the paint coating of any parts has been effaced or
damaged, coat the parts with paints or treat them with an
anti-rust additive.
- Do not park the machine under direct light for a long period
of time.
- When parking or storing the machine outdoors, use the
proper cover to protect the machine from sunlight and dust.
Operating in dusty or sandy environments

· Check the radiator grill for clogging by any debris, and

remove any debris.
· Check the fuel system, and protect it from dust or sand
when refueling.
· Inspect the air cleaner regularly, and replace it if necessary.
· If the gauge lamp on the dashboard lights up and the
buzzer sounds at the same time, clean or replace the air
· Frequently check consumables such as hydraulic oil and
lubrication oil, and change them if necessary. Protect
against the introduction of dust or sand when changing the
· Check the air-conditioner and the heater filters regularly,
and clean or replace them if necessary.
· When parking or storing the machine outdoors, use the
proper cover to protect the machine from dust and sand.

Operating in rainy or humid environments

· Do not operate the machine in areas where there is heavy

rainfall or thick fog.
· If operating the machine in such areas is unavoidable,
perform operation after ensuring sufficient field of vision.
- Use lighting devices such as the head lamp and working
- Warn any workers within the radius of operation of the
· Pay attention when operating the machine on smooth
ground as there is a risk of it overturning.
· If the paint coating on any parts has been effaced or
damaged, coat the parts with paint or treat them with an
anti-rust additive.

Operating the machine in coastal areas

· Special care should be taken when operating the machine
in coastal areas as exposed parts may be corroded easily.
· If the paint coating on any parts has been effaced or
damaged, coat the parts with paint or treat them with an
anti-rust additive.
· Perform inspection and maintenance of the parts promptly.

Cautions during maintenance
· Use the correct tools for each type of work.
· Using improper tools may damage the machine and its
· Using deteriorated or damaged tools may result in bodily

Inspection and servicing

· Prevent access to the machine by all unauthorized
· Prior to inspection, park the machine in a flat area and
attach a 'Under Inspection' sign.
· Clean the machine before inspection or maintenance.
- When performing inspection or maintenance on a dirty
machine, it may be difficult to diagnosis or detect the
cause of a problem with the machine.
- Dust or dirt accumulated on the machine may cause a
worker to slip or fall.
- Wear protective goggles and protective clothes when
cleaning the machine using a compressed water.
- Do not spray water directly on sensors or electric
connectors (sensors or electrical connection units,
etc.). If water gets into the electrical system, it can cause
operational problems.
· Use proper lighting devices when operating the machine
in a dark area.
· Use lighting devices that are explosion-proof when
handling flammable materials such as fuel and hydraulic
· Never attempt to use a direct flame such as a cigarette
lighter in lieu of the lighting device.

· Check the level of the cooling water after stopping and

sufficiently cooling down the engine.
· Sufficiently relieve the inside pressure before opening the
cooling water cap.
· The cooling system contains basic components. Use
caution to prevent the skin or eyes from coming into
contact with the basic materials.
· Exercise special care to protect the body from contact with
hot fluid or parts.
· Replace the filters only after shutting off and sufficiently
cooling down the engine.
· Slowly remove the operating oil filter plug to relieve the
inside pressure.
· Relieve the pressure from the hydraulic system before
disconnecting any lines and fittings.
Collision or cutting
· Never perform a maintenance while the engine is running.
· Never open or remove the engine hood while the machine
is in operation.
· If an inspection is required while the engine is running, two
or more workers must perform the inspection.
· Keep areas in the vicinity of rotating or moving parts clean.
· Keep articles in the vicinity of the fan clean.
- Wear safety gloves when handling the wire cables.
- Wear protective goggles and protective clothes

Preventing fire and explosion

· Use caution when handling fuels, lubrication oils, and
coolant mixtures to prevent fire and explosion. Failure to
comply may result in serious injury or death.
· Oil that leaks on to a hot surface or electronic components
may cause a fire.
· Keep all fuels and lubrication oils in adequate containers.
· Do not smoke while refueling or while adding any fluids to
the machine. Do not smoke near the fuel tank at anytime.
· Do not smoke in a space where battery electrolyte and
other flammable materials are handled.
· Always keep all electrical lines, connectors, and clamps
clean, and check whether they are securely connected on
a regular basis.
· If any electrical wire or connector is loose or damaged,
repair it immediately.
· Do not weld or cut with gas cutter pipes or tubes that
contains flammable fluids.

Cautions on decoupling the attachments

· Do not allow unauthorized workers to access the machine.
· Place the machine in a safe position.
· Install safety fences around the machine.

Repair by welding
· Only weld in an area where adequate facilities for welding
are available.
· Welding work may be subject to risks of gas leak, flame
and electric shock.
Welding should be performed only by a qualified welder.
· Take the following precautions when welding to avoid
serious injury or death:
- Separate and remove the battery to prevent battery
- Perform direct heating in a place free from the risk of
- Cover parts such as rubber hoses subject to damage by
welding with flame-resistant materials.
- Wear a welding helmet, protective clothes, protective
gloves, and safety shoes.
- Perform welding work in a well-ventilated place.
- Remove all inflammable materials from areas in the
vicinity of welding work.
- Provide fire extinguishers.

Precautions to take when working on the machine

· There is a risk of falling when working on the machine.
· Keep the area around the workers’ feet clean and tidy.
· Do not spill oil or grease.
· Do not leave tools lying on the floor.
· Be careful on the floor when moving.
· Never jump from the machine.
· When getting off the machine, use the step or handrail and
get off the machine while keeping to the principle of three-
point contact.
· Wear protective clothes if necessary.
· Do not perform maintenance work in an area where no
anti-slipping pads have been installed.
· Replace anti-slipping pads and step treads with new ones
if they have deteriorated or no longer function.

Cautions when working with the high-pressure line or hose
· Make sure that the internal pressure is released before
replacing or checking the high-pressure line or hose.
· If the internal pressure is not released, serious injury may
· Take the following precautions to avoid serious injury or
- Always check to make sure a working fire extinguisher is
- Leaked oil may penetrate the skin or cause serious
- Never check for oil leaks with your bare hands.
- Check an oil leak using a wooden plate or cardboard.
- Never bend or hit the high-pressure line hard.
- Do not install a bent or damaged line or hose.
- Make sure that all of the clamps and protective devices
are properly installed.
· Check the pipes and hoses regularly and replace any
damaged parts if necessary.

Cautions on inspecting the counterweight

· Failure to comply with these instructions may lead to
serious injury or death.
· Never stand beneath the counterweight when installing or
removing it.
· Make sure the condition of the lifting device is rated for the
weight being lifted.
· Make sure lifting device is in good working order and free
of damage or defects.

· The battery contains flammable materials.
· Never smoke in the vicinity of the battery.
· The battery electrolyte is strong acid. Pay attention to
prevent the skin and eyes from coming into contact with
the electrolyte.
· If the battery electrolyte accidentally comes into contact
with the body or clothes, immediately wash off the
electrolyte with water.
· If the battery electrolyte is frozen, do not use other
devices to start the engine up.
· Always wear protective goggles and protective gloves
when working on the battery.
· Always keep the switch in the 'OFF' position when
working on the battery.
· Securely fasten the battery cap.
· Always disconnect the battery from the machine before
charging the battery.
· Disconnect the cathode (-) first when removing the battery.
· Connect the anode (+) first when connecting the battery.
· Follow the safety procedures when jump starting or
charging the battery. Improper connection of the cable
may result in an explosion and serious injury.
· Use a voltmeter when inspecting the charging system.
· Regularly inspect the battery cable, and replace it if
· A battery cable with exposed wires may cause a short if it
comes into contact with the grounding surface.
· A short circuit of the battery cable may cause heat from
the battery current and result in a fire.
· If the wires of the ground cable are exposed between the
battery and the master switch, the exposed wires make
contact with the grounding surface and the current may
bypass to the master switch. This may destabilize the
machine operation.
Repair or replace the part before operating the machine.
Battery disconnection switch
· Do not turn off the battery disconnect switch while engine
is running. There is a risk of damaging electrical system.
· The battery disconnect switch can be found under the
left-hand door of the machine.
· Make sure to turn off the battery disconnect switch
when welding or servicing electrical systems, and before
clocking out.
· The relay and fuse can be found on the switchboard at
the rear of the cab.
· Do not use the fuse that has a higher amperage than
indicated on the decal. There is a risk of damaging
electric circuits or catching fire.
Parking and Storage
Cautions on parking
· Park the machine on flat ground.
· If parking the machine on a slope is unavoidable, use
wheel chocks to prevent the machine from moving.
· Bring the bucket down and make firm contact with
· Make sure that all of the switches are turned to the 'OFF'
· Do not turn off battery disconnect until led lamp at the
disconnect goes off.
· Make sure that all of the controllers are turned to the
neutral position.
· Stop the engine, and withdraw the ignition key.
· Close and lock the windshield, door and all covers.
· Install fences around the machine when parking it on a
public road, and put up a warning sign.

Cautions on storage for a long period of time

· Park the machine in accordance to any state and local
· When storing the machine for a month or longer, follow
these instructions to prevent deterioration of the machine
performance :
- Thoroughly clean the machine before storing.
- Inject sufficient lubrication oil and grease into the
injection ports.
- If any of the machines fluids are low top them off. If any
fluids are close to or in need of changing, do so before
- Oils and coolant may deteriorate during storage based on
the length of storage. Please take this into consideration
before using the machine.
- The density of the oil may drop during storage.
- Apply an anti-rust additive to the exposed area of the
piston rod of the cylinder in areas where it is likely to rust
- Keep the master switch mounted in the power box (or
the toolbox on the left of the rear frame of the machine)
turned 'OFF'.
- Keep the machine in a dry indoor environment.
If storing the machine outdoors is unavoidable, store it on
a wooden pallet.
- Keep all cylinders collapse so that the cylinder rods are
not exposed.
- Bring the attachments right down to the ground, and
keep the tracks immobile by placing wheel chocks.

Regular lubrication (during storage)

· Breaking the lubrication film on parts may cause

abnormal abrasion during the next operation.
· Check the level of the engine oil and coolant when Lubricating operation
starting the engine up, and top them up if necessary. once a month
· Thoroughly wipe off any oil from cylinder rod before
operating machine as it will attract dust and debris.
· Start up the engine once a month, perform all functions.
Operate machine utilizing all functions for a minimum of
15 minutes. Apply lubrication oil to every part.

· Fully charge and store the battery.

· If storing the excavator for longer than 6 months,
disconnect the battery negative (-) terminal.

Before you start the machine, perform a walk-around inspection in order to ensure that there are
no hazards around the machine.
While the machine is in operation, constantly survey the area around the machine in order to
identify potential hazards as hazards become visible around the machine.
Your machine may be equipped with visual aids. Some examples of visual aids are Closed Circuit
Television(CCTV), AAVM(Advanced Around View Monitoring) and mirrors. Before operating the
machine, ensure that the visual aids are in proper working condition and that the visual aids are
If may not be possible to provide direct visibility on large machines to all areas around the
machine, appropriate job site organization is required in order to minimize hazards that are
caused by restricted visibility. Job site organization is a collection of policies and procedures that
coordinates machines and people that work together in the same area.
Examples of job site organization include the following:
· Safety instructions
· Controlled patterns of machine movement and vehicle movement
· Workers that direct traffic to move when it is safe
· Restricted areas
· Operator training
· Warning symbols or warning signs on machines or on vehicles
· A system of communication
· Communication between workers and operators prior to approaching the machine
Modifications of the machine configuration by the user could result in a restriction of the machine
visibility. In this case, a new risk assessment must be performed according to ISO 5006:2017.

Restricted Visibility
The size and the configuration of this machine may result in areas that cannot be seen when the
operator is seated. The following illustration of visual map provides an approximate visual indica-
tion of areas of significant restricted visibility. This illustration indicates restricted visibility areas at
ground level inside a radius of 12.00m (40 ft) from the operator on a machine only with the use of
right side mirror and left side mirror installed. (without the use of optional visual aids.) This illustra-
tion provide areas of restricted visibility for distances outside a radius of 12.00m (40 ft).
This machine may be equipped with optional visual aids (CCTV or AAVM) that may provide visi-
bility to some of the restricted visibility areas. For areas that are not covered by the optional visual
aids, the job site organization must be utilized to minimize hazards associated with this restricted

< Top view of the machine at ground level visibility without use of optional visual aids >

※ The shaded areas indicate the approximate location of areas with significant restricted visibility.
(Radius = 12 m / 34 ft)
There is restricted visibility to the area directly behind the machine with no optional visual aids.
Failure to make sure the area is clear could result in serious injury or death. Make sure that the
area is clear before you start the reverse movement.

< Top view of the machine at ground level visibility with use of optional visual aids >

※ The shaded areas indicate the approximate location of areas with significant restricted visibility.
(Radius = 12 m / 34 ft)


Always keep these decals clean. If they are lost or damage, attach them again or replace them with
a new decal.
4, 52 60 50 39 15 2 6 31


39 40

16 33

37 29 47
60 54 59 36 36

71 62 53 14 7(RH) 40 72 30

74 13
11(RH) 9 9

27 42 42
5 38
36 36
BATTERY COVER 12 65(RH) 17(RH) 12 57
34 58
70 23 32 41 35 21 66
61 6 73


56 20
2 1
55 35
43 46
26 51 45

1 Air cleaner filter 27 Model name 50 Fuel shut off

2 Turbocharger cover 29 Trade mark (boom) 51 MCU/ECM connector
4 Fueling 30 Trade mark (CWT) 52 Ultra low sulfur diesel
5 Battery accident 31 Reduction gear grease 53 Cummins
6 High pressure hose 32 Clamp locking 54 Surge tank
7 Hydraulic oil level 33 Noise level LWA 55 Key off caution
9 Keep clear-rear 34 Service instruction 56 RCV lever
10 Lifting eye 35 Lifting chart 57 Diesel exhaust fluid
11 Name plate 36 Tie 58 DEF/AdBlue® tank
12 Slinging ideogram 37 Keep clear-attachment 59 Refrigerant
13 Keep clear-side 38 Electric welding 60 High pressure
14 Stay fix 39 Falling 61 RCV control
15 Engine hood shearing 40 ROPS FOG plate 62 Band
16 No step 41 Caution (water separator, turbocharger) 63 Bio oil
17 Transporting 42 Reflecting 65 EMC
19 M/control pattern 43 Accumulator 66 Leftover fuel
20 Refer to operator's manual 44 M/control pattern change valve 69 Console logo
21 Hammer 45 M/control pattern change-w/o valve 70 CALIFORNIA 65 caution
23 Safety rear window 46 M/control pattern change-w/valve 71 EPFC
24 Air conditioner filter 47 Swing bearing grease 72 Beacon lamp
25 ROPS plate 48 Battery position 73 Middle lever
26 Safety knob 49 Lubrication oil (old) 74 Reflector
There are labels on this machine. Ensure you are familiar with all labels before operating the
Replace any label that is damaged or missing. If a label is attached to a part that is replaced, install
a label on the replacement part.


This label is positioned on the left side of
the middle support.
※ Periodic and proper inspection, cleaning
and change of elements prolong engine
life and maintains good engine perfor-


This label is positioned on the RH exhaust
cover and turbocharger cover.
Do not touch turbocharger or it may
cause severe burn, while the engine is
running or immediately after the engine
is shut down.


3) FUELING (item 4)
This label is positioned on the right side of
fuel filler neck.
Stop the engine when refueling. Any
lights or flames must be kept at a safe
distance while refueling.


This label is positioned on the battery cover.
Follow all warnings. Failure to comply may
result in serious injury or death.
Electrolyte containing sulfuric acid can
cause severe burns. Avoid allowing con-
tact with the skin, eyes or clothes. In the
event of accident flush with sufficient
water and contact a physician immedi-
ately. Failure to comply may result in seri-
ous injury or death.
※ Maintain the electrolyte at the recom-
mended level. Add distilled water to the
battery only when starting up, never 36070FW05
when shutting down.
With electrolyte at proper level, less
space may cause the gases to be accu-
mulated in the battery.
Do not allow any open flames or exces-
sive heat near or when checking the bat-
Do not allow unauthorized personnel to
change the battery or to use booster
To prevent electric shock, do not touch
battery terminal with wet hands.


This label is positioned on the right side of
the hydraulic tank and front side of the
upper frame. Follow all warnings. Failure to
comply may result in serious injury or
Escaping fluid under pressure can pene-
trate the skin causing serious injury or
Relieve all pressure before disconnecting
any hydraulic, coolant or fuel lines etc.
※ See the maintenance section for details.


This label is positioned on the side cover of
the RH cowl.
Place the bucket on the ground whenever
servicing the hydraulic system.
※ Check oil level on the level gauge as
shown in the upper right hand illustration.
※ Using the recommend hydraulic oil, fill to
the specified level if necessary. Please
refer to section, Maintenance.

7) KEEP CLEAR-REAR (item 9)

This label is positioned on the both sides of
the counterweight.
To prevent serious personal injury or
death keep clear of machine swing radi-
Do not deface or remove this label from
the machine. 21090FW09

8) LIFTING EYE (item 10)

This label is positioned on the left and right
upper sides of the counterweight.
Do not lift the machine by using lifting
eyes on the counterweight or the lifting
eyes may be subject to break causing
serious injury or death.
※ See page 5-11 for proper lifting method
of the machine.

9) KEEP CLEAR-SIDE (item 13)

This label is positioned on the side cover of
the LH and RH cowl.
To prevent serious personal injury or
death keep clear of machine swing radi-
Do not deface or remove this label from
the machine.


10) STAY FIX (item 14)
This label is positioned on the side cover of
the LH and RH cowl.
Be sure to fix the stay when the door
needs to be opened.
A door which is not fixed in the fully
closed or open position (via stay) can
suddenly move causing severe personal
injury or death.



This label is positioned on the engine hood.
Do not open the engine hood while the
engine is running. Stay clear of rotating
parts. Failure to comply may cause seri-
ous injury or death.
Do not touch exhaust pipe or it may
cause severe burn.

12) NO STEP (item 16)

This label is positioned on the engine hood
and counterweight.
Don't step on the engine hood and coun-


13) TRANSPORTING (item 17)
This label is positioned on the right side of
upper frame.
Review the operator's manual before
transporting the machine. Tie down arm
and track to the carrier with appropriate
rated straps or chains.
Be sure to protect machine from damage
when strapping by using appropriate
material such as wood, cardboard etc. 14070FW17

See page 5-10 for details.

ACHINE CONTROL PATTERN (item 19) Mono boom
This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
Always ensure the label matches the
control pattern. If it does not, replace
label with appropriate control pattern
Failure to do so could result in serious
injury or death. 91N6-07201
See page 2-12 for details.
2-piece boom


This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
Review the operator's manual before
starting and operating machine.
Do not operate this machine unless you
have read and understand the instruc-
tions and warnings in this manual.
Failure to follow the instructions or
warnings could result in serious injury
or death.
(1) Max height
Serious injury or death can result from
contact with electric lines.
It is possible to receive shock by merely
coming into the vicinity of electric lines,
the minimum distance based on supply
voltage should never be exceeded.
Refer to page 1-17.
(2) Interference
When operating machine equipped with
quick coupler or extensions, the bucket 2609A0SL05

may come into contact with the boom,

boom cylinders or cab, during the buck-
et or arm retraction operation.

16) HAMMER (item 21)

This label is located inside the cab, on the
center stay.
※ The window serves as an alternate exit.
※ In emergency, break out the window
using the hammer and escape from the


17) SAFETY REAR WINDOW (item 23)
This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
※ The rear window serves as an alternate
※ To remove rear window, pull the ring and
push out the glass.



This label is positioned on the air condition-
er cover.
※ Periodic and proper inspection, cleaning
and change of filter prolong air condition-
er life and maintain good performance.


19) SAFETY KNOB (item 26)

This label is positioned on the cover of the
safety knob, on the left side operators con-
Before you get off the machine be sure
to place the safety knob in the LOCKED
※ See page 3-47 for detail.



This label is positioned in the front side of
upper frame.
Grease is under high pressure.
Grease coming out of the grease plug
under pressure can penetrate the body
causing serious injury or death.


21) CLAMP LOCKING (item 32)
This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
Serious injury or death can result from a
falling bucket.
Operating the machine with quick cou-
pler switch unlocked or without safety pin
of moving hook can cause the bucket to
fall off.

22) TIE (item 36)

This label is positioned on the front and
rear of the lower frame.
Never tow the machine using tie down
eyelet as it may break resulting in per-
sonal injury or death.
※ See page 2-15 for detail.



This label is positioned on both sides of the
Serious injury or death can result from a
falling attachment.
To prevent serious injury or death, do not
walk near, under implements or attach-
ments. This applies when machine is in
use, the implements are suspended in air
or while the machine is being worked on.


24) ELECTRIC WELDING (item 38)

This label is positioned on the battery WARNING
cover. ·Before carrying out any electric welding on this
Before carrying out any electric welding - Pull the connectors out of all electronic control
on this machine, follow the below proce- units.
dure. - Connect the ground lead of the welding equipment
as close to the welding point as possible.
- Pull the connectors out of all electric ·Read the instructions in operator's manual for
control units.
- Connect the ground lead of the welding
equipment as close to the welding point
as possible.
※ Be sure to remove paint where ground
will be applied to ensure proper ground-
ing of welder. Once welding is complete,
clean and repaint area.
※ See page 4-56 for detail.
25) FALLING (item 39)
This label is positioned on the top side of
turbocharger cover and counterweight.
Falling from machine is one of the major
causes of personal injury or death.
Be careful of slippery conditions on the
platforms, steps and handrails when
standing on the machine.



TURBOCHARGER)) (item 41)
This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
In order to protect high pressure fuel
- In order to protect high pressure fuel system, please drain
system, please drain water in water water in water separator before starting the engine.
separator before starting the engine. - In order to prevent turbocharger failure, please allow more
than 5 minutes cool down period(no load low idle operation)
In order to prevent turbocharger failure, before shutting the engine off.
please allow more than 5 minutes cool
down period (no load low idle operation) 120090SL02

before shutting the engine off.

27) REFLECTING (item 42)

This label is positioned on the rear side of
the counterweight.
To prevent serious personal injury or
death keep clear of machine swing radi-
Do not deface or remove this label from
the machine.

28) ACCUMULATOR (item 43)
This label is positioned on the accumulator
of the solenoid valve.
※ The accumulator is filled with high-pressure
nitrogen gas, and it is extremely dangerous
if it is handled in the wrong way. Always
observe the following precautions.
Never make any holes in the accumulator
or expose it to open flame or fire.
Do not weld anything to the accumulator.
※ When carrying out disassembly or main-
tenance of the accumulator, or when dispo-
sing of the accumulator. It is necessary to
release the gas from the accumulator. A
special air bleed valve is necessary for this
operation, so please contact your HD
Hyundai Construction Equipment


VALVE (item 44)
This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
The machine control pattern can easily
be changed to the "ISO type" or to the "A
type" by changing the position of the
Before starting this machine, check the
lever pattern change valve.
※ See page 2-27 for detail.


W/O VALVE (item 45)
This label is positioned on the LH middle
support of cowl.
Check the machine control patter n
before starting this machine.
※ See page 2-26 for detail.


W/ VALVE (item 46)
This label is positioned on the LH middle
support of cowl.
Check the machine control pattern for
conformance to the pattern on this label.
If not, change label to match pattern
before operating machine.
Failure to do so could result in serious
injury or death.
※ See page 2-27 for details.



This label is positioned on the front side of
swing bearing housing.
※ See page 4-43 for details.


33) BATTERY POSITION (item 48)

This label is positioned on the side cover of
the LH cowl.


34) LUBRICATION OIL (item 49, old)
This label is positioned on the right side of
the hydraulic tank.
※ Recommended lubrication oil is API CK-4.
※ See page 4-9 for details.


35) FUEL SHUT OFF (item 50)

This label is positioned on the top side of
the hydraulic tank.
※ Fill only with hydraulic oil.
※ Do not fill with diesel fuel.
Relieve tank pressure with the engine off
by removing the cap slowly to prevent
burns from hot oil.

36) MCU/ECM CONNECTOR (item 51)

This label is positioned on the lower cover
of the air conditioner inside the cab.
※ MCU communicates the machine data ㉐⽸㏘䍨G
through Laptop computer through RS232
service socket. 235Z90FW52

※ ECM communicates the engine data with

cummins INSITE tool adapter through
J1939 service socket.
※ See page 3-78 for details.


This label is positioned on the right side of
fuel filler neck.
※ Use ultra low sulfur fuel only.
※ Ultra low sulfur fuel
sulfur content ≤ 15 ppm

38) CUMMINS (item 53)
This label is located on the left rear stay of
the cabin outside.
This machine is powered by Cummins


39) SURGE TANK (item 54)

This label is positioned on the top of the
surge tank.
This system must be filled slowly to prevent
air locks.
※ Fill rate ≤ 11 lpm


40) KEY OFF CAUTION (item 55)

This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
※ Park on a flat place and stop the engine
for inspecting and repairing. Properly
TAG machine is not operational. (remove
start key)
Extreme care shall be taken during main- 290F0FW05
tenance work.

41) RCV LEVER (item 56)

This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
※ When moving seat forward, interference
is possible between cluster and RCV
lever. To prevent such interference, follow
the procedure below.
(1) Rotate cluster.
(2) Adjust the seat position using the seat
height adjustment lever (grey lever which 290F0FW04
is front center of seat).
(3) Lower the console height using knob
between RH console and seat cushion.
(4) Push back console and seat at the same PU
time by using console adjust knob which
is located between the LH console and PULL
lower seat cushion.
290F3CD23 290F3CD22

This label is positioned on the left side of
the MCV box.
※ Fill only with DEF/AdBlue® (Diesel
Exhaust Fluid, standardised as IS 2241).
Aqueous urea solution made with 32.5%
high-purity urea and 67.5% deionized
※ Do not fill with diesel fuel.

43) DEF/AdBlue® TANK (item 58)

This label is positioned on the left side of WA R N I N G
the MCV box.
Be careful not to entering dust, sand or BE CAREFUL NOT TO ENTERING DUST, SAND OR OTHER
other contamination substances when you DEF/AdBlue R INTO THE TANK. OTHERWISE, FATAL PROBLEM
refill the DEF/AdBlue® into the tank.
Otherwise, fatal problem such as engine OTHERWISE DEF/AdBlue R TANK MAY FREEZE AND BURST
idle locking, derating or engine stopping
can be happen. 91WD-01140

※ Do not pour DEF/AdBlue® overfull. Other-

wise DEF/AdBlue® tank may freeze and
burst in winter season.
※ Fill the tank with DEF/AdBlue® after key
on and then turn off the start key.

44) REFRIGERANT (item 59)

This label is positioned on the engine hood.
Inhalation of A/C refrigerant gas in any
form can result in serious injury or death.
※ Refer to page 4-59.

HFC-134a GWP : 1430

Total mass : 0.75kg Total eq(CO2) : 1.07t


45) HIGH PRESSURE (item 60)
This label is positioned on the top side of
the hydraulic tank and engine hood.
Do not touch hot or high pressure parts as
it may cause severe burn.


46) RCV CONTROL (item 61)

This label is positioned on the right window
of inside the cab.
※ Read and understand the operation of the



47) BIO OIL (item 63)

This label is positioned on the RH cowl.
※ This machine works with PANOLIN HLP
※ Readily biodegradable according to
OECD 301 B.
Do not mix with other bio-oil.

48) EMC (item 65)

This label is positioned on the front side of
the upper frame near the PIN plate.
※ This machine complies with the EMC direc- CAN ICES-002
tive ICES-002. NMB-2
※ EMC : ElectroMagnetic Compatibility


49) LEFTOVER FUEL (item 66)
This label is positioned inside of the MCV
Do not fuel a machine near open flames
or sparks. Failure to comply may result in
serious injury or death.
Properly clean areas of spillage.


50) PROPOSITION (item 70)

This label is positioned on the right window WARNING
of inside the cab. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65
Breathing diesel engine exhaust exposes you to chemicals known
Breathing diesel engine exhaust exposes to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
you to chemicals known to the State of Always start and operate the engine in a well-ventilated area.
California to cause cancer and birth If in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the outside.
Do not modify or tamper with the exhaust system.
Do not idle the engine except as necessary.
defects or other reproductive harm.
For more information go the www.P65warnings.ca.gov/diesel.
(1) Always start and operate the engine in a 91K4-07310

well-ventilated area. 91K4-07310

(2) If in an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to

the outside.
(3) Do not modify or tamper with the exhaust
(4) Do not idle the engine except as neces-
※ Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n g o t o w w w.

51) EPFC (item 71)

This label is positioned on the left side of
the cabin outside.
※ This machine works with the EPFC (Ele-
ctric Positive Flow Control) for fuel saving
and fine control.


52) BEACON LAMP (item 72)
This label is positioned on the rear side out-
side the cab.
Keep the beacon lamp straight up condi-


53) MIDDLE LEVER (item 73)

This label is positioned on the front right
side of the seat base.
When you use ratchet to adjust console
box, it is possible to take place interference
with lever or bellows at specific position.
Handle with care to avoid interference.


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