The Bright School: Chemistry-1

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Near Relax Medical Hall, Vattepally, Falaknuma, Hyderabad.




S.No Name of Chapters LAQ SAQ VSAQ
1 Atomic Structure 8 - -
2 Classification of elements 8 - -
3 Chemical Bonding 8∗ 4 + 4∗ -
4 States of Matter - 4 2
5 Stoichiometry - 4 2
6 Thermo Dynamics - 4 -
7 Chemical Equilibrium and Acids-Bases - 4 2
8 Hydrogen and its Compounds - 4 -
9 s-Block Elements 2+2
10 p-Block Elements – Group 13 - 4 -
11 p-Block Elements – Group 14 - - 2+2
12 Environmental chemistry - - 2+2
13 Organic Chemistry 8∗ 4∗ 2

Question: 1.1
What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of a hydrogen atom? Write its limitations?
Give any two differences between emission and absorption spectrum?

1. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus in fixed circular paths called orbits
or shells.
2. As long as the electron revolve in a particular orbit its energy is constant.
These orbits are called stationary orbits and are denoted by the letters K, L,
M, N, ........
3. When an electron jumps from a lower energy state (ground state) to higher
energy states (excited state) it absorbs energy.
4. When electron jumps from a higher energy state to a lower energy state it
emits energy.
The energy difference between two orbits is, ∆E = E2 − E1 = hν .
5. The angular momentum of a revolving electron is given by, mvr =

Where m = mass of the electron.
v = velocity of the electron.
r = radius of the orbit.
n = principal quantum number.
h = plank’s constant.

1. Bohr’s model failed to explain atomic spectra of atoms with more than one
2. Bohr’s model failed to account for the splitting of line spectra.
3. Bohr failed to explain the Zeeman effect and the stark effect.
4. Bohr failed to explain the quantisation of angular momentum and is equal to

5. Bohr’s theory could not explain the formation of chemical bonds.

Question: 1.2
What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of a hydrogen atom? Discuss the impor-
tance of this model to explain various series of line spectra in Hydrogen atom?

Answer. Hydrogen spectrum-Bohr explanation:

1. When an electric discharge is passed through gaseous hydrogen, the electron

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in the atoms absorb energy and jump to higher energy orbits.

2. In higher orbits, the energy is more and stability is less. So the excited electron
comes back to lower orbits in one or multiple steps.
3. Energy is released during this process and it appears in the form of spectral
lines of the hydrogen spectrum. The wave number of the emitted radiation is
given by  
1 1 1 1
ν = =  2 − 2 
λ R n1 n2
Where n1 = lower energy orbit number.
n2 = higher energy orbit number.
R = Rydberg constant.

4. (i) When an electron jumps from any higher orbit to first orbit i.e, n1 = 1,
n2 = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ..... produces spectral lines in the UV region. This is
named as Lyman Series.
(ii) When an electron jumps from any higher orbit to second orbit i.e, n1 = 2,
n2 = 3, 4, 5, 6, ..... produces spectral lines in the visible region. This is
named as Balmar Series.
(iii) When an electron jumps from any higher orbit to third orbit i.e, n1 = 3,
n2 = 4, 5, 6, 7, ..... produces spectral lines in the near IR region. This is
named as Paschen Series.
(iv) When an electron jumps from any higher orbit to fourth orbit i.e, n1 = 4,
n2 = 5, 6, 7, ..... produces spectral lines in the IR region. This is named as
Brackett Series.
(v) When an electron jumps from any higher orbit to fifth orbit i.e, n1 = 5,
n2 = 6, 7, ..... produces spectral lines in the far IR region. This is named
as pfund Series.

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Question: 1.3
How are the quantum numbers n, l, ml arrived at? Explain the significance of these
quantum numbers?

Answer. The quantum numbers n, l and ml are arrive by solving Schrodinger’s

wave equation to explain
(i) the position of an electron in the space around the nucleus.
(ii) the size of the orbit and shape and orientation of orbitals.
⃝1 Principal Quantum Number (n):-
1. It was introduced by Niel’s Bohr.
2. It is denoted by the letter ‘n’.
3. n can have integer values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..... corresponding to the shells K, L,
M, N, ...... respectively.
4. The number of electrons in a shell is 2n2 .
Significance: It gives the size and energy of the main shell.
⃝2 Angular-momentum Quantum Number (l):-
1. It was introduced by Sommerfeld.
2. It is denoted by the letter ‘l’.
3. For each value of n, l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ......, (n − 1).
4. The sub shells or orbitals are denote by the letters s, p, d, f, ... etc.
Shells n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4
Sub-Shells (Orbitals) l = 0 l = 0, 1 l = 0, 1, 2 l = 0, 1, 2, 3
s s, p s, p, d s, p, d, f
5. The shape of
−→ s-orbital is spherical.
−→ p-orbital is dumbbell.
−→ d-orbital is double dumb-bell.
−→ f -orbital has no definite shape.
Significance: The values of l indicate, (a) Shape of the sub-shell. (b) Angular
momentum of an electron.
⃝3 Magnetic Quantum Number(m):-
1. It was introduced by Lande.
2. It is denoted by the letter ‘m’.
3. For each value of ‘l’, m = −l...0... + l.
l = 0 (s) l = 1 (p) l = 2 (d) l = 3 (f )
m = 0 m = −1, 0, +1 m = −2, −1, 0, +1, +2 m = −3, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3
4. The total number of m values is 2l + 1
Significance: It gives the information about the orientation of orbitals in the
presence of magnetic field.

4 Spin Quantum Number (ms ):-

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1. It was introduced by Uhlenbeck and Goudsmith.

2. It is denoted by the letter ‘ms ’.
3. The values of ms are + 12 and − 21 .
Significance: It signifies to two possible spin of electron. Clockwise and anti-
clockwise spin of the revolving electron.

Question: 1.4
Explain the difference between emission spectra and absorption spectra.

Emission spectrum Absorption Spectrum
It is produced due to emission of en- It is produces due to absorption of en-
ergy by a substance at excited state. ergy by a substance.
Electrons jumps from higher energy Electrons jumps from lower energy or-
orbit to lower energy orbit in the bit to higher energy orbit in the atoms
atoms of the substance. of the substance.
It contains dark lines on a bright It contains bright lines on a dark
background. background.

Question: 1.5
1. Aufbau principle
2. Hund’s rule.
3. Pauli’s exclusion principle

Answer. Aufbau principle: Electron enters first into the orbital whose (n + l)
value is less (lower energy). If (n + l) values are same, then electron enters into the
orbital whose ‘n’ value is less.
Orbitals 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p ....
(n + l) values 1 + 0 = 1 2 + 0 = 2 2 + 1 = 3 3 + 0 = 3 3 + 1 = 4 3 + 2 = 5 4 + 0 = 4 4 + 1 = 5 ....
So, the orbitals with increasing order of energy are
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, ..... so on. After filling up of 3p, electron enters into
4s(4 + 0 = 4), but not 3d(3 + 2 = 5) because of its lower n + l value.
This sequence can be remember using the following Moeller diagram.

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Hund’s rule: Hund’s rule states that electron pairing starts only after all the
available degenerate orbitals are occupied by one electron each.
Ex: The electronic configuration of Carbon (6) is 1s2 2s2 2p2 . In this the first 4
electrons enter into 1s and 2s orbitals. The next two electrons go into separate 2p
orbitals, with both electrons having the same spin.

Carbon: 6 1s2 2s2 2p2

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ wrong

↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑ correct

Pauli’s exclusion principle: No two electrons in an atom can have the same set
of four quantum numbers.
For example, consider helium (He) atom with electronic configuration 1s2 .
For the two electrons in 1s orbital, the four quantum numbers are as follows:
Electron number Quantum number
n l m s
1 Electron 1 0 0 + 12
2nd Electron 1 0 0 − 12

Question: 2.1
Write an essay on s, p, d and f block elements?

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Answer. Depending on the entry of last electron into s, p, d, f sub-shells, the

elements in the periodic table are classified into 4 blocks. They are
(i) s - block (ii) p block (iii) d block (iv) f block elements.
(i) s-block elements :-
1. The elements in which the last electron enters the s-orbital of ultimate
shell is called s-block elements.
2. Since the maximum capacity of s-subshell is 2, ‘s’ block contains two groups
IA and IIA.
3. Their general electronic configuration is ns1 (for IA) and ns2 (for IIA).
4. The elements of group
(a) IA are called alkali metals.
(b) IIA are called alkaline earth metals.
5. They are placed on the left side of the periodic table.
(ii) p-block elements :-
1. The elements in which the last electron enters the p-orbital of ultimate
shell is called p-block elements.
2. Since the maximum capacity of p-subshell is 6, ‘p’ block of contains six
groups IIIA to VIIIA.
3. Their general electronic configuration is ns2 np1−6 .
4. The elements of group
(a) IIIA group is called Boron family.
(b) IVA group is called Carbon family.
(c) VA group is called Nitrogen family.
(d) VIA group is called Chalcogen family.
(e) VIIA group is called Halogen family.
(f) VIIIA group is called Noble gas family.
5. They are placed on the right side of the periodic table.
(iii) d-block elements :-
1. The elements in which the last electron enters the d-orbital of penultimate
shell is called d-block elements.
2. Since the maximum capacity of d-subshell is 10, ‘d’ block of contains ten
groups IB to VIIIB.
3. Their general electronic configuration is ns1 or 2 (n − 1)d1−10 .
4. d-block elements are further classified into 4 transition series. They are
3d, 4d, 5d and 6d series.
5. They are placed on the middle of the periodic table.
(iv) f -block elements :-
1. The elements in which the last electron enters the f -orbital of anti penul-
timate shell is called f -block elements.

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2. Since the maximum capacity of f -subshell is 14, ‘f ’ block of contains four-

teen groups.
3. Their general electronic configuration is ns2 (n − 1)d0or1 (n − 2)f 1−14 .
4. f -block elements are further classified into 2 series. They are 4f -series
known as Lanthanoid series, 5f series is Actinoids series.
5. They are placed separately at the bottom of the periodic table.

Question: 2.2
What is a periodic property? How the following properties vary in a group and
in a period? Explain (a) Atomic radius (b) Electron gain Enthalpy or elec-
tron affinity (c) Electro negativity (d) Ionisation Enthalpy (e) Metallic nature
(f) Non-Metallic nature.

Answer. Periodic property: The property of elements which repeats at regular

intervals (2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32) when they are arranged in increasing order of their
atomic numbers (or electronic configuration) is called Periodic property.
a. Atomic radius:- The distance between the centre of the nucleus to the the
outermost shell of an atom is called the atomic radius. (↓↑)
b. Ionization energy:- The energy required to remove an electron from the outer
most orbit of a neutral gaseous is called ionization energy. (↑↓)
c. Electron affinity:- The electron affinity of an element is defined as the energy
liberated when an electron is added to its neutral gaseous atom. (↑↓)
d. Electronegativity:- The electronegativity of an element is defined as the rel-
ative tendency of its atom to attract electrons towards it when it is bounded
to the atoms of another element.(↑↓)
e. Metallic nature: Metallic nature is the tendency of loosing electrons by an
atom to form a cation. (↓↑)
f. Non-Metallic nature: Non-Metallic nature is the tendency of gaining elec-
trons by an atom to form a anion.(↑↓)
In a Period
Reason: Due to increase in effective nuclear charge over the valance electrons of the
same shell.
Due to the decrease in size of the atom and increase in effective nuclear charge over
the valance electrons.
In a group
Reason: Due to decrease in effective nuclear charge over the valance electrons,
addition of new shells.
Due to the decrease in size of the atom and increase in effective nuclear charge over
the valance electrons.

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Question: 2.3
Define IE1 and IE2 . Why is IE2 > IE1 for a given atom? Discuss the factors that
effect IE1 of an element?

Answer. First ionization enthalpy (IE1 ): The minimum energy required to

remove an electron from the outer most shell of neutral gaseous state atom (A) is
called first ionization enthalpy (IE1 ).
IE −
A(g) −−−−1−→ A+ (g) + e
Second ionization enthalpy (IE2 ): The minimum energy required to remove an
electron from the outer most shell of a unipositive gaseous ion (A) is called Second
ionization enthalpy (IE1 ).
IE −
A+ 2 +2
(g) −−−−−→ A(g) + e
Reason for IE2 > IE1 :
1) In a neutral atom the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons
but in a uni-positive ion the number of protons is greater than the number of
2) So the nuclear attraction is more on uni-positive ion.
3) Hence the second ionization enthalpy is greater than the first ionization en-
Factors that influence on Ionization energy:- i) Atomic Size. ii) Nuclear
Charge. iii) Screening Effect. iv) Penetrating power of the orbitals. v) Stable
electronic configuration.
a) Atomic Size:- As atomic radius increases, the nuclear force of attraction over

the valence electron decreases. So IE value decreases.

IE ∝
Atomic Size
b) Nuclear Charge:-
As nuclear charge increases, the force of attraction over
the valence electron increases. So IE value increases.
IE ∝ Nuclear Charge
c) Screening Effect:- The electrons present in inner orbitals reduce the nuclear

attraction on the valency electrons. This is called Screening or Sheilding effect.

So if the screening effect value increases ionization energy decreases.
IE ∝
Screening Effect
d) Penetrating power of the orbitals:- The more the penetrating power of

electron in the orbitals (s > p > d > f ) towards the nucleus, the more would
be the ionization potential.
IE ∝ Penetrating power of the orbitals
e) Stable electronic configuration:- Atoms with half filled (or) completely

filled subshells are more stable. So IE values of these atoms are high.

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