CE Module 9 - Physics (Answer Key)

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Thursday, December 08, 2022 Module 09

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item
by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES


1. How much does a 30 lbf weigh on the moon? 11. Two bullets moving having velocities 550 m/s
Gravitational acceleration in the moon is 5.47 (mass = 175 g) and 200 m/s (mass = 150 g) moves
ft/s2 and in earth is 32.2 ft/s2. toward a block having mass of 12 kg. If bullets
A. 2.0 lbf B. 3.2 lbf stick to the block and they move together, find
C. 3.4 lbf D. 5.1 lbf the velocity of the final system. The bullets
are moving towards each other and assume that
2. Two steel balls of masses 500 kg and 50 kg, they will hit the block at the exact same
respectively are placed with their centers 0.5 m instant.
apart. The two balls attract with a force of A. 5.38 m/s B. 4.28 m/s
A. 6.67 x 10-10 N B. 6.67 x 10-7 N C. 10.24 m/s D. 6.28 m/s
C. 6.67 x 10-6 N D. 6.67 x 10-3 N
12. A 60-g bullet moving with a speed of 500 m/s
3. The radius of the earth is 3,960 mi. The strikes a 5 kg block moving in the same
gravitational acceleration at the earth’s direction with a speed of 30 m/s. What is the
surface is 32.16 fps2. What is the velocity of resultant speed of the bullet and the block
escape from the earth in mi/s? assuming the bullet to be embedded in the block?
A. 6.94 B. 8.62 A. 35.57 m/s B. 23.72 m/s
C. 7.83 D. 9.36 C. 36.67 m/s D. 40.6 m/s

IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM 13. A 92-kg fullback moving south with a speed of
5.8 m/s is tackled by a 110-kg lineman running
4. A 16 gram mass is moving at 30 cm/sec while a 4 west with a speed of 3.6 m/s. Determine the
gram mass is moving in an opposite direction at speed of the two players immediately after the
50 cm/sec. They collide head on and stick tackle, in m/s.
together. Their velocity after collision is A. 2.39 B. 3.29
A. 0.14 m/s B. 0.21 m/s C. 9.32 D. 2.93
C. 0.07 m/s D. 0.28 m/s
14. According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
5. A 60 ton rail car moving at 1 mile/hr is the fastest recorded baseball pitch was
instantaneously coupled to a stationary 40 ton delivered by Nolan Ryan in 1974. The pitch was
rail car. What is the speed of the coupled cars? clocked at 45 m/s. Determine the impulse
A. 0.88 mph B. 1.00 mph required to give a 0.1454-kg baseball such a
C. 0.60 mph D. 0.40 mph momentum, in kg-m/s.
A. 6.543 B. 6.252
6. A 10 g block slides with a velocity of 20 cm/s C. 9.525 D. 5.959
on a smooth level surface and makes a collision
with a 30 g block moving in the opposite 15. A hunter fires a 550 gram bullet at a tiger. The
direction with a velocity of 10 cm/s. If the bullet left the gun with a speed of 600 m/s.
collision is perfectly elastic, what is the What is the momentum of the bullet?
velocity of the 30 g block after the collision? A. 15 kg-m/s B. 30 kg-m/s
A. 15 cm/s B. 10 cm/s C. 330 kg-m/s D. 150 kg-m/s
C. 25 cm/s D. 5 cm/s
Situation – Two particles of identical mass are
about to collide in a Large Hadron Collider. The
7. A 60 ton rail car moving at 1 mile/hr is coupled
pre-collision velocity vectors of the particles
to a second stationary rail car. If the are as follows
velocity of the two cars after coupling is 1ft/s V1 = -3250i + 5040j - 1210k, m/s
(in the original direction of motion) and the V2 = +6390i - 2450j + 1000k, m/s
coupling is completed in 0.5 second, what is the
average impulsive force on the 60 ton rail car? 16. Determine the magnitude of their post-collision
A. 50 lbf B. 3500 lbf velocity. Assuming plastic collision, in m/s.
C. 1200 lbf D. 60 lbf A. 2037.88 B. 566.08
C. 3027.88 D. 655.09
8. What momentum does a 40 lbm projectile possess
if the projectile is moving at 420 mph? 17. Determine the momentum right after impact if
A. 24,640 lbf-sec B. 16,860 lbf-sec each particle weighs 2 nanogram, in kg-m/s.
C. 765 lbf-sec D. 523.6 lbf-sec A. 4.076x10^-6 B. 8.152x10^-6
C. 4.076x10^-9 D. 8.152x10^-9
9. A 50 kN truck traveling with a speed of 50 kph
hits a lamp post and is brought to rest in 0.1 Situation – Planet Jupiter having a mass of 100 x
s. What is the average force of the truck? 109 kg and moving with a velocity of 25i + 4 j + 5k
A. -408 kN B. -508 kN kilometers per collides with stationary planet mars
C. -608 kN D. -708 kN having a mass of 4 x 109 kg. If the two planets stick
together after impact, determine the following:
10. A tennis ball moving horizontally to the left at
18. The x- component of their velocities after
40 m/s hits a racket and rebounds horizontally
to the right at 30 m/s. If the mass of the ball
A. 24.04 kph B. 3.85 kph
is 100 grams, find the impulse of the force (in C. 4.81 kph D.12.56 kph
kg-m/s) exerted on the ball by the racket.
A. 1 B. -1
C. 7 D. 12
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19. The y-component of their velocities after

impact. 31. If the tail of the resultant vector is at (0,
A. 12.56 kph B. 4.81 kph 0), where is the head of the resultant vector?
C. 24.04 kph D. 3.85 kph A. (2.80, 4.13) B. (4.13, 2.80)
C. (3.45, 6.43) D. (6.43, 3.45)
20. The z-component of their velocities after
impact. 32. What is the angle of the resultant vector from
A. 3.85 kph B. 24.04 kph the x-axis?
C. 12.56 kph D. 4.81 kph A. 34.14º B. 32.12º
C. 28.76º D. 38.45º
21. A 10-kg block is raised vertically 3 meters.
What is the change in potential energy?
33. A 50 g mass hangs at the end of the spring. When
A. 320 J B. 350 J
20 grams more are added to the end of the
C. 294 J D. 350 J
spring, it stretches 7 cm more. Find the spring
22. An aircraft engine develops a forward thrust of
A. 2.8 B. 2.9
15,000 N. If the gross mass of the aircraft is
C. 4.3 D. 2.5
100 tons, what horsepower does the engine
develop if it is flying at 1000 kph?
34. When a family of four with a total mass of 200
A. 150,000 B. 5585
kg step into their 1200 kg car, the car’s spring
C. 5400 D. 3108
compresses 3 cm. Assuming they act as a single
spring, what is the spring constant of the car’s
23. A rocket is moving through a vacuum. It changes
spring? How far will the car lower if loaded
its velocity from 9020 ft/sec to 5100 ft/sec in
with 300 kg rather than 200 kg?
48 seconds. How much power is required to
A. 6.5 x 10^4 N/m ; 0.045 m
accomplish this if the rocket's mass is 13,000
B. 5.5 x 10^4 N/m ; 0.055 m
C. 4.2 x 10^4 N/m ; 0.085 m
A. 1.63 x 107 hp B. 3.16 x 107 hp
D. 7.1 x 10^4 N/m ; 0.035 m
C. 3.61 x 107 hp D. 1.36 x 107 hp
24. A force of 200 lbf acts on a block at an angle
of 28° with respect to horizontal. The block is
35. A 100 kg weight rest on a 30° incline plane.
pushed 2 feet horizontally. What is the work
Neglecting friction, how much pull must one
done by this force?
exert to bring the weight up the plane?
A. 320 J B. 480 J
A. 88.67 kg B. 100.00 kg
C. 540 J D. 215 J
C. 70.71 kg D. 50.00 kg
25. What average force is necessary to stop a .45 36. A block weighing 500 kN rest on a ramp inclined
caliber bullet of mass of 15 grams and speed of at 25° with the horizontal. The force tending to
300 m/s as it penetrates a block to a distance move the block down the ramp is
of 5 cm? A. 121 kN B. 265 kN
A. 12.5 kN B. 13.0 kN C. 211 kN D. 450 kN
C. 13.5 kN D. 12.0 kN
37. A 250 lb block is initially at rest on a flat
26. A pendulum with a string of length 1 m is raised
surface that is inclined at 30°. If the
to an angle of 60 degrees from the vertical and
coefficient of kinetic friction 0.30 and the
then released. What is the velocity of the
coefficient of static friction is 0.40, find the
pendulum when it reaches the bottom of its
force required to start the block moving up the
swing, in m/s?
A. 3.13 B. 4.12
A. 190 lb B. 212 lb
C. 1.62 D. 4.43
C. 125 lb D. 75 lb
27. Ben is pulling on a rope to drag his backpack to
38. A 600 N block rests in a surface inclined at
school across the ice. He pulls with a force of
30°. Determine the horizontal force P required
22.9 N at an angle of 35 degrees above the
to prevent the block from sliding down. Angle
horizontal to drag his backpack on a horizontal
of friction between the block and the inclined
distance of 129 meters to the right. Determine
plane is 15°.
the work done upon the backpack.
A. 160.75 N B. 198.55 N
A. 2420 kJ B. 1210 kJ
C. 2.42 kJ D. 121 kJ C. 164.60 N D. 190.45 N

28. At her highest point, a girl on the swing is 7 39. Calculate the power required of a 1400 kg car
feet above the ground, and at her lowest point, when the car climbs a 10º hill at a steady 80
she is 3 feet above the ground. What is her km/h. Assume the retarding force on the car is
maximum velocity? Fr = 700 N.
A. 10 fps B. 12 fps A. 86 hp B. 95 hp
C. 14 fps D. 16 fps C. 91 hp D. 81 hp

29. If a pendulum takes 4 seconds to swing towards 40. A block is resting on a plane surface. What
one extreme point then back to its stationary angle can the plane be inclined when the block
position, find the length of the pendulum. start to slide if the coefficient of friction
A. 3.56 m B. 3.98 m between the block and the surface is 0.28?
C. 4.25 m D. 4.67 m A. 15.64º B. 19.32º
C. 12.54º D. 17.84º
Situation – Two vectors A and B have the following
values: A = 6.7i + 8.35j B = -2.57i – 5.55j 41. Applying full brakes at a speed of 60 kph, the
car travelled 50 meters until it stopped.
30. Determine the magnitude of the resultant of A Determine the average skid resistance.
and B. A. 0.35 B. 0.50
A. 6.45 B. 4.99 C. 0.42 D. 0.28
C. 5.34 D. 4.21
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42. A car travelling at 80 kph on a 4% upgrade 53. What is its take-off speed in kph?
suddenly applies a brake. If the coefficient of A. 352 B. 367
friction between the tires and the pavement is C. 387 D. 351
0.3, how far will the car travel after applying
the brake? 54. What is its take-off run in meters?
A. 45 m B. 87 m A. 862.5 B. 945.3
C. 74 m D. 61 m C. 765.9 D. 1023.2

43. A block is resting on a plane inclined 30º with VERTICAL MOTION

the horizontal. The coefficient of friction
55. A ball is dropped from a building 100 m high. If
between the block and the plane is 0.20. If the
the mass of the ball is 10 grams after what time
block is released, how far will it move after 3
will the ball strike the earth?
A. 4.52 s B. 4.42 s
A. 15.8 m B. 10.7 m
C. 5.61 s D. 2.45 s
C. 12.1 m D. 14.4 m
56. A ball is dropped from the roof of a building 40
44. What power is needed to move a 13.4 KN car up an m tall will hit the ground with a velocity of:
8° incline with constant speed of 80 kph against A. 50 m/s B. 28 m/s
a frictional force of 360 N? C. 20 m/s D. 30 m/s
A. 49.44 kW B. 44.94 kW
C. 51.12 kW D. 50.26 kW 57. Using a powerful air gun, a steel ball is shot
vertically upward with a velocity of 80 m/s,
followed by another shot after 5 seconds. Find
45. What is the acceleration of a body that the initial velocity of the second ball in order
increases in velocity from 20 m/s to 40 m/s in 3 to meet the first ball 150 m from the ground.
seconds? A. 65.3 m/s B. 45.1 m/s
A. 5.00 m/s2 B. 6.67 m/s2 C. 56.2 m/s D. 61.3 m/s
C. 7.00 m/s2 D. 8.00 m/s2
58. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the
46. How far does an automobile move while its speed ground and a student gazing out of the window
increases uniformly from 15 kph to 45 kph in 20 sees it moving upward pass him at 5 m/s. The
seconds? window is 10 m above the ground. How high does
A. 185 m B. 167 m the ball go above the ground?
C. 200 m D. 172 m A. 15.25 m B. 14.87 m
C. 9.97 m D. 11.30 m
47. From a speed of 75 kph, a car decelerates at the
rate of 500 m/min2 along a straight path. How 59. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 m above
far in meters will it travel in 45 seconds? the ground. How long does it take to hit the
A. 795 B. 791 ground?
C. 793 D. 797 A. 2.1 s B. 3.5 s
C. 5.5 s D. 1.3 s
48. A train starting at initial velocity of 30 kph
travels a distance of 21 km in 18 minutes. 60. While skydiving, John opens his parachute and
Determine the acceleration of the train at this his 53.4-kg body immediately accelerates upward
instant. for an instant at 8.66 m/s2. Determine the upward
A. 0.0043 m/s2 B. 0.0206 m/s2 force experienced by him during this instant.
C. 0.0865 m/s2 D. 0.3820 m/s2 A. 986.30 N B. 61.41 N
C. 462.44 N D. 523.85 N
49. A car moving at 36 m/s decelerate uniformly at
450 m per min per second. How far has the car 61. A ball is thrown vertically upward with an
move when its velocity is 30 m/s? initial velocity of 3 m/s, from the window of a
A. 32.5 m B. 14.7 m tall building. The ball strikes the sidewalk of
C. 68.7 m D. 26.4 m the ground level 4 seconds later. Find the
height of the window above the ground, in
50. An automobile moving at a constant velocity of a meters.
15 m/sec passes a gasoline station. Two seconds A. 48.66 B. 84.66
later, another automobile leaves the gasoline C. 66.48 D. 48.88
station and accelerates at a constant rate of 2
62. A coin is tossed vertically upward from the
m/sec2. How soon will the second automobile
ground at a velocity of 12 m/s. How long will
overtake the first?
the coin touch the ground?
A. 15.3 sec B. 16.8 sec
A. 4.45 sec B. 3.45 sec
C. 13.5 sec D. 18.6 sec C. 2.45 sec D. 1.45 sec
51. Cars A and B are travelling in the same Situation - A ball is thrown vertically upward from
direction at the same speed of 70 kph on a level the ground with a speed of 25.2 m/s.
road. Car A is 150 m ahead of B. Car A
decelerates at the rate of 2 m/s2. From this 63. How long does it take to reach its highest
instant up to the time B overtakes A, how far point, in seconds?
has A travelled? A. 5.72 B. 2.75
A. 88.09 m B. 108.09 m C. 9.25 D. 2.57
C. 98.09 m D. 78.09 m
64. How high does it rise, in meters?
Situation - An airplane begins its take off with an A. 32.37 B. 33.27
acceleration of 10m/s2, which then decreases C. 34.93 D. 35.77
uniformly to 3 m/s2 after 15 seconds when it is
airborne. 65. After how many seconds will the ball be 27
meters above the ground for the second time?
52. What is the speed after 10 seconds, in kph? A. 3.32 B 3.15
A. 231 B. 321 C. 1.52 D. 3.61
C. 276 D. 248

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PROJECTILE OR TRAJECTORY Situation - A stone is thrown from a cliff that is

30 m high from the ground with an initial velocity
66. A baseball is thrown from a horizontal plane of 35 m/s and an angle of 45° with the horizontal.
following a parabolic path with an initial
velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 30º above the 77. Determine the maximum height the stone can
horizontal. How far from the throwing point will attain from the ground.
the ball attain its original level? A. 31.2 m B. 66.2 m
A. 890 m B. 883 m C. 61.2 m D. 76.2 m
C. 880 m D. 875 m
78. Determine the range of the projectile in m.
67. A plane dropped a bomb at an elevation of 1000 m A. 125 B. 150
from the ground intended to hit the target at an C. 175 D. 200
elevation of 200 m from the ground. If the plane
79. Determine the velocity as it collides with the
was flying at a velocity of 300 km/hr, at what
distance from the target must the bomb be
A. 42.6 m/s B. 44.6 m/s
dropped to hit the target. Wind velocity and
C. 46.2 m/s D. 46.4 m/s
atmospheric pressure to be disregarded.
A. 1024.2 m B. 1055.6 m Situation - A bullet is filled at an initial
C. 1075.5 m D. 1064.2 m velocity of 350 m/s and an angle of 50° with the
horizontal. Neglecting air resistance.
68. The muzzle velocity of a projectile is 1500 fps
and the distance of the target is 10 miles. The 80. What maximum height could the bullet rise?
angle of elevation of the gun must be: A. 3,646 m B. 4,366 m
A. 21º59’ B. 22º41’ C. 3,466 m D. 3,664 m
C. 24º33’ D. 25º18’
81. Find its range on the horizontal plane through
69. A shot is fired at an angle of 45º with the the point it was fired?
horizontal and a velocity of 300 fps. Calculate A. 12.289 km B. 12.829 m
the range of the projectile. C. 12.298 km D. 12.928 cm
A. 932 yards B. 1200 yards
C. 3500 yards D. 4000 yards 82. How long will the bullet travel before hitting
the ground?
70. A projectile leaves a velocity of 50 m/s at an A. 54.66 min B. 56.42 sec
angle of 30º with the horizontal. Find the C. 54.66 sec D. 56.42 min
maximum height that it could reach.
A. 31.86 m B. 31.28 m
C. 30.63 m D. 30.12 m 83. The flywheel of a puncher is to be brought to a
complete stop in 8 seconds from a speed of 60
71. A shot is fired with an angle of 45º with the
revolutions per minute. Compute the number of
horizontal with a velocity of 300 ft/s. Find the
turns the flywheel will still make if its
maximum height and range that the projectile can
deceleration is uniform.
cover, respectively.
A. 5 turns B. 3 turns
A. 800 ft, 1600 ft B. 923 ft, 3500 ft
C. 4 turns D. 6 turns
C. 700 ft, 2800 ft D. 1800 ft, 3000 ft
84. A rotating wheel has a radius of 2 feet and 6
72. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30º with
inches. A point on the rim of the wheel moves 30
the horizontal. It lands 60 m measured
feet in 2 seconds. Find the angular velocity of
horizontally and 2 m below measured vertically
the wheel.
from its point of release. Determine the initial
A. 2 rad/s B. 4 rad/s
velocity of the stone in m/s.
C. 5 rad/s D. 6 rad/s
A. 22.35 B. 23.35
C. 24.35 D. 25.35
85. A flywheel is 15 cm in diameter accelerates
73. A ball is thrown so that it just clears a 10-ft uniformly from rest to 50 rpm in 20 seconds.
fence 60 ft. away. If it left the hand 3 ft What is its angular acceleration?
above the ground and at an angle of 60 degrees A. 2.62 rad/s2 B. 3.45 rad/s2
C. 3.95 rad/s2 D. 4.42 rad/s2
from the horizontal, what was the initial
velocity of the ball? g = 32.2 ft/s2
86. A girl rides a merry-go-round. Her seat is at a
A. 49.9 ft/sec B. 49.4 ft/sec
C. 51.1 ft/sec D. 48.9 ft/sec distance of 1 m from the center. If the girl
moves along an arc length of 1.5 m, what is her
74. A man wishes to hit a target that is 430 m angular displacement?
horizontally and 90 m vertically away from his A. 85.94 deg B. 42.97 deg
position, using a gun with muzzle velocity of C. 21.49 deg D. 64.46 deg
160 m/s, with what velocity will the bullet hit
Situation – The rim of a 50-in wheel on a brake
the target, in m/s?
shoe testing machine has a speed of 60 mph when
A. 152.5 B. 153.2
the brake is dropped. It comes to rest after the
C. 153.8 D. 154.4
rim has traveled a linear distance of 600 ft.
75. From the previous problem, how high can the
87. Compute the number of revolutions the wheel
bullet rise if it misses the target, in meters?
makes in coming to rest.
A. 85.9 B. 99.2
A. 22.92 B. 45.84
C. 107.1 D. 116.3
C. 38.20 D. 19.10
76. A plane is flying horizontally 350 kph at an
88. What is the constant angular acceleration?
altitude of 420 m. At this instant, a bomb is
A. -3.097 B. 3.097
released. How far horizontally from this point C. 4.097 D. -4.097
will the bomb hit the ground?
A. 625 m B. 557 m 89. Compute the time it takes for the brake shoe to
C. 785 m D. 900 m completely stop.
A. 13.64s B. 9.64s
C. 15.64s D. 11.64s

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90. Compute the angular displacement after 10

A. 192.67 rad B. 267.55 rad
C. 82.47 rad D. 555.47 rad


91. A wooden block having a weight of 50 N is placed

at a distance of 1.5 m from the center of a
circular platform rotating at a speed of 2
radians per second. Determine the minimum
coefficient of friction of the blocks so that it
will not slide. Radius of the circular platform
is 3 m.
A. 0.55 B. 0.58
C. 0.61 D. 0.65

92. A boy tied an 80 grams stone to a string which

he rotated to form a circular motion with a
diameter of 1000 mm. Compute for the pull
exerted on the string by the stone if it got
loose leaving at a velocity of 25 m/s.
A. 120 N B. 100 N
C. 150 N D. 135 N

93. A man keeps a 1 kg toy airplane flying

horizontally in a circle by holding onto a 1.5 m
long string attached to its wing tip. The string
is always in the plane of the circular path. If
the plane flies at 10 m/s, find the tension in
the string.
A. 28 N B. 15 N
C. 67 N D. 18 N

94. A horizontal platform with a diameter of 6 m

revolves about its center at 20 rpm. Find the
tangential speed, in m/s, of a point at the edge
of the platform.
A. 6.34 B. 6.28
C. 6.46 D. 6.12

95. The seat of the carousel are attached to a

vertical rotating shaft by a flexible cable 8 m
long. The seats have a mass of 75 kg. What is
the maximum angle of tilt for the seats if the
carousel operates at 12 rpm?
A. 30° B. 35°
C. 45° D. 39°

Situation – A small coin is placed on a flat,

horizontal turntable. The turntable is
observed to make exactly three revolutions in
3.3 s.

96. What is the speed of the coin when it rides

without slipping at a distance of 5.2 cm from
the center of the turntable?
A. 0.3 m/s B. 0.5 m/s
C. 0.4 m/s D. 0.6 m/s

97. Determine the acceleration of the coin.

A. 1.70 m/s2 B. 3.73 m/s2
C. 2.53 m/s2 D. 1.06 m/s2

Situation – A 5-Newton ball is fastened to the end

of a flat spring. A force of 2 Newtons is
sufficient to pull the ball 6 cm to one side.

98. Find the force constant in N/m.

A. 33.33 N/m B. 44.44 N/m
C. 66.67 N/m D. 65.56 N/m

99. Find the period of oscillation in sec.

A. 0.666 s B. 0.777 s
C. 0.555 s D. 0.444 s

100. Find the angular velocity in rad/sec.

A. 8.09 rad/s B. 7.05 rad/s
C. 9.90 rad/s D. 6.74 rad/s

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