(23 04) English

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ABSTRACT: To convey some concepts more effectively
and successfully to students, the teacher takes help of
some instructional aids, such aids are called audio-
visual aids. Such aids can serve many a purposes in
teaching of English. The effectiveness of teaching aid
implies its relevance to the teaching point, achievement
of some instructional objective and appropriate use.
F.W. Noel is right when he says, “Good instruction is the
foundation of any educational programme.
Audio-visual training aids are a component part of that
foundation.” Hence an English teacher should know
about the various audiovisual aids he can use
successfully in teaching English.
Audio aids are also called instructional material.
Audio literally means “hearing” and “visual” means
that which is found by seeing. So all such aids,
which try to make the knowledge clear to us
through our sense are called “Audio visual Aids” or
instructional material.

The audiovisual method was first developed in

France in the 1950s. This method is intended for
teaching everyday language at the early stage of
second/foreign language learning. It was based on
a behaviourist approach, which held that
language is acquired by habit formation.
The audiovisual method is a method which refers to
both sound and pictures which is typically in the
form of slides or video and recorded speech or
It can be called as a new trend because technology is used in this method
such as, computers, televisions, language laboratories or the others which
can support the teaching learning process in order to improve students’

The varying media technique is a strategy which alludes to both sound and
pictures which is normally as slides or video and recorded discourse or
music; all is visual introductions that are appeared by the educator to the
understudies. It can be called as another pattern since innovation is utilized
as a part of this strategy, for example, PCs, TVs, dialect labs or the others
which can bolster the instructing learning process keeping in mind the end
goal to enhance understudies' abilities.
Teaching aids should be used properly to make teaching
more effective. Teaching can became more effective if such
aids are used widely but the use of such aids cannot provide a
guarantee of good teaching. Following points are important
for a proper use of teaching aids.
(i) Teaching aids should be woven with class-room teaching
and these aids should be used only to supplement the oral
and written work being done in the class.
(ii) While making use of any teaching aid an effort be made
that the teaching aids being used in any class are in
conformity with the intellectual level of the students and is
n accordance with the previous experience of the students.
(iii) Only such aids be preferred which provide a stimulus to
the students for greater thinking and activity.
(iv)The teaching aid used should obey exact, accurate and
real as far as practicable.
According to Kinder S. James: Audio visual aids are any device which can be used to
make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic.

According to KP. Neeraja An audio visual aid is an instructional device in which the
message can be heard as well as seen.
OF ENGLISH : English is a foreign language. Students
cannot understand it as they understand their mother-
tongue. Therefore, teaching of English becomes difficult for
us. In the teaching of language, the main purpose of the use
of audio-visual aids is to enable the teacher to make his
lessons effective and interesting. In the teaching of English
the teacher uses the direct method. Therefore, it is for the
teacher to give a clear idea to the students through audio-
visual aids. Such type of teaching make the idea permanent
in the pupils mind. Books and other printed materials have
been the basic tools of teaching for centuries, and they are
still of great importance. History suggests that the basic
conditions which strongly encouraged study and
experimentation with visual aids were excessive
verbalization in teaching.
With audio visual devices, the learning experience will be
The main purposes of teaching through audio-visual
aids are:

(i) They help to avoid excessive, empty and

meaningless verbalization in teaching English.
(ii) They provide direct sense experience to
(iii) They help students to form clear and accurate
concepts in English.
(iv) They make teaching and learning effective.
(v) They provide variety to teaching.
(vi) They provide interest and inspiration.
(vii) They create language atmosphere.
(viii) They reduce teachers talking.
(ix) They clarify the subject-matter.
(x) They save time and energy
(xi) Save energy and time.
(xii) Antidote of the disease of verbal instructions.
(xiii) Capture attention.
(xiv) Reinforcement to learner.
(xv) Positive transfer of learning.
(xvi) Gain & hold student interest.
(xvii) Increase understanding and retention.
(xviii) Stimulate the development of understanding and
(xix) Clear image.
(xx)Best motivation.
(i) They create interest for learning in the students.
(ii) They are time saving because they explain the idea easily and precisely.
(iii) By their use the burden of teacher is reduced.
(iv) The teacher can improve his own English by aural aids.
(v) They are the sources of a variety of experiences for students.
(vi) English is a difficult language. Audio-Visual Aids make learning English easy.
(vii) A good English teaching is possible only in a natural English environment. Audio-
Visual aids help in creating that type of environment.
(viii) They help in concentrating the attention of pupils in learning the lesson.
(ix) The teacher can follow up the principle of from concrete to abstract with the help
of audio-visual aids.
AUDIO- Visual Aids Audio Aids
Visual Aids
Audio Aids :
The aids that involve the sense of hearing are called
Audio aids. For example :- radio, tape recorder,
gramophone etc.
Visual Aids:
The aids which use sense of vision are called Visual
aids. For example :- actual objects, models, pictures,
charts, maps, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board,
chalkboard, overhead projector, slides etc. Out of
these black board and chalk are the commonest ones.
Audio - Visual Aids:
The aids which involve the sense of vision as well as
hearing are called Audio- Visual aids. For example :-
television, film projector, film strips etc.
(a)Black Board / Green Board: It is one of the most common visual aids
in use. A chalk board is generally installed facing the class which is
either built into the wall or fixed and framed on the wall and
provided with a ledge to keep the chalk sticks and duster.
Characteristics of a Good Chalk Board:-
(i) Its surface should be rough enough so that it is capable of holding
the writing on the board.
(ii) Its surface should be dull so that it can eliminate glare.
(iii) Its surface should be such that the writing on the board can be
easily removed by making use of a cloth or a foam duster.
(iv) Its height should be so adjusted that it is within the easy reach of
the teacher and is easily visible to the students.
Use of Black Board :
Write in a clear and legible handwriting the important points
on the chalk board but avoid overcrowding of information
on the chalk board.
The size of the words written on black board should be such
that they can be seen even by the back-benchers.
There should be proper arrangement of light in the class
room so that the chalk board remains glare free.
Stand on one side of the chalk board while explaining some
points to the students.
Students may be allowed to express their ideas on chalk
board, or to make alterations or corrections.
Books,chart, Model, Painting,Drawing, actual objects,
models, pictures, charts, maps, flash cards, flannel board,
bulletin board, chalkboard, green board, blackboard,
whiteboard, overhead projector, slides , negative roles etc.
Advantages of chalk Board
(i) It is a very convenient teaching aid for group teaching.
(ii) It is quite economical and can be used again and again.
(iii) It is one of the most valuable supplementary teaching aid.
(iv) It can be used as a good visual aid for drill and revision.
(v) It is a convenient aid for giving lesson notes to the students.
Bulletin Boards:
It is display board on which learning material on some topic is
displayed. It is generally of the size of a black board but
sometimes even bigger depending on the wall space available.
Use of Bulletin Board
(i) Effort be made jointly by the teacher and the students to
procure material from various sources on a given subject
or topic.
(ii) Make best use of your aesthetic sense to display the
material on the bulletin board.
(iii) It is desirable if a brief description about the specific
subject or topic is fixed below to title.
(iv) The material displayed should be large enough and
should be provided with suitable headings.
(v) Overcrowding of material on bulletin board be
Advantages of Bulletin Boards
(i) It is a good supplement to class room teaching.
(ii) It helps in arousing the interest of students in a specific
(iii) Such boards can be conveniently used for introducing a
topic and for its review as well
Audio-Visual Aids :
Film Projector: This machine is used for showing films. Some
good films on various topics are available.
Advantages (i) They draw attention of the students. (ii)
They help to bring past to the class-room. (iii) It is possible
to reduce or enlarge at the size of the object by using the
machine. (iv) They can be used to show a record of a
event. (v) They can serve a large class at a time. (vi) They
provide a good aesthetic experience.
(i) They draw attention of the students.
(ii) They help to bring past to the class-room.
(iii) It is possible to reduce or enlarge at the size of the object by using the
(iv) They can be used to show a record of a event.
(v) They can serve a large class at a time.
(vi) They provide a good aesthetic experience.
Limitation Using of audio visual aids decreases teacher’s
autonomy in the classroom. For effective functioning of the
audio-visual aids the trained experts are required which is not
possible all the time
Advantages of AV Aids.
1. Help to make the learning process more effective and
2. Help to grab the attention of targeted audience.
3. Build interest and motivation.
4. Enhance the energy level of teaching.
5. Provide a realistic approach and experience
6. easy to follow
7. participants feel more engaged
8. easier to explain or put things in perspective
9. easier to remember
10.helps keep mistakes at a minimum
Disadvantages of AV Aids.
1. Technical problems 2
2. Expensive
3. Time-consuming
4. Need space
5. Its easier to lose focus
6. requires a well designed presentation or material
7. Participants might pay more attention to the graphics
than the audio
Thus audio-visual aids help our students in
verbalization. But most of the teachers in our
colleges do not use these aids which have great
educative value. These are not the ordinary
materials rather these are teaching materials.
Audiovisual aids give direct sensory experience to
the students.

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