PR2 Q2 Module 7
PR2 Q2 Module 7
PR2 Q2 Module 7
Practical Research 2
Quarter 2 – Module 7
Drawing Conclusions
Practical Research 2 – Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 7: Drawing Conclusions
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Learning Competencies: Draw conclusions from research findings (CS_RS12-IIh-j-1).
What is it
A conclusion is an important part of your research study. It wraps up your writing by summarizing
the main idea for your readers. This brings your writing to a smooth close and creates well- written answers
to your research questions. You have to consider the main idea that you want to convey to your readers and
have a sense of closure in the study. It usually starts answering the specific moving to the general inquiry.
It must avoid further elaboration which has already been done in the presentation of the results and
discussion, and summary of findings.
In the conclusion part, no new information is expected. Researchers reconsider the research
questions and draw answers for these questions. It is very important that the conclusions are limited within
the main objective of the study and research questions presented at the beginning of the research paper.
Hence, conclusions are precise statement that directly answers the stated research questions.
Furthermore, the purpose of your conclusion is to make the readers understand the impact of your
research on them. It is a synthesis of the key points and not just a summary of the entire research study.
What’s More
Directions: Read at least 3 theses papers. You can search that in the internet. Choose 1 and write the
1. Thesis/Research Title : _________________________________________
2. Summary of Findings: _________________________________________
3. Conclusions:____________________________________
What is it
Guidelines in Writing Your Research Conclusion
In writing your conclusion, make sure to have a brief introductory statement before itemizing the
answers to your research questions. Remember that your conclusion should address or answer every
research inquiry you have in your research study. Here are some points you have to keep in mind.
1. Avoid merely summarizing. Make inferences from the summary of results.
2. State your conclusion in a clear and simple language. Emphasize the purpose of your study then
relate how your findings differ from other studies.
3. Do not just reiterate the discussion of your results. Provide a synthesis of arguments presented in
the paper to show how these converge to address the research problem and the overall objectives
of your study.
4. Avoid using numerals, figures, or simply repeating the results. The focus of this part of research
paper is not presenting results nor findings. Inferences and implications are emphasized in the
conclusions of the study.
5. Indicate opportunities for future research. Highlighting the need for further studies provides the
reader with that evidence that you have an in-depth awareness of the research problem.
Please take note that there are different ways of formatting your conclusion. You can have it
numbered or in paragraphs, depending on your institutional format.
Conclusions Example
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
Intrapersonal and competencies are highly related to each other. The home management styles,
hobbies, involvement to civic and cultural organizations, self-esteem, self-monitor, and intrapersonal
competency are positively but negligibly related to school effectiveness, while age, educational
attainment, training, home atmosphere, locus of control, risk-taker, all specific variables of
interpersonal competency are negatively and low related to school effectiveness.
The proposed human relation intervention program is strongly agreed to be implemented.
What’s More
Directions: Choose your answer from the box.
What is it
Research Implications are important content of your conclusion. It refers to the logical relations
and their result in a given situation. The conclusions you draw from the findings, how you linked those to
a specific theory or practice comprises the implication of the study. There are two forms of implications:
the practical and theoretical implications.
Practical Implication is also called as convenient implication. It is a realistic explanation of what
your research findings might mean and the fact that would arise if those circumstances were met.
Example: Studying the implications of room-to-room campaign reveals that, it is more effective in
increasing awareness of how to fight COVID-19 than announcing it during the students’ morning assembly.
What’s More
Directions: TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect.
1. Research implications refers to the reality of what would happen if certain situations are satisfied.
2. Realistic implication refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its link to the theory
used in the study.
3. Practical implication is also called convenient implications.
4. Theoretical implication refers to a statement that supports or contradicts a previous study
1. Which of the following suggestions should you use in writing your conclusion?
A. A clear and simple language. C. High jargon sentences
B. Mathematical symbols. D. Highfalutin words.
2. What is the researchers’ basis for crafting suggestions for future research on related field?
A. Conceptual Framework of the Study C. Summary of Findings of the Study
B. Scope and Delimitation of the Study D. Conclusions of the Study
3. Which of the following types of research implications is also called convenient implications?
A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication
4. Which of the following parts of the research paper answers the research questions of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusion of the Study D. Abstract of the Study
5. Which of the following parts of the research paper refers to the brief restatement of the overall
components of the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Conclusion of the Study D. Abstract of the Study
6. “It refers to the reality of what would happen if certain situations are satisfied.” The definition refers
to what type of research implications?
A. Theoretical Implication C. Practical Implication
B. Conceptual Implication D. Realistic Implication
7. Which of the following parts of a research paper is NOT included in the concluding part of the
research paper?
A. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework C. Conclusions of the Study
B. Recommendations of the Study D. Summary of the Findings
8. In presenting the conclusion of the study, what should be the guide of the researcher?
A. Scope and Delimitation of the Study C. Operational Definition of Terms
B. Research Questions of the Study D. Statistical Tests Used
10. Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its link
to the theory used in the study?
A. Recommendations of the Study C. Summary of Findings
B. Research Implications D. Research Limitations
Answer Sheet
Name: __________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ________________ Score: _______
Quarter 2 – Module 7
The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.
Proverbs 21:31
Congratulations! You made it! 😊 Keep it up!
Answer Key
10. B 5. C T 4.
9. C 4. B T 3.
8. B 3. C F 2.
7. A 2. D F 1.
6. C 1. A What’s More
Assessment Lesson 3
4. Research Questions
3. Conclusions
2. Summary of Findings
1. Conclusions
What’s More
Lesson 2
Quarter 2 - Module 7
Barrot, Jessie S. Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,
Inc., 2017.
Cristobal, Amadio P.Jr., and Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. Practical Research 2 for Senior High
School.C & E Publishing, Inc., 2017.
Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. Asia: Mc-
Graw Hill Companies, Inc., 2006.
Fraenkel, Jack R. and Wallen, Norman E. 2020. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. 6th
ed., McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 3, 2020.