Work Method Statement For Site Cabin Mobilization, Temporary Storage & Fabrication Area

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Work Method Statement for Site Cabin

Mobilization, Temporary Storage and

Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

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Method Statement Title:

Site Cabin Mobilization, Temporary Storage and Fabrication Area

Reviewed by Kinetics Approved by KSM

Submitted by Project Manager
Contractor Construction





Table of Content

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 2 of 10

Section Description

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Resources

2.1 Material

2.2 Machinery & Equipment

2.3 Manpower Involved/Plan

2.4 Contractor Involved

2.5 Qualification

3.0 Primary Requirement

3.1 Coordination Requirement

3.2 Others Operation Requirement

3.3 Receiving

3.4 Handling

3.5 Storage

3.6 Parking

4.0 Work Activity Methodology/ Arrangement

4.1 Site Preparation

4.2 Mobilization & Installation

5.0 Inspection, Testing, and Commissioning Proposal

6.0 List of Attachment / Appendices / References / Drawing

7.0 Safety Hirarc

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 3 of 10

1.0 Introduction
This document shall address the typical works of settings up for the office cabins and equipment,
temporary storage, fabrication area, general offloading and lifting operations of construction

2.0 Resources

2.1 Materials

All materials used on site must be approved type and they are as follows: -

No Type / Brand Name Description of Materials

1 Cabin 20FT x 8FT Lay down site office
2 Cabin 20FT x 8FT Storage cabin
3 Uni strut and accessories For storage rack
4 Floor protection Plywood/plastic sheet/Heavy
Duty Canvas

2.2 Machinery and Equipment

No Type / Model Quantity

1 Cutting Machine Various
2 Hand Tools Various
3 Ladder Various
4 Office Table Various
5 Printer Various
6 Office Chair Various
7 Lorry (Transportation) Various
8 Partition Board Various
9 Office Cabinet Various
10 Plotter Machine Various
11 Extension Wire Various
12 TIG Welding Set Various
13 Work Bench Various
14 Orbital Welding Set Various
15 Temporary DB Various
16 Spotlight Various
17 Genset Various
18 Vacuum set Various
19 Tent Various
20 Power Tools Various

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 4 of 10

2.3 Manpower Involved / Plan

Designation / Name (Kinetics) Key Person Quantity

Manager: / 1
Engineer: / 1
Supervisor: / 1
EHS: / 1
QA/QC: / 1

Designation / Name (DPV) Key Person Quantity

Manager: / 1
Engineer: / 1
Supervisor: / 1
EHS: / 1
QA/QC: / 1

2.4 Contractor Involved

Company Type / Model Quantity

CSA Contractor 1 lot

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 5 of 10

3.0 Primary Requirement

3.1 Coordination Requirement

3.1.1 The mobilizing operation shall be led by an Engineer. The role & responsibilities of
the various parties involved in the operation and together with the line of
communication are shown in the organization chart.
3.1.2 Client shall be informed of the date and time of mobilization in advance. Lifting
procedures shall be submitted to the client for review and approval in advance.
3.1.3 The EHS Officer shall determine the condition permissive for the operation before
proceeding with the work.
3.1.4 All lifting activities shall be coordinated by authorized personnel. Steps taken shall
follow the approved lifting procedures and any change made prior to or during the
operation shall be agreed upon by all relevant parties.
3.1.5 The Lifting Coordinator shall maintain overall control. No unauthorized personnel
shall instruct the operators to commence or cease work without instruction from the
3.1.6 Checks shall be carried out on shackles and other lifting equipment and verified
prior to lifting.
3.1.7 Pre-lift meeting shall be conducted by the Engineer-in-charge and attended by all
parties concerned.

3.2 Other Operation Requirement

3.2.1 The following are to be prepared and performed during the mobilization of office
cabins, machineries and equipment presented to the client’s representative in
advance prior to the actual lifting.

i) Preparation of JHA and endorsement.

ii) List of equipment to be used for lifting such as cranes, sling, shackle, etc.,
complete with valid certificates.
iii) Identifying Engineer, Lifting Coordinator, and Supervisor Personnel in
charge for the lifting.
iv) Perform briefings to all personnel involved.
v) Lifting Plan.
vi) Permit to Work (PTW)/SIPP.

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 6 of 10

3.3 Receiving
3.3.1 All delivery materials to the site shall be informed to the site manager/ to have the
plan for unloading. Upon arrival of materials at the storage yard, the materials
controller will match delivery notes and shall verify the consignment.

3.3.2 Receiving/Handling/Storage for all materials must comply manufacturer’s

recommendation & IMCS

3.3.3 Upon arrival of the material, the consignment shall be verified by the supervisor to
match the packing list and inspected by Kinetics QAQC & Client.

3.3.4 All material received at site shall be visually inspected for any damages in order to
avoid of work.

3.3.5 Deliver each container with labeling intact which identifies manufacturer, type of
material, brand name, brand code, coverage, surface preparation, drying time,
cleanup, color designation, and instructions for mixing and reducing.

3.4 Handling
3.4.1 Proper methods & equipment, i.e., trolley or pallet jack to be used for transferring of
the materials or tools.

3.4.2 Supervisor shall monitor the work and ensure the work is complied with all safety

3.5 Storage
3.5.1 Proper barricade & barrier ownership tag to be used for materials storage.

3.5.2 Proper containment tray to be used for materials storage.

3.5.3 Store materials in a sheltered dry place that is free from excessive moisture.

3.5.4 Daily housekeeping shall be carried out to ensure the cleanness of the area.

3.6 Parking

3.6.1 Site parking for Sub-Contractors are not provided in the compound of KMDP
WP10b. No reserved parking is available. Picking up and dropping off passengers
on the streets of KMDP WP10b is forbidden.

3.6.2 For vehicles that require regular access to Intel KMDPWP 10b, a gate pass
available at Intel Security. Vehicles of Sub-Contractors entering the compound of
KMDP WP10b will only be eligible to load/offload items required at work site.

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 7 of 10

3.7 Utilities

3.7.1 Power
a) Temporary power supply shall be provided at Fabrication area, Common areas
whichever required.

3.7.2 Water
a) Water supply shall be provided for sanitation with the installation of Hand-wash
Sink at selected areas. (if required).

3.8 Common Areas

3.8.1 List of common areas (below) to be concurrently established with the fabrication area:

a) Smoking Zone (if required)

b) Rest Area (if required)
c) Toilet Facility (Portable Toilet) (if required)
d) Eye-wash Station (if required)
e) Toolbox Meeting Area/Evacuation ground (if required)
f) Dumpster Area (if required)
g) Setup of these areas shall strictly follow the Standard Operating Procedure of
Covid-19 Prevention.

4.0 Work Activity Methodology / Arrangement

4.1 Site Preparation

No Activity Sequence
1 a) To inform related Project Manager, System Owner and KINETICS EHS
management before start work for the day.

b) To obtain the entire relevant valid EHS document before start work.

c) Identified the working area on site and potential obstructions/possible impact

on existing services before installation structures.

d) Get approval from Intel for the laydown area and mark on layout drawing.

e) Existing building and services shall be protected/relocated. (if any)

*To assign all the workers, stuff to attend safety induction before start work.

*Get the valid permit for the workers and machinery to enter the site.*

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 8 of 10

2 a) To Inform the Project Manager or person in charge before start work.

b) Detail of the activity to be performed shall be informed/briefed and explained

before starting work.

c) To ensure all gate passes, permits, tools & materials for safety precautions,
manpower and equipment are available and approved before commencement of
work. Precautions must be taken before and during activity in accordance to
DOSH standard.

d) To ensure access roads are always clear from any obstruction and site is
always accessible as approved by KINETICS & CLIENT.

e) To ensure all the materials used is approved before applied on site.

f) Provide safeguards, including related signages, barricades, temporary fences,

warning lights and other similar items that are required for protection of all
personnel during all activity involved.

4.2 Mobilization & Installation

No Activity Sequence

a) To inform related Project Manager, System Owner and EHS Management

1 before start work for the day.

b) Obtained the entire relevant valid EHS document before start work.

c) All Vehicles to comply the wheel stopper when loading material.

d) Shall be use manpower to mobilize the materials into the work location and
storage area. (Backhoe/Excavation & Lorry will be used for excavation)

2 To brief the workers on the job sequence and streamline their job for hazard
avoidance prior work starts.

3 Work Sequence

a) Fabricate and erect temporary fencing/hoarding: (if required)

- Unload material/Install surrounding fencing using manpower and hand/power


b) Offloading site cabin and material

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 9 of 10

- Cabin offloading & setup.

-To hoist down site office cabin, required material and facilities equipment from
trailer using a crane by the approved supplier.

- Critical lifting plan need to be prepared and approved by Intel EHS before

c)Temporary DB setup:

- Wiring works and installation electric supply to site office.

- Spotlight, Lightning Arrestor & Earthing Installation

- Mobilize all the office facilities into the room, table, chair, computer, racks etc.
by using manpower.

d) Cable laying: (if required)

- Cable to be pulled and laid by discussed with KINETICS and seek approval from

- Connection of cable to be carried out under witnessed by KINETICS & CLIENT


e) Cable termination: (if required)

- Cable to be terminated under witnessed by KINETICS and INTEL

REPRESENTATIVE to the designated points by using the inspected termination
materials that include glands, lugs, and other accessories part of termination kit,
by using proper crimping tools.

- Meeting will be conducted prior termination work.

f) Energizing Temporary DB.

- Obtain a permit before a temporary DB can be set up.

- Inspection must be done by Authorized Personnel.

- Check power connection.

g) Fabrication Tent setup: (if required)

- Install at storage & fabrication area as overhead protection.

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

Work Method Statement for Site Cabin
Mobilization, Temporary Storage and
Fabrication Area
Prepared by: Ref. no:

Name: Date:
Contact no.:
Company: Page 10 of 10

- Place 3mm Plywood for floor protection.

h) Common area setup: (if required)

- Smoking Area will be setup using manpower and hand/power tools.

- Barricade smoking area and provide ash-trays’ stands for proper dispose of
buds. Only 6 pax allowed at a time.

- Setup Rest area using manpower and hand/power tools.

- Rest area to follow social distancing of 2.0metre for the seats and table

- Mobilize materials and tools to the work location and store at temporary

- Fabricate and erect storage rack using manpower, hand/power tools and

4 COVID 19 Safety Measures to be follow strictly throughout the setup.

5 To do final housekeeping at works area and proper material arrangement.

5.0 Inspection, Testing and Commissioning Proposal


6.0 List of Attachments / Appendices / References/ Drawing

Attachment layout of the location of Site Cabin, Temporary Storage and Fabrication Area
Document Reference No. Document title

Rev. 0 Rev. date: 20210904

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