CE Module 9 - Physics (Answer Key)
CE Module 9 - Physics (Answer Key)
CE Module 9 - Physics (Answer Key)
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item
by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
1. How much does a 30 lbf weigh on the moon? 11. Two bullets moving having velocities 550 m/s
Gravitational acceleration in the moon is 5.47 (mass = 175 g) and 200 m/s (mass = 150 g) moves
ft/s2 and in earth is 32.2 ft/s2. toward a block having mass of 12 kg. If bullets
A. 2.0 lbf B. 3.2 lbf stick to the block and they move together, find
C. 3.4 lbf D. 5.1 lbf the velocity of the final system. The bullets
are moving towards each other and assume that
2. Two steel balls of masses 500 kg and 50 kg, they will hit the block at the exact same
respectively are placed with their centers 0.5 m instant.
apart. The two balls attract with a force of A. 5.38 m/s B. 4.28 m/s
A. 6.67 x 10-10 N B. 6.67 x 10-7 N C. 10.24 m/s D. 6.28 m/s
C. 6.67 x 10-6 N D. 6.67 x 10-3 N
12. A 60-g bullet moving with a speed of 500 m/s
3. The radius of the earth is 3,960 mi. The strikes a 5 kg block moving in the same
gravitational acceleration at the earth’s direction with a speed of 30 m/s. What is the
surface is 32.16 fps2. What is the velocity of resultant speed of the bullet and the block
escape from the earth in mi/s? assuming the bullet to be embedded in the block?
A. 6.94 B. 8.62 A. 35.57 m/s B. 23.72 m/s
C. 7.83 D. 9.36 C. 36.67 m/s D. 40.6 m/s
IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM 13. A 92-kg fullback moving south with a speed of
5.8 m/s is tackled by a 110-kg lineman running
4. A 16 gram mass is moving at 30 cm/sec while a 4 west with a speed of 3.6 m/s. Determine the
gram mass is moving in an opposite direction at speed of the two players immediately after the
50 cm/sec. They collide head on and stick tackle, in m/s.
together. Their velocity after collision is A. 2.39 B. 3.29
A. 0.14 m/s B. 0.21 m/s C. 9.32 D. 2.93
C. 0.07 m/s D. 0.28 m/s
14. According to the Guinness Book of World Records,
5. A 60 ton rail car moving at 1 mile/hr is the fastest recorded baseball pitch was
instantaneously coupled to a stationary 40 ton delivered by Nolan Ryan in 1974. The pitch was
rail car. What is the speed of the coupled cars? clocked at 45 m/s. Determine the impulse
A. 0.88 mph B. 1.00 mph required to give a 0.1454-kg baseball such a
C. 0.60 mph D. 0.40 mph momentum, in kg-m/s.
A. 6.543 B. 6.252
6. A 10 g block slides with a velocity of 20 cm/s C. 9.525 D. 5.959
on a smooth level surface and makes a collision
with a 30 g block moving in the opposite 15. A hunter fires a 550 gram bullet at a tiger. The
direction with a velocity of 10 cm/s. If the bullet left the gun with a speed of 600 m/s.
collision is perfectly elastic, what is the What is the momentum of the bullet?
velocity of the 30 g block after the collision? A. 15 kg-m/s B. 30 kg-m/s
A. 15 cm/s B. 10 cm/s C. 330 kg-m/s D. 150 kg-m/s
C. 25 cm/s D. 5 cm/s
Situation – Two particles of identical mass are
about to collide in a Large Hadron Collider. The
7. A 60 ton rail car moving at 1 mile/hr is coupled
pre-collision velocity vectors of the particles
to a second stationary rail car. If the are as follows
velocity of the two cars after coupling is 1ft/s V1 = -3250i + 5040j - 1210k, m/s
(in the original direction of motion) and the V2 = +6390i - 2450j + 1000k, m/s
coupling is completed in 0.5 second, what is the
average impulsive force on the 60 ton rail car? 16. Determine the magnitude of their post-collision
A. 50 lbf B. 3500 lbf velocity. Assuming plastic collision, in m/s.
C. 1200 lbf D. 60 lbf A. 2037.88 B. 566.08
C. 3027.88 D. 655.09
8. What momentum does a 40 lbm projectile possess
if the projectile is moving at 420 mph? 17. Determine the momentum right after impact if
A. 24,640 lbf-sec B. 16,860 lbf-sec each particle weighs 2 nanogram, in kg-m/s.
C. 765 lbf-sec D. 523.6 lbf-sec A. 4.076x10^-6 B. 8.152x10^-6
C. 4.076x10^-9 D. 8.152x10^-9
9. A 50 kN truck traveling with a speed of 50 kph
hits a lamp post and is brought to rest in 0.1 Situation – Planet Jupiter having a mass of 100 x
s. What is the average force of the truck? 109 kg and moving with a velocity of 25i + 4 j + 5k
A. -408 kN B. -508 kN kilometers per collides with stationary planet mars
C. -608 kN D. -708 kN having a mass of 4 x 109 kg. If the two planets stick
together after impact, determine the following:
10. A tennis ball moving horizontally to the left at
18. The x- component of their velocities after
40 m/s hits a racket and rebounds horizontally
to the right at 30 m/s. If the mass of the ball
A. 24.04 kph B. 3.85 kph
is 100 grams, find the impulse of the force (in C. 4.81 kph D.12.56 kph
kg-m/s) exerted on the ball by the racket.
A. 1 B. -1
C. 7 D. 12
Aspire and Commit to Excellence!
28. At her highest point, a girl on the swing is 7 39. Calculate the power required of a 1400 kg car
feet above the ground, and at her lowest point, when the car climbs a 10º hill at a steady 80
she is 3 feet above the ground. What is her km/h. Assume the retarding force on the car is
maximum velocity? Fr = 700 N.
A. 10 fps B. 12 fps A. 86 hp B. 95 hp
C. 14 fps D. 16 fps C. 91 hp D. 81 hp
29. If a pendulum takes 4 seconds to swing towards 40. A block is resting on a plane surface. What
one extreme point then back to its stationary angle can the plane be inclined when the block
position, find the length of the pendulum. start to slide if the coefficient of friction
A. 3.56 m B. 3.98 m between the block and the surface is 0.28?
C. 4.25 m D. 4.67 m A. 15.64º B. 19.32º
C. 12.54º D. 17.84º
Situation – Two vectors A and B have the following
values: A = 6.7i + 8.35j B = -2.57i – 5.55j 41. Applying full brakes at a speed of 60 kph, the
car travelled 50 meters until it stopped.
30. Determine the magnitude of the resultant of A Determine the average skid resistance.
and B. A. 0.35 B. 0.50
A. 6.45 B. 4.99 C. 0.42 D. 0.28
C. 5.34 D. 4.21
Aspire and Commit to Excellence!
42. A car travelling at 80 kph on a 4% upgrade 53. What is its take-off speed in kph?
suddenly applies a brake. If the coefficient of A. 352 B. 367
friction between the tires and the pavement is C. 387 D. 351
0.3, how far will the car travel after applying
the brake? 54. What is its take-off run in meters?
A. 45 m B. 87 m A. 862.5 B. 945.3
C. 74 m D. 61 m C. 765.9 D. 1023.2