UAV Report

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This paper describes the surveillance Novel UAV will be an implementation of an

unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using a radio-controlled (RC) Helicopter or Drone that is
capable of following a moving, at a fixed altitude off the ground while maintaining wireless
communication with a remote controller. These are the days of modern technologies and in order
to achieve supremacy in various sectors, modern technology should be adopted. This is an effort
to make a prototype of Surveillance chopper, which can be used as a spying machine or for

Design Construction is typically of plastic, glass-reinforced plastic, aluminum or carbon

fiber. Rotor blades are typically made of wood, fiberglass or carbon fiber. These model
helicopters contain many moving parts analogous to those on full-size helicopters, from the
swash plate to rotor and everything in between. The construction of helicopters has to be more
precise than for fixed-wing model aircraft, because helicopters are susceptible to even the
smallest of vibrations, which can cause problems when the

Control Section:


Keypad RF/Wi-Fi
Control Circuit Transceiver

UAV Section:

Regulated Power

RF/Wi-Fi Wireless Camera


Flying CPU
Monitoring Section



Power supply


Today‘s integrated technology has opened many new areas of application for Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs) completing complex and risky mission without any on board human
involvement is the biggest advantage of UAV's. With new technical advances, affordability &
acceptability of UAVs will increase, which will fuel the interest of researchers to explore more
and more applications for UAVs. UAVs are of different types such as Gliders, Planes,
Helicopters, etc. From these we opted for RC Helicopter because of its higher maneuverability
and its ability to hover at a fixed position.

Drones are flying robots which include unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) that fly thousands
of kilometres and small drones that fly in confined spaces. Aerial vehicles that do not carry a
human operator, fly remotely or autonomously, and carry lethal or nonlethal payloads are
considered as drones. A ballistic or semi-ballistic vehicle, cruise missiles, artillery projectiles,
torpedoes, mines, and satellites cannot be considered as drones. Advances in fabrication,
navigation, remote control capabilities, and power storage systems have made possible the
development of a wide range of drones which can be utilized in various situations where the
presence of humans is difficult, impossible, or dangerous. Flying robots for military surveillance,
planetary exploration, and search-and-rescue have received most attention in the past few years.
Depending on the flight missions of the drones, the size and type of installed equipment are
different. Considerable advantages of the drones have led to a myriad of studies to focus on the
optimization and enhancement of the performances of these drones. According to the mentioned
characteristics, drones benefit from the potential to carry out a variety of operations including
reconnaissance, patrolling, protection, transportation of loads, and aerology

Aeromodels are flying or non-flying small size replicas of existing or imaginary aircrafts. Our
project is about designing a helicopter with a camera mounted on it used for surveillance purpose
so we came with project ― Wireless surveillance Micro-helicopter.

In many application vertical Take-Off and landing (VTOL) vehicles, also known as rotor
vehicles, are preferred over fixed wing vehicles Because of their higher manoeuvrability also
they require less launching and landing support compare to fixed winged vehicles task such as
exploration of unknown territories formation flying intelligence gathering etc. require rotorcraft
UAV to be capable of flying very close to other flying or stationary objects because of exposed
rotary wings, rotorcraft UAVs are very sensitive to the environment they are flying within.

In this Project, we are going to design a Small Helicopter Robot, which will be remote
Controlled. In this helicopter would be consisting of Receiver, Microcontroller, Gyroscope
module, and motors. And remote control will have Transmitter, Joystick switches, and
microcontroller. The Vehicle will also have a Camera and the Received unit will be interfaced to
monitor and the Live Video will be transmitted.


A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core,
memory, and programmable input/output peripherals.

Atmega 8 is a microcontroller manufactured by Atmel. The ATmega8 provides the following

features: 8K bytes of In-System Programmable Flash with Read-While-Write capabilities, 512
bytes of EEPROM, 1K byte of SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working
registers, three flexible Timer/Counters with compare modes, internal and external interrupts, a
serial programmable USART, a byte oriented Two wire Serial Interface, a 6-channel ADC (eight
channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages) with 10-bit accuracy, a programmable Watchdog
Timer with Internal Oscillator, an SPI serial port, and five software selectable power saving
modes. The Idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the SRAM, Timer/Counters, SPI port, and
interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power down mode saves the register contents but
freezes the Oscillator, disabling all other chip functions until the next Interrupt or Hardware
Reset. In Power-save mode, the asynchronous timer continues to run, allowing the user to
maintain a timer base while the rest of the device is sleeping. The ADC Noise Reduction mode
stops the CPU and all I/O modules except asynchronous timer and ADC, to minimize switching
noise during ADC conversions. In Standby mode, the crystal/resonator Oscillator is running
while the rest of the device is sleeping. This allows very fast start-up combined with low-power

Pin Configuration:


From these features we are using PWM, USART, ADC and I/O ports.
1. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) PWM is used for controlling strength of signal. It has 8/9/10
bit PWM control as specified. For using PWM we have to first initialize PWM to enable it and
then assign values to register OCR1A, OCR1B, OCR0, and OCR2 which decides the strength of
signal. Using PWM we are controlling the speed of motors of rotors.

2. USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmission) USART is used for

Transmission and Reception of controlling instructions. Using this we can transmit or receive 8
bit of data at a time. The registers to be used are UDR, UCSRA, UCSRB, UCSRC, and UBRRH.
UDR is 8 bit register which stores the received data.

3. ADC (Analog to Digital Convertor) As we deal with digital values in microcontroller so it is

necessary to convert incoming analog signal to digital, so ADC is an important features. It has 10
bit ADC register. The registers used are ADMUX, ADCSRA and ADCW. ADCW is the data
register in which the data converted is stored.


The L298 is an integrated monolithic circuit in a 15-lead Multiwatt and PowerSO20 packages. It
is a high voltage, high current dual full-bridge driver designed to accept standard TTL logic
levels and drive inductive loads such as relays, solenoids, DC and stepping motors. Two enable
inputs are provided to enable or disable the device independently of the input signals. The
emitters of the lower transistors of each bridge are connected together and the corresponding
external terminal can be used for the connection of an external sensing resistor. An additional
supply input is provided so that the logic works at a lower voltage.


As the name implies, BLDC motors do not use brushes for commutation; instead, they are
electronically commutated. BLDC motors have many advantages over brushed DC motors and
induction motors.

A few of these are:

Better speed versus torque characteristics

High dynamic response

High efficiency

Long operating life Noiseless operation

Higher speed ranges

In addition, the ratio of torque delivered to the size of the motor is higher, making it

useful in applications where space and weight are critical factors.


Wireless security cameras are closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras that transmit a video and
audio signal to a wireless receiver through a radio band. In wireless camera audio and video
analog signals encoded as digital packets over high-bandwidth radio frequencies.
The wireless Camera Transmitter.
The Camera sees the image, the camera then provides the video to the transmitter, then
the transmitter sends the wireless signal to the receiver. There are many types of wireless
cameras. You can make most any camera wireless by adding a wireless transmitter and receiver.
The camera and transmitter require power. The power is provided by battery and/ or transformer
/ adapter. The complete wiring for the wireless camera and transmitter end follows.
The Receiver
A wireless receiver has only one function. After the camera and wireless transmitters have
provided the wireless video signal the receiver collects this signal and routes it the Monitor, TV,
VCR , DVR or PC (or alternative recording or viewing device). S
As you can see in Diagram 2 The receiver accepts the wireless transmitters signal and then out
puts it to your TV, VCR, Monitor or PC. The receiver needs only power and a Device to view
and or record the Signal /Video.
Advantages include:
 Wide transmission range usually close to 450 feet (open space, clear line of
sight between camera and receiver
 High quality video and audio
 Two-way communication between the camera and the receiver
 Digital signal means you can transmit commands and functions, such as turning
lights on and off

5. BATTERY (7.3V, 2300MA)

It is a two Cell 2300 Li-Ion battery. LiIon batteries utilize a balance plug. The use of a balance
plug has shown to increase the life of LiIon, LiPoly and LiFe batteries.

3.1 Introduction

A helicopter has no aerodynamic qualities that would suggest it is capable of sustained flight. Its
historical development contains a myriad of problems, ingenious solutions to problems, and
solutions to problems caused by other solutions. The helicopter is thus an extremely complex
machine that is naturally unstable during flight. Small helicopters, as used in this work, are even
more unstable due to their very low weight and moment of inertia. These RC helicopters are
nonlinear systems that represent a very challenging control problem. The control method used in
this application is operating dual shaft and dual propeller main rotor and tail fan with the PWM
effect from the controller.

6.2 Basic Control Mechanisms

The helicopter is controlled using a remote control which is controlled by user. The working of
helicopter is dependent on the dual propeller main rotor and tail fan. Since main rotor has two
propellers, one moves in clockwise and other moves in anticlockwise direction thus cancelling
the back thrust. The movement of helicopter is controlled as

a. Uplift: the center motors moves with equal speed in opposite directions.

b. Forward: the center motors rotates with same speed and tail motor rotate in clockwise


c. Backward: the center motors rotates with same speed and tail motor rotate in

anticlockwise direction.

d. Right: one center motor moves with less speed in anticlockwise direction and other

moves with full speed in clockwise direction and tail motor remains off.

e. Left: one center motor moves with less speed in clockwise direction and other moves

with full speed in anticlockwise direction and tail motor remains off.
3.3 Actual Working

When the user press any switch in transmitter the input is detected on the pins of
microcontroller since the input is continuously scanned in the program the code corresponding to
the input is then transmitted to the receiver through CC2500 module. The address of the receiver
is transmitted first and then data so as to protect the misplacing of data. The receiver with
corresponding address will receive the data that is our receiver then it will decode the data and it
will check the data code and corresponding action would be taken. The codes we have defined

Forward: F

Backward: B

Right: R

Left: L

Uplift: U

Down: D

The corresponding action to the code is nothing but the inputs of L298 Motor controller IC

which in response gives the signals to the motors of helicopter.




The present chapter introduces the operation of power supply circuits built using filters,
rectifiers, and then voltage regulators. Starting with an AC voltage, a steady DC voltage is
obtained by rectifying the AC voltage, then filtering to a DC level, and finally, regulating to
obtain a desired fixed DC voltage. The regulation is usually obtained from an IC voltage
regulator unit, which takes a DC voltage and provides a somewhat lower DC voltage, which
remains the same even if the input DC voltage varies, or the output load connected to the DC
voltage changes. A block diagram containing the parts of a typical power supply and the voltage
at various points in the unit is shown in fig. The AC voltage, typically 120 Vrms, is connected to
a transformer, which steps that AC voltage down to the level for the desired DC output. A diode
rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple capacitor
filter to produce a DC voltage. This resulting DC voltage usually has some ripple or AC voltage
variation. A Regulator circuit can use this DC input to provide a DC voltage that not only has
much less ripple voltage but also remains the same DC value even if the input DC voltage varies
somewhat, or the load connected to the output DC voltage changes.


Step Down Full wave

Transformer Rectifier Filter Regulator


A transformer is a static (or stationary) piece of which electric power in one circuit is
transformed into electric power of the same frequency in another circuit. It can raise or lower the
voltage in a circuit but with a corresponding decrease or increase in current. It works with the
principle of mutual induction. In our project we are using step down transformer for providing a
necessary supply for the electronic circuits. In our project we are using a 15-0-15 center tapped


The DC level obtained from a sinusoidal input can be improved 100% using a process
called full-wave rectification. It uses 4 diodes in a bridge configuration. From the basic bridge
configuration we see that two diodes (say D2 & D3) are conducting while the other two diodes
(D1 & D4) are in “off” state during the period t =0 to T/2. Accordingly for he negative of the
input the conducting diodes are D1 & D4. Thus the polarity across the load is the same.


The filter circuit used here is the capacitor filter circuit where a capacitor is connected at
the rectifier output, and a DC is obtained across it. The filtered waveform is essentially a DC
voltage with negligible ripples, which is ultimately fed to the load.


The output voltage from the capacitor is more filtered and finally regulated. The voltage
regulator is a device, which maintains the output voltage constant irrespective of the change in
supply variations, load variation and temperature changes. Here we use two fixed voltage
regulators namely LM 812, LM 7805 and LM7912. The IC 7812 is a +12V regulator IC 7912 is
a -12V regulator and IC 7805 is a +5V regulator.
This project uses +5V, +12V power supply for the operations of the IC’s and relay driver


Some of the types of voltage regulators are given below.

Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units contain the
circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, control device, and overload protection all
in a single IC. Although the internal construction of the IC is somewhat different from that
described for discrete voltage regulator circuits, the external operation is much the same. IC units
provide regulation of either a fixed positive voltage, a fixed negative voltage, or an adjustably set

A power supply can be built using a transformer connected to the ac supply line to step
the ac voltage to desired amplitude, then rectifying that ac voltage, filtering with a capacitor and
RC filter, if desired, and finally regulating the dc voltage using an IC regulator. The regulators
can be selected for operation with load currents from hundreds of milli amperes to tens of
amperes, corresponding to power ratings from mill watts to tens of watts.


The basic connection of a three-terminal voltage regulator. The fixed voltage regulator has
an unregulated dc input voltage, Vi, applied to one input terminal, a regulated output dc voltage,
Vo, from a second terminal, with the third terminal connected to ground. For a selected
regulator, IC device specifications list a voltage range over which the input voltage can vary to
maintain a regulated output voltage over a range of load current. The specifications also list the
amount of output voltage change resulting from a change in load current (load regulation) or in
input voltage (line regulation)
Fixed Positive Voltage Regulators:


From 7805



Three terminal voltage regulators:

The series 78 regulators provide fixed regulated voltages from 5 to 24

V. A 7812 is connected to provide voltage regulation with output from this Unit of +12V dc. An
unregulated input voltage Vi is filtered by capacitor C1 And connected to the IC’s IN terminal.
The IC’s OUT terminal provides a Regulated + 12V which is filtered by capacitor C2 (mostly for
any high-Frequency noise). The third IC terminal is connected to ground (GND). While the input
voltage may vary over some permissible voltage range, and the output load may vary over some
acceptable range, the output voltage remains constant within specified voltage variation limits.

Since all electronic circuits work only with low D.C. voltage we need a power supply
unit to provide the appropriate voltage supply. This unit consists of transformer, rectifier, filter
and regulator. AC voltage typically 230V rms is connected to a transformer which steps that AC
voltage down to the level to the desired AC voltage. A diode rectifier then provides a full-wave
rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a DC voltage. This
resulting DC voltage usually has some ripple or AC voltage variations. A regulator circuit can
use this DC input to provide DC voltage that not only has much less ripple voltage but also
remains the same DC value even the DC voltage varies somewhat, or the load connected to the
output DC voltages changes.
5.1 Light an LED from a Digital Output:

The LED is a two terminal device. We can therefore characterize it according to

two quantities: the voltage across it, and the current through it. To a (fairly good)
first order, the light output of the LED, either in photons per second or in Milli
watts, is linearly proportional to the current through it. This means that it is useful
to think of the LED as a current-operated device. (Of course, we could think about
it as either; but there is a nice relation between the light output, which is what we
ultimately care about, and the current; this is not true for the voltage.)

To characterize a particular LED, we can apply a voltage (for example, using a DC

power supply), and note the current through the LED (using an ammeter, or perhaps
the ammeter built in to our power supply). We can repeat this for many different
voltages, and plot these points to produce the LED's ‘V-I characteristics.’ The
manufacturer might have done this for us, and might provide this as a figure in the
datasheet. Here I am reproducing that figure from the datasheet of a LITE-ON
LTL-4223. This is a relatively typical red LED.
We can see that the relation between the LED's current and voltage is not very nice
—it is not a straight line through the origin, or any other curve with a simple
equation. Over the range of currents at which we expect to operate the LED (tens of
mA), this curve is very steep. Going from a voltage of 2.0 V to 2.4 V, the voltage
has increased by only 20%, but the current, which goes from 20 mA to about 50
mA, has more than doubled. That means that the current through the LED is very
sensitive to the voltage across it.

Equivalently, the voltage across the LED is very insensitive to (i.e., very close to
constant with) the current through the device. This means that to a good
approximation, we can model the LED as a constant voltage drop (and indeed,
many manufacturers’ datasheets do not bother with a curve, and quote only a single

(If we wanted to model the LED's V-I characteristics more accurately, then we
could do that as a series combination of an ideal diode and a resistor. The ideal
diode has an exponential V-I characteristic; that is what is responsible for the non-
linear part of the curve near 1.6 V. There is also an ohmic (i.e., linear relationship
between V and I) resistance associated with the LED; the voltage dropped by that
resistance is negligible at small currents, because V = IR is small when I is small,
but becomes significant at higher currents. That is the reason why the curve shown
above seems to approach a straight line at high current. But, we will hardly ever
need that good of a model.)
In any case, you already know that the circuit is this:

Sometimes the circuit is drawn backwards from the way that it is here, with the
other end of the series circuit connected to +5V instead of ground. That was
important for TTL (an old kind of logic), which could sink more current than it
could source. For CMOS it does not matter.

The micro's I/O pin is configured as an output. When it is driven low, zero volts
appear across the series circuit, and no current flows. When it is driven high, 5 V
appear across the series circuit. The LED drops about 2 volts; as we saw above, the
voltage dropped by the LED is not very sensitive to the current through it, which
means that we can get a very good approximation of the voltage dropped by the
LED, even before we know the current through it. The resistor therefore drops 5 - 2
= 3 V, since the drop across the two series elements must total 5 V. This means that
a current of I = V/R = 3/330 = 9 mA flows. We see from the datasheet that the LED
is rated for a maximum continuous forward current of 30 mA, so we are well within
the spec.

We're not done, though. The LED's nominal voltage drop at 20 mA (or any current
close to that) is 2.0 V, but we see from the datasheet (‘Forward Voltage, Max.’) that
it could be as high as 2.6 V. This means that while the black curve below (which is
identical to the black curve above) corresponds to a nominal device, a device whose
V-I characteristics were described by the blue curve—or any curve lying between
those two boundaries—would still meet the manufacturer's spec. If we got a worst-
case LED that dropped 2.6 V, then the resistor would drop 5 - 2.6 = 1.4 V, and I =
1.4/330 = 4.2 mA would flow.

This is a relatively large change; the LED's voltage drop increased by only 30%,
but the current was halved. Still, for this particular LED, and running from 5 V with
this circuit, there is nothing that we can do. If we could run from a larger supply
voltage than 5 V, then the LED's voltage drop would be a smaller proportion of the
total voltage drop in the circuit, so the current through the LED would be less
sensitive to its voltage drop. It is also possible to use an active current source of
some kind to make the current through the LED almost independent of its voltage
drop, but that requires a more complicated circuit.

This variation is the reason why it doesn't work at all to drive an LED with a
constant voltage source. If we wanted to drive our minimum-drop (black curve)
LED at 20 mA, then we see from the curve that we must apply exactly 2.0 V; but if
instead we happened to get a maximum-drop (blue curve) LED, then we see from
the curve that very close to zero current—so small that it is off the graph—would
flow for any voltage less than 2.4 V. If we tried it the other way, and applied 2.6 V
(to make sure that the maximum-drop LED lights up), then the minimum-drop LED
will draw a very large current—again off the graph, but more than 50 mA—and the
LED will overheat and be destroyed.

The variation would not be a problem if we could watch the current through the
LED as we slowly turned up the voltage, and set our constant voltage source to the
particular voltage that produced the current that we wanted for that particular LED.
This is what a current source does. This is also what the resistor does, although it
doesn't do a very good job of it.

If you omit the resistor (i.e., let it be a short circuit, zero ohms) from the circuit
above, then in theory this corresponds to driving the LED from a five-volt voltage
source. It seems from our discussion above that this should inevitably result in
smoke. If you try this, however, then you will find that your circuit appears to work.
This is because an I/O pin is not a perfectly stiff voltage source; it is the drain of a
FET, which if you try to draw too much current looks a lot like a current source.
The I/O pin itself limits the current, and if you measured the voltage at the I/O pin
then you would find it to be much less than 5 V. This is almost certainly outside of
the manufacturer's permitted operating conditions for the I/O pin, and is therefore
not good practice.

By the way, it's a little bit weird that the minimum voltage drop case for this LED is
also the nominal voltage drop. It would be more common for the manufacturer to
quote a minimum and maximum voltage drop, and a nominal (typical) voltage drop
that is somewhere in between.

A typical red or green LED drops about 2 volts. Blue LEDs drop more, typically
around 3 volts. White LEDs—which are usually blue LEDs, with a phosphor that
converts some of the blue to red and green—usually drop around 3 V. The voltage
drop of an LED is related to the energy of the photons that it emits; shorter-
wavelength (higher-energy) photons typically require a larger voltage drop. This is
not always true; for example, certain ‘pure green’ emitters have a larger voltage
drop than you might expect from the wavelength of green.

5.2 Read Switch Contacts with a Digital Input

This is very basic: you have a switch with two wires that are either open (switch
open) or shorted (switch closed). This could be a pushbutton, or a magnetic reed
switch, or a set of relay contacts. Do it like this:

When the switch is open, R2 pulls the pin low through R1. When the switch is
closed, the right side of R1 is shorted to +5V through the switch, pulling the pin
high through R1.

The resistor R1 is not strictly required. Its job is to protect the microcontroller.
Without R1, if someone connected the switch terminals to a voltage greater than
+5V or less than ground, the microcontroller would be destroyed. (See the next
entry for why.) With R1, the excess voltage is dropped across the resistor, and as
long as the resistor is big enough, the micro is unharmed. This also helps to protect
against damage due to static discharge.
With R1 = 1 MΩ (as shown), you can connect the input to 120 VAC with no
damage. This is not recommended, of course.

I chose R2 = 1 kΩ. If R2 gets too small, then a very large current flows through R2
when the switch is closed. This wastes power, and it might exceed the power rating
of R2 (or the current rating of the switch!). If R2 gets too big, then it gets easier for
random noise to pull the input pin high. Also, many switches are unreliable when
the current through them is small—the current helps to clean the contacts when you

(It is also possible to draw this circuit backwards, with a resistor to +5V and a
switch to ground. Historically, this was a better way of doing things, because TTL
inputs did draw input current, and it took more current to pull them down than up.
With CMOS inputs, this doesn't matter at all, so do it whichever way you like.
Some micros might have internal pull-up resistors that you can enable (e.g. the
AVRs), saving the need for external pull-up resistors, but the internal resistors
might not be small enough to draw enough current through the switch for reliable


Radio remote control transmitter/receiver

6.1 Encoder methods:

There are two different methods for encoding/decoding channel information:

 For remote control - please see newer codes for designs. You can press one key at a
time on the encoder, and only the code for the pressed key is sent to the decoder. This is
an efficient method for general remote control
 Parallel channels - this page is about parallel channel encoders. The input to the encoder
is the state of buttons or TTL inputs. Every input channel state is encoded into each
message sent to the decoder (one bit per channel), so TTL inputs can change
asynchronously, and any combination of buttons can be pressed and encoded, the same
state is reproduced on the decoder outputs. This method is suitable for modeling AND
remote control, but messages are longer. Analog channels would also be possible, but are
not yet implemented

6.2 Channel V4.0 transmitter and receiver

This version, when powered on, continuously transmits the states of all inputs. I
recommend installing an ON/OFF switch for the mtx-014 transmitter. The receiver will decode
the messages and adapt the output states accordingly. The "TV" TTL output shows that the
transmitter is turned ON and signal reception is good. When the signal is absent for about a
second, all outputs will go low and the TV out will be cleared. Files are mtx-014 and mrx-009.
The transmitter has an ADJUST mode which outputs a periodic signal to calibrate the
transmission channel on an oscilloscope. To enter this mode, press TC2 while turning the power

6.3 5-channel V4.0 transmitter and receiver

When powered on, in idle mode it emits a 800 Hz synchronization header signal. Otherwise, it
will transmit a message like the V2 transmitter described below (tx-002). The hardware is also
the same as with the V2 version (without the need for the diodes). Files are mtx-013 and mrx-

6.4 One-button V4.0 transmitter

This one is designed to be a low power transmitter device with one button. It will transmit a
message with the number of times the button is pressed. The unused inputs are used to drive a
LED and turn on OSC before transmission (it can be used for ASK modulation). You'll have to
face the challenge to code the receiver as it is not yet ready. Sorry, no schematic is available for
this version. File is mtx-015.

6.5 Five-button
V2 transmitter
and receiver (old)

Encoder is a small,
low power device
which has 5 buttons
and by pressing one or
more keys it transmits
a message
continously. The
transmitted message
contains the state of
all buttons and it is
sent in each message.
On the receiver part, for all transmitter buttons there exists a corresponding output pin which will
go high for the time the button is being pressed on the encoder. Files are tx-003 and rx-003. I
suggest that you consider using the newer V4.0 devices or change a few lines to reduce speed to
400/800 Hz (transmitter delay loop and receiver timer prescaler).

 Transmitter PIC (encoder):

encoded output is GP5. All other GP pins are input. GP2 and GP4 are special. First,
they need an external pull-up resistor between the pin and VDD. Second, if you deem
low power consumption without a separate power ON/OFF switch, you'll need more
parts: two diodes between GP2<-GP3 and GP4<-GP3. These are to signal to the
transmitter to wake up. The device can only be woken up on GP0,1,3, but not on 2, 4. If
you don't care about low power operation, you can hack the SLEEP code out of the
source, and then you won't need these diodes. Also, the diodes can be connected to GP0
or GP1 instead.
I powered my whole transmitter remote control with a small 3.6V NiCd battery. There is
no need to turn the device ON/OFF.

 Receiver PIC:
receiver input is GP3.
To reverse the
receiver polarity
(HIGH on transmitter
OFF), uncomment the
define RX1010 in the
source. Other pins are
outputs and capable to
drive LED diodes or
transistors with relays.

RF transmitter/receiver modules

By my own experiences I realized that one can't easily design & build these at home. High
frequency circuits need special expertise and equipment so I recommend that you buy a working
PCB module. I used the following devices: HX1000 transmitter (operates on 3.0-5.5VDC),
RX1010 receiver (max. 3VDC) from RFM and small ready-made PCB panels: a receiver
operating on 5VDC (RX3302) and a transmitter (9VDC). The PCB transmitter had a 300 usec
wake-up which was too much at 1600 Hz with the V3 protocol. The RF modules are available
from a lots of companies. Here is a list of companies from Oricom:

Laipac, Linx, IMST, Glolab, Semelab, Sage, Axonn, Lincast, Abacom, Ramsey, Orbit,
Innomedia, RF Innovations, Radiometrix, QKWElec, Temic, Lemos, Unilink, TrueBlue,
Parallax, Computronics, VideoComm, Rentron (schematics), RFM

434M RF modules: Tronix RX-3302 receiver,

Telecontrolli RR8-434 (max 3.3VDC!) receiver
434M RF modules: RF-EZ STM transmitter,
TM01DS transmitter, 15-980TX transmitter

Infrared remote control

If you don't have access to ready-made RF modules or want to build an infra version, please
check my infrared circuits page. You can easily build these modules yourself.

6.6 Software

I developed these programs on the PIC16f84 or PIC16f628 and when everything worked OK, I
rewrote the programs for the OTP 12c508, 16c505, 16f620a devices. Use these files at your own
risk (especially the compiled HEX binaries), please note that they are provided without any

 You would want to verify the state of the configuration bits in your programmer device
before programming if yours doesn't set them correctly according to the definition in the
 You may want to change and verify the device ID-s in both programs. These are 2 bytes
(6 bytes in v3) and must be equal in the transmitter and the receiver, otherwise the
receiver will drop the message.
 If you don't find the functionality you need, it's probably a few lines modification in the
sources for your needs.
 The source is written for MPASM and is developed in the Microchip Development
 Where you find ORG directive in the source, compile to HEX (absolute project in
MPLAB), where CODE directive is present, compile to OBJ object files and link (linked
project in MPLAB). Please check FAQ at the PIC page.

Description transmitter TX receiver RX default ID

code device code device
11-channel V4.0 transmitter mtx-014 16c505 mrx-009 16c620a 9ae9
and receiver HEX HEX
5-channel V4.0 transmitter mtx-013 12c508 mrx-007 12c508 9ae6
and receiver HEX HEX
one-button V4.0 transmitter mtx-015 12c508 c14e
monitoring V4.0 receiver mrx-008 16f84 9ae9
experimental pin-selectable mrx-009b
16c620a 9ae9
address V4.0 receiver
five-button V2 transmitter tx-003 12c508 rx-003 12c508 c1062864f14e
and receiver (old) HEX HEX


In this project we have presented the idea of making of RC Helicopter control

panel. The use of has made it quite easy to make, as it provides various key features

essential for wireless surveillance Micro-Helicopter. It‘s easy and also cheap then other

methods. And the idea of mounted camera has made it quite useful in various important

and dangerous operations. For future scope we have thought of making it capable of

temperature sensing, good supplying etc. and this information can also be transferred

from the places where human being cannot reach.


1. K. Munson. (1968). Helicopters and Other Rotorcraft Since 1907 [Online]. Available:
2. Gabriel Hoffmann. (2007, January 15) Schematic of reaction torques on each motor of
a quadrotor aircraft, due to spinning rotors [Online]. Available:
3. FPVUK (2012) How do I go about it? [Online] Available:
4. Simon Sze. Chapter 13.6 in Physics of semiconductor devices (3 ed.) John Wiley and
Sons, 2007.
5. (2012) Understanding Digital and Analog Wireless Technology
[Online]. Available:
6. ADDPRIV project, ‘Deliverable 2.1: Review of existing smart video surveillance
systems capable of being integrated with ADDPRIV project’, Submission date July
31st 2011,–

7. Goold, Benjamin J., University of British Columbia, in ‘CCTV and Human Rights’,
published in the ‘Citizens, Cities and Video-Surveillance’ paper of the European
Forum for Urban Security publication of June 2010, titled ‘Citizens, Cities and Video
Surveillance – Towards a democratic and responsible use of CCTV’,

9. AFP article in The Sydney Morning Herald, ‘Japan to develop drones to monitor
radiation’, June 13th 2012,

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