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MBA Regular Two Year P.G Degree Course

(Applicable for the batches admitted from 2022-23)

“ To Promote Excellence in Technical and Management Education.”


 Strengthen the Learning-Teaching Process for Holistic Development.
 Upgrade Physical Infrastructure to meet the Curriculum needs.
 Enhance Industry-Institute Interactions to acquire Professional Competency.
 Promote Innovation and Research to address Challenges of Society.

 To create a conducive and competitive environment for students through curricular and extra-
curricular activities.
 Promote the culture of research among the faculty.
 To promote synergetic alliances with premier Institutions, Industry, CSIR laboratories and
various Government organizations for Collaborative Research Projects.
 To promote economic and social enrichment of the society through Skill Development
Programmes, Entrepreneurship and extension activities.
 To introduce demand driven new UG & PG academic programmes.
 To ensure a high degree of quality in terms of providing infrastructure, research ambience,
faculty and staff development.

Thirst for Quality Education: The stake holders of the institute particularly management, employees
and students of the institution have a consistent thirst for quality improvement of the processes and
services in the institution.
Life Long Learning: In the fast changing technological world, acquiring a special skill at one point of
time will not be enough for ever long survival. Hence to flourish in the work place and to bring in
innovations in the ways of doing, employee, student as well as alumni must be continuous learners and
tech savvy.
Diversity and Participation: AITS promotes the involvement of faculty, staff, and students from all
social, economic, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds to get the synergy of combining the
diversified agents. The focus is on involving students to exhibit their talent in various curricular and co-
curricular activities and strengthening alumni link to share their experiences to the students.
Academic Integrity and Accountability: Management induces accountability in the employees for the
career of the students and the academic leadership establishes a mentoring mechanism for realization of
responsibilities of students towards their parents and in turn to the society.

“To achieve academic excellence and entrepreneurial skills in the field of management”

 Strict adherence to the academic regulations & processes for overall development
of learners.
 Upgrade physical infrastructure to meet the curriculum needs.
 Enhance industry-institute interactions to acquire professional managerial
 Strengthen the research to address the challenges of the corporate.
Course Structure and Detailed Syllabi (2022-23 onwards)

Master of Business Administration

MBA – I Semester
Scheme of
Hours per
Cr Examination
S. week
Category Course Title ed (Max. Marks)
No Course
its SE
code L T P CIE Total
CC Management & Organizational
1. 22MBA0101 4 - - 4 40 60 100
2. CC 22MBA0102 Managerial Economics 4 - - 4 40 60 100

3. CC 22MBA0103 Legal and Business Environment 4 - - 4 40 60 100

4. CC 22MBA0104 Accounting for Managers 4 - - 4 40 60 100

5. CC 22MBA0105 Business Statistics 4 - - 4 40 60 100

6. CC 22MBA0106 Computer Applications for Business 4 - - 4 40 60 100

7. SC 22MBA0107 Business Communication Lab - 1 2 2 40 60 100
8. SC 22MBA0108 Data Analytics Lab - 1 2 2 40 60 100
Total 24 2 4 28 320 480 800

MBA – II Semester
Scheme of
Hours per
S. Cr Examination
N Category Course Title ed (Max. Marks)
o its SE
code L T P CIE Total
CC Human Resource
1. 22MBA0201 4 - - 4 40 60 100
2. CC 22MBA0202 Marketing Management 4 - - 4 40 60 100
3. CC 22MBA0203 Financial Management 4 - - 4 40 60 100
4. CC 22MBA0204 Operations Management 4 - - 4 40 60 100
5. CC 22MBA0205 Business Research Methods 4 - - 4 40 60 100
6. CC 22MBA0206 Operations Research 4 - - 4 40 60 100
General Elective – I MOOCs
22MBA0207 Infrastructure Economics
7. GE 22MBA0208 Behavioral and Personal Finance 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
22MBA0209 Integrated Marketing Management
8. SC 22MBA0210 Business Analytics Lab - 1 2 2 40 60 100
Total 26 1 2 28 320 480 800
MBA – III Semester
Scheme of
Hours per
S Cr Examination
Course week
N Course Title edi (Max. Marks)
o ts Tot
Category L T P CIE SEE
1. CC 22MBA0301 Strategic Management 4 - - 4 40 60 100
Entrepreneurship Development
2. CC 22MBA0302 4 - - 4 40 60 100
Elective 1
22MBA0303 Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management (F)
3. SE 22MBA0304 Human Resource Analytics (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0305 Consumer Behavior (M)
22MBA0306 Managing Digital Innovation and
Transformation (S)
Elective 2
22MBA0307 Financial Markets and Services (F)
4. SE 22MBA0308 Performance Management (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0309 Sales and Distribution Management(M)
22MBA0310 E-Commerce and Digital Markets (S)

Elective 3
22MBA0311 Banking and Financial Institutions (F)
5. SE 22MBA0312 Organizational Change and Development (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0313 Retail Management (M)
22MBA0314 Data Science using R (S)

Elective 4
22MBA0315 Project Appraisal & Finance (F)
6 SE 22MBA0316 Compensation and Benefits Management (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0317 Product and Brand Management (M)
22MBA0318 Data Mining for Business Decisions(S)
General Elective – II
22MBA0319 Advanced Communication
7. GE 22MBA0320 E-Business 2 0 0 2 40 60 100
22MBA0321 Industry 4.0 & Innovation
22MBA0322 Human Values and professional Ethics
8. SC 22MBA0323 Spread Sheet Modelling Lab - - 2 1 40 60 100
9. PR 22MBA0324 Experiential Learning project - - 2 1 100 100
Total 26 - 4 28 420 480 900
MBA – IV Semester
Scheme of
S. Hours per week Cr Examination
N Course Title ed (Max. Marks)
o its
Category L T P CIE SEE Total
Elective 5
22MBA0401 Financial Derivatives (F)
1 SE 22MBA0402 Industrial Relations (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0403 Services Marketing (M)
22MBA0404 E-Retailing (S)
Elective 6
22MBA0405 International Finance (F)
2 SE 22MBA0406 International HRM (H) 4 - - 4 40 60 100
22MBA0407 International Marketing (M)
22MBA0408 Marketing analytics (S)
3 PR 22MBA0409 Project Work - - 20 10 80 120 200
Total 8 - 20 18 160 240 400
MBA – I Semester

Year: I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

L T P Credits
Subject Code: Subject Name:
22MBA0101 Management & Organizational Behavior
4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behavior.
CO2: Analyze the various aspects of individual behavior.
CO3: Apply the various motivational theories in organizations.
CO4: Understand the characteristics of groups and group behavior.
CO5: Understand the various organizational processes

Unit I: Management- Nature, purpose and scope of management-Management Functions, Roles, Schools of
thought of management, Foundations of Organizational Behavior - nature and determinants of organizational
behavior, contributing disciplines to the field of OB.

Unit II: Foundations of individual behavior- Individual differences- learning, perception, values, attitudes,

Unit III: Motivation, Early theories- McGregor’s X and Y theory, Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, Herzberg
two factor theory, Contemporary theories- McClelland’s need theory, Alderfer’s ERG theory, Adam’s Equity
theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory, Goal setting theory, Application of motivational theories.

Unit IV: Group development: Group formation, Group properties-Roles, norms, status, size and cohesiveness,
Group decision making, Work teams, Leadership-Trait theories, behavioral and contingency theories of
leadership-leadership styles, leaders Vs managers, characteristics of a good leader-Application of Leadership-
Contemporary issues in Leadership.

Unit V: Understanding organizations- Organizational design, Organizational culture, organizational conflict,

Organizational Change

Text books and References:

1. Koontz, Harold and Weirich Heinz, Essentials of Management”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Stephen Robbins S, Timothy Judge & Seema Sanghi, “Organizational Behavior”, Pearson Education,
New Delhi,2009.
3. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Udai Pareek, “Understanding Organizational Behavior”, Oxford University Press
5. Giffin & Moorhead,OB:Managing People in Organization

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

5.1 5.1.1
CO3 PO5: Team environment 5.2 5.2.1
CO4 PO5: Team environment 5.2 5.2.2
PO4 : Global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
Year: I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: Subject Name: L T P Credits

22MBA0102 Managerial Economics 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Learn the basic concepts of economics.
CO2: Analyze the techniques of Demand forecasting.
CO3: Able to know supply concepts.
CO4: Know the importance of Cost types and cost-output relationship.
CO5: Study about Inflation and Business Cycles.

Unit I:Introduction to Managerial Economics: Introduction, Meaning, Scope, Importance of Managerial

Economics, Objectives of Firm, Profit Maximization Model, Economist Theory of the Firm, Cyert and March’s
Behavior Theory.

Unit II: Demand Analysis: Meaning and Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand, Demand Forecasting:
Introduction, Meaning of Forecasting, Methods or Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Demand Forecasting for
New Products, Break even analysis.

Unit III: Supply & Market Equilibrium: Market Structures & Supply, Law of Supply, Exceptions to the Law of
Supply, Factors Determining Elasticity of Supply, Market Equilibrium and Changes in Market Equilibrium.

Unit IV: Cost & Production Analysis: Production Function, Cost of Production, Cost Analysis- Introduction,
Types of Costs, Cost-Output Relationship: Cost Function, Cost-Output Relationships in the Short Run, and Cost-
Output Relationships in the Long Run.

Unit V: Business Cycle: Stages of business cycle, Measures to Control Business Cycles, Inflation and Deflation:
Inflation - Kinds, Measures to Control Inflation and Deflation.

Text Books and Reference Books:

1. D.N.Dwivedi, Managerial Economics, Eighth Edition, Vikas Publications
2. L.Pappas and Engene F.Brigham, Managerial Economics, Pearson Education
3. Dr.DM.Mithani, Managerial Economics, Himalaya Publishers
4. Dr.H.L Ahuja, Managerial Economics, S.Chand and Com pvt ltd, New Delhi

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3.1
2.1 2.1.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making.
2.2 2.2.1
CO3 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.5 1.5.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.3 2.3.1
PO4: Global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO5 4.2 4.2.1
aspects of business
Year: I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: Subject Name: Legal and Business L T P Credits

22MBA0103 Environment 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Know the importance of Business Environment.
CO2: Understand the basic procedures of monetary and fiscal policy.
CO3: Learn different types of Business Laws.
CO4: Understand the components of a contract & contractual performance obligation
CO5: Understand application of IT in Business.

Unit I: Introduction to Business Environment: - Meaning, Components of Business Environment.-Industrial

policy of 1991, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization

Unit II: Monetary, Fiscal and Trade Policy: Monetary & Fiscal Policy –, EXIM Policy, Role of EXIM Bank.
Balance of Payments: WTO: Role and functions of WTO in promoting world trade –TRIPS, TRIMS and GATT,
Dumping and Anti-dumping measures. International Monetary Fund’s (IMF), UN, SUS, FDI, Recent Trends

Unit III : Introduction to Business Law: Meaning and Nature of Law, Concept of Business law: meaning ,
scope and Sources, Business law of India
Unit-IV: Indian Contract Act, 1872:Elements of valid contract, Classification of contracts, Offer and
acceptance, Consideration, Capacity to contracts, Free consent, Legality of object and consideration, Illegal
agreements, Termination of contracts, Breach of contract, Indemnity and guarantee, Laws of Agency.

Unit –V: Information Technology Act, 2000: Scope and Application of IT Act, 2000- Digital signature e-
governance, penalties and adjudication, cyber regulations appellate, tribunals, duties of subscribers - Right to
Information Act,2005 –GST Act 2017.

Text books and References:

1. Essentials of Business Environment, K.Aswathappa, Himalaya publishers.

2. Mercantile Law - N.D.Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons.
3. Mechantile Law- Garg, Sareen, Sharma, Chawla, Kalyani publishers.
4. Dr.Vivek Mittal “Business Environment: Text & Cases” Excel Books, 2011.
5. K.Aswathappa-‘‘Essentials of Business Environment -11th Edition” –HPH2011.
6. Ravinder Kumar “Legal Aspects of Business”, 2nd Edition Cengage Learning, 2012.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.5 1.5.1

CO2 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO3 PO1:Management Theories and Practices 1.2 1.2.1
CO4 PO1:Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1
PO4:Global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO5 4.3 4.3.1
aspects of business
Year : I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: L T P Credits

Subject Name: Accounting for Managers
22MBA0104 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the importance of accounting concepts and principles.
CO2: Able to prepare the financial statements (trading, profit & loss account and balance sheet).
CO3: Able to assess the fair value of the assets in the organization.
CO4: Able to assess the performance of earnings of a firm and predict the future of the business.
CO5: Appreciate the role of computers in accounting.

Unit I: Introduction to Accounting: Meaning, Objectives, Nature and scope of Cost accounting, financial
accounting and management accounting. Accounting Principles: Accounting Concepts and Conventions,
Accounting Standards, Systems of book- keeping and Systems of Accounting. Voucher, Transaction, Accounting
Equation, Rules of Debit and Credit,

Unit II: Process of Accounting: Journal and Subsidiary books, Ledger, Trial Balance, Final accounts- Trading
accounts, Profit & Loss account - Balance sheet with adjustments.

Unit III: Valuation of Assets: Introduction to depreciation methods (Simple problems from Straight line method,
Diminishing balance method and Annuity method). Inventory Valuation: Methods of inventory valuation (Simple
problems from LIFO, FIFO, and Simple Average & Weighted Average). Goodwill Valuation: Methods of
valuation of goodwill.

Unit IV: Financial Statement Analysis: Meaning, Significance, Limitations, Tools for financial statement
analysis - Comparative statements, Common size statements, Accounting ratios, Preparation of Funds Flow
Statement and Cash Flow Statement.

Unit V: Computerized Accounting (Theory): Meaning, process and features of computerised accounting,
differences between manual accounting system and computerised accounting, advantages of the computerised
financial accounting system and various components of a computerised financial accounting system.

Text books and References:

1. Dr.S.N. Maheshwari and Dr.S.K. Maheshwari, Financial Accounting Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
2. P.C.Tulisan, Financial Accounting, S.Chand
3. M P Gupta & Agarwal, Accountancy, S.Chand
4. Asish K. Bhattacharyya, Financial Accounting for Business Managers, PHI
5. Ambrish Gupta, Financial Accounting for Management-An Analytical Perspective, Pearson Education
6. Thukaram Rao, Accounting and Financial Management, New Age Internationals.
7. Vijaya Kumar , Accounting for Management, , TMH
8. R.Narayanaswamy, Accounting – A Managerial Perspective, PHI

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
1.3 1.3.1
CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices
1.5 1.5.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.3 2.3.1
PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.3 2.3.1
PO4: Global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business 4.1 4.1.1
CO4 PO4: Global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business 4.2 4.2.1
CO5 PO1: Global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business 1.2 1.2.1
Year: I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: Subject Name: L T P Credits

22MBA0105 Business Statistics 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of business statistics
CO2: Identify and analyze the regression and correlation variables
CO3: Analyze probability and identify different distributions
CO4: Estimate parameters and test hypothesis
CO5: Improve the skills to identify the appropriate statistical techniques.

Unit I:Introduction of statistics – Nature & Significance of Statistics to Business, , Measures of Central
Tendency- Arithmetic – Weighted mean – Median, Mode – Geometric mean and Harmonic mean – Measures of
Dispersion, range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, coefficient of variation – Application of
measures of central tendency and dispersion for business decision making.

Unit II: Correlation & Regression: Introduction, Significance and types of correlation – Measures of
correlation – Co-efficient of correlation. Regression analysis – Meaning and utility of regression analysis –
Comparison between correlation and regression – Properties of regression coefficients- Rank Correlation.

Unit III: Probability : Meaning and definition of probability – Significance of probability in business
application – Theory of probability –Addition and multiplication theories of probability – Conditional laws of
probability – Binominal – Poisson – Uniform – Normal and exponential distributions.

Unit IV: Hypothesis testing: Hypothesis Testing for small and large samples, Parametric and Non-Parametric
Tests. One sample and Two sample tests for means and proportions of large samples (z-test), One sample and Two
sample tests for means of small samples (t-test), F-test for two sample standard deviations. One Way ANOVA,
Two Way ANOVA.

Unit V: Non-Parametric Methods: Chi-square test for single sample standard deviation. Chi-square tests for
independence of attributes - Sign test for paired data. Statistical survey, Overview of Classification and
tabulation and presentations of data.

Text books and Reference books:

1. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, S.Chand. Publications
2.Richard I Levin andDavid S.Rubin, Statistics for Management, Pearson,
3. J.K.Sharma, Business Statistics, Vikas house publications house Pvt Ltd
4. P.N.Arora, S.Arora, Statistics for Management, S.Chand
5. Lerin, Statistics for Management , Pearson Company, New Delhi.

List of COs PO no. and keyword Competency
PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.2 1.2.1
PO2: Data-based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making 2.2 2.2.2

CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making 2.3 2.3.1

CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making 2.3 2.3.1

2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO2: Data-based decision making
2.3 2.3.1
Year: I Semester: I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0106 Computer Applications for Business 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the importance and the role of information technology
CO2: Able to identify different types of database management systems.
CO3: Able to perform MS office tools.
CO4: Familiar with different types of network technologies.
CO5: Able to apply different types of ERP packages.

Unit I: Components of a system: Meaning and nature – Role of IT in various sectors - Information technology
management - Strategies for gaining IT advantage, role of MIS in global business

Unit II: Database Management Systems: Introduction to DBMS - Applications to data base - concepts, data
access methods – Types of data processing-data base languages, Business application of IS - Enterprise software
management system in business organization - CRM, SCM, DSS and its relationship.

Unit III MS office tools: MS-Word-features, MS-excel- Graphs, Basis Statistical Formulae, and MS-PowerPoint
- Creating Effective presentations.

Unit IV: Concepts of Data Communication: Types of Data-Communication Networks, Communications Media,
Concepts of Computer Networks, the Internet, Intranet and Extranets: Operation of the Internet, Services provided
by Internet, World Wide Web.

Unit V: Introduction to ERP:

ERP, ERP Business Scenario, ERP Classification, Waterfall approach to ERP Implementation, ERP Software
Tools, Advantages of ERP Software.

1. Alexis Leon, & Mathews Leon -, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Vikas.
2.C Laudon and Jane P.Laudon, et al, Management Information Systems, Pearson Education.
3. Rainer, Turban, Potter, Introduction to Information Systems WILEY-India.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.1 1.1.1
2.1 2.1.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making.
2.2 2.2.1
2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making.
2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.4 1.4.1

CO5 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.2

Year I Semester I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0107 Business Communication Lab - 1 2 2

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Know the essential principles and use these in oral presentation.
CO2: Understand and apply effective written communication skills.
CO3: Practice Business Correspondence.
CO4: Learn & Practice Written & Oral Instructions.
CO5: Learn effective Report Writing.

Unit -I Presentation Skills: Elements and types of oral presentation, structuring and principles of visual
Unit -II: Business Writing: Introduction, Importance of Written Business Communication, Direct and Indirect
Approach to Business Messages, Five Main Stages of Writing Business Messages. Practice Exercises.

Unit -III: Business Correspondence: Introduction, Business Letter Writing, Effective Business Correspondence,
Components of Business Letters, Kinds of Business Letters, Writing Effective Memos. Practice Exercises.

Unit -IV: Instructions: Introduction, Written Instructions, General Warning, Caution and Danger, Oral
Instructions. Practice Exercises.

Unit -V: Business Reports and Proposals: Meaning of Reports, Parts of a Report, Steps in writing an effective
Business Report. Careers and Resumes: Introduction, Career Building, Electronic and Video Resumes and Write
your resume to market yourself.

Text Books and References

• Business Communication, C.S.Rayudu, HPH.
• Business Communication, Meenakshi Raman, Oxford University Press.
• Business communication, Shalini Varma, Vikas.
• Business Communication, Raymond V.Lesikar, Neeraja Pandit et al.,TMH
• English for Business Communication, Dr.T.M Farhatulla, Prism books Pvt. Ltd.
• Business Communications, Hudson, Jaico Publications
• Business communication for managers, Penrose, Raspbery, Myers, Cengage
• The Skills of Communication, Bills Scot, Gower publishing company Limited.

List of Cos PO no. and keyword Competency Performance

Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

CO4 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.5 1.5.1

CO5 PO5: Team environment. 5.2 5.2.2

Year I Semester I Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0108 Data Analytics Lab - 1 2 2

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Able to apply MS word and MS Power Point tools
CO2: Able to understand and apply MS Excel functions
CO3: Able to perform problems related parametric tests
CO4: Familiar with the concept of the correlation
CO5: Able to apply regression equations

Unit-I: MS-Word-Creation of Document- Format Document-Text editing and saving-Organizing information

with tables and outlines-Mail merge-Publishing documents on Web. MS Power Point- Creation of slides-Use of
templates and slide designs for creating power point slides- use of drawings and graphics. Developing a
Professional presentation on Business Plans, Institutions, Products, People etc

Unit-II: MS Excel-Creating and editing worksheets-Cell formatting-Creating and using formulas and functions-
Use of Macros –Sorting and querying data-Working with graphs and charts

Unit-III: Sample test for means-T-test, Z-test, ANOVA, one way, two way..

Unit-IV: Correlation-Significance and application, Pearson & Spearman Correlation

Unit-V: Regression-Simple linear regression, multiple regressions.

 Cox et all- 2007 Microsoft Office System Step-by- Step, First Edition, PHI.
 David Whigam-Business Data Analysis Using Excel, First Edition, Oxford University
 Alexisleon, TMH, 2008, Enterprise resource planning.
 The Oxford Hand Book of Internet studies, William.H.Dulton, Oxford.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

PO1: Management Theories and

CO1 1.1 1.1.1
2.1 2.1.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making.
2.2 2.2.1
2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making.
2.2 2.2.1
PO1: Management Theories and
CO4 1.4 1.4.1
CO5 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
MBA – II Semester
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0201 Human Resource Management 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the importance of human resources in organizations.
CO2: Know the employee recruitment, selection and retention plans and processes.
CO3: Gain knowledge on employee induction, training and development.
CO4: Analyze the extent to which human resource management affects firm’s performance.
CO5: Study various trends in the human resource management.

Unit: I Introduction to HRM: Definition of HRM–Evolution of HRM, HRM functions and objectives, HRM
policies – Personnel vs Human resource management - HRM & competitive advantage – Role of HR manager –
Strategic Human Resource Management.
Unit: II The concept of Best Fit employee: Job Analysis, Job Design –Human Resource Planning – Recruitment
– Selection – Induction – placement, employee retention.
Unit: III Training & Development: Meaning of Training, methods – evaluation – Executive Development –
Career Planning & Development – Career stages.
Unit: IV Performance Management & Compensation: Performance appraisal – methods of performance
appraisal – promotion, transfer and separation – Job evaluation- Compensation – Objectives of compensation–
factors influencing compensation.
Unit: V Integration & Contemporary Issues in HRM: Industrial Relations-Trade unions, Industrial disputes
and causes, remedial measures, collective bargaining, grievance handling, Worker’s participation in management,
Quality of work life- HR metrics -Artificial Intelligence in HRM – International HRM.

1. Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, Human Resource Management, 14/e, New Delhi: Pearson Education,
2. K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, 7/e, New Delhi: McGraw Hill
Education, 2013
3. Julie Beardwell & Tim Claydon,Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach, 6/e,
England: Pearson Education, 2010
4. Raymond A. Noe., John R. Hollenbeck., Barry Gerhart and Patrick M. Wright, Fundamentals of Human
Resource Management, 7/e, New York: McGraw Hill Education, 2016.
5. David A. DeCenzo., Stephen P. Robbins and Susan L. Verhulst, Fundamentals of Human Resource
Management, 11/e, USA: Wiley., 2015
6. Subba Rao, Personnel and Human Resource Management – Text and cases, Himalaya.
7. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management, Text and Cases, Excel Books 2006.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

CO3 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.2 1.2.1
CO4 PO5: Team environment 5.2 5.2.1
CO5 PO4: Global, Economic, Legal, and Ethical aspects of 4.2 4.2.1
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0202 Marketing Management 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes
CO1: Learn the basic concepts of marketing and environment.
CO2: Know the various factors that influence consumer behavior.
CO3: Gain knowledge about various product and pricing strategies.
CO4: Know the importance of promotion and distribution.
CO5: Study various trends in the marketing.

Unit I: Overview of Marketing : Introduction- Definition, Nature, Scope- Importance of Marketing -

Philosophies of Marketing- Marketing concepts- Marketing Mix - Marketing Environment, Essential qualities of
a Marketing Manager.

Unit II: Market segmentation and Customer Value: Market Segmentation -Requirement for effective
segmentation -Evaluating market segmentation, selecting target market segmentation, positioning –Positioning
Strategies. Customer Satisfaction, consumer behavior- business buying behavior -factors influencing buyer
behavior - buying process.

Unit III: Product and Pricing: Product levels- Classification of Products - New Product Development -
Product Life Cycle; Strategies of PLC- Developing products & brands – product mix - Product mix decisions-
packaging and labeling- Price: Factors influencing pricing - Pricing Objectives - Methods of Pricing

Unit IV: Promotion and Distribution: The promotional mix, advertising, public relations, sales promotion,
personal selling, marketing communication- communication process, factors affecting the promotion mix- direct
marketing, Marketing Channels, Channel intermediates and functions, channel structure, channel for consumer
products, business and industrial products, alternative channel, channel strategy decisions. - Channels of
Distribution: Definition - Need - Types of channels- retailing -wholesaling

Unit V: Recent trends in Marketing: relationship Marketing, Digital marketing, Social marketing, Post-modern
marketing, market sustainability and ethics, Global marketing. Rural Marketing.

Text Books and References

1. Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileswar Jha-Marketing Management. Pearson- 14th
Edition. New Delhi: 2007.
2. Armstrong, Gary and Philip Kotler., Principles of Marketing. PrenticeHall. New Delhi 2012.
3 Etzel., Marketing Concepts & Cases. Tata Mc Graw Hill, Latest.
4. Phillip Kotler, Marketing Management, Pearson.
5. Lamb, Hair, Sharma, Mcdaniel, Marketing, A South Asian Prospective, Cengage.
6. Paul Baines Chris Fill Kelly, Marketing Asian Edition, Oxford.
7. S.Neelamegham, Marketing in India, Text and Cases, Vikas .
8. Rajan Saxena,Marketing Management TMH.
9. V.S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari, Marketing Management, McMillan.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making 2.3 2.3.1
CO4 PO5: Team environment. 5.2 5.2.1
CO5 PO4: Global, Economic, Legal, and Ethical aspects 4.1 4.1.1
of business
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0203 Financial Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the importance of Finance in an Organization.
CO2: Understand the Investment evaluation criteria.
CO3: Understand capital structure and value of a firm and their relationship.
CO4: Able to Analyze the cost of Capital and also Distribution of Profits.
CO5: Analyse the working capital requirements in an enterprise.

Unit I: Introduction to Finance: Nature, Scope and Functions of finance, Objectives of Financial Management.
Profit vs. Wealth Maximization, Time value of money.

Unit II: Capital Investment Analysis: Nature of Capital Budgeting, Discounted Vs. Non-Discounted Cash
Flows, Investment Evaluation Techniques: Pay Back Method, Accounting Rate of Return, Net Present Value,
Internal Rate of Return and Profitability index. Risk analysis in capital budgeting.

Unit III: Financing Decision: Sources of Capital, Capital Structure- Meaning, Features, Optimum capital
structure, Capital Structure Theories: Net Income Approach, Net Operating Income Approach, MM Approach.
Leverage Analysis: Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage, Financial Break-Even Point, EBIT – EPS

Unit IV: Cost of Capital & Dividend Decisions: Simple and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC).
Dividend decision: Relevance & Irrelevance theories, Factors determining dividend policy, Types of dividend
policies. (2 DECISION AREAS)

Unit V: Working Capital Management: Concept, Need, And Factors determining the working capital, Working
capital cycle, Estimation of working capital, Management of current assets: Cash management, Accounts
Receivables management and Inventory management.

Text Books
1. V.K.Bhalla, Financial Management, S.Chand
2. I.M.Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt., Ltd., 12th Edition,
3. MY Khan and PK Jain, Financial Management--Text and Problems, Tata McGraw- Hil
4. G.Sudersena Reddy, Financial Management- Principles & Practices, Himalaya Publishing House, 2nd
Edition, 2010
5.Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management, 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.

1. Brigham and Ehrhardt, Corporate Finance - A focused Approach, Cengage Learning, 2nd Edition, 2011.
2. M.Y Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2011
3. Krishnamurthy and Viswanathan, Advanced Corporate Finance, PHI Learning
4. Srivastava, Mishra, Financial Management, Oxford University Press, 2011

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.3 2.3.1
CO3 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1
PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO4: Global, Economic, Legal, and Ethical aspects of 4.1 4.1.1
Year : I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0204 Operations Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Able to understand role, importance and functions of the POM
CO2: Understand types of product and process systems.
CO3: Able to understand types of location and layouts.
CO4: Able to solve various productivity related issues.
CO5: Familiar with the knowledge of quality management techniques.

Unit: I :Production and Operations management : Meaning, scope, functions of POM, Production function,
relationship with other functional areas, differences between services and manufacturing, types of production
systems, Operations strategy.

Unit: II :Product Design, Process Design: Product design and development, process design, process planning ,
Production planning and control, functions of PPC, Aggregate planning, Master production scheduling, Capacity
planning, types- alternative sources- Make or buy decision.

Unit: III: Plant location & Layout: Plant Location-Factors affecting plant location, Location Theories, Plant
layout, principles of layout, and types of Plant layout-Maintenance- types of Maintenance.

Unit: IV: Scheduling in job shop, mass production- Forward and backward scheduling, Sequencing, line
balancing. Basic concepts of productivity- Improving productivity-Work study- Method study-Work
measurement- behavioral aspects in Job design, Ergonomics.

Unit V: Statistical Quality control& Inventory Management - Control charts for variables, control charts for
attributes, Acceptance sampling, OC curves, Total Quality Management, ISO 9000, Six Sigma, JIT, Kaizen, Lean
manufacturing. Inventory- classification of inventories- inventory control techniques.

Text books

1. Aswathappa K & Sridhara Bhatt “Production and Operations management”, Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi 2014.
1. Adam E Everett, Ebert J , Ronald Jr. “Production & Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt
Ltd., New Delhi, 2013
2. Norman Gaither, “Production and Operations Management” ,The Dryden Press, Chicago, 2013
3. S N Chary, “Production and Operations management”, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Stevenson, “Operations management”, 8e, Tata McGraw Hill

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3. 1.3.1

CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
2.2 2.2.1
2.3 2.3.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
2.3 2.3.1
CO5 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.4 1.4.1
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0205 Business Research Methods 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand relevance of research in business decision making

CO2: Understand the need and application of data and sampling methods
CO3: Know and apply inferential statistical methods
CO4: Study and practice the Dependency and Independency Techniques
CO5: Study and practice Report Writing.

Unit 1: Business Research: Importance of research, types of research, research process, Identification of the
problem: Hypothesis formulation, components of research design.

UNIT 2: Sample design & data collection: Census Vs Population, determination of sample size, sampling
techniques: Probability and Non-Probability - data collection - primary data, secondary data- methods of
collecting primary data -questionnaire, interview and observation & schedule, Sources of secondary data.

UNIT 3: Data Analysis: Scaling techniques, data processing: Editing, coding, classification and tabulation,

Unit 4: Hypothesis testing: Small Sample Tests- t-Distribution-properties and applications, testing for one and
two means, paired t-test. Chi-Square distribution, Analysis of Variance-One Way and Two Way ANOVA.

Unit 5: Report writing: Significance, steps and Types of Report Writing, Layout of report writing, Writing
Research Paper.

Text Books

1. Tull, Donald S, Hawkins Del I, Marketing Research: Measurement and Methods PHI 2003
2. Malhothra , Naresh, Marketing Research , PHI 2002
3. Nargondkar, Marketing Research, TMH, 2003
4. Business Research Methods by Zikmund


1 Marketing Research Text & Cases Wrenn, Stevens,

2 Research Methodology Zikmund

List of Cos PO no. and keyword Competency
CO1 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1

CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1
PO5: Team environment. 5.2 5.2.1
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0206 Operations Research 4 - - 04

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand basic concepts of operations research applications of LPP problems

CO2: Study and solve various Assignment and Transportation Problems
CO3: Understand and solve various game theory problems
CO4: Study various queuing models
CO5: Study various project management techniques

Unit 1: Introduction to OR: Meaning, Nature, Scope & Significance of OR - Typical applications of Operations
Research. The Linear Programming Problem – Introduction, Formulation of Linear Programming problem,
Limitations of L.P, Graphical solution to L.P.P, Simplex Method, Artificial Variable techniques, Two Phase
Method, Variants of the Simplex Method.

Unit 2:.Transportation Problem: Introduction, Transportation Model, Finding initial basic feasible solutions,
moving towards optimality, Unbalanced Transportation problems, Transportation problems with maximization,
Degeneracy. Assignment Problem – Introduction, Mathematical formulation of the problem, Solution of an
Assignment problem, Hungarian Algorithm, Multiple Solution, Unbalanced Assignment problems, Maximization
in Assignment Model. Travelling Salesman Problem.

Unit 3: Game Theory: Concepts, Definitions and Terminology, Two Person Zero Sum Games, Pure Strategy
Games (with Saddle Point), Principle of Dominance, Mixed Strategy Games (Game without Saddle Point),
Significance of Game Theory in Managerial Applications.

Unit 4: Queuing theory: Introduction – Characteristics– poisson arrivals – exponential service times – Types of
waiting line models - Single channel and multichannel waiting line problems.

Unit 5: Project Management: Rules for drawing the network diagram, Application of CPM and PERT
techniques in Project Planning and Control, Crashing of projects.

 S.D.Sharma-Kedarnath, Operations Research
 Hiller & Libermann Introduction to O.R (TMH).
 A.M.Natarajan, P.Balasubramani,A. Tamilarasi, Operations Research, Pearson Education.
 Maurice Saseini, Arhur Yaspan & Lawrence Friedman, Operations Research: Methods & Problems,
 Barry Render, Ralph M. Stair, Jr and Michael E. Hanna, Quantitative Analysis For Management.
 R.Pannerselvam, Operations Research PHI Publications.
 Wagner, Operations Research, PHI Publications.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.1 1.1.1

PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making.
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.2
CO5 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
Year: I Semester: II Branch of Study: MBA
Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits
22MBA0210 Business Analytics Lab - 1 2 2

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Formulate and analyze sales department data
CO2: Analyze the financial capital budgeting decisions
CO3: Familiar with the processes, analyze and report human resources data
CO4: Understand and use of accounting packages for analysis of business problems
CO5: Create, Manage and Report the company related information

Unit I: Introduction to Business Analytics, Storing and Retrieving of data of customers, sales, dealers,
products and perform trend analysis (Tables, graphs and charts) (using MS-Excel).
Unit II: Capital Budgeting decisions, Calculations of NPV, IRR, Profitable Index, preparation of budget,
Calculation of cost of capital (using MS-Excel).
Unit III: Create and manage the department wise Employees database and Salary Administration (using
Unit IV: Creation of company, Preparation of Ledger, Posting Trial Balance, Profit and loss account,
Balance sheet (Sole Traders) (Tally ERP).
Unit V: Understanding Information Systems, Design of Management information systems and
application of MIS (Detailed presentation) (MS-Power Point).

Suggested Readings:
Foundations of Information Technology Course book 9: Windows 7 and MS Office 2007 (With MS
Office 2010 Updates)-Sangeeta Panchal, Alka Sabharwal


 Ms Office-Sanjay Saxena
 Ms Office Excel-Frye, PHI publications
 Ms Office Access- Step by step, PHI publications
 Reading material on accounting packages.
 SPSS User manual

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.1 1.1.1
PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO3 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.2
CO5 PO5: Team environment. 5.2 5.2.1
MBA – III Semester
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0301 Strategic Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Know the basic concepts of corporate and business strategies
CO2: Aware of various models involved in strategic decision making
CO3: Familiar with the strategy formulation process in a business context
CO4: Gain knowledge about various competitive strategies
CO5: Understand the various strategic control mechanisms

Unit – I: Strategic Management : Definition, need, Strategic Management as a process –Developing a strategic
vision, Mission, Objectives, Policies – Factors that shape a company’s strategy – Environmental Scanning -
Concepts of Core Competence.
Unit – II : Strategic Analysis and Choice: Tools and techniques- Porter's Five Force Model, BCG Matrix, GE
Model, SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix,. Market Life Cycle Model – McKinsey 7’S frame work, Value Chain
Unit – III: Strategy Formulation: Formulation of strategy at corporate, business and functional levels. Strategy
Alternatives - Stability Strategy, Growth Strategy, Retrenchment Strategy, and Combination Strategy.
Unit – IV: Generic Competitive Strategies: Types of Strategies: Offensive strategy, Defensive strategy, vertical
integration, horizontal strategy; Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry and company situations, Strategy and
Leadership, Resource Allocation as a vital part of strategy.
Unit – V: Strategic control – Establishing strategic controls - Role of the strategist - benchmarking to evaluate
performance -– Guidelines for proper control- Strategic surveillance -strategic audit - Strategy and Corporate
Evaluation and feedback in the Indian and international context.

Text Book:
1. Strategic Management – J.S.Chandan& Nitish sen Gupta, Vikas
2. Crafting and Executing Strategy – Arthur A. Thomson, A.J. Strickland III, John E. Cambel.
1. Strategic Management Concepts and Cases ,FredR.David, PHI.
2. Strategic Management,Hill, Ireand, manikutty, Cengage.
3. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy,Wheelen& Hunger, Pearson Education.
4. Strategic Management – Text and Cases, V.S.P. Rao, Excel.
5. Strategic Management, Ireland, Hoskinsson, Hitt, Cengage.
6. Strategic Management – Theory and Application, Habergerg, Rieple, oxford .
7. Strategic Management, P. SubbaRao, Himalaya.
8. Business policy and strategic management, SukulLomash, P.K.Mishra, Vikas

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO2 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

CO3 PO1: management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1

CO4 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.2 4.2.1

aspects of business

CO5 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course outcomes:
CO1: Understand and learn basic concepts of entrepreneurship.
CO2: Learn various aspects of Idea generation and Financing of projects.
CO3: Familiar with the concept of project Planning and Feasibility Studies.
CO4: Aware of various strategies related to marketing.
CO5: Able to learn women and rural entrepreneurship.

UNIT 1: Nature and Forms of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur’s features, competencies, attitude, qualities, and
functions. Entrepreneurial scenario in India and Abroad. Small Business, Importance in Indian Economy, Types of
ownership– corporate entrepreneurship / Intrapreneurship - Role of Government in the promotion of
Entrepreneurship, EDPs, MSME.

UNIT2: Aspects of Promotion and Financial Aspects of the Entrepreneurship: Idea generation – opportunities
- SWOT Analysis - Intellectual Property Rights. Sources of Capital, Debt capital, seed capital, venture capital -
Informal Agencies in financing entrepreneurs, Government Grants and Subsidies, Types of Investors and Private

UNIT 3: Project Planning and Feasibility Studies: The Concept of Project, Project Life Cycle - Project
Planning, Feasibility – Project proposal & report preparation, Business opportunities and Incubators.

UNIT 4: Entrepreneurial Strategy: Generation of new entry opportunity, Decisions under Uncertainty, entry
strategy, new entry exploitation, environmental instability and First-Mover disadvantages, Risk Reduction
strategies, Market scope strategy, Imitation strategies and Managing Newness.

UNIT 5: Women and Rural Entrepreneurship: Scope of entrepreneurship among women, promotional efforts
supporting women entrepreneurs in India – Successful cases of women entrepreneurs.-Rural entrepreneurship–
Role of NGO’s in entrepreneurship.


1. Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand and Company Limited, S.S. Khanka.

2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, H. Nandan, PHI.
3. Entrepreneurship, 6/e, Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, TMH.
4. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Vasanth Desai,Himalaya.
5. Entrepreneurship Management – text and cases, Bholanath Dutta, Excel Bo

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO3 4.1, 4.2 4.1.1, 4.2.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO4 4.3 4.3.1, 4.3.2
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO5 4.1 4.1.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0303 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 4 - - 4

Course outcomes:
CO1: Understand the importance of savings and investments.
CO2: Able to Measure & evaluate risk and return of stocks.
CO3: Familiar valuation techniques of equity and bonds etc.
CO4: Gain knowledge on company and industry performance and economy indicators.
CO5: Obtain knowledge on Portfolio analysis.

Unit- I: Introduction to Investment: Definition, Objectives, Various investment avenues, Process of Investment,
Investment and Speculation. Introduction to stock markets and objectives, Trading Mechanism, Stock index,
Types of index, IPO Process, contemporary issues on Indian stock market.

Unit II: Risk & Return analysis in Investment: Measurement of Risk and Return: Revenue Return and holding
period return – Calculation of expected return, Risk factors, Risk classification – Systematic risk – Unsystematic
risk – Standard deviation – Variance– Beta.

Unit III: Valuation of Securities: Meaning of Valuation, Types of Securities – Approaches to valuation of equity
shares, Equity valuation: valuation based on accounting information, valuation based on dividends, valuation
based on earnings. Preference share Valuation. Bond valuation – bond yield – bond value theorem.

Unit IV: Fundamental and Technical Analysis: Framework of Fundamental analysis- Economic analysis,
Industry analysis-Industry Life cycle - Company analysis, Fundamental analysis Vs Technical analysis - Dow
Theory, Indicators & patterns – Efficient Market Hypothesis-Random walk hypothesis.

Unit V: Portfolio Management: Process of Portfolio Management, Modern Portfolio Theory – Portfolio models
– Markowitz model – Sharpe single index model, Capital Asset Pricing Models. Portfolio evaluation and
Revision: Sharpe ratio, Treynor’s ratio, Jensen’s Index- Measures of portfolio performance.
Text Books:
1. Sashidharan and Alex Mathew- Security analysis and portfolio management-
Tata McGraw Hill Pubication 2011.
2. V.K.Balla, Investment Management, S.Chand Company Ltd
3. Punithavathy Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management ,Vikas
1. Charles P Jones-Investment analysis and management 9th edition-Wiley
2. Herber B. Mayo- an introduction to investment- Cengage Learning-2nd edition, 2010.
3. Kane, Bodiem marcus- essentials of investment – McGraw Hill
4. Chandra, Investment Analysis and portfolio management, Tata McGraw Hill .
5. Ranganatham & Madhumathi, Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Pearson Education.
6. Avadani, Security analysis and portfolio management, Himalaya publishers.
7. Preethi Singh, Investment Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

List of Competency Performance

PO no. and keyword
COs Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of 4.1 4.1.1
CO3 PO2: Database decision making 2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO2: Database decision making 2.3 2.3.1
CO5 PO2: Database decision making 2.3 2.3.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0304 Human Resource Analytics 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the importance of HR metrics to support HR decisions.
CO2: Understand the various reporting requirements related to HR .
CO3: Identify the quantitative techniques suitable for the analysis of employee data.
CO4: Understand the Analytics process.
CO5: Know how to present the HR data effectively.

Unit I: Human Resource Metrics and Analytics: HR Analytics Defined, The Role and importance of Analytics
in HR- Evolution of Analytics –HR's Value Proposition, Understanding HR indicators, metrics and data, Data
collection– tracking, entry, Relational databases and HR systems.

Unit II: An Overview of HR Regulations and Reporting Requirements: HR Policies, Procedures, and
Guidelines– Key Regulations and Reporting Requirements– Metrics, Benchmarks, and Other Indicators–
Connecting Missions/Goals to HR Benchmarks and Metrics.

Unit III: Analytics Tools and Techniques for HR Professionals: Key Systems of Record for HR Data–
Software Tools– Excel Quantitative Techniques– Excel Visualization– Excel Analytic techniques– Planning and
implementing a new HRIS, Security and privacy considerations, Statistical analysis for HR (regression analysis,
measures of central tendency) Graphs, tables, spreadsheets, data manipulation (using Excel), Benchmarking and
best practices,

Unit IV: The Analytics Process Model: The Analytics Process Model and Its Phases– Applications-HR Score
Cards, Strategy Maps

Unit V: Presenting HR Data: Effectively Presenting HR Data– Staffing, Supply and demand forecasting, total
compensation analyses, Cost justification–return on investment, communicating recommendations.

Text Books:
1. HR Analytics: Understanding Theories and Applications by Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya
2. HR Analytics: The What, Why and How. by Tracey Smith 2013

1. Predictive Analytics for Human Resources (WILEY & SAS Business)
Hardcover – 2014 by Jac Fitz–Enz (Author),John R. Mattox II (Author)

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.3 2.3.1
CO4 PO2: Data based decision making 2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO5: Team environment 5.2 5.2.1
Year: II Semester III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code: Subject Name: L T P Credits:

22MBA0305 Consumer Behavior 4 - - 4

Course outcomes:
CO1 Understand the factors influencing individual consumer behavior
CO2 learn different modes of consumer behavior
CO3 Study and analyze different types consumer behavior
CO4 Study the cross cultural behavior of different consumers
CO5 Gain knowledge on consumer protection mechanism

Unit 1: Introduction to Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research: – Definition, Consumer and
Customers, Buyers and Users, Organizations as Buyers, Development of Marketing Concept, Consumer Behavior
and its Applications in Marketing, Consumer Research Process

Unit 2: Consumer Motivation: Introduction, Needs and Goals, Motivational Theories, consumer Personality:
Self-concept, personality Theories, Consumer Perception: Sensation, Perceptual Selection, Perceptual
Organization, Consumer Learning, Memory and Involvement: Components of Learning, Behavioral Theory,
Cognitive Learning Theory, Consumer Attitudes: Functions of Attitude, Attitude Models.

Unit 3: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Communications: Communications Process, Interpersonal

Communication, Persuasive Communication, Consumer Decision-making Process: Outlet Selection, Purchase and
Post Purchase Behavior, Cultural Influences on Consumer Behavior: Characteristics of Culture, Values, Sub-
cultures, Cross-cultural Influences, Cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communications.

Unit 4: Social Class and Group Influences on Consumer Behavior: Nature of Social Class, Social Class
Categories, Group Influences, Types and Nature of Reference Groups, Applications, Conformity to Group Norms
and Behavior, Family Life Cycle Stages, nature of Family Purchases and Decision-making Diffusion of
Innovation Types of Innovation, Diffusion Process, Factors Affecting the Diffusion of Innovation, The Adoption

Unit 5: Alternative views on Consumer Behavior – Marketing Ethics and Consumer Behavior – consumer
protection and regulations of markets in India.

Text Books:

1. Hawkins 'Consumer Behaviour– Building Marketing Strategy', 11th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd.
2. Michael Solomon 'Consumer Behaviour', 9th Edition, PHI Learning Private Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. LeonG.Schiffman and LeslieLasarKanuk,ConsumerBehaviour, 10 Edition, PearsonEducation, India,2012.
2. DavidL.Loudon and AlbertJDellaBitta, 'Consumer Behavior', McGraw Hill,NewDelhi 2010.

List of COs PO no. and keyword Competency

CO1 PO1:Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO4 4.1 4.1.1
CO5 PO5: team environment 5.2 5.2.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0306 Managing Digital Innovation and Transformation 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes
CO1: Study the fundamental concepts of digital transformation
CO2: Aware on digital transformation models
CO3: Familiar with social media transformation process
CO4: Study the challenges facing in a digital media strategy
CO5: Understand the recent trends in digital transformation

Unit I: Introduction to Digital Transformations: The five domains of digital transformations – customer,
competition, data, innovation, and value, Harness customer networks, turn data into assets, adapt value proposition

Unit: II: Classification of Digital Transformations: Business Model, product development, data, processes,
knowledge, self–service, and organizational culture

Unit: III: Social Media Transformation: understand requirements, document goals, and objective and social
media tactics; establish potential future state operating model, gap analysis and recommendations.

Unit IV: Building digital capabilities: challenges ongoing digital, handling employee during digital
transformations, developing companywide strategy.

Unit V: Digital transformations in the space of cloud computing: prepare and drive digital transformations.

Text books:
1. Herbert, Lindsay; Digital Transformation: Build your organization‘s Future for the Innovation Age,
Bloomsbury Publication, 2017
2. Venkatraman, V; The Digital Matrix: New rules for business transformation through technology;
Lifetree Media Ltd, 2017
3. Velte, A. T; Velte, T. J; and Elsenpeter, R; Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, Mcgraw Hill
Education (India) Private Limited, 2017 (23rd reprint)
1. Rogers, David, The Digital Transformation Playbook – Rethink your Business for the Digital Age
(Columbia Business School Publishing), 2016.
2. Westerman, G; Bonnet, D; and McAfee, A; Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business
Transformation; Harvard Business Review Press, 2014.
3. Srinivasan. J, and Suresh. J, Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach for learning and implementation,
Pearson Publication, 2014.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1:Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
PO4:Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO3 4.1 4.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO4: 4.1, 4.3 4.1.1, 4.3.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of 4.1
CO5 4.1.1
Year II Semester III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course outcomes
CO1: Able to understand Indian Financial System.
CO2: Gain knowledge on Money and Capital Markets
CO3: Study the operation of Banking and Non-banking Institutions
CO4: Understand the fund based financial services
CO5: Learn the fee based financial services.

Unit 1: Introduction to Indian Financial System: Overview of Indian financial system – Functions of financial
system – players – structures and growth – regulatory bodies - Function and Role of RBI, Monetary Policy and
techniques of RBI
Unit 2: Money and Capital Markets : Indian money market – Instruments – Institutions – Functioning of
Indian money market – Changes in the regulatory framework – Role of SEBI in regulating the stock markets-
growth – stocks and bonds – primary and secondary markets – process of initial public offer – offer of
government bonds – stock market functioning – stock indices – evaluation of stocks and bonds – understanding
stock markets information- Derivatives Markets - Equity Markets- Mortgage Markets
Unit 3: The Banking and Non-banking Institutions: :The public and the private sectors- Commercial and Co-
operative banks. The Non-banking financial Institutions- Mutual Funds, Growth of Indian Mutual funds and its
Regulation- The Role of AMFI, Insurance Companies- Role of IRDA
Unit 4: Financial services (fund based) : Lease and hire purchase –differences –types of lease-benefit of lease,
merits of hire purchase and Factoring -Definition, Functions, Advantages, Evaluation, venture capital financing,
Housing Finance
Unit 5: Financial services (Fee-based) : Stock broking, credit rating: CRISIL, ICRA & care- Merchant Banking,
Merchant Banking in India, SEBI guidelines for Merchant Bankers, Functions-Role of merchant bankers in fund
raising. Underwriting, Depository services, Challenges faced by investment Bankers.

Text Books:
1. Pathak, Bahraini V., (2007), the Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and Services, 2/e, Pearson
Education India, New Delhi
2. M.Y Khan, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2011
3. Padmalatha Suresh and Justin Paul, ―Management of Banking and Financial
Services, Pearson, Delhi, 2012.
4. Pathak, Bharathi V., (2007), the Indian Financial System: Markets, Institutions and
Services, 2/e, Pearson Education India, New Delhi.

1. Financial Services and markets, Dr.Punithavathy Pandian, Vikas
2. Financial Markets and services, Appannaiah, Reddy and Sharma,
3. Bhole, L.M (2002). Indian Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill Lts, New Delhi

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.5 1.5.1

CO3 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1
CO4 PO1 Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0308 Performance Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes
CO1: Know the basic concept of Performance Management.
CO2: Familiar with various methods of assessing performance.
CO3: Understand various concepts of counseling and mentoring process
CO4: Gain an insight of team performance management
CO5: Familiar with ethical issues relating to performance management

Unit-I: Introduction to Performance management: Concept -Performance management vs. performance

appraisal--Performance management vs. Human resource management- Purposes- Significance - Performance
management planning process, Role of Technology in Performance Appraisal.

Unit II: Performance Appraisal Methods: Ranking, Grading, Self Appraisal, Critical Incidents, Checklist
method. 360 Degree Appraisal, MBO, 720 Degree Appraisals.

Unit III: Mentoring and Counseling: Mentoring - Concept of mentoring, Mentoring process- Counseling
:Functions of counseling- Steps in counseling process.

Unit IV: Performance Management & Teams: Performance Management and Rewards, Team Performance
Management, Performance of Learning Organizations and Virtual Teams.

Unit V: Ethics in Performance Management: Ethics – An Overview, Ethics in Organizations, Unethical

Practices, Ethics in Performance Management.

Text Books:
1. Performance Management –Herman Aguinis-Pearson Education, 2012
2. Performance Management- Prem Chanda-Macmillan, 2011

1. Performance Management & Appraisal Systems– T V Rao-Response Books, 2002
2. Compensation and Reward Management-B D Singh-Excel Books, 2014
3. Employee Reward- Michael Armstrong-CIPD Publishing, 2006

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.5 1.5.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4 :Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO3 4.1 4.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO4 4.3 4.3.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO5 4.3 4.3.2
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0309 Sales and Distribution Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the basics of sales management
CO2: Gain knowledge on personal selling and sales force management
CO3: Know the recent trends in sales management
CO4: Understand the importance of the marketing channels
CO5: Gain knowledge about the recent trends in distribution management

Unit: I Introduction to SM – Overview of Sales Management, Objectives, Role of Sales Management in

Marketing, Role of Sales Management in Marketing Strategy Development, Nature and Responsibilities of Sales
Management, Careers in Sales Management, Modern Roles and Required Skills for Sales Managers.

Unit II: Personal Selling and Sales Force Management- Objectives, Approaches to Personal Selling,
Process of Personal Selling, Automation in Personal Selling, Organization Design and Staffing, Sales
Planning, Time and Territory Management, Managing the Sales Force.

Unit III: New Trends in Sales Management-Sales Management Information System, Relationship Marketing,
Role of E-commerce in Selling, International Sales Management, Challenges Faced by International Sales

Unit IV: Channel management- Marketing Channels, Designing Channels, Selection and Recruitment of
Channel Partners, Channel Motivation, Channel Relationships Management, Channel Evaluation, Information
Systems for Channels, Wholesaling-Definition ,Functions & Types of Wholesalers, Strategic Issues in
Wholesaling, Technology & Wholesaling, Trends in Wholesaling, Wholesaling Challenges, Future of
Wholesaling, Retailing- Definition of Retailers, Origin of Retailing, Scope of Retailing, Retailing
Scenario: An Overview, Retailing: Importance and Success Factors, Retail Format

Unit V: Emerging Concepts in Distribution Management- Indian Distribution Scenario at Present, Vertical
Marketing System, Horizontal and Multi-Channel Marketing Systems, Understanding Distribution of services.

Text Books:
1. Tapan K. Panda, and Sunil Sahadev, Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford University Press,
USA, 2005.
2. Still Richard R., Cundiff Edward W., Govoni Norman, A.P. Sales Management (5th ed.). New Delhi:
Prentice hall of India.

1. Dr. Gupta S.L. (2013). Sales and Distribution Management (1st ed.). New Delhi: Excel Books
2. Berman Barry (2009). Retail management (11th ed.). New Delhi: Prentice Hall. 4. Dutta Bholanath
(2011). Sales and Distribution Management. New Delhi: I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO3 PO5: team environment 5.2 5.2.1
CO4 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO5 4.1 4.1.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0310 E-Commerce and Digital Markets 4 - - 4

Course outcomes:
CO1: Learn about foundations of E–Commerce.
CO2: Understand E–Business plan and address E–Commerce related issues.
CO3: Gain insights on E–business Channel functions
CO4: learn about the E–marketing strategies and digital payment systems.
CO5: Learn about E–marketing tools and E–Business entrepreneurship.

Unit I – E–Commerce : Understanding E–Commerce –E–Business models – E– Business and the global
economy –Creating E–Business plan – Social and Behavioral issues – Ethical and regulatory issues

Unit II– Technology and Growth of economics foundations of E– Commerce : Technology and growth of E–
Commerce – Economic foundations of E– Commerce– The strategy of e–business – Economics of e–business– E–
Business Technologies

Unit III– E–business Channel functions: Business models on the Internet – Intermediation and dis–
intermediation in e– commerce – Distribution channel length function

Unit IV– Digital Payment Systems: Introduction to digital marketing – E–Marketing strategies – E–CRM –
Electronic payment methods – Types of payment gateway – Digital Currencies – Digital signature

Unit V– E–Business Entrepreneurship: Designing Electronic market – strategic E–Marketing – E –Marketing

Tool – E–Business Entrepreneurship

Text books:
1. Kenneth C.Laudon Carol Guercio Traver ―E–Commerce‖ , 14th edition, 2018, Pearson.
2. Russ, Henneberry ―Digital Marketing for Dummies‖ Willey January 2017
3. S.J.P.T.JOSEPH ―E–Commerce: An Indian Perspective‖ PHI , Edition, 2016
1. Gary P.Schneider ―Electronic Commerce‖ Course Technology Inc 12th edition 2017
2. Vandana Ahuja ―Digital marketing‖ OXFORD HIGHER Education, 3th edition 2017
3. Shivani Arora, E–Commerce, 2017 edition.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO5 PO5: Team Environment 5.2 5.2.1
Year : II Semester : III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0311 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the importance of banking system
CO2: Able to know Banking and Non-banking Institutions
CO3: Identity the various risks in bank operations and manage the risk while investing the funds
CO4: Familiar with International Banking
CO5: Understand the International Financial Institutions

Unit 1 : Introduction to Banking: Introduction, Origin, Growth, Need, Indian banking structure and operations-
Overview of lending products and loan appraisal process-Corporate loan life cycle-Trade finance, treasury,
investment banking & wealth management. Recent trends in Banking Sector in India.

Unit 2: The Banking and Non-banking Institutions: The public and the private sectors – structure and
comparative performance, Bank capital and Banking Innovations, Commercial and Co-operative banks. The Non-
banking financial Institutions - Mutual Funds, Growth of Indian Mutual funds and its Regulation. The Role of
AMFI, Insurance Companies- Role of IRDA.

Unit 3: Risk Management in Banks: Risk definition - BIS – Basel Committee – Basel I, II and III norms; Risk
Process- Risk Organization, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity and Market Risk Management, Operational Risk
Management, Reporting of Banking Risk; Risk Adjusted Performance Evaluation of Basel III.

Unit 4: International Banking: Origin and Evolution of International banking – Global trends as reasons for
growth of international banking., Growth and future prospects of International banking – Need for regulation of
international banking in the current scenario, An Overview, Legal & Regulatory Framework, International
Banking Operations Management, Risk Management in International Banking.

Unit 5 : International Financial Institutions: The World Bank Group – International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (IBRD) – IDA – IFC – MIGA – International Monetary Fund (IMF) in brief – Lending facilities
– BIS – ADB – AFDB. Special Issues: Technology and International Banking; Globalization and International
Banking; Financial Innovations in International Banking.

Text Books:
1. John C. Hull, Risk Management and Financial Institutions , Pearson, 2009
2. Prof. Clifford Gomez: Banking and Finance - Theory, Law and Practice, PHI Learning Private Limited.

1. Rose, Peter, and Sylvia Hudgins. Bank management and financial services. The McGraw− Hill, 2006.
2. Paul, Justin, and Padmalatha Suresh. "Management of Banking and financial services." Second
impression, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., PHI (Latest)

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data based Decision Making 2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
PO5: Team Environment 5.2 5.2.1

Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0312 Organizational Change and Development 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: learn the concept of organizational change
CO2: Understand Organizational development and role of the OD professionals
CO3: Familiar with different types of OD interventions
CO4: Study tools and techniques for the evaluation of the OD
CO5: Know the recent trends in Organizational Development

Unit I: Introduction to organizational change: Nature of change, types and styles of change, building capability
for change, Leadership and change, cultural change, Dynamics of planned change, models and theories of planned
change, strategies for implementing organizational change.
Unit II: Organizational development–Meaning and Definition, History of OD, Relevance of Organizational
Development for Managers, Characteristics of OD, Competencies Required for an OD Professional, Scope of the
OD Professional.
Unit III: Designing Interventions: Conceptual Framework of OD, Managing OD Process, OD Interventions,
Characteristics of OD Interventions, Classification of OD Interventions- team building Interventions, structural
interventions, comprehensive OD interventions
Unit IV: Evaluating Interventions: Evaluation, Importance of evaluation, types and methods of evaluating
interventions, Power and Politics in OD, Issues in Client-consultant relationship.
Unit V: Technology and OD: Interdisciplinary nature of OD, Technology & OD, benefits iof technology in
organizations, Future of OD: OD and globalization, Emerging trends in OD
Text Books:
1. Organizational Theory, Design, and Change: Global Edition [Print Replica] Kindle Edition by Gareth R
2. Organization development and change – Book by Edgar F Huse.

1. Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change Book by Donald L. Anderson
2. Organization Development,-Wendell French and Cecil H Bell, Pearson Education.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects
CO5 4.1 4.1.1
of business
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0313 Retail Management 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the retailing concepts
CO2: Gain Knowledge on the retail formats
CO3: Understand the strategies to design store location and SCM
CO4: Understand retail buying and merchandise buying systems
CO5: Understand the role of internet technologies in retailing

Unit I: Understanding Retail: Meaning and Definition – Characteristics – Evolution – Functions – Principles –
Retail Sales Goals – Retailing in India – Retailing across the Globe –Reasons for Retail Growth – Emerging
Unit II: Delivering value through retail formats: Store Based Retail Formats – Retail Sale by Ownership – On
the Basis of Merchandise Offered (Food Based Retailer and General Merchandise Retailers). Non–Store Based
(Traditional) Retail Mix and Non– Traditional Selling – Traditional Retailing, Non – Traditional Retailing and
Other Emerging Retail Formats.
Unit III: Deciding Location: Store Location– Importance – Target and Store Location – Selection of Locality –
Site Analysis – Trading Area Analysis– Demand Density – Supply Density – Site Availability – Common Errors –
Recent Trends in Store Location. Supply Chain Management –Evolution – Why SCM – Innovation in SCM –
Hierarchy of Supply Chain Decisions – Warehousing – Major Drivers of Supply Chain – Components of Supply
Unit IV: Retail Buying/Merchandise Buying Systems: Buying System for Staple and Fashion Merchandise –
Merchandise Budget Plan – Open–To–Buy System – Allocation of Merchandise to Stores – Analyzing
Merchandise Performance – Global Sourcing Decisions – Costs Associated with Global Souring – Managerial
Issues – Ethical and Legal issues – Counterfeit Merchandise. Retail Marketing Segmentation: Concept –
Identification of Target Market – Understanding Target Market – Market Demand Potential – market Supply
Factors – Key Retail Segments.
Unit V: E–Retailing and Technology in Retailing: Retailing through Internet – Factors Affecting Internet
Buying Decisions – Traditional Retailing Vs Cyber Retailing. In Store Technologies, Electronic retailing. Human
Interface, Challenges etc

Text Books:
1. Retail Management: A Global Perspective –Harjit SinghS. Chand Publishing, 2009
2. Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tuli, Nidhi V Srivastava, ‗Retail Management‘, Oxford University Press, 2005
3. Retail Management: A Strategic Approach– 9th edition, Berman, B. and Evans, J. R. (2003).
4. Arif Sheikh, Kaneez Fatima ‗Retail Management‘, 4th edition, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Barry Berman, Joel R.Evans ‗Retail management, a strategic approach‘ 8th edition, Pearson Education
6. Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz, Ajay Pandit – ‗Retailing Management‘ 6th edition (Special Indian
edition) –Tata Mc Grawhill Publishing Co. Ltd.
7. David Gilbert ‗Retail Marketing Management‘ 2nd edition, Pearson Education
8. Swapna Pradhan – ‗Retailing Management‘ 2nd edition, Tata Mc Grawhill Publishing Co. Ltd

List of Competency Performance

PO no. and keyword
Cos Indicator Indicator
1.2.1, 1.3.1,
CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2, 1.3, 1.5
CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.3 2.3.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO4 4.1 4.1.1
CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA
Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0314 Data Science using R 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the basic elements of R software
CO2: Learn how data can be transferred, stored, analyzed using R
CO3: learn how the data is manipulated
CO4: learn how to plot/chart the data
CO5: Learn the statistic analysis using R

Unit 1: Introduction to R: Importance, Installation, R Environment. Understanding R data structure: Variables

in R, Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, List, Data frames, getting a subset of Data, Missing values

Unit 2: Importing data: Reading Tabular Data files, Reading CSV files, importing data from excel, Loading and
storing data with clipboard, Accessing database, saving in R data, Loading R data objects, writing data to file,
Writing text and output from analyses to file.

Unit 3: Manipulating Data: Selecting rows/observations, selecting columns/fields, merging data, relabeling the
column names, Data sorting, Data aggregation, Finding and removing duplicate records

Unit 4: Charts and Plots: Box plot, Histogram, Pie graph, Line chart, Scatter plot, Developing graphs, current
trending packages for Graphs.

Unit 5: Statistics: Correlation, Linear Regression, Non Linear Regression, Predictive time series forecasting, P
value, Find outlier, Neural Network, Error Measure

Text Books:
 Seema Acharya, Data Analytics Using R, Mc Graw Hill Education
 Graham J. Williams, The Essentials of Data Science: Knowledge Discovery Using R , Chapman & Hall
Reference Books:
 R for Data Science, Book by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.2 2.2.1
CO3 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects
CO4 4.3 4.3.1
of business
CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.5 1.5.1
Year: II Semester : III Branch of Study : MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand project selection and management.
CO2 Study the feasibility of projects.
CO3 Gain knowledge on appraisal methods in project management
CO4 Familiar with assessment of a project to obtain finance and managing project risks.
CO5 Obtain knowledge on available sources in the market to develop the projects.

Unit 1: Introduction: Concept Features and Identification of a project, Project cycle management, Identification
of investment opportunities, Project identification and formulation, Basic Principles of Project Analysis.

Unit 2 : Market and Technical Analysis: Market analysis of a project, Need for market analysis, Steps in
systematic market analysis, Demand forecasting, Forecasting techniques, Economic appraisal, Technical appraisal
of a project, Business and Technology acquisition, Management of technology.

Unit 3: Project Appraisal: Concept of Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA), Features, Stages and Limitations of
SCBA, Corporate appraisal, Efficiency and Equity in Project Appraisal, UNIDO approach, Little Mirlees
Approach, feasibility report.

Unit 4 :Project Finance : Introduction and uses of project finance, Key elements of appraisal of a project,
Techniques used in credit appraisal, Overview and structuring of Project Financing, Motivations for using project
finance, Trends in project financing. Project Assessment under risk and uncertainty: Valuing Projects-Project
negotiation-Managing Project Risks.

Unit 5: Sources for project finance : Introduction, Sources for project finance, SEBI Guidelines on Project
Financing in India; Lease and Hire Purchase Financing, Venture Capital Financing, Methods of Venture
Financing, The Process of Venture capital financing, Development of Venture capital in India.

Text Books:
1. Machiraju, H.R., Introduction to Project Finance, Vikas Publishing House
2. Prasanna Chandra, Project Preparation, Appraisal Budgeting and Implementation, Tata McGraw.
3. Ambarish Gupta, Project appraisal and Financing, PHI Learning Private Limited
4. Finnerty, John D, Project Financing (Asset-Based Financial Engineering), Jhon Wily and Sons,
Inc., New York,
5. E R Yescombe, Principles of Project Finance,Academic Press; 1 edition
6. Benjamin C Esty, Modern Project Finance, John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of 4.1 4.1.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of 4.1 4.1.1
CO5 PO5: team environment 5.2 5.2.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0316 Compensation and Benefits Management 4 - - 4

Course objectives
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of compensation management
CO2: Gain the knowledge of job design, evaluation and compensation methods
CO3: Understand the employee benefits and welfare.
CO4: Understand the legal aspects of compensation.
CO5: Study various compensation mechanisms of executive and expatriate levels.

Unit I – Compensation management: Compensation, types of compensation, Theories of Compensation

management, 3–P Concept in Compensation Management, strategic compensation management.

Unit II – Job Design, Job Evaluation and Compensation structures: Job Analysis & Design, Job evaluation
and methods, Understanding market pay, Base pay, Performance based pay, Competency based pay and Team
based pay.

Unit III – Benefits and Services: Employee benefits, Long–term and Short–term benefits, Administration of
benefits and the influencing factors, Employee welfare and services.

Unit IV –Compensation laws in India: The payment of Wages Act 1936, The Minimum Wages Act 1948, The
Payment of Bonus act 1965, The Equal Remuneration Act1976, The EPF Act 1952, The ESI Act 1948, The
Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, The Maternity Benefit Act 1961.

Unit V – Executive and Expatriate Compensation: Executive compensation – concepts and elements,
Quantitative tools, Expatriate Compensation and its Objectives, components of Expatriate‘s Compensation,
issues related to repatriation.

1. Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management approach - Joseph J. Martocchio-Pearson New
International Edition, 2014
2. Compensation by Milkovich and Newman
3. Compensation management by Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya, Oxford

1. Compensation – George T. Milkovich- McGraw Hill, 2015.

2. The Compensation Handbook, Sixth Edition : A State-Of-The-Art Guide to Compensation Strategy and
Design – Lance A. Berger- McGraw Hill
3. Rewarding excellence: Pay Strategies for the new economy-Edward E Lawler-Jossey Bass Inc. Publishers

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Database decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO3: Value based leadership ability 3.1 3.1.2, 3.1.3
CO4 PO1 management theories and practices 1.5 1.5.1
PO4: Global, ethical, legal and economical aspects of
CO5 4.1, 4.3 4.1.1, 4.3.1
Year II Semester III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


4 0 0 4

Course objectives
CO1: Understand the importance of Product Planning
CO2: Familiar with the Product management strategies
CO3: Obtain knowledge on Branding decisions
CO4: Analyze the brand equity and its strategies
CO5: Identify the various sectors in Branding

Unit 1: Product Planning:–Product concepts – product classification – product mix, product line, product
characteristics, responsibilities of product manager, product strategies.

Unit 2: Product management: Product differentiation, stages in new product development, product positioning,
package management

Unit 3: Branding Decisions: Essentials of good brand name, types of brand, advantages of branding, brand
loyalty, brand revitalization Brand Identity, personality and Associations: Brand Awareness – Building a strong
brand: The Four steps of Brand building, Brand performance, brand image.

Unit 4: Creating and managing Brand equity – brand equity brand building strategies, measuring brand equity
– Managing Brand equity, brand extension, new brand failures

Unit 5: Branding in different sectors: Branding in industrial sector, retail sector, service sector and insurance

Text Books:
1. A.K.Chitale, Ravi Gupta, ―Product Policy and Brand Management, Text and Cases‖, Second edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited, 2013
2. Kevin Lane Keller, M.G.Parameswaran, Isaac Jacob, ―Strategic Brand Management‖, Third edition, 2011,

Reference Books:
1. Marc. A. Annacchino, P.E. ―New Product Development, From Initial idea to product management‖, 2003,
2. U.C.Mathur, Product and Brand Management, First Edition, 2007, Excel Books

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.5 1.5.1
CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1
CO5 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
Year: II Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


4 0 0 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Study the basic concepts of data mining for business decisions
CO2: Acquainted with the theoretical elements of Data Mining and their applications.
CO3: Acquainted with the practical elements of Data Mining and their applications.
CO4: Acquire experience in analyzing a business problem using appropriate model
CO5: Develop the skills to use the model for a predictive analytical solution

Unit 1: Introduction to Data Mining – Deriving Value from Data Mining – Applications – Basic concepts

Unit 2: Exploratory Analytics using R/Rattle – Basic metrics– Principal Component Analysis– Correlation
analysis–Visualizing Data– Applications

Unit 3: Predictive Modeling using R/Rattle– Decision Trees– ANN – Clustering– Regression– Logistic
Regression– Applications

Unit 4: Market Basket Analysis – Association rule mining – Naïve Bayes Analysis – Applications

Unit 5: Text Mining – Web Mining – Best Practices in Data Analysis and BI

Text Books:

1. Anil Maheshwari ,Data Analytics. McGraw Hill, 2017.

2. Eric Siegel, Thomas H. Davenport, ―Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or
Die‖, Wiley, 2013
3. Anasse Bari, Mohamed Chaouchi and Tommy Jung ,Predictive Analytics, Willey,2015

Reference Books:
1. Alberto Cordoba, ―Understanding the Predictive Analytics Lifecycle‖, Wiley, 2014.
2. Dean Abbott, Applied Predictive Analytics, Willey, 2014.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
CO5 PO5: team environment 5.2 5.2.1
Year: I Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0319 Advanced Communication 2 - - 2

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand basic concepts Managerial Communication
CO2: familiar with Business correspondence
CO3: Understand the concept of organizing meetings
CO4: Study various communication strategies.
CO5: get acquainted with Computer based communication technologies.

UNIT - I : Concept of Managerial Communication – Effective Listening – Barriers, Steps for Active Listening
– Effective Speaking – Body Language & Modulation, Informative, Persuasion Communications – Effective
Reading – Obstacles, Effective Reading, Reading Comprehension – Effective Writing – Condensation, Note
Making Methods, Executive Summary.
UNIT - II : Business Letters & Reports: Types of Business Letters – Elements; Types of Reports – Informal –
Formal Reports – Elements; Annual Reports - Technical Proposals – Structure – Circulars - Notices – Memos.
UNIT - III : Meetings & Reports: Meeting Invitation - Notice – Agenda – Meeting Participants – Roles,Meeting
conduction & Etiquette - Minutes of the Meeting – Documentation – Filing.
UNIT - IV : Communication Strategies: Conflict Resolution – Win-Win strategy; Managerial Negotiations –
Bargaining, Distributive, Integrative Strategies; Interviews – Types – purpose – process.
UNIT - V : Technology for Communication: Conventional Modes Vs Computer based Technologies – Email,
Social Media, Micro Soft & Google Tools – Data – Collection – Organizing – Analyzing - Presentations using
1. Managerial Communication – Strategies and Applications, Geraldine E.Hynes, McGrawHill
2. Business Communication, C.S.Rayudu, HPH.
3. Business Communication, Meenakshi Raman, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Business communication, Shalini Varma, Vikas.
2. Business Communication, Raymond V.Lesikar, Neeraja Pandit et al.,TMH
3. Business Communications, Hudson, Jaico Publications
4. Business communication Sehgal, khetarpal, Excel Books
5. Effective Communication, Harward Business School, Harward Business Review No.1214.
6. Communication skills, Sanjay Kumar, Pushpalata, Oxford

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO3 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

Year: I Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0320 E - Business 2 - - 2
Course Outcomes:

CO1: Understand basic concept of e-business

CO2: Familiar with security threats to e-business
CO3: Understand the concept of electronic payment system
CO4: Study various e-business strategies.
CO5: get acquainted with e-business applications infrastructure

UNIT - I : Introduction to e-business : Electronic business, Electronic commerce, difference between e-business
& e-commerce, electronic commerce models, types of electronic commerce, value chains in electronic commerce-
commerce in India, internet, web based tools for electronic commerce. Electronic data, Interchange, components
of electronic data interchange, electronic data interchange process.
UNIT - II : Security threats to e- business: Security overview, Electronic commerce threats, Encryption,
Cryptography, public key and private key Cryptography digital signatures, digital certificates, security protocols
over public networks : HTTP, SSL, Firewall as security control, public key infrastructure (PKI) For Security.
UNIT - III: Electronic payment system: Concept of money, electronic payment systems, types of electronic
payment systems, smart cards and electronic payment systems, infrastructure issues in EPS, Electronic fund
UNIT - IV : E-business applications and strategies : Business models & revenue models over internet,
emerging trends in e- business- governance, digital commerce, mobile commerce, strategies for business over
web, internet based business models.
UNIT – V: E –business infrastructure and e- marketing: Hard works system software infrastructure, ISP’s,
managing e-business applications infrastructure, what is e- marketing, e-marketing planning, tactics, strategies.
1. Dave chaffey :e-business & e-commerce management- Pearson.
2. E- commerce- e-business :Dr.C.S.Rayudu, Himalaya.

Reference Books:
1. Whitley, David (2000) ,e-commerce strategy,Technologies and applications.TMH.
2. Schneider Gary P.and Perry, James T(1ST edition 2000) Electronic commerce, Thomson Learning.
3. Bajaj, Kamlesh K and Nag, Debjani (1st edition 1999) ,e- commerce, The cutting edge of business,TMH
Publishing company

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1

CO3 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1

CO4 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1

CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1

Year: I Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0321 Industry 4.0 & Innovation 2 - - 2

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of Industry 4.0 and new technologies in decision making
CO2: Outline the features of Artificial Intelligence and application domains
CO3: Summarize the Big data domain stack and Internet of Things
CO4: Identify the applications and Tools of Industry 4.0
CO5: Learn and think innovative ideas based on technology

UNIT – I: Industry 4.0: Need – Reason for Adopting Industry 4.0 - Definition – Goals and Design
Principles - Technologies of Industry 4.0 – Big Data – Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Industrial Internet of
Things - Cyber Security – Cloud – Augmented Reality – Mixed Reality.
UNIT – II: Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) – What & Why? -
History of AI - Foundations of AI -The AI - Environment - Societal Influences of AI - Application
Domains and Tools - Associated Technologies of AI - Future Prospects of AI - Challenges of AI.
UNIT – III: Big Data and IOT: Data: Terminologies - Big Data Definitions - Essential of Big Data in
Industry 4.0 - Big Data Merits and Advantages - Big Data Components : Big Data Characteristics - Big
Data Processing Frameworks - Big Data Applications - Big Data Tools - Big Data Roles - Learning
Platforms; Internet of Things (IoT) : Introduction to IoT - Architecture of IoT - Technologies for IoT -
Security in IoT.
UNIT – IV: Manufacturing – Healthcare – Education – Aerospace and Defence – Agriculture –
Transportation and Logistics – Impact of Industry 4.0 on Society: Impact on Business, Government,
People. Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Data Analytics,
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, IoT, Robotics.
UNIT - V: Innovation: Meaning - Stages of Innovation Life cycle – Types of Innovations - Innovation
as a knowledge-based process – Innovation and competitive advantage.

1. Managing Innovation -,By Joe Tidd, John Bessant & et.al., Wiley India Publishers, New Delhi, Third
2. Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things by Prof.SudipMisra, IIT Kharagpur.
Reference Books:
1. Alasdair Gilchrist. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, A press Publications.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO1 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO2 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO3 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO4 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical
CO5 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business

Year : I Semester: III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0322 Human Values and Professional Ethics 2 - - 2

Course Outcomes
CO1: Understand the variety of moral issues
CO2: know the principles of Ethics and morality
CO3: Gain knowledge on Risk benefit analysis
CO4: Understand the topics related to intellectual property rights and corporate responsibility
CO5: Gain knowledge about Competence and Professional Ethics

1. Variety of Moral Issues:- Understanding the Harmony in the Society (society being an extension of family),
Integrity, Work Ethic, Courage, Empathy, Self Confidence, Moral Autonomy, Consensus and Controversy,
Professional and Professionalism, Professional Ideas and Virtues.

2. Principals of Ethics and Morality:- Ethics as a Subset of Morality, Ethics and Organizations, Employee
Duties and Rights, Discriminatory and Pre-judicial Employee Practices, Understanding Harmony in Nature,
Natural Acceptance of Human Values.

3. Risk Benefit Analysis:- Reducing Risk, The Government Regulators Approach to Risk, Handling Ethical
Dilemmas at Work, Market Strategy and Ethics, Ethical Practice in Market Place, Ethics in Finance, Ethics in
Business and Environment.

4. Collegiality an Loyalty:- Respect of Authority, Collective Bargaining, Confidentiality, Professional Rights,

Intellectual Property Rights, Multinational Corporations, Honesty, Moral Leadership, Sample Code of Conduct,
Corporate Responsibility. Social Audit and Ethical Investing, Computer and Ethics,
Management Patterns

5. Competence and Professional Ethics- i) Ability to Utilize the Professional Competence for Augmenting
Universal Human Order, ii) Ability to identify the scope and Characteristics of people-friendly and eco-friendly
production, iii) Ability to identify and develop appropriate technologies, and Management and pattern for above
production system. Strategy for Transitition from the Present State to Universal Human Order-i) At the Level of
Individual- as Socially and Ecologically Responsible Technologists and Managers, ii) At the Level of Society-
Mutually Enriching Institutions and Organizations. Case studies of typical holistic technologies and management
• Ethics in Engineering , Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, McGrawHill.
• Engineering ethics-concepts and cases, Charles E Harris, Michael S Pritchard, Thompson Learning.
• Ethics and the conduct of business ,John R Boatright, Pearson education.
• Ethical Choices in Business, R.C.Sekhar, Response Books.
• Business ethics, William Shaw , wordsworth Publishing company.

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO2: Data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO3 PO1: Management Theories and Practices 1.2 1.2.1
CO4 PO5: Team environment 5.2 5.2.1
PO4: Global, Economic, Legal, and Ethical aspects of
CO5 4.2 4.2.1
Year II Semester III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0323 Spread Sheet Modelling Lab - - 2 1

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the basic operations in Excel
CO2: Learn the advanced formulas for effective business decision making
CO3: Learn and practice frequency distributions
CO4: Analyze different statistical tools
CO5: Familiar with the overview of statistical Analysis tool -SPSS

Unit 1: EXCEL Lessons: Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar.- Creating and Using Templates.-Working with
Data: Entering, Editing, Copy, Cut, Paste, Paste Special.- Formatting Data and Using the Right Mouse Click.-
Saving, Page Setup, and Printing.- Using Headers and Footers.- Manipulating Data, using Data Names and
Ranges, Filters and Sort and Validation Lists.- Data from External Sources.- Using and Formatting Tables.- Basic
Formulas and Use of Functions.-Data Analysis Using Charts and Graphs.-Managing, Inserting, and Copying
Worksheets.- Securing the Excel Document (Protect Cells and Workbook).

Unit 2: Advanced excel lessons: Advanced Formulas and Functions.-Advanced Worksheet Features.-Advanced
Data Analysis using PivotTables and Pivot Charts.

Unit 3: Frequency distributions: Binomial, Poisson, exponential and Normal Distributions

Unit 4: Statistical tools for execution using excel: Measure of central tendency-mean, median, mode, Measure
of dispersion: variance, standard deviation, Coefficient of- variation-test, chi square test, independence of

Unit 5: Overview of SPSS: Uses, Data Analysis. Making students/Learn Familiar with Main menu and other
features of SPSS Package (add in data analysis) data analysis using spss.

Text Book
1. Glyn Davis &BrankoPecar “Business Statistics Using Excel” Oxford University Press.
2. David Whigham “Business Data Analysis Using Excel’’ Oxford University Press.
3. Winstion “Excel 2010 Data Analysis and Business Modelling” PHI Learning Private Limited.
4. Bajpai “Business Statistics” Pearson.
5. D P Apte : Statistical Tools for Managers USING MS EXCEL, Excel Books.
6. David M Levine, David. F. Stephan & Kathryn A. Szabat, Statistics for Managers – Using MS
7. Bruce Bowerman, Business Statistics in Practice, TMH.
8. Shelly, MS Office, 2007, Cengage.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO2 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1
CO3 PO2: Data based decision making 2.2 2.2.1
CO4 PO2: Data based decision making 2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO1: Management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
Year II Semester III Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


There shall be Experiential learning project for internal evaluation of 100 marks. It is a
multifaceted assignment that serves as a group academic and experience for students to have learning
pathway experience. The maximum size of each group shall be four. Students may be asked to select a
topic, profession or social problem that interests them, conduct research on the subject, maintain a
portfolio of findings or results, create a final product demonstrating their learning acquisition or
conclusions (as a paper, short film, or multimedia presentation), and give an oral presentation before the
Project Review Committee consisting of Head of the Department, supervisor/mentor and two other
senior faculty members of the department. The student has to secure a minimum of 50% of marks to be
declared successful..
MBA – IV Semester
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand basic types of derivatives
CO2: familiar with the features of the existing financial derivatives
CO3: Understand the concept of options
CO4: learn the option strategies
CO5: Understand the concept of swaps

Unit 1:Introduction to Derivatives: Derivatives – Definition – Types – Forward Contracts – Futures Contracts –
Options – Swaps – Fundamental linkages between Spot & Derivative Markets – Types of Traders – OTC and
Exchange Traded Securities – Types of Settlement – Uses and Advantages of Derivatives – Risks in Derivatives.
Development and Growth of Derivative Markets, the Role of Derivatives Market in India

Unit 2: Future and Forward Market: Structure of forward and Future Markets, Mechanics of future markets,
Hedging Strategies, using futures. Determination of forward and future prices - Interest rate futures, Currency
futures and Forwards

Unit 3: Options: Definition – Exchange Traded Options, OTC Options – Specifications of Options – Call and Put
Options , American and European Options -Structure of Options Market,– Intrinsic Value and Time Value of
Options, Principles of Option Pricing, Option Pricing Models: The Binomial Model, the Black Scholes Merton

Unit 4: Basic Option Strategies: Advanced Option Strategies, Trading with Options, Hedging with Options,
Currency Options

Unit 5: Swaps: Concept and Nature of Swaps—Major Types of Financial Swaps –Interest Rate Swaps –Currency
Swaps –Commodity Swaps – Credit Risk in Swaps

Text Books and Reference Books:

 Hull, John C, Options, Options, futures and other derivatives, Prentice Hall of India,10th edition, 2016
 Ranganatham and Madhumathi, Derivatives and Risk Management, Pearson,
 Kevin, S, Commodity and Financial Derivatives, PHI, 2016.
 Rajiv Srivastav, Derivatives and Risk Management, Oxford University Press, 2015

List of Competency
PO no. and keyword Performance Indicator
Cos Indicator
CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO3 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1

2.3 2.3.1
CO4 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
CO5 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.2 2.2.1
2.3 2.3.1
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0402 Industrial Relations 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the Employee Relations and Industrial Climate in India.
CO2: Familiar with the Indian labour laws.
CO3: Understand Collective bargaining and employee grievance and redressal mechanisms
CO4: understand the statutory norms to settle Industrial Disputes.
CO5: Familiar about laws relating to social security.

Unit I: Introduction: Industrial Relations –concept – significance – Role of Industrial Relation Officer –
Government machinery for labour administration.

Unit II: Indian Labor laws: The socio-economic environment – Industrial Relations laws- Factories Act 1948–
Employees Standing Orders Act 1946 -Payment of Wages Act 1936, Payment of Salaries Act 1971 -Minimum
Wages Act 1948, Equal Remuneration Act 1976.

Unit III: Collective Bargaining & Grievance Management: Collective Bargaining-role, methods- negotiation,
conciliation, arbitration, adjudication. Causes of Grievances, Grievance and Redressal Mechanisms, Discipline –
code of conduct, process of Domestic enquiry.

Unit IV: Industrial Disputes & Trade Unions: Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – Preventive and settlement
Machinery – Trade Unions Act, 1926 – Workers Participation in Management.

Unit V: Laws relating to social security: Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 – ESI Act 1948 – Payment of
Gratuity Act 1972, Role of ILO.

Text Books:
 Tripati. P.C , Industrial Relations and labour laws , Sultan chand and sons
 N.D. Kapoor , Mercantile law, Sultan chand and sons
Reference books:
 Sri Vastva , Industrial Relations and labour laws, Vikas publishers
 Agarwal LL , Industrial Relations and laws in India ,
 Sinha &sinha, Industrial Relations and labour laws , Oxford IBH
 Pillai. RSN&Bhagavathi, Legal aspects of business – (2011), Sultan chand and sons
 Arun Monappa : Industrial Relations (McGraw Hill )
 Punekar : Labour Welfare Trade Unionism and Industrial Relations (Himalaya)
 B.D. Singh : Industrial Relations (Excel )
 Sarma, A.M : Industrial Relations ( Himalaya)
 Monal Arora : Industrial Relations ( Excel) Industrial Law- P.L.Malik, eastern book company
 Malik P.L : Hand Book of Industrial Law (Eastern )

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO3 PO2: data-based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO2: data-based decision making 2.1 2.1.1
CO5 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
Year II Semester IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course Outcomes:
CO-1: Understand the evolution and growth of services.
CO-2: Gain the knowledge about service marketing mix
CO-3: Understand the concepts of Service design and development
CO-4: Study the Service delivery and channel management issues.
CO-5: Understand strategic marketing planning process of services.

Unit 1: Introduction: Definition–service economy–Evolution and growth of service sector–Nature and scope of
services – characteristics of services, 7 P’s. Challenges and issues in services marketing

Unit 2: Assessing service market potential - classification of services – expanded marketing mix– environment
and trends– service market segmentation, targeting and positioning.

Unit 3: Service design and development- service life cycle – new service development – service blue printing–
gap model of service quality – service quality function development.

Unit 4: Service delivery and promotion- designing service delivery system, service channel – pricing of
services, methods –service marketing triangle- integrated service marketing communication.

Unit 5: Marketing plans for services: the marketing planning process, strategic context, resource allocations and
monitory marketing planning and services

Text Books and Reference Books:

1. Kenneth E Clow, et. al “Services Marketing Operation Management and Strategy” Biztantra,New
Delhi, 2012
2. Chirstopher H. Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, “Services Marketing”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008
3. Hoffman, Marketing of Services, Cengage Learning, 1st Edition, 2008.

List of Competency Performance

PO no. and keyword
Cos Indicator Indicator
CO-1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO-2 PO5: team environment 5.2 5.2.1

CO-3 PO2: data-based decision making 2.1 2.1.1

CO-4 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.2 4.2.1

aspects of business
CO-5 PO5: team environment 5.1 5.1.1
Year II Semester IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the fundamental principles of e‐retailing and e‐Commerce
CO2: Able to understand e-retailing merchandising process
CO3: Gain knowledge about the e-retail organization.
CO4: Understand the fundamental of e-retailing technologies
CO5: Understand various e-retailing consumer behavior models.

Unit -1: The world of e-retailing: e-retailing in practice – integration of e-retailing in to organization –
understanding and communicating with the e-consumer.

Unit -2: E-retailing as a format: Assortment Planning, merchandising and category management for e-retailing.

Unit – 3: Inventory management for e-retailing: Retail Strategies in the context of e-retailing, running an e-
retail organization.

Unit – 4: Loyalty and e-retailing: e-store design: navigability, interactivity and web atmospherics – e-service.

Unit – 5: Consumer behavior and e-retailing: Branding on the web – e-malls – e-retailing models – multi-
channel success and the future of e-retailing.

Text books and References:

1. Charles Dennis, Tino Fenech and Bill Merrilees,E-Retailing‖ E-Book.

2. Dunne Lusch carver, Retailing, 8th edition, Cengage publishers, 2017.
3. Nayak Dash, Retail management, 1st edition, Cengage publishers, 2017.
4. Cullen, Retailing: environment and operations, cengage publishers, 1st edtion, 2017.

Competency Performance
List of COs PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO1: management theories and practices 1.2 1.2.1

CO3 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1

CO4 PO5: team environment. 5.2 5.2.1

CO5 PO1: management theories and practices 1.4 1.4.1

Year : II Semester : IV Branch of Study: MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits


Course Outcomes:
CO1 Understand the importance and goals of international financial management.
CO2 Understand the foreign exchange management system.
CO3 Understand the global exchange rates and theories.
CO4 Understand the foreign exchange management exposure and the risks involved in it.
CO5 Describe the international capital budgeting decisions.

Unit 1: Introduction to International Financial management: IFM meaning, Nature and Scope, Difference
between FM & IFM, Role of International finance manager and Challenges of IFM.

Unit 2: International Financial Markets: Money market and Capital market, Functions and Structure of the
Forex markets, major participants, types of transactions and settlements, Foreign exchange quotations, Direct,
Indirect, and Cross Currency Quotations.

Unit 3: Exchange Rate Determination: Types of exchange rates, fixed and floating exchange rates, factors
that influence exchange rates, concepts of international arbitrage, interest rate parity, and purchasing power parity
and the International Fisher effect.

Unit 4: Management of foreign exchange exposure and Foreign exchange risk: Types of Exposure,
Economic Exposure, Transaction Exposure, Operating Exposure. Exchange risk – Liquidity and Interest rate risk.
Managing foreign exchange risks.

Unit 5:International Capital Budgeting: Introduction of international capital budgeting, adjusted present
value model, capital budgeting from parent firm’s perspective and sources of international finance.

Text Books and Reference Books:

1. Bhalla V.K., International Financial Management, S.Chand
2. Ephriam Clark, International Financial Management, Cengage.
3. Sharan, International Financial Management, 5th Edition, PHI.
4. International Financial Management, T.Siddaiah: Pearson.
5. International Financial Management ,M.K.Rastogi
6. International Financial Management, S.EunChoel and Risnick Bruce: TMH.
7. International Financial Management, Machi Raju, HPH.
8. International finance management, Jeff Madura, Cengage.
9. International Financial Management, MadhuVij: Excel,.
10. International Financial Management, V. A Avadhani, Himalaya.
11. International Finance, Prakash .G.Apte, TMH

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO3 PO1: management theories and practices 1.1 1.1.1
PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO4 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
CO5 PO2: data-based decision making. 2.1 2.1.1
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

International HRM 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand role of HRM in the global organizations.
CO2: understand cultural differences among different countries.
CO3: Understand the HRM practices to manage people in global organizations
CO4: Able to understand the different issues related to international performance management.
CO5: understand the emerging trends related to international labour.

Unit – 1: International HRM: Approaches, Challenges in global labour market–Linking HR to International

expansion strategies, Socio–cultural context– Human Resources in a Comparative Perspective

Unit – 2: Culture and employee management issues: Cultural issues, theories related to culture, Responding
to diversity, challenges of localization, global integration, differentiation, Mastering expatriation and
Repatriation .

Unit – 3: Institutional & Structural Context–Managing alliances and joint ventures, HR challenges in cross
border Integrations: Legal issues in global workforce management, International Recruitment and Selection,
Staffing in International context, Developing International Staff and Multinational Teams .

Unit – 4: International Training , Performance & Compensation Management: International training,

appraisal of expatriate, third and host country employees, international compensation–approaches, composition,
Managing Global, Diverse Workforce.

Unit – 5: Social Security Systems across Countries: Emerging issues, International Labour Relations, HRM
practices in different countries– Industrial Relations in a Comparative Perspective– Global Unions, Regional
Integration and Framework Agreements– Emerging Trends in Employee Relations and Employee Involvement–
HR/IR issues in MNCs.

Text Books and References:

1. International Human Resource Management by K. Aswathappa

2. International Human Resource Management–Peter J. Dowling– Cengage Learning India Private
3. International Human Resource Management–Anne–Wil Harzing, Ashly Pinnington

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO3 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO4 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO5 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.2 4.2.1
aspects of business
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0407 International Marketing 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1 : Understand the international marketing concepts
CO2 : Study the entry strategies of different environments
CO3 : Understand the product management and positioning in international marketing
CO4: Familiar with various international distribution strategies.
CO5 : Gain knowledge about export policy and procedures

Unit – 1: International Marketing: Scope and Significance of International Marketing, The importance of
international marketing, Differences between international and domestic marketing, legal environment and
regulatory environment of international marketing.
Unit – 2: International Market Entry Strategies: Indirect Exporting, Direct Exporting, Foreign Manufacturing
Strategies with Direct Investment. Entry Strategies of Indian Firms.
Unit – 3: International product management: International product positioning, Product saturation Levels in
global Market, New products in International Market, Products and culture, brands in International Market.
Unit -4: International Marketing Channels: Distribution Structures, Distribution Patterns, Factors effecting
Choice of Channels, the Challenges in Managing an international Distribution Strategy, Selecting Foreign
Country, Market intermediaries. The management of physical distribution of goods, Grey Market goods.
Unit -5: Export Marketing: Introduction to Export Marketing, Export Policy Decisions of a firm, EXIM policy
of India. Export costing and pricing, Export procedures and export documentation. Export assistance and
incentives in India.

Text Books and References :

1. Global Marketing, Third Edition, by Warren J. Keegan and Mark C. Green, Prentice Hall,
2. Philip .R. Cateora, John.L.Graham. Prasanth Salwan. International Marketing, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 13 th
edition, (2008)
3. Onkvisit, Sak., and John J.Shaw., International Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1997.
4. Ashok Korwar, Creating Markets across the Globe, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1997
5. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization by Thomas L. Friedman

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator
CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1
CO2 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.2 4.2.1
aspects of business
CO3 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO4 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO5 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.3 4.3.1
aspects of business
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

Marketing Analytics 4 - - 4

Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the product management decisions
CO2: Study various product and service analytics
CO3: Understand the pricing analytics
CO4: Familiar with distribution analytics
CO5: Understand the concepts of digital marketing

Unit – 1: Product Management– Marketing product selection – market insight – market sizing – strategic
decision models

Unit -2: Product and service analytics –conjoint analysis – forecasting – inflection point – decision trees –
product mix allocation

Unit-3: Metrics– BSC – Dashboards –strategic metrics – pricing analytics – web analytics

Unit -4: Distribution analytics– sales analytics – Promotion analytics – allocating marketing budget

Unit – 5: Customer Management– Digital Marketing – concepts and applications

Text books and References:

1. Wayne L. Winston, Marketing Analytics: Data–Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel, Wiley, 2014
2. Sorger, Stephan. ―Marketing Analytics: Strategic Models and Metrics.‖ Admiral Press/ Create Space,
3. Venkatesan, R., Farris, P., & Wilcox, R. T. Cutting–edge marketing analytics: real world cases and data
sets for hands on learning. Pearson Education, 2014.
4. Grigsby, M., Marketing Analytics: A Practical Guide to Real Marketing Science. Kogan Page Publishers,

Competency Performance
List of Cos PO no. and keyword
Indicator Indicator

CO1 PO1: management theories and practices 1.3 1.3.1

CO2 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.2 4.2.1
aspects of business
CO3 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO4 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.1 4.1.1
aspects of business
CO5 PO4: global, economic, legal, and ethical 4.3 4.3.1
aspects of business
Year: II Semester: IV Branch of Study- MBA

Subject Code Subject Name L T P Credits

22MBA0409 Project Work - - 20 10

Students are required to take up a project work, in which the student can choose any specific problem of Industry
or Industry based project work. Alternatively it can be secondary source based or Field based project work. A
candidate has to present proposal of project work in the beginning of IV semester. For submission of proposal of
project work, a student, in consultation with his Project Supervisor, has to present the title, objective, and plan of
action of his project work to the Project Work Review Committee (PRC) The project should have an internal
faculty as guide.

A soft copy of the thesis should be submitted for Antiplagiarism check and plagiarism report should be
included in the thesis. The thesis is accepted for submission if the similarity index is less than 30%.
Research article relevant to the project work published in UGC Care or presented in an International /
National conference shall be attached to the thesis.

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