Book 2022 C Corregido Completamente

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One, Two, Three..

A. All about you.

B. The Alphabet
C. Greetings and farewells
D. The cardinal numbers
E. What time is it?


My name is........................

I am from .................................

I am______ years old.


Formal greetings:

Informal Greetings:

Useful Phrases (Frases útiles)

What is your name? (¿Cómo te llamas?)

 Hello, my name is... (Hola, me llamo...)
 Pleased to meet you. / Nice to meet you. (Encantado / Mucho
 How are you? (¿Cómo estás?/¿Qué tal?)
 What's happening? / What's up? (¿Qué pasa?)
 I'm fine, thank you. (Estoy bien, gracias.)
 And you? (¿Y tú?)
 How old are you? (¿Cuántos años tienes?)
 I am ... years old. (Tengo ... años.)
 Where are you from? (¿De dónde eres?)
 Where do you live? (¿Dónde vives?)
 What do you do? / What do you do for a living? (¿Qué haces? /
¿En qué trabajas?)
 Do you speak Spanish? (¿Hablas español?)
 Excuse me. (Perdón.)
 I don't understand. (No entiendo.)
 Can you repeat, please? (¿Puedes repetir por favor?)
 Can you speak slower, please? (¿Puedes hablar más despacio por
 Thank you very much! (¡Muchas gracias!)
 You're welcome. (De nada.)
 See you later! (¡Hasta luego!)
 Have a nice day! (¡Que pase un buen día!)
 Same to you. (Igualmente.)


Write the number in the gap. Write the numbers in words:

a.- 45

Six hundred and twelve b.- 324

c.- 847
Two hundred and ninety-four
_________________ d.- 1.000

Seven hundred and seventy e.- 913 __________________________


Three hundred and twenty-nine


Eight hundred and fifty-five


Four hundred and ninety-one


Two hundred and ninety-nine


Three hundred and fifty-nine


A hundred and twelve


Eight hundred and fifty five



__________ W O T
__________ N T E
__________ O F R U
__________ O E N
__________ V N S E E
__________ R H E E T
__________ V E I F
__________ N E N I Write number plates, ID,
__________ E T H I G etc. (board)
__________ X S I

What time is it?

Draw the times on the clocks

_______________ _______________ _______________ ________________

Grammar and structure
A. Verb to be
B. Simple Present Tense
C. Simple Present Continuous
D. Demonstrative adjectives
E. Where are you from?
F. Definite and Indefinite articles
G. There is there are
H. Prepositions of Place
I. Possessive Adjectives
J. Words and expressions to learn

The verb to be: The verb to be is the most important verb in the English language. it is
an irregular verb in almost all of its forms. In the simple present tense, to be is conjugated as

Affirmative forms of the verb to be

Subject Pronouns Full Form Contracted Form

I am 'm
You are 're
he/she/it is 's
We are 're
You are 're
They are 're

Interrogative forms of the verb to

be: Negative Forms of the verb to be:

Subject Full Contracted

Pronouns Form Form
Am I? I am not 'm not
Are you? you are not aren't
Is he/she/it? he/she/it is not isn't
Are we? we are not aren't
Are you? you are not aren't
Are they? they are not aren't
Use of the simple present of to be

The principal use of the simple present is to refer to an action or  She is helpful.
event that takes place habitually, but with the verb "to be" the
simple present tense also refers to a present or general state, The verb to be in the simple present can be also used to
whether temporary, permanent or habitual. refer to something that is true at the present moment.

-I am happy. -She is 20 years old. –He is a student.

We use the present tense:

1. For repeated or regular actions in the

present time period:

- I take the train to the office.

- The train to Berlin leaves every hour.
- John sleeps eight hours every night during
the week.

2. For facts:

- The President of The USA lives in The White

- A dog has four legs.
- We come from Switzerland.

3. For habits:

- I get up early every day.

- Carol brushes her teeth twice a day.
- They travel to their country house every

4. For things that are always / generally true:

- It rains a lot in winter.

- The Queen of England lives in Buckingham

- They speak English at…

 The train to Berlin leaves every hour.

 John sleeps eight hours every night
during the week.

Simple present tense exercises

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate simple present

tense form of the verb given in the brackets. In the case of questions,
use the indicated subject as well.

1. He …………………… (work) best in 7. Where …………………… (you / live)?

the evening.
8. He ……………………. (play) tennis on
2. The train ……………………. (arrive) at Sundays.
9. He …………………… (not work) hard.
3. How often …………………….. (you /
visit) your grandparents? 10. Jack ………………… (not speak)
4. She …………………….. (be) from
Malaysia. 11. ……………………. (you / know)
5. James ……………………. (not smoke).
12. How …………………….. (you / start)
6. How often ……………………. (he / go) a washing machine?
to the gym?

TASK # 1

Verb: to be
A) Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text.
Do not use short/contracted forms.

Peter Baker _____ from Manchester, but Paul and John _____ from London. Manchester

and London _____ cities in England. Hamburg _____ a city in Germany. Sandra _____ at

school today. Jack and Peter _____ her friends. They _____ in the same class. Mr and Mrs

Baker _____ on a trip to the USA to visit their cousin Anne. She _____ a nice girl. Peter says:

"My grandfather _____ in hospital. I _____ at home with my grandmother." What

time _____ it? It _____ 8 o'clock. _____ you tired? No, I _____ not.

b)Complete the sentences; Use AM /IS /ARE

1.- Pablo______in the park. 2.- They _______at school.

3.- This car______for you. 4.- I____- a good student.

5.- Billy and Marry_____doctors. 6.- Our teacher____great.

7.- You _____26 years old. 8.- Maria ____at home.

9.- We _____on holliday. 10.- She _____my sister.

c) Chance these sentences into negative form.

1.- She is my mother.______________________________

2.- Sandra and Félix are happy. _______________________

3.- I am your friend. _______________________________

4.- The ruler is blue. _______________________________

5.- We are children. _______________________________

6.- It is sunny today. _______________________________

d) Change these sentences into questions.

1.- Brian and Marcos are singers._______________________

2.- He is your grandpa.______________________________

3.- I am great.____________________________________

4.- It is on the table. ________________________________

5.- Your name is Carlos. _____________________________

6.- The girls are in the bedroom.________________________



Demonstrative Adjectives
We use demonstrative adjectives to point out specific people or things.

This and that These and Those

This and that modify singular nouns. These and those are used for plural
This is used to point out something that nouns.
is nearby: These is similar to this, but it is used for
"This book I'm holding is very old." nearby plurals:
"These keys are all the wrong size for this
That is used to point out something that door."
is farther away:
"That mountain looks small because it is Those is similar to that, but it is used for
so far away." far away plurals:
"Those taxi drivers we had on holiday
were dangerous drivers.

Activity in class

1 - Can you move ___ books into the 6 - Look at ___ plane flying high above
other room? us.
those that
them this

2 - Please pass me ___ cards. 7 - ___ is my favourite type of ice-cream.


those This

that 8 - I don't know any of ___ people.

3 - I have to take ___ DVDs back to the

store. Them

these Those

that 9 - ___ mice are so cute!

4 - ___ airport is 50 miles away from

here. That

That These

This 10 - I don't know where the files are. I

haven't seen ___.
5 - May I borrow some of ___ boxes?
that them
these those


 Argentina - Argentine  Italy - Italian

 Australia - Australian  Japan - Japanese
 Austria - Austrian  Peru - Peruvian
 Canada - Canadian  Scotland - Scottish
 Chile - Chilean  South Africa - South African
 China - Chinese  Spain - Spanish
 Ecuador - Ecuadorian  Switzerland - Swiss
 France - French  Rusia - Russian
 Germany - German  USA - American
 Holland - Dutch  Uruguay - Uruguayan
 India - Indian  Great Britain - British
 Ireland - Irish

Countries and nationalities

I am from Australia I I am from China

I am _____________ I __________

I am from USA I am from Spain

I am ___________ I I am __________

Task #2

Read and complete the chart.

Dear ( your name)

Welcome to the Friends Club. It’s for english learners and friends around the world.
Martina, Pepe, kate, Dunya, Mary, Paul and Bernd are members of the Club: Martina is from Italy . She is twelve.
Pepe is Spanish. He is nine. Kathe and Mary are twins from Great Britain. They are thirteen years old. Dunya is
from Russia. She is ten. Paul is French and he is eleven. Bernd is from Germany and he is eight years old. How
old are you?











Prepositions of Place

1. The clock is___________ the Wall.
2. The ball is ___________ the table.
3. The cat is __________ the
4. The table is ________ the
5. The carpet is ________the floor.
6. The lamp is ________ the table.
7. The flowers are _________ the
8. The table is __________ the chair
and the armchair.

Describe the picture

1.----------------------------------------------- 2.---------------------------------------------

3.----------------------------------------------- 4.--------------------------------------------

5.----------------------------------------------- 6.-------------------------------------------

7.----------------------------------------------- 8.-------------------------------------------

Answer the questions.

Write a question for each answer.

Example: 1.- Where is the church?

2. ?
3. ?

4. ?

Which is the correct

1. Mr Lemon’s __________ father.

3. Fluffy is __________ small
a. our
a. she
b. we
b. her
2. Those are __________ bananas.
a. they
4. She is __________ new teacher.
b. their
a. I
b. my

5. He is __________ brother.

a. you
b. your

Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

1. Where is (I) ______ book 5. (You) ______ laptop is very expensive.

2. Here is (we) ______ 6. (He) ______ favorite hobby is tennis.
teacher. 7. (I)______ husband and I want to go to Paris.
3. She goes to school with 8. We want to see (it) ______ historical
(she) ______ brother. monuments.
4.(They) _____ father works in a car 9. Leila likes (she) ______ dog !
factory. 10.(It) ______ name is Bobby.

Words and expressions to learn:


I need urgent medical assistance (Ai nid uryent medical asistans)

I need an ambulance (Ai nid an ambulans)

Necesito llegar al hospital.

I need to get to the hospital (ai nid tu guet tu de ospital)

con la policía.

I need to talk to the police (Ai nid tu toc tu de polis)

He perdido mi pasaporte.

I have lost my passport ( Ai jab lost mai pasport)

Me han robado.

I have been robed (Ai jab bin robd)

I need to get to my embassy (Ai nid to guet tu mai embasi)

I need to find a pharmacy (Ai nid tu faind a farmacy)

I am having an asthma attack (Ai am jabing an asma atac)

a los bomberos!

Fire! Somebody call the fire fighters! (Faier! Sambadi col de firefairers!)

How do I
get to the

A. Ecuador the country of the

four worlds
B. Car Parts
C. Transit signs
D. Giving directions
E. How to get to….?


Ecuador is located in the northwestern part of the South American continent. It is one of
the smallest countries in South America.

The country can be divided into four regions: the coastal region (La Costa), the Andes (La
Sierra), the Amazon region (La Selva) and the Galápagos Islands and with justice it boasts
of hosting "The Country of The four Worlds".

There are approximately 17 million people living in Ecuador. The official language in
Ecuador is Spanish, but Quichua, a native language, is spoken by the indigenous people.
Besides Spanish, ten native languages are spoken in Ecuador.

There are two seasons in Ecuador, rainy and dry. The temperature ranges between
regions and its altitude.


The main Port of Ecuador rises like a pearl on the southern Pacific coast, on the banks of
the majestic Guayas River where it is crossed by several estuaries such as the Salado.
"The Pearl of the Pacific", as it´s known, is home to countless tourist attractions that will
make your visit an unforgettable experience.


A historic park in the heart of downtown, here you can admire sculptures and enjoy green
areas. It is also known as “Iguana Park” or “Bolivar” Park because you will find plenty of
iguanas and a statue of Simon Bolivar, El Libertador.


La Cathedral is a neo-gothic cathedral built in on the site of the first church of the New
City. In 1949 the central nave was inaugurated, followed by the two towers in 1956.


This boardwalk is one of the most entertaining places to visit in Guayaquil. Locals and
tourists will encounter monuments, fountains, gardens, museums, shopping malls,
restaurants, bars, an IMAX theater, docks, and several viewpoints.

LAS PEÑAS is the first neighborhood in Guayaquil with more than 400 years of history,
where its characteristic wooden houses, painted with bright colors, stand out. In Las Peñas
you can visit old houses occupied by galleries and restaurants.


Located on step 444, this hilltop has amazing views of the Guayas River and the city of
Guayaquil. A charming church and a lighthouse overlooking the city.

Other Important places to visit in Guayaquil

 Malecon El Salado
 Guayaquil Historical Park
 Botanical Garden
 Plaza Guayarte


Quito, the capital of Ecuador, located at 2,850 meters (9,350 feet) above sea level and
surrounded by the soaring Andes, Quito is the second highest capital city in the world.
Ecuador's capital is known for its rich colonial history, its beautiful landscapes and pre-
Columbian art. UNESCO refers to Quito as the city with "the best-preserved, least altered
historic center in Latin America".

It was built on the foundations of an ancient Inca city and is famous for its well-preserved
colonial center, with several churches from the 16th and 17th centuries, and other
structures that mix European, Moorish and indigenous styles. These include the cathedral,
in the Plaza Grande, and the highly decorated Jesuit church of the Society of Jesus.

Quito is the political and economic center of Ecuador, home to the main governmental and
non – governmental entities, both national and international.

Tourist Places
La Mitad del Mundo

The main attraction in Quito is La Mitad del Mundo; a monument marking the equator of
the earth. Strangely enough its not at the exact equator. The true equator is a little ways
away at Reloj Solar Quitsato

Virgin of El Panecillo

The Virgin of El Panecillo, guarding the historic streets of Quito’s Old Town, is one of
Quito’s most recognizable landmarks.

Walking around the city is also worth doing with its impressive architecture, narrow streets
full of life and commerce. And

 Basílica del Voto Nacional

 Calle La Ronda
 La Carolina Park
 Plaza Grande and the Old Town are also must see.


The Galapagos Islands are situated in the Pacific Ocean some 1.000 km from the
Ecuadorian coast. This archipelago and its immense marine reserve is well known as the
unique “Living museum and showcase of evolution or The Enchanted Islands”. Its
geographical location at the confluence of three oceans currents make it one of the richest
marine ecosystems in the world.

About 30.000 people live on the islands, and approximately 170.000 tourists visit the
islands each year.


The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest on Earth, crossed by rivers which flow
into the Amazon.

The Ecuadorian part of this great forest, also known as "el Oriente", is an extremely
diverse region due to the different altitudinal tiers close to the Andes. This coupled with its
tropical temperature, high rainfall and rugged topography, originates a high level of
biodiversity and endemism. The Ecuadorian Upper Amazon Basin is home to several
indigenous nations, each one with its own characteristic features such as language,
customs and own Cosmo vision.

The Ecuadorian rainforest is ideal for hikes and expeditions, canoe and rafting trips,
wildlife observation, community-based ecotourism, or just relaxing on a luxurious jungle
lodge. You've got several roads to get to the rainforest, from Quito or, probably the best
one, from Baños to Puyo.









Traffic signs control the flow of traffic, warn you of hazards ahead, guide you to your
destination, and inform you of roadway services.

Write the correct sign according to the picture.


Useful expressions to give directions


Here is an example

How do you go from the school to the park?

First, you go out of the school, and you turn left. Then, go straight on. Pass the theater and the
newsagent, and then turn left on Queen Avenue. Go straight on. Pass the police station and the
hospital, and turn right on Palm Street. The park is on the left, opposite the club and church.

How do you go from the park to the theater?

Write T (true) or F (false)

a. The jewelry store is behind the Italian restaurant

b. The bar is on Second Avenue
c. The police station is on the left from Fire Department
d. The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant
e. The movie theater is opposite the Book store
f. The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store
g. The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant

THERE IS & THERE ARE (hay, del verbo haber)

SINGULAR There is There isn´t Is there a-an ….?

PLURAL There are there aren´t Are there ……?

Read what says about Tayford. Fill in the gaps with there is or there are.

Tayford is a really great place to live. ______________ lots of

shops and _______________ a nice park near the center.
Lots of tourists visit the town in the summer.
____________________two or three good hotels and some
cheap bed and breakfasts.

_______________ also four of five very good restaurants. On

Saturdays and Sundays __________________ an interesting
market. _________ lots of beautiful houses in Tayford.
__________ a river, the River Tay, and ______________ two
beautiful lakes five miles away.

Describe the picture

There is a library.

_______ ____________________________

_______ ____________________________

_______ ____________________________

_______ ____________________________

_______ ____________________________

_______ ____________________________

a.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) a box under the bed

b.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) a cat on the wardrobe

c.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) two dogs in the room

d.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) lots of CDs in the box

e. There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) a computer on the desk

f.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) a lamp near the bed

g.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) three jackets in the wardrobe

h.- There ( is- isn´t – are – aren´t ) two pillows on the bed


Complete with the correct answer:

Ecuador is located in the northwestern part of the South American (1)_________. It

is one of the (2)________ countries in South America. The country can be divided
into four regions: the (3)_______region (La Costa), the Andes (La Sierra), the
Amazon region (La Selva) and the Galápagos Islands and with justice it boasts of
hosting "The Country of The four (4) ________".

There are approximately 17 million (5)_______living in Ecuador. The official (6)

_________ in Ecuador is Spanish, but Quichua, a native language, is spoken by
the indigenous people. Besides Spanish, ten native languages are spoken in
Ecuador. There are two seasons in Ecuador, rainy and dry. The temperature
ranges between regions and its altitude.

1. a. City b. town c. continent

2. a. smallest b. bigger c. beautiful
3. a. coast b. coastal c. high
4. a. worlds b. words c. works
5. a. person b. peoples c. people
6. a. Idiom b. language c. tongue
The principals Cities of Ecuador are:


The main Port of Ecuador rises like a pearl on the southern Pacific coast, on the banks of
the majestic Guayas River where it is crossed by several estuaries such as the Salado.
"The Pearl of the Pacific", as it´s known, is home to countless tourist attractions that will
make your visit an unforgettable experience.


A historic park in the heart of downtown, here you can admire sculptures and enjoy green
areas. It is also known as “Iguana Park” or “Bolivar” Park because you will find plenty of
iguanas and a statue of Simon Bolivar, El Libertador.


La Cathedral is a neo-gothic cathedral built in on the site of the first church of the New
City. In 1949 the central nave was inaugurated, followed by the two towers in 1956. This
beautiful cathedral has a main altar made of marble from Cuenca and stained windows
that filter colors and light to create a marvelous effect.


This boardwalk is one of the most entertaining places to visit in Guayaquil. Locals and
tourists will encounter monuments, fountains, gardens, museums, shopping malls,
restaurants, bars, an IMAX theater, docks, and several viewpoints.

LAS PEÑAS is the first neighborhood in Guayaquil with more than 400 years of
history, where its characteristic wooden houses, painted with bright colors, stand
out. In Las Peñas you can visit old houses occupied by galleries and restaurants.

Located on step 444, this hilltop has amazing views of the Guayas River and the city of
Guayaquil. A charming church and a lighthouse overlooking the city.

Other Important places to visit in Guayaquil

 Malecon El Salado
 Guayaquil Historical Park
 Botanical Garden
 Plaza Guayarte

Answer the following questions:

1. How is also known the city of Guayaquil?

2. Why the The Seminario Park is called “Iguana Park”?

3. What does the main altar of the Cathedral made of?

4. What places can a tourist enjoy walking when visiting Guayaquil?

5. How are houses built in Las Peñas Neighborhood?

6. What can I observe if I am in the highest part of the Santa Ana hill?


Write the correct form of the verb in the following reading:

Quito, the capital of Ecuador, (to be) __ located at the height of the slopes of the Andes at
2,850 m. Ecuador's capital (to be) _______ known for it's rich colonial history, it's beautiful
landscapes and pre-Columbian art. UNESCO (refer) _______ to Quito as the city with "the
best-preserved, least altered historic center in Latin America".

It was built on the foundations of an ancient Inca city and (to be) ______ famous for its
well-preserved colonial center, with several churches from the 16th and 17th centuries,
and other structures that mix European, Moorish and indigenous styles. These (include)
_________ the cathedral, in the Plaza Grande, and the highly decorated Jesuit church of
the Society of Jesus.

Quito (to be) _______ the political and economic center of Ecuador, home to the main
governmental and non – governmental entities, both national and international, including
the most important cultural, financial, administrative and commercial institutions operating
within the country.

Tourist Places

Virgin of El Panecillo

The Virgin of El Panecillo, guarding the historic streets of Quito’s Old Town, (to be)
_______ one of Quito’s most recognizable landmarks.

Basílica del Voto Nacional, Calle La Ronda, La CarolinaPark, Plaza Grande, Mitad del

The Galapagos Islands area is (1) _______ in the Pacific Ocean some 1.000 km
from the Ecuadorian coast. This archipelago and (2) _____ immense marine
reserve is (3) _____ known as the unique “Living museum and showcase of
evolution or The Enchanted Islands”. Its (4) ____________ location at the
confluence of three (5) ______ currents makes it one of the richest marine
ecosystems in the world.

About 30.000 people live on the islands, and approximately 170.000 (6) ______
visit the islands each year.

1. a. situated b. situate c. Locate

2. a. her b. it’s c. its
3. a.when b. well c. good
4. a. geography b. historic c. geographical
5. a. oceans b. lakes c. rivers
6. a. tourists b. peoples c. turistic


Unscramble the word in the parenthesis

The Amazon (T E N R S O F R I A) ____________ is the largest tropical forest on

Earth, crossed by (V S R R E I )________ which flow into the Amazon.

The Ecuadorian part of this great (O T S R E F) __________, also known as "el

Oriente", is an extremely diverse region due to the different altitudinal tiers close to
the Andes. This coupled with its tropical temperature, high (L N F R L A
I A) _________ and rugged topography, originates a high level of biodiversity and
endemism. The Ecuadorian Upper Amazon Basin is home to several indigenous
nations, each one with its own characteristic features such as (G E N A G L A U)
_________, customs and own Cosmo vision.

The Ecuadorian rainforest is ideal for hikes and expeditions, canoe and rafting
trips, wildlife observation, community-based ecotourism, or just relaxing on a
luxurious (L E N G J U) _______ lodge. You've got several roads to get to the
rainforest, from Quito or, probably the best one, from Baños to Puyo.

Reading Comprehension
Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work
every day at 8:00 am. He finishes work every day at 6:00
pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work
every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank.
But, they do not live close to the bank. They drive cars to
work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the
boss. He helps all the workers and tells them what to do.
He likes his job. He is also very good at his job. Many
customers like Tom, and they say hello to him when they
come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and
make them feel happy. Tom really likes his job.

Choose one option and write a complete answer.

1. What time does Tom start work?

a) 8:00 am
b) 9:00 am

2. Does Tom drive a car to work?

a) Yes
b) No

3. Does Tom live close to the bank?

a) Yes
b) No

4. Does Tom talk to customers?

a) Yes
b) No

5. How does Tom feel about his job?

a) Good
b) Bad

I’m Sam. I’m eleven years old and I live in
the countryside. We get up really early, at READ AND DRAW
half past five. After breakfast I help my THE HANDS
father - We have a barn and a lot of animals.
At twelve o’clock we have lunch and my
lessons start at quarter to one. I don’t go to
school, I learn at home. My mother is my
teacher and we study 5 hour every day. I
finish my lessons at quarter to six and then I
watch TV or play computer games. At seven
o’clock I do my homework. We have dinner at
half past eight. I go to bed at half past nine.


Sam studies during the morning True False

He studies at home with her sister True False
He watches TV at seven o’clock True False START LESSONS
He works with his father everyday True False
His mother is a teacher True False
He has dinner at half past nine True False


What time does he wake up?

What does he do during the morning?
What time does he start his lessons?
Does he go to school? Who is his teacher?
What does he do after his lessons? GO TO BED


What time does he do his homework?
What time do they have dinner?

A,Complete with the correct ARTICLE: A AN THE

1. What is ______ name of the hotel?

2. She works in ______ hospital.

3. New York is in _______ United States.

4. He has ______ red bike.

5. I want ______ orange and two apples.

6. Her father is _______ architect.

7. We live in ______ house. _______ house is small.

8. They live in _____ United States.

9. Do you remember ______ hotel we loved in New York?

B.Complete the sentences with a/an.

Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is ..... book, .....
pencil case, ..... apple and ..... egg and mayonnaise sandwich. Some days
he also buys ..... icecream for dessert. Today he has ..... English exam. The
exam is not very difficult. He writes ..... short story about ..... adventurer. The
story begins like this: “It is ..... special day for Oliver. At ten o´clock in the
morning he gets on ..... plane. His destination is Australia...”

C. Some of these phrases are wrong. Correct them.

a engineer
a house
a hour
an orange book
an expensive university
an uniform
A. Complete the sentences in PRESENT CONTINUOUS with the verbs given.
The birds ..................................... (sing).
My sister ............................ (watch) TV and I ............................. (read) a great novel. We
........................... (have) a very good time on holidays.
She ……………………............... (work) at the moment but she finishes at 6.
…........ it ………………..... (rain) now? Yes, it is.
James ........................ (play) football in the park now.
Harry and Anne ................................ (go) to the cinema.
They ............................ (clean) the whole house.

B. Ask questions as in the example.

1. Man / run Is the man running?

2. Mum / eat / cake .......................................................................................................

3. That man / read / the paper .....................................................................................

4. They / wear / T-shirts ...............................................................................................

5. The birds / fly ............................................................................................................

6. You / listen / to me ...................................................................................................

C. Write these sentences in the negative (short form)

1. That boy is eating an ice-cream......................................................................................

2. I´m going to the mountain. ...........................................................................................

3. They are making dinner. ..............................................................................................

4. Rose is doing her homeworks. …………………………………………………………………………………


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