Week 1

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Quarter 2, Module 1:
Week 1 (Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom)

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Electrons and Energy Level

What’s New
Striking display of fireworks is done all over the world during
New Year’s Eve. Have you observed the different colors of light emitted
by this fireworks? Do you know what is responsible for this array of
colors? Would you believe that this is due to the arrangement of
electrons within the atoms? Excited to discover more about the atom?
Let’s go…
Firework effects are produced by the combustion of explosive
materials present in fireworks. These explosive materials are also
called metal salts. Metal salts emit characteristic color of light when
heated as shown in the Table 1.

Metal salts Element giving color Color of flame

Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) Sodium (Na) Yellow
Barium Chloride (BaCl2) Barium (Ba) green
Barium Nitrate (Na2NO3) Barium (Ba) green
Calcium Chloride (Ca2Cl) Calcium (Ca) Orange
Copper Chloride (CuCl) Copper (Cu) Blue
Lithium Carbonate (Li2CO3) Lithium (Li) red
Table 1. Color emitted of some metal salts and its element responsible for its color.

What Is It
Each color of light has a specific wavelength.
Among the visible light, red light has the longest
wavelength and has the lowest energy. Violet light has
the shortest wavelength and has the highest energy.
When compounds of different elements are
heated over a flame, it comes to a point where the hot
gaseous atom begins to emit light of a definite color.
Analysis of light given off by the vapors of elements can
be done more precisely with an instrument called
spectroscope. With the use of spectroscope, one can
detect a series of narrow lines or line spectrum on the
light given off by an element. The spectral lines suggest
different energy levels in an atom.
Atomic emission spectra
How did Neils Bohr explain the spectral lines of an
element shown in the spectroscope? Each line in the atomic
spectra of elements suggest definite energy transformations within
the atom. Bohr stated that electrons are moving around the nucleus
in circular path or orbit at definite distances from the nucleus. This
is similar to the planets revolving around the sun. Electrons in each
orbit have definite energy. This energy increases as the distance of
the orbit from the nucleus increases. These orbits are also known
as “shells” or “energy levels” and are assigned each a number:
n=1, n=2, n=3, etc. or letters (K, L, M, N, O, etc. ). As long as the electron stays in its given orbit, there
is no absorption or emission of energy. If the electron received extra energy, it can jump into a higher
energy level, this is also called excited state. The electron in the excited state can return to its
original lower energy level or ground state by releasing discreet amount of energy in the form of light.
Bohr’s atomic model can only describe atomic spectrum of an atom having only one electron
like that of hydrogen. An Austrian physicist, Erwin Schrodinger together with Werner Heisenberg and
Louis de Broglie made a refinement of Bohr’s atomic model. Schrödinger used mathematical
equations to describe the possibility of finding an electron in a certain location this model is known as
the quantum mechanical model of the atom.
Based on the quantum mechanical model, it would be impossible to plot a definite path or
orbit for the moving electrons. At least, we can only guess the most probable location of the electron
in a given instant to be within a certain volume or region of space surrounding the nucleus. An atomic
orbital is the region around the nucleus where the electron is most likely to be found. The atomic

orbital serves as the “house” of the electron. It can accommodate a maximum of 2 electrons.
Aside from the main energy levels and atomic orbitals, there are also energy sublevels as
shown by the finer lines in the atomic emission spectra of elements.

What’s More

This atomic model presented by Bohr is comparable to a staircase

as shown on the figure below. When you walk up or down the stairs your
feet must hit the steps not on the empty space between each steps,
otherwise you will be in trouble until you hit another step. The higher you
climb the stairs; the more energy you need. Similarly, the electrons can
only stay in a definite energy level and not on the space between energy
levels. The further the energy level from the nucleus the higher the energy.

Activity 1
1. Complete the table below. ANSWER ONLY.
Main Energy Number and kind of Number of atomic kind of atomic Maximum
Levels (n) sublevels orbital orbitals number of
1 (K) 1 (s) 1 1s 2
2 (L) 2 ( s and p) 4 8
3 (M) 3 (s, p, and d) 9 3p (1)________
4 (N) 4 (s, p, d, and f) 16 32
5 (O) 5 (s, p, d, f, and g) 25 50

(3)_____ (4)__________ (5)______ (6)________
11 h
7 (Q) (7)__________ (8)___________ (9)__________ 98

Activity 2
What I Have Learned
Illustrate the atomic model of the given elements. DRAW AND ANSWER.

1. 2. 3.


What’s In

Matter is composed of atoms. Atoms are made up subatomic particles namely protons,
neutrons, and electrons. The position of electrons within the atoms plays a vital role in the way atoms
interact with one another to form compounds.
In lesson 1, you learned that electron can only stay at certain fixed distances away from the
nucleus. This position is called energy levels. Each energy levels contain a certain number of
sublevels. Every sublevel has fixed number of atomic orbitals. This atomic orbital is the place where
electrons are most probably found. The electrons in the atomic orbital carries a definite amount of
Tracking down the location of a given electron in an atom is similar to tracking where a person
lives. To find this person you need to know his complete home address: City, Barangay, and house
number. These corresponds to energy levels, sublevels, and atomic orbitals in an atom.
In order to track where all the electrons in an atom are, chemists use notation called electron
configuration. This electron configuration is the most stable arrangement in which the electrons have
the lowest energy. An example of electron configuration is 1s22s22p6 for neon atom. Do you know how
this electron configuration is obtained? You will find out in this lesson.
What’s New
Table 1: Distribution of electrons in the atomic orbitals of the first 10 elements.
atomic orbitals
Elements Configuration
1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz 3s 3px 3py 3pz
H1 ↑ 1s1
He2 ↑↓ 1s2
Li3 ↑↓ ↑ 1s22s1
Be4 ↑↓ ↑↓ 1s22s2
B5 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ 1s22s22p1
C6 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 1s22s22p2
N7 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ ↑ 1s22s22p3
O8 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ 1s22s22p4
F9 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ 1s22s22p5
Ne10 ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ 1s22s22p6
Do you see any pattern in the electron configuration of the elements?
What are these patterns?

What Is It

In the electron configuration of 1s2, 1 refers to the main energy level occupied by the electron,
s denotes the kind of orbital and the superscript 2 for the number of electrons in the orbital. The main
energy level also tells as the number of sublevels and the name of the sublevel is also the same with
the name of the orbital.

Three rules are applied in deriving the electron configuration. These are Aufbau’s Principle, Pauli’s
Exclusion Principle, and Hund’s rule of multiplicity.

1. Aufbau’s Principle is also known as the “building-up” principle, states that

electron's occupy orbitals in order of increasing energy.
It follows this mnemonic in filling up the orbital:

Write the electron configuration of
1. Li-3
Li-3: 1s2 2s1

2. Na-11
Na-11: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

2. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Electrons occupying the same orbital must have opposite spin ↑↓.

1. Consider the electron configuration of Lithium: 1s2 2s1

Orbital diagram:

1s 2s 1s 2s

2. Consider the electron configuration of Sodium: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

Orbital diagram:

____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____

1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz 3s

3. Hund’s rule of Multiplicity

When electrons enter a sublevel with more than one orbital, they will spread out to the
available orbitals with the same spin before pairing.


Consider the electron configuration of Nitrogen: 1s2 2s2 2p3

Orbital diagram:

N-7: ___ ____ ____ ___ __

1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz

What’s More


Write the electron configuration of the elements and show the orbital diagram using the Hund’s Rule
and Pauli’s Principle.

Elements Orbital Diagram Electron Configuration

↑↓ ↑↓
Be4 1s2 2s2
1s 2s


 Bohr’s atomic model describes the atom like a solar system, where the electron is found only in
specific circular paths, or orbits around the nucleus. Electrons in each orbit has fixed energy.
 An electron can jump to a higher energy level by gaining energy and returns to a lower energy level
by releasing energy in the form of light.
 The Bohr model was later replaced by a model of the atom that showed that electrons are not
limited to fixed orbits around the nucleus.
 Schrodinger formulated a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of the electron. The
solution to the equation is used to calculate the probability of finding the electron at a particular region
in space around the nucleus called atomic orbital.
 The quantum mechanical model of the atom describes the atom as having a nucleus at the center
around which the electrons move. This model describes a region in space where the electron is most
likely to be found.
 The distribution of electrons in the different atomic orbitals is called electron configuration.


A. Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices. Write it on a
separate sheet of paper. ANSWER ONLY.

1. Which statement below supports the Bohr’s model of the atom?

A. The model accounted for the absorption spectra of atoms but not for the
emission spectra.
B. The model was accounted for describing the electron to be moving in definite
orbits around the nucleus.
C. The model was based on the wave properties of the electron.
D. The model accounted for the emission spectra of atoms, but not for the
absorption spectra.
2. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?
A. 2p B. 3p C.3d D. 4s
3. What happens when an electron jumps from higher to lower energy level?
A. colored light is given off
B. the atom becomes excited
C. another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one
D. this process is not possible
4. Who among the scientist does not contribute to the development of the quantum
mechanical model of the atom?
A. Werner Karl Heisenberg B. Louie de Broglie
C. Erwin Schrodinger D. Neils Bohr
5. How many electrons can each p orbital hold?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D.6

B. Shown here are the orbital configurations for the elements named. Each configuration is incorrect

6. Aluminum-13 : 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3d11

7. Chlorine-17 : 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px2 3py2 4s1
8. Neon-10 : 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz1 3s1
9. Potassium-19: : 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz2 3s2 3px2 3py2 3pz2 3d11
10. Nitrogen-7 : 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py1

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